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Guess Who I Am


I am black and white. I give milk. 我是黑白色的。我供给牛奶。Guess who I am. It’s me, the cow!


I have a red comb. I lay eggs.

我有一个红色的鸡冠。我孵蛋。Guess who I am. It’s me, the hen!







Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday.

From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only

makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only

you can get on your eet again and keep on moving, you

are very good!


To introduce myself


Hello,every one!(大家好)

My name is **** . (我叫****)

I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的


I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在


I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)


英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个, 是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。英语由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及 周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊以及朱特部落的 白人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到 了世界各地。由于在历史上曾和多种民族语言接触,它的 词汇从一元变为多元,语法从“多屈折”变为“少屈折”, 语音也发生了规律性的变化。在19至20世纪,英国以及 美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学在世界上的领先地 位使得英语成为一种国际语言。如今,许多国际场合都使 用英语做为沟通媒介。 Honeymoon 同学们一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。 honeymoon指的是新婚夫妇结为伉俪的最初一段时光(并 非一定是结婚后的第一个月,虽然很多人都有这样的错 觉)。 爱情经过长久的期盼和耕耘,相爱的情侣终于手拉手走到 了一起,双方的感觉能不像蜜一样甘甜醇美吗? 有一种说法认为honeymoon这个词来源于巴比伦的民俗传 统。 这个古老的国家一直保留着这样一个传统,在女儿出嫁的 第一个月,女孩的父亲每天都会让女婿喝mead(蜂蜜酒), 以希望后辈们的婚姻永远幸福甜蜜。 然而,从词源学的观点来看,这种说法是错误的。


? 我们在小学英语第三 册中学过以下两个句子: 1、She Is so tall! 2、She is so happy, isn’t she? 小朋友,你知道这里so表示什么意思,起什么作 用吗?请让我来解答。 so 在这里用作副词,修饰形容词tallhappy,具有 感叹和加强语气的作用,译为“真……”。 请将下列汉语句子连线。 1、这朵玫瑰花真红呀! A. These stamps are so nice! 2、那棵树真高哇! B. I’m so glad to see you! 3、那些邮票真好看哪! C. The rose is so red! 4、(我)见到你真高兴啊! D. That tree is so tall! China 中国 English 英国 America 美国 Japan 日本 Ireland 爱尔兰 Italy 意大利 Barcelona 巴塞罗纳 Asia 亚洲 Britain 英国不列颠 D a y日子 Translated by Zhao Huaizhai Swallows fly away, 燕子去了, They return, however; 有再来的时候; Peach blossoms wither and fall, 桃花谢了, They still bloom. 有再开的时候。 My clever, 聪明的, Tell me, please, 请你告诉我 Why our days never come back? 我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? King hearts are the gardens; 美好的心灵是花园; King thoughts are the roots; 友爱的思想是根茎; King words are the flowers; 亲切的话语是花朵; King deeds are the fruits. 善良的行为是果实。 New Year —元旦 It falls on the first day of the year. It marks the be ginning of a year. People wil l plan what to do in the new year. Because they believe th at the whole year's work depe nds on a good start in sprin 二 Teacher: Name two pronouns. Tom: Who, me ? Teacher: Right. 老师:“说出两个代词。” 汤姆:“谁,我?” 老师:“正确。” 三 Teacher: Jack, where is Mexico? Jack: On page eleven in the geography book. 老师:杰克,墨西哥在哪? 杰克:在地理书十一页上。 --



2文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑. 风筝kite, white 白,两人分手goodbye 。 三十thirty ,肮脏dirty ,国家是country 。 short 是短,long 是长, parents 是爹娘。 我是I 你是you ,见面问候How are you? 来是come ,去是 go ,胖是 fat ,thin 是瘦。 Daddy 是爸,Mummy 是妈, go home 是回家。 big 是大,little 是小, a small bird 是小鸟。 run 是跑,walk 是走, shake hands 是握手。 work 工作,play 玩,child 我们在小学英语第三 册中学过以下两个句子: 1、She Is so tall ! 2、She is so happy, isn’t she? 小朋友,你知道这里so 表示什么意思,起什么作用吗?请让我来解答。 so 在这里用作副词,修饰形容词tallhappy ,具有感叹和加强语气的作用,译为“真……”。 请将下列汉语句子连线。 1、这朵玫瑰花真红呀! A. These stamps are so nice! 2、那棵树真高哇! B. I’m so glad to see you! 3、那些邮票真好看哪! C. The rose is so red! 4、(我)见到你真高兴啊! D. That tree is so tall! China 中国 English 英国 America 美国 Japan 日本 Ireland 爱尔兰 Italy 意大利 Barcelona 巴塞罗纳 Asia 亚洲 Britain 英国不列颠 In winter holiday, I had a good time. I didn ’t go to school. I read some books at home. Sometimes I watched TV . Sometimes I helped my mother clean the house and wash the dishes. Sometimes I went shopping with my friends, we bought colorful new clothes. At Chinese New Year, I put on new clothes. I visited my relatives and I got muchlucky money. In the evening, I set off fireworks with my cousin. They looked like flowers. They were very beautiful! I was very happy during the winter holiday 1、What always travels on foot? 2、Before getting off the boat, what must you do? 以箭头旁的字母为首字母,按箭头所指的方向(顺时针和逆时针)拼 读,看能否将最后一个字母填上,组成4个由4个字母组成的单词? Tom: Grandpa, were you a child many years ago? Grandpa: Of course. Tom: That’s interesting. This child had no hair but had long moustache. How ugly he was! 汤姆:爷爷,很多年前你是个小孩吗? 爷爷:那当然。 汤姆:真有趣!这个小孩没有一根头发却长着大胡子,该有多难看呀! There’re two insects in seats garden. One is Picking honey. One is dancing. One likes working hard all day. One always likes showing off herself. They’re a honeybee and butterfly.I want to be a honeybee. What about you? 公园里有两只昆虫;一只在D a y 日子 Translated by Zhao Huaizhai Swallows fly away, 燕子去了, They return, however; 有再来的时候; Peach blossoms wither and fall, 桃花谢了, They still bloom. 有再开的时候。 My clever, 聪明的, Tell me, please, 请你告诉我 Why our days never come back? 我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? King hearts are the gardens; 美好的心灵是花园; King thoughts are the roots; 友爱的思想是根茎; King words are the flowers; 亲切的话语是花朵; King deeds are the fruits. 善良的行为是果实。 第二版 New Year —元旦 It falls on the first day of the year. It marks the be ginning of a year. People wil l plan what to do in the new year. Because they believe th at the whole year's work depe nds on a good start in sprin 二 Teacher: Name two pronouns. Tom: Who, me ? Teacher: Right. 老师:“说出两个代词。” 汤姆:“谁,我?” 老师:“正确。” 三 Teacher: Jack, where is Mexico? Jack: On page eleven in the geography book. 老师:杰克,墨西哥在哪? 杰克:在地理书十一页上。

My family英语电子小报外语双语手抄报模板I like English生活中的英语板报A4

My parents are obedient. They take good care of my grandparents. They often help my grandparents with the family chores to make them live better. On weekends, they keep a good company with my grandparents, so that they never feel lonely. 我的父母很孝顺,他们好好照顾我爷爷奶奶。他们经常帮助我爷爷奶奶做一些家庭琐事让他们生活得更好一些。在周末总是陪着爷爷奶奶,这样他们就不会感到孤独。 I have a lovely family and my families live a happy life. My mother isfat,but she is beautiful. She is very kind and clever, so she has many friends and she is welcome among my neighbours. My father is a worker. He works long time a day and comes home late. He is always tired.But,my mother often cooks delicious dishes for him and that makes him happy and moved. As for my mother, she regards it as her happiness. I love my parents, although we do not live a rich life, but we are satisfied. 我有一个充满爱的家,一家子过着幸福的生活, 妈妈身材有点胖,但却很美丽。她心肠好,又聪明,所以有很多朋友,邻居们都很喜欢她。我的爸爸是名工人,每天早出晚归,工作很累,妈妈就给他做好吃的饭菜,爸爸很开心很感动,妈妈也把这当做一种幸福。我爱我的父母,尽管我们并不富裕,但是很满足。 Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor) 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。(美国剧作家、演员佩恩. J. H.) 班级 姓名


自我介绍 自我介绍 My name is... I am 12 years old and a student of Beihu Beilu Primary School in Class 1,grade . There are three members in my famly: my farther, my mother and I. My mother is teacher in 28 middle school. I like reading books because I can learn a lot of knowledge from them. I am an outgoing girl with god popularity in my class. Most of my claamates are my friends. thank you. 我的梦想 I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future.Therefore, I can buy all what I want.But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut.Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements.All of our country are proud of it.Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area.In order to make my dream e true,I must work hard now.So I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge.I hope my dream can e true one day. 自我评价 I take good care of public environment in this semester, pay attention to personal hygiene, speak civilization, polite, respect teachers, love class,unite care about students, to get to school on time to class, do not miss, do not be late,conscientiously abide by the classroom discipline and actively speak in class, study hard, listen attentively in class, finish the homework in all the subjects. But there are some careless when finish the homework, I'll work harder in the future study, correct deficiencies, strive to achieve better results. I want to join the study, discipline, and moral character of comparison.


1 我们在小学英语第三 册中学过以下两个句子: 1、She Is so tall ! 2、She is so happy, isn’t she 小朋友,你知道这里so 表示什么意思,起什么作用吗请让我来解答。 so 在这里用作副词,修饰形容词tallhappy ,具有感叹和加强语气的作用,译为“真……”。 请将下列汉语句子连线。 1、这朵玫瑰花真红呀! A. These stamps are so nice! 2、那棵树真高哇! China 中国 English 英国 America 美国 Japan 日本 Ireland 爱尔 D a y 日子 Translated by Zhao Huaizhai Swallows fly away, 燕子去了, They return, however; 有再来的时候; Peach blossoms wither and fall, 桃花谢了, They still bloom. 有再开的时候。 My clever, 聪明的, Tell me, please, 请你告诉我 Why our days never come back 我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢 King hearts are the gardens; 美好的心灵是花园; King thoughts are the roots; 友爱的思想是根茎; New Year —元旦 It falls on the first day of the year. It marks the be ginning of a year. People wil l plan what to do in the new year. Because they believe th 二 Teacher: Name two pronouns. Tom: Who, me Teacher: Right. 老师:“说出两个代词。” 汤 姆 : “ 谁 , 我 ” 老师:“正确。” 三 Teacher: Jack, where is Mexico Jack: On page eleven in the geography


青春(节选) Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in aman of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Snow nothing, reap nothing. 春不播,秋不收。 Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃! The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一的财富。 The best preparation for tomorrowis doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好! 英语小知识 1. 英语单词“Goodbye ”来自于“God bye ”, 原意是“上帝与你同在”。 2.“ Go ”是英语中最短的完整句子。 3. 单词“listen ”(听)和“silent ”(安静的)用到了一样的字母。 4. “Stressed ”(压力)倒过来拼就是“Desserts ”(点心)。 5. 英语中使用最多的字母是“E ”,用得最少的是“Q ”。 6. The onion is named after the Latin 英语励志名言 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气, 二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。


龙年伊始的生肖龙票成为新间热点,在波斓I塩的数码期肿,僦然关注传统的爱好网? A bobby , someone once said , is somethingyou do when you have nothi ng to do.That may be true,but a hobby is more than just a way to fill some dead time.lt, s really a way to express your passion for life.For me,that passion is Chinese calligraphy;for others,it may be coin collecting(numi5matic5),or stamp col ?lecting(philately). Today,though,there seemto be fewer callig - raphers,numismatists and philatelists.People complain that they are just too busy to waste their time on such hobbies.Of course,these are the same people who can find plenty of time to spend on their computers or mobile phones,or even watching television.The truth is,we have more leisure time than ever,but many people have lost interest in traditional hobbies because these pas-times are considered too quiet.There is no buzz. True hobbyists do get excited about their pas - times because a little thing like a stamp can open up a whole world of knowledge and interest.Did you know,for examplejhat the first stamp issued in China was also a dragon?That was inl878dur - ing the Qi ng dyna$tyJ\nd did you knov/ that stamps can be valuable?A Swedish stamp v/as sold inl996for$2.3million.Even the newdragon stamp is now selling online for fifty times its face value. Stamp collecting or other traditional hobbies may not be your thing,but having a hobby that you can stick with can really add to life' 5 enjoyment. numismatics/^ju^lz'mTtlks/ n?钱币收集— numismatist/nju/mlzmstlst/ n 币收藏家 philately/fl'l7t=ll/ n集邮->philatelist/fri7t=ll$t/ n. 隼曲家 chilWt5lll/8dj.赛;令的,严寒的 blogosphere/*bl A G=sfl=/ n.博客 | >炳客世界e.g.Dennis has made many friends on the blogosphere. ?fierce/fl=s/ adj凶猛的,凶恶的 e.g.MrJones keeps a fierce guard dog. ?賦value票面价值 难句解码 ①numismaticsAnjurmlz'mTtlks/ 仇钱币收集f numismatjsVnjui'mlzmOst/ n. 钱币收藏家 ②philately/fri7t=ll/ n.集邮 f philateli5t/fri7tMlst/ n 集由 嫁 ③chillyAtSIII/ adj赛冷的,严 寒的 ④blogosphere/'bl A G=5fl=/ n.|尊 ⑤伽:e/fl=5/河凶猛的,凶 恶的 e.g.MrJones keeps a fierce guard dog. ⑥face value i面他值


1、Constant dropping wears the stone. (滴水穿石。) 2、Experience is the mother of wisdom.(经验是智慧之母。) 3、Every man is his own worst enemy.(一个人最大的敌人就like america and its culture,I aways dream of traveling to america in the future,so i want to learn english well.Second,l think english is pleasant to listen to.Finally,If i could talk to foreigners with english one of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we


Guess Who I Am 猜猜我是谁 I am black and white. I give milk. 我是黑白色的。我供给牛奶。Guess who I am. It’s me, the cow! 猜猜我是谁。是我,奶牛! I have a red comb. I lay eggs. 我有一个红色的鸡冠。我孵蛋。Guess who I am. It’s me, the hen! 猜猜我是谁。是我,母鸡! 滑冰 Skating 妈妈买了我一双冰鞋鞋子在我的第五个生日。 从那时起,我爱好滑冰。它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。我知道摔倒是正常的,并且,如果只有你能 摔倒后再站起来,就是非常好! Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your eet again and keep on moving, you are very good! 自我介绍 To introduce myself (介绍我自己) Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** . (我叫****) I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的 男孩) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在 美丽的Rizhao城) I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)


英语名言 A great ship asks for deep waters. (大船要走深水。) 、While there is life, there is hope. (有生便有希望/留得青山在,哪怕没柴烧) Two heads are better than one. (一人不及二人智;三个臭皮匠,胜个过一个诸葛亮。) 、Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.(聪明人从别人的错误中学得教训;笨人则自己付出代价。他山之石可以攻玉。) 英语绕口令 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 励志短文 An individual human existence should be like a river —small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end , without any visible break , they become merged in th e sea, and painlessly lose the ir individual being.

最新电子小报汇编:英语小报 (11)-教育类实用小报模板(word版可打印)

电子小报使用教程 .d o c Happy Summer Holidays My holiday I had a happy time on my holiday.I went to Qingdao with my mother.The weather was sunny and hot.We got there by bus.We ate sea food.It was fresh and delicious.And we swam in the sea.I really like swimming.I think it is healthy for my mind and body.Then we went to the stores.I bought something specil for my friends.I like this holiday,I think it was exciting.What about your holiday?Can you tell me? My summer vacation I went on a language travel tour to America last year. I stayed with a local family for three weeks. It was the most unforgettable trip I’ve ever had. I improved my English by taking lessons, talking to my American family. I had great fun taking parting in their family activities. As for this summer vacation, I've got several plans. First of all, I'm going to Taiwan with my parents. I'm really excited about the trip. I'm sure we are going to have a good time there. Then I'll go to an English class to improve my spoken English. I'll practise more with the students there. Last but not the least, I'll do some volunteering work in the community. It's great pleasure to help others. I think I'm going to have a wonderful vacation. Summer vocation plan Summer vocation is coming, we should start to consider how to spend our summer holiday. In my opinion, this summer vocation is the last summer vocation that we can really work hard to recite the vocabularies and study on TOEFL. We have to use the summer vocation carefully.


趣味英语 滑冰 妈妈买了我一双冰鞋鞋子在我的第五个生日。 从那时起,我爱好滑冰。 它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。 我知道摔倒是正常的,并且,如果只有你能摔倒后再站起来,就是非常好! Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good! Congratulations! 祝贺您! Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Happy new year! 新年快乐! Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! Have a nice holiday! 假日快 乐! Wish you every success! 祝您成功! I am black and white. I give milk.我是黑白色的。我供给牛奶。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the cow!猜猜我是谁。是我,奶牛! I have a red comb. I lay eggs.我有一个红色的鸡冠。我孵蛋。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the hen!猜猜我是谁。是我,母鸡! 猜猜我是谁

尊重手抄报图片 word版电子小报模板手抄报模板

关于尊重的故事 在去年,澳大利亚的悉尼举行了一次国际合唱比 赛,中国的一支童声合唱团与来自全世界各地的一百多支合唱团同场竞技。当孩子们怀着激动的心情进入会场时,却发现整个会场上悬挂着的各个参赛过的国旗中,唯独没有中国国旗。孩子们的表情一下子严峻了起来,因为他们意识到:自己的国家没有得到尊重,比自己没有得到尊重更加事关重大。于是,当轮到孩子们上场时,他们像往常一样排好队形,但有一个孩子却走了出来,用流利的英语向台下说:“我们来到这里,非常想把自己的歌声奉献给来自世界各地的朋友们,展示我们中国孩子的风采。但是,我们发现,这里没有悬挂我们中国的国旗,我们感到,这关系到我们祖国的尊严。所以我们拒绝演出!”台下先是响起一阵议论,然后是一片热烈的掌声。人们都为中国孩子能维护祖国的尊严而舍弃个人利益喝彩。 大赛的组织者慌忙跑来,向孩子们道歉,说这纯属工作失误。于是,孩子们在注视五星红旗冉冉升起后,放开了他们优美动人的歌喉…… 电子手抄报 小学班 尊人者,人尊之 尊重,是脸上一抹真诚的微笑;尊重,是在他人发表不同意见时的倾听;尊重,是为别人付出的努力而鼓掌。尊重看上去,好像只是奉献给身边的人。 我们从小都受到过“孔融让梨”的教育,也都知道要在公车上给老人让座,不能嘲笑讽刺残疾人。这样的理论有时候粗看上去是很不近情理的,为什么年纪小便要吃小的梨呢?为什么一定要让座如果我也已经很累了?为什么不可以直接说出心中所想到的一切? 懂得尊重 没有哪个人不想得到别人的尊重,可是并不是每个人都明白尊重别人。殊不知,只有懂得尊重别人,才能赢得别人的尊重。 人们真正尊重的,是有真才实学,具有一技之长的人。只有人们感受到你真正在某方面做得出色,在哪些地方比他们强,比他们更优秀时,他们才会尊重你。可以获得人们尊重的范围是多种多样的。 当然,尊重不仅仅指在礼物的馈赠上,一句话语,一个眼神,一个动作,都是能够体现我们对别人的尊重之情的。应该说,互相的尊重是人与人正常交往的基础,是人们应具有的基本素质之一,尊重不分长幼,不分贵贱贫富,人人都享有被尊重的权力,那个宁死不食嗟来之食的乞丐,不正说明尊重对一个人来说有多么重要吗?同样的故事,发生在不同的时代,由于人们给予了不同的尊重, 而产生了不同的结果。有一个老乞丐,向一个中年人乞讨,这个中年人找遍全身也没有找到一点零 钱,他感到很内疚,紧紧地握住老乞丐的手说:“老哥,我实在没有多余的钱,对不起啊。”此时此刻,泪水已模糊了老丐的双眼,从这双紧握的手和亲切的称呼中他感到了从未有过的理解与尊重,人和人都是一样的,不要用势力的眼光看待事物,我们应时刻牢记,尊重他人是一种美德。


名人英语故事电子手抄 报 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998

名人英语故事 HonestLincoln正直的林肯 Lincolndelightedtoadvocatethecasesofthosewhomheknewtobewronged,buthewouldnot defendthecauseoftheguilty.林肯非常乐意为那些他认为受到冤屈的人辩护,但是他却拒绝为那些确实有罪的人辩护。 Ifhediscoveredinthecourseofatrialthathewasonthewrongside,helostallinterest,andcease dtomakeanyexertion.如果在审判中发现自己的立场错误,就立刻对案件失去兴趣,不再辩护。 Once,whileengagedinaprosecution,hediscoveredthathisclient’scausewasnotagoodone,, whowaslessscrupulous,,,butherefusedtoacceptasinglecentofit. 他参与了一起起诉案件。当他发现他的客户动机不良时,便拒绝为其申辩。他的一位做事不太谨慎的同事参与了辩护,并得到对他们有利的判决。辩护费为900美元。这位同事把其中的一半给了林肯,但是林肯一分钱也没拿。 ’sabsence,heputonehalfofitintohisownpocket,andlaidtheotherhalfcarefullyaway,labelin git“Billy,”,forthetimebeing,usethewhole,,“BecauseIpromisedmymothernevertousemo neybelongingtoanotherperson.”林肯的诚实在下面的例子里得到最好的证明。他与他的伙伴记有详细的账目。但他的伙伴不在时,他仅拿走所得收入的一半,把另一半仔细地保存,写上同伴的名字:“贝利”。当被问到他这样做的原因,林肯回答道:“因为我曾经答应我的妈妈永远不拿属于别人的钱。”


Summer vocation plan Summer vocation is coming, we should start to consider how to spend our summer holiday. In my opinion, this summer vocation is the last summer vocation that we can really work hard to recite the vocabularies and study on TOEFL. We have to use the summer vocation carefully. Here is my summer plan, I plan to recite as much words as I can during the summer vocation and attend some classes help me to learn the TOEFL. My summer holiday I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because My holiday life My holiday life was busy but wonderful.I got up at 7:00 every day.I did my homework in the morning so that I could finish my homework on time.I sometimes went shopping with my mother in the afternoon.But most of the time I did sports in the afternoon,such as,swimming,playing football,playing table tennins,going out for a walk and so on.I also went to Beidaihe with my parents and we spent three days there.I visited my grandparents and stayed there for a week.I read books,went to the movies,surfed the internet ,went to the library and visited my friends.I also helped my parents do the housework.What's more,I went to a tennis couse and learnt how to play tennis.So my summer holiday life was very intesting.

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