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Part 2

My name is Nikita. 6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin. 3 years ago, I escaped, and have been hunted ever since. I was the first recruit to get out. I’m going to make certain I’m not the last. 。。。。。。

I hope you don’t mind me dripping in unannounced. Oh, not at all. You were always one of my favourite customers. Oh, thank you. I gotta hand it to you, Trevor. These are gorgeous. If something jumps out, I have any number of accessories to match. That’s nice. That’s mine. Oh, love. It’s very you. I’m going to need a mag of lokken 2-12, a thermographic scope, and no questions asked. I assume the price is still the same. Afraid it’s gone up. Trevor…supply and demand, Nikita. Ever since you went rogue, your friends are in short supply, and there’s great demand for your corpse. I know. New deal, Trev…. I keep the gun, you keep breathing, and never tell anyone I was here. You… you’re not going to kill me? Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve got a much bigger target in mind.

Murderer! The people gathered behind me are protesting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction due to prosecutorial misconduct. The government is currently deciding whether to initiate deportation proceedings against him. But as of today, he walks free. 2 years, and all my belongings are still here. America. Ready when you are, Mr Dadich. Hold on, that’s not Dadich. Someone’s playing a diversion. He’s hired protection! Percy! Not bad. I feel safer already. Protection is just the beginning. In 6 months, you won’t be hiding from your enemies. Trust me. They’ll be hiding from you.

Ok, kiddies, 30 seconds left, come on. Penetrate the system! Penetrate! 10 seconds left before they dump you. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … fail. Alex…. You never launched your exploit. Why? I don’t know. This hacker stuff is really… complicated. Actually, it’s not, it’s simple. Because, you see, I do all the hacker stuff. I write the exploit. I even make it look like a video game. So your tween minds can understand it! You think that’s funny? Must be the drugs, sir. You know how it is with junkies. I thought our files were secret. Failure was on me, sir. Alex was having trouble finding the shell code. And I gave her the wrong one. You shouldn’t have been giving it in the first place. You know what, this is pathetic. All of you, get out of here. The bunch of you, get out! Up and out of your seats now. not you. You stay. You too, get out of here. Left foot in front of the right one. You can handle that, right? All right. You stay here, and you work this until you get it right. I’m going to check back with you in half an hour. And it better be right. Because scrubs who can’t pass the basics don’t survive very long in here.

Wonderful. He is no fun. Come on, let’s drink. Oh, whatever you’re having. You’re not making our guest feel very welcome. Well, we should have used the Astoria safe house. This place isn’t secure. What are you worried about? Communist rebels, hit men from the old country, Nikita. She is a wild card. She knows our security procedures. And she said herself that she’s coming after us. She can’t counter us without intel. Your mission was to find out who’s controlling her. Nikita wouldn’t allow anyone to control her. And if she was getting any help, it would be a quid pro quo deal. And what, prey tell, are you basing your intel on? It’s just a feeling.

Are you alone? Nestravi! Let me make sure I understand what you are toasting to. Your plan is to assassinate my successor, creat a coup in the labor party, and return me to my seat of power in 6 months. It’s something we’ve accomplished before. Small nations don’t present much of a problem. You know my accounts are frozen. I can’t afford a down payment on your services. Your

division will do this on contingency? No. we don’t have to. We know that you stashed something more valuable than money when you fled your country. What are you talking about? Hmm, about 25 kilos of enriched uranium. Enough raw material for a low yield nuclear bomb. What we don’t know is where you stashed it. What do you use that for, well always comes in handy. Relax, Mirko. You’re talking to me right now, not the united states government. You should think of this as a business transaction. I’m going to need some more time to think it over. Of course you are. And I’m going to need some other things, as well. Anything you can think of, we can provide. What does he want? The man just got out of prison. What do you think he wants? 5 years ago, you’d probably be taking this guy out. What, are we pimping for him now? don’t think of Mirko as an assignment. Think of him as a client. If I don’t address division budget cuts, I’m gonna have to make cuts of my own. Starting with the permanent elimination of the young recruits. I’ll call an escort service. No. as you would say, it’s not secure. Get one of the new girls. Number 13. Alex. She’ ll remind Mirko of his homeland.

Birkoff thinks I’m an idiot. They all do. Don’t underestimate him, and don’t screw up too much. Or they cancel me. I get it. You get me a name yet? No. how are you sure it’s a protection mission? You said they activated Peters, Heilbrun and Chang. Michael used to call them Hughey, Dewey and Louie. Only used them for VIP security. I need to know who the VIP is, and their location. Not gonna be easy. Still have bottom level access here. Copy that, lay low, I’ll find another way. No, I can do it. I repeat, lay low, do not blow your cover. You don’t have to protect me anymore. I have everything under control. Ronnie?

One year ago

Ronnie. Do you have it? Alex, always strung out, always late. Here you go. Where is it? Where is the rest of my money? I gave you a fifty. Calling me a liar? Stop playing, Ronnie, I just need a hit. You make us feel good, we’ll make you feel good. No! oh, yeah. Let the girl go. What? Who the hell are you? Fairy… God… Mother! Oh, it’s ok, it’s ok. Hi, I’m Nikita, nice to meet you.

Again. Just because you used the gun to kill or steal or whatever you did to land yourself here. Does not mean you know weapons. But you will learn, dismantle and assembly will be second nature, like breathing. You don’t need to see to breathe. Done. Alex. Excellent. You’ve handled sub machine guns before? Not really. Must be the drugs. Alex. Come with me. What’s wrong? You’ve been activated for an op. she’s been activated? I’ve been here 2 months, and she’s been activated? Stow it, Jaden. Bet you Michael’s tapping that. Shut up and field strip these weapons now. you have 5 minutes. I’m gonna get that bitch. Ok, you keep moving around like that, you’re going to look like a panda. Thom said he was in training for like a year before they used him. In the short time you’ve been with us, I’ve seen your attitude improve greatly, Alex. Especially considering you tried to escape your second day here. Michael must have seen the same improvement. He wouldn’t be using you if he didn’t think you were ready. And you are. Ready for what? Why won’t anyone tell me what the mission is. We’re only told what we need to know. It’s safer that way. So you don’t even know? You shouldn’t be nervous, Alex. Yeah? What should I be? Grateful. To be activated this early is a gift. And it’s very rude to question a gift.

Help! Help! Just relax, Alex. Breathe in and out. Let me out of here! I will, I promise. For now, just breathe. Who are you? Where am i? you’re at my place. I’m a friend. Well, if you’re a friend, then you’ll let me out of this closet, it’s not a closet. It’s a portable sauna, I built it myself. It’s going to help you. Why are you doing this? Let’s call it a gift. I know how to get clean, ok? I know how to get clean. I just… I need to come down easy, ok? There is no easy way down. I don’t need a sauna!

I need a hit! It’s very rude to question a gift, you know. Please, please. I’m gonna die here. Look, I know it hurts, ok? Your nose won’t stop running. Your stomach’s cramping. You feel like your head’s going to fall off. Believe me, I know. I can only promise you one thing. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. As long as you’re here, we’re safe. No. so, where’s the party? In here. That would be great. Is there some place I could freshen up. Of course. Through there. No, no, no. I’m not paying for gossip, I’m paying for intelligence. I’ve got money, you’ve got dirt on division. And stop trying to trace the call. It’s amateur hour. Hold on. Hello. VIP is Mirko Dadich. The war criminal? South shore tower, penthouse. Alex, where are you? Alex. I’m with him. Get out of there. I can’t. alex! Champagne is ready. Be right there. That is one of the most amazing storys that I ever heard. I mean, to come from nothing. Milking cows. One cow. One cow. Let’s not talk about me anymore. More champagne? I think we had enough, don’t you? Nice view. It’s great. Stop. Who the hell are these guys? You gotta be kidding me. Hold this. Get out for me. Stop. Mirko Dadich. Get out. Get out of the way, Michael. Leave him. Are you ok? Hell no! damn! Think, try to remember. It just… happened so fast. You’re trained to think faster. You said one of their masks came off. You don’t remember seeing the face? I ….. she had two bottles of champagne and Dadich was slapping the hell out of her. She was not ready. I want answers, not excuses. Who attacked us? How did they find us, and where is Mirko Dadich? Probably dead by now. let’s hope not. For your sake. If you remember any more, please let me know. Status? How’s our friend from the safe house doing? Just keeps repeating the same word…..Osveta. did he say anything about Nikita? We’re not going to get any more out of him. Oh, yes, we are. Get inquisitor down here. You’re gonna love talking to the inquisitor. Osveta. It’s vengeance. They were freedom fighters. A group trying to bring Mirko to justice for his war crimes. That explains Nikita’s involvement. She always had a bleeding heart for the oppressed. Guess the question is whether she approached them or they hired her. Or if she was working with them at al. why else provide sniper support for the grab team? Well, it wasn’t very good support, she did kill one of them. She missed. She was targeting you. Look find Nikita. Then you’ll find Mirko. You might start by tracking the bullet we dug out of his friend. You called?

Come on, Alex. Hey. How are you feeling? Did you eat yet? Tha t’s cool. I like it cold. Cold and spicy. So, as promised, I got you a few things. I know it’s not prada, but … cute, right? Come on. First step to feeling good is looking good. And I want my clothes back. What are you going to do to me? You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. So what do you want? I know you like smack. For me it was ketamine. “k” all the way. What am I going to do to you? I’m going to do what I wish somebody had done for me. You got me here. Trapped. So why are you lying? When I was high, I did something. Something I went to prison for. Something I’m going to be paying for the rest of my life. When I saw you, I saw a chance to stop it from happening again. Where? Where what? Where did you see me? I saw you walk into that crack house. Why were you there? Somebody like you doesn’t just walk by a place like that. Alex…. Were you following me? No. how do you know my name? I heard your dealer say it. What’s your name? it’s not a trap. When you are back to full health, you’re free to go. Forget you ever met me.

Core is tungsten carbide. Hyper velocity, self sharpening. It’s a lokken 2-12 slap round. Could trace the tungsten back to the production batch. No, forget about it, Nikita wouldn’t buy ammo from a manufacturer, she’ got it from a black market, face to face with the local dealer. Those buys have their own signature. That’s how they modify the rounds. I’ll id the specs, run them through shadownet. Fine. Can you please stop saying “shadownet?? Dude, when you create your

own software you owns access to every government and law enforcement agency in the world. You can call it whatever the hell you want. Shadownet, taste the rainbow. How’d you do? I got him talking. We had an interesting conversation. Great. Not exactly. Why? What do they want with Dadich? Same thing we did. They know about the nuclear material.

Let’s try this again. What did Nikita tell you? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Well, I guess it was the other arms dealer who modifies lokken 2-12 rounds with an rd-x compound. You think I’m stupid enough to lie to you? Let’s find out. Answer it. Hel—hello. Hi, it’s Nikita. Is Michael there yet? It’s for you. How’d you know I’d be here? Wow. Good timing. You tracked that round pretty fast. I thought it’d take you all night. Feeling pretty smart, aren’t we? Always. I should have put you down in that alley. Oh, come on, is there anything for me? So you’re not with them? Michael, I don’t even know who they are. Though I do like their style. Well, then allow me to enlighten you. They are a group of freelance mercenaries. And they’re after the loose nuclear material Mirko Dadich stashed away before he fled his country. What? Apparently he has a GPS device that shows its exact location in eastern Europe. I think we’re 24 hours away from weapon’s grade uranium hitting the open market, so… how do you like their style. You should have taken out Mirko when you had the shot. And let you die? Don’t blame me, Michael. You work for division and division got in bed with this guy. You think Percy will admit that now? he assumes you’re in a league with the mercenaries. It this comes back to bite us then you are going to be terrorist number one on every official list. Oh, uh-oh. Does that mean Percy will have to officially admit he’s running a mercenary unit on the pentagon’s dime? You didn’t hear me before. They already know what Percy is up to. But as long as he has his little black boxes everywhere, they can’t touch him. Is that what he really calls them? Little black boxes? Nikita, they are real. Every dirty job, every cover-up, every little secret of the last 5 administrations. Now you can quit or you can die… but you can’t stop division. No one can. You know what, Michael? You’re right, I should have taken out Mirko when I had the shot.

Nie. Nyet. Papa (one year ago) you’re safe now. you’re safe.

The people gathered behind me are protecting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction.

Sorry I’m late. It got crazy. I know. Are you ok? I will be. Been playing dumb over here. So you saw something. One of the kiddnappers is a woman. Long blond hair, green eyes. Good. That helps. What are you doing? What do you think I’m doing? I’m kicking your ass, you little teacher’s pet! Not bad, Michael. Gotta her, blondie. Her name is Hanna Cushko. Ukrainian, 25 years old. Grew up under Mirko Dadich’s regime. Her father was a scientist in his nuclear program. So that’s how she knows about the uranium. I can tap airport surveillance, run facial recognition software. We could grab her on the way out of the country. Maybe it’s too late, second she gets her hand on Mirko’s GPS, she’ll call a teammate in Europe and give them the coordinates. She wants what we want. We need get ahead of her. We need to find that GPS.

911. emergency? Yeah. I need to report a stolen vehicle. You have the plate number? Uh-yeah. I have it right here. It’s A6876-44 is it your vehicle, ma’am. Yes, that’s right. It’s a blue paint van. My husband’s. I’ll get that information to an officer. Ok.

Please. I swear I don’t know. What’s this GPS you’re talking about? Wait. You really don’t remember me, do you? My name is Hanna Cushko. My father was Ivan Cushko. He ran your secret nuclear program. But he kept no secrets from me. Cushko. Your father was a brilliant man. He was a close friend of mine. A dear friend. I know. That’s why he was executed after the takeover while you fled the country. I’m going back, Hanna. I’m going to take our country back.

And I promise you--- you will have your revenge. We both will. I want my family taken care of. The uranium my father enriched for you is his only legacy. And I’m going to sell it to support us. I can get you money. I assume you hid the GPS in a safe place before they took you to prison. You will take us there.

Broken window in an alleyway by a liquor store. Dispatch, Delta 17 reporting location of stolen vehicle A6876-44. Van is in 34th street across from the subway terminal. Vehicle appears abandoned. Try matching prints we got at the safe house to these applications on file. Cancel that. Move, I got this. Got what? Move. Ok. We assume that Mirko stashed the GPS before his arrest 2 years ago. I dug up some surveillance of the arrest. The FBI caught him coming out of 34 street station. They assumed he was switching transpo on his way to the airport or out of state. Check it out. He knew they were coming for him. He must have stashed the GPS beforehand. Ok, we need to make a timeline of his last day. Every place he went every person he met he called, even looked at sideways. Yeah, we could do that. Or I could just rewind this to, uh, 15 minutes beforehand. He wasn’t coming out of the station at al. no, he was dropping something off. Say it. No. shadownet. Mmmm!

Very clever. I thought so. Whoever you are, we don’t want to shoot you. Clearly, you robbed the wrong people. No. honey. You did. You want to get out of here alive, you’ll drop your weapons and hop on the first train. I figure you’ve got about 5 minutes. You have less than that! No. you do. Weapons down! Don’t hit me. Michael, thank god! Where is it? What are you talking about? Where? Nikita! Is that the GPS? You know, we gotta stop meeting like this. What are you going to do with it? Well, that depends. What is the going rate for loose nuclear material? I’m kidding, you can have it. Michael. Give me a gun. So I can finish this whore. This better be good news. Good news. We got Dadich back in one piece. Also, no one’s getting their hands on the uranium. That stays buried. Nikita destroyed the GPS. And the bad news is, she escaped? No. the bad news is, she started a gun fight. The police and FBI will be here any second. How do you suggest we explain this mess? You’re the heroic agent who foiled the terrorist plot to deliver nuclear material into the hands of our enemies, and what about Mirko? The police are going to be all over him in a minute, and we have no way of controlling what he says. He was the one behind it. Now we can get back to business, yes? Listen, I forgive you for getting in between that silly girl and me. Perhaps I can get back to her as well. I’ll tell her you said hi.

Former dictator alleged war criminal Mirko Dadich was killed today in an attempt to commit an act of terrorism on a New York subway platform. Authorities believe Dadich’s attack was in retaliation for his being in prison 2 years ago on charges of conspiracy to assassinate his successor on US Soil. Good save, Percy.

Alex. Hi, I’m glad you’re here. We didn’t get a chance to talk after the whole safe house thing, and, I don’t know, I just wanted…. I think you should hear what I have to say first. Ok. Percy is disappointed in your behavior. Your lack of discipline, your destruction of property. He’s giving you 2 weeks to show visible improvement … or it’s over. What? Jaden started it, she can’t … jaden is in the same boat. I just wanted to give you a head’s up. I’m sorry, what did you want to say? I just wanted to say thank you. For saving my life.

Alex. Just breathe. Stop it. No. let me go. Go where? Just let me die. I can’t. I have nothing to live for , nothing. They’re all dead. Everyone I love is dead. I know. I was following you. Alex. I’ve been searching for you for over 2 years. I know how you got here. Where you came from. I know who killed your parents. Trust me. You have something to live for.

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