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亚里士多德 诗学总结 英文
亚里士多德 诗学总结 英文

Aristotle's Poetics Summary

Aristotle's Poetics seeks to address the different kinds of poetry, the structure of a good poem, and the division of a poem into its component parts. He defines poetry as a 'medium of imitation' that seeks to represent or duplicate life through character, emotion, or action. Aristotle defines poetry very broadly, including epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry, and even some kinds of music.

According to Aristotle, tragedy came from the efforts of poets to present men as 'nobler,' or 'better' than they are in real life. Comedy, on the other hand, shows a 'lower type' of person, and reveals humans to be worse than they are in average. Epic poetry, on the other hand, imitates 'noble' men like tragedy, but only has one type of meter - unlike tragedy, which can have several - and is narrative in form.

Aristotle lays out six elements of tragedy: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Plot is 'the soul' of tragedy, because action is paramount to the significance of a drama, and all other elements are subsidiary. A plot must have a beginning, middle, and end; it must also be universal in significance, have a determinate structure, and maintain a unity of theme and purpose.

Plot also must contain elements of astonishment, reversal (peripeteia), recognition, and suffering. Reversal is an ironic twist or change by which the main action of the story comes full-circle. Recognition, meanwhile, is the change from ignorance to knowledge, usually involving people coming to understand one another's true identities. Suffering is a destructive or painful action, which is often the result of a reversal or recognition. All three elements coalesce to create "catharsis," which is the engenderment of fear and pity in

the audience: pity for the tragic hero's plight, and fear that his fate might befall us.

When it comes to character, a poet should aim for four things. First, the hero must be 'good,' and thus manifest moral purpose in his speech. Second, the hero must have propriety, or 'manly valor.' Thirdly, the hero must be 'true to life.' And finally, the hero must be consistent.

Tragedy and Epic poetry fall into the same categories: simple, complex (driven by reversal and recognition), ethical (moral) or pathetic (passion). There are a few differences between tragedy and epic, however. First, an epic poem does not use song or spectacle to achieve its cathartic effect. Second, epics often cannot be presented at a single sitting, whereas tragedies are usually able to be seen in a single viewing. Finally, the 'heroic measure' of epic poetry is hexameter, where tragedy often uses other forms of meter to achieve the rhythms of different characters' speech.

Aristotle also lays out the elements of successful imitation. The poet must imitate either things as they are, things as they are thought to be, or things as they ought to be. The poet must also imitate in action and language (preferably metaphors or contemporary words). Errors come when the poet imitates incorrectly - and thus destroys the essence of the poem - or when the poet accidentally makes an error (a factual error, for instance). Aristotle does not believe that factual errors sabotage the entire work; errors that limit or compromise the unity of a given work, however, are much more consequential.

Aristotle concludes by tackling the question of whether the epic or tragic form is 'higher.' Most critics of his time argued that tragedy was for an inferior audience that required the gesture of performers, while epic poetry was for a 'cultivated audience' which could filter a narrative form through their own imaginations. In reply, Aristotle notes that epic recitation can be marred by

overdone gesticulation in the same way as a tragedy; moreover, tragedy, like poetry, can produce its effect without action - its power is in the mere reading. Aristotle argues that tragedy is, in fact, superior to epic, because it has all the epic elements as well as spectacle and music to provide an indulgent pleasure for the audience. Tragedy, then, despite the arguments of other critics, is the higher art for Aristotle.


年终工作总结英文 【篇一:2011年终工作总结英文版范文】 2011年终工作总结英文版范文 the ye end is ing, befe e ve n he ne ye, i’s high ie f ll f us d evie f he ye t e, ding his nnul evie is like geing ep d i’s n diffeen ih y nnul evie –exep hese esuls en’ f y sudies –hey’e bigge they’e f y life 时间转瞬到年底,在我们步入新的一年之前,我们所有人都应该对 这一年做个回顾总结。对于我来说,年终总结就算是拿成绩单。年 终总结和成绩单一样,只不过收获的并不是学习成绩,它们更重要,是关于我的人生的总结。 ipne f ye end revies 年终总结的重要性 s hy is i ipn d ye end evie? thee e 4 siple esns: 年终总结为什么这么重要?有这样四个简单的理由: 1 d lessns f he ye 从一年中吸取经验教训 wh hve yu expeiened his ye? wh hve yu lened f he? wih evey expeiene e fe, hee e ipn hings len we n eihe le hese inidenes pss us by, e n sp undesnd, inenlize he, nd d lessns f he life is yu shl, nd he lessns e dessed up s yu eveydy inidenes yu dn’ n be living ye fe ye ihu lening f yu expeienes th’s jus sleeplking yu life y 11这一年,你经历了些什么?从中你又学到了些什么?我们面对的 每一次经历,都有一些重要的东西值得学习,我们可能会让发生的 这些事情就从我们的生命中匆匆而过,或者我们也可以选择停下来,理解并消化这些经历,从中学到经验教训。生活就是你的学校,这 些经验教训会假扮成每天的琐事。你也不想年复一年只是过生活, 却从不从经历中学到些什么吧,那样的话,你只是在梦游度日。 thee e l f lessns hih i len evey ye lking bk y evie f , ne f he bigges lessns i lened is h u eins life’s siuins is hie, nd i’s up h e ke u f siuins e enune this elizin e fe highly inense peid y jb a h ie i s ledy psiive pesn, bu he siuin s s u f nl h i elly de e negive i s fe sh peid f feeling iseble h i elized h he eliy s suh nd i s up e ke he bes u f i i uld eihe si nd bih bu i hih uld d bsluely nhing hnge he siuin, i uld ke in nd ke he bes u f i this


一、概述 1.1项目简介 煤层气是成煤过程中生成、并以吸附和游离状态赋存于煤层及周边岩层中的自储式天然气体。现逐渐已经成为一种新型洁净接替能源和化工原料,对其进行开发利用一方面可以保护环境、增加国家的能源供应,促进地方经济的发展,另一方面将从根本上避免当地煤矿生产中特大瓦斯事故的发生,提高煤矿生产的安全性并带动相关产业的发展。 沁水盆地是我国大型含煤盆地之一,不仅赋存着丰富的煤炭资源,同时还伴生着丰富的煤层气资源。项目区位于山西省沁水县境内,含煤地层为石炭、二叠系;该区地面标高700-1200m,是一个沟谷纵横交错的低山丘陵区。GSS-4565-05V井位于沁水盆地南部向西北倾的斜坡带上,本区构造简单,断层稀少,煤层气资源丰富,含气饱和度较好。 1.2钻探目的与任务 钻探目的:获取目标煤层的储层参数,主要包括:煤层埋深、厚度等,同时,形成一个小型先导性生产试验井组。 钻探任务:获得该地区的地层剖面,钻遇地层的岩石性质,获取目标煤层的基本数据,根据所得到的数据完成固井和完井的工作。 1.3地理和构造位置 本井位于山西省沁水县柿庄镇,含煤地层为石炭系。该区地面标高884.216m,是一个沟谷纵横交错的低山丘陵区。构造位于沁水盆地南部向西北倾的斜坡上。 1.4基本数据 井名:GSS-4565-05V井。 井别:煤层气生产井。 构造位置:沁水盆地南部向西北倾的斜坡带上。 地理位置:山西省沁水县柿庄镇。

井口坐标:X:3968359.436m Y:647003.837m。 地面海拔:863.059m,补心海拔:865.859m,补心高2.80m。 设计井深:852.00m。 目的煤层:山西组(P1s)3#煤层。 一开时间:2013年10月11日05:00 二开时间:2013年10月14日12:00 完钻时间:2013年10月19日13:30 完井时间:2013年10月23日12:00 完钻原则:钻穿山西组3#煤层,留足60m口袋完钻。 完钻井深:845.00m。 完钻层位:太原组。 完井方式:套管完井(3#煤层段下玻璃钢套管)。 井身质量:最大井斜:3.96°,方位:15.84°,井深:512.41 m。 最大全角变化率: 1.65°,井深:741.00m,井底位移:12m。 二、工程简况 2.1施工单位 (1)钻井施工单位:格瑞克(郑州)技术服务有限公司GD75-10钻井队承钻,钻机型号:意大利Drillmec G75 钻机,队长:梁宝义;工程技术员:杨帆。 (2)录井施工单位:濮阳市中油福瑞石油工程技术有限公司2008队,仪器型号:ZY-2008,分队长:李强。 (3)测井施工单位: 完井裸眼测井和技套固井质量测井均由中国石油集团华北测井有限公司60263队承担,测井系列:EILog系列,测井分队长:李昌友。 (4)煤层解吸试井施工单位:(参数井适用)


篇一:英文版的年终总结 有英文写年终总结 个人的年终总结和工作的年终总结会有所区别,一起来看看该怎么写、要包含哪些内容吧!year-end recap it is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. this will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. you can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget. in addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you preventthese problems. annual traffic & sales review reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews. when you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes. keyword glossaries keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better match searcher’s intent.if any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated. site-wide diagnostics new year/new tactics lunch & learn schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to update them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding panda penalties. it is often good to update any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of. end of life products while they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades. you can create a hybrid page that represents these options for consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products. any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter. it will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles. annual personal summary the new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments. annual summary i take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. much difference


个人工作总结及企划部管理规划 前言: 不知不觉,来公司已经一个月了,由于刚刚接触塑胶行业,有些地方也许不太符合行业特点,还有很多不知道的知识与文化。但是,毕竟有类似的工作经验,经过一个月的接触与深入了解,已经能够独立但当各方面的工作。接触营销中心这个团队,也让我印象深刻,大家都是年轻人,能够很好的融入到一起。跟同事们的沟通都很顺畅,可以说,已经度过了“高山反应期”。 愉快的工作氛围才是工作动力的源泉。在这一个月,我始终让自己怀着一颗愉快的心在工作,希望在以后的工作中能够继续保持这种状态,甚至提高,和大家共同组成一个快乐、活力、和谐的团队。 总结: 工作方面: 因我是在4月7日开始到公司工作,在初步了解公司的有关规章制度之后,马山就开始进入紧张的工作之中。目前基本上了解了主要的工作流程:客户传来计划—审核计划—录入计划—回传计划—与客户经理沟通是否有到款—如客户有到款生成发货单,安排物流找车—发货—办理货车出门手续—通知客户。这是工作中最基本得流程,所有的工作基本围绕此项流程展开。 关于产品,大方向来看,公司产品目前基本上可划分为:PVC系列;PP-R系列;PE系列;阀门系列;PE-Xa系列;PE-RT系列;轻薄型地暖系统;分集水器等系列。 思想方面: 由于是进入了一个新行业,所以刚开始的时候有一定的心理准备,可真正工作起来还是觉得会手忙脚乱。所做的每一件事,比如录入一份订单、回传一份计划以及送出一份单子等,看起来都是再简单不过的事情,可是真正的把这些事情做好确实不是那么容易的。所有复杂的事情其实都是由一个个简单的事件组成的,在这里这句话真的可以得到很好的验证。 所以,这一个月的空闲时间,经常浏览户外行业网站,了解了很多户外行业品牌和各种行业信息。并对各种出行活动方面也做了深入的了解。从旅游业从业经验来看,户外行业能够引导大众旅游的趋势,而这种休闲、挑战、潮流类的旅游方式正受到更多的旅游爱好者的青睐。所以,在这种市场背景下,我更加注重行业信息的搜集与提炼,以期在以后的工作当中更好的完成工作。 另外,通过向各位同事的请教,逐渐了解了公司的各种工作流程和企业文化。也适应了公司的工作氛围。 同时,坚持自己的培训习惯,作为一名职业经理人,我会经常学习各种管理方法,一直在听余世维老师的讲座,很受益,这种习惯是我一直以来都在保持的,在上一个单位是这样,现在也是这样,我会一直保持我的这种习惯。希望能在以后的工作中,跟更多的同事分享我的学习内容。 在这一个月的工作中,很感谢各位同事的帮助,特别是杨总的指导,给了我很多的帮助,


年终工作总结报告英文版2篇 当工作进行到一定阶段或告一段落时,需要回过头来对所做的工作认真地分析研究一下,肯定成绩,找出问题,归纳出经验教训,提高认识,明确方向,以便进一步做好工作,并把这些用文字表述出来,就叫做工作总结。下面就是给大家带来的年终工作总结报告英文版2篇,希望大家喜欢! 年终工作总结报告英文版一 The end of the year is often a time of many events -- wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping holiday presents. This article presents something you can give to yourself -- something that you can get done during the holiday lull or over some vacation days -- a quick and easy process for examining what youve accomplished in your career this year and where you want to go with it next year. Of course, you may have already done at least some preliminary work on reviewing the year -- especially if your employer hands out year-end bonuses or conducts year-end


总结报告格式以及范文 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 总结报告格式一、报告的概念 报告适用于向上级机关汇报工作、反映情况、提出意见或者建议,答复上级机关的询问。报告属上行文,一般产生于事后和事情过程中。 二、报告的种类 综合性报告。是将全面工作或一个阶段许多方面的工作综合起来写成的报告。它在内容上具有综合性、广泛性,写作难度较大,要求较高。 专题性报告。是针对某项工作、某一问题、某一事件或某一活动写成的报告,在内容上具有专一性。 回复报告。是根据上级机关或领导人的查询、提问作出的报告。 三、报告的写作格式 (一)综合性报告的写法 标题事由加文种,如《关于2007年上半年工作情况的报告》;报告单位、事由加文种,如《东北师范大学教务处关于2007年度工作情况的报告》。 正文把握三点:(1)开头,概括说明全文主旨,开门见山,起名立意。将一定时间内各方面工作的总情况,如依据、目的,对整个工作的估计、评价等作概述,以点明主旨。(2)主体,内容要丰富充实。作为正文的核心,将工作的主要情况、主要做法,取得的经验、效果等,分段加以表述,要以数据和材料说话,内容力求既翔实又概括。(3)结尾,要具体切实。写工作上存在的问题,提出下步工作具体意见。最后可写“请审阅”或“特此报告”等语作结。 (二)专题报告的写法 标题由事由、文种组成,如《关于招商工作有关政策的报告》。有的报告标题也可标明发文机关。标题要明显反映报告专题事由,突出其专一性。 正文可采用“三段式”结构法。以反映情况为主的专题工作报告主要写情况、存在的问题、今后的打算和意见;以总结经验为主的专题工作报告主要写情况、经验,有的还可略写不足之处和改进措施;因工作失误向上级写的检查报告


====工作总结范文精品文档==== 年终个人护理工作总结范文 以下是我们为大家整理的关于年终个人护理工作总结范文的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 春花秋实,寒暑往来,我们将迎接来又一个春天,春天是美好的,令人向往的,但要走好必须清楚过去的一切是否完美,因此2019年的护理工作将总结如下,其经验及教训会指导我们今后的思路,带领全体护理人员为提高护理工作水平而拼搏奋斗。 一、坚持以法律为准绳,依法执业,提升信任工作。 在当今医疗纠纷增多的今天,护理人员心理、社会压力也在逐渐加大,但做为管理者有责任把好依法执业这道关,对没有取得执业资格的护士进行严格考核考评,跟班工作,不允许自行倒班,不仅使护理质量得到保证,也使病人的权益得到了保障,保证了护理队伍中人员素质和质量,今年新招聘的两名护士都是已取得执业证的人员,确保了在为患者治疗的过程中得到高技术护理人员的呵护和治疗。 二、坚持以等级医院标准指南,提升管理工作。 借等级医院评审的东风,以等级医院评审标准做为工作的指南,制定了护理部及及护士长考核标准,完善了护理缺陷上报制度等,使护理工作做到有章可寻,有据可依。各种会议都如期按时进行了召开,确实通过规范的管理,使科室护士长心里明白了该干什么,如何干,例会每月开2~4次;护理工作会议业务院长每季参加一次;每月进行检查工作汇报总结一次;质控会议每季进行一次;每季召开教学例会一次;护理部每季对中重度缺陷进行分析一次;满意度调查科室每月一次,护理部每季一次,护士长夜间查房每月反馈一次,护理查房大查房一次,各科定自查二次,质量分析会及缺陷分析会各科室每月一次,都达到了规范所要求的标准。也真正地通过这些活动使护理问题得到了及时发现,及时整改,使各项护理工作逐步规范化,标准化,护理质量有了较大的提升,确保了全年护理安全无事故,重度缺陷为零。 三、坚持以人为本,以病人为中心的人性化护理,提升服务工作。 人性化护理工作在我院将进两年,其间全体护理人员逐步努力的去用心为患者提供更优质的服务,让患者从心底感到满意。一年中各科室都推出了自己新的服务举措。如:只要有人走进办公室就有一名护士起立去问候;从患者入院到出院健康教育个贯穿始终,对出院病人进行家访,妇产科送产妇出院等,使病人满意度始终保持在89%以上,护理纠纷为零。护理投诉为零,提升了护理人员的意识和沟通技巧,并且在护理查房中也贯穿了以人性化的理念去护理病员,服务病员,从而提升了护理服务工作,得到了领导及患者的好评。 四、坚持人才培训力度加大,提升人员素质。 医院的发展关键是否有人才,有了人才容易创新,容易出成绩,在一年中全院业务学习 欢迎下载使用


M y S u m m a r y(个人工作总结英文版) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

My Summary Gradualy ,it has been six months since I graduated from the university. Now I can still remember how I found this job. When I got lost on my way finding a work,xxxxx gives me the olive branch. So luckily , I’m doing what I want to do and what I like to do. Besides,the workmates are kind to me so that we can work in harmony. It’s a long way for a fresh graduate who wants to work well to go ,cuz things are not as easy and simple as they were in the school. My work is not only about the daily administrative work,which gives me more chances to try new things.I get to know how to design the company websites,how to write the bid documents,how to deal with social security,and how to apply for registration of copyright,and so on.I’m learning what I can’t learn from the textbooks,which makes me become more and more confident and skillful. But no one is perfect,so am I. There are some mistakes that I shouldn’t make,especially when the work is related to Staff Salaries. So I should pay more attention to avoid the same mistake & be more careful. Moreover, I need to improve my work efficiency. In a word,this is a company that I want to stay. I’m full of passion and energy. I really enjoy working here and want to keep on cooperating with my workmates. We work together to make our company better and


目录 一、前言 (1) 二、地质部分 (2) (一)地质构造特征 (2) (二)地层岩性特征 (3) (四)热储层特征 (3) 三、钻井施工部分 (4) (一)钻进施工 (4) (二)钻井液 (4) (三)井身结构及固井 (4) (四)钻井施工技术保证措施 (6) (五)洗井 (6) 四、抽水试验 (7) (一)基本情况 (7) (二)热储水文地质参数的计算 (7) (三)水质分析 (8) 五、结论 (10) 附图:井身结构示意图 (11) 附表一:表层套管记录 (12) 附表二:技术套管记录 (13) 附表三:抽水试验记录表 (17) 附录:水质分析报告 (19)

一、前言 中国水城项目地处天津市宁河县界内,北面与天津市宁河县相连,南面与天津市塘沽区毗邻,西面与天津市东丽区接壤,东面与天津市汉沽区相交,在天津滨海新区的U型圈内,属北京市清河农场永久用地。北京市清河农场总占地115平方公里,其中中国水城项目位于清河农场西区,土地总面积33平方公里(见图1:天津市宁河县中国水城地热井交通位置图)。 天津市经中诚通投资管理有限公司,为充分利用本地地热资源,为天津市宁河县中国水城项目提供供暖及洗浴等方面的需求,设计了一采一灌对井开发模式,以达到在利用地热资源的同时有效的保护地热资源,实现能源的可持续利用。本地热井项目由天津华恒永清钻井工程有限公司组织施工,通过紧张的施工,第一口地热开采井顺利完井竣工。 本井施工设计由天津地热勘查开发设计院拟定,完井目的层为上第三系馆陶组热储层,由天津华恒永清钻井工程有限公司施工,设计井深1915m,实际完井深度1915.55m。 本井2010年3月15日设备搬迁安装到位,3月16日由甲乙双反和监理方进行了钻前验收,验收合格后进行了钻探技术交底工作,并且举行了地热井开钻


英文年终述职报告 英文年终述职报告 小编导语:英文版工作总结范本,是小编为你准备的英文版的工作总结范本。大家在应该都会遇到写工作总结的经历,怎么写工作总结也就成了大家都想知道的一件事。就此问题,以下就是小编为你准备的英文版工作总结范本,供你学习使用。 In the first half year,under the vigorouse support of GGF and the enthusiastic crew in the office,the job has been almost finished by the end of this year. Major task for the first year: Adjustment: For all the office crew joined the association for obligation,the have little experience of environmental protection and less special knowledge of order to make them better understand the task of NGO,and also to improve working efficiency,we have got together to study "" and "The Reform of Chinese Organization" at the beginning of this focused on the situation and foreground of NGO in the following time we


年终工作总结,翻译 篇一:个人年终总结(英文版) Annual Personal Summary The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last XX, there are so many memorable moments. Annual Summary I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit. One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help) makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any obstacles in work, in which process my potential


完井技术总结 施工井号:******** 施工井队: 五普钻井公司 一、基本技术指标数据 1、基本数据 井号:井别:开发井 开钻日期:012年5月3日4:00 完钻日期:012年6月4日10:00 钻井周期:32.25天 完井日期:2012年6月10日21:00 完井周期:38.71天 地理位置:甘肃省镇原县上肖乡翟池村怀镇组,井口位于红河40井井 口方位331°3′6″、位移1645.84处。 构造位置:鄂尔多斯盆地天环坳陷南端 设计井深:斜深:3414.53m垂深:2044.1m 完钻井深:3309.41m 046.67m 设计位移:1480m 实际位移:1375.63m 设计方位:155°实际方位:155°平均机械钻速:10.8m/h 完钻原则:钻达设计B靶点,目的层水平段长1200m 完钻方式:预置管柱 目的层:三叠系延长组长812

井口坐标:X:3929672. Y:6438812.4 地面高程: H:1327.51m 二开井径平均井径:256.7mm 扩大率:6.38﹪目的层平均井径:162.1mm 扩大率:6.36﹪最大井斜角:92.26°最大狗腿度:9.26°/30m 井底水平位移:1375.63m 2技术指标完成情况 钻井总台时设计960:00 实际74:00 钻井台月设计 1.3 实际1.07纯钻时设计36:00 实际09:40 纯钻利用率设计实际0 平均机械钻速设计10.1 实际10.台月效率设计2567.3 实际110.16 3、施工进度设计与实际对比表 4、实效分析 从上表看出一开钻进及下套管候凝共耗时:66小时,折合2.75天,比设计提前1.25天,段长:321m,纯钻时:6:40,平均机械钻速:48.13m/h 二开直井段钻进施工耗时165.12小时,折合6.88天,比设计提前1.12天,段长:1447.94m,纯钻时:79:50,平均机械钻速:18.21m/h 二开造斜段施工钻进耗时155.04小时,折合6.46


年终工作总结英文版 《年终工作总结英文版》是一篇好的范文,感觉写的不错,希望对您有帮助,为了方便大家的阅读。 有英文写年终总结 个人的年终总结和的年终总结会有所区别,一起来看看该怎么写、要包含哪些内容吧! Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year.Typically,this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the remendations below. Year-end Recap It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. This will let then know your suesses as well as challenges in the past year.You can use this to brag about

the suesses,which can lead to more support as well as budget. In addition,by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems. Annual Traffic &Sales Review Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets,keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews. When you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes. Keyword Glossaries


分析总结报告格式 分析汇报一般格式 本汇报中所采集的数据均为统计期间(1个季度/年度内)的有效求职人数和需求人数。 一、供求总体情况 表1供求总体人数 上期结转本期新增合计需求人数求职人数求人倍率 注:上期结转:上期登记但仍在有效期内的供求数据 本期新增:本季度新登记的供求数据 合计=上期结转+本期新增 求人倍率=需求人数/求职人数 二、各产业劳动力需求情况 表2按产业分组的需求人数 产业需求人数所占比重第一产业第二产业第三产业合计 三、行业需求情况

表3按行业分组的需求人数 行业需求人数所占比重农、林、牧、渔业采掘业制造业电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业建筑业地质勘查业、水利管理业交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业批发和零售贸易、餐饮业金融业、保险业房地产业社会服务业卫生、体育和社会福利业教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业科学研究和综合技术服务业国家机关、政党机关和社会团体其他行业合计 注:“农、林、牧、渔业”数等于表2“第一产业”数。 “采掘业”、“制造业”、“电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业”、“建筑业”合计受数等于表2中“第二产业”数。 其他各栏除“其他行业”外合计等于表2中“第三产业”数。 为保持表2和表3间数据平衡,“其他行业”如出现数据,各按照表中各栏(除其他行业外)的实际需求人数所占权数分配到各栏,按上述对等原则再归纳计算产业合计数。 ·英文汇报格式·会议汇报格式·读书汇报格式·工作汇报的格式 四、用人单位需求情况 表4按用人单位性质分组的需求人数

单位性质需求人数所占比重企业其中:(按企业登记注册类型分)国有企业集体企业私营企业联营企业股份有限公司外商投资企业港、澳、台投资企业其他企业事业机关其他合计 五、各类职业供求情况 表5按职业分组的供求人数 职业类别劳动力供求人数比较需求人数所占比重求职人数所占比重求人倍率单位负责人专业技术人员办事人员和 有关人员 商业和 服务业人员 农林牧渔 水利生产人员 生产运输 设备操作工 其他无要求合计 注:关于出现“无要求”时求人倍率的计算,表中求职“无要求”一栏如出现数据,可按照表中前七栏的实际需求人数分配到各栏(小数点四舍五入),再以需求人数/[求职人数(实际)+加权计入数],得出求人倍率。但表中不需体现加权分配后的人数,仍只填写实际求职

My Summary(个人工作总结英文版)

My Summary Gradualy ,it has been six months since I graduated from the university. Now I can still remember how I found this job. When I got lost on my way finding a work,xxxxx gives me the olive branch. So luckily , I’m doing what I want to do and what I like to do. Besides,the workmates are kind to me so that we can work in harmony. It’s a long way for a fresh graduate who wants to work well to go ,cuz things are not as easy and simple as they were in the school. My work is not only about the daily administrative work,which gives me more chances to try new things.I get to know how to design the company websites,how to write the bid documents,how to deal with social security,and how to apply for registration of copyright,and so on.I’m learning what I can’t learn from the textbooks,which makes me become more and more confident and skillful. But no one is perfect,so am I. There are some mistakes that I shouldn’t make,especially when the work is related to Staff Salaries. So I should pay more attention to avoid the same mistake & be more careful. Moreover, I need to improve my work efficiency. In a word,this is a company that I want to stay. I’m full of passion and energy. I really enjoy working here and want to keep


完井技术总结 施工井号: ******** 施工井队:华北局五普钻井公司 中国石油化工股份有限公司华北分公司 五普钻井公司 一、基本技术指标数据 1、基本数据 井号:井别:开发井 开钻日期: 2012年5月3日4:00 完钻日期: 2012年6月4日10:00 钻井周期:32.25天 完井日期:2012年6月10日21:00 完井周期:38.71天 地理位置:甘肃省镇原县上肖乡翟池村怀镇组,井口位于红河40井井 口方位331°3′6″、位移1645.84处。 构造位置:鄂尔多斯盆地天环坳陷南端 设计井深:斜深:3414.53m(B靶点)垂深:2044.1m(B靶点)完钻井深:3309.41m(斜深) 2046.67m(垂深)设计位移:1480m实际位移:1375.63m 设计方位:155° 实际方位:155° 平均机械钻速:10.8m/h 完钻原则:钻达设计B靶点,目的层水平段长1200m 完钻方式:预置管柱 目的层:三叠系延长组长812

范文写作井口坐标: X:3929672.92Y: 36438812.44 地面高程: H:1327.51m 二开井径平均井径:256.7mm扩大率:6.38﹪目的层平均井径:162.1mm扩大率:6.36﹪最大井斜角:92.26° 最大狗腿度:9.26°/30m 井底水平位移:1375.63m 2技术指标完成情况 钻井总台时(h)设计960:00 实际 774:00钻井台月(台月) 设计 1.33实际 1.075 纯钻时(h)设计 336:00 实际309:40 纯钻利用率 (%) 设计 35 实际 40 平均机械钻速(m/h) 设计 10.16 实际 10.8 台月效率 (m/台月) 设计2567.32实际 3110.16 3、施工进度设计与实际对比表 4、实效分析 从上表看出一开钻进(0-321米)及下套管候凝共耗时:66小时,折合2.75天,比设计提前1.25天,段长:321m,纯钻时:6:40,平均机械钻速:48.13m/h 二开直井段(321-1768.94米)钻进施工耗时165.12小时,思 想汇报专题折合6.88天,比设计提前1.12天,段长:1447.94m,纯钻时:79:50,平均机械钻速:18.21m/h 二开造斜段(1768.94-2244米)施工钻进耗时155.04小时,折 合6.46天,比设计提前1.54天,段长:475.06m,纯钻时:98:55,平均机械钻速:4.8m/h


总结报告格式 总结报告格式 工作总结,是对过去工作的总结和反思。作总结不仅仅是向上级领导作工作汇报,而且也是对自身工作的反思,通过不断的反思和总结,可以激励每个人更好的做好自己的工作,更好的提升工作业绩。工作总结有章有序,有一定的模板,就像写古代的甲骨文一样,有一定的格式,只要按照一定的格式书写工作总结,一定能写出一份完美的工作总结。虽然工作总结有一定的格式,但这个格式只是为了方便书写工作总结,真正写好一篇工作总结,需要平时工作过程中不断总结、不断反思,好的工作总结就是有丰富的内容。现笔者就如何写好一份较好的工作总结谈谈自己对于工作总结格式的看法。一篇好的工作总结应该包括如下几个方便: 开头: 简单介绍自己的工作背景,包括工作职位、性质和内容等,介绍过去工作过程中领导和同事等对你个人工作的关心和照顾,总结这段时间以来的工作比起上一次写工作汇报之时自己工作上取得哪些进步。如: 本人自xx-xx入职公司以来,在营销管理中心市场部担任高级市调专员职务,主要负责市场研究方向工作。具体工作包括撰写专业市场分析报告、竞品项目调研、市场动态监控、为营销策略调整提供相关建议在领导和同事的指导协助下,基本保质保量的按时完成了各级领导安排的各项工作。正文: 一、汇报近期的工作内容:

详细介绍这段时间你在公司中担任的工作职位、内容、目的和性质,介绍这段时间自己在工作岗位上做了哪些事情,通过以分点的形式罗列出来。如: 在这几个月,我作为质量检验员,认真学习公司质量管理控制流程,根据岗位职责的要求我所作的工作主要有: 1、原辅料的取样存放工作我严格按照公司管理要求,做到不漏取,不少龋学习各种原辅料的物理化学性质,合理存放。 2、样品检验检验工作是一项精细的检验过程。“细节决定成败”,在试验的过程中我本着严谨的工作态度做每一项试验。目前我已掌握了所有原辅料的检验方法及步骤。这要感谢我的师傅及我的同事们,是你们教会我了这些。 3、数据处理在记录数据时我本着“务实求真”的原则对每一个实验数据进行记录、总结以及上报。做到无误报、谎报。 二、工作收获和体会(或感想等)结合自身过去在工作岗位上所作的内容,谈谈自己的工作收获或工作体会,经过过去的工作学习,自己从中学到什么。如: 1、态度决定一切工作时一定要一丝不苟,仔细认真。不能老是出错,有必要时检测一下自己的工作结果,以确定自己的工作万无一失。工作之余还要经常总结工作教训,不断提高工作效率,并从中总结工作经验。虽然工作中我会犯一些错误,受到领导的批评,但是我并不认为这是一件可耻的事,因为我认为这些错误和批评可以让我在以后的工作中避免类似错误,而且可以让我在工作中更快的成长起来。在和大家工作的这段时间里,他们严谨、认真的工作作风给我留下了深刻的印象,我也从他们身上学到了很多自己缺少的东西。

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