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1) c

2) a

3) b

4) a


Bali is a beautiful isla nd of mountains, forests and rice fields. It is also

an island of artists. Almost everybody there is an artist of some kind. The people

work all day at home, in the fields or on their boats, but in the evening they make music, dance, paint or carve things out of wood and stone.

For the Balinese, art is part of religion. It is a way of pleasing their

gods--a nd Bali, they believe, is full of gods. There are thousa nds of temples in

Bali, and there are festivals at these temples when people die or get married, or

whe n a child is born. At these festivals the people try to keep their gods happy by givi ng them food, by dancing, by acting, and by play ing music for them.

In the past, the Bali nese did not care about the outside world. For them Bali

was the whole world. But in the 1930s tourists bega n to visit Bali, and since the

1950s tourism has become big bus in ess there. So the isla nders have begu n to sell their art to tourists. These days the Balinese pro-duce more and more things for tourists; they make fewer things for their temples. They have less time for their gods, so there are fewer festivals.

Each year more tourists bring more money to the island; they also bring new

ideas and a new way of life. The Balinese know that if fewer tourists come to the

island, there will be less money. But they also know if there are too many tourists,

the Balinese way of life will change drastically. The authorities are trying hard to organize and control tourism with caution. Bali has to change; nevertheless they

want to make sure that it changes for the better, not for the worse.

Task 3



1) Because un til 1980, it had bee n quiet for more tha n a hun dred years.

2) It was strange. No birds were singing, and the air was still.

3) He was sta nding n ear the summit and report ing the erupti on on radio.


Wash ington; 35; 1980; 123; recreati on; summit; tremors; small erupti ons; no dan ger; 1980; dust; ash; rocks; mud; 40; peaceful; empty


Most volca noes are quiet. They rest peacefully for hun dreds of years. No one

pays much atte nti on to them.

Mount St. Hele ns was one of these volca no es. Un til 1980, it was a beautiful recreation area. Its last eruption had been 123 years ago. No one was worried about

ano ther one. Then, in March 1980, Mount St. Hele ns bega n to make no ises. At first,

there were tremors. Then, small eruptions occurred. Someresidents left immediately.

Others felt there was no dan ger.

But on the morning of May 18, 1980, the mountain blew its top. With the power

of twenty-five atomic bombs, Mount St. Helens exploded. Clouds of dust and ash rose more than twelve miles into the sky. Rocks and mud crashed down the slopes.

Unfortunately, many people were still living, camping, or working in the area. Over forty people lost their lives. Others were rescued.

Robert Baker wasfishing with his family when the explosion occurred. He reported that the morning of May 18 was stra nge. No birds were singing. The air was still.

Then, he saw a large black cloud coming dow n toward them .In minu tes, day turned

into night. He called his family to their van and they started on the slow dark ride away from the mountain. All the time, hot ash was raining on them.

But other people were not so lucky. David Joh nston, a volca no expert, was

standing near the summit of the mountain. At 8:31 a. m. , he radioed, "This is it!"

He was n ever heard from aga in.

Mount St. Helens is peaceful now. But its slopes are empty. It will be many years before fish, pla nts, and trees will aga in live on the mountain.

Task 4



1) Mrs. Rakel Surlien is the Norwegian Minister of Environmental Protection, and

she is about to begi n a three-day visit to Brita in.

2) Brita in.

3) Britain insists the case against acid rain in general and its contribution in

particular is far from prove n. / Brita in in sists that n either the disastrous

effects of acid rain nor Britain ' s responsibility in the issue has been proven.

4) Swede n.

5) It refers to a group of some 20 n ati ons which are committed to reduc ing sulfur

dioxide by a third.

6) Norway is against Britain in the dispute over acid rain in spite of its cordial



1) fish; aquatic life; forest

2) power stati ons

3) rema in isolateed


Norway has decided to resume a "softly-softly approach" to Brita in in the

Ion g-sta nding dispute over the issue of acid rain, as Mrs. Rakel Surlie n, the

Norwegian Minister of Environmental Protection, begins a three-day visit to Britain.

All the Nordic countries believe that Britain is responsible for as much as a third of the acid deposit faili ng in southern Scandin avia, killi ng fish and most other aquatic life in thousands of lakes and rivers and possibly putting large areas of forest at risk. Emissions from coal and oil burning power stations are blamed mostly, but Britain insists the case against acid rain in general and its contribution in particular is far from proven.

The issue has become almost fashi on able si nee the Swedes raised it in 1972. More

than 20 n atio ns have agreed to join the so-called "30 Perce nt Club", committed to reducing sulfur dioxide by a third, and Britain is increasingly isolated in Western Europe by its refusal to do so.

Mrs. Surlie n says there has bee n no cha nge in the Norwegia n positi on in spite

of the cordial approach, and she also sce nted victory, as she said, "I don't see

you can remain isolated in this way for long. It must be very difficult to live with."

Task 5


1) four out of five; survive; rosy; forest flower; for cen turies

2) 2,000; fight can cer; 40; wildlife; the rain forest

3) drugs; a South America n tree; blood pressure; the sn akeroot pla nt from In dia n forests

4) foods; tropical forests; win ged bea n

5) rubber; oils; one; exam in ed; 99; threate ned


A representative of an ecological organization is talking about the advantages and ben efits for huma ns of the rain forests.

Four out of five of all childre n who got leukemia in 1960 died. Now four out

of every five survive. The secret of this miraculous change is the rosy periwinkle, a forest flower which tribal doctors had used for cen turies.

The United States National Cancer Institute has identified more than 2,000

tropical rain forest plants with the ability to fight cancer. In fact, about 40

percent of all drugs given out in the United States today owe much of their strength to chemicals from wildlife, largely from the rain forest.

Other drags include quinine, which comes from a South American tree, and drugs to relieve high blood pressure are derived from the sn akeroot pla nt from In dia n forests. The armadillo of South America is helping us find a cure for leprosy.

The tropical forests also contain large amounts of new foods. For example, the win ged bea n of New Guinea is now grow n in about 50 differe nt coun tries. Japa nese scientists have found a calorie-free substanee in Paraguay which is 300 times sweeter

than sugar, and a coffee free of caffe ine has bee n found in the small forests of the Comoros isla nds.

Every day we use products from the rain forests--robber, spices and oils, and of course wood. Less tha n one perce nt of the forest pla nts have bee n exam ined for their pote ntial, but the remaining 99 perce nt is threate ned by our en dless search for wood. The South American Indians say the trees hold up the sky, and if they come down there will be a catastrophe.

Task 6



1) A solar eclipse occurs whe n the moon passes betwee n the Earth and the sun, and

the moon' s shadow covers part of the earth .

2) A solar eclipse has occurred at Christmas only 30 times during the past 5,000

years, the last time in 1954.

3) The (reti na of the) eye can be perma nen tly damaged.

4) It works by project ing the sun ' s image on a piece of paper through a pin hole on ano ther piece.

5) The next eclipse at Christmas will occur in 2307; it can be observed on the west coast of Africa.


1) T

2) F

3) T


On December 25, 2000, many people across North America received a rare Christmas treat when the moon passed in front of the sun resulting in a partial solar eclipse.

Solar eclipses occur whe n the moon passes betwee n the earth and the sun, and the moon' s shadow covers part of the earth, and a total solar eclipse takes place when the moori s shadow blocks out the sun entirely. What made this particular solar eclipse unique was that this eve nt has occurred on December twen ty-fifth only 30 times during the past five thousand years, the last time in 1954.

But people must be excepti on ally careful whe n attempti ng to view the solar eclipse. Without tak ing precauti onary measures, one can perma nen tly damage the reti na of the eye; however, there are several safe methods of wit ness ing this heave nly marvel.

First, you can view a solar eclipse by using eclipse safety glasses for

filtering out the sun' s harmful rays. They should be used when any part of the sun is visible.

Sun glasses can block out some of the sun' s ultraviolet rays, but the results can be very deceptive. The eye' s n atural react ion to this darke n state whe n weari ng sun glasses is to make the pupil larger, which allows in more light and can inten sify the damage to the your eye.

You can watch an eclipse by projecting the sun' s image on a piece of paper either by using a telescope, or easier yet, by creati ng a pin hole in a piece of paper and

view ing the result on ano ther piece of paper, thus called a pin hole projector.

Only during a total eclipse when the sun is completely and briefly covered

can you watch the eclipse without eye protect ion. Eve n the n, extreme cauti on should

be take n.

In case you didn ' t catch this last spectacular solar eclipse on December

twenty-fifth, 2000, there is no need to fret. Your posterity can record the next

eclipse on Christmas in the year 2307, but only if they ' re visiting the west coast of Africa for the


Task 7



1) pottery; metal

2) large cities; food product ion

3) the late 1950s; borrow; retur nable; on e-trip

4) pots; pans


1) Because the food must be shipped from place to place whe n it is produced, and

because of the in creased variety of foods available and the convenience of precooked meals, it is impossible for the customer to collect many foods in his own container.

2) Un til the late 1950s America ns had to borrow soft-dri nk bottles by pay ing a deposit each time

they bought one.

3) Yes, beaus sales of soft drink climbed.

4) Glass companies gave soft-drink sellers a helping hand. A US company, Consumer's

Glass, made an arrangement with the bottler companies to reimburse them for much of the cost of on e-trip bottles.

5) Aluminium food packages now have their own electric plugs. After you eat the food, you can just

throw them away.

6) The writer is mildly criticiz ing the trend toward on e-trip livi ng and thinks it

probably has gone too far.


The product that most people throw out after using only once is packaging. This is not always tree. The pottery or metal container used in Roman times and in most rural areas of the world today is a perma nent and valuable household item. Uni ess a container is accidentally broken, it lasts a lifetime, despite the many journeys


中药炮制学试题库(236题) 一、A型题(最佳选择题): A型题指最佳选择题。由一个题干和A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案组成。题干在前,选项在后。每道题的备选项中,只有一个最佳答案,多选、错选或不选均不得分。 1.中医用药的特色之一是()。A A.中药炮制 B.无毒 C.药性缓和 D.药力持久 E.资源丰富 2.我国第一部炮制专著是()。B A.《新修本草》 B.《雷公炮炙论》 C.《神农本草经集注》 D.《本草蒙荃》 E.《炮炙大法》 3.《本草蒙荃》的作者是()。A A.陈家谟 B.李时珍 C.张仲岩 D.雷敩 E.孙思邈 4.《炮炙大法》的作者是()。B A.缪希雍 B.雷敩 C.陶弘景 D.葛洪 E.唐慎微5.饮片片型的规定:异形片一般不得过 ( A )。 A.15% B.10% C.5% D.3% E.1% 6 .在炮制处理时宜选用蒸法破坏酶的活性以 保存药效的是()。D A.五倍子 B.黄精 C.人参 D.天麻 E.附子 7.制备六神曲的原料主要有()。B A.苦杏仁、赤小豆、鲜地丁、鲜青蒿、鲜苍 耳草、白面 B.苦杏仁、赤小豆、鲜青蒿、鲜苍耳草、鲜 辣蓼、白面 C.苦杏仁、白扁豆、鲜青蒿、鲜苍耳草、鲜 辣蓼、白面 D.桃仁、赤小豆、鲜青蒿、鲜苍耳草、鲜辣蓼、白面 E.桃仁、白扁豆、鲜地丁、鲜青蒿、鲜辣蓼、白面 8.下列几组药物中不宜加热处理的是() A.石榴皮、龙胆草 B.龙胆草、柴胡 C.柴胡、槐米 D.大黄、白芍 范文范例学习参考

E.当归、元胡 9.对于含生物碱类药物通常用何种辅料炮制(A)。 A.米醋 B.蜂蜜 C.米泔水 D.姜汁 E.盐水 10.柴胡炮制时通常采用何种辅料炮制 (E )。 A.盐水 B.蜂蜜 C.米泔水 D.姜汁 E.米醋 11.现代研究表明白术中燥性成分是(A )。A.挥发油 B.苍术酮 C.白术内酯-Ⅰ D.白术内酯-Ⅲ E.多糖 12.白芍宜切成( C )。 A.丝 B.厚片 C.薄片 D.段 E.块 13.需去芦的药材有(D )。 A.薄荷 B.麦冬 C.五味子D.桔梗 E.木通 14.除去骨碎补表面绒毛的方法是(C )。A.刷去法 B.刮去法 C.砂烫法 D.挖净法 E.火燎法 15.山楂炒焦后刺激性降低的原因是( B)。A.挥发油含量降低 B.有机酸含量降低 C.总黄酮含量降低 D.多糖含量降低 E.产生焦香气 16.王不留行炒爆的标准以完全爆花者占 ( E)。 A.40%以上为宜 B.50%以上为宜 C.0%以上为宜 D.70%以上为宜 E.80%以上为宜 17.栀子具有凉血止血作用的炮制品是(D )。A.生栀子 B.姜栀子 C.焦栀子 D.栀子炭 E.炒栀子 18.治疗崩漏下血,月经不调应选用( D)。A.当归 B.酒当归 C.炒当归 范文范例学习参考


Unit11复习学案 一、单词 1.挤奶_______ 2.奶牛_______ 3.马_______ 4.喂养_______ (过去式) _______ 5.农民_______ (农场) _______ 6. 相当_______7.任何东西_______8.种植_______ (过去式) _______9.采摘_______10.优秀的_______11.乡村_______12.昨天_______13.花_______14.担心_______ (形容词) _______15.幸运地_______ (形容词) _______ (名词) _______16.太阳_______ (形容词) _______17.博物馆_______18.火灾_______19.油画_______ (动词) _______20.使人兴奋的_______ (动词) _______ (感到兴奋的) _______21.可爱的_______ (动词) _______22.昂贵的_______ (同义词) _______ (反义词) _______23.缓慢的_______ (副词) _______ (反义词) _______24.快的_______25.机器人_______26.导游_______27.礼物_______28.所有事情_______29.感兴趣的_______ (名词) _______ (有趣的) _______30.黑暗的_______31.听见_______ (过去式) _______ 二、重点短语 1.挤牛奶___________ 2.喂鸡___________ 3.骑马___________ 4.与某人交谈___________ 5.带某人参观 ___________6.学到很多…___________7.摘苹果___________8.许多___________9.去钓鱼___________10.在乡村___________11.消防站___________12.一路上看到…___________13.总的说来___________14.对…感兴趣___________15.一点也不___________ 三、重点句子 1.-你的学校郊游怎么样?-它好极了. 2.-你去动物园了吗?-不,我没去.我去了农场. 3.-你看见一些奶牛?-是的,我看见了.我看见了许多. 4.-Carol骑马了吗?-不,她没有.但是她挤牛奶了. 5.-草莓好吗?-是的,它们是好的.不,它们不好. 6.我和我的爷爷一起喂鸡了. 7.那里的天气怎么样? 8.你真幸运. 9.导游教我们如何做机器人模型. 10.我为我父母买了一些可爱的礼物. 11.我对那不感兴趣. 12.我一点儿也不喜欢这次旅行. 四、语法 (一)一般过去时的基本用法 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, last night, in 2003, two days ago等。 【举例】I got up at 6:30 yesterday. 我昨天6:30起床。 My father was very busy last week. 我父亲上周很忙。 (二)动词过去式构成 1.规则变化:(1) 一般在动词后加-ed。如:play—played, look—looked (2) 在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:like—liked, ,hate — hated (3) 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改y为i,再加—ed。如:study— studied. (4) 在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅 音字母,再加-ed。如:plan—planned, stop—stopped 2.不规则变化(课本P142)


中药炮制学试题(一) 一单项选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1 中药炮制的理论依据是() A 现代科学理论 B 中医基础理论 C 中医中药理论 D 辩证论治的理论体系 2 我国第一部炮制专著是() A 五十二病方 B 雷公炮炙论 C 炮炙大法 D 修事指南 3 为使矿物药质脆易碎,便于调剂和制剂,多采用() A 炒法 B 炙法 C 煅法 D 提净法 4 须挖去毛的药物是() A 枇杷叶 B 金樱子 C 骨碎补 D 鹿茸 5 一般炮制品的含水量,宜控制在() A 3%~6% B 15% C 7%~13% D 25%以下 6 炒后产生止血作用的是() A 荆芥 B 地榆 C 槟榔 D 白茅根 7 麸炒时,每100公斤药物用麸() A 5公斤 B 20~25公斤 C 30公斤 D 10~15公斤 8 制何首乌常用的辅料是() A 生姜汁 B 甘草汁 C 黑豆汁 D 炼蜜 9 山茱萸的炮制方法是() A 酒蒸法 B 清蒸法 C 水蒸法 D 醋蒸法 10 清上焦实热,宜选用() A 大黄 B 醋大黄 C 熟大黄 D 酒大黄 二配伍选择题(每题1分,共10分) A 极薄片 B 薄片 C 厚片 D 段 E 丝 1 白芍宜切(薄片) 2 大黄宜切(厚片) 3 麻黄宜切(段) 4 陈皮宜切(丝) 5 黄柏宜切(丝)

A 清热,凉血,止血,生津 B 养阴清热,凉血生津 C 滋阴补血,益精填髓 D 凉血止血 E 补血止血 6 地黄(B) 7 熟地(C ) 8 鲜地黄(A ) 9 生地炭(D ) 10 熟地炭(E )三多项选择题(每题2分,共10分) 1 山楂的炮制规格有() A 山楂 B 炒山楂 C 焦山楂 D 山楂炭 E 麸炒山楂 2 炒焦是将药物炒至:() A 表面焦黄色 B 表面焦褐色 C 内部颜色加深 D 内部焦褐色 E 有焦香气味 3 马钱子的炮制目的是:() A 降低毒性 B 缓和药性 C 质地变脆,宜于粉碎 D矫嗅矫味 E 便于除去绒毛 4 下列哪些炮制过程直接影响临床疗效:() A 净制 B 切制 C 原药材质量 D 辅料炮制 E 加热炮制 5 有效成分为苷类的中药,常采用哪些方法炮制以杀酶保苷:() A 炒黄 B 蒸法 C 煮法 D 煅法 E 燀法 四名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1炮制:指与火有关及一些更广泛的加工处理药物的方法 2复制法:净选后的药物加入一种或数种辅料,按规定操作程序,反复炮制的方法。 3炙法:净或切制后的药物,加入一定量的液体辅料拌炒,使辅料逐渐渗入药物内部的炮制方法。 4饮片:凡是直接供中医临床调配处方或中成药生产用的所有药物,统称为饮片。 5辅料:是指中药炮制过程中除主药以外加入的具有辅助作用的附加物质 五填空题(每空0。5分,共10分) 1 清炒法分为:炒黄炒炭炒焦。


中药炮制学试题 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将正确答案的号码填在题干后的括号内,每小题1分,共22分) 1、醋炙能缓和升散之性,增强疏肝止痛作用的药物是() A、延胡索 B、香附 C、莪术 D、柴胡 2、宜切成段的药物有() A、大戟 B、甘草 C、麻黄 D、黄芪 3、桂枝除杂质常用的方法是() A、挑选 B、水选 C、筛选 D、风选 4、具有通血脉、行药势、散寒、矫臭、矫味作用的辅料是() A、酒 B、醋 C、盐水 D、姜汁 5、马钱子的炮制方法是()? A、沙炒 B、土炒 C、米炒 D、滑石粉炒 6、人参的非药用部位为() A、枝梗 B、残茎 C、皮壳 D、芦头 7、代赭石煅淬多采用() A、醋淬 B、酒淬 C、水淬 D、药汁淬 8、蜜炙黄芪多用于治疗() A、气衰血虚之证 B、表卫不固的自汗 C、痰热咳嗽 D、咽喉肿痛 9、鹿茸净制加工时需() A、刷去毛 B、烫去毛 C、燎去毛 D、挖去毛 10、治疗痰热惊风抽搐宜选用() A、法半夏 B、制南星 C、胆南星 D、清半夏 11、雷公炮炙十七法记载于哪本书的卷首?( ) A、《本草经集注》 B、《新修本草》 C、《炮炙大法》 D、《雷公炮炙论》 12、发酵的相对湿度应控制在( ) A、30-40% B、50-60% C、70-80% D、90%以上 13、心与肉作用不同,须分别入药的是( )

A、麦冬 B、莲子 C、远志 D、巴戟天 14、治疗目赤、咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮的上清丸,宜选用( ) A、生黄柏 B、酒黄柏 C、盐黄柏 D、黄柏炭 15.川乌炮制减毒的原理是( ) A、乌头碱溶于水 B、乌头碱水解 C、总生物碱含量降低 D、乌头碱被破坏 16、具有和中缓急作用的白芍炮制品是( ) A、生品 B、酒炙品 C、醋炙品 D、土炒品 17、炉甘石煅淬的主要目的是( ) A、增强疗效 B、降低毒性 C、改变药性 D、清洁细腻药物 18、一般性质的药物,人工干燥温度以不超过 ...多少为宜?( ) A、37℃ B、50℃ C、80℃ D、90℃ 19、具有补脾益气、清热解毒、祛痰止咳、缓急止痛作用的辅料是( ) A、甘草汁 B、黑豆汁 C、吴茱萸汁 D、姜汁 20、用于治疗食积兼脾虚常选用山楂的哪种炮制品?( ) A、生山楂 B、炒山楂 C、焦山楂 D、山楂炭 21、西瓜霜的制霜原理是( ) A、去油成霜 B、升华制霜 C、煎煮成霜 D、渗析制霜 22、白矾常用的炮制方法是( ) A、明煅 B、煅淬 C、扣锅煅 D、提净 二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中,选出二个至五个正确的答案,并将其号码分别填在题干后的括号内,多选、少选、错选均无分。每小题2分,共24分) 1、一般药材的净度标准为() A、无霉败品 B、无杂质 C、无虫蛀品 D、大小分档 2、白术的炮制方法有() A、炒焦 B、麸炒 C、土炒 D、盐炙 E、酒炙 3、可用醋炙法炮制的药物有() A、延胡索 B、乳香 C、五灵脂 D、香附子 E、穿三甲 4、采用先炒药后加辅料拌炒的药物有() A、车前子 B、香附 C、乳香 D、川芎 E、五灵脂


2019-2020学年人教版英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 重点词 1. Drive 2. lately adv. 3. friendship n; 重点词组 1. make me sleepy 2. drive sb crazy 3. the more…, the more 4. yes and no 5. be friends with sb 6. feel left out 句子:1. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 2. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave quickly. 【自主预习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.They have been spending more time together (late). 2.The bette r you understand, the(much) you get. 3.Why don’t you(buy) a birthday card for your friend? 4.Waiting for her (drive) me mad yesterday. 5.The quiet music makes me (sleep). 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.I (忽略) two words in the sentence. 2.Lily and Lucy (是我的朋友). We often play together. 3.Many people are (等待) the train at the railway station. 4.The movie was (如此悲伤以至于) it made me cry. 5.I realized that we (我们有很多共同点). 【课文重难点详解】 【1】’d rather 是would rather 的缩写形式,“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟 常用来表示选择的意愿。没有人称和数的变化,其中would 常缩写成’d 形式 肯定句:would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth. 【否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 【拓展】would rather do sth than do sth (than 所连接的词语必须与前面的词语在词性和结构上保持一致) 【2】make 构成的短语 make friend … 与……交朋友 make a living make up 组成,编造be made up of 由……组成 make one’s mind 下定决心 【拓展2】make 构成的词组 (1) be made of +材料(看得出原材料) “被用……制成” , The table is made of wood. Be made +材料(看不出原材料) ( ) In the old days, Dai people usually lived in the traditional buildings. This kind of buildings were______bamboo and wood. A. made in B .made of C. made out D. made from The bread is made wheat(小麦). (3) be made +产地“在某地制造……” This watch is made China 【拓展3】make 构成的句型 (1) make sb/sth + 形容词“让某人或某物…” (2) make sb./sth do sth “使某人/物做某事” make me laugh. (3)be made to do sth “被让去做某事” 【3】.Waiting for Amy drove Tina mad. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。( 2b ) 【解析1】动名词做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数 wait for 等待 ______ (say) is easy, ______(do) is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难 (1)drive sb. crazy/mad =make sb. crazy使某人发疯/发狂 (2)drive sb. to do sth 驱使某人做某事 ( ) Hunger drove him ______. A.steal B.stealing C.to steal D.steals 【4】so… that … /so that (1)so+形容词或副词+that ...引导的肯定的结果状语从句“如此……以至于……”(2)so that“以便……;为了……”,引导目的状语从句。 从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词; I study so hard that I have little sleep everyday. . I study hard so that I can have a good future. . 【5】be sure to do sth 一定要做某事 be sure not to do sth 千万不要做某事 be sure +that 从句相信;对......有把握 be sure about /of+n/pron 确信......., 对.......有把握 【6】(1) happen v “发生” 不及物动词,没有被动语态,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性 (1) “sth.+happen+地点/时间”,“某地/某时发生了某事” (2) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。 (3) sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened ________(be) out when we called. 【拓展】take place 发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生 【7】have …in common “有共同点;相似” 【8】Why don’t +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不……? 用来提出建议或劝告。 【9】each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次……”, 类似的词组还有every time, next time, last time, the first time等。 【10】leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略 to be /feel left out (感觉)被遗忘;(感觉)被忽略 Section A (3a-4b) 【教学要求】 1.掌握本节课的重点单词和词组。 【学习目标】 1单词: fame n. ; pale adj. ; examine v. wealth n. 2.重点词组:睡眠很差不想吃东西毫无理由 .既不…也不…应召进宫有很大的权力 替代我的职位 3. .重点句式 1.) He found nothing wrong with his body. 。 2.) It’s all in his mind, neither medicine nor rest can help him. 3.) Although I have a lot of power, it doesn’t make me happy. 4. )I have a lot of wealth, but I’m always worried about losing my money. 【自主预习】 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Both the tiger and the lion want to be the (国王)of this forest. 2. My brother dreams of being a (银行家)when he grows up. 3. The singer got great (名誉) after singing at the concert. 4. There is a saying that knowledge is (力量). 5. The queen wanted to ask the soldier to build a great (宫殿) for herself. 【课文重难点详解】 1.A long time ago, in a rich and peaceful country,there lived an unhappy king 很久很久以前,在一个的国家,一个不快乐的国王。 【解析】there lived 曾经住着 2.feel like / would like Ⅰ.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth.


第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way. 课题 Unit 11 Friendship 学习目标: (一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading skills. (三)情感目标:Make the students know more about friendship and how to make friends. Step1: 导入(2 minutes ) Revision about the words of this unit. Step2: 自学(15 minutes ) ①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and decide T or F. ( ) 1.We may get on well with many people, but we make friends with only a few of them. ( ) 2.People have different kinds of friends. ( ) 3.Close friends are those who can share joys and sorrows with you. ( ) 4.A good friend is someone who will do anything for you. ( ) 5. A good friend is someone you can rely on when you are in need . ( ) 6.A chess partner is not a friend. ② Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. What should we do when our friends are in sorrow. 2. We may get on well with many people. But why do we usually make friends with only a few of them? 3. What kind of person do you think you can rely on? Step3:讨论 (10 minutes ) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(8 minutes ) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评 Step6:检测(3 minutes ) Read the whole passage. Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks (整理笔记) Step8:应用 Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes ) We may ______ ______ _______ ______ a number of people, and we usually make friends______ them. You may have many good friends but only _____ _____ ______ them are your “ close friends ”. A close friend is someone who is able to _______ joys and sorrows _______ you. This is a person you can ______ ______ when you need help, and this is a person to whom you ______ ________ ______ lend a helping hand. Friendship play ______ _______ _______ in our lives. And it is one of life ’s greatest __________. Yet it would be ________ ________ to expect a friend to do everything for you. So we must learn to make friends and cherish(钟爱;珍视) friendship.


中药炮制学考试大题及 答案 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

1简述莲子去心的方法及心和肉分别人药的原因。 去心的方法:莲子在产地趁鲜用竹签插出莲子心,晒或烘干,莲子肉仍保持整粒出售。莲子心能清心热,而莲子肉能补脾涩精,作用不一样,故须分别人药。 2为什么说“逢子必炒”、“逢子必破” 果实种子类药物经炒黄处理后,种皮或果皮爆裂,质地酥脆易碎,易于煎出有效成分,故有“逢子必炒”、“逢子必破”之说。“逢子必破”:意思是把所有的果实种子都捣碎更有利于有效成分的煎出。 3试述液体辅料中醋的炮制作用、分类及其异同。 4试述液体辅料中酒的炮制作用、分类及其异同。 5简述山楂的炮制方法和炮制作用 【炮制方法】 ①山楂:秋季果实成熟时采收,切片,干燥,除去杂质及脱落的核。 ②炒山楂:取净山楂,置预热适度的炒制容器内,用中火加热,炒至色变深,取出晾凉。筛去碎屑。 ③焦山楂:取净山楂,置预热适度的炒制容器内,用中火加热,炒至表面焦褐色,内部黄褐色,取出晾凉。筛去碎屑。 ④山楂炭:取净山楂,置预热适度的炒制容器内,用武火加热,炒至表面焦黑色,内部焦褐色,取出晾凉。筛去碎屑。 【炮制作用】山楂生品长于活血化瘀。 炒山楂酸味减弱,可缓和对胃的刺激性,善于消食化积。 焦山楂不仅酸味减弱,且增加苦味,长于消食止痢。 山楂炭性收涩,具有止血,止泻的功效。 6槐米炒炭后为什么能增强止血作用 (1)鞣质增加而止血。鞣质本身就有收敛止血的作用,槐米炒炭后鞣质含量可以增加,一般在190℃时可使鞣质增加达到高峰,外观褐色,只有炒焦的程度。 (2)槲皮素增加而止血。槐米炒炭后槲皮素增加,槲皮素具有一定止血作用。 (3)异鼠李素降低而止血。槐米的抗止血成分异鼠李素经炒炭后含量几乎减少一半。由此看来槐米炒炭,使止血作用增强具有双重意义:即止血成分增加,抗止血成分降低。 7试述荆芥的炮制方法及炮制作用。 【炮制方法】 ①荆芥:取原药材,去除杂质,抢水洗净,稍润,切段,干燥,筛去灰屑。 ②炒荆芥:取荆芥段,置预热适度的炒制容器内,用文火加热,炒至微黄色,取出,放凉。


中药炮制学试题(七) 一单项选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1首先提出炭药止血理论的历史文献为() A 黄帝内经 B 本草蒙荃 C 雷公炮炙论 D 十药神书 2 国家级法规为() A 中国药典 B 中药饮片质量标准通则(试行) C 全国种药炮制规范 D 北京市中药炮制规范 3 炙药用黄酒的含乙醇量为() A 10~15% B 15~20% C20~30% D 50~70% 4 最早的炭药是() A 地榆炭 B 血余炭 C槐花炭 D 蒲黄炭 5 传统炮制理论认为药物醋制后可引药入() A 胃经B肝经 C 心经 D 肺经 6 饮片包装的大规格重量为() A 1~10kg B 5~10Kg C 10~50kg D 5~8kg 7炒后缓和寒滑之性的是() A 王不留行 B 牵牛子 C 牛蒡子 D决明子 8 土炒的主要目的是() A 增补中益气 B 增健脾补胃 C 增补阴生津 D 增健脾止泻 9 抢水洗又称作() A 淋法 B 淘洗法 C泡法 D 漂法 10 用于治疗血虚便塘时应首选() A 酒炙当归 B 油炙当归 C 土炒当归 D当归炭 二多项选择题(每题2分,共10分) 1 麸炒能降低挥发油含量,缓和药性的药物是() A 苍术 B 僵蚕 C 枳壳 D 山药 E 白术 2 煅淬药物常用的淬液有() A 酒 B 醋 C 盐水D药汁 E 蜜水 3 煮制后可降低毒性的药物有()

A 吴茱萸 B 硫黄 C 藤黄 D 珍珠 E 朱砂 4 胆南星的炮制作用主要有() A 改变药性,辛温变苦凉 B 增强化痰作用 C 除燥烈之性及毒性 D 用于痰热惊风抽搐等症 E 偏于清热而治痈肿 5 下列能为临床制备新药的炮制方法有() A 发芽法 B 发酵法 C 干馏法 D 提净法 E 烘焙法 三判断正误(对的打“√”,错的打“╳”并改正)(每题2分,共10分) 1 大黄酒制后引药下行,能在下焦产生清降热邪的作用() 改:引药上行`上焦 2 风选是根据药物和杂质体积大小不同,借风力将杂质除去() 改:质量不同 3 黄芩宜采用浸润法软化() 改:蒸润法 4 人工干燥的温度一般以不超过50℃为宜。() 改:80℃ 5 黄芪蜜炙后可增强补气作用。(√) 改: 四名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1 切制:净选后的药物进行软化,切成一定规格的片`丝`块`段等炮制工艺。 2 炒炭法:将净或切制后的药物,置炒制容器内,用武火或中火加热,炒至药物表面焦 黑色或焦褐色,内部呈棕褐色或棕黄色。 3 醋炙法:净或切制后药,加入定量米醋拌炒至规定程度的方法。 4 人工干燥:利用一定的干燥设备,对饮片进行干燥的方法。 5 干馏法:药物放于容器内,以火烤灼,产生汁液的方法。 五填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1 清炒法所用火的程度分为文火中火武火文武火。 2 栀子的炮制品种有栀子炒栀子焦栀子栀子炭。 3 盐炙时盐的用量一般为100:2,水溶解盐时,水的量一般为4~5倍。 六简答题:(每题7分,共35分) 1 简述酒`醋`盐的性味,功效以及作为炮制辅料的主要作用?


Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a-3c Section B 1a-1e Name_________ Group________ 【自主学习】 1.What are you always worried about? 2.What makes you happy? 【合作共建】 people What he owned Why was he unhappy the prime minister a lot of _________ worried about ____________ the king’s banker a lot of _________ worried about ____________ the palace singer _________ worried about ____________ The general searched for two days but couldn’t find anyone. It seemed that everyone had their own problems and no one was truly happy. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man on the street. He was eating some food with his hands and singing happily to himself. The general went up to him. General: Hello, I’m the king’s top general. Man: Hi, General. What can I do for you today? General: I heard you singing just now and you sound very happy. Man: That’s because I am happy. General: But I don’t understand. What makes you so happy? You have no power, money or fame. Man: I have everything I want and I d on’t want what I can’t have. So I’m happy, and my song comes from the happiness in my heart. General: Then I need to give your shirt to the king. Is it there in your bag? How much do you want for it? Man: Shirt? What shirt? I don’t own any shirts! 【合作共建】 Do you agree with the poor man’s thoughts about happiness? Discuss your ideas with your group.


2008-2009学年度第二学期期末考试 中药炮制学试题(A卷) 一、填空题(每空分,共10分) 1.中医用药的特点是___________和___________。 2.山楂经炒后对胃的刺激性降低,主要是破坏了部分_________。 3.炮制辅料分为两大类,即_______和_______。 4. 茯苓可用_______拌衣。 5.炒炭应掌握的原则____________。 6. 马钱子常用的炮制方法是________,其主要目的是________。 7.酒炙法中,一般每100kg药物用黄酒_____kg。 二、单项选择题,备选答案中只有一个最佳答案。每题分,共15分。 1. 中药炮制的历史可追溯到() A.汉代B.秦代C.周代D.原始社会 2. 提出雷公炮炙十七法的是() A.雷敩B.陶弘景C.缪希雍D.陈嘉谟 3. 大黄酒炙属于下列何种制法() A.相资为制B.相反为制C.相畏为制D.相恶为制 4. 含甙类的中药,一般不用那种辅料处理() A.酒B.醋C.盐D.姜E.蜜 5. 米炒斑蝥的主要目的是() A.降低药物毒性B.缓和药物性能C.提高成分浸出D.矫臭矫味 6. 白芍切片后曝晒呈() A.红色B.绿色C.黑褐色D.黄棕色 7. 具有通血脉、行药势、散寒、矫味矫臭作用的辅料是() A.醋B.生姜汁C.酒D.甘草汁 8. 教材采用的分类方法是() A.三类分类法B.五类分类法 C.工艺与辅料相结合的分类法D.以药用部位来源属性分类法 9. 清沙王不留行应炒至() A. 外表黄白色,稍具斑点B.外表深黄色,具香气 C.外表焦黄色或焦褐色D.爆裂成小白花 10. 蛤粉炒法适用的药物是() A.胶类药材B.动物类药材C.树脂类药材D.矿物类药材 三、多项选择题,每题的备选答案中有2个或2个以上的正确答案。少选或多选均不得分。每题2分,共20分。 1. 中药炮制的专着有() A.雷公炮炙论B.神农本草经C.炮炙大法D.本草蒙荃E.修事指南 2. 中药炮制研究的主要内容有() A.文献整理及经验总结B.炮制原理及炮制理论研究C.炮制方法研究D.饮片质量标准研究E.提取分离方法研究


Period Six Grammar 单元语法(一)——被动语态 [语法图解] [语法感悟] 单句语法填空 1.The Group of Eight, or G8, was_formed (form) by eight of the world's wealthiest nations in 1998. 2.The G8 is_made (make) up of political leaders from France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia. 3.It is going to be remembered as a historical meeting this year, as the topic of Africa will_be_discussed (discuss) in detail. 4.Reforms have_been_demanded (demand) by people all over the world. 5.We can't use the bridge now, because it is_being_repaired (repair).

一、动词语态的基本概念 语态是动词的一种形式,用来表明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语动词有两种语态,主动语态(Active V oice)和被动语态(Passive V oice)。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。同一件事往往既可以用主动句又可以用被动句来表达,但侧重点有所不同。一般来说,主动语态侧重于行为者即动作的发出者,而被动语态侧重于动作的对象即动作的承受者。 They have caught a snake. 他们抓住了一条蛇。 All the old houses along the street have been pulled down. 沿街所有的旧房子都已经被拆掉了。 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态的基本形式是由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。 时态被动语态的构成 一般现在时is/am/are+动词的过去分词 一般过去时was/were+动词的过去分词 一般将来时will+be+动词的过去分词; is/am/are+going to be+动词的过去分词 过去将来时would be+过去分词 现在进行时is/am/are+being+动词的过去分词过去进行时was/were+being+动词的过去分词现在完成时have/has+been+动词的过去分词过去完成时had+been+动词的过去分词 含情态动词情态动词+be+动词的过去分词我们的教室每天都被打扫。


Unit11第一课时导学案(1a-2d) 学习目标 重点词汇:rather, drive ,lately ,friendship 重点短语:would rather, drive sb crazy/mad, the more…the more.., be friends with sb, leave out ,have fun with sb, have …in common 重要句型:1 I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. 2 Loud music makes John want to dance. 3 The more I got to know Julie, the more I’v realized that we have a lot in common. 语法:make 的用法 重点:make 的用法 一.预习导学: Translate:1.have fun with sb______________(做某事很开心)2. get to know_____________3.有共同点_____________4怎么了,出什么毛病了?_____________5.leave out__________6. 越。。。就越。。。___________7宁愿,宁可_____ 二.重要句型先预习 1. Waiting for Amy _______Tina_______.(等艾米是蒂娜疯狂) 2.Loud music makes John_______ ________ ________.(摇滚音乐使约翰想跳舞) 3.______ ______I got to know Julie, _______ ________I’ve realized that we have a lot in common.(我也是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们有多么相似) 合作解疑 一.“make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,可以作宾语补足语的有不带to的动词不定式、形容词、名词或介词短语。用于被动语态时,动词不定式的to不可省略。 1.His joke makes me ________(laugh) 2.I was made __________(finish) it on time. 3.坏消息使我很难过。 二would rather意为“宁可,宁愿”,后接动词原形,常缩写为’d rather。 would rather的否定形式是would rather not。 would rather+动词原形”,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……不如……”,则用would rather do sth. than do sth.或would do sth. rather than do st 他们宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车(两种译法) 三.drive动词,意为“迫使”,其后可跟形容词、副词或动词不定式作宾语补足语。drive sb. adj.=make sb. adj.意为“使某人……”,drive sb. crazy/mad 译等车是我很无聊____________________________ 四“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”句型,表示“越……, 就越……”,它是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 你越努力,成绩越好.________ __________you work hard,_______ _______grades you will get. 五.have …in common“有……共同点我和姐姐有一个共同点。My sister and I ______ one thing _______ _______. Summary小结 1)make sb./sth + adj. 2)make sb. do sth. 3).make构成词组:be made of/be made from/be made in/be made by 4)would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事(5)would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事也不愿 1. ________(wait) for him made me annoyed. 2. ________(read) aloud in the morning is good when learning English. 3. He was made ________(leave) the company. 4. The good news ________(make) her sad yesterday. 5. This story made me ________(cry). 6. She said that the loud music made her ________(紧张). 7. Waiting for her made me ________(生气). 句型转换 1. He made me repair it.(改为被动语态) I ________ ________ ________ repair it. 2. I prefer to eat bananas rather than eat apples.(改为同义句) 1 / 5

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