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河北省高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(89)

河北省高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(89)
河北省高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(89)









Animals are close friend of human beings.Their existence, 1._____ especially that the existence of rare animals,makes the whole 2._____ world lively and colorful.Unlucky, we have heard such news that 3._____ rare animals,even keeping in the zoo,can’t escape being hurt 4.____

and killed.You may wonder why this can happen.The reason 5._____

is that some people lacked understanding about these animals 6._____

and care little about them.

However, we should make information about rare animals 7._____

known to the public.Let’s keep on mind that protecting animals 8.______ is duty of everyone.Meanwhile,we should take active and effective


steps.After all,protecting animals are protecting ourselves 10.______


假如你是王伟,收到你的美国笔友(Hank Stram)的电子邮件,他说在春节期间要和他的父母来中国北京旅游,他听说中国长城很雄伟,他想先参观长城再参观其它名胜。你用e – mail回复他。







Dear Hank,

How are you!___________________________ ______________________________


1.friend 改为friends 2.去掉 that 3.Unlucky改为Unluckily

4.keeping 改为 kept 5.√ 6.lacked 改为1ack

7.However改为Therefore/ Thus 8. on 改为in

9.duty前加the 10.are改为 is

Dear Hank,

How are you! I’m glad to have received your e – mail. You said you and your parents would visit the Great Wall during the Spring Festival, which is a wise choice. The Great Wall is magnificent indeed. You can first fly to Beijing, then go to the Great Wall by bus. However, it’s cold in Beijing in winter, you’d b etter take more clothes with you. What’s more, you’ll need some medicine to prevent you from catching a cold. There are also other places of interest worth visiting in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. I think you’ll enjoy yourselv es in Beijing.


Wang Wei


1. Three friends and I was driving on a highway. While we were going at least 50 miles per hour, we passed over a car. It had broken down, stopped on the side of the road. My friend slows down, and pulled behind the other car. He got out of the car immediate and before I knew it he was helping the other person push the car down the road to a spot where wasn’t so close to the passing cars. From the way they were pushing the car, it looked as if my friend was pushing them all by himself. I thought my friend help a complete stranger like this was a great thing, but I won’t forget his good nature or character. 2. Dear Brad, I’m very glad to hear from you. In your last letter you ask about the post-80s in China. Actually I am the boy who belongs to this group. Comparing with our parents, life for us is getting much hard. The job market is tough and the house is expensively to afford. Now many girls prefer to marry with a man who owns a house an d a car. Therefore, I don’t think love built on house and cars is true love, and I doubt how long it will last. As a matter of fact, though situations are tough today, a lot of we post-80s are making great efforts live a good life. I believe we will have a nice future. Li Hua 3. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Some of us are having problems about our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are comfortable about it, but it is no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are checking in our bags or diaries to make sure we’re not getting into troubles. They have probably heard of some horrible stories about other kids and thinking we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us and are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as many as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie around --- they are bound to read it. Thank you! 4. We spend two weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn .We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually good but there aren’t too many tourists in October. We stayed in a small h otel in the West End .It was convenient as we did most of our traveling by foot. We went to look at the places where all tourists see. We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery. We went to shopping in Oxford Street and spent too many money .What we liked most, though, was going to theatre. We don’t have the chance to see so wonderful plays at home .A lot of people say English food is very badly. We didn’t think so. It’s true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meal.


Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but also I have the personality for a ______________ (工作名称). On one hand, _____________________(第一个原因On the other hand, ______________________(另一个原因). Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me,please feel free to contact me at any time at________________________( Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours Sincerely, 模板② Dear Sir or Madam, I’m _________(简单自我介绍). When I was reading the advertisement, _________(表达看到相关广告后的感受). I think it’s a good opportunity for me to _____________(应聘的原因Therefore I recommend myself to without hesitation.


高考英语短文改错考点解析-形容词与副词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错对形容词与副词的考查主要涉及形容词和副词比较等级的误用(尤其是在本身已是比较级的词前误加more)、形容词与副词的混用(如修饰动词时误用形容词或修饰名 词时误用副词)等,另外,用作表语时该用形容词的却误用了名词、简短副词(如in,down 等)的误加与漏用、涉及形容词搭配的as…as 结构、how 与what 的混用等也是常考的考点。 二、真题单句归纳 (1)After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. (frightening 改为frightened,因它表示某人感到害怕,而不是令人害怕)(全国卷) (2)Charles said,“As soon as I see a realy tall building,I want to climb it. (realy 改为really 或real,若改为really,则修饰tall;若改为real,则修饰building)(全国卷)(3)Last Sunday,police cars hurry to the taller building in New York. (taller 改为tallest,因从含义上看此处应是最高级)(全国卷) (4)As a result,people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. (去掉more,因为longer 本身已是比较级,不能再受more 修饰)(全国卷)(5)Therefore,there are still some countries where people have shorter lives. (Therefore 改为However,因此处语意转折)(全国卷) (6)People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. (so long as 改为as long as,其意为“与……一样长”)(全国卷)(7)In some places you may borrow many books as you want. (many 之前加as,因 as …… as 结构不完整)(全国卷) (8)I told Mother,Father,Sister and all my friends here that a great time I had. (that 改为what)(全国卷) (9)I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. (去掉much,因much 不能用来修饰形容词的原级,尽管它可用来修饰比较级和最高级)(全国卷)(10)I‘m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderfully 改为wonderful,因它是放在名词前作定语)(全国卷)


短文改错 1.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ) 并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Three years ago I fail in an important exam in my life and became the student in an ordinary school. Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poor equipment, I found the teachers patiently. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided make the best of it. I worked hard but got along well with my teachers and classmate. Whenever I had difficulties, you were always available. Soon I became one of the most best students in my class. My experience tells me that it’s not what you are given but how you ma ke use of it which determines who you are. 2.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。 It’s been two years when I joined the campus radio station. During this time, I had done several interviews. Every time I finish to writing an article, I am proud of myself for able to introduce my schoolmates to the things I’ve seen. It was difficult at times, but when I saw my stories publish in our school newspaper, you knew that it was something worth doing. My parents, teachers and schoolmates congratulated me on that I did. I felt happily when I shared a new story with them. The greatest thing about being the reporter is exchanging idea with others. 3.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在


短文改错专题 一.改错题型特点: 高考短文改错是知识和能力的综合测试题型。主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性及词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。高考短文改错设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,包括词法、句法、行文逻辑以及语篇结构等,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。 二.短文改错常见考点设置: 考点1:名词 命题特点: 本来用复数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。 记住常考的几个不可数名词:news, work(工作), advice, fun, progress, information, luck, weather, music, health, change(零钱),baggage(行李), luggage(行李),furniture, jewellery, equipment等 改正方法: (1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系. 1. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 2. After class we become stranger at once. 3. They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject. 4. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 5. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. 6. Now we can get millions of informations from the Internet. 7. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 8. She is one of the most intelligent girl in our class. 9. I looked at his other hands. 10. Most of them are peasant and some often go fishing in the sea. 11. We have made great progresses with Mr. Liu teaching us. 12. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the new rules should help students get higher grade. 13. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. 14. He’s getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 考点2:代词 命题特点:1.男女性代词用反;2.单数指代复数;3.代词词性用错;4.缺少人称代词。 改正方法: 根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致问题。 15. Rose is such a kind girl that we all like him very much. 16. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 17. I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. 18. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. 19. Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. 20. My story book is much more interesting than her. 21. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 22. Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 23. Do you think necessary for you to learn Japanese well? 24. I dressed me quickly and hurried out the house. 25. You’d better keep that he said in mind. 26. He has three children, two of them are teachers. 27. The population of China is much larger than it of the USA.


专题16 书面表达 一、假定你是李华,你所在学校要举办英语戏剧节(The English Drama Festival)。你们想邀请外教Peter 参加。请你写一封信给Peter,要点如下: 1.英语戏剧节的活动内容; 2.邀请Peter一起表演一个节目; 3.期望Peter对本次活动给出建议。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Peter, The English Drama Festival of our school is to be held next week. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Dear Peter, The English Drama Festival of our school is to be held next week.Knowing that you are interested in English drama,I am writing to invite you to participate. A variety of activities will be included in the festival,such as singing,crosstalk and so on.You are expected to put on a performance with us.In my opinion,it will be a good combination of your culture and ours.Besides,since it is the first time that we have organized the English Drama Festival,we are at a loss about how to arrange it properly.Your advice will be of great value to us.Please inform us of your arrival in advance so that early arrangements can be made. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 二、假定你是武汉晨光中学的李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Mark最近给你发来邮件,说他准备参加武汉12月31日举办的冬季马拉松比赛(marathon race),希望你帮助他预订好旅馆,并带他游览市内著名景点(如黄鹤楼the Yellow Crane Tower,东湖East Lake)。请你给他写封回信,内容包括: 1.回复他的要求;


2018高考英语专题---短文改错 压轴题高分策略之错词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错中,错词所占比重最高,常占整篇短文改错10题中的的6个小题左右。错词的情况也最为复杂,常见的有:动词错误;名词错误;连词错误;冠词错误;形容词和副词错误;代词错误;非谓语动词常见错误;介词错误;习惯用法错误以及逻辑上的错误等。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 1. 动词的常见错误 ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ② and前后动词时态不一致; ③主谓不一致; ④缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 They did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。 【答案】did改为do As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. 残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。 【答案】visiting改为visited 【思路分析】 通读全句可知,句子的整个时态为一般过去时,有三个并列的谓语动词,分别为fed,visiting和told。很明显,并列连词and前后的动词时态应该保持一致,所以应该把visiting改为visited。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。 One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out.彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。


高三英语复习---书面表达高分技巧(20120307) By Zhang Shiqin Teaching aims: we are trying to teach sts how to write a good composition, or how to make a composition better so as to get a good mark in an examination especially in the National College Entrance Examination. Teaching Procedures: Step 1高考英语书面表达高分卷常识 一.高考英语书面表达题材特点、体裁特点及出题模式: 1. 题材特点:紧扣课标,教材和考试说明; 贴近现实生活和学生生活实际,易于表达; 突出考查学生实际运用语言的能力。 2.体裁特点:利用各种体裁,以应用文(致辞、发言稿、记叙文、议论文)为主。 3.出题模式:叙事+ 议论,写人+ 议论 二.近年高考英语写作高分卷的五大特点: 1.行文逻辑科学,条理性好; 2.巧用过渡词汇,逻辑性强; 3.巧用高级词汇和复杂句式,文章品味高; 4.妙用变通式表达,文章错落有致; 5.书写规范工整,整体效果好。 三.英语写作高分卷的七大原则、八项注意︰ 七大原则八项注意 主题句原则注意审题 一二三原则注意人称 分段原则注意时态 长短句结合原则注意巧用连接词 多实少虚原则禁用汉式英语 短语优先原则注意书写 词句多变原则注意用有把握的词句 注意检查 四.高分卷书面表达段落的核心要素︰ 1. General structure Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence 2. Linking words 3. Advanced expressions Various structures Graceful words Step 2怎样写出高分作文 一.仔细审题Analyze the topic carefully

高考英语复习 短文改错的题型及要求

2008高考英语复习短文改错的题型及要求 短文改错是单句改错,单项填空,阅读理解和书面表达的综合,是全面考察学生的英语基础知识和灵活运用语言能力的测试题型。比较其它题型来说,增大测试难度,对学生提出了更高的要求,对于考生的基本功是一个严峻的考验,对于中学的英语教学的基本功训练也是一个有力的挑战。短文改错共10小题,10行左边标有题号。要求考生判断是否有错,如有错误则将其改正。错误的类型包括词法,句法,语篇结构,行文逻辑等。因此要求考生不仅要掌握词汇,语法方面的良好的语言基础知识,还要具有在词义,词性,词型,句型,用法结构方面一定的语言综合能力。短文改错题是难度最大的一个考题,因为这种考题要求考生判断和改正错误,而这种错误又是一般人在学习英语中最容易犯的错误,并且很难觉察。在学习中模棱两可,似是而非,一知半解的状况普遍存在。所以,在学习和复习英语时,要注意养成良好的学习习惯。 短文改错的特点 1。没有现成的答案可供选择,判断的依据只有短文本身。这就意味着,题目本身在内容上应该是完整的。既然内容完整正确,那么其中的错误一般只会涉及语言形式。 2。是否有错,错在那里,范围很大。这就要求考生对英语句子各个层次的结构和词语的拼写形式了如指掌。 3。错误一般只涉及一个词,多一词,少一词,或错一词。 短文改错的解题思路 做短文改错题的思路,即从那里来寻找错误,可归纳为以下几个方面: 1。主谓是否一致。 2。代词的指代是否明确恰当。 3。动词的时态是否正确,语态是否得当。 4。句型和固定搭配是否准确无误。 5。同义词,近义词,易混词是否用得确切。 6。语序是否正确。 7。句与句,段与段的承接词用得是否正确。 短文改错的解题方法

2019年高考英语知识点总结总复习 书面表达

专题二书面表达 一、一句多译(每空一词) 1.他提的问题值得讨论。 (1)The problem he raised was worth. (2)He raised a question, was worth discussing. (3)The problem he raised was worthy of . (4)The problem he raised was worthy to . 2.爸爸和妈妈都不在家。 (1)Mother and Father were not . (2)Mother and Father were . (3)My parents were not . (4)Both my mother and father were . (5)Neither Mother nor Father was. 3.昨晚那幢楼房突然起火了。 (1)The building suddenly last night. (2)Suddenly the building was last night. (3)A fire suddenly in the building last night. (4)All of a sudden a fire in the building last night. 4.我花了两个小时做作业。 (1)I spent two hours my homework. (2)I spent two hours my homework. (3)It to do my homework. (4)My homework two hours. 5.我宁愿待在家里也不愿去看电影。 (1)I prefer to stay at home go to the movies. (2)I prefer at home to to the movies. (3)I stay at home than to the movies. 二、翻译下列句子 6.我们班的一个明显的问题是缺乏团队精神。 7.目前,中国的私家车越来越多,因此交通变得越来越糟糕。 8.正是这些充满魔力的语言让我看到了自己的优点,建立了自信。 9.上周一令人难忘,关于传统文化我们有了一次有趣又有意义的体验。 10.这位教授给我们提出了一些如何学好英语的建议。 三、变换表达方式完成短文 11.请结合材料,按要求用英文写作。


高考英语短文改错形容词和副词的考点 高考英语短文改错考点解析-形容词与副词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错对形容词与副词的考查主要涉及形容词和副词比较等级的误用(尤其是在本身已是比较级的词前误加more)、形容词与副词的混用(如修饰动词时误用形容词或修饰名词时误用副词)等,另外,用作表语时该用形容词的却误用了名词、简短副词(如in,down等)的误加与漏用、涉及形容词搭配的as…as结构、how与what的混用等也是常考的考点。 形容词的用法: (一)概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征 做定语的形容词一般放在名词前面。但以a开头的表语形容词:afraid,asleep, awake,alone 等如果做定语要后置。 (二)形容词的种类 1. 品质形容词:英语中大量形容词属于这一类,他们表示人或物的品质,如: The play was boring. 那出戏很枯燥乏味。 You have an honest face.你有一张诚实的脸。 2. 颜色形容词有少数表示颜色的形容词,如: She had on a blue coat.她穿了一件蓝色的外套。 3. -ing 形容词:有大量现在分词正在或已经变为形容词,它们通常修饰事物。如:exciting, encouraging… 4. –ed形容词:它们是由它们的过去分词变过来的,一般有被动意义,通常表示人的状态。 She looked tired. 5. 合成形容词:warm-hearted 热心的,heart-breaking令人心碎的 (三)形容词的用法:常用作定语、表语和补足语,有时也做状语。形容词在句中的位置:有的形容词放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置形容词;少数形容词放在被修饰的名词之后,称为后置形容词。


2016年高考英语短文改错 专项训练 1 (含答案)

文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处增加个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉. 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词. 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分. 2016年高考英语短文改错专项训练1

1. I can’t swim b ut I have a strong fear of water. Look back at my childhood, I think that three reasons might explain fear. Firstly, I am not allowed to go near the water when I was a child, as my mother had an unreasonable fear of it. Therefore, I was taught to see to the water as something danger. Secondly, my eyes became bad when I was five. If I took off my glass in the water, I couldn’t see something, and this increased my fear. What’s worse, for a child I once saw a neighbor drowned. Since then I have been more frighte ning. 2. Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have anything important to tell you. Next Sunday afternoon , our class was going to hold an English story-telling competition in lecture hall. Everybody is required to take part in the activity. Two foreign teacher will be invited to act as judges. The activity will benefit from you in many ways. For example, it will give us a good chance to practicing your oral English and train your communication skills. However, it will inspire your interest at English. The requirements are as follows. First, the story can be original. That is, the story must be made up by yourself. Second, the story must be . presented in English. Finally, your story must be finished within three minutes. That’s all, thank you 3. Dear Jack, I am pleasing to hear from you and know that you had a greatly time working part-time in a fast-food restaurant. Now I would like to share your working experiences with you during the past summer. In the beginning of the summer vacation, I was hired as shopping guide in a big supermarket. I stood for ten hours a day and smiled to everyone I have met. Sometimes I was laughed at, and most of the time, I was praised for my wonderful works by many people. Half a month passed quickly after I knew it, and I learned how to deal with different people. Above all, I have learned that smile is the key to solve any problem. Best wishes, Yours Sincerely, Li Ming


高考英语书面表达 一.图表作文的框架 As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,___________ has been on rise/ decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ____ in _____ to _____ in _____. From the sharp rise/decline in the chart, it goes without saying that _____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for _____. On one hand, ____.On the other hand, _____ is due to the fact that ______.In addition, ______ is responsible for _____. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that-. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. 范文 由于巨大的学习压力、升学压力,很多高三学生都在一点程度上存在健康问题。下表是对某高三年级学生的调查表,请根据表格内容,综述高三学生当前存 As is apparently shown in the chart above, problems both mentally and physically, with 70% of the students having learning anxieties as well as poor sight, and a large percentage lacking sleep. Coming next is the lack of physical exercises. 40% of the students surveyed won ' t obey their parents or teachers. Still fewer claimed that they didn't have enough communication with others. As far as I am concerned, we students should balance our physical exercise and studies. Just like a saying goes:" All work no play make Jack a dull boy." Without a sound body, one cannot achieve anything. Therefore, I suggest that we should be given less homework and more time to have out-of-class activities. Only in this way can we have a healthy life. 二.对比议论文框架 _____ is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say __ is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of __. What is more, __Moreover____. While others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,_____. Secondly (besides), _____. Thirdly (finally),_____. From my point of view, I think _____. The reason is that _____. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice. 三.求职信 基本步骤: 1.点出消息来源,明确求职心愿 2.提供个人简历,展示自身优势 3.简述获职打算,请求尽快回音 范文

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