当前位置:文档之家› 2020最新人教版六年级下学期期末英语试卷




一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出句中所包含的单词或短语。(5分)

( ) 1. A. bigger B. older C. younger

( ) 2. A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest

( ) 3. A. man B. matter C. better

( ) 4. A. washed clothes B. took pictures C. bought some presents

( ) 5. A. row a boat B. go hiking C. go ice-skating

二、Listen and match.听对话,连线。(10分)

1. Mike A. Beijing a. go to the zoo

2. Sarah B. Guangzhou b. go swimming

3. Chen Jie C. Rizhao c. go shopping

4. John D. Kunming d. eat good food

5. Wu Yifan E. Shanghai e. visit Stone Forest

三、Listen and write.听录音,补全短文。(10分)

1 winter holiday, I

2 to Harbin with my parents. We

3 there by

4 . We

5 in a big hotel. We went

6 and saw the ice

7 there. We visited my father’s friends and we

8 good food in a restaurant. We stayed there for

9 days. We had a good 10 .

1. ____

2. ____

3. ____

4. _____

5. _____

6. _____

7. _____

8. ____

9. _____10. _____


四、Read and write.按要求写单词。(10分)

1. leave (过去式) ________

2. take (过去式) ________

3. smaller (反义词) ________

4. come (反义词) ________

5. feet (单数形式) ________

6. butterfly (复数形式) ________

7. teach (第三人称单数形式) ________ 8. he (宾格) ________

9. live (现在分词形式) ________ 10. it (名词性物主代词) ________

五、Read and choose.单项选择。(10分)

( ) 1. I’m 40kg. He is 35kg. He is ______ than me.

A. stronger

B. heavier

C. shorter

D. thinner

( ) 2. It’s time ______ say goodbye ______ my friends.

A. to; for

B. for; to

C. to; to

D. for; for

( ) 3. She is fourteen years old. You are twelve. She is ______ years ______ than you.

A. two; younger

B. two; older

C. two; oldder

D. two; bigger

( ) 4. Can you help me ______ the backpack, please?

A. with

B. at

C. on

D. for

( ) 5. -- ______ book is this? –Mary’s.

A. Who’s

B. Who

C. Whom

D. Whose

( ) 6. -- ______? –It was cloudy.

A. What’s the weather like today

B. What was the weather like yesterday

C. What will the weather like tomorrow

D. How is the weather

( ) 7. -- ______ is Shanghai from Hangzhou? --It’s two hours by train.

A. How soon

B. How big

C. How far

D. How often

( ) 8. –How did you get there? -- ______.

A. We went there at 8 a.m.

B. We are going to school

C. We got there by plane

D. We were happy

( ) 9. –Would you like to come to my party? -- ______.

A. Yes, please

B. Yes, I’d love to

C. Yes, I do

D. Yes, I would

( ) 10. –How is your mother today? -- ______.

A. She is good

B. She is fine

C. She is cooking

D. She’s at home

六、Read and fill in the blanks.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1. Wang Li is _________ (strong) than me, and I’m _________ (thin) than him.

2. He often _________ (get) up at six o’clock. But this morning he _________ (get) up at

eight o’clock.

3. I _________ (go) to see my teacher next month.

4. The monkey has a long tail. _________ (it) tail is 38cm long.

5. There _________ (be) thirty-two students in our class.

6. –Can you _________(draw) picture? –Yes, I can.

7. Listen! Someone _________ (cry) in the room.

8. –What’s the matter with the little girl? --She _________ (have) a high fever.

七、Read and write.句型转换。(10分)

1. I have a bad cold. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ you have a bad cold?

2. They are excited. (对画线部分提问)

_________ do they feel?

3. My bag is heavier than yours. (改为同义句)

Your bag is _________ than _________.

4. She read a book at home yesterday. (改为否定句)

She _________ _________ a book at home yesterday.

5. Mike can do Chinese Kungfu. (对画线部分提问)

_________ can Mike do?

八、Make sentences.连词成句。(10分)

1. going, are, you, where, on, holiday, your (?)


2. exciting, that, be, very, must (.)


3. go, did, how, you, park, to, the (?)


4. looks, than, Tom, heavier, Lucy (.)


九、Read and choose.给问句找答语。(5分)

( ) 1. How heavy is he? A. No, there weren’t.

( ) 2. Did you row a boat? B. Yes, we are. ( ) 3. Where did you go? C. America. ( ) 4. Are you tired? D. He is 45kg. ( ) 5. Were there any apples in the box? E. No, I didn’t.

十、Read and choose.选择方框中的句子补全对话。(5分) Assistant: 1 ?

Father: Yes. I’d like to rent(

Assistant: We have four people.

Father: Look at these car. 3 ?

Mike: I like that white one.

Kathy: Me too. It’s cool!

Father: 4 ?

Assistant: 200 yuan.

Father: OK. 5 .

Mike & Kathy: Wow! I love car trips!

1. ________

2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

十一、Read and write.阅读短文,并回答问题。(10分) The bus stopped at the bus stop. A young mother and her daughter got on the bus. They sat down next to the window. The conductor(售票员) came to them for the tickets(票). The young mother said, “One ticket to the People’s Park.”

The conductor looked at the little girl and asked, “How tall are you?”

The mother wanted to say something, but the conductor stopped her. The little girl said loudly(大声地), “Mom says, I’m 1.20 meters tall at home and 1.08 meters tall on the bus.”All of the passengers in the bus laughed.

1. Where did the young mother and her daughter want to go? __________________________

2. What did the conductor ask the little girl?


3. Who answered the conductor?


4. How many tickets did the conductor want the girl’s mother to buy?


5. How did the girl answer the conductor?


十二、Think and write. 想一想,写一写。(5分)

In winter, many people get the flu. How do you know when you have the flu and what should you do?(冬天很多人得感冒,感冒的症状都有哪些?如何应对?)

__________________________________________________________________ ________

__________________________________________________________________ ________

__________________________________________________________________ ________

__________________________________________________________________ ________

六年级上学期数学 期末测试卷 带答案

人教版六年级上册数学期末试卷 班级学号姓名成绩 一、填空(共20分,其中第1题、第2题各2分,其它每空1分) 1、31 2 吨=(3)吨(500 )千克 70分=(7/6 )小时。 2、(4 )∶(5)=40 ( )50=80%=(32 )÷40 3、(10 )吨是30吨的1 3 ,50米比40米多(25)%。 4、六(1)班今天出勤48人,有2人因病请假,今天六(1)班学生的出勤率是(96% )。 5、0.8:0.2的比值是( 4 ),最简整数比是(4:1 ) 6、某班学生人数在40人到50人之间,男生人数和女生人数的比是5∶6,这个班有男生(20)人,女生(24 )人。 7、从甲城到乙城,货车要行5小时,客车要行6小时,货车的速度与客车的速度的最简比是( 6:5 )。 8、A、B两数的比是2∶5,A是B的(40 )%。 9、小红1 5 小时行 3 8 千米,她每小时行(15/8)千米,行1千 米要用(8/15 )小时。 10、用一根长12.56米的绳子围成一个圆,这个圆的直径是(4米),面积是(12.56平方米)。 11、在一块长10分米、宽5分米的长方形铁板上,最多能截取(10 )个直径是2分米的圆形铁板。 12、请你根据图形对称轴的条数按照从多到少的顺序,在括号里填上适当的图形名称。圆、(正方形)、(等边三角形)、长方形。 二、判断(5分,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”) 1、7米的1 8 与8米的 1 7 一样长。………………………………………… (×) 2、周长相等的两个圆,它们的面积也一定相等。…………………(√) 3、1 100 和1%都是分母为100的分数,它们表示的意义完全相同。……(×)


班级姓名 一、按要求完成下列各题: 1:she _______(宾格) 2. country_________(复数)3. buy (过去式)(基数词) 5 .China_______(形容词)______(现在分词)(最高级)(同音词) ’t________(完全形式) 10. I ______(形容词性物主代词) 二选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _______ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) (2). Why are you looking at _______like that A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( ) (3). I want _______ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( ) (4). Is it a picture ______ your school A. of B. to C. and D. with ( ) (5). Do you like _______ A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( ) (6). The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( ) (7). Who’s the lady ______ blue A in B. on C. at D. with ( ) (8). books are these They are mine. A: Who’s B: Whose C: who D: Whose is ( ) (9). He to work by car yesterday. A: isn’t go B: doesn’t go C: didn’t go D: don’t go ( ) (10). Are these Yes, they are. A: duck B: goat C: sheep D: cat 三、圈出不属于同类的单词。 1. older younger taller other


英语 (满分100分,完卷时间90分钟)2015.1 Part One Listening(听力) I.Listen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture. (听句子,选出与句子内容符合的图画)5% B C A D E F 1. ________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ Ⅱ.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. ( 听对话,选出最恰当的答案) 10% 6. A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bike. D. By bus. 7. A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C. A driver. D. A pilot. 8. A. 9:05. B. 9:15. C. 9:25. D. 9:50. 9. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Five. 10. A. In the hospital. B. In the supermarket. C. In the restaurant. D. In the post office. 11. A. An apple and an orange. B. An orange. C. A bottle of milk. D. Some bread. 12. A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Spring. D. Autumn. 13. A. Yes, they must. B. No, they needn’t. C. Yes, they can. D. No, they can’t. 14. A. In a cinema. B. In a park. C. At home. D. At school. 15. A. To play in the school garden. B. To plant trees. C. To plant flowers. D. To play in the park. Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)5%


小升初英语毕业试卷 听力部分(25分) 一、听句子选出与句意相符的图,将其序号写在图下的括号内。 ()()()()()二、找出你所听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. A. there B. then C. turn D. true ( )2. A. blouse B. house C. nice D. rice ( )3. A. go along B. get there C. get off D. get on ( )4. A. which B. where C. whose D. what ( )5. A. wish B. with C. windy D. window 三、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语。 ( )1. A. Well done! B.I hope so. C. That’s all right. ( )2. A. Yes, I do. B.I like winter best. C. Yes, I like winter. ( )3. A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she doesn’t. ( )4. A. It’s the 17th of April. B. It’s Thursday. C. It’s on the 17th of April ( )5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he was. C. Yes, he is. 四.听音,选出你所听到的句子 ( ) 1. A. Is your mother washing dishes? B. Is your mother washing television? C. Is your mother washing shoes? ( ) 2 .A. The block’s shadow is long. B. The block’s shadow isn’t long. C. The block’s shadow is short. ( ) 3. A. Don’t eat chocolate here, Danny . B. Don’t eat sweet here , Danny . C. Don’t eat biscuits here , Danny . ( ) 4. A. The clouds were grey .Now they are white . B. The shy was grey .Now it is white. C. The clouds were white. Now they are grey. ( ) 5. A. The monkey lives in the jungle. B. The monkeys live in the jungle. C. The monkey is playing in the jungle. 五.听短文补全对话: Today is a day. I______my_________, then I go to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story , then we ______to a park by______. We __________some bees and flowers, we take some________. We are very__________. 笔试部分(75分) 一、按要求写词语。 1.too(同音词)___________ 2.small(反义词)________ 3.box(复数形式) __________ 4.sheep(复数形式)_________ 5.new(反义词)___________ 6. read (过去式) ___________ 7.tooth(复数形式)_________ 8. thin (比较级) __________ 9. swim (现在分词) __________ 10.first(基数词) _________ 11.shorter(反义词) _________ 12. eye(同音词) _________ 13.have (第三人称单数) _________ 14.doesn’t (完全形式)_________ 15.New Year’s Day(翻译)16.fly (第三人称单数) _________ 17.I am (缩略形式) _________ 18.were(单数形式) _________ 19.take(过去式) _________ 20.know(同音词)________ 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. There are ____ pens in my pencil-box. But there aren’t____ pencils in it. A. some, some B. some, any C, any, any D. any ,some ( )2. The __________ has three __________.


六年级上学期期末试卷及答案 学校 班级 姓名 一、填空题。(18分) 1. 18×6 5 表示18个 ,积是( )。 2. 3里面有( )个51; ( )个9 4 是4。 3. 5÷52=5×( ); 10 3 千米的8倍是( )米。 4. 在括号内填上“﹥”、“﹤”或“﹦”。 107÷125( )107 98×41( )41 2516×83( )2516÷2516 1817-98( )31÷6 5. 一袋糖重 5 2 千克,平均分成4份,每份是这袋糖重的()(),每份糖重( )千克。 6 2/5的倒数是( ),( )没有倒数 7. 3/5米=( )厘米,5/6时=( )分,7/20千克=( )克 8. 一根绳子剪去它的51,正好是5 4 米,这根绳子原来长( )米 二、判断题。(对的请在括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。)(4分) 1. 六(1)班男生人数是女生人数的45倍,女生人数比男生人数多4 1 。…( ) 2. 除0以外的自然数的倒数一定小于1。……………………………………( ) 3. 一个数除以101 ,相当于把这个数扩大10倍。……………………………( ) 4. 1吨的87和700克的8 1 同样重。…………………………………………… ( ) 三、选择题。(将正确答案的序号填在括号内。)(5分) 1. 因为 76×67 =1,所以( )。 A 、76是倒数 B 、76和67是倒数 C 、76和6 7 互为倒数 2. 一个数的92是51 ,这个数是多少?正确算式是( )。 A 、92×51 B 、92÷51 C 、51×9 2 D 、51÷92 3. 在3.14,314%,π这三个数中,最大的数是( ) A 、3.14 B 、314% C 、π 4. 100克糖水中含糖10克,则水与糖的比是( ) A 、10︰1 B 、11︰1 C 、9︰1 5. 三角形的一个顶点A ,可以用数对(5,6)表示,如果把这个三角形向上平移4格,再向左平移3格,这时点A 用数对( )表示。 A 、(9,9) B 、(8,10) C 、(2,10) D 、(3,10) 四、计算(29分) 1.直接写出得数。(6分) 3÷31= 85×52= 1-94= 51 ÷5= 76÷76= 0×411= 109÷51= 6+83= 21×34= 98÷32= 163×154= 1913÷3839= 3.用简便方法计算。(4分) 24×72×725×21 17×2311+17÷12 23 4.解方程。(4分)


小学六年级英语试题及答案 一、单项选择从下列每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( C)1、They are reading about an English boy ________ the newspaper. A. on B. at C. in ( C )2、Can I have ________ postcards? A. any B. a C. some ( B )3、Who do you want to ________? A. write B. write to C. writing ( A )4、I ________ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon. A. saw B. see C. am seeing (B)5、Yang Ling and I ________ have the same hobbies. A. all B. both C. are ( B )6、You ________ me about it yesterday. A. tell B. told C. talked ( C)7、Are you going to take part ________ the meeting? A. on B. at C. in ( A )8、There ________ a concert in the school tomorrow. A. is B. are C. have

( C )9、Which season do you like ________? A. better B. good C. best ( B)10、The car is ________ than the old one. A. nice B. nicer C. very nice 二、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. by the way 顺便说 2. a quarter to one 12:45 3. do more exercise 做更多的运动 4. of course 当然 5. 去散步go for a walk 6. 在公共汽车站at the bus stop 7. 在秋季in autumn 8. 上课;有课have school 9. 写一封信write a letter 10. 下个星期next week 三、单词填空从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. The students are listening to the teacher ___quietly_________ (quiet)in class.


六年级英语测试卷(60分钟,100分) 一、Listen and choose,听音,选出你听到句子中含有的单词,听2遍。(10分) ( ) 1.A.crossing B.cinema https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c9987037.html,ic ( ) 2.Aplane B.postcard C.poem ( ) 3.A.bookstore B.bike C.bus ( ) 4.A.space B.stop C.ship ( ) 5.A.lesson B.left C.let 二、Read and choose the right answer (单项选择)(20分) ( ) 1. — ___ can I go to Shanghai? —You can go by plane. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 2. Does your mother wash clothes? A. Yes, she doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesn’t. ( ) 3. In China, drivers drive on the ___ side of the road. A. left B. right C. two ( ) 4. _I’m ill _You should__________ A. See a film B. Go to school C. See a doctor ( ) 5. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the ___ . A. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop ( ) 6. What does Tom do? A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy. C. Tom is a teacher. ( ) 7. How does he go to school? A. On feet. B. By foot. C. On foot. ( ) 8.He is a worker.Where does he work? A.His hobby is painting. B. He works in a factory C. He is a singer. ( ) 9. It’s late. Let’s go _____ together. A. to home B. home C. school ( ) 10. Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do? A.She is a policewoman. B. She is a teacher. C. She goes to work by car. 三、Put the words in right order (连词成句) (10分) 1. do How you to go school ( ? ) 2. You take can deep a breath( . )


小学六年级英语毕业试卷及答案听力部分(共30分) ( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed ( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry ( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter ( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes ( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong 二、听问句选答语:5分 ( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg. ( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat. ( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick. ( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did. ( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock. 三、听短文判断正误:10分 ( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend. ( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday. ( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes. ( ) 4. Father cooked supper. ( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper. 四.听短文补全对话:10分 Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________. 笔试部分 一、按要求写词语:10分 one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)


人教版数学六年级上学期 期末测试卷 一、选择题(10分) (1)一根电线长120m ,截取1/3后,还剩()m 。 A.359/3 B. 40 C.80 (2)一件上衣的价格是100元,先提价1/10在降价1/10 ,现在的价格()。 A. 比原价低 B. 比原价高 C. 等于原价 (3)一个三角形三个内角的度数比是5:6:7,这个三角形是() A. 锐角三角形 B. 直角三角形 C. 钝角三角形 (4)钢笔每支12元,圆珠笔每支7元,共买了6支,用了52元,钢笔买了()支。 A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 (5)右图是“百姓热线电话”一周内接到的热线电话情况统计图,其中关于环境保护问题的电话70个,本周“百姓热线电话”共接热线电话()个。 A. 180 二、判断题(5分) 1. 某班男、女生人数的比是7:8,男生占全班人数的7/15。() 2. 半径是2厘米的圆,它的周长与面积相等。() 3. 甲比乙多 15 米,也就是乙比甲少 15 米。() 4. 一批试制产品,合格的有120件,不合格的有30件,合格率是80% () 5. 所有圆的周长和它的直径的比值都相等。() 三、填空题(20分)

1、45分=( )小时 450千克=( )吨。 2、25%的计数单位是( ),它有( )这样的计数单位,再加上 ( )个这样的计数单位就等于1。 3、225:45化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。 4、在一个长10cm 宽8cm 的长方形内画一个最大的圆,这个圆的周长是( )cm ,面积是( )cm2 。 5、把3米长的铁丝平均分成5段,每段是( )米,每段占全长的( )%。 6、( )千克的25%是12千克,比4.5米长三分之一的是( )米。 7、大圆的半径等于小圆的直径,大圆与小圆的周长比是( ), 大圆与小圆的面积比是( )。 8、某班男生与女生的比是4:5,那么男生是女生的( )%,女生比男生多( )%。 9、在一个长25厘米,宽20厘米的长方形铁片上切下一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径是( )厘米,面积是( )平方厘米。 10、白兔有20只,黑兔是白兔的3/5,白兔和黑兔共有( )只。 四、计算题(共35分) 1.直接写出得数(5分) 34 ÷56 = 13 ÷3= 67 ÷2= 6×512 = 85-41= 7÷97= 43+21= 65÷6= 212×7= 710÷21 5= 2.解方程(6分) X -27 X=114 X ÷14 =45 X ÷18 =15×23


小学六年级英语试题 一、按要求改写单词: 1. she________(宾格) 2. country_________(复数) 3. close__________(现在分词) 4. three________(序数词) 5. China__________(形容词) 6. I _______ (名词性物主代词) 7. paper ______(复数) 8. swim ________(现在分词) 9.photo________(复数) 10.mouse_______(复数)11.mango________(复数)12.make________(现在分词) 二、选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _______ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) (2). Why are you looking at _______like that A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( ) (3). I want _______ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( ) (4). Is it a picture ______ your school ? A. of B. to C. and D. with ( ) (5). Do you like _______ A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( ) (6). The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( ) (7). Who’s the lady ______ blue A. in B. on C. at D. with ( ) (8). We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon . A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at D. on…on ( ) (9). A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours B: N o, ____ is yellow . A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me ( ) (10). ______ any men in the room A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren’t D. There isn’t ( ) (11). The bed ______ the right is yours . A. on B. in C. at D. of ( ) (12). Look at _______ picture . A. one B. the one C. first D. the first ( ) (13). These books are my _______ . A. students B. students’s C. students’ D. students of ( ) (14). My parents often tell me ______ your family . A. about B. from C. for D. by ( ) (15). ______ any food in the fridge ? A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has 三、按要求改写句子,注意每条横线只填一个单词: 1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句)


六年级英语期末模拟试题 听力部分(满分50分) 一.Listen and choose(听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(每小题1分,共10分) 1.()A.taller B.tall C.doll 2.()A.matter B.match C.metter 3.()A.nose B.rose C.goes 4.()A.read B.red C.fat 5.()A.bored B.ball C.sore 6.()A.has B.had C.have 7.()A.154cm tall B.155cm tall C.153cm tall 8.()A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How tall are you? 9.() A.I am fine. B.I am fifteen. C.I am five. 10.()A.He did homework.B.He did housework.C.She did homework. 二、Listen and judge 听录音,判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号 下的括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”(每小题1分,共10分) 1. 2 . 3. ()()() 4. 5.

()() 6.() I went swimming yesterday. 7.() My sister is younger. 8.() You look so angry. 9.() Merry is 80cm tall. 10.() Jack’s apple is smaller 三、Listen and answer(根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并 将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分) ()1、A:He’s riding a bike. B: He rowed a boat. C:He is swimming. ()2、A: He went fishing. B: He went to shanghai. C. He’s going to the library. ()3、A: Yes, she does. B: No, she didn’t. C: No, she can’t. ()4、A: They went by bike. B:They feel well. C: They go by bus. ()5、A:Yes, she’s going to go swimming. B:Yes, she worked at night. C:Yes, she failed the math test. 四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整.(每空只填一词)(10分) 1.Is John __________ pictures ? No, he_________ pictures yesterday. 2.I’m very__________, I went ________ yesterday ! 3.Sarah has a __________, so she __________ the doctor at 8:00 this morning. 4.My mother __________ some __________ for me last Sunday.


小学六年级毕业考试英语试卷 学校 _______ 姓名_________得分________ 听力题(20分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. plane B. play C. plant ( ) 2. A. wait B. want C. what ( ) 3. A. talk B. take C. tell ( ) 4. A. work B. walk C. wake ( ) 5. A. feel B. fall C. fail 二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分) ( ) 1. A. I’m fine. B. I’m ten. C.I am older than you. ( ) 2. A. Yes,she does. B. Yes,she doesn’t. C.Yes,she did ( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. Thank you C. That’s OK. ( ) 4. A. October 1st B. September 10th C. March 8th ( ) 5. A. 20 meters B. 20 square meters C. 20 square centimeters 三、听录音,根据短文内容选择正确的答案(10分) ()1. I walked to Amy’s home in the afternoon. ( ) 2. We read a comic book together. ( ) 3. We went to a park by bike. ( ) 4. We saw some elephants and climbed a mountain. ( ) 5. I took many pictures, but I didn’t do my homework. 笔试题(80分) 四、单项选择题(10分) ( ) 1. What _____ your parents going to do? A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 2. Lucy went to xinjiang last year, she ____ many pictures there. A. take B. took C. taked D.takes ( ) 3. Zhangpeng is 3 cm shorter than Mike, John is 4 cm taller than Zhangpeng, Mike is 145 cm tall, How old is John? A.146cm B.137cm C.145cm D.139cm ( ) 4. You can go to the cinema ______the No.1 bus.


清大学习吧六年级英语培优题 、单词辨音找出每组单词中划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项 1. ( ) A. third B. circle C. turn D. Saturday 2. ( ) A. colour B. pencil C. can D. cake 3. ( ) A. know B. brown C. low D. window 4. ( ) A. cook B. good C. food D. look ) A. season B. please C. eat D. great 5. ( 6. ( ) A. elephant B. eleven C. evening D. envelope 、单项选择从下列每小题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。 )1、They are reading about an English boy ________ the newspaper. A. on B. at C. in )2、Can I have ________ postcards? A. any B. a C. some )3、Who do you want to _______ ? A. write B. write to C. writing )4、I _______ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon. A. saw B. see C. am seeing )5、Yang Ling and I ________ have the same hobbies. A. all B. both C. are )6、You _______ me about it yesterday. A. tell B. told C. talked )7、Are you going to take part _______ the meeting?


小学六年级第一学期英语期末测试卷 Class_______ name______ mark______ 一、找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(5%) (D )1、A. name B. bag C. at D. and (D )2、A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me (B)3、A. live B. his C. five D. fish (C)4、A. on B. no C. shop D. not (A)5、A. use B. much C. but D. lunch 二、选出最恰当的答案,把序号写在左边括号里)(20%) ( A )1.How do you go to school? A. I go to school on foot. B. The school is next to the hospital. C.I am going to the cinema. ( A )2.What is your hobby? A.I like making kites. B.She goes to work by bus. C.Next to the hospital. ( A )3. Does she watch TV at night? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she goes to school on foot. C. No, I go to the park at night. ( B )4.Turn left at the cinema, then __________. It’s on the left. A.our school B.go straight C.green light ( A )5. at the red light. A. Stop B. Go C. Wait


学校:______________________ 班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 学号:____________ 密 封 线 请 不 要 在 密 封 线 内 答 题 2017学年第二期六年级英语阶段性练习卷(2) (2018年5月,共50分钟) 听力部分(40分) 一.Listen and choose. 听音,选单词。请选出你听到的单词,并将该单词的字母代号填入前面的括号里。每个单词读两遍。 (每小题1分,共计10分) ( )1.A.ate B.at ( )2.A.felt B.fell ( )3.A.watched B.washed ( )4.A.race B.read ( )5.A.before B.broken ( )6.A.easy B.eat ( )7.A.wake B.woke ( )8.A.star B.stay ( )9.A.beach B.before ( )10.A.smaller B.smarter 二.Listen and choose. 听句子,选答语。请根据你听到的句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。 (每小题1分,共计10分) ( )1.A.Miss White B.John ( )2.A.Yes,he did. B. Yes,I did. ( )3.A.It was good. B. It was fine. ( )4.A.I went there by bus. B. I went to Hangzhou. ( )5.A.She stayed at home B.I played badminton. ( )6.A .I’m 52kg. B.He’s 43kg. ( )7.A.Yesterday B.My parents ( )8.A.I took a lot of pictures. B. I went there by plane. ( )9.A..Yes,he did. B.No,she didn’t. ( )10.A.She fell off her bike. B.He went there by bus. 三.Listen and choose. 听对话,选答语。听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请你根据对话内容选择最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。每段话读两遍。 (每小题2分,共计10分) ( )1.—How heavy is Mike ?—He is . A.45kg B.54kg. C.50kg ( )2.—What did Mike do last Saturday morning ?—He . A.washed the room B. washed the flowers C.played ping pong ( )3.—Where did Chen Jie go over the summer holiday ?—She went to . A.Hangzhou B.Hong Kong C.Turpan ( )4.—Did John see a film yesterday ? — . A. Yes,he did. B. No,she didn’t. C. Yes,She did. ( )5.—Why didn’t like winter before? —He thought . A.it was too hot B. it was too cold C.he could go cycling 四.Listen and tick or cross. 听对话,回答问题。听下面两段对话,每段对话后有两至三个小题,请你根据对话内容选择最佳选项或完成句子。每段话读两遍。 (每小题2分,共计10分) 听下面一段对话,回答第1和第2两个小题。 ( )1. —What did Sarah’s father like before? —He like . A. playing badminton B. playing ping pong C.swimming ( )2. —What does Sarah’s mother like now? —She likes . A.going camping B. swimming C. playing badminton 听下面一段对话,回答第3至第5三个小题。 ( )3. Zhang Peng got a as a birthday gift. A.bike B.bag C.dictionary ( )4. —How old is Zhang Peng? —He is years old. A.13 B.14 C.12 ( )5. —How was Zhang Peng’s weekend? —It was . A.great B.boring C.busy 笔试部分(60分) 五.Read and choose.根据句子内容选择最佳选项。 (每小题1分,共计10分) ( )1.—What did Amy do yesterday? —She to music. A.listens B.listen C. listened ( )2.—Lisa usually her homework after super. A.does B. do C.did ( )3.They books together last night. A.read B. reading C.reads ( )4.—Did you the piano last weekend? —Yes,I did. A.played B. play C.plays ( )5.— did you do on your holiday? —I went to the park. A.Where B. What C.When ( )6.—Where did you go ? A.tomorrow B.today C.yesterday ( )7.—There not so many cars on the road in my grandma’s time. A.were B. was C.are ( )8.—Who did you go ? —My parents. A.with B.and C.to ( )9.—Where did you on your holiday? —I to Harbin. A.go;went B.go;go C.went;go ( )10.An big elephant must be than a little dog. A.funnier B.smaller C.bigger 六.Read and choose.请根据短文内容选择最佳选项完成短文。 (每小题1分,共计10分) I 1 busy last weekend.I visited Chen Jie 2 Saturday morning.We did 3 homework together.In the afternoon,we went to a gym.We played football and exercised in the 4 .This was

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