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Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on cr eation. Your essayshould include the importance of creation and measures to be take n to encouragecreation. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more tha n 200 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) (说明:由于2016年12月六级考试全国共考了2套听力,本套真题听力与前2套内容完全一样,只是顺序不一样,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现)Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A

Directions : In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required t o select one word foreach blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each ch oice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bankmore than once.

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Small communities, with their distinctive character--where life is stable and inte nsely human—

aredisappearing. Some have 26 from the face of the earth, others are dying slowly, but all have 27 changes as they have come into contact with an 28 machine civilizati on. The merging ofdiverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and themajority alike.

The Old Order Amish, who arrived on American shores in colonial times, have 2 9 in themodem world in distinctive, small communities. They have resisted the hom ogenization 30 moresuccessfully than others. In planting and harvest time one can se e their bearded men working the fieldswith horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry. Many American people haveseen Amish families, with th e men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses,

in railway or bus 31 Although the Amish have lived with 32 America for over two and a halfcenturies, they have moderated its influence on their personal lives, th eir families, communities, andtheir values.

The Amish are often 33 by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple,inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. They are seen as abandoning both modem 34 and the American dream of success and progress. But m ost people have no quarrel with theAmish for doing things the old-fashioned way. Th eir conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime,for after all, they are good farm ers who 35 the virtues of work and thrift. A. accessingB. conveniencesC. destinedD. expandingE. industrialized F. perceivedG. practiceH. processI. progressJ. respective K. survivedL. terminalsM. undergoneN. universalO. vanished

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements a ttached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Ide ntify the paragraphfrom which the information is derived. You may choose a paragra ph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by

marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Countries Rush for Upper Hand in Antarctica

[A] On a glacier-filled island with fjords (峡

湾) and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica's firstOrthodox church on a hill ove rlooking its research base. Less than an hour away by snowmobile,Chineselabourers have updated the Great Wall Station, a vital part of China's plan to operate fivebases on Antarctica, complete with an indoor badminton court and sleeping quarters for 15 0people. Not to be outdone, India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stilts (桩子) using 134interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship. Turkey and Iran have announced plans tobuild bases, too.

[B] More than a century has passed since explorers raced to plant their flags at t he bottom of theworld, and for decades to come this continent is supposed to be pro tected as a scientific preserve,shielded from intrusions like military activities and mini ng. But an array of countries are rushing toassert greater influence here, with an eye not just towards the day those protective treaties expire,but also for the strategic an d commercial opportunities that already exist.

[C] The newer players are stepping into what they view as a treasure house of re sources. Some of theventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs, like abundant sea life.South Korea, which operates state-of-the-art bases here , is increasing its fishing of krill (磷

虾),found in abundance in the Southern Ocean, while Russia recently frustrated effor ts to create oneof the world's largest ocean sanctuaries here.

[D] Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting icebergs from Ant arctica, which isestimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet. Nations are also pressingahead with space research and satellite projects to expand t heir global navigation abilities.

[E] Building on a Soviet-era foothold, Russia is expanding its monitoring stations for Glonass, itsversion of the Global Positioning System (GPS). At least three Russian s tations are alreadyoperating in Antarctica, part of its effort to challenge the dominan ce of the American GPS, andnew stations are planned for sites like the Russian base, i n the shadow of the Orthodox Church ofthe Holy Trinity.

[F] Elsewhere in Antarctica, Russian researchers boast of their recent discovery of a freshwaterreserve the size of Lake Ontario after drilling through miles of solid ice . "You can see that we'rehere to stay," said Vladimir Cheberdak,57, chief of the Bellin gshausen Station, as he sipped teaunder a portrait of Fabian Gottlieb yon Bellingshau sen, a high-ranking officer in the ImperialRussian Navy who explored the Antarctic co ast in 1820.

[G] Antarctica's mineral, oil and gas wealth are a longer-team prize. The treaty b anning mining here,shielding coveted ( 令人垂涎

的 ) reserves of iron ore, coal and chromium, comes up for review in2048. Researche rs recently found kimberlite (金伯利

岩 ) deposits hinting at the existence ofdiamonds. And while assessments vary widely , geologists estimate that Antarctica holds at least36 billion barrels of oil and natural gas.

[H] Beyond the Antarctic treaties, huge obstacles persist to tapping these resour ces, like driftingicebergs that could jeopardise offshore platforms. Then there is Antar ctica's remoteness, withsome mineral deposits found in windswept locations on a co ntinent that is larger than Europe andwhere winter temperatures hover around minu s 55 degrees Celsius.

[I] But advances in technology might make Antarctica a lot more accessible thre e decades from now. And even before then, scholars warn, the demand for resources in an energy-hungry world couldraise pressure to renegotiate Antarctica's treaties, p ossibly allowing more commercialendeavourshere well before the prohibitions agains t them expire. The research stations on King George Islandoffer a glimpse into the lon g game on this ice-blanketed continent as nations assert themselves,eroding the swa y long held by countries like the United States, Britain, Australia and NewZealand.

[J]Being stationed in Antarctica involves adapting to life on the planet's driest, w indiest and coldestcontinent, yet each nation manages to make itself at home. Beard ed Russian priests offer regularservices at the Orthodox church for the 16 or so Russi an speakers who spend the winter at thebase, largely polar scientists in fields like gla ciology and meteorology. Their number climbs toabout 40 in the warmer summer mo nths. China has arguably the fastest-growing operations inAntarctica. It opened its fo urth station last year and is pressing ahead with plans to build a fifth. Itis building its second ice-breaking ship and setting up research drilling operations on an ice dome1 3,422 feet above sea level that is one of the planet's coldest places. Chinese officials say the expansion in Antarctica prioritises scientific research, but they also acknowle dge that concerns about "resource security" influence their moves.

[K] China's newly renovated Great Wall Station on King George Island makes the Russian and Chilean bases here seem outdated. "We do weather monitoring here an d other research," Ning Xu,53, the chief of the Chinese base, said over tea during a fi erce blizzard (baofengxuE. in late November.The large base he leads resembles a sno wed-in college campus on holiday break, with the capacity to sleep more than 10 tim es the 13 people who were staying on through the Antarctic winter.Yong Yu, a Chines e microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustr ated timeline detailing the rapid growth of China's Antarctic operations since the 198 0s. "We now feel equipped to grow," he said.

[L] As some countries expand operations in Antarctica, the United States maintai ns three year-round stations on the continent with more than 1,000 people during th e southern hemisphere's summer, including those at the Amundsen-Scott station, bui lt in 1956 at an elevation of 9,301 feet on a plateau at the South Pole. But US researc hers quietly complain about budget restraints and having far fewer icebreakers than Russia, limiting the reach of the United States in Antarctica. [M] Scholars warn that A ntarctica's political drift could blur the distinction between military and civilian activit ies long before the continent's treaties come up for renegotiation, especially in parts of Antarctica that are ideal for intercepting (拦

截) signals from satellites or retasking satellite systems, potentially enhancing global electronic intelligence operations.

[N] Some countries have had a hard time here. Brazil opened a research station i

n 1984, but it was largely destroyed by a fire that killed two members of the navy in 2 012, the same year that a diesel-laden Brazilian barge sank near the base. As if that w ere not enough, a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stra nded near the runway of Chile's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014.

[O] However, Brazil's stretch of misfortune has created opportunities for China, with a Chinese company winning the $100 million contract in 2015 to rebuild the Bra zilian station.

[P] Amid all the changes, Antarctica maintains its allure. South Korea opened its second Antarctic research base in 2014, describing it as a way to test robots develope d by Korean researchers for use in extreme conditions. With Russia's help, Belarus is preparing to build its first Antarctic base. Colombia said this year that it planned to jo in other South American nations with bases in Antarctica.

[Q] "The old days of the Antarctic being dominated by the interests and wishes of white men from European, Australasian and North American states are over," said Klaus Dodds, a politics scholar at the University of London who specialises in Antarcti ca. "The reality is that Antarctica is geopolitically contested."

36. According to Chinese officials, their activities in Antarctica lay greater empha sis on scientific research.

37. Efforts to create one of the world's largest ocean sanctuaries failed because of Russia's obstruction.

38. With several monitoring stations operating in Antarctica, Russia is trying har

d to counter America's dominanc

e in the field o

f worldwide navigational facilities.

39. According to geologists' estimates, Antarctica has enormous reserves of oil a nd natural gas. 40. It is estimated that Antarctica boasts of the richest reserves of fres

h water on earth.

41. The demand for energy resources may compel renegotiation of Antarctica's t reaties before their expiration.

42. Many countries are racing against each other to increase their business and strategic influence on Antarctica.

43. Antarctica's harsh natural conditions constitute huge obstacles to the exploit ation of its resources.

44. With competition from many countries, Antarctica is no longer dominated b y the traditional white nations.

45. American scientists complain about lack of sufficient money and equipment for their expansion in Antarctica.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som e questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding lette r on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Any veteran nicotine addict will testify that fancy packaging plays no role in the decision to keepsmoking. So, it is argued, stripping cartons of their branding will trigg er no mass movement to quit.

But that isn't why the government--under pressure from cancer charities, health workers and theLabour party--has agreed to legislate for standardised packaging. Th e theory is that smoking should bestripped of any appeal to discourage new generati ons from starting in the first place. Plain packaging wouldbe another step in the recla ssification of cigarettes from inviting consumer products to narcotics (麻醉剂).

Naturally, the tobacco industry is violently opposed. No business likes to admit t hat it sellsaddictive poison as a lifestyle choice. That is why government has historical ly intervened, banningadvertising, imposing health warnings and punitive ( 惩罚性的) duties. This approach has led overtime to a fall in smoking with numbers having r oughly halved since the 1970s. Evidence from Australiasuggests plain packaging push es society further along that road. Since tobacco is one of the biggestcauses of prema ture death in the UK, a measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth tryin g.

So why has it taken so long? The Department of Health declared its intention to consider the movein November 2010 and consulted through 2012. But the plan was s uspended in July 2013. It did notescape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton C rosby, David Cameron's election campaigndirector, had previously acted for Philip Mo rris International. (The prime minister denied there was aconnection between his ne w adviser's outside interests and the change in legislative programme.) InNovember 2013, after an unnecessary round of additional consultation, health minister Jane Elli son saidthe government was minded to proceed after all. Now we are told Members of Parliament (MPs) willhave a free vote before parliament is dissolved in March.

Parliament has in fact already authorised the government to tame the tobacco t rade. MPs votedoverwhelmingly in favour of Labour amendments to the children and families bill last February thatincluded the power to regulate for plain packaging. Wit h sufficient will in Downing Street this wouldhave been done already. But strength of will is the missing ingredient where Mr. Cameron and publichealth are concerned. His attitude to state intervention has looked confused ever since his bizarre 2006lament (叹

惜) that chocolate oranges placed seductively at supermarket checkouts fueled obesi ty.

The government has moved reluctantly into a sensible public health policy, but with such obviousover-cautiousness that any political credit due belongs to the oppo sition. Without sustained externalpressure it seems certain Mr. Cameron would still b

e hooked on the interests o

f bi

g tobacco companies.

46. What do chain smokers think of cigarette packaging?

A. Fancy packaging can help to engage new smokers.

B. It has little to do with th e quality or taste of cigarettes.

C. Plain packaging discourages non-smokers from taking up smoking.

D. It has little impact on their decision whether or not to quit smoking.

47. What has the UK government agreed to do concerning tobacco packaging?

A. Pass a law to standardise cigarette packaging.

B. Rid cigarette cartons of all ad vertisements.

C.Subsidise companies to adopt plain packaging.

D. Reclassify cigarette s according to packaging.

48. What has happened in Australia where plain packaging is implemented?

A. Premature death rates resulting from smoking have declined.

B. The number of smokers has dropped more sharply than in the UK.

C. The sale s of tobacco substitutes have increased considerably.

D. Cigarette sales have been falling far more quickly than in the UK.

49. Why has it taken so long for the UK government to consider plain packaging ?

A. Prime Minister Cameron has been reluctant to take action.

B. There is strong opposition from veteran nicotine addicts.

C. Many Members of Parliament are addict ed to smoking.

D. Pressure from tobacco manufacturers remains strong.

50. What did Cameron say about chocolate oranges at supermarket checkouts?

A. They fueled a lot of controversy.

B. They attracted a lot of smokers.

C. They made more British people obese.

D. They had certain ingredients missin g. Passage Two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

What a waste of money! In return for an average of ~44,000 of debt, students g et an average ofonly 14 hours of lecture and tutorial time a week in Britain. Annual fe es have risen from £1,000 to

£9,000 in the last decade, but contact time at university has barely risen at all. And graduating doesn'teven provide any guarantee of a decent job : six in ten graduates t oday are in non-graduate jobs.

No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities as little m ore than elaboratecon-tricks (骗

术). There's a lot for students to complain about: the repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years, meaning that lower-paid graduates have to st art repaying theirloans; and maintenance grants have been replaced by loans, meani ng that students from poorerbackgrounds face higher debt than those with wealthier parents.

Yet it still pays to go to university. If going to university doesn't work out, studen ts pay verylittle--if any--of their tuition fees back: you only start repaying when you ar e earning £21,000 a year.

Almost half of graduates--those who go on to earn less--will have a portion of th eir debt written off.

It's not just the lectures and tutorials that are important. Education is the sum of what students teacheach other in between lectures and seminars. Students do not merely benefit while at university;studies show- they go on to be healthier and happi er than non-graduates, and also far more likely tovote.

Whatever your talents, it is extraordinarily difficult to get a leading job in most fi elds withouthaving been to university. Recruiters circle elite universities like vultures (兀鹰). Many top

firms willnot even look at applications from those who lack a 2.1, i. e., an upper-second class degree, from anelite university. Students at university also meet those li kely to be in leading jobs in the future, formingcontacts for life. This might not be righ t, but school-leavers who fail to acknowledge as much riskmaking the wrong decision about going to university.

Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at atop university remains a brilliant investment even if you don't lear n anything. Studying at universitywill only become less attractive if employers shift th eir focus away from where someone went touniversity--and there is no sign of that h appening anytime soon. School leavers may moan, but theyhave little choice but to e mbrace university and the student debt that comes with it.

51. What is the author's opinion of going to university?

A. It is worthwhile after all.

B. It is simply a waste of time.

C. It is hard to say whether it is good or bad.

D. It is too expensive for most youn

g people.

52. What does the author say about the employment situation of British univer sity graduates?

A. Few of them are satisfied with the jobs they are offered.

B. It usually takes a l ong time for them to find a decent job.

C. Graduates from elite universities usually ca n get decent jobs.

D. Most of them take jobs which don't require a college degree.

53. What does the author say is important for university students besides classr oom instruction? A. Making sure to obtain an upper-second class degree.B. Practical skills they will need in their future careers. C. Interactions among themselves outside the classroom. D. Developing independent and creative thinking abilities.

54. What is said to be an advantage of going to university?

A. Learning how to take risks in an ever-changing world.

B. Meeting people wh o will be helpful to you in the future.

C. Having opportunities of playing a leading role in society.

D. Gaining up-to-date knowledge in science and technology.

55. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. It is natural for students to make complaints about university education.

B. Fe w students are willing to bear the burden of debt incurred at university.

C. University education is becoming attractive to students who can afford it.

D. The prestige of the university influences employers' recruitment decisions.

Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese intoEnglish. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



2016年12月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解 (第3套) Part I Writing


Throughout the ages, we have concluded a numberof factors that contribute to succe ss, among which iscreation.Just as the saying goes, "There is no doubtthat creation is the most important human resource of all. "Not only is creation the force driving eco nomy andsociety to advance, but it is also essential to thedevelopment of individual s.Those who often come upwith new ideas are more likely to achieve success, while a man who always sticks to habit and experience can hardlycreate new things. In terms of giving measures to encourage creation,I will list the following ones. On the one ha nd, thepublic are expected to realize the significance of creation,so the social media s hould play its due role in advocatingthe value of innovation and encouraging the publ ic tocultivate the awareness of creation. On the other hand,those who are equipped with creative thinking deservesome kind of praise, both materially and spiritually. Creation has been a hot word for a long time andwe cannot emphasize the importan ce of creation toomuch.Therefore, we should spare no effort to learnknowledge as m uch as possible to prepare ourselves forbeing creative people.

Part Ⅲ Reading, Comprehension


26.O.vanished。 27.M.undergone。 28.D.expanding。 29.K.survived。30.H.process。 31.L.terminals。 32.E.industmalized 33.F.perceived。 34.B.c onveniences。 35.G.practice。

36.[J]。 37.[C]。 38.(E]。 39.[G]。 40.[D]。 41.[I]。 42.[B]。 43.[H]。 44.[Q]。 45.[L]。

Passage One 46.D。 47.A。 48.B。 49.A。 50.C。 Passage Two 51.A。 52.D。53.C。 54.B。 55.D。

Part IV Translation

Agriculture is aftmdamental industry in China, which involves 300 million farmer s. China ranks first inagricultural production worldwide, with rice, wheat and beans b eing the main crops. Although accounting foronly 10% of arable land worldwide, Chin a feeds 20% of the world's population. The cultivation of rice in Chinacan date back t o 7,700 years ago. Prior to the use of agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizer,ha rdworking and creative Chinese farmers had begun to adopt various ways to increase crop yields. The latestdevelopment of agriculture in China lies in the promotion of or ganic farming, which can accomplish multiplegoals at the same time, such as food saf ety, public health and sustainable development.


2015年6月英语六级真题及答案(第三套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. ’’You can cite examples to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least l50 words but no more than 200 words. 注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or, more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet, with a single line through the centre. 注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1.A. The man might be able to play in the World Cup. B. The man’s football career seems to be at an end. C. The man was operated on a few weeks. D. The man is a fan of world famous football players. 2.A. Work out a plan to tighten his budget. B. Find out the opening hours of the cafeteria. C. Apply for a senior position in the restaurant. D. Solve his problem by doing a part time job. 3.A.A financial burden. B. A good companion. C. A real nuisance. D.A well trained pet. 4.A. The errors will be corrected soon. B. The woman was mistaken herself. C. The computing system is too complex. D. He has called the woman several times. 5.A. He needs help to retrieve his files. B. He has to type his paper once more. C. He needs some time to polish his paper. D. He will be away for a two-week conference. 6.A. They might have to change their plan. B. He has got everything set for their trip. C. He has a heavier workload than the woman. D. They could stay in the mountains until June 8. 7.A. They have to wait a month to apply for a student loan. B. They can find the application forms in the brochure. C. They are not eligible for a student loan. D. They are not late for a loan application.


2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题三 Writing (30 minutes) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether technology is indispensable in education. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A 1 A) In a parking lot. B) At a grocery. C) At a fast food restaurant. D) In a car showroom. 2. A) Change her position now and then. B) Stretch her legs before standing up. C) Have a little nap after lunch. D) Get up and take a short walk. 3. A) The students should practice long-distance running. B) The students’ physical condition is not desirable. C) He doesn’t quite believe what the woman says. D) He thinks the race is too hard for the students. 4. A) They will get their degrees in two years. B They are both pursuing graduate studies. C) They cannot afford to get married right now. D) They do not want to have a baby at present. 5. A) He must have been mistaken for Jack. B) Twins usually have a lot in common. C) Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is. D) He has not seen Jack for quite a few days. 6. A) The woman will attend the opening of the museum. B) The woman is asking the way at the crossroads. C) The man knows where the museum is located. D) The man will take the woman to the museum. 7. A) They cannot ask the guy to leave. B) The guy has been coming in for years. C) The guy must be feeling extremely lonely. D) They should not look down upon the guy.


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend College at Home or Abroad? Currently, with studying abroad gains mounting popularity among people, there is a heated debate about whether to attend college at home or abroad. Opinions on this topic vary from person to person. Some see more benefits in studying at home while others claim that studying abroad is a more ideal choice as it’s more challenging. Personally, I am a strong favorer of the latter view. Listed below are the reasons for my advice. First of all, attending college abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one’s experience and mind. You can acquire cross-cultural experiences and gain new perspectives on your chosen field of study. In addition, studying abroad helps you to polish your social skills; you can make friends with different people with different background. Thirdly, overseas studying is conducive to the formation of an independent, autonomous and tenacious personality, which will ultimately benefit the achievement of our life goals. Just as an old saying goes: “It is better to travel thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” Then studying abroad can not only enable us to reap in our books, but also in our trips. And this is why attending college abroad is a preferable selection for me. Part II Listening Comprehension 说明:2017年6月大学英语六级真题全国共考了两套听力。本套(即第三套)的听力材料与第一套完全一样,只是选项的顺序不同而已,故本套不再重复给出。 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套) Part I Writing(30minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots.Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. You are required to write at least150words but no more than200words. Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer.from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre. Questions1to4are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A)It is advertising electronic products.B)It is planning to tour East Asia. C)It is sponsoring a TV programme.D)It is giving performances in town. 2.A)20,000pounds.B)12,000pounds. C)Less than20,000pounds.D)Less than12,000pounds. 3.A)A lot of good publicity.B)Talented artists to work for it. C)Long-term investments.D)A decrease in production costs. 4.A)Promise long-term cooperation with the Company. B)Explain frankly their own current financial situation. C)Pay for the printing of the performance programme. D)Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance. Questions5to8are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.A)He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B)He has found a new way to train his voice. C)He was caught abusing drugs.D)He might give up concert tours. 6.A)Singers may become addicted to it.B)It helps singers warm themselves up. C)Singers use it to stay away from colds.D)It can do harm to singers'vocal chords. 7.A)They are eager to become famous.B)Many lack professional training. C)Few will become successful.D)They live a glamorous life. 8.A)Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B)Side effects of some common drugs. C)Voice problems among pop singers.D)Hardships experienced by many young singers. Section B Directions:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet


【作文】 题目: Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows: Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision. Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be . To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education. 译文: 随着教育产业的蓬勃发展,现在的学生们与过去相比,面对更多高等教育的不同选择。进入职业学院或进入综合大学学习是高中毕业生两个主要的出路。如何进行选择,应该考虑哪些因素?我所给出的建议如下:

2014年6月六级第三套 翻译真题及答案

2014.06.3 rd 中国科学院 最近中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Science )出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的年度系列报告。系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告,高技术发展报告,中国可持续战略报告。第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破。该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。 本篇翻译主要内容为科技发展,可见汉译英的选材范围包括中国文化、社会、经济、政治、科技等等各个方面,在备考时要注重全面。翻译本文要求对科技方面的基础词汇有一定的掌握,所以日常词汇的积累要注意涉及各方面的话题。此类翻译在句子结构上不需要追求华丽,保证意思完整、译文通顺即可。 Chinese Academy of Science recently published an annual report about its latest scientific findings and the prospect of the next year. The report consists of three parts: science development, more advanced technology development and the sustainable strategy of China. The first one includes the latest findings of Chinese scientists, such as the research of new particle and the breakthrough in the study of H7N9 virus. Furthermore, it highlights some problems we need to focus in next few years. The second one announces some heated fields in applied science. For example, the 3-dimension print and the study of human organs. The third one suggests people enhance the top design in order to get rid of the structural obstacles in industrial upgrading and to promote the energy-saving and emission-reduction.


2018年6月英语六级真题及答案(第三套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Importance of Building Trust Between Businesses and Consumers Today, in the context of this era featured by increasing commercialization an d digitalization, mutually-trusted relations between businesses and consumers appear to be particularly important. As for me businesses should take a leading role in establishing the trust relationship: to be honest with their consumers. Firstly, if a business has a dishonest attitude toward its customers, the customers will lack purchasing confidence in its goods or services, which will bring huge economic loss to the business. What's worse, the adverse side effect of such dishonesty can endanger the business and it is impossible to recover. The collapse of Sanlu Milk Powder Company is a testament to this. Moreover, the incident of poisonous milk has exerted devastating consequences on the whole milk powder market. Be sides, because of the proliferation of counterfeit goods, more consumers lose confidence in domestic products, and then they have no alternative but to resort to foreign brands, which is one reason why cross-border online shopping is gaining more and more popularity in China. Therefore, it is high time for us to strengthen the importance of maintaining trust between businesses and consumers to promote the healthy development t of the whole social economy.


2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套) 听力同第二套 Part III Section A Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. Travel websites have been around since the 1990s, when Expedia, Travelocity, and other holiday booking sites were launched, allowing travelers to compare flight and hotel prices with the click of a mouse. With information no longer 36____ by travel agents or hidden in business networks, the travel industry was revolutionized, as greater transparency helped 37____ prices. Today, the industry is going through a new revolution—this time transforming service quality. Online rating platforms—38____ in hotels, restaurants, apartments, and taxis—allow travelers to exchange reviews and experiences for all to see. Hospitality businesses are now ranked, analyzed, and compared not by industry 39____, but by the very people for whom the service is intended—the customer. This has 40____ a new relationship between buyer and seller. Customers have always voted with their feet; they can now explain their decision to anyone who is interested. As a result, businesses are much more 41____, often in very specific ways, which creates powerful 42____ to improve service. Although some readers might not care for gossipy reports of unfriendly bellboys(行李员)in Berlin or malfunctioning hotel hairdryers in Houston, the true power of online reviews lies not just in the individual stories, but in the websites' 43____ to aggregate a large volume of ratings. The impact cannot be 44____. Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth, as new customers are attracted by good reviews and 45____ provide yet more positive feedback. So great is the influence of online ratings that many companies now hire digital reputation managers Section B Plastic Surgery A better credit card is the solution to ever larger hack attacks [A] A thin magnetic stripe (magstripe) is all that stands between your credit-card information and the bad guys. And they've been working hard to break in. That's why 2014 is shaping up as a major showdown: banks, law enforcement and technology companies are all trying to stop a network of hackers who are succeeding in stealing account numbers, names, email addresses and other crucial data used in identity theft. More than 100 million accounts at Target, Neiman Marcus and Michaels stores were affected in some way during the most recent attacks, starting last November. [B] Swipe(刷卡)is the operative word: cards are increasingly vulnerable to attacks when you make purchases in a store. In several recent incidents, hackers have been able to obtain massive information of credit-, debit-(借记)or prepaid-card numbers using malware, i.e. malicious


College English Test (Band 6) Part II Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Now lets begin with the 8 short conversations. 1. M: Oh, Im so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library. W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway, I won’t need it until Friday night. As long as I can get it by then, OK? Q: What do we learn from this conversation? 2. W: Doctor, I havent been able to get enough sleep lately, and Im too tired to concentrate in class. M: Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you.


Millions of Americans are entering their 60s and are more concerned than ever about retirement. They know they need to save, but how much? And what exactly are they saving for —to spend more time ___36___ the grandkids, go traveling, or start another career? It turns out that husbands and wives may have ___37___ different ideas about the subject. The deepest divide is in the way spouses envisage their lifestyle in their later years. Fidelity Investments Inc. found 41 percent of the 500 couples it surveyed ___38___ on whether both or at least one spouse will work in retirement. Wives are generally right regarding their husbands ' retirement age, but men ___39___ the age their wives will be when they stop working. And husbands are slightly more ___40___ about their standard of living than wives are. Busy juggling ( 穷于应对) careers and families, most couples don 't take the time to sit down, ___41___ or together, and think about what they would like to do 5, 10 or 20 years from now. They ___42___ they are on the same page, but the ___43___ is they have avoided even talking about it. If you are self- employed or in a job that doesn ' t have standard retirement age, you may be more apt to delay thinking about these issues. It is often a ___44___ retirement date that provides the catalyst (催化剂) to start planning. Getting laid off or accepting an early-retirement ___45___ can force your hand. But don ' t wait until you get a severanc遣散费)check to begin planning. A) assume I) optimistic B) confidential J) package C) disagree K) radically D) formula L) reality E) forthcoming M) separately F) illustrating N ) spoiling G) mysteriously O) underestimate H) observe

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