当前位置:文档之家› 厦门大学2002年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试《中国新闻传播史》试题


















11. 1926年10月1日成立,这是我国自办的第一座广播电台。
















厦门大学2012年网络教育入学考试高中起点专(本)科 英语模拟试卷 本期考试共50题,总分100分 一、单选题(共50题) 1、–Why was he so hot when he got home ? –He _______________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、was running B、is running C、has been running D、had been running 2、He did not catch the flight. He reached the airport shortly ___ the plane took off.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、after B、before C、where D、as 3、His face was badly ___ by the hot sun while he was working in Africa.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、burnt B、hurt C、hit D、shone 4、-___ times has he visited the Great Wall? - Twice.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、How many B、How much C、How often D、How long 5、–There has been an earthquake . –I know . At least a hundred people ____________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、were to be killed B、are said to have been killed C、said to have been killed D、are said to kill 6、The teacher spoke loudly ___ the students could hear him clearly.(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、so B、that C、so that D、in order to


厦门大学2017年硕士研究生复试通知 考生: 根据您的初试成绩,经研究决定同意您参加我校管理学院院/系全日制(含少干、退役士兵)、非全日制(含调剂生)会计硕士专业的复试。 请您持以下材料到相关系(院、所)办公室报到并进行资格审查:(1)填写完整并密封完好的《厦门大学2017年硕士研究生政治表现情况审查表》(该表的空表可在厦门大学招生办网页下载区:https://www.doczj.com/doc/518373632.html,下载);(2)毕业证书、学位证书原件(应届生携学生证)及复印件;(3)大学期间成绩单(加盖教务部门或档案单位公章);(4)身份证原件及复印件;(5)准考证(遗失者可免交);(6)一张近期1寸免冠彩照,用于体检;(7)考生自述(主要包括考生本人的政治表现、外语水平、专业和科研能力、研究计划等方面内容);(8)体检表(可在复试后补交)。除上述材料之外,如果您是以大专学历报考的同等学力考生,还必须提交的材料:(9)大专毕业证书原件及复印件、6门以上本科专业课课程成绩证明的原件和英语四级等外语水平考试成绩单原件及复印件。 注:政审表一般由考生档案所在单位填写、签字并盖章;若考生档案由工作单位寄挂在人才市场,则由考生工作单位填写、签字并盖章。 注意:凡未进行资格审查或资格审查未通过的考生一律不得参加复试! 根据省物价局闽价费[2015]费267号文件精神,参加复试的考生每人需交复试费130元(报到时向院系办公室缴交)。 具体复试事宜: 1、体检时间:本校及本地考生在向相关院系查询确认自己具有复试资格后即可前往厦门大学医院体检,外地考生请于复试期间前往厦门大学医院体检(详细体检须知请登陆厦门大学招生办网站查询)。 2、报到时间:2017年3月18日上午8:30-11:40 3、报到地点:厦门大学(本部)保欣丽英楼(嘉庚一号楼)407室 4、复试时间:2017年3月19日、3月20日 5、复试地点:厦门大学管理学院 6、复试内容: (1)专业素质和能力测试。主要考查内容包括:创新精神和能力;本专业的发展潜力以及对本学科发展动态的了解;考生运用本学科知识发现、分析和解决问题的能力。 (2)综合素质及能力测试。主要考查内容包括:思想政治素质和道德品质;本学科以外的学习、科研、社会实践或实际工作表现等方面的情况;事业心、责任感、纪律性(遵纪守法)、协作性和心理健康情况;人文素养;行为举止、表达和礼仪等。 (3)外语测试。含外语听力测试、外语口语测试和专业外语测试等方面。


厦门大学在职研究生学费全解 厦大校园依山傍海、风光秀丽,已成为公认的环境最优美的中国大学校园之一。在这里报读在职研究生是一件非常惬意的事情,目前厦门大学主要在招收经济学和投资学在职研究生,学费一般在三万元左右。 厦门大学(Xiamen University),简称厦大(XMU),是中华人民共和国教育部直属的全国重点大学,由教育部、福建省和厦门市共建[1] ,是国家“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设高校,厦门大学是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,拥有完善的教学、科研设备和公共服务体系。打算报读该校在职研究生的学员想知道:厦门大学在职研究生学费是多少?下面就让我们来了解一下。 厦门大学经济学投资学在职研究生学费全解 据了解,厦门大学开设在职研究生专业十分丰富,并且在重庆、杭州、无锡、苏州等全国多个地区开设有教学点。受所学专业、上课地点的影响,在学费方面也会有所不同,但一般都在3万元左右。 厦门大学经济学在职研究生: 厦门大学经济学专业,是由其经济学院开设的,有多个发展方向,如公司财务、投资决策分析、国民经济学等等。除投资决策分析方向的学费为2.68万元外,其余方向的学费均为2.888万元。 厦门大学投资学在职研究生:

厦门大学投资学专业的招生方向为证券投资,两年的学费为2.8888万元,主要招收大学本科毕业者,申硕的学员需获得学士学位满3年以上。设置的核心课程有金融工程、财税计量分析、货币金融理论等,采用面授与自学相结合的方式,在双休日进行授课,不会影响学员的正常工作。 金秋时节,凉风习习,温暖的阳光撒满校园,碧绿的常青,茂盛的洋槐,浓荫蔽护的甬路,宽阔平整的操场,在阳光的照耀下,显得格外精神,海上明珠厦门大学欢迎全国各地在职人员报考。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


英语 1 考试时间:共 120 分钟 单选题(共 100题) (1). Helen lacks _________. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.(1分) A capacity B faculty C judgment D confidence (2). People cried in ________ as they watched the building go up in flames.(1分) A determination B patience C anxiety D horror (3). She commanded that the troops ________ the water.(1分) A to cross B crossed C to be crossed D cross (4). The sad news broke her ________.(1分) A mind

B emotions C heart D feeling (5). I really don’t want to go tonight and I’m trying to _______an excuse.(1分) A think out B think about C think over D think up (6). He ________ the door and ripped the top part of some sort of hinge.(1分) A pulled on B pulled up C pulled out D pulled down (7). Brazilian coffee is usually ________ by ships because this way is cheaper.(1分) A traded B transported C transferred D transmitted (8). Alex may be late. _________, he may not come at all.(1分) A Worse enough


本期考试共50题,总分100分 一、单选题(共50题) 1、朱自清的《背影》是一篇()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、小说 B、抒情散文 C、叙事散文 D、说理性散文 2、以1870年“普法战争”为背景的小说是(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、《断魂枪》 B、《米龙老爹》 C、《麦琪的礼物》 D、《苦恼》 3、侯方域所生活的时代是()(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、明朝初期 B、明朝中期 C、清朝中期 D、明末清初 4、下列哪位作家属唐宋八大家之一?(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、李清照 B、辛弃疾 C、王安石 D、杜甫 5、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①北京市政府对城市建设布局做出了_________,在2008前将每年增加800万平方米的绿地。 ②发言人当即表示,中国中央政府愿意与台湾当局早日接触,在一个中国的_________,什么问题都可以谈。 ③用歪曲事实的历史教科书作为学校的教材,必然______日本年轻一代对本国的认识偏离事实。 (2.0分) 正确答案:C A、计划、基础上、导致 B、规划、前提下、引导 C、规划、前提下、导致 D、计划、基础上、引导 6、以下最能代表儒家思想的语录体散文集是()(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、《论语》 B、《庄子》 C、《孟子》 D、《荀子》 7、下列句子中“以”字作介词用,可解释为“凭借”的是(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、皆以力战为名。 B、斧斤以时入山林。 C、以子之道,移之官理,可乎? D、五亩之宅,树之以桑。 8、《战国策》是一部()(2.0分) 正确答案:C

A、编年体史书 B、纪传体通史 C、国别体史书 D、哲学著作 9、巴金创作的长篇小说三部曲最著名的是()(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、《蚀》三部曲 B、《爱情三部曲》 C、《激流三部曲》 D、《抗战三部曲》 10、《行路难》是一首()(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、七律 B、五律 C、七绝 D、七言歌行 11、郭沫若在《炉中煤》中,借炉中煤来诉说衷情,这种修辞方法是()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、比喻借代 B、拟人比喻 C、设问拟人 D、借代设问 12、《关山月》是以什么为线索来抒情的?(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、笛声 B、月夜 C、歌舞 D、泪痕 13、鲁迅小说《风波》的线索是(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、张勋复辟 B、辫子事件 C、赵七爷的竹布长衫 D、九斤老太唠叨 14、鲁迅在《灯下漫笔》中,用“人肉的筵宴”为喻是为了说明()(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、中国文明的实质 B、中国精神文明的核心 C、奴化心态 D、中国历史的可怕 15、《米龙老爹》采用的叙述方式是()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、顺叙 B、倒叙 C、插叙 D、平叙 16、我国诗歌史哪位诗人的作品被誉为“诗史”(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、李白 B、屈原 C、白居易 D、杜甫


厦门大学2019年硕士研究生复试录取工作 办法 根据教育部《2019年全国硕士研究生招生工作管理规定》、《关于加强硕士研究生招生复试工作的指导意见》和《教育部办公厅关于进一步规范和加强研究生考试招生工作的通知》以及相关文件精神和我校的实际情况,现对我校2019年硕士研究生复试和录取工作提出如下意见: 一、指导思想和原则 坚持公开、公平、公正和科学选拔的原则,德智体全面衡量,择优选拔,确保质量,按需招生,宁缺毋滥;坚持选拔具有突出创新能力及潜力、具有特殊学术专长及潜力的人才的原则;坚持在复试录取过程中,切实做到以人为本,尊重考生,服务考生的原则。 二、组织管理 学校招生工作领导小组负责全面指导全校研究生的复试录取工作。同时,成立学院(研究院)研究生复试录取工作领导小组和复试录取工作巡视督查小组,具体负责研究生复试和录取的各项工作。

学院(研究院)的复试录取工作领导小组由各学院(研究院)院长、书记和分管研究生教育的副院长、副书记、学院(研究院)负责纪检工作的院领导以及院系相关领导组成。由院长任组长,分管研究生教育的副院长任副组长。复试录取工作领导小组负责组织成立若干复试小组。复试小组具体实施对每位考生的复试考核。每个复试小组应由不少于5名办事公正和责任心强的教师(研究生导师一般不少于3人)组成,并设立组长一名。 为了加强复试录取的巡视和监督工作,各学院(研究院)须成立复试录取工作巡视督查小组,由院系相关领导组成。复试录取工作巡视督查小组由党委书记任组长,负责纪检工作的院领导(或指定其他院领导)任副组长,负责全程巡视监督本院内的复试录取工作。 各学院(研究院)应在规定的时间内将复试录取工作领导小组和复试巡视督查小组成员名单通过规定的格式上报(详见附件1)。 三、严格培训 各学院(研究院)每年必须在复试录取工作开始前都要召开培训会,要对参与复试录取工作的全体教师和工作人员进行政策、业务、纪律等方面的培训,使其明确工作纪律和工作程序、评判规则和评判标准;要强化参与工作教师的公平意识、责任意识、业务意识和保密意识。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/518373632.html,/ 【真题答案解析】2016厦门大学考研:英语一本内容由聚英厦大考研网为大家收集有关厦门大学考研信息: 一、完型填空 1-5:BDCAC 6-10:ACCDB 11-15:DDBAC 16-20:DBACA 二、阅读理解 21-25:ADBCA 26-30:ADCDC 31-35:ACDBA 36-40:DABCD 41-45:BGDEF 三、翻译 【参考译文】 46. 我们不必一定去学习如何做到心理健康,这种能力植根于我们自身,就像我们的身体知道如何愈合伤口,如何修复断骨。 47. 心理健康不会去往他方。如同乌云可能蔽日,心理健康可能会暂时隐藏于视线之外,但它完全可以在须臾之间复原如初。 48. 心理健康使我们在他人陷入危难之时给予同情,痛苦不已时给予善意,无论对谁,都能给予无条件的爱。 49. 尽管心理健康是人们度过一生的一剂万能良药,但它又普通不已,因为当你需要做出艰难决定时,都可感受到它的存在。 50. 就像你会渐渐明白,深悉心理健康一直触手可得并且值得信任,使我们能放慢生活脚步,活在当下,幸福生活。 四、作文: 51.【参考范文】

https://www.doczj.com/doc/518373632.html,/ Notice For better serving the international students, a notice is released here to provide the necessary information about the library. The university library opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday, but from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends. If you need to borrow books, please follow the following steps. First, bring your student card and register first at the librarian’s office. At most six books can be borrowed once from the library. You should keep in mind the days that you can keep the book(s) you borrow. Three months is the longest period. If you exceed the limited time, some fines should be paid. If you have any questions or suggestions about borrowing or returning books, telephone 010-******* or send an email to university@https://www.doczj.com/doc/518373632.html, . We sincerely hope you all enjoy the study and life in our university. University Library December 26, 2015 52.【参考范文】 The above two pictures reveal two father’s different teaching methods. In the first picture, the father is urging his son to study hard while he is smoking and watching TV idly. In the second picture, the father and his son are both concentrating on the study. The caption under the cartoon reads: “It is better to set an example than to make demands”. Apparently, the author of the cartoon focuses on a fact that many parents when educating their children tend to neglect the impact of their own acts upon their children. It is without any doubt that all parents hope that their children could have a bright future. Therefore, they tend to count on schools and the society to provide their kids with a good education. However, what they don’t realize is that parents are the first teachers of children. Parents failing to set a role model for their children will only result in an unhealthy family atmosphere, which is definitely harmful to the future development of their children.


Xiamen University 1.Introduction Xiamen University, located in Xiamen, Fujian province, is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was originally known as the University of Amoy. The university is one of many comprehensive universities directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 1995 it was included in the list of the "211" Project for the state key construction; in -level universities designated for the state key construction of 2000 it became one of China’s higher the 985 Project. 1.1 History In 1919, Mr. Tan kah kee, the well-known overseas Chinese leader, donated millions of dollars to establish and endow Xiamen University, officially founded in 1921. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China. Mr. Tan handed over Xiamen University to the government in 1937 due to lack of funds, and the institution subsequently became a national university. In 1938, at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the university temporary relocated to Changting in Min Xi county, western Fujian. At the end of World War II in 1946, Xiamen University moved back to Xiamen and resumed normal operations. In 1952, Xiamen University became a comprehensive university, and has been designated as a national key university since 1962. Then, in 1952 it became a comprehensive university embracing both arts and science. In 1963, it was designated as a state key university. In 1995, it was included in the list of the "211 Project" for the state key construction; in 2000, it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the "985"Project.


Some people 1 According passage, bicycles _D、are the solution to problems 2. The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by _B、some bike riders . 3. “Bicycle lanes” probably means C.special part road bicycle riders only 4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? D.In some cities many people use bikes as they have special lanes. 5. The best title for this passage is D、A Solution Traffic Problems New York Cancer is among 6. Which of the following statements is true? C.The causes of stress are worthy of serious study. 7. According to the passage, which of the following typesle is more from stress?D. People who have more responsibilities than they can handle. 8. Judging from the context, the word “row”in the third paragraph most probably means A. a noisy quarrel. 9. Which of the following entioned reduce our stress?D. Reading the Bible. 10. “Let not sun upon wrath” probably means A. Don’t let your anger long. Since the late 1960 11. Since the late 1960s more women have been dissatisfied with the marriage in which ___ B. they are in a lower position 12. What is the long-standing division of labor between husband and wife America?A. Husband―provider, wife―domestic duties. 13. Which statement is NOT true about the new type of marriage? C. Wife earns their living while husband does the housework. 14. Women's attitudes toward marriage _D. all of the above 15. Which of the following describes the general idea for this passage? A. The Changing Patterns of Americans' Marriage. II. 1. Since we can't hear you at hall, you'll have to ___ your voice. C. raise 25. She has nothing to murder case. She is not __ C. involved in 4. Shall we request chairman _ suggestion again A. to consider 5. Some say yes others say ; I don't know __ follow. C. whom 11. As so many overseas business come to start and build new businesses, looks much more ____ than C. prosperous 20. An ___ of territory had always been a wish of ruler country. B. expansion 32. "Are you go football game?" "No. ticket ___ expensive me." C. far too 45. After that they drove to the Guest House at _ speed. A. top 27. ___ how little he had studied, he did ver in the exam. D. Considering 2. ___he works hard, I don't mind inishes the experiment. B. As long as 8. __ students often find it difficult to live China B. Overseas 38. ____ Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he says he is too busy. C. Whenever 6. I could not persuade accept it, ___ make him e importance D. nor could I 14. I don't have courage to tell him the bad nes face, so in___ way C. indirect 15. I can hardly believe my eyes. This ________ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel Prize. D. unremarkable 23. I _ Alice, who was on her way to see was getting along. D. ran into 34. I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt. She always has a _______ for white. C. preference 39. If you are always ___ to others' troubles, you won't get any help whenever you are in trouble yourself. A. indifferent 7. Mr Edward was not, so his brother as ___ at the party. C. host 1. Many students found the book _____; it provided them with a large amount of information on the subject. A. informative 13. My bag looks ___ to Mary's, so I often mistake. B. identical 24. My parents are not interesteern music. They are ___ B. behind the times 12. The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents' ______. D. objection 17. The chances of seeing small hometown are one _______ a million. C. in 19. The box is heavy, so __ give me a hand? D. would you please 21. The football match had to be ____ owing to th weather. A. cancelled 26. The ____ of the film eally disappointed fans. B. absence 28. The train for London will ___ from Platform 6 in ten minutes. C. depart 40. The price they offere my old car was so low that I ___ it down. B. turned 33. This is an illness that can result in total blindness __ left untreated. B. if 22. There have been many _______ in their marriage but they still love each other. A. ups and downs 18. There is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year. A. Prospect 30. He thought could Mr. Robinson __some expensive equipment C. into 44. He has failed me so longer place any __ in what he promises. D. trust 43. He is ___ to speak the truth. A. too fearful 9. His company promised to pay for his health _____ in addition to other benefits. D. insurance 37. Having walked in the hot sun for most of the day without any water, the man felt ____. C. fatigued 31. With price ___, the fruits selling much better C. having been lowered 41. Writing is slow process, requiring __thought,and effort. B. considerable 42. When I try to understand ____ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. D. what it is 29. You can put on eans. It is just a(n) _____ party. D. informal 35. Only members company are __ to use acilities. B. entitled 36. Unless wore money, we'll be ____ finishing ject. C. prevented from 16. Finding a job in such a big company has always been ____ his D. beyond 3. People who want the typist's job will be judged __________ how accurate and fast they are. B. in terms of III.1) You will find that A.On the other hand B.how B.answer to D.concerning A.determining C.In addition. A.differ from D. take…initiative C.Regardless of D. based on 2)Jungle country D.equipment C.alive https://www.doczj.com/doc/518373632.html,pass B.tell A.now and again A.way C.deadly D. Surviving A.expect C. live off 3)Many Chinese C. in C.freely A.at a table B.into D. English C.away B.himself A.clearly and fluently A. see C. master 1. 她误解最好朋友, 感到内疚。She was very guilty about not having understood her best friend. 2.弯腰书拣起来The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor. 3.自己学历工作经历He takes it for granted that his educational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not. 4.生都献给了艺术,为事业做出These artists devoted all their lives to art, and made great contributions to the artistic field. 5.容貌秀美吸引人Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive. 6. 杰克经验独立完是有困难。For lack of experience, Jack will have difficulty finishing the task alone. 7画荒谬In the eyes of some people, his paintings would seem rather foolish. 8.科学家来说, 凌晨两、三点钟觉是很。It was not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning. 9.汽车麻烦That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it


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Unknown date Unknown author 答卷详情 一、单选题 1. (1分)Before I knew it, I had spent ________ on the journey as had been planned. A. twice as much B. twice more C. twice much more D. twice much 纠错 得分:0 知识点:1 展开解析 答案A 解析 2. (1分)The furniture was at last arranged ________ her taste. A. of

B. to C. for D. at 纠错 得分:0 知识点:1 展开解析 答案B 解析 3. (1分)The child ________ while on her way home after a game of tennis. A. vanished B. got lost C. delayed D. was missing 纠错 得分:0 知识点:1 展开解析 答案A 解析

4. (1分)He tends to ________ his elder brother in the things he says and the way he dresses. A. repeat B. reflect C. review D. copy 纠错 得分:0 知识点:1 展开解析 答案D 解析 5. (1分)”Why is the university doing so much building?”The number of students ________ that there aren’t enough classrooms.” A. have increased so rapidly B. has increased so rapid C. have increased so rapid D. has increased so rapidly 纠错

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