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UNIT 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!


Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。

1. She is having a piano lesson.

2. Jim is playing soccer.

3. Mary can play the guitar.

4. I can come to your birthday party tomorrow.

5. Jane helps her mother do the washing.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。

6. Can you come to my party on Sunday?

7. What are you doing now?

8. I am very busy, so I can’t go to your party.

9. What day is it today?

10. When is your party?

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。


M: Hi, Liu Min! What are you going to do tomorrow?

W: Nothing much. Why?

M: Tomorrow is my birthday. Can you come to my house for my birthday party?

W: Sure, I’d love to. When is it?

M: It begins at 5:30 in the afternoon. By the way, how will you get to my house?

W: I think I’ll go there by bike. Thanks a lot for inviting me to the party.

M: You’re welcome. See you then.

W: See you.


M: Hi, Sally! What are you doing?

W: Hi, Dave! I’m shopping. Do you know next Friday is Betty’s birthday?

M: Really? We were born on the same day.

W: Hey! You mean next Friday is your birthday, too?

M: Yes.

W: Happy birthday to you.

M: Thank you. Can you come to my party next Friday?

W: When is it?

M: It’s at seven o’clock.

W: Oh, I’m sorry I can’t. Betty invited me earlier than you. But I’d love to come to your party, too. Why don’t you and Betty have a big party together?

M: That’s a good idea. I’ll discuss it with Betty later.

Ⅳ. 听短文,根据所听内容补全下面的信息。短文读两遍。

Hi, Simon,

Thank you for inv iting me to visit next week. I’m sorry but I can’t come. I have a really busy week. This evening I’m going to have a piano lesson. Tomorrow, I have to study for my English test. On Wednesday afternoon I’m going to play basketball with my friends. On Thursd ay evening

I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party with my parents. On Friday afternoon I’m going fishing with my dad. Can you go fishing with us on Friday?

Please call me this afternoon.



1~5 BDAEC 6~10 ACCAB 11~15 BACBC

16. inviting 17. really 18. lesson 19. cousin’s 20. fishing

21. B enjoy oneself“玩得高兴,过得愉快”;he的反身代词是himself。

22. C advise sb. not to do sth.意为“建议某人不要做某事”,故C项符合题意。

23. C 表示戴眼镜、首饰等用wear。

24. B if“如果”;unless“除非”;though“虽然”;because“因为”。句意:除非你和别


25. A advice为不可数名词,无复数形式;a lot不能修饰名词。

26. C 由句意“李老师去年被派到美国一所高中去教汉语了。”“是的,我知道。他告诉我他将永远不会忘记在那儿工作的愉快经历。”可知C项符合题意。

27. C forget to do sth.意为“忘记要做某事”;forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”。由答语I won’t.可推知上句句意为“不要忘记关灯”。故选C。

28. C 句意:如果明天不下雨,我们就去爬山。在含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。

29. A in the end“最后,终于”;at the end of“在……的末尾”。由句意“他问:‘最后谁赢了比赛?’”知选A。

30. B 第一个if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句;第二个if意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句,



31. A answer“回答”;problem“问题”;question “问题”;change “变化”。由上句…we asked many middle school students this question.可知,A项符合文意。句意:下面是他们的一些回答。

32. C 句意:她去过许多国家,例如美国和法国。have been to意为“去过某地(人已经回来)”。

33. B say强调说的内容;speak着重说的动作,宾语常是某种语言;talk强调双方之间的交谈;tell意为“讲述,告诉”。后面的宾语是English,因此speak符合文意。

34. C drink“饮料”;air“空气”;food“食物”;water“水”。前面的谓语是eat,只有food 能作eat的宾语。

35. B teach“教”;know“知道”;think“认为”;ask“问”。由下文“她总是有如此多_____ 故事讲给我们听”可知她知道得多。故选B。

36. D long“长的”;short“短的”;terrible“可怕的”;interesting“有趣的”。由下句We all like her classes. 可知此处应用interesting修饰stories。故选D。

37. C busy“忙的”;angry“生气的”;popular“受欢迎的”;serious“严肃的”。由上文I also want to be such an excellent teacher…可知,popular符合文意。句意:我也想当一名如此优秀的教师,受到我的学生们的欢迎。故选C。

38. D 空格所填词在此引导宾语从句且作be interested in的宾语,所以用what。句意:他可以学习他感兴趣的东西。

39. A these指代我哥哥学他感兴趣的东西、兼职赚钱的这些事情。因此me符合文意。句意:对我来说,所有这些事情听起来很有趣。故选A。

40. D at“在”;on“在……上”;for“为”;like“像”。由句意“我真的想有一种像他那

样的生活”知选D。like that意为“像那样”。

41. D 由第一段第二句He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family…可知。

42. D 由第一段中的…and one of them was a beautiful drum(鼓).和第二段中的“His

grandfather did,”…可知。

43. B 由第三段中的…he couldn’t hear the noise.可知。

44. D 由最后一段第一句But one of the neighbors(邻居) didn’t like the noise at all…可知。

45. A 由最后一段内容可推知Jimmy的邻居想让他停止制造噪音。

46. B 由文中In some western countries, some gifts like kites, chopsticks, or an erhu may be

people’s favorites.可知B项符合题意。

47. D 由此词所在句的Use beautiful paper(用漂亮的纸)可知应是包裹礼物,故选D。

48. A 由文中For Japanese, gifts like tea or pens are nice.可知对于日本人来说,茶是很好的


49. C 由文中In some western countries, some gifts like kites, chopsticks, or an erhu may be people’s favorites.可知A项错误;由文中British people and Americans like flowers, wine and chocolate, and you can relax and take it easily at their parties.可知B项错误;通读全文可知,不同国家的人,喜欢的礼物也不同,故C项说法正确;由文中In Arab countries, it’s not polite to send a gift to someone when you meet him or her for the first time.可知D项说法错误。50. A 由第一段中Do you know what kind of gift you can send to your foreign friends? Here

are some tips.可知答案。

51. organize 52. understanding 53. careless 54. experience 55. meeting

56. worse 57. predictions 58. well 59. crowded 60. forgot

61. potato chips 62. don’t finish, will be 63. wear, won’t let, in

64. all the time 65. will have a great/ good/ nice time

66~70 CEADB

One possible version:

Dear Alice,

I’m glad to hear from you. Yes, I sometimes have the same problem. If my friend wants to borrow money from me, what will I do? I probably will lend my friend the money.

I think if your friend really needs the money, you’d better lend it to her. You don’t need to worry too much. She’ll probably pay you back when she has money. If you don’t lend her the money, I’m afraid you might lose the friend.

I think everyone may have some problems in life, and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, I will try my best to help them. Maybe I will get the money back, or maybe I won’t.

I hope what I said can help you.


Liu Ming


2018-2019人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 单元检测(人教新目标含答案) (45分钟100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 1. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 2. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 3. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 4. What will the boy have to do first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 5. What should the man do if he wants to help people? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 1. M: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. W: If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. M: So I will have to wear my school uniforms instead. 2. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting?


七年级下册第五单元检测题参考答案 一.语言积累与运用: 1.给加点字注音: xītuān shùxìng quē jiàn sù zhàng xiāng zhǔ 2.解释加点地词:. ①日光,这里指太阳②接连不断 ③潜游在水中地鱼④逆流而上 ⑤极高地山峰⑥消散 3.①在三峡七百里当中,两岸都是连绵地高山,几乎没有中断地地方. ②哪一夜没有月光?哪里没有竹子和松柏?只是缺少像我俩这样地闲人罢了. ③月光照在院中,如水一般清明澄澈,水中水藻、荇菜纵横交错,原来是那绿竹和翠柏地影子. ④即使骑着飞奔地马,驾着疾风,也不如它快. ⑤在极高地山峰上,生长着许多奇形怪状地柏树,在山峰之间,有悬泉瀑布激流冲荡. 4.画出下面句子地朗读节奏: ①自/康乐/以来,未复有/能与其奇者. ②高峰/入云,清流/见底. ③虽/乘奔御风,不以/疾也 ④庭下/如积水空明,水中/藻荇交横,盖/竹柏影也. 5.评论:两位同学分别从读书要汲取精华和博览群书两个角度阐述了读书地最高层次,都强调了读书应有地态度和方法,生动地比喻给人以形象深刻地印象. 观点:我认为读书地最高层次应该像春蚕,孜孜不倦地吸收营养,然后吐出熠熠闪光地丝线. 6. 赏析句子写出几句鉴赏性地话:

①“重岩叠嶂”,就山本身地状态写其高,是俯视所得;而“隐天蔽日”,以天和日衬其高,是仰视所见.“自非亭午夜分,不见曦月.”以特定条件下地情景形象地综合表现三峡地特点 ②作者运用奇特地想象、新奇地比喻从视觉地错觉角度,通过写积水地清澈与透明,写出了月光之清,月华之美. 7.是展现在它搏风击雨如苍天之魂地翱翔中;是展现在它波涛汹涌一泻千里地奔流中. 8. (1>青林翠竹,四时俱备. (2>草色遥看近却无绝胜烟柳满皇都 二.阅读理解 9. 善长北魏地理《水经注》 10.①快②早晨 11.①至于夏天江水漫上丘陵地时候,下行和上行地航路都被阻绝了 ②雪白地急流,碧绿地潭水,回旋着清波,倒映着各种景物地影子12. B 13.①有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也. ②常有高猿长啸,属引凄异,空谷传响,哀转久绝. 14.险秀凄<答案不唯一) 15.用渔歌作结尾,从侧面表现了三峡渔民船夫地悲惨地生活,进一步渲染了三峡秋景地凄凉气氛. 16.陶弘景华阳隐居书信 17.山川之美古来共谈 自康乐以来,未复有能与其奇者. 18.交辉交相辉映歇消散 19.①自从南朝地谢灵运以来,就再也没有能够欣赏这种奇丽景色地人了. ②夕阳快要落山地时候,潜游在水中地鱼儿争相跳出水面.


UNIT10 单元检测题 I.单项选择 1. In China, students ______ greet the teachers when classes begin. A.are supposed to B.are suppose to C.supposed to D.suppose to 2. The plane will ________ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take on B. take off C. take out D. take away 3.The peaceful music in the CD made the students relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel 4. —Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he? —Yes. He used to the guitar, but now he is more in playing soccer. A. plays; interested B. play; interested C. play; interesting D. playing; interest 5. All the people went home _____ Job, for he had to finish his work. A. with B. besides C. except D.well done. 6. —Could we see each other at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning? —Sorry, let’s make it ______ time. A.other’s B. the other C. another D. other 7. —Have you read today’s newspaper?. —Not yet. Is there______ ? A.anything important B.important anything C.something important D.nothing important 8.—Oh, dear! Who’s broken my glasses? —______ he ______ I. It was your cat. A. Both; and B.Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 9.In France, it’s ______ to say you are full. A.rude B.polite C.nice D.friendly 10.—Will you come to the dinner party? —I won’t come until Jenny ________. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited 11. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday.

九年级英语Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案)

Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分) 1. As for the problem, I don’t agree you. My idea is different yours. A. with; as B. with; from C. to; as D. to; from 2. Last Sunday my whole family went to the beach my father. He was away on business. A. from B. except C. with D. including 3. —What should I do to improve ?Can you give me some ? —Try your best in everything you do. A. myself; advice B. me; suggestion C. myself; advices 4.—How do you like The Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank? —I think it is worth . A. seeing B. to see C. reading D. to read 5. —You are not expected such long hours. —I’m afraid so. We have to finish it today. A. to work B. working C. worked 6. China is making great efforts the economy and improve people’s living standards. A. to develop B. developing C. developed D. develop 7. I’m always before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath. A. relaxed B. bored C. nervous D. happy 8. —When will the plane ? —At 11:35. Let’s hurry up. A. take down B. take off C. turn down D. turn off 9. —I’m afraid the boy can’t deal with the problem.


七年级第七单元语文试卷 一、给下列加点的字注音或根据拼音写出汉字(10分) A、而以奴骖乘( ) B、即以头击楹( ) C、杀而鬻( )之 D 、恶吏苛刻( ) E、死不得葬大茔中( ) F、家无jī( )侍 G、主上宵gàn( ) H、必cù( )额曰 J、hàn( )山易 K、衣zī( )衣而返 二、默写(12分) 1、根据课文写出上下句: (1),脉脉不得语。(2)白头搔更短,。 (3)散入珠帘湿罗幕,(4),清风半夜鸣蝉 2、理解性填空 (1)《渡荆门送别》写平野的辽阔和大江的雄姿,突出起雄伟壮丽的诗句是,。 (2)《白雪歌送武判官归京》被誉为“妙手回春”的句子是:,。写边塞冰天雪地、阴云重重的句子是 ,。 (3)《春望》的颔联是,。 三下列句中加点的词语,使用正确的一项是( ) (3分) A、关于 ..传说的话,我们应当经过一番思考,不应当随随便便就信了。 B、摄影家挺喜欢这些门和窗,他们推敲 ..着光和影,摄成称心如意的照片。 C、初中三年,光阴荏苒 ....,许多往事都如片片枫叶,珍藏在你我青春的诗集里。 D、扫恶打黑,除暴安良,她铁面无私;嘘寒问暖,救死扶伤 ....,她柔肠百转。她是中原大地的女英雄——任长霞。 四、遇到下列情况,你认为说话比较得体的一项是( ) (3分) A、甲乙两班同学为争得一面“精神文明奖”流动红旗发生争执,你想劝劝他们,于是说:“通过争吵来获得精神文明奖本身就不文明。” B、你的同桌向你请教时,你说:“好吧,让我给你指点指点迷津。” C、你参加普通话演讲比赛获得一等奖,同学都向你祝贺,你说:“谢谢大家的肯定,希望大家的普通话说得像我的一样好。” D、夜已深,你的邻居还在喧嚷,你过去劝阻说:“请不要大叫大嚷!” 五、下列句子中没有语病的一项是()(3分) A. 笔记本电脑显示了快捷、稳定、方便而成为奥运新闻报道的重要工具。 B. 事实证明,经过艰苦磨炼的人更善于战胜各种困难和挫折。 C. 庆祝“国庆”演讲比赛将于今晚七时半在学校大礼堂开始举行。 D. 今年学校取得巨大成就的原因是全校师生共同努力的结果。 六、学校文学社正在进行“我所知道的名著人物”调查,按要求填写下来。(8分) 人物故事(各写两个)性格特点(每个人物答两点即可) 孙悟空⑴


《第三章声》单元检测题 一、填空题 1、班级元旦联欢会上,某同学弹奏古筝,优美的琴声是由琴弦________产生的,琴声是通过__________传到其他同学耳中的。 3、小满用手机往家里打电话。他听出是妈妈在接电话,主要是依据声音的不同来判断的。妈妈让他说话大声些,这是要求增大声音的 4、北京时间4月16日,在美国波士顿举行的马拉松比赛中,发生了两起爆炸,造成多人伤亡。巨大的声响甚至将远处建筑物的玻璃都震碎了。其中,巨大的声响是指声音的;玻璃震碎了,说明声音能够传递。 5、交通噪声是城市噪声的主要来源之一,如图6所示,甲、乙两图分别表示了 在和 控制了噪声。 6、如图11城市主要道口设有噪声监测设备。某时刻该设备的显示屏上显示58.60的数字,这个数字的单位是,若此时有一辆大卡车路过此地,显示屏上显示的数据将(增大/减小)。噪声监测设备_______(能/不能)减弱噪声的强度。 7、“掩耳盗铃”是大家非常熟悉的故事,从物理学角度分析盗贼所犯的错误是:既没有阻止声音的,又没有阻止声音 的,只是阻止声音进入自己的耳朵。 8、如图11所示是用一根吸管做的笛子,在吸管上有五个孔,其中一个是吹孔。嘴对着吹孔吹,由于吸管内空气柱发生__________产生笛声。用手指按住其他不同的孔吹笛,可以听到不同的声音,这主要改变了声音的___________。 二、选择题 9、某同学对下列声现象进行分析.其中错误的是() 10、与声音传播速度有关的是 A.声音的音调 B.声音的响度 C.声音的频率 D.传播声音的物质 11、在演奏小提琴之前,演奏员要转动琴弦轴以调节琴弦的松紧,这主要是为了改变声音的 A.响度 B.音调 C.音色 D.振幅 12、有些老师上课时使用便携扩音设备,使声音更加宏亮,这是为了增大声音的 A.音调 B. 音色 C. 频率 D. 响度 13、琴弦发出的声音音调取决于: A.琴弦的长短; B.琴弦的粗细; C.琴弦的松紧; D.琴弦的好坏. 14、针对图中各图,下列说法正确的是() A、甲图中,演奏者通过手指在弦上按压位置的变化来改变发声的响度 B、乙图中,敲锣时用力越大,所发声音的音调越高 C、丙图中,随着向外不断抽气,手机铃声越来越小 D、丁图中,城市某些路段两旁的透明板墙可以减小噪声污染 四、计算题 15、利用回声可以测量声源到障碍物的距离。科学工作者为了探测海底某处的深度,从海面向海底垂直发射超声波,经过4s后接到回波信号。已知声音在海水中的传播速度为1500m/s,请回答下列问题:

Unit 10 单元测试题

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Ⅳ. 单项选择 ( )16. We need ______ onion and two tomatoes for dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Peter doesn’t like apples, chicken ______ mutton. A. and B. with C. or D. of ( )18. — What ______ bowl of noodles would you like? — Large, please. A. price B. kind C. size D. color ( )19. We have some ______ here and we can make ______ soup. A. egg; egg B. egg; eggs C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg ( )20. Skating is getting ______ now. Many people like to skate. A. important B. difficult C. popular D. funny ( )21. Anna, please ______ the meat and then cook it. A. cut up B. blow out C. cut down D. eat out ( )22. —Do you have ______ beef? —Sorry, we don’t. But we have ______ mutton. A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some ( )23. — ______? — Beef noodles. A. How much are the beef noodles B. What kind of noodles would you like C. What size would you like D. How about beef noodles ( )24. — Would you like some dumplings? — ______. A. Yes, please B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome D. No problem ( )25. — May I have your order? — ______. A. No, you can’t B. Have a good time C. You, too D. I’d like some rice, please Ⅴ. 完形填空 Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. Huiyuan Supermarket is on 26 sale. There are many 27 kinds of things there and many people are in it. Now Sally and her mother are also there. Sally 28 a nice sandwich (三明治), but it’s too small. She’d like a 29 one. Then she sees a large?sized hamburger 30 beef. She asks her mother to buy it for her. When she sees some 31 , she also asks her mother to buy them. 32 her mother buys a hamburger, some orange juice and green tea. After that they want to buy something for their 33 , Carol. Carol is a dog. She 34 playing with balls. So they buy her a ball. How much are these things? Only RMB 40. And Sally is lucky. She 35 a gift from the supermarket. It is a red hat. Sally and her mother go home happily. ( )26. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )27. A. long B. short C. different D. same


人教版七年级英语第七单元检测题及答案 七年级英语Unit7单元检测题 -.单项选择(15分) 1.---Can I help you? ----_____. A. Thank you B. Yes, please. I want a pen. C. I’m sorry D. You’re welcome 2.---Can I use your dictionary? ----Sure._____. A. Here you are B. Give you C .Here it is D. Here are you 3.---What color ____the pants? ----______blue. A. is, is B. is, It’s C. are, They’re D. are, They 4. We have socks ____black. A. for B. at C. of D. in 5---____are those two girls? ----They are Monna and Gina. A. How B. How much C .Who D. What 6. Please have a ____Guangming Clothing Store. A. look at B. look C. see D. watch 7. Each of the students_____ a Chinese book. A. is B. are C. have D. has 8 .Let’s sell these watches _____them. A. at B. from C. in D. to 9. How much _____do you want? A .bananas B. milk C. apples D. oranges 10. We can buy some nice clothes _____ a very good _____. A. at, price B. in, price C. at, cost D. at, selling 11. We have some good things _____ a good price. A. in B. for C. at D. with 12. The socks are too cheap. I’ll _____them. A. bring B .want C. take D. do 13. We can _____ clothes _____ this shop. A. buy, to B. buy, from C. sell, from D. buy, for 14. How much _____ these pants? A. is B. am C. are D. do 15. Come down to the shop and see for_____. A. you B .yourself C. your D. yours 二. 完形填空(15分) Hi, boys and girls. Have 1 look 2 Sister Ma Clothes Shop. We have black and blue hats 3 ($15) 4 . The blue sweater is ($33) 5 and the yellow sweater is ($30) 6 . The yellow shorts are 7 ($30) and the green shorts are 8 sale for ($25). You ask how 9 the shoes are ? 10 are the shoes? Oh, I’m sorry. These are my shoes. 1. A ./ B. a C. an D. the 2. A. at B ./ C. to D. in 3. A. on B. to C. for D. with 4. A. five B. fifteen C. fiveteen D. fifty 5. A .three three B. thirteen three C. thirty three D. thirty—three


人教版六年级数学下册单元测试题及答案全套 第一单元达标测试卷 一、填空题。(每空1分,23分) 1.-5.4读作( ),+14 5读作( )。 2.在+3、-56、+1.8、0、-12、8、-7 8中,正数有( ), 负数有( )。 3.在表示数的直线上,所有的负数都在0的( )边,所有的负数都 比0( );所有的正数都在0的( )边,所有的正数都比0( )。 4.寒假中某天,北京市白天最高气温零上3 ℃,记作( );晚 上最低气温零下4 ℃,记作( )。 5.世界上最高的珠穆朗玛峰比海平面高8844米,如果把这个高度表 示为+8844米,那么比海平面高出1524米的东岳泰山的高度应表示为( )米;我国的艾丁湖湖面比海平面低154米,应记作( )米。 6.2017年某市校园足球赛决赛中,二小队以 战胜一小队获得 冠军。若这场比赛二小队的净胜球记作+2,则一小队的净胜球记作( )。 7.在存折上“存入(+)”或“支出(-)”栏目中,“+1000”表示 ( ),“-800”表示( )。 8.一袋饼干的标准净重是350克,质检人员为了解每袋饼干与标准 净重的误差,把饼干净重360克记作+10克,那么净重345克就

可以记作()克。 9.如果小明跳绳108下,成绩记作+8下,那么小红跳绳120下,成绩记作()下;小亮跳绳成绩记作0下,表示小亮跳绳()下。10.六(1)班举行安全知识竞赛,共20道题,答对一题得5分,答错一题倒扣5分。赵亮答对16道题,应得()分,记作()分; 答错4道题,倒扣()分,记作()分,那么赵亮最后得分为()分。 二、判断题。(每题1分,共5分) 1.一个数不是正数,就是负数。() 2.如果超过平均分5分,记作+5分,那么等于平均分可记作0分。 () 3.因为30>20,所以-30>-20。() 4.在表示数的直线上,+5和-5所对应的点与0所对应的点距离相等,所以+5和-5相等。() 5.所有的自然数都是正数。() 三、选择题。(每题2分,共10分) 1.下面说法正确的是()。 A.正数有意义,负数没有意义 B.正数和负数可以用来表示具有相反意义的量 C.温度计上显示0 ℃,表示没有温度 D.零上3 ℃低于零下5 ℃ 2.下面哪个量能表示-100千克?()。


Unit 10单元过关检测(100分) (时间:45分钟) 一、单选(20分) ()1 .Tom has a new bike, ______________? A. has he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he ()2. There is little milk left in the bottle, ________? A. is it B. is there C. isn’t it D. isn’t there ()3. ---You didn’t send me an e-mail last night, did you? ---Sorry. My ________ broke down. I couldn’t get on line. A. computer B. car C. clock D. camera ()4. ---Look! How _________the boys are! ---Yes. They won the game this afternoon. A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited ()5.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ________in an hour. A. take up B. take away C. take out D. take off ()6. ---____ you ever _____to Yantai? ---Yes, three times. A. Did, go B. Have, gone C. Have, been D. Will, go ()7. ---Your sister doesn’t get up late, does he? ---____________. But she gets up late on weekends. A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does ()8. He’s never late for school, __________? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. isn’t he D. does he ()9. Because I had a bad cold, my mother asked me _____ in bed. A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays ()10. Don’t forget to put the book on the shelf, ____________? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ()11. --- I need some money to buy a new b ike. --- Why not consider _______ a part-time job? A. find B. finding C. found D. to find ()12. The Smiths have gone to China _______ November 29th, 2009. A. for B. in C. about D. since ()13. My favorite gift is a music box from my aunt. I have had it for _______. A. my fifth birthday B. last year C. seven years D. three months ago ()14. --- Where is Mr. Wang? --- He has gone to Beijing. He has _______ for two hours. A. left B. got C. started D. been away ()15. I have _______ Treasure Island from the library, but I can only _______ it for three days. A. lent; borrow B. borrowed; lend C. kept; borrow D. borrowed; keep ()16. --- How many pencils are there? --- I don’t know. Let me _______ them. A. make B. lend C. wash D. count ()17. Our teacher Ms. Yang is so friendly to us that we all _______ her as our elder sister.


人教版初中化学第一单元走进化学世界单元测试题及答案 (一) 第一卷(选择题 40分) 一、选择题: 1、化学研究的对象与物理、数学、地理等其他自然科学的研究对象不同。取一块大理石可以从不同角度进行研究,以下不是化学研究领域的是() A、大理石由什么成分组成 B、大理石的产地在哪里 C、大理石有什么性质和用途 D、大理石的微观结构如何 2、下列观点你认为不正确的是() A、世界是由物质组成的,物质是由微观粒子构成的 B、运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的 C、人类的活动不仅充分利用了自然原来就有的物质,还创造许多新物质 D、绿色化学就是指研究绿色蔬菜的化学 3、2001年9月11日,美国发生了恐怖分子劫机撞击世贸组织和五角大楼的事件。研究事件中发生的一系列变化,其中属于化学变化的是() A、飞机撞击大楼造成玻璃纷飞 B、飞机中的航空煤油燃烧引起爆炸 C、房屋钢筋熔化 D、大楼倒塌 4、用试管加热固体时,因操作不正确而出现试管炸裂的现象,其原因可能是() A、加热前试管外壁干燥 B、加热不均匀,局部温度过高 C、试管口略向下倾斜了 D、试管夹夹在试管中上部了 5、下列关于铜的性质描述中,属于化学性质的是() A、铜一般呈红色 B、铜能导电 C、铜能传热 D、铜在潮湿空气中易形成铜绿 6、胆矾是一种蓝色晶体,胆矾受热时易失去结晶水,成为白色固体硫酸铜,在工业上精炼铜、镀铜等都应用胆矾。上述对胆矾的描述中,没有涉及的是() A、制法 B、物理性质 C、化学性质 D、用途

7、某些玻璃仪器,为保证其密闭性,常常把玻璃的接触面处磨毛(也称磨砂),下列仪器中已经过了磨毛处理的是()A、量筒B、集气瓶C、烧杯 D、锥形瓶 8、读量筒中液体体积时,某同学俯视读数为20 mL,则实际为() A、大于20 ml B、小于20 ml C、20 ml D、无法判断 9、经过一段时间的化学学习,你认为下列不属于化学这门科学研究范畴的是() A、物质的组成和结构 B、物质的变化和性质 C、物质的运动状态 D、物质的用途和制取 10、量取76 ml水,最好选用下列哪种仪器() A、滴管 B、10 ml量筒 C、20 ml量筒 D、100 ml量筒 11、下列说法不正确的是() A、实验时,用剩的药品要放回到原试剂瓶中,以免浪费 B、实验时,如果没有说明液体药品的用量时,应取1~2 mL C、给试管里的液体加热时,试管要与桌面成45度角 D、用量筒量取液体时,应使视线与量筒内液体的凹液面的最低处保持水平 13、下列提示的内容与化学有关的是() ①节日焰火②塑料制品③液化气煮饭④医药药品 A、①③ B、②④ C、①②③④ D、③ 14、古诗是古人为我们留下的宝贵精神财富。下列诗句中涉及物理变化的是() A、野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 C、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 D、爆竹一声除旧岁,春风送暖入屠苏 15、下列变化一定是化学变化的是() A、燃烧 B、放热 C、变色 D、爆炸 16、给50ml液体加热,需要使用的仪器是下列中的() ①试管②烧杯③试管夹④酒精灯⑤蒸发皿⑥石棉网⑦铁架台(铁圈)⑧坩埚钳 A 、①③④ B、②④⑦ C、②④⑥⑦ D、④⑤⑧ 17、日常生活中常见到下列现象,其中发生化学变化的是() A、冬天的早晨,玻璃窗上出现美丽的窗花 B、自行车轮胎在烈日下爆裂 C、牛奶放置时间过长会结块 D、用电热壶烧开水 18、关于“绿色化学”特点概述错误的是( )


初三英语第十单元测试题 一.单项选择(30分) 1. Many important things happened _________. A. in the 1980 B. in the 1980s C. in 1980s D. on 1980s 2. __________ students have already visited the history museum. A. Hundred of B. A hundred of C. Hundreds of D. Two hundreds 3. __________ can you see in the Dinosaur World? A. What else things B. Who other people C. Where else D. What other things 4. People found that dinosaur lived _________ human beings. A. long ago B. long before C. before long D. long after 5. ---- Have you used your bike _______? ----- Yes. A. lots of B. a lot of C. a lot D. a lots 6. I _________ to look after their house while they were away. A. ask B. asked C. was asking D. was asked 7. Do you know ____________________________? A. when does the PLA found B. when was the PLA founded C. when the PLA was found D. when the PLA was founded 8. After the concert, people will walk to the _________. A. EXIT B.ENTRANCE C. FRONTDOOR D. BACKDOOR 9. _________ in England are between 9:00----22:00. A. NO PHOTOS B. NO SMOKING C. OFFICE HOURS D. INSTRUCTION 10. The lost boy _________ in a small village yesterday. A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded 11. ---- Excuse me. Look at the sign: No Smoking! ---- Sorry, I ________ it. A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. haven’t see D. won’t see 12. He passed me a glass _______ water. A. fill with B. full with C. filled with D. filled of 13. The man gave me a strange thing ________ three legs. A. with B. has C. there is D. carries 14. ---- Would you like to go fishing with us this Sunday? ---- Yes, _________.


人教版二年级上册第七单元测试卷 一、判断题 1.2小时25分等于225分. 2.半小时就是50分。( ) 3.判断:0.6时等于6分。( ) 二、单选题 4.单位换算: (1)2350千克=________吨( ) A. B. 1 C. 1 D. 2 (2)85分=________时( ) A. B. 1 C. 1 D. 2 5.1分钟之内,小华不可能完成下面哪件事?( ) A. 跳绳40次 B. 步行500米 C. 做口算题10道 6.下面说法正确的是() A. 一千克铁比一千克棉花重 B. 小学一节课一般是40分钟 C. 10000比9990多1 三、填空题 7.填上合适的数. (1)3.5t=________kg (2)150分=________时; 8.在横线上填上合适的时间单位。明跑100米用了18________;一节课的时间是40________;学生一天的在校时间是6________;做一次深呼吸用8________。

9.公顷=________平方米小时=________小时________分 4平方米=________平方厘米84升=________毫升 10.填上合适的单位。 妈妈工作时间是8________ 李红跑50米的时间是12________ 一根棒球棒长5________ 一篮子水果重2________ 教室黑板长42________ 汽车每小时行驶80________ 树的身高是156________ 鸡蛋重是 50________。 四、解答题 11.2016年4月10日早上7:30,首届武汉马拉松鸣枪起跑,来自世界各地的2万名选手同场竞技。最终,肯尼亚选手Maiy0以2小时11分17秒夺得男子冠军,埃塞俄比亚的Regasa以2小时26分10秒夺得女子冠军。请你计算出跑完全程Maiyo比Regasa快多少时间。 12.在横线上写出钟面的时间,小兔子可能在哪个时间拔萝卜。 五、综合题 13.连一连。 (1)


、单项选择(20分) 1. ——If you become a professi onal sin ger, you may be _ . —That 'great, I want every one to know me and love me. A. n ervous B. disappo in ted C. famous D. surprised 2. ___ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clea n one. A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take 3. The man makes a livi ng __ teach ing. A. without B. with C. by 4. This is a great cha nee forme ____ from a foreig ner. A. learn B. to lear n C. learni ng D. learns 5. If our government ____ pay attention to the safety of food, our health _______ i n dan ger. A. is n ' t; is B. doesn't; will be C. won ' t; is D. is n't; will be 6. We'll easily become un happy ___ we solve our problems. A. because B. if C. uni ess D. although 7. — I am going to see the teacher tomorrow. 8. Don 'be afraid ___ mistakes in lear ning En glish. 9. Our teacher ofte n asks us ___ questio ns in groups. A. discuss B. to discuss C. discuss ing D. discussed 10. — I'm going to Hainan on vacatio n n ext week. A. Have a good time C. Thank you 二、完形填空(20分) I'm thinking about what I 'm going to do this summer. Maybe I 'get a job. If I get a job, I 'have 1 money to buy some new thi ngs. Maybe I'll buy some new 1 / 7 UnitIO 单元检测题 A. I, too. B. Me, too. C. I also. D. Me, neither. A. make B. mak ing C. makes D. to make B. Not at all D. I have no idea

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