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Unit 4-6 answer keys 学术英语答案

Unit 4-6 answer keys 学术英语答案
Unit 4-6 answer keys 学术英语答案

Unit 4

VII. Answer Keys

Warm up

1)Search the Internet for the following terms and choose one to present to the class.


2)What is culture?

Simply speaking, culture refers to a group or community with which they share common experiences that include thoughts, communication, actions, customs, beliefs, values and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group.

3)What’s the difference between Western culture and Chinese culture?

They differ in many ways. The Chinese have a strong sense of collectivism while Westerners value individualism very much. As to religion, most Chinese practices are related to religious beliefs rooted in Confucianism, Buddhist and Taoist principles while the westerners conform to Christianity, Islam and Judaism which are the major Western religions.

4)What are cultural awareness and cultural competency?

Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication and it involves the ability of standing back from us and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions.

Cultural competence is a set of suitable behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system that enables effective work in cross-cultural situations.

5)Why is cultural awareness important to global economy?

In the era of global economy, the globe becomes smaller and smaller, like a village. We have more and more chances to interact with people from other cultures, who see, interpret and evaluate things in different ways from ours. What we considered an appropriate behavior in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. Misunderstandings arise when we use our meanings to make sense of their reality. So if we want to achieve our goal on business, we need to be aware of cultural differences, which become central in cross-culture understanding.


1.Skim the following article and answer the questions bellow.

1)What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

Communication in different culture is hard.

2)What does paragraph 2 tell us?

The definition of culture.

3)What does the example in paragraph 2 illustrate?

There are different cultures.

4)What is the result of the failure of cultural awareness?

Misunderstandings occur.

5)Which example illustrate the importance of body language?

The last sentence.

2.Match the words with their definitions according to the context.

1) c 2) d 3) e 4) g 5) a 6) j 7) k 8) b 9) h 10)f 11) i 12) l

3.Reread Reading 1 and write a few sentences about the causes for cultural differences with

examples given by yourself, then give a report to the class.


4.Skim Reading 2 for the questions below.

1)What’s the writer’s attitude toward American values? How do you know?

Positive. For example, as in paragraph C, ―Change is healthy.‖

2)Which two points of American values emphasize change?

Number 1 and Number 6.

3)Why do American people rush to get things done?

To be more productive.

4)Which two points of American values can explain that Americans emphasize work?

Number 6 and Number 10.

5)Which three points of non-Western cultures emphasize ―Being‖ orientation?

Number 1, Number 7 and Number 10.

5.Integrate information provided in Reading 1 and 2, and fill in the following table.

6.Match the words with their definitions according to the context. Then discuss your

answers with your partner, pointing out which sentence provide context clues.

1) b 2) d 3) a 4) f 5) h 6) k 7) j 8) c 9) e 10) l 11) g 12) i

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e2152395.html,e the information above to write a number of sentences about the difference between

American Culture and Chinese Culture, and then report to your class.


8.Scan Reading 3 and fill in the information in the table below.

9. Match the words with their definitions according to the context. Then discuss your answers with your partner, pointing out which sentence provide context clues.

1) b 2) d 3) f 4) g 5) j 6) a 7) e 8) k 9) i 10) h 11) l 12) c

10. Discuss in groups, make a comparison between the Chinese education

system and the Japanese education system and present to the class.


11. The following are different values between the Chinese and Americans. Tick the ones you agree with and add new ones. Then discuss in small groups about the difference.

12.Skim the following article to decide which statement is the main idea of each paragraph.

1) a 2) c 3) b 4) b 5) c

13.Match the words with their definitions according to the context. Then discuss your

answers with your partner, pointing out which sentence provide context clues.

1) l 2) c 3) j 4) d 5) g 6) e 7) b 8) f 9) i 10) k 11) h 12) a

14.Reread the article and decide the statements below are inferred(I) or explicitly

expressed(E) or unsaid(U).

1)I, Para.1

2)E, Para.2

3)E, Para.1

4)U, Para.3

5)I, Para.3

6)I, Para.4

7)I, Para.5

8)I, Para.5


1.Look at the title and the key words of Listening 1 provided by the speaker, and figure out

what the lecturer is going to talk about.


2.Listen to Part 1 of Listening 1 and circle the correct answer.

1) B 2) A 3) B

3.Listen to Part 2 of Listening 1 and circle the correct answer.

1) A 2) A 3) A

4.Listen to Part 3 of Listening 1 and check the statements bellow and decide whether they

are true (T) or false (F).

1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T

5.Listen to Part 3 of Listening 1 and complete the following paragraph.

differences, shaping, assumptions, questioning, track, compromise, respect other choices.

6.Listen to Listening 1 again and discuss the patterns and challenges in Cross-Cultural

Communication in groups. You may integrate the information of the previous readings during the discussion.


7.Look at the title and the key words of Listening 2 provided by the speaker, and figure out

what the lecturer is going to talk about.


8.Listen to Part 1 of Listening 2 and circle the best answer.

1) B 2) B 3) A

9.Listen to Part 2 of Listening 2 and answer the questions below. The notes listed in the box

are for your reference.

1)Why is such an expression as “I want this now” rude in some cultures?

Because in this situation, the person who is addressed may feel angry and uncooperative.

2)What does the sen tence “the response would have been entirely different”mean?

The person so addressed might not have felt angry.

3)Why is the approach not understandable in many cultures?

Since the person fails to express his idea directly.

4)Why may some students appear to be very demanding?

Their use of language, their personality, their anxiety, their cultural conditioning, their desire for survival.

5)How can an international student have fewer difficulties in settling into his new way

of life?

He or she should tolerate some misunderstandings and not overreact to confusing situations.

10.Listen to Part 3 of Listening 2 and complete the following paragraph.

minimize, tolerant, practice, considerable pressure.



2.Paraphrase each of the sentences below by using as many synonyms as possible.

1)By dealing with the problem directly we can get a new culture.

We can acquire a new culture by approaching the problem directly.

2)It was once thought that man could change his own environment.

The idea that man can alter his own environment was once considered right.

3)All men have equal right despite their social positions.

All people deserve equal rights despite their social status.

4)The method emphasizes independent thinking because it makes each student different.

The method values independent thinking, for it makes each student special.

5)Students are made to find different solutions.

Students are encouraged to comp up with individual solutions.

6)The teacher provide knowledge and student learn to keep it in mind.

The teacher is the source of knowledge and student try to memorize it.

7)There are some obvious disadvantages though they learn better than American students.

Though they learn better than American counterparts there are some serious drawbacks.

8)We need to emphasize cultural awareness because we will make serious mistakes

without it.

The need for cultural awareness should be heightened for lack of it will lead to blunders.

3.Paraphrase each of the sentences below according to the models.

1)We must heighten the need for cross-cultural awareness in our global economies.

The need for greater cross-cultural awareness is heightened in our global economies.

2)If we carefully compare two societies, we will find their beliefs and values are quite different.

A careful comparison of two societies will reveal their different beliefs and values.

3)Some cultures place much emphasis on human control over the environment.

Human control over the environment is highly valued in some cultures.

4)Without cross-cultural competency, we will make great mistakes international business.

Lack of cross-cultural competency can lead to blunders in international business.

5)It is people rather than technology that determine the success or failure of a company.

The success or failure of a company often depends upon people rather than technology.

4.Read the paragraphs taken from this unit and summarize each of them using one sentence

only. Then compare yours with your partner’s Write it on the board and share yours with the rest of the class.

1)Cross-cultural communication can be hard.

2)Every education system in a particular society is influenced by its culture.

3)Attitudes towards conflict vary from culture to culture.

5.Read the following paragraphs carefully, highlight the topic sentences and supporting

sentences, and then tell how the topic sentences are fully supported.


Integrated Exercises


2.Fill in the following blanks with words and sentences given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1) stereotype; 2) competence; 3) institution; 4) offence;

5) interpersonal; 6) intimidating; 7) counterpart; 8) preservation;

9) breakdown; 10) feature; 11) expertise; 12) ineffective.

3.Guess the meaning of the following words and then add more words using the same prefix or suffix. Share your answers with the class.


4.Tick off those words or phrases which can not collocate with the head word.

1) participate the interview; 2) share with the work; 3) acquire money;

4) pressure in; 5) highly jump; 6) heighten English levels

7) contact something; 8) view with somebody; 9) schedule time

10) in present

5.Find synonyms (in the box bellow) of the following words as many as possible. Then exchange with your partners.

1)concept (idea, notion, view, theory)

2)acquire (achieve, attain, gain, earn, collect, obtain, secure)

3)status (position, rank, standing, state,)

4)drawback (defect, disadvantage, flaw, shortcoming)

5)interpret (explain, define, clarify, expound, throw light on)

6)recommend (suggest, advocate, advise, propose)

7)add to (increase, advance, grow, boost, build up, enhance, multiply)

8)collaboration (cooperation, partnership teamwork, alliance, association)

9)blunder (error, fault, mistake, slip, inaccuracy)

10)blame (criticize, complain, accuse, charge, disapprove, charge)


https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e2152395.html,plete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.

1)are encouraged to think for themselves, comp up with individual solutions.

2)taking all the factors into account, be able to recognize and adapt to different work styles.

3)putting enormous psychological pressure on students, is considered a primary factor in the high

suicide rate.

4)individual needs are considered primary, sometimes has to sacrifice his or her needs to those of

the group.

5)understand the need for cultural awareness and sensitivity, misunderstandings, offence and a

breakdown in communication can occur.

6)Independent thinking is highly valued, learn to form their own ideas and opinions.

7)the need for greater cross-cultural awareness is heightened in our global economies, understand

the impact of cross-cultural differences on business.

8)The education system is demanding, values discipline and self-control.

9)is derived from distinguishable physical characteristics, make up of many different


10)There's no need for people to feel so pressured, must follow their schedules to be productive.

VII I . Chinese Translations of the readings

Reading 1










Reading 2













Reading 3






Reading 4








Unit 5 Art

Background Information

1.Wikipedia 维基百科

Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free-access, free content Internet encyclopedia that is supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. V olunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia's 30 million articles in 287 languages, including over 4.5 million in the English Wikipedia. Anyone who can access the site can edit almost any of its articles, which on the Internet comprise the largest and most popular general reference work. In February 2014, The New York Times reported that Wikipedia is ranked fifth globally among all websites stating, ―With 18 billion page views and nearly 500 million unique visitors a month..., Wikipedia trails just Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft and Google, the largest with 1.2 billion unique visitors.‖

Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia on January 15, 2001, the latter creating its name, a portmanteau of wiki (the name of a type of collaborative website, from the Hawaiian word for ―quick‖) and encyclopedia.

The open nature of Wikipedia has led to various concerns, such as the quality of writing, vandalism and the accuracy of information. Some articles contain unverified or inconsistent information, though a 2005 investigation in Nature showed that the 42 science articles they compared came close to the level of accuracy of Encyclopedia Britannica and had a similar rate of ―serious errors‖ Britannica replied that the study's methology and conclusions were flawed. The policies of Wikipedia combine verifiability and a neutral point of view.

2.fine art 美术

Fine art is art developed primarily for aesthetics, distinguishing it from applied art that also has to serve some practical function.

Historically, the five main fine arts were painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, with performing arts including theater and dance. Today, the fine arts commonly include additional forms, such as film, photography, conceptual art, and printmaking. However, in some institutes of learning or in museums, fine art and frequently the term fine arts (pl.) as well, are associated exclusively with visual art forms.

One definition of fine art is ―a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.‖In that sense, there are conceptual differences between the Fine Arts and the Applied Arts. As originally conceived, and as understood for much of the modern era, the perception of aesthetic qualities required a refined judgment usually referred to as having good taste, which differentiated fine art from popular art and entertainment. However in the Postmodern era, the value of good taste is disappearing, to the point that having bad taste has become synonymous with being avant-garde. The term ―fine art‖ is now rarely found in art history, but remains common in the art trade and as a title for university departments and degrees, even if rarely used in teaching.

The word ―fine‖does not so much denote the quality of the artwork in question, but the purity of the discipline according to traditional canons. This definition originally excluded the applied or decorative arts, and the products of what were regarded as crafts. In contemporary practice these distinctions and restrictions have become essentially meaningless, as the concept or intention of the artist is given primacy, regardless of the means through which this is expressed.

3.digital art 数字艺术

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process including computer art and multimedia art, and digital art is itself placed under the larger umbrella term new media art.

After some initial resistance, the impact of digital technology has transformed activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture and music/sound art, while new forms, such as net art, digital installation art, and virtual reality, have become recognized artistic practices. More generally the term digital artist is used to describe an artist who makes use of digital technologies in the production of art. In an expanded sense, ―digital art‖ is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the methods of mass production or digital media.

4.decorative arts 装饰艺术

The term decorative arts refers to the design and manufacture of functional objects. It includes interior design, but not usually architecture. The decorative arts are often categorized in opposition to the ―fine arts‖, namely, painting, drawing, photography, and large-scale sculpture, which generally have no function other than to be seen.

5.liberal arts 文科;人文教育;博雅教育

The liberal arts (Latin: artes liberales) are those subjects or skills that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person (Latin: liber, "free") to know in order to take an active part in civic life, something that (for Ancient Greece) included participating in public debate, defending oneself in court, serving on juries, and most importantly, military service. Grammar, rhetoric, and logic were the core liberal arts, while arithmetic, geometry, the theory of music, and astronomy also played a (somewhat lesser) part in education..

In modern times, liberal arts education is a term that can be interpreted in different ways. It can refer to certain areas of literature, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics, psychology, and science. It can also refer to studies on a liberal arts degree program. For example, Harvard University offers a Master of Liberal Arts degree, which covers biological and social sciences as

well as the humanities. For both interpretations, the term generally refers to matters not relating to the professional, vocational, or technical curricula.

6.martial arts 武术

Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a variety of reasons: self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, entertainment, as well as mental, physical, and spiritual development.

Although the term martial art has become heavily associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia, it was originally used in regard to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. An English fencing manual of 1639 used the term in reference specifically to the ―Science and Art‖ of swordplay. The term is ultimately derived from Latin, and means ―arts of Mars,‖ where Mars is the Roman god of war. Some authors, most notably Donn F. Draeger, have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never martial in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.

7.applied arts 应用艺术

The applied arts are the application of design and decoration to everyday objects to make them aesthetically pleasing. The term is applied in distinction to the fine arts which aims to produce objects which are beautiful and/or provide intellectual stimulation. In practice, the two often overlap.

The fields of industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and the decorative arts are considered applied arts. In a creative and/or abstract context, the fields of architecture and photography are also considered applied arts.

8.Britannica Online 大不列颠百科全书(网络版)

Encyclop?dia Britannica Online is the website of the Encyclop?dia Britannica, Inc. and its Encyclop?dia Britannica, with more than 120,000 articles that are updated regularly. It has daily features, updates and links to news reports from The New York Times and the BBC. The 2010 edition of the Britannica is the last printed version; plans are to continue sales until stock runs out.

Roughly 60% of Encyclop?dia Britannica's revenue comes from online operations, of which

around 15% comes from subscriptions to the consumer version of the website. Subscriptions are available on a yearly, monthly or weekly basis. Special subscription plans are offered to schools, colleges and libraries; such institutional subscribers constitute an important part of Britannica's business. Beginning in early 2007, the Britannica makes articles freely available if they are hyperlinked from an external site. Non-subscribers are served pop-ups and advertising.

9.Cubism, Dadaism, Pablo Picasso, and Marcel Duchamp


Cubism is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement pioneered by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, joined by Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Robert Delaunay, Henri Le Fauconnier, Fernand Léger and Juan Gris that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. Cubism has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century. The term is broadly used in association with a wide variety of art produced in Paris (Montmartre, Montparnasse and Puteaux) during the 1910s and extending through the 1920s. Variants such as Futurism and Constructivism developed in other countries.

A primary influence that led to Cubism was the representation of three-dimensional form in the late works of Paul Cézanne, which were displayed in a retrospective at the 1907 Salon d'Automne. In Cubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form—instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.

Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century. Many claim Dada began in Zurich, Switzerland in 1916, spreading to Berlin shortly thereafter but the height of New York Dada was the year before, in 1915.

The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature, poetry, art manifestos, art theory, theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. In addition to being anti-war, Dada was also anti-bourgeois and had political affinities with the radical left.

Picasso, Henri Matisse and Marcel Duchamp are regarded as the three artists who most defined the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the 20th

century, responsible for significant developments in painting, sculpture, printmaking and ceramics. Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood and adolescence. During the first decade of the 20th century, his style changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. His work is often categorized into periods. While the names of many of his later periods are debated, the most commonly accepted periods in his work are the Blue Period (1901–1904), the Rose Period (1904–1906), the African-influenced Period (1907–1909), Analytic Cubism (1909–1912), and Synthetic Cubism (1912–1919).

Marcel Duchamp (28 July 1887 – 2 October 1968) was a French-American painter, sculptor, chess player, and writer whose work is associated with Dadaism and conceptual art, although not directly associated with Dada groups. Duchamp is commonly regarded, along with Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, as one of the three artists who helped to define the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in painting and sculpture. Duchamp has had an immense impact on twentieth-century and twenty first-century art. By World War I, he had rejected the work of many of his fellow artists (like Henri Matisse) as "retinal" art, intended only to please the eye. Instead, Duchamp wanted to put art back in the service of the mind.

10.Fauvism 野兽派

Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism. While Fauvism as a style began around 1900 and continued beyond 1910, the movement as such lasted only a few years, 1904–1908, and had three exhibitions. The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and AndréDerain.

The paintings of the Fauves were characterized by seemingly wild brush work and strident colors, while their subject matter had a high degree of simplification and abstraction. Fauvism can be classified as an extreme development of Van Gogh's Post-Impressionism fused with the pointillism of Seurat and other Neo-Impressionist painters, in particular Paul Signac. Other key influences were Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin, whose employment of areas of saturated color—

notably in paintings from Tahiti—strongly influenced Derain's work at Collioure in 1905.

11.Impressionism 印象派

Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that originated with a group of Paris-based artists. Their independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s, in spite of harsh opposition from the conventional art community in France. The name of the style derives from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which provoked the critic Louis Leroy to coin the term in a satirical review published in the Parisian newspaper Le Charivari.

Impressionist painting characteristics include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. The development of Impressionism in the visual arts was soon followed by analogous styles in other media that became known as impressionist music and impressionist literature.

VII. Answer Keys

Warm up



3.Skim the following article and answer the questions bellow.

6)What are the two purposes of art according to the writer ?

A communicative purpose and aesthetic purpose.

7)What does a piece of art reflect?

People’s idea, emotion, culture and values.

8)Why is it difficult to define art?

The role and function changes over centuries.

9)Who are involved in the dispute over the definition of art?

Art historians, philosophers and artists.

10)What is the focus of the controversy?


Unit Two Task1Familiarizing Yourself with Classif ication 1.Skim the f ollowing passage f or the answ ers to the questions below. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes. 2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), the production of CO( the increase of population, the demolition of trees, etc.) 3) COis a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. 4) Classif ication helps us to determine and understand the relationship of the parts of a subject which is studied by us. Classification is made on the basis of a clear definition. 5) In order to make a clear and logic classification, one needs to follow a principle of classification and go on with a system consistently. For example, the categories of classification should be mutually exclusive and no overlapping is allowed. Reading1Causes for Global Warming Task2Understanding Lectures through Classification Listening1 1.Listening to the lectur e and write down wha tev er y ou believ e is impor tant, especially the classif ica tions of key terms. Unconscious motivation, unconscious conflict, the id, the ego, the superego, etc. https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e2152395.html,e y our notes.Decide if the sta tements below ar e true(T)or false(F).Then justify y our answ ers,in the space pr ovided,b y giving evidence fr om the talk. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F 3.Listen again,paying a ttention to the f ollowing classif ica tions and then complete the tables below. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivation Idea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflict 4.Listen again and piece y our notes together into a shor t summar y.Then r etell the lectur e to y our par tner.

学术英语 课文翻译

U8 A 1 在过去的30年里,作为一个专业的大提琴演奏家,我花了相当于整整20年时间在路上执行和学习音乐传统和文化。我的旅行使我相信在我们的全球化的世界中,文化传统来自于一个身份、社会稳定和富有同情心的互动的基本框架。 2 世界在快速改变,正如我们一定会创造不稳定的文化,让人质疑他们的地方。全球化使我们服从于别人的规则,这往往会威胁到个人的身份。这自然使我们紧张,因为这些规则要求我们改变传统习惯。所以如今全球领导者的关键问题是:如何使习惯和文化发展到融入更大的行星,同时不必牺牲鲜明特色和个人的骄傲? 3 我的音乐旅程提醒了我,全球化带来的相互作用不只是摧毁文化;他们能够创造新的文化,生机,传播存在已久的传统。这不像生态“边缘效应”,它是用来描述两个不同的生态系统相遇发生了什么,例如,森林和草原。在这个接口,那里是最小密度和生命形式的最大的多样性,每种生物都可以从这两个生态系统的核心作画。有时最有趣的事情发生在边缘。在交叉口可以显示意想不到的连接。 4 文化是一个由世界每个角落的礼物组成的织物。发现世界的一种方式是例如通过深入挖掘其传统。例如音乐方面,在任何的大提琴演奏家的曲目的核心是由巴赫大提琴组曲。每个组件的核心是一个称为萨拉班德舞曲的舞蹈动作。这种舞蹈起源于北非的柏柏尔人的音乐,它是一个缓慢的、性感的舞蹈。它后来出现在西班牙,在那里被禁止,因为它被认为是下流的。西班牙人把它带到了美洲,也去了法国,在那里成为一个优雅的舞蹈。在1720年,巴赫公司的萨拉班德在他的大提琴组曲运动。今天,我扮演巴赫,一个巴黎裔美国人的中国血统的音乐家。所以谁真正拥有的萨拉班德?每一种文化都采用了音乐,使其具有特定的内涵,但每一种文化都必须共享所有权:它属于我们所有人。 5 1998年,我从丝绸之路发现在数千年来从地中海和太平洋许多文化间观念的流动。当丝绸之路合奏团执行,我们试图把世界上大部分集中在一个阶段。它的成员是一个名家的同等团体,大师的生活传统是欧洲、阿拉伯、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、波斯、俄罗斯、中亚、印度、蒙古、中国、韩国或日本。他们都慷慨地分享他们的知识,并好奇和渴望学习其他形式的表达。 6 在过去的几年里,我们发现每一个传统都是成功的发明的结果。确保传统的生存的一个最好的方法是由有机进化,目前利用我们所有可用的工具。通过录音和电影;通过驻在博物馆、大学、设计学校和城市;通过表演从教室到体育场,合奏的音乐家,包括我自己,学习有用的技能。回到家中,我们和其他人分享这些技能,确保我们的传统在文化桌上有一席之地。 7 我们发现,在本国执行传统出口的是国外激励从业者。最重要的是,我们对彼此的音乐发展出了激情,并建立了相互尊重、友谊和信任的纽带,每一次我们都在舞台上这都是可触及的。这种欢乐的互动是为了一个理想的共同的更大的目标:我们始终能够通过友好的对话解决任何分歧。我们相互开放,我们形成一个桥进入陌生的传统,驱逐往往伴随着变化和错位的恐惧。换句话说,当我们扩大我们看世界的镜头的时候,我们更好地了解自己,自己的生活和文化。我们与我们的小星球的遥远的行星有更多的共同分享,而不是我们意识到的。 8 发现这些共同的文化是很重要的,但不只是为了艺术的缘故。所以我们的许多城市,不仅是伦敦,纽约,东京,现在即使甚至是中小城市正在经历着移民潮。我们将如何吸取同化有自己独特的习惯的人群?移民不可避免地会导致抵抗和冲突,就像过去一样?有什么关于德国的土耳其人口的阿尔巴尼亚人在意大利,北非人在西班牙和法国?文化繁荣的引擎可以帮助我们找出如何集合可以和平融合,同时不牺牲个性身份。这不是政治正确性。它是关于对人而言什么是珍贵的承认,和每一个文化已经给予我们世界的礼物。


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


第一单元? 如何发表演说 斯蒂芬·卢卡斯? ???? 在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。? ???? 优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。? 如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。? 如果语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。? 准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想像。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。? 另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。??????? 优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。? ???????在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、叙述或者奇闻轶事——通常长一些,但更具体。夸张性的例子描述想像中的情形,这种例子能够将相关的想法有效地传达给听众。这三种例子都能够帮助演说者理清思绪、加强印象或者使演说更加娓娓动听。为了使表达更加富有效果,例子应该生动活泼,丰富多彩。 只要演说者对于统计数据用之得当并且加以解释,这些数据将有助于有效地传达信息,听众也能从统计数据中获益匪浅。最重要的是:演说者应该对统计数据了如指掌,并且运用得恰如其分。由于数据很容易操纵和捏造,因此,对于演说者来说,一定要确保图表没有张冠李戴,并且要确保统计方法正确,数据来源可靠。?


Unit 1 C 1.The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2.In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5.The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6.When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech.


学术英语(理工)课后英译汉练习答案 Text 1 1有些人声称黑客是那些扩宽知识界限而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“破碎者”才是真正的坏人。 2这可以指获取计算机系统的存储内容,获得一个系统的处理能力,或捕获系统之间正在交流的信息。 3那些系统开发者或操作者所忽视的不为人知的漏洞很可能是由于糟糕的设计造成的,也可能是为了让系统具备一些必要的功能而导致计划外的结果。 4另一种是预先设定好程序对特定易受攻击对象进行攻击,然而,这种攻击是以鸟枪式的方式发出的,没有任何具体目标,目的是攻击到尽可能多的潜在目标。 5另外,考虑安装一个硬件防火墙并将从互联网中流入和流出的数据限定在仅有的几个你真正需要的端口,如电子邮件和网站流量。 Text 2 1看似无害的编程错误可以被利用,导致电脑被侵入并为电脑蠕虫和病毒的繁衍提供温床。 2当一个软件漏洞被发现,黑客可以将漏洞变成一个侵入点,从而造成极大的破坏,在这之前,往往需要争分夺秒地利用正确的软件补丁来防止破坏的发生。 3最简单的钓鱼骗局试图利用迅速致富的伎俩诱使诈骗目标寄钱。但网络骗子们也变得越来越狡猾,最近的陷阱是通过发送客户服务的电子邮件让用户进入假银行或商 业网站,并在那里请他们“重新输入”他们的账户信息。 4间谍软件与垃圾邮件和钓鱼网络一起,构成了三个令人生厌的互联网害虫。尽管有些程序可以通过入侵软件漏洞从而进入电脑,但这些有害而秘密的程序通常会随着 其他通常是免费的应用软件侵入到计算机系统中。 5尽管因特网已经彻底改变了全球通讯,但是对于那些意图为了罪恶目的而利用网络力量的人和那些负责阻止这些网络犯罪的人来说,他们之间的较量才刚刚开始。Text 5 1.最近在《纽约时报》上刊登的一篇文章谈到了一种新计算机软件,该软件在瞬间就能通 过数以千计的法律文件筛选并寻找到那些可诉讼的条款,这为律师们节省了在阅读文件上所花费的数百小时。 2.他们主要靠耕种来养活自己,然后再多种一些用以物品交易或卖一些盈余 3.从事农业和畜牧业者的绝对数量大约在1910年时达到顶峰(约有1,100—1,200万), 在此之后人数便急剧下降 4.这个故事总结了美国几个世纪以来的工作经历,从失业工人的层面上讲是悲剧,但从全 国劳动力的层面上讲是件好事。 5.人工智能是一种新的自动化技术吗?是一种削弱了曾经是20世纪末就业标志的脑力工 作的技术吗?是一种只会消除更好的工作机会的技术吗? Text 6 1.就前者来说,玩家按照顺序移动,(那么)每个人都了解其他玩家之前的动作。就 后者而言,玩家同时做出动作,则不了解其他玩家的动作。 2.当一个人思考别人会如何反应的时候,他必须站在别人的角度,用和他们一样的思 考方式进行思考一个人不能将自己的推理强加在别人的身上。 3.尽管各位玩家同时做出动作,不知道其他玩家当前的动作,然而,每个玩家都必须


Unit 1 Language building-up Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1.饲料经销商;饲料批发商 2.为他自己的收益而工作 3.技能与劳动力 4.制造塑料 5.私人交易 6.包装并定价 7.无形之手 1.priced https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e2152395.html,bor 3.transactions 4.gain https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e2152395.html,bor; manufactured 6.invisible hand 7.distributor Task 2/Signpost language 1.Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace privilege of having been born, or having become — American(Line 2, Para.1). 2. And yet, isn't there something wondrous,—something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4) 3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one,—or more likely, a few dozen—waiting. (Line 3, Para.6) Task 3/Formal English 1. very many 3. a large group of 5. understand 2. buying or selling 4. more huge 6. troubled Unit 2 Language building Task 1: Part 1: 1)无形之手; 2)自由企业制度 3)股东 4)经济体制 5)开发产品和服务 6)市场力量;市场调节作用


Unit 1 Text A 神经过载与千头万绪的医生 患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。虽然可能会有那么几个医生确实充耳不闻,但是大多数医生通情达理,还是能够感同身受的人。我就纳闷为什么即使这些医生似乎成为批评的牺牲品。我常常想这个问题的成因是不是就是医生所受的神经过载。有时我感觉像变戏法,大脑千头万绪,事无巨细,不能挂一漏万。如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然间崩塌了一样。有一天,我算过一次常规就诊过程中我脑子里有多少想法在翻腾,试图据此弄清楚为了完满完成一项工作,一个医生的脑海机灵转动,需要处理多少个细节。 奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。她有点超重。她的糖尿病和高血压一直控制良好,恰到好处。她的胆固醇偏高,但并没有服用任何药物。她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。尽管她一直没有爽约,按时看病,并能按时做血液化验,但是她形容自己的生活还有压力。总的说来,她健康良好,在医疗实践中很可能被描述为一个普通患者,并非过于复杂。 以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。 她做了血液化验,这是好事。 血糖好点了。胆固醇不是很好。可能需要考虑开始服用他汀类药物。 她的肝酶正常吗? 她的体重有点增加。我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。 糖尿病:她早上的血糖水平和晚上的比对结果如何?她最近是否和营 养师谈过?她是否看过眼科医生?足科医生呢? 她的血压还好,但不是很好。我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药 片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃 带来的风险孰重孰轻?


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2


Task 2 A contrary to implicit assertion look up adapted Sustain unbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C. 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in you speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should mot blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be exp licit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


Unit 1英译汉:15 Outlines are essential to effective speeches.By outlining, you make sure that related ideas are together, that your thoughts flow from one to another, and that the structure of your speech is coherent. You will probably use two kinds of outlines for your speeches--the detailed preparation outline and the brief speaking outline. 发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的想法是关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的,通常准备演讲你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 In a preparation outline, you should state your specific purpose and central idea, and identify main points and sub--points using a consistent pattern. The speaking outline sho uld consist of brief notes to help you while you deliver the speech. It should contain ke y words or phrases to bolster your memory. In making up your speaking outline, follow the same visual framework used in your preparation outline. Keep the speaking outline a s brief as possible and be sure it is plainly legible 在准备提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点。发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给你一些帮助。发言提纲还应包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰、易于辨认。 汉译英: 当你发表学术演讲时,首先要做好充分的准备;其次,你演讲的主要观点要明确,层次要清楚。演讲时,语速不要过快,语言要清晰。不要总是在读你准备好的稿子。最后,你应该经常看一下你的听众。这样,一方面你对你的听众表示尊重,另一方面,你可以更顺利地进行你的演讲。 Before you deliver an academic speech, firstly you should get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be explicit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


新视野大学英语课后习 题翻译答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们 只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her . 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没有给我打电话作任何解 释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night , nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么 大作家。 The man sitting next to him did publish some novels , but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He is not interested in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.


Unit 1 Lan guage build in g-up TaSk 1/SpeCiaIiZed VoCabUlary 1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商 2. 为他自己的收益而工作 3. 技能与劳动力 4. 制造塑料 5. 私人交易 6. 包装并定价 7. 无形之手 1. PriCed 2. labor 3. tran SaCt ions 4. gai n 5. labor; manu factured 6. in ViSibIe hand 7. distributor TaSk 2/Sig npost Ia nguage 1. Today ,in milli OnS of homes across the n ati on, God will be tha nked for many gifts, for the feast On the table and the compa ny Of IoVed On es, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for PeaCe PriViIege of havi ng bee n born, Or hav ing become —— AmeriCa n(Line 2, Para.1). 2. And yet, isn't there SOmeth ing won drous, —SOmethi ng almost in explicable in the Way your Than ksgivi ng Weeke nd is made POSSibIe by the skill and labor of VaSt nu mbers of total Stra ngers? (Li ne 1, Para. 4) 3. ...Tha nksgivi ng Turkey, there would be one, —or more likely, a few doze n —Wait ing. (Line 3, Para.6) TaSk 3/FormaI En glish 1. Very many 2. buying or selli ng 3. a large group of 4. more huge 5. Un dersta nd 6. troubled Unit 2 Lan guage build ing TaSk 1: Part 1: 1) 无形之手; 2) 自由企业制度 3) 股东 4) 经济体制


Unit 1 When faced with both economic problems and increasing competition not only from firms in the united states but also from international firms located in other parts of the world, employee and managers now began to ask the question:what do we do now? although this is a fair question, it is difficult to answer. Certainly, for a college student taking business courses or be beginning employee just staring a career, the question is even more difficult to answer. And yet there are still opportunities out there d=for people who are willing to work hard, continue to learn, and possess the ability to adapt to change. 当面对不仅来自美国的公司而且来自位于世界其他地方的国际公司的经济问题和日益激烈的竞争时,员工和经理现在开始要问一个问题:我们要做什么?虽然这是一个很清晰的问题,但是它是很难回答的。当然,对于一个正在谈论商务课程的大学生或者一个刚开始职业生涯的员工来说,这个问题更难回答。但目前仍然有许多机会给那些愿意努力工作,继续学习并且拥有适应变化的能力的人。 Whether you want to obtain part-time employment to pay college and living expense, begin your career as a full –time employee, or start a business, you must bring something to the table that makes you different from the next person . Employee and our capitalistic economic systems are more demanding than ever before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employee want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need?

大学英语 课后翻译答案

Unit 1 1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回(because of;recall) 1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem. 2.他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite) 2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3.要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that) 3. See to it that the same mistake won't happen again. 4.现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that) 4. Now that they've got to know more about each other,they get along better. 5.此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself) 5. Then Ifound myself surrounded by five or six boys. 6.在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on occasion) 6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. Unit3 1)很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to) A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company. 2.面对严峻的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。(in the face of) She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3.我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(come to) We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。(fail to)

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