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Writing exercise 1

Writing exercise 1
Writing exercise 1

Writing exercise 1

1. 最让我沮丧的是我没有通过考试。

2. 最让我兴奋的是中国队赢了

3. 我和我的家庭经历了第二次世界大战。

4. 我们遭受了巨大的恐慌(panic)和痛苦。

5. 每分钟我们都在担心自己的安危(safety)。

6. 最让我烦恼的是我没有朋友。

7. 我厌倦了总是和自己交谈,所以我和我的日记成为了朋友。

8. 我把自己的感受和生活中一系列的真实事情写进了日记里

9. 对于每个人来说学习这个科目很必要。

10. 对我们来说学习数学很重要也很必要。

11. 语言在与其他文化的接触和交流的时候变化和发展了。

12. 我们通过阅读,丰富了自己的头脑。

13. 要求每人每天阅读一篇文章。

14. 学生们利用录音机练习听力。

15. 为了能够很好地掌握英语,建议每个学习者要多练习阅读。

16. 英语不同于其他学科。

17. 它使我们在与其他文化接触和交流的时候,丰富自己的头脑。

18. 阅读在英语学习中起着很重要的作用。

19. 除此之外,练习是英语进步的基础。

20. 是我组织了这次旅行

21. 他坚持要求和我一起作伴去。

22. 他很喜欢表演,从他还小的时候,就下定决心成为一名演员。

22. 因这次旅行很远, 所以他带了一个朋友和他做伴。

23. 我看到雪花在风中飞舞,高兴极了。

24. 我喜欢爬山,从小时侯起,我就梦想当一名登山运动员(climber).毕业前我们去了香山。是我组织的这次活动。我坚持要求每个人都登上山顶。一大早我们在学校门口集合,乘公交车出发了。9点我们到了山脚下,开始爬。山很高,我们很快就累了,但我们还是决心爬到山顶。一路上,美景与我们作伴。最终我们到达了山顶。躺在一棵大树下,我们看到树叶在风中飘舞,兴奋极了。多棒的一次旅行呀!

25. 与会人数达到了2,000。

26. 开始人们并没有注意这些奇怪的现象。

27. 人们对突如其来的袭击(attack)感到震惊。

28. 在海啸(tsunami)中,死伤的人数达到1万多人。

29. 顷刻间大楼化为废墟,许多人被困在其中。

30. 她受到许多人的喜爱是因为她拥有圆润的嗓音。

31. 许多人尊重他是因为他关注穷人的平等权利。

32. 许多人批评他是因为他从不关注其他人的权利。

33. 曾经一度,好像他求助无门。

34. 从小时候起,他就一直热爱登山。

35. 她被选为最有前途的画家,这是她努力的回报。

36. 他把全身心都投入到了表演中。

37. Brad Pitt受到许多影迷的热爱是因为他更加关注电影中的角色。从他还是孩子时候起,他一直热爱表演,并且在学校对任何一个演出中起着积极的作用。但是当他第一次到洛杉矶(LA)时,生活对他来说很困难。一些媒体批评他的表演。曾经有一度,好像他求助无门。但是他从来没有丧失信心。他把全身心投入到表演中。是他的艰苦工作帮助他获得了成功。他被选为最有吸引力的人,而这是他努力所获得的回报。现在,他更加关心世界上穷人的平等权利。

38. 我们高度评价那些喜爱中国文化的人

39. 到目前为止,我们已经学习了7个单元。

40. 她被认为是当年最有前途的新星。

41. 三峡大坝(Three Gorges Dam)是个奇迹,中国人民花费了半个多世纪才完成。

43. 对于那些喜欢中国传统文化的人来说,京剧是个不错的选择。

44. 每年大量的农民涌入城市找工作。

45. 紫禁城被认为是世界上最大的宫殿之一。上百万工匠被精心挑选出来,花了14年的时间建成了紫禁城。全世界很多的艺术家和建筑家(architects)给予紫禁城高度评价,毫无疑问它是世界奇观之一。对于那些对中国传统文化感兴趣的人来说,紫禁城是值得参观游览的。到目前为止,成千上万的游客涌进紫禁城来寻找中国文化。紫禁城不仅属于中国(人民),同时也属于世界(人民)。

46. 今年对于我来说之所以特殊是因为我被九十四中录取了。

47. 主办奥运会对中国来说既是责任同时也是巨大的光荣。

48. 那些达到他们项目标准的人被接受参加比赛。

49. 自从20世纪90年代起,Susan Boyle就梦想着参加歌唱比赛。现在她实现了梦想。

50. 这个吉祥物不仅代表了传统的文化,而且表达了对奥运会的美好祝福。

51. 刘翔为了祖国的荣誉与其他运动员竞赛。

52. 最终证明它是最成功的一届运动会。

53. 2008对于中国人来说之所以是特殊的一年是因为我们主办了第29届奥运会。事实上,自从上个世纪90年代,我们一直梦想举办奥运会。现在我们实现了这个梦想。



54. 在自然保护区,动物和人类和谐地生活在一起。

55. 人们开始明白了英语的重要性。

56. 直到目前为止,人们成功地保护了大熊猫免遭杀戮。

57. 我们应该感谢那些献身环保的人和他们所作的事。

58. 众所周知,野生动物的数量在减少。过去人们常常残忍地捕杀动物,结果一些物种灭绝了。这样做当然影响了自然环境。


59. 他从没梦想成名,而是重视音乐的经历和投入。

60. 他们从不依靠别人,而是靠自己写歌。

61. 龚丽娜用自己有天赋的嗓音来表达音乐的含义

62. 他很重视对工作的投入和努力。

63. 你熟悉五月天(Mayday)吗? 它是一支由五个有天赋的音乐人在1997年组成的乐队。它很受年轻人的喜欢。与其他年轻人不同,他们的确梦想像Beatles一样成功,他们十分看重(对音乐的)投入和努力。这支乐队不是依靠别人而是自己来创作歌曲,因为乐队的所有成员都是非常出色的创作者。他们用自己歌喉来表演自己的音乐。说实话,五月天也许不是最知名的乐队,但是他们的音乐对很多年轻人有深远的影响。

64. 这个淘气的男孩喜欢捉弄女孩子。

65. 袁隆平博士因为他的研究获得很多奖项.

66. 我每个学期都因为好的成绩受到奖励。

67. 汤姆为他上学迟到向老师道歉。

68. 你必须因没有按时完成任务向他道歉。

69. 这部电影让我想起那个我生活过的小村子。

70. 老师一次又一次地提醒我要努力学习。

71. 自从2006年开始,小城镇发生了巨大的变化。

72. 我盼望着在圣诞节能再见到你。

73. 为了纪念那些献身于保护野生动物的人们制作了这部电影。

74. 让我们担心的是水资源越来越少。

75. 人们之间的相互合作会产生作用。

76. 人们集思广益保护自然。

77. 西藏有丰富的自然资源。

78. 每个国家都正努力减少对环境的破坏。他们集思广益,而相互间的合作也逐渐产生着作用。

79. 查阅数据(data) 你会发现,地球上原来有丰富的自然资源,有些人甚至可以以此为生。而现在,它们很有限了。另外,空气中有太多对环境有害的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide) 。

80. 我们呼吁人们采取行动保护自然,这会使人们从中获益。也只有用这种方法我们才可以过上更好的生活。

81. 我们都很怀疑他能否付得起帐。

82. 他们吃惊地看见一个衣衫褴褛的人拿出一张一百万英镑的钞票。

83. 老板允许Henry免费吃饭。

84. 他们不相信她说的话。至于我,正相反,我倒相信。

85. 很明显,该轮到人类担心自己的环境了。

86. 人类担心的是大量的动物将在野外灭绝了。

87. 我们很难确定他什么时候回来。

88. 鱼类生育并抚养下一代,数量迅速增加。

89. 就是因为恶劣的环境导致了鱼的灭亡。

90. 很明显的是,我们既然生活在这里,我们就应该制止自己破坏这里的环境。

91. 大约在260万年前,人类在地球上出现。他们生育并抚养下一代,人口迅速增加。就是因为要发展,他们从不留情地从自然掠取更多的资源。现在很多人都担心大量的动植物会在野外灭绝。人们可能只会在博物馆里看到原来存在于真实世界的动植物。很明显的是,人类既然是地球的主人,那他们就应该照顾好它。该轮到人类阻止自己破坏环境了.否则,很难确定什么时候地球不再是人类的家园。

92. 中国位于亚洲的东部,日本的西部。

93. 加拿大位于美国北部。

94. 新西兰位于澳大利亚的东部。

95. 加拿大是世界第二大国家, 面积有大约998万m2

96. 人口大约3000万

97. 中国拥有人口13亿多,五千多年的历史,覆盖了960多万平方公里的土里。

98. 远处的枫叶证明我们已经到达了加拿大。

99. 给我们留下最深印象的是中国的长城。

100. 我们真的很惊叹于我们在这片神奇土地上的所闻所感。

101. 澳大利亚是大洋洲最大的国家,被印度洋和南太平洋所环绕。国土面积760万平方千米,人口两千多万。澳大利亚以它瑰丽的自然风光和丰富的物种而闻名。

102. 去年夏天我们游览了澳大利亚。我们决定坐火车沿东海岸旅行而不是一路坐飞机。很快我们看到了远处可爱的袋鼠,这证明我们已经真正的踏上了这片神奇的土地。给我们留下印象最深的是大堡礁(the Great Barrier Reef)。它位于澳大利亚的东北海岸,深入大海绵延两千多公里。

103. 我们真的很惊叹于我们在澳大利亚的所闻所感!

Writing exercise 1(answers)

1. 最让我沮丧的是我没有通过考试。

What upset me most was that I failed the exam

2. 最让我兴奋的是中国队赢了

What made me exited most was that Chinese team won.

3. 我和我的家庭经历了第二次世界大战。

My family and I went through the World War Two.

4. 我们遭受了巨大的恐慌(panic)和痛苦。

We suffered from great pain and panic.

5. 每分钟我们都在担心自己的安危(safety)。

We were concerned about our safety every minute.

6. 最让我烦恼的是我没有朋友。

What upset me most was that I had no friend.

7. 我厌倦了总是和自己交谈,所以我和我的日记成为了朋友。

I got tired of talking to myself all the time, so I made friends with my diary.

8. 我把自己的感受和生活中一系列的真实事情写进了日记里

I set down my feelings and a series of facts in my life in it.

9. 对于每个人来说学习这个科目很必要。

It is necessary for everyone to study this subject.

10. 对我们来说学习数学很重要也很必要。

It is very important and necessary for us to study maths.

11. 语言在与其他文化的接触和交流的时候变化和发展了。

Language changes and develops when cultures meet and it communicates with other languages.

12. 我们通过阅读,丰富了自己的头脑。

We enrich our mind by reading.

13. 要求每人每天阅读一篇文章。

Everyone is requested to read one passage a day.

14. 学生们利用录音机练习听力。

The students make use of tape recorders to practice listening.

15. 为了能够很好地掌握英语,建议每个学习者要多练习阅读。

In order to have a good command of English, every learner is suggested practicing reading.

16. 英语不同于其他学科。English is different from other subjects.

17. 它使我们在与其他文化接触和交流的时候,丰富自己的头脑。

It makes us enrich our mind when we meet and communicate with other cultures.

18. 阅读在英语学习中起着很重要的作用。

Reading plays an important part in English learning.

19. 除此之外,练习是英语进步的基础。

Besides, the improvement of English is based on practice.

20. 是我组织了这次旅行

It is/ was I that/ who organized the trip

21. 他坚持要求和我一起作伴去。

He insisted that he (should) go with me for company.

22. 他很喜欢表演,从他还小的时候,就下定决心成为一名演员。

He is fond of acting, and ever since his childhood, he has made up his mind to become an actor.

22. 因这次旅行很远, 所以他带了一个朋友和他做伴。

As the journey was very long, he took a friend with him for company.

23. 我看到雪花在风中飞舞,高兴极了。

I was very glad to see the snow dancing in the wind.

I saw with delight/happiness the snow dancing in the wind.

24. 我喜欢爬山,从小时侯起,我就梦想当一名登山运动员(climber).毕业前我们去了香山。是我组织的这次活动。我坚持要求每个人都登上山顶。一大早我们在学校门口集合,乘公交车出发了。9点我们到了山脚下,开始爬。山很高,我们很快就累了,但我们还是决心爬到山顶。一路上,美景与我们作伴。最终我们到达了山顶。躺在一棵大树下,我们看到树叶在风中飘舞,兴奋极了。多棒的一次旅行呀!

I am fond of climbing mountain. I have dreamed of / about becoming a climber ever since childhood. Before graduating from school, we took a trip to Xiangshan Mountain. It was I that organized the trip, and I insisted that everyone should get to the top.

Early in the morni ng, we got together at the school gate and went there by bus. At 9 o’clock we arrived at the foot of the mountain and started climbing. The mountain was so high that some of us got tired soon, but all of us made up our minds to get to the top. On the way, we had the beautiful view for company. We finally reached the top. When we lay beneath a big tree and saw the leaves dancing in the wind, we were so excited.

What a wonderful trip it was!

25. 与会人数达到了2,000。

The number of people who came to have the meeting reached 2,000.

26. 开始人们并没有注意这些奇怪的现象。

At first people thought little of the strange things.

27. 人们对突如其来的袭击(attack)感到震惊。

People were shocked at the sudden attack.

28. 在海啸(tsunami)中,死伤的人数达到1万多人。

The number of those who were killed and injured in the tsunami reached over 10,000.

29. 顷刻间大楼化为废墟,许多人被困在其中。

In no time, the building lay in ruins, and many people were trapped under it.

30. 她受到许多人的喜爱是因为她拥有圆润的嗓音。

The reason why she is loved by many people is that she has a smooth voice.

31. 许多人尊重他是因为他关注穷人的平等权利。

The reason why he is respected by many people is that he cares /is concerned about the equal rights of poor people .

32. 许多人批评他是因为他从不关注其他人的权利。

The reason why many people attacked him was that he was never concerned about other people’s right.

33. 曾经一度,好像他求助无门。

At one time, it seemed as if he had nobody he could turn to.

34. 从小时候起,他就一直热爱登山。

Ever since childhood, he has been fond of climbing.

35. 她被选为最有前途的画家,这是她努力的回报。

She was voted the most promising printer, which was a reward for her efforts.

36. 他把全身心都投入到了表演中。

He devoted himself to the acting.

37. Brad Pitt受到许多影迷的热爱是因为他更加关注电影中的角色。从他还是孩子时候起,他一直热爱表演,并且在学校对任何一个演出中起着积极的作用。但是当他第一次到洛杉矶(LA)时,生活


The reason why Brad Pitt is loved by many fans is that he is concerned more about roles in films. He has been fond of acting ever since childhood, and played an active part in any show in school. But when he first went to LA, life was difficult for him. And some media attacked his acting. At one time, it seemed as if there was nobody he could turn to. But he never lost heart. He devoted himself to acting. It is his hard work that helped him succeed. He was voted the most attractive man, which was a reward for his efforts. Now he cares more about the equal rights for the poor people in the world.

38. 我们高度评价那些喜爱中国文化的人

We think highly of those who are fond of Chinese cultures

39. 到目前为止,我们已经学习了7个单元。

So far, we have learned 7 units

40. 她被认为是当年最有前途的新星。

She was considered to be the most promising new star of that year.

41. 三峡大坝(Three Gorges Dam)是个奇迹,中国人民花费了半个多世纪才完成。

Three Gorges Dam is a great wonder, which it took Chinese people more than half a century to complete.

43. 对于那些喜欢中国传统文化的人来说,京剧是个不错的选择。

For those who are fond of Chinese traditional culture, Peking Opera is a good choice.

44. 每年大量的农民涌入城市找工作。

Every year a great number of farmers flood into cities to hunt jobs.

45. 紫禁城被认为是世界上最大的宫殿之一。上百万工匠被精心挑选出来,花了14年的时间建成了紫禁城。全世界很多的艺术家和建筑家(architects)给予紫禁城高度评价,毫无疑问它是世界奇观之一。对于那些对中国传统文化感兴趣的人来说,紫禁城是值得参观游览的。到目前为止,成千上万的游客涌进紫禁城来寻找中国文化。紫禁城不仅属于中国(人民),同时也属于世界(人民)。The Forbidden City is considered to be one of the largest palaces in the world. Millions of artists and workers were carefully selected to build the Forbidden City, and it took them 14 years to complete it. Artists and architects all over the world think highly of it and there is no doubt that it is one of the wonders in the world. To those who are fond of Chinese traditional culture, the

Forbidden City is worth visiting. So far, thousands of millions of visitors have flooded into the Forbidden City in search of Chinese culture. It belongs not only to the Chinese people, but to the people over the world.

46. 今年对于我来说之所以特殊是因为我被九十四中录取了。

The reason why it is a special year for me is that I was admitted to No.94 High School.

47. 主办奥运会对中国来说既是责任同时也是巨大的光荣。

It is a responsibility but also a great honor for China to host the Olympics.

48. 那些达到他们项目标准的人被接受参加比赛。

Those who had reached the standard for their events were admitted to competitions.

49. 自从20世纪90年代起,Susan Boyle就梦想着参加歌唱比赛。现在她实现了梦想。

Ever since the 1990s, Susan Boyle has dreamed about taking part in the singing competition. Now she realized her dream.

50. 这个吉祥物不仅代表了传统的文化,而且表达了对奥运会的美好祝福。

The mascot not only stands for the traditional culture, but show our best wishes to the Olympic Games.

51. 刘翔为了祖国的荣誉与其他运动员竞赛。

Liu Xiang competed with other athletes for the glory of our country.

52. 最终证明它是最成功的一届运动会。

It turned out to be a most successful sports meeting.

53. 2008对于中国人来说之所以是特殊的一年是因为我们主办了第29届奥运会。事实上,自从上个世纪90年代,我们一直梦想举办奥运会。现在我们实现了这个梦想。



The reason why 2008 was a special year for all the Chinese is that the 29 th Olympic Games were held in China. As a matter of fact, ever since the 1990s, we have dreamed of hosting the Games. Now we achieved our dream.

The mascots of Beijing Olympic Games are five lovely animals. They not only stand for the Chinese traditional culture, but show our best wishes to the Games. 204 countries and areas took part in the Games. Those who reached the standard for their events were admitted to the Olympics. Athletes played an important part in the Games. They competed with others for the glory of their countries. Prize money was replaced by the glory.

It is a great responsibility but also a great honor to host the2008 Olympic Games. And it turned out to be the most successful event in Olympic history.

54. 在自然保护区,动物和人类和谐地生活在一起。

In the nature reserves, animals live in harmony with human beings.

55. 人们开始明白了英语的重要性。

People begin to understand the importance of English.

56. 直到目前为止,人们成功地保护了大熊猫免遭杀戮。

So far, people have succeeded in protecting panda from being killed.

57. 我们应该感谢那些献身环保的人和他们所作的事。

We should appreciate what those people do and feel grateful to those who devote themselves to the environmental protection.

58. 众所周知,野生动物的数量在减少。过去人们常常残忍地捕杀动物,结果一些物种灭绝了。这样做当然影响了自然环境。


As is known to all, the number of wild animals is decreasing. In the past, people used to hunt animals without mercy. As a result, some species died out. And that of course affected the environment of nature.

Nowadays people begin to understand the importance of the environment and protect wild animals from being killed. They long to live together in harmony with animals. So far, people have succeeded in protecting some endangered animals by setting up the nature reserves. We should appreciate what those people do and feel grateful to those who devote themselves to the wildlife protection.

59. 他从没梦想成名,而是重视音乐的经历和投入。

He never dreamt of being famous, but attached importance to the musical experience and devotion. 60. 他们从不依靠别人,而是靠自己写歌。

They never rely on others but produce songs by themselves.

61. 龚丽娜用自己有天赋的嗓音来表达音乐的含义

Lina Gong expresses the meaning of music with her own gifted voice.

62. 他很重视对工作的投入和努力。

He attaches importance to the devotion and effort of the work.

63. 你熟悉五月天(Mayday)吗? 它是一支由五个有天赋的音乐人在1997年组成的乐队。它很受年轻人的喜欢。与其他年轻人不同,他们的确梦想像Beatles一样成功,他们十分看重(对音乐的)投入和努力。这支乐队不是依靠别人而是自己来创作歌曲,因为乐队的所有成员都是非常出色的创作者。他们用自己歌喉来表演自己的音乐。说实话,五月天也许不是最知名的乐队,但是他们的音乐对很多年轻人有深远的影响。

Are you familiar with Mayday? The band was formed by five talented musicians in 1997. It’s popular with young people. Unlike other young guys, they did dream of becoming as successful as Beatles and attached great importance to devotion and efforts. The band never relies on others but themselves to produce songs because all of them are excellent songwriters. They perform their own music with their own voices. To be honest, maybe Mayday is not the most popular band, but their music has a deep effect on many young people.

64. 这个淘气的男孩喜欢捉弄女孩子。

This naughty boy is fond of playing tricks on girls.

65. 袁隆平博士因为他的研究获得很多奖项.

Dr Yuan Longping has won many awards for his research.

66. 我每个学期都因为好的成绩受到奖励。(v)

I’m awarded a prize every semester for my good grades.

67. 汤姆为他上学迟到向老师道歉。

Tom apologized to his teacher for being late for school.

68. 你必须因没有按时完成任务向他道歉。

You must apologize to him for not completing the task on time

69. 部电影让我想起那个我生活过的小村子。

That movie reminded me of the small village where I used to live.

70. 老师一次又一次地提醒我要努力学习。

The teacher reminded me to study hard from time to time.

71. 自从2006年开始,小城镇发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have taken place in the small town since 2006

72. 我盼望着在圣诞节能再见到你。

I am looking forward to seeing you again on Christmas Day.

73. 为了纪念那些献身于保护野生动物的人们制作了这部电影。

The film was made in memory of those who devote themselves to wild animals protection.

74. 让我们担心的是水资源越来越少。

What we are concerned about is that water resource is reducing.

75. 人们之间的相互合作会产生作用。

The cooperation between people will make a difference.

76. 人们集思广益保护自然。

People combine their ideas to protect the nature.

77. 西藏有丰富的自然资源。

Tibet is rich in natural resources.

78. 每个国家都正努力减少对环境的破坏。他们集思广益,而相互间的合作也逐渐产生着作用。What every country in the world tries to do is that they are reducing the damage to the environment. They combine their ideas, and the cooperation between them gradually makes a difference.

79. 查阅数据(data) 你会发现,地球上原来有丰富的自然资源,有些人甚至可以以此为生。而现在,它们很有限了。另外,空气中有太多对环境有害的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide) 。

Consulting data, you can find that there used to be rich in natural resources on the earth, by which some people even earned their living. But now they are lim ited. What’s more, there is too much carbon dioxide in the air which does harm to the environment.

80. 我们呼吁人们采取行动保护自然,这会使人们从中获益。也只有用这种方法我们才可以过上更好的生活。

We call on people to take measures to protect the environment, which benefits people a lot. Only in this way will we live a better life.

81. 我们都很怀疑他能否付得起帐。

We doubt whether he was able to pay the bill.

82. 他们吃惊地看见一个衣衫褴褛的人拿出一张一百万英镑的钞票。

They were shocked to see that a man in rags took out a million pound bank-note.

83. 老板允许Henry免费吃饭。

The boss permitted Henry to have a meal without paying for it

84. 他们不相信她说的话。至于我,正相反,我倒相信。

They didn’t believe what she said. As for me, on the contrary, I believed her, indeed.

85. 很明显,该轮到人类担心自己的环境了。

What is clear/obvious is that, in their turn, human beings should be concerned/worried about their environment.

86. 人类担心的是大量的动物将在野外灭绝了。

What humans are concerned about /worried about is that a large number of animals will become extinct in the wild.

87. 我们很难确定他什么时候回来。

We don’t know for sure when he will come back.

88. 鱼类生育并抚养下一代,数量迅速增加。

Fish gave birth to the young, brought them up and multiplied rapidly.

89. 就是因为恶劣的环境导致了鱼的灭亡。

It’s the terrible environment that accounts for the extinction of the fish.

As a result of the terrible environment, the fish became extinct.

90. 很明显的是,我们既然生活在这里,我们就应该制止自己破坏这里的环境。

What is clear/obvious is that now that we live here, we should prevent ourselves from doing harm to/destroying the environment.

91. 大约在260万年前,人类在地球上出现。他们生育并抚养下一代,人口迅速增加。就是因为要发展,他们从不留情地从自然掠取更多的资源。现在很多人都担心大量的动植物会在野外灭绝。人们可能只会在博物馆里看到原来存在于真实世界的动植物。很明显的是,人类既然是地球的主人,那他们就应该照顾好它。该轮到人类阻止自己破坏环境了.否则,很难确定什么时候地球不再是人类的家园。

About 2.6 million years ago, humans appeared on the earth. They gave birth to the young, brought them up and multiplied rapidly. As a result of the development, they get more from the nature without any mercy. What most people worry about now is that a large number of animals and plants will become extinct in the wild. People will see only in the museum what used to exist in the real world. (/them only in the museum, which used to exist in the real world). What is clear/obvious is that now that humans are the owner of the earth, they should look after it well. It’s in their turn that they should prevent themselves from doing harm to / destroying the envi ronment. Otherwise, we don’t know for sure when the earth will no longer be the

home for humans.

92. 中国位于亚洲的东部,日本的西部。

China lies in the east of Asia and to the west of Japan.

93. 加拿大位于美国北部。

Canada lies on the north of USA.

94. 新西兰位于澳大利亚的东部。

New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia.

95. 加拿大是世界第二大国家, 面积有大约998万m2

Canada is the second largest country, which covers / has an area of about 9.98 million square kilometers.

96. 人口大约3000万

It has a population of about 30 million.

97. 中国拥有人口13亿多,五千多年的历史,覆盖了960多万平方公里的土里。

China has a population of over 1.3 billion and a history of more than 5000 years. It covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.

98. 远处的枫叶证明我们已经到达了加拿大。

The maple leaves in the distance confirmed that we had arrived in Canada.

99. 给我们留下最深印象的是中国的长城。

What impresses us most is the Great Wall in China.

100. 我们真的很惊叹于我们在这片神奇土地上的所闻所感。

We were amazed at what we saw and experienced on this amazing land.

101. 澳大利亚是大洋洲最大的国家,被印度洋和南太平洋所环绕。国土面积760万平方千米,人口两千多万。澳大利亚以它瑰丽的自然风光和丰富的物种而闻名。

Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean, Australia is the largest country in the Oceania. It covers an area of 7,600,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 20 million. Australia is well-known for its amazing natural scenery and species diversity(多样性)/rich species.

102. 去年夏天我们游览了澳大利亚。我们决定坐火车沿东海岸旅行而不是一路坐飞机。很快我们看到了远处可爱的袋鼠,这证明我们已经真正的踏上了这片神奇的土地。给我们留下印象最深的是大堡礁(the Great Barrier Reef)。它位于澳大利亚的东北海岸,深入大海绵延两千多公里。

Last summer we paid a visit to Australia. Rather than fly all the way, we decided to take the train, traveling along the eastern coast. Soon we caught sight of lovely kangaroos in the distance, confirming/ which confirmed that we really had arrived at this amazing land. What impressed us most is the Great Barrier Reef, which lies off the northeastern coast and measures over 2000 kilometers far into the ocean./lying off the northeastern coast and measuring over…

103. 我们真的很惊叹于我们在澳大利亚的所闻所感!

We were really amazed at what we saw and experienced in Australia!

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