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1. 这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。

The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.

2.研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会大约做两个小时的梦。Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.


Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.


We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.


Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.


They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.



If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.


She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become

a successful actress.


I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.


As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.


She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.


No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.


1. 据报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自出马调查这件事。

Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in person.


These workers regret yielding to the management's advice and going back to work. Now they are

again faced with the threat of losing their jobs.


You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.

4. 不知为什么他们的汽车在半路坏掉了,结果他们比原计划晚到了三个小时。Their car broke down halfway for no reason. As a result they arrived three hours later than they had



The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later. 6.这个靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢地建立起自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。

The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his business is




Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.


Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past.


In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.


Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.


For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the books are at their disposal.

6.我们要充分利用好这个平台,加强交流,拓展合作领域,共谋发展大计。We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in more areas and seek further development through joint efforts. 第五单元

大学体验英语 第三版 课后翻译答案

1 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb) Answer: Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of) Answer: If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you. 3. 她开车转弯上 了自家的车道 (driveway),不料发现路已被堵塞 (block)。(only to) Answer: She turned up the driveway, only to fi nd her way blocked. 4. 他没有告 诉任何人就走了,因为他不想卷入那件事。(get involved in) Answer: He went away without telling anyone, because he di dn’t want to get involved in that matter. 5. 最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段 (marketing)。(ultimately) Answer: Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing. 1我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。(find... doing) Answer: I found myself having great interest in spoken English. 2. 驱车行驶在高速公路 上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化。(realize; enormous) Answer: Driving on the expressway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China's highway system in recent years. 3. 我简直不 敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。(can hardly believe; work) Answer: I can hardly believe that he has learned how to work a computer so quickly / in such a short time. 4. 三年的时光已经过去,这一刻终于来临了:不到两 周我就要回国了。 (in less than) Answer: Three years have passed by and the fi nal moment has come. / After three years, the time has come. In less than two weeks, I will return home / go back to my country. 5. 许 多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁愿和家人一起呆在国内。 (can't wait) Answer: I know a lot of people who can't wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay with my family in my own country. 1. 我们急匆匆地赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚开走。(only to) Answer: We hurried to the railway station, only to find the train had just left. 2. 你和你哥哥都不是细心的人,你们两个都不能做这件需要细心和技巧的工作。(no more than) Answer: You are no more careful than your brother. You two can’t do the work that nee ds care and skill. 3. 多一个人参会对会议安 排不会有什么影响。(make a difference) Answer: One more person wouldn’t make any difference to the meeting arrangements. 4. 他一直工作到昨天深 夜,或者更确切地说,是到今天凌晨。(rather) Answer: He worked till late last night, or rather, early in the mornin g. 5. “还有其他一两本书也值得 一提,”教授给我们列了一个长长的参考书目后补充说。(worthy of) Answer:“A couple of other books are also worthy of mention,” added the


Unit 1 From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast. 从她的口音我猜她是来自东北地区的。 It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself. 她很聪明,使他对自己的论点 I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair. 我在床下发现了一双鞋,但他们不做一双 4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. Bright博士总是把他的时间用于他检查他的病人,并把他们的极端护理 5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered. 英国公司正试图避免他们的美国同行已经遭受的命运。 6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable young man. 威尔弗雷德的话证实了我在我看来,他是一个光荣的年轻人 7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats. 检察机关的主要证人在收到死亡威胁后提供了警方的保护 8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong. 我认为这是事情的结束,但随后的事件证明我错了。 9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chance winning the World Series this year. 经过这么长时间的练习,纽约棒球队赢得了今年的世界系列赛的机会。 10. At the trial , Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before. 在审讯中,鲍伯的老师,被称为证人,说他是个安静的男孩以前从未惹过麻烦。 Unit 2 11. We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 我们刚刚与管理层有了一个非常富有成效的会议,我们现在对加薪的希望更大了 12. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth. 我读的这本书解释了地球上动植物的进化


Unit 1 1、她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2、他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3、这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4、他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5、这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6、我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量的时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. 更不用说写英语文章了 much less can he write English articles 更不用说管理一家大公司了 .much less can he manage a big company 更不用说把它搬到楼上去了 .much less could he carry it upstairs 更不用说跟他谈话了 .much less have I spoken to him 更不用说大量阅读自己学科以外的东西 much less to read a lot outside of it Unit 2 Unit2 1、尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2、迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。 Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.


供复习用 翻译技巧课后练习 一、回答问题[见绪论] 1.为什么要学习翻译? 2.什么是翻译? 3.翻译的过程是什么? 4.翻译是技能、艺术还是科学? 5.翻译的标准是什么? 二句子翻译练习,注意语境对翻译选词的影响[见第3章:英汉词义对比与翻译中根据语境选词] 1.After he had a row with his wife at home,he had a row with his mistress on the lake. 2.Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade. 3.Lead as an element that gets into your body is absorbed into the bones and thus does harm to your health. 4.Child enrolment is also affected by household size, birth order, livestock ownership and the ability of the household to absorb economic shocks. 5.You could tell he was absorbed in his conversation, and not playing much attention to the road. 6.As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. 7.As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. 三句子翻译练习,注意英译汉时的省译与汉译英时的增译[ [见第四章:英译汉的省译与增译] 1.No man is too old but he may learn. 2.The boy entered the room, his coat wet through. 3.When Danone decided to set up manufacturing operations in Indonesia to locally produce dairy products and milk based drinks, they invited Wahaha to join them. 4.Mr. Li ordered a book and it has just arrived. 5.In winter, additional trains operate directly from Goschenen to Brig on Saturdays and Sundays. 6.She looks like any other little girl in her first year at school: a smart uniform, a happy smile and a bag of books. 7.While Einstein is supposed to have been so distracted by solving problems that he forgot to put on his socks, Sidis simply did not know how to dress himself properly even by the time he was an adolescent. 四句子翻译练习,注意语态转译[第5章](p98) 1.She told me that her master had dismissed her.No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 2.He was guided in his everyday life by an unshakable conviction that moral values are absolute.


1A 1任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)。(be eligible to) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1B 1.鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家,同时也是世界杰出文人之一。 Lu Xun is one of the greatest writer in China and one of the world’s outstanding men of letters. 2.大部分研究生选择了文学作为其研究领域,其余的选择了语言学。 Most graduate students chose literature as their field of study, and the rest made linguistics their choice. 3.人们购买什么样的户型居住是根据各自的特殊需要和有关专家的建议。 People buy what kind of houses to live in on the basis of their special needs and on the advice of relevant experts. 4.这些虚拟教学设施能使亚非学生在一个真实的情景中学习外语至少3 个月。 These virtual teaching facilities enable overseas students from Asia and Africa to learn a foreign language in a real-life situation for a minimum of three months. 5.学生在做出决定前应该认真核查他们是否有资格加入这一俱乐部,因为他们每个人只有一次选择机会。 Students should check carefully that they are eligible to join this club before making their decision, as each of them is restricted to only one choice. 2A 1. 他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了。(in one’s heart) Answer:He knew in his heart that they would never meet again. 2.他们同意出版他的第一本书后,他终于感到自己快要成功了。(on the road to) Answer:He finally felt that he was on the road to success after they agreed to publish his first book. 3.他停下来喝了一口(a sip of)水,然后继续讲话。(resume) Answer:He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了。(engage; so much that) Answer:The big proj ect engages us so much that we can’t manage to take a holiday this year. 5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。(just as) Answer:Just as water is the most important of liquids, oxygen is the most important of gases. 2B 1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) Answer:The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2.我想在还车之前把油箱(fuel tank)加满。(fill up) Answer:I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car. 3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure) Answer:If you want to make a complaint, you’d be tter follow the correct procedure. 4.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without) Answer:We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 5.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for) Answer:After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat 那时他刚刚被提升为公司副总裁不久,所以他并没有期待六个月内还会有升职。 3A


1.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 (formal) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me t o. 2.他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月点的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have de cided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔音译在违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’ s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’ s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。 (avoid,severe) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the poss ibility of a severe water shortage. 1.半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走回家。(go by) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2.玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她还没背熟课文。 (learn by heart) Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart. 3.既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。(postpone) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum. 4.整个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚。 (all the way) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ. 5.自1985年从南京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系。(kind of,lose touch) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates. 1.正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。(global) As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems huma ns are faced with. 2.谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者(applicant)是去年的五倍。(competition) Competition for these jobs is very tough – we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many a pplicants this year as there were last year. 3.正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应该符合国家的经济发展计划。(fit into)


Unit1 1.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn't take a drink, much less (would she) stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 (pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. Unit 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从来不溺爱她.(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, her parents never baby her. 2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释.(nor) Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give any justification. 3.坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。 (next to; by no means) The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He is no interested in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses. 5. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。 ( count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to deal with problems when he is out. 6. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.)


中南大学 《英语(下)》在线考试答案 1. Fifty million public school children in America (1) a new school year. The number (1) 1 are starting (2) 2 weak (3) 3 higher (4) 4 on (5) 5 pay (6) 6 property (7) 7 says (8) 8 per (9) 9 receiving (10) 10 many 2. Let go love There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day (1) 1 starving (2) 2 cage (3) 3 strong (4) 4 open (5) 5 that (6) 6 flew (7) 7 horror (8) 8 .for (9) 9 softly (10) 10 keep 3. In America schools there is something called Home-coming Day. Many high schools (1) graduation (2) Many weeks before the day (3) To go home to see their family (4) elect or choose (5) The student who is liked most by the others. 4. Full-time university students spend all their time studying. They don’t do other (1) Medical students (2) when they graduate (3) live in a universit (4) work for a living in the daytime and study in the evening (5) whose students send their work by post to their tutor 5. he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there (1) arrange by turns (2) .When you are in a state of subhealth, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself. (3) they have more pressure in life and work (4) keep relaxed (5) we should have meals with less salt and sugar

大学体验英语四 课后翻译

Unit 1 1. 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。(take on) With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2.他感到没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。(make a commitment) He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more. 3.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢待在家里看书。(as opposed to) Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading 4.说得好听一些,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心(conscience) 且没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst) At best he 's ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5.我们已尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。(strive, make no headway) We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway. 1.他似乎只有在打保龄球的时候才感觉到舒服。 It seems that the only time he felt good about himself was when he was bowling. 2.饭店员工是不收小费原则的唯一例外。 One exception to the “no-tipping rule” is the hotel staff. 3.很多年轻人在理论上知道怎么干,但当付诸实践时,就茫然无措了。 Many of these youngsters know the job in theory but they’re still wet behind the ears when it comes to putting it into practice. 4.今天,在顶级公关运营商中间存在着一种广泛的共识,认为法庭和媒体的对峙不能再继续下去。Today, there is widespread agreement among top PR operators that the stand-off between courts and the media can not continue. 5.对于每个人来说,有一点是确信的,睡眠不仅是必需的,而且睡眠有助于我们身心健康。 As for everyone, one thing is certain, not only do we have to sleep, but it is good for your mind and body as well. 倍数的翻译(Multiples) 常见的倍数的翻译有倍数的增加和倍数的减少。 倍数的增加 1 n times +名词或+ that of ..., n times as ... as ... 或v + n times等可译成“是...的n倍”或“比...增加n–1倍”。 e.g. The output of cars this year is about three times as great as that of last year. 今年的汽车产量大约是去年的三倍。(或:今年的汽车产量比去年多两倍左右。) 2 n times +“增加”意义的比较级+ than ...可译成“净增加...或...倍”。 e.g. The irrigated area in this prefecture is four times bigger than in 1998. 这个辖区的灌溉面积是1998年的4倍。 3 “增加”意义的动词+ by ...可译成“增加了……”;“增加”意义的动词+ by a factor of ...可译成“增加了n–1倍”; 增加意义的动词+ to ... 可译成“增加到……或……倍”或“增加了n–1倍”。


新视野大学英语课后习 题翻译答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们 只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her . 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没有给我打电话作任何解 释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night , nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么 大作家。 The man sitting next to him did publish some novels , but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He is not interested in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们 主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏 格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来 激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑 领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚 实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然 他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就 变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianis His words and life story were recorded in m and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influen ce on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, o traditional Chinese culture. Much of Con ne could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’ thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese soci fucius’ ety. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全 球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流 行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣 诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日 充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩 子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动, 圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-t he Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of th e important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather toge ther to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their love and feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’shope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holida y in China. Unit3 伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。地铁系统因其地 铁隧道的典型形状也被称为地下管道。伦敦地铁始建于19世纪中期,是世界上最早的地下 铁路系统。它的第一段地铁于1863年开始运营。自此,伦敦地铁不断延伸,发展成为一个 包括12条线路、275个车站、铁轨总长超过250英里的地铁杰作,其中有45%在地下运行。就路线长度而言,它是世界上第四大地铁系统,也是车站数量最多的地铁系统之一。作为 一个走遍伦敦的经济便捷的途径,伦敦地铁一向是每天数百万通勤者以及在节假日游历伦

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