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高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future

Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 1&2 Vocabulary Learning, Warming Up & Reading)

Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Help the students to talk about life in the past, at present and in the future.

3. Enable the students to describe the life in the past, at present and in the future.

Difficult and Important Points:

Compare life in the past, at present and in the future

What is life in the future like? What changes will take place?

Teaching Methods:

1. First and careful reading,

2. Asking and answering question activity

3. Individual, Pair work & group work

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 warming up

Talk about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years. And what changes we might expect to find in the next one thousand years

Step 2 pre-reading

1. Can you tell what problems people are facing today?

2. what problems do you think people in the future will have overcome? Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD3008?


1. The problem of population will be solved, have begun to Control the birth rate.

2. The problems will be still there, and will even worse. /I don’t think so. Now scientists are trying their best to develop new resources that human beings can make use of, such as solar energy.

Step 3 Fast reading

1. Read the text for the first time and tell what the text is about?

: It’s an e-mail written by a man who has taken up a trip to the future.

2. Look at the following sentence, they are in wrong order, tell me the correct order for these sentence A. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.

B. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised.

C. I won a travel to the year AD3008.

D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.

Step4 Careful reading

Task1 Questions:

1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3008?

2. What is a ―time lag‖?

3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule?

4. Who guides my trip?

5. Why did my guide give me some tables?

6. Who transported us to the future?


1. I took up the prize I won the year before.

2. ―Time lag‖ means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.

3. The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.

4. My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.

5. The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain

6. Wang Ping’s parents’ company transported us to the future.

Task2 Questions:

1. How did I feel as soon as I was transported to the future?

: After the writer was transported to the future, he was hit by the lack of fresh air.

2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem?

: Wang Ping gave a mask to the writer and hurried him through to a small room nearby to have a rest.

3. What do you think has caused this kind of problem?

: Now we are causing more and more pollution to the nature, this will cause serious problems to life in the nature. This may be the cause of the lack of fresh air in the future.

Task3 Questions:

He found several things that were different:

? A mask to give him enough oxygen

? A hovering carriage

?Having a ―time lag‖ experience

? A strange –looking house that belonged to Wang Ping’s parents

?Trees that acted as walls and provided oxygen for the room

?Tables, chairs and a bed that were stored under the floor

Step5 Listening

Keys: nervous, unsettled, time lag, time capsule, Confused, lack, ached, showed, green, brown, soft, Exhausted, fell, asleep

Step6 Discussion Sample answers to Ex.3

One opinion:

I think the writer has an optimistic view of the future. He was very excited when he traveled to the year AD 3008 and couldn’t believe if was true. From this, we can see he is eager to go to the future. Though he was hit by the lack of fresh air,

The other opinion:


We know that from the following sentences:

1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettle for the first few days.

2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.

3. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

Step7 Write out the main idea for each paragraph and add the important details.

Paragraph 1---main idea: How I came to take a time travel journey.

Details: my prize, my excitement

Paragraph 2---main idea: the journey.

Details: how I felt, the spaceship, the journey

Paragraph 3---main idea: my impressions of life one thousand years into the future.

Details: little oxygen, masks, hovering carriage, a time lag moment

Paragraph 4---main idea: Stay in Wang Ping’s house

Details: appearance of the house, trees as walls, where furniture stored, ate meal,

prepare for sleep

Step 8 Homework

1. Try to remember the new words by your heart.

2. Review the key sentence in the text.

3. Review the new words of Unit 3 and get ready for the dictation.


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高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future

Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 3 Reading---language points)

Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua

Step 1 Revision

Step 2 Language points

1.What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?


[解释] 此句为复杂疑问句,其句式结构为:疑问词+do you think+其余部分(其余部分为陈述语序),do you think 为插入成分。能用于此句型的动词有:think,believe,suppose,imagine,suggest,expect等。


1)Who do you think is the tallest in your class?你认为在你们班谁最高?

2)What do you believe matters when we take up the work?你认为我们从事这项工作什么东西最要紧?

3)Who do you suppose will win the game?你认为谁会赢得这比赛?



I don't think it’s right to do so.我想这样做是不对的。


I think that he has been to Beijing,hasn't he?

He thinks that their team are sure to win the game,doesn't he?

2.1) impression n. 印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念

leave/make/have an impression of sth. 给某人留下……印象

make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象

make no impression on 对……无影响/效果

an impression of sb's foot某人的脚印

2) impress v.留下印象; 作―使(某人)印象深刻‖时,通常用于被动语态:

be impressed by/at/with sth.或be impressed on one’s mind/memory。

impress sth. on/upon one's mind 把……牢记在心上[典例]

His speech made quite an impression on the audience.


The teachers were most impressed by your performance in the exam.


Your performance gave me a strong impression.你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。What I said made no impression on him.我的话对他不起作用。

3. take up 从事;占(时间、空间、注意力、等);继续


1)This table takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地方。

2)She has taken up a job as a teacher.她当上老师了。

3)This chapter takes up where the last one off.本章继续上一章的内容。


take off脱掉(衣服等);起飞:打折:作为折扣而减价:

take over接管:获得对…的控制或管理

take apart拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分

take for把…视作:误认为

take …for granted认为……是理所当然

take down写下,记下

take back收回(诺言);

take in 收留;接受;理解

take on 聘用;呈现

4. remind v. 提醒;使想起


1) The picture reminds me of my college days.这张照片使我想起了大学里的日子。

2) Remind me to write to father.请提醒我给父亲写信。

3) Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。[重点用法]

remind sb.of sth.=remind sb.about... 提醒某人某事;

remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事

remind sb.that也可以表示―提醒某人做某事‖或―使某人想起去做某事‖。


What you said just now_____ me of that American professor.

A. mentioned

B. informed

C. reminded

D. memorized

【解析】remind sb. of sth.使/让某人想起某事;informed sb. of sth.通知某人事情。A,D都无此结构。答案:C。

5. constantly adv. 不断地

Fashion is constantly changing.


Heat the sauce, stirring constantly.


6. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.

我很担心这次旅行, 所以头几天心里总是不踏实。

worried about the journey 为过去分词作状语,在此处作原因状语。

7. lag v./n.走得慢, 落后,


He is lagging behind a bit—I think we’d better wait for him to catch us up.


As far as prison reform is concerned, we lagged behind a lot of other countries for years.

就监狱改革而言, 我们落后于许多其他国家很多年。

There is often a lag between becoming affected by this illness and its first signs.


8. This is similar to the ―jet lag‖ you get when flying, …这与你在飞行过程中的时差反应是相类似的。

[解释] When flying是when you are flying的省略形式。在有些表时间、条件、方式或让步的从句中,如果谓语包含有动词be,主语又和主句的主语一致,或者主语是it,就常常可以把从句中的主语和be动词省略。


1) When asked where’s the toilet, the waitre ss showed the way politely to the guest.当被问及厕所在哪时,服务员非常有礼貌地给客人带路。

2) Until finishing the homework, the child was allowed to watch the cartoon film.直至完成作业,小孩才允许看卡通片。

3) If necessary, you can call help from the police.有必要时,你可以求助警察局。

9.be similar to 与……相似


1) His views are similar to mine.他的观点与我的很相似.

2) They are similar to each other in appearance.他们在长相上非常相似。


be familiar to …对某人来说是熟悉的

be familiar with 某人对…很熟悉

in a similar way以与...相似的方式

10. as a result(of)结果;由于……的结果

【经典例句】He worked hard,and as a result,

he got promoted quickly.


【考点聚焦】1)as a result(of)


as a result 不是连词,只能作状语。如:

He was late as a result of the traffic jam.

=There was a traffic jam. As a result,he was late.


as a result of 只能接名词、代词、动名词及what 引导的宾语从句。如:

He was late for school as a result of a serious traffic jam.



in the result 结果是with the result that 为此;因此

11. previous adj.先的, 前的; 事前的; 以前的


previous to 在……之前


1)He did better in his previous study.他在预习方面做得好。

2)His previous attempt was successful. 他以前的尝试成功了。

3)Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter.在会议召开之前,我们讨论了这个问题.

12. uncertain adj.无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的

They were worried about their son’s uncertain future.

a lady of uncertain age[常用作幽默语]无法猜出其年令的女士; 中年妇女

a person of uncertain character朝秦暮楚的人

uncertain weather变化无常的天气

an uncertain temper难以捉摸的脾气

be uncertain about /of sth.

Be uncertain if ∕whether∕what..

I was uncertain about who I should call.

He looked up, uncertain whether he should continue.

Uncertainty n.

There is a great deal of uncertainty about the company.

13. guide n.领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者, 指南

vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

[观察] 阅读下列各句,并观察guide在句中的词性及用法。

1)This is a sewing machine guide.

2)You need a guide to show you around the city.

3)His elder sister has been his guide and friend.

4)He guided us through the forest.

5)My uncle guided his business to success.

14. sideways adv.(副词)adj.(形容词)向一侧,侧着,侧面朝前

took a step sideways; 向旁边跨了一步;

a sideways glance 斜着眼看了一下

a painting lit sideways; 侧光照射的一幅画;

sideways pressure. 侧压

a sideways view. 侧视

15. surroundings n. (只用复数)环境,周围的事物

It took me a few weeks to get used to my new surroundings.

surrounding adj.

in surrounding area

be surrounded by… 被...环绕着, 周围都是...

16. tolerate vt.容忍;忍受(bear, stand, put up with)

We simply cannot tolerate cheating in exams.我们就是不能容许考试作弊行为。

I cannot tolerate her rudeness. 我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。

I can't tolerate your bad manners any longer. 我再也不能容忍你无礼的行为。

He can't tolerate penicilin.他对盘尼西林无耐药力。

tolerance n.

tolerant adj. be tolerant of …

17. The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.



2)as though引导方式状语从句,a s though/if―好像;似乎‖,如:

The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg.这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。3)The air seemed thin是主句。主句是系表结构:seem是连系动词,thin是形容词在句子中充当表语。

【拓展】as though/if作连词用时,通常用虚拟语气,表示与事实不符或相反的情况。如果表示与现在事实相反,谓语用did或were,如与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时。还可用真实语气。


The pen as though (if) is mine.这枝钢笔好像是我的。

If you cover something with a little of that liquid it will go soft...



18. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。


(1)hit: to have a bad effect on…对……有不良的影响

How will the new law hit the unemployed? 新颁布的法令将使失业者遭受什么样的打击?(2)lack可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为―缺乏;没有;短缺‖。作及物动词时,后面直接接名词作宾语;作不及物动词时,一般接介词for,构成lack for短语。

☆ lack还可作名词,一般作不可数名词,意为―缺乏;短缺‖,后面常接介词of表示缺少的内容,构成lack of短语。


lack sth.(wisdom/common sense/money缺乏智慧/常识/金钱)

be lacking in (courage/determination to do...) 缺乏做某事的勇气/决心

a/the lack of………的缺乏

for lack of 因缺乏……

have no lack of 不缺乏……如:

He did not enter university because of lack of money. 由于缺钱,他没有上大学。

He is good at his job but sometimes he seems to lack confidence.


In the hot summer the plants lack water. 在炎热的夏天,植物缺水。

Our football team has only ten men — we lack one player.


She lacked the experience for the job. 她缺乏这份工作的经验。

As he is very rich, he lacks for nothing. 他非常富有,不缺任何东西。

The match was called off due to lack of support. 比赛因缺少赞助而被取消。

Lack of heating made us cold.没有暖气使我们感到很冷。

We didn’t find the passport, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. 我们找不到护照,但并非是因为我们没去找。

[联想] lacking adj. 缺少的;不足的

be lacking in ... 在……不足

Robin is not usually lacking in confidence.


[考例] Though ______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.(上海2002)

A. lacked

B. lacking of

C. lacking

D. lacked in

考查lack作及物动词的用法。其逻辑主语为his parents, 与lack构成主谓关系,故用lacking。[小试] 用上述单词或短语的适当形式填空。

1). Though _____ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

2). If something that you need is _____, you can just come here and ask for some.

3). I can’t buy that book because of my _____ money.

4). He just _____ a little confidence for he is often afraid that he may fail again.

5). He seems to be totally _____ common sense.

Key: 1. lacking 2. lacking 3. lack of / lacking

4. lacks

5. lacking in / lack of 10. lack vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西

19. adjustment n. 调整,调节

make adjustment to…适应……

adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合

―unable to adjust themselves to their environment‖ ―不能调整他们自己以适应环境‖

20. I felt better in no time. 我立刻感到舒服多了。

in on time: very quickly 立刻;马上

They will be back in no time. 他们马上就会回来。

all the time 一直, 始终

at a time 依次, 逐一, 每次

at all times 随时,永远

at one time 从前

at times 有时

on time 按时

in time 及时

21.be back on one’s feet (困境后) 恢复,重新站起;再次崛起,东山再起

He got a good job, so he should be back on his feet soon.

Stand on one’s own two feet 自立,自助

Struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来

22. press vt. 压,按n. 新闻报道;印刷;按

Without thinking, he pressed the button .

Press(sb.)for sth.敦促

Press sb to do sth 敦促去做某事

She couldn’t say much when we pressed her for more details.

Both leaders are being pressed to agreed quickly on the new treat.

the freedom of the press 新闻自由

the press 新闻界, 出版社

23. fasten vt. 结牢; 扣紧; 加固

把(目光、注意力、思想等)集中于(on, upon)

把...强加于(on, upon)

fastened our seat belts;系紧安全带;

fasten one's eyes on sb.盯住某人

fasten one's attention upon a problem把注意力集中在某一问题上

Don't fasten the responsibility on him.不要把责任推到他身上。

She fastened herself on him.她缠住他不放。

24. lose sight of/ catch sight of不再看见....../ 瞥见……


catch sight of 看见

get /have(a)sight of 看见,发现 at(the)sight of 一看见 at first sight 乍一见

out of sight 不被看见,在视线之外 out of sight of 在……看不见的地方 in /within sight 被见到,在视线内 in /within sight of 在……看得见的地方

1)sight 作不可数名词,意思是―视力;目光‖。作为可数名词时,意为―光景,奇观‖

。 2)注意sights 意为―名胜‖,如:

Last summer we had seen the sights of Beijing. 去年夏天我们游览了北京的名胜。 25. sweep up 打扫;横扫

【经典例句】 Did you sweep up all the broken glass?

你把打碎的玻璃全扫起来了吗? 【考点聚焦】 sweep up 意为―打扫;清扫‖,经常引申为―横扫;掠过;拥向‖。如: The strong wind swept up the leaves off the street.大风把街上的树叶一扫而光。 [短语归纳]

sweep aside 放[堆]到一边, 不予理会 sweep away 扫清, 迅速消灭, 肃清, 冲走 sweep off 扫清; 吹走; 大量清除 sweep out 扫掉; 清除 sweep over 将...一扫而光


1) After the party, the house needed ____________.

2) The leaves were _________ into the air by the strong wind. A. sweep off B. sweep over C. sweep up D. sweep out Keys: 1.sweeping up 2. swept up

26. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.

[翻译] 然后,王平让电脑荧屏上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术一样从地板下面升了起来。

☆flash 1) n.闪光; 闪亮物; (思想等的)闪现; 一刹那, 转瞬间

a flash of lightning 闪电 a flash of hope 一线希望

2) vt./vi. 使)闪光[烁]; (使)闪现;反照, 反射(back); (使)迅速传遍; (火速)发出(电讯、电报等) flash a glance [a look, one's eyes] at 用眼瞟一下; 看一眼 The driver flashed his lights at me. A good idea flashed into my mind.

The good news was flashed across [over] the country. 好消息闪电般传遍全国。 The express train ―Beijing -Shanghai‖ flashed past. 北京-上海特快车闪电般地掠过。 ☆switch 1)n.开关, 电闸, 转换

guarded switch 保险开关 knife switch 闸刀开关 turn on ∕off the light switch

fall asleep at the switch 玩忽职守, 错过机会; 漫不经心 2)vt.转换, 转变 switch sides 改变立场

switch the discussion to another topic 换一个讨论题目 switched the lights on and off.

asked her brother to switch seats with her. 请她的兄弟与她交换座位

▲此句中from under the floor 属于―from +介词短语‖,表示更确切的地点。此外,from 后还可跟副词。如:

found my pen from under the exercise book.

The boy jumped from behind the door.这男孩从门后面跳了出来。

She didn’t find me until I called her from behind. 直到我从后面叫她之后,她才看见我。 Step 3 Homework

补充:speed up


【巧记提示】 speed(速度)+up(上)

,让速度跟上,即加速。 【经典例句】 The car sped up when there was no one.


【考点聚焦】 和speed 搭配的常见短语: at a speed of 以……的速度 with speed 快速地 at full/top speed 全速地

高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future

Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 4 Exercises)

Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua


I. 单项选择

1. You shouldn't read others’ _______letters without permission.

A. private

B. public

C. particular

D. especial

2. The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad ____on the employer.

A. impression

B. expression

C. experience

D. opinion

3. We could see the buildings ____by trees.

A. being surrounded

B. surrounded

C. to be surrounded

D. surround

4. It's very kind of you,but we have no______ of teachers here.

A. reason

B. lack

C. signs

D. result

5. The wildlife research work had to stop,because they were _____for money.

A. pressed

B. eager

C. longing

D. worried

6. You will soon _____French when you live in Paris.

A. maintain

B. master

C. mention

D. magnify

7. The bridge _____by the flood and fertile soil ______into the river.

A. was swept away;was swept down

B. swept away;swept down

C. was swept down;was swept away

D. was swept into;was swept up

8. _____the lady remembered everything.

A. All of sudden

B. On a suddenly

C. In a flash

D. For flash

9. Can you imagine a plane flying ____ 8,000 miles an hour?

A. with a speed

B. in a speed of

C. at a speed of

D. by a speed 10. ____the rate you work,you'll never finish.

A. In

B. At

C. With

D. For

I. 1. 选A。句意为―未经允许你不该看别人的私人信件‖。public意为―公开的‖;particular意为―特定的‖:especial意为―尤其‖;private此处意为―个人的,私人的‖符合语境。

2. 选A。have/make a good/bad impression on sb. 意为―给某人留下好/坏的印象‖。

3. 选B。句意为―我们看到建筑物被树木包围着‖。由此可知,要用被动形式,又因不强调正在进行,因而A项也应排除。

4. 选B。have no lack of ―不缺乏……‖,为固定搭配。

5. 选A。be pressed for缺少;be eager for渴望;long for渴望;be worried后面要接about意为―担心‖。

6. 选B。句意为―你住在巴黎很快就会学好法语的‖。master―掌握‖;maintain维持;mention提到;magnify 放大,扩大。

7. 选A。该句意为:桥梁被洪水冲走了,肥沃的土壤被冲到河里去了。

8. 选C。in a flash是固定词组,含义是―即刻‖ ―一瞬间‖。all of sudden应为all of a sudden。

9. 选C。at a speed of...为固定搭配,―以……的速度‖。

10. 选B。at the rate ―以这种速度‖,为固定搭配。








高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 5Grammar)

Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua







从山上看,这个公园非常美丽。 2)

he cri


(四)Grammar 即境活用

① ______ white ,the door will look more beautiful.

A. Painting

B. Painted

C. Being painted

D. Having been painted

解析:选B 。考查分词作状语的用法。由于句子主语door 同分词之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。

Painted white 在此相当于一个条件状语从句If it is painted white 。

②____in the strange city ,the poor boy fell to_____.

A. Lost ;cry

B. To lose; cry

C. Lost ;crying

D. Having lost ;crying 解析:选C 。此题考查过去分词作状语。过去分词作状语相当于一个状语从句。 即Lost in the strange city (=As he was lost in the strange city ),the poor boy fell to crying. to 是介词,后应用crying ,故排除A 项;to lose 位于句首是作目的状语,与句意不符,故排除;having lost 是分词的主动式,与句意不符,故排除。

③______alone in a dark room ,the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly. A. Leaving B. Left C. Being left D. To be left

解析:选B 。空格处作原因状语,leave 表示―留下,剩下‖,与主语girl 是被动关系,所以我们要把选择范围缩小到B 、C 和D 三项。然后我们再从时间方面区分这三项,left 是过去分词,表示―被动‖和―完成‖,但有时过去分词只可表示―被动‖,而忽视它的时间概念;有时只表示―完成‖。此处我们只强调它的被动意思;being left 是现在分词的被动形式,因为―留下,剩下‖表示状态,所以没有必要再用现在分词表示―进行‖;to be left 是不定式的被动形式,表示―被动‖的同时也表示―将来‖。句意为:这个小女孩被独自留在这个黑暗的房间里,她吓得都哭出来了。

④____from endless homework on weekends ,the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunrise. A. Freed B. Freeing C. To free D. Having freed

解析:选A 。free 作动词用时,表示―使某人从……中摆脱出来‖。所以它与主语students 是被动关系。句意为:在周末学生们从繁杂的作业中解脱出来,找到了自己的活动,比如:一起乘车观看日出。

高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future

Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 6 using language—I have seen amazing things) Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua

Teaching goals

1. Important words and phrases: instant, greedy, representative, settlement

2. Improve the Ss’ ability to sum up the main idea of a passage

Be able to get the detailed information as required

3. Help the Ss learn how to find the target information

Teaching important and difficult points

1. Read the passage to get information and finish the tasks.

2. Master the usage of the important words.

Teaching methods:

Reading, listening and discussion

Teaching aids:

A recorder, a blackboard and some chalks.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Greeting

Step 2. Dictation

Step 3. Listen to the tape and answer: How many inventions mentioned in the passage and what are they?

Step 4. Detailed reading:

Step5. discussion

1. Now discuss with your classmates the advantages and disadvantages of living on a space station.

For example: would you like to live to live and work n one? What would you so with your spare time?

2. In pairs ask and answer questions about what life will be like in your country in 1000 years’ time.

Step6. language points leaning

1. instant n. moment顷刻,刹那adj. 立刻的,马上,方便的

Come here this instant. = at once.

instant coffee.

There’s no instant success. 不要急功近利。

2. greedy (greedier, greediest)贪婪的,贪心的,

be greedy for

greedily adv.

Eg. He looked at the gold with greedy eyes.

They are greedy for profits.

3. representative adj. 有代表性的/ n. 代理,代表

Many representatives of the older generation were at the meeting.

Is this questionare truly representative of national opinion?

4. settlement n.居住地,解决方法

reach a settlement on sth 对……达成解决方法

settle v. 定居,解决

settle down 定居下来

settle down to sth 安心做某事

settled a. 稳定的,确定的

5. clear one’s mind 排除杂念

absence of mind 初审,心不在焉

bear/have/keep sth. in mind 把某事记在心里,记住

change one’s mind 改变主意

make up one’s mind 决心,下定决心

bring/call sb/sth. to one’s mind 想起某人或某事

speak one’s mind 直率的表达意见

6. blame sb (sth) for sth (1) 因为某事而责备某人。(2) 把某事的责任归咎于某人。

I don’t blame you for doing that. 我不责备你做了那事。

He blamed his teacher for his failure. 他把自己的失败归罪于他的老师。

blame sth on sb (sth) 把某事的责任归咎于某人。如:

The driver blamed the accident on the cyclist. 司机把事故的责任归咎于骑自行车的人。

be to blame for (doing) sth对(做)某事应负责任。如:

You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不应该由你负责。

put [lay] the blame (for sth) on sb (把某事)归咎于某人。如:

He put [laid] all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。

7. dispose v. 清除, 处理掉, 解决, 杀死, 打败

常与介词of组成固定短语,dispose of sb/sth ―去除、处理、舍弃某人或某物‖

His job is to dispose of the rubbish every night. 他的工作是每晚清除垃圾。

Step7 Homework:

1. Read the passage after class.

2. Finish the exercises of the workbook.

高二必修5 Unit3 Life in the Future

Teaching and Learning Plan

(Period 7 Revision)

Editor: Yuan Mingming Approved by Pang Xinghua


1.—I didn’t know this was a one-way street,officer.

— ________

A. That’s all right.

B. I don’t believe you.

C. How dare you say that?

D. Sorry, but that's no excuse.

2. —I believe we've met somewhere before.

—No, ________.

A. it isn’t the same

B. it can’ be true

C. I don’t think so

D. I’d rathernot

3. —I just heard that the tickets for tonight's show have been sold out.

—Oh no! ________.

A. I was looking forward to that

B. It doesn't matter

C. I knew it already

D. It's not at all interesting

4. —I had a really good weekend at my uncle's.

— ________ .

A. Oh, that's very nice of you

B. Congratulations

C. It's a pleasure

D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that

5. ---Do you think I should get a good guidebook?

---Yes, of course. ________ , you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.

A. What’s more

B. In other words

C. By the way

D. All in all

6. —I wonder if I could use your telephone.


A. I wonder how

B.I don’t wonder

C. Sorry, it’s out of order

D. No wonder, here it is

7. —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don’t believe

B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so

D. I believe not

8.—I didn’t know this was a one-way street, officer.


A. That’s all right.

B.I don’t believe you.

C. How dare you say that?

D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse.

9. ---Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine!

--- _________ . You look well, too.

A. Great

B. Thanks

C. Oh, no

D. Not at all

10.---Have a nice weekend!

--- _________ .

A. The same to you

B. You do too

C. The same as you

D. You have it too

二、Language study(语言学习)



1. M________a foreign language is a must in international trade.

2. The people in both countries are overjoyed about the peaceful s________ of dispite.

3. To our pity,the project had to be abandoned for l________of funds.

4. The old man sat there telling stories,s__________by children.

5. Keeping an o___________state of mind is good for health.

6. The freedom of the p________right of jounalist to report events must be protected.

7. He made the same mistakes again though I ofen r_______him not to.

8. You must satisfy the r__________conditions to get your vouncher.

9. His first speech as president made a deep i_________ on his audiences.

10. His eyes f__________ anger and defiance at everyone.


1. The crowds fled _____all directions the moment the bomb exploded.

2. Watching TV too much will result _____poor eyesight.

3. The picture reminded me_____what happened ten years ago.

4. The visit to Japan left a great impression _____us.

5. It is hoped that the policy will put the country _____its feet again.

6. It was ten years ago that he took _____medicine.

7. The old buildings _________repair date back to the 1870s.

8. Four added_____six makes ten.

9. You will be required to assist Mrs Smith ________preparing a report.

10. ______a rule,we are paid _____ the hour.

11. You must rely _____ the opinions based _____facts.

12. What tools _____earth can the bamboo be used _______?

13. The man struggled ____his feet after being knocked _____the bike.

14. _____the dark street, there wasn’t a person _____whom I could turn ____help.15. The hurricane swept____the whole city,causing hundreds _____deaths.

2.The two boys who had quarreled reached an________at last.

3. With the piano ________too much room,the two brothers had to share one room.

4. The girl’s heart often ________while she is talking to a stranger.

5. Our city _______ heavy losses in the great flood.

6. Direct taxation is usually _________income.

7. As we all know,he failed for _______ of experience.

8. The villagers ________the police in their search for missing child.

9. The _____________where a child grows up may have a great effect on his growth.

10. As college entrance examinations are drawing near,you mustn’t ________ your efforts for a moment.



1. 若给予更多的时间,我本可以做的更好。

________ more time,I could _______ ________it better.

2. 从山顶看,这座城市显得更美。

__________on top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.

3. 得到了一次再试的机会,那个激动的男孩高兴得跳了起来

___________another chance, the __________boy jumped with joy.

4. 从这个角度考虑,那部少儿片很值得一看。

This factor________into consideration, the film ________for children is well worth seeing.

5. 老师走出教室,后面跟着一群学生。

The teacher walked out of the classroom,_________ _________a group of children.

6. 由于在地下埋得太深,枯死的深林腐烂而变成了煤。

_________ _________down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.

7. 多次告诉她不要玩电脑游戏,她就是不听。

Though _________many times not to play with computer games,she ________listen.

8. 受到了极大的鼓舞,那些疲惫的运动员尽全力赢得了比赛。

Greatly _________, the ________players tried to win the match.

9. 我们的村子坐落在一个群山环绕的峡谷中,很少有污染。

Our village lies in a valley __________by mountains, seldom ___________.

10. 从太空望去,地球是个被水覆盖的球体。

___________ __________space, the earth is a water-covered globe.


1.When ____ ,the museum will be open to the public next year.



C.being completed

D.to be completed

2.The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it.


B.having begun



3.___ ,they went home,___.

A.Their work had been finished;singing and laughing

B.They had finished their work;sang and laughed

C.Their work finished ;singing and laughing

D.After their work finished;singing and laughing

4.____ more attention,the trees could have grown better.


B.To give


D.Having given

5. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference

A. invited

B. inviting

C. being invited

D. having invited

6.____,the experiment will be successful.

A.If carefully doing

B.If it done carefully

C.If carefully done

D.If doing carefully

7. Friendship is like money: easier made than ______.

A. kept

B. to be kept

C. keeping

D. having kept

8. She begins to cry loudly as if_______ bitten by a snake.

A.was bitten

B. bitten


D.to be bitten

9. If______ it is heated to a high temperature, water will change into vapour

A.is heated



D.to be heated

10. Though_______ of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields


B.were warned


D.having warned

11.____ from space, our earth, _____with water 70% of its surface, appears as a ―blue planet‖.

A. Seeing, covering

B. Having seen, covered

C. To see, covered

D. Seen, covering

12. __in thought, he almost ran into the car in front.

A. Losing

B. Having lost

C. Lost

D. To lose

13.____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

A. Put

B. Putting

C. Having put

D. Being put

14.____ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

A. Dressed

B. To dress

C. Dressing

D. Having dressed 15.____ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

A. Having lost

B. Lost

C. Being lost

D. Losing

16.When________ help, one often says ―Thank you.‖ or ―It’s kind of you.‖

A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered

17.When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success

A. introducing

B. introduced

C. introduce

D. being introduced

18.___ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

A. Compare

B. When compare

C. Comparing

D. When compared

19. ______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decide to spend another two days on the farm.

A. Attracting B . Having attracted C. To be attracted D. Attracted

20.____ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.


B. Followed by

C. Being followed

D.Having been followed

21. Holding the note in his hand, he stood there _____ .

A. dumbfound B .dumbfounding C .dumbfounded D .to dumbfound

22. He rushed into the room, his face_______ with sweat.

A.was covered



D.to cover

23.When ______,the museum will be open to the public next year.



C.being completed

D.to be completed

24.Generally speaking,_____according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

A.when speaking

B.when taken

C.when to take

D.when to be taken

25.______with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.



C.When compared

D.When comparing

26._____with a difficult situation,Amold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.To face

B.Having faced



27._____in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.


B.To dress


D.Having dressed

28. ________ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States

A. Being founded

B. It was founded

C. Founded

D. Founding

29._____his age,he did it quite well,so don’t ____him any more.



C.To regard,scold


30.It is said that Barbara’s sister fell off her bicycle on her way to school,____in the left leg.

A.seriously damaging

B.hurting badly

C.breaking seriously

D.badly hurt

31.Mr Smith,_____of the ______speech,started to read a novel.





32._____time,he’ll mak e a first-class tennis player.

A.Having given

B.To give



33.Taking this kind of medicine,if_______,will surely produce side effect.


B.having continued



34.The work_______ ahead of time,I’ll go with you.

A.is finished


C.to finish


35.The boy spent two whole days,_________in the room.

A.to lock


C.having locked


36.The boy left home without telling anyone,_______never to return.

A.to determne



D.having determined

37.Though_______not to,the boy did let out the secret.


B.was told

C.to tell


38.The girl lay on the ground bleeding badly as if _______.

A.to be shot



D.was shot

39.Teachers won’t go with us even if _______.

A.is invited



D.to invite

40._________in reading a book,he didn’t notice the room on fire.


B.Having absorbed


D.To absorb


1. 选D。I didn't know this was a one-way street, officer.解释自己为什么走错了路。是,虽然不知道,违反了交通规则也要受到处罚,而不应该提出任何借口。答案为D。

2. 选C。当不同意对方意见时可以回答说:―I don't think so.‖或―I think not.‖。it can't be true太生硬,I'd rather not意为:―我宁可不‖,与题意不符。答案为C。

3. 选A。从Oh no!可知,对方对票全部售完表示惋惜,说明对方一直在盼望着看这次表演。所以选项B、C、D都不符合题意。答案为A。

4. 选D。Oh, I'm glad to hear that.的意思是―听到这个消息我很高兴。当听到坏消息时要说I'm sorry to hear that来表示自己也为他人的不幸而难过。‖Congratulations常用来对对方在某个方面取得的成绩表示祝贺。A项意为:真的,谢谢你;C项意为―不谢‖,均不合题意。答案为D。

5. 选A。根据上下文,特别是第二句you前的逗号,What's more 作为插入语

6. 选C。尽管该题中反复出现―wonder‖一词,但通过仔细审题可确定其考查的功能项目为征求对方意见,问句相当于―Could I use your telephone?‖综合语境和话题的分析,正确的答话方式一般为―Of course you can‖(肯定)或―Sorry, you can’t‖(否定),也只有C项符合题意,A、B、D项均属典型的―上词下用‖现象,而且D项中的―No wonder‖意思为―难怪‖,更是和题干内容相差甚远。

7. 选D。以Do you think…?这样的句子来提问,用D项来回答表示否定,显然不符合中文的表达习惯,这也正是许多学生选了A、B、C项的原因。另一个更常见的失误是套用中国文化模式。违背英语国家的思维方式和文化习俗,这属于文化方面的―负迁移‖。此类例子有:

1.—I’d like to invite you to dinner tomorrow.—Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble. (正确答话为:I’m very sorry, but…)

2.—Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me. —Please don’t say so. (正确答话:I’m glad you like it.)

3.—Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine! —Oh, no . (正确答话为:Thanks. You look well ,too).

8. 选D。许多考生可能选了B、C项,这是没有注意到西方人生活、工作中交往的必要礼节,答话时过于生硬,没有顾及他人感情,而正确答案D项正是在充分考虑到说话双方的身份,彼此之间的关系以及说话人的立场和态度的基础上做出的选择。

9. 选B。这是听到别人赞扬或恭维是的交际用语。在这种场合下,中国人往往谦虚的以否定作答,而英美人则高兴地说―谢谢‖,有必要时也恭维一下对方。故选B。

10. 选A。你和对方都在度同一个周末。对方祝你―周末愉快!‖时,你也要给予同样的祝福:Thank you. The same to you!(谢谢,也注你周末愉快!)。故选A。

二、Language study(语言学习)



1. Mastering

2. settlement

3. lack

4. surrounded

5. optimistic

6. press

7. remind

8. required

9. impression 10. flashed


1. 填in。往-----方向用in。

2. 填in。result in‖导致,引起‖。

3. 填of。remind sb of sth―提醒告诫某人某事‖。

4. 填on。leave an impression on―给------留下印象‖。

5. 填on。put…on its feet―使恢复生机‖。

6. 填up。take up―从事‖。

7. 填under。表示在修理中。

8. 填to。add..to意为―把……加入到……‖。

9. 填in。assist sb in doing表示―协助某人做某事‖。

10. 填as, by。as作为,by则表示按照。

11. 填on, on。rely on―依靠‖ be based on―以------为基础‖。

12. 填on,as。on earth―究竟‖ be used as ―被用作‖。

13. 填to, off。asstruggle to one’s feet―挣扎着站了起来‖,knock off―撞下来‖。

14. 填in, to, for。turn to sb for help―向某人求助‖。

15. 填up, of。sweep up―习卷‖ thousands of―数以千计‖。


1. turned out

2. understanding

3. taking up

4. speed up

5. suffered

6. based on

7. lack

8. assisted

9. surroundings 10. relax



1. given; have grown

2. Seen

3. Given; excited

4. taken; intended

5. followed by

6. Buried deep

7. warned, wouldn’t

8. encouraged; tired

9. surrounded; polluted 10. Seen from


1. 选A。时间状语从句省略了it is。

2. 选D。once引导条件状语从句省略it is。

3. 选C。―名词+过去分词‖独立结构作状语从句,singing现在与分词短语作伴随状语。

4. 选A。过去分件状语。

5. 选A。条件状语省略了you are。

6. 选C。条件状语省略了it is。

7. 选A。比较状语从句中省略it is。

8. 选B。让步状语从句中省略了she is。

9. 选C。条件状语从句中省略it is。

10. 选C。让步状语从句中省略了they are。

11. 选D。过去分词作时间状语,covered 作定语。

12. 选C。be lost in表示―沉浸在------中‖,过去分词作原因状语。

13. 选A。过去分词作状语。

14. 选A。be dressed in表示穿衣状态,过去分词作状语。

15. 选B。be lost in表示迷失,过去分词作时间状语。

16. 选D。时间状语从句省略he is。

17. 选B。时间状语是从句省略it was。

18. 选D。时间状语是从句省略了it is。

19. 选D。过去分词作状语。

20. 选B。过去分词作伴随状语。

21. 选C。过去分词作伴随状语。

22. 选C。―名词+过去分词‖是独立主构结构,作伴随状语。

23. 选A。状语从句省略了it is。

24. 选B。状语从句省略了it is。

25. 选C。状语从句省略了it is。

26. 选C。be faced with表示面临过去分词作状语。

27. 选A。过去分词作状语。

28. 选C。过去分词作状语。

29. 选A。given表示考虑到。

30. 选D。过去分词作伴随状语。

31. 选A。be tired of感到厌倦,tiring令人厌倦。

32. 选D。过去分词作条件状语。

33. 选D。条件状语从句省略了it is。34. 选D。―名词+过去分词‖是独立主构结构,作条件状语。

35. 选D。过去分词作伴随状语。

36. 选C。determined表示状态作伴随状语。

37. 选D。让步状语从句省略了he was。

38. 选B。让步状语从句省略了she was。

39. 选C。让步状语从句省略了they are。

40. 选C。be absorbed in―专心干某事‖,过去分词作状语。


生物必修三《稳态与环境》知识点填空 第1章人体的内环境与稳态 第2章动物和人体生命活动的调节 1、单细胞生物直接生活在___________中,多细胞生物的体细胞直接生活在 _______________中。 2、人体的体液由存在于细胞内的__________和存在于细胞外的_________组成。3(1)由___________构成的液体环境叫做内环境,主要包括_________、________和__________等。 (2)用箭头连接表示血浆、组织液、淋巴三者之间的关系。 4、组织液、淋巴的成分和含量与血浆相近,但又不完全相同,最主要的差别在于血浆中_________________。 5、细胞外液本质上是一种_____溶液。 6、细胞外液的理化性质的三个主要方面:_____________________。 7、溶液渗透压与溶液的________成正比。血浆渗透压的大小主要与血浆中________、_________的含量有关。细胞外液渗透压的90%以上来源于___和___。 8、正常人的血浆近____性,pH为_________。血浆pH之所以能够保持稳定,与它含有_______、_______等离子有关。 9、__________是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介。 10、毛细血管壁细胞的直接环境是__________和__________;毛细淋巴管的直接环境是__________和_____________。 11、目前普遍认为,____________________________调节网络是机体维持稳态的主要调节机制。人体维持稳态的调节能力是___________的。 12、内环境稳态是机体进行_______________的必要条件。稳态遭到破坏,会出现细胞代谢_________。 13、神经调节的基本方式是________,其结构基础是__________。反射弧包括____________、________________、_____________、__________和_________。 14、神经元的结构包括___________和___________,突起分为_______和______。 15、兴奋在神经纤维上的传导形式是________,方向是_____向的;在神经元之间的传递形式是__________________________,方向是_____向的;在反射弧上的传递是____向的。 16、未受刺激时,神经纤维细胞膜两侧的电位表现为_____________。受到刺激产生兴奋时,电位表现为_________________。 17、神经纤维某处受到刺激产生兴奋时,细胞膜外侧局部电流的方向是:从_____部位流向_________部位;细胞膜内侧局部电流的方向是:从_________部位流向________部位。 18、突触是由前一个神经元的_______________,与后一个神经元的_______ __________相接触而形成。突触结构包括:_______________________________。 19(1)由于________________只存在于___________的突触小泡中,只能由____________释放,然后作用于____________上,因此神经元之间兴奋的传递只能是_____向的。 (2)突触小泡的形成与_____ _____ _____ (细胞器)有关,神经元释放神经递质的方式是_____。


Unit 1 语法重点 一、动词不定式 不定式可以用来做主语、表语、定语、状语、宾语、独立成分,表示比较具体的意义。 (1)做主语 ①动词不定式短语 To master a foreign language is no easy job. To see this film is to waste time. To solve this problem is out of the question ②为平衡整个句子,避免头重脚轻,常用it做形式主语,而将真正主语不定式放后 面,用于这种形式是一些特定的结构。例如: 1)谓语部分是系表结构,表语是某些形容词或名词。例如: It is foolish to do in this way. It sounds reasonable to do it this way. 2)某些动词做谓语时。例如: It took much time to do this. It makes us excited to think about that. (2) 做表语 表示打算、计划、命令和要求,用于appear, seem, happen等系动词后面 Such questions are to be avoided. What he said proved to be true. He seems to be ill. (3) 做定语 做定语时不定式一般紧跟其所修饰名词或代词后面。例如: He was the first one to come this morning. He didn’t have the chance to go to school in the past. 如果不定式是不及物动词时,应注意其相应介词的搭配。例如: He has nothing to worry about. She is a very nice person to work with. (4) 作状语 不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因和结果。 ①表目的常用in order to, so as to,等结构但so as to只能放在主句之后。 Check your homework so as to avoid mistakes. She goes home (in order) to see her grandmother every week. ②表结果常用only to do, enough to do, too…to do等句型,不定式短语作结果状语具有 “意料之外”之意。 He is too excited to speak anything. I hurried to his house, only to find him out. ③原因 She seemed surprised to see us. He is sorry for what he did to think of his past. -不定式作方式状语时,通常采用as if 或 as though + to 的结构,其意为“好像要……”。 He raised his hand as if to hit me. She took out a pen and a piece of paper as though to write something. (5) 做宾语


高中语文必修三基础知识复习答案(余下部分): 一、根据拼音写汉字 丫鬟.簇.拥姊.(zǐ)妹削.(xuē)肩(剥削,削减,削弱,瘦削)厮.认斟.(zhēn)茶呜 咽.(yè) 怯.(qiè)弱(胆怯,羞怯)疯癫.不经.之谈敛声屏.(bǐng)气攒.(cuán)珠髻绾.(wǎn)着盘螭(chī) 璎.(yīng)珞.(luò) 宫绦.(tāo) 玫瑰.(guī)(瑰丽,瑰怪)风骚.王熙.凤嫡.(dí)亲拭.泪外甥.女便.(biàn)宜.(yí) 翠幄.(wò)(运筹帷幄)驯.(xù n)骡(驯服)厢庑.(wǔ) 小巧别致.轩峻 .. ..壮丽姬.妾笨拙.(zhuō) 甬.路宸翰金蜼.(wěi)彝(yí) 玻璃()(hǎi) 錾.(zàn)银黼.(fǔ)黻.(fú) 洋罽(jì) 匙.(chí)箸.(zhù) 酒觚.(gū) 茗.碗斋.戒顽劣.(liè) 溺.(nì)爱伺.(cì)候漱.(shù)盂咳嗽.(sóu) 脾.(pí)胃(脾气)盥.(guàn)手(盥洗)懵.(měng)懂倭.(wō)锻(倭寇)瞋.(chēn)视敷.(fū)粉(敷衍,敷药)潦.倒偏僻.乖.张诽谤辜.负韶.(sháo)光纨袴.(kù) 膏粱.作.(zuō)揖(开门揖盗)蹙.(cù)眉颦.(pín)眉罥.(juàn)烟两靥.(yè) 和睦.杜撰.(zhuàn)(撰写)忖.(cǔn)度.(duó) 孽.障殉.(xùn)葬(殉职,殉情)妥当.(dàng) 遂.(suì)心(未遂)钗钏.(cuàn) 送灶.(zào)监.生(jiàn) 寒暄.(xuān)臂膊.(bó)银镯.(zhuó)子烟霭.(ǎi)(雾霭云霭)朱拓.(tà)(拓写拓蓝纸)陈抟.(tuán)老祖瘦削.不堪(削减,削弱,剥削)间.(jiàn)或乞丐.诧.(chà)异悚.(sǒng)然惶.急踌躇.(chú) 胆怯.(qiè)(怯弱羞怯)安逸.不更.(gēng)事价廉.物美 谬.(miù)种(谬误荒谬)暂.(zàn)时(暂且短暂)负疚.(jiù) 俨.(yǎn)然忌讳.(huì) 雪褥.(rù)(被褥)瑟瑟 ..(sè)有声(萧瑟)百无聊赖尘芥.(jiè) 形骸.(hái) 夹.(jiá)袄模.(mú)样(mú模子mó模型,楷模,模范)应酬.箩.筐窥.探沸反盈天宽宏.(洪)大量雇.用贺家墺.(ào) 聘.(pìn)礼威吓.(hè) (恐吓,恫吓)按捺.(nà) 擒.住窟窿 ..荸(bí)荠(qí) 絮叨走投.无路草窠.(kē) 呜咽.(yè) 驯熟(xùn) (驯服)告诫.祭祀.桌帏.(wéi) 讪讪 ..(zhè ..(shàn) 宽恕.(shù) 鄙薄.(bó)怔怔ng) 咀(jǔ)嚼(jué) 赏鉴渣滓.(zǐ) 唾.(tuò)弃一瞥.(piē) 伤疤.(bā) 执拗.(niù) 蹙.(cù)缩收敛.诡秘.索性门槛.赎.(shú)罪炮.(páo)烙.(luò) 窈.(yǎo)陷(窈 窕)惴惴 ..(zhuì)不安洞穴(xué) (穴位)伶俐歆.(xīn)享牲醴.(lǐ) 醉醺醺 ..(xūn ) 乱窜.(cuàn)(抱头鼠窜)向上蹿.(cuān)踪迹.(jì)鲭.(qīng)鲨脊.(jǐ)背 两颚.(è)脊鳍.(qí)角锥.(zhuī)形剃.(tì)刀攮.(nǎng)皮开肉绽吞噬.(shì)白浪滔天倒霉海鳐.(yáo)鱼舵.(duò)柄胳.(gā)肢窝仓皇攥.(zuàn)住黏.(nián)液脊.(jǐ)髓.(suǐ)(骨髓文化精髓)蹂躏.(lìn)缘故.戳.(chuō)撬.(qiào)开喉.咙捶.下劈.去坚韧.衔.着报酬.辨.认波涛汹涌磷.(lín)光拽.(zhuài)掉榫.(sǔn)头猖狂桅杆.堤.(dī)坡 噫.(yī)吁.(xū)嚱.(xī)鱼凫.(fú)石栈.(zhàn)猿猱.(náo)攀援萦.岩峦(萦绕,魂牵梦萦)扪.(mén)参.(shēn)历井(扪心自问)以手抚膺.(yīng)(义愤填膺) 巉.


M5 Unit3 Life in the Future private school 私立学校public school 公立学校 in private 私下地 lack: lack sth (vt) 缺少……eg: lack courage/ confidence/ responsibility 缺乏勇气/信心/责任感be lacking in lack of sth (n) eg: The plants died because of lack of water. 同义词:be short of eg: I’m short of money. lack for nothing 应有尽有 press down 往下按 the press 新闻界 master a language 掌握一门语言master English 掌握英语 switch on/ off 开/ 关 take up a prize 接受奖励 rub one’s eyes 擦亮眼睛 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 be unsettled 不安的 as a result 结果是 suffer from 遭受 be similar to 与……相似 feel nervous and uncertain 感到不安 be understanding 能理解人的 make sb sleepy 人们感到昏昏欲睡 be known for 因……而出名be known as 作为……而出名 transport sb into the future 把人送到未来 hit by the lack of fresh air 由于缺乏新鲜空气 in no time立刻,马上 at any time 在任何时候 in time 及时;迟早,最终eg: In time, you’ll forget him. be back on one’s feet=well by doing 通过某种方式,手段 get lost 迷路 in all directions= in every direction 朝四面八方 sight: lose sight of 看不见 catch sight of 瞥见 at first sight 乍一眼 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。in sight 在视线范围内 slide into/ out of (slid, slid) 悄悄溜进/ 溜出 on earth 究竟 in length 在长度范围内at length 详尽地;最终 an optimistic view / a pessimistic view 乐观/悲观的观点


第一章人体的内环境与稳态 1 ?体液 < ____________ 》内环境 k _____________ 丿 2 ?血浆、组织液、淋巴之间的关系 血浆 细胞内液组织液淋巴 3 ?血浆组织液淋巴其成分有什么差异? 4. _______________________ 细胞外液是指__ 、 ___________ 、 ____________________________ 。其理化性质有 _______________ 5 ?渗透压是指______________________________ 溶质微粒越多,渗透压越______ ?人体的渗透压主要取决于 ______ 禾廿_____ 两种离子。 6 ? 稳态是指_______________________________________________________________ 7?细胞只有通过________ 才能间接地与外界进行物质交换,除此之外,还需要其他器官和系统 的协调配合,这些器官和系统都有哪些,请举例:____________________________________ 。8. __________________________________________ 机体维持稳态的机制是

第二章动物和人体生命活动的调节(一) 1. 神经调节的基本方式: _____________ ,也就是在 ____________ 参与下,动物体或人体对 做出的规律性应答。完成反射的结构基础是,它由、、、、五部分组成。 2 .兴奋是以________ 的形式沿着神经纤维传到的,也叫 ________________ ,而且在神经纤维上的 传导是 ___ 向的。 3 .在未受刺激时,由于神经纤维膜两侧的离子分布特点,两侧的电位差为__________ ,称为 _________ 电位。在受到刺激时膜两侧的电位表现为_____________ ,称为 __________ 电位。产生两种电位差的原因分别是什么?请分析说明: 4. 兴奋在神经元间的传递方向是单向还是双向的?为什么? 5. ______________________________________________ 突触小体是指______________________ 突触是指: ____________________________________________ 6. 举出各级中枢并说明他们具有什么作用? 7. __________________________________________ 大脑皮层的言语区若W区发生障碍不能, V区发生障碍不能 __________________________________ , S区发生障碍 不能 _____ , H区发生障碍不能________ 。 第二章动物和人体生命活动的调节(二) &激素调节是指 __________________________________________________

2020年高考英语复习《必修五 Unit 5 First aid》:单句语法填空

2020年高考英语复习《必修五Unit 5 First aid》:单句语法填空1.You'd better put things back in place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them. 2.You'd better go to the party, but I doubt if/whether it'll be very exciting. 3.The new technology,if applied (apply) to rice growing,will help increase the grain output. 4.These men made themselves famous for their courage and bravery (brave). 5.There is no doubt that the new policy will make a difference to everyone. 6.—Don't put so much pressure (press) on the children. It's harmful to their health. —OK, I won't. 7.The number of people, who have access to their own cars,has risen (rise) sharply in the past decade. 8.Though warned (warn) again and again, the young man still drove after drinking, leading to his being fined. 9.Consideration for other people is vital to all of us. 10.Due to lack of treatment(treat), some patients rescued from the ruins died soon. 第1 页共1 页


高中生物必修三知识点汇编 第一章 一、细胞的生活的环境: 1、单细胞(如草履虫)直接与外界环境进行物质交换 2、多细胞动物通过内环境作媒介进行物质交换 养料 O2养料 O2 外界环境血浆组织液细胞(内液) 代谢废物、CO2淋巴代谢废物、CO2 内环境 细胞外液又称内环境(是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介) 其中血细胞的内环境是血浆 淋巴细胞的内环境是淋巴 毛细血管壁的内环境是血浆、组织液 毛细淋巴管的内环境是淋巴、组织液 3、组织液、淋巴的成分与含量与血浆相近,但又不完全相同,最主要的差别在于血浆中含有较多的蛋 白质,而组织液淋巴中蛋白质含量较少。 4、内环境的理化性质:渗透压,酸碱度,温度 ①血浆渗透压大小主要与无机盐、蛋白质含量有关;无机盐中Na+、cl-占优势 细胞外液渗透压约为770kpa 相当于细胞内液渗透压; ②正常人的血浆近中性,PH为7.35-7.45与HCO3-、HPO42-等离子有关; ③人的体温维持在370C 左右(一般不超过10C )。 二、内环境稳态的重要性: 1、稳态是指正常机体通过调节作用,使各个器官系统协调活动,共同维持内环境的相对稳定状态。 内环境成分相对稳定 内环境稳态温度 内环境理化性质的相对稳定酸碱度(PH值) 渗透压 ①稳态的基础是各器官系统协调一致地正常运行 ②调节机制:神经-体液-免疫 ③稳态相关的系统:消化、呼吸、循环、排泄系统(及皮肤) ④维持内环境稳态的调节能力是有限的,若外界环境变化过于剧烈或人体自身调节能力出现障碍时

3、组织液、淋巴的成分与含量与血浆相近,但又不完全相同,最主要的差别在于血浆中含有较多 的蛋白质,而组织液淋巴中蛋白质含量较少。 4、内环境的理化性质:渗透压,酸碱度,温度 ①血浆渗透压大小主要与无机盐、蛋白质含量有关;无机盐中Na+、cl-占优势 细胞外液渗透压约为770kpa 相当于细胞内液渗透压; ②正常人的血浆近中性,PH为7.35-7.45与HCO3-、HPO42-等离子有关; ③人的体温维持在370C 左右(一般不超过10C )。 ④维持内环境稳态的调节能力是有限的,若外界环境变化过于剧烈或人体自身调节能力出现障碍时 内环境稳态会遭到破坏 2、内环境稳态的意义:机体进行正常生命活动的必要条件 第二章 三、神经调节: 1、神经调节的结构基础:神经系统 细胞体 神经系统的结构功能单位:神经元树突 突起神经纤维 神经元在静息时电位表现为外正内负 功能:传递神经冲动 2、神经调节基本方式:反射 反射的结构基础:反射弧


语文必修三知识梳理 《林黛玉进贾府》:1、重点字词:阜盛fù:(人家)兴盛;阜,多。纳罕hǎn:感到奇怪。 憨hān 顽:天真顽皮;憨,朴实天真。敛声屏气:恭敬严肃得屏住呼吸,不敢说话。 纨袴wánkù:纨绔,富家子穿细绸裤,借指富家子。轩xuān 峻:高大貌。懵měnɡ懂:糊涂,不明事理。潦倒:颓丧;这里指不约束检点行为。嗔chēn 视:怒时瞪眼看。草莽:杂草;这里指没有才学。颦pín:皱眉。度cǔnduó:推测。劳什子:北方方言,东西、物件。Chì造便biàn 宜è宫绦(tāo)惫bèi 懒放诞dàn 嫡dí亲狡黠xiá内帏wéi 两靥y 盥ɡuàn 沐:洗浴。翠幄Wò敕杜撰zhuàn:虚构、编造的。忖錾银(zàn)驯(xùn)骡罥(juàn)烟 2、古今异义:偏僻古偏激;今偏远交通不便之地/便宜:古方便;今价钱低/ 态度古神态今对事情的看法/ 风流古风韵今有功绩又有文采,有才学而不拘礼法/ 不端正/ 风骚古姿容俏丽;今妇女举止轻佻/ 可怜古可惜今怜悯,不值得一提值得怜悯, 3、《西江月》二词:无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂。纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。潦倒不通世务,愚顽怕读文章。行为偏僻性乖张,那管世人诽谤!富贵不知乐业,贫穷难耐凄凉。可怜辜负好韶光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不肖无双。寄言纨袴与膏粱:莫效此儿形状!———(似贬实褒) 4、4、文学常识:曹雪芹,名霑(zhān ),字梦阮,号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪。大约生于康熙五十四年(1715),卒于乾隆二十八年(1763)或二十九年(1764),确切的生卒年尚待考证。在“曹雪芹印”中有这样一首诗:我也曾金马玉堂,我也曾瓦灶绳床。你笑我名门落拓,一腔惆怅,怎知我看透了天上人间、世态炎凉!褴(lán)裳藏 傲骨,愤世写群芳。《红楼梦》,原名《石头记》。全书以贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以林黛玉和贾宝玉的爱情故事为中心,揭露了封建统治阶级的罪恶和腐朽本质,揭示了封建社会必然崩溃的历史发展趋势,是中国封建社会的百科全书,是中国古典文学的巅峰之作。《林黛玉进贾府》是中国古典名著《红楼梦》中的精彩篇章,是全书的序幕之一,它由林黛玉的所见所闻,对这个封建大家族进行了介绍。这一节除了环境描写,最主要的作用还是通过不同的描写手法刻画了贾府的主要人物。人物的出场,历来为人们所称道。环境描写细致真实,人物语言个性鲜明,动作描写生动形象。标题点出了中心事件,题眼是“贾府”——全书的典型环境。《林黛玉进贾府》k “两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。”——黛玉“面若中秋之月,色如春晓之花,鬓若刀裁,眉如墨画,面如桃瓣,目若秋波。”——宝玉“面如敷粉,唇若施脂,转盼多情,语言常笑。天然一段风骚,全在眉梢;平生万种情思,悉堆眼角”——宝玉《祝福》1、重点字词钝dùn 响尘 芥jiè熟桌帏wéi 寒暄xuān 形骸hái 朱拓tà不更gēng 事谬miù种絮絮xù雪褥rù驯xùn 渣滓颊jiá贺家墺ào 荸荠bíqí讪讪shàn 敛liǎn 怔怔zhēng zhēng 咀嚼jǔjuézhāzǐ监(jiàn)生陈抟(tuán)


Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2010年高考北京卷)I’m calling to enquire about the position ________ in yesterday’s China Daily. A.advertised B.to be advertised C.advertising D.having advertised 解析:选A。句意:我打电话来咨询一下有关昨天在《中国日报》上刊登广告(招聘)的职位。advertised...是过去分词短语作后置定语,被修饰词position与advertise是被动关系。 2.(2010年高考湖南卷)So far nobody has claimed the money ________ in the library. A.discovered B.to be discovered C.discovering D.having discovered 解析:选A。句意:迄今为止,没有人认领在图书馆里发现的钱。本题考查非谓语动词作定语,因discover与money之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。 3.(2010年高考福建卷)In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained ________ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A.sticking B.stuck C.to be stuck D.to have stuck 解析:选B。句意:四月份,由于火山灰云的影响,成千上万的度假者被滞留在海外。空格处用过去分词stuck表示“被卡住”,引申为“被滞留”,符合句意;现在分词表示动作正在进行;动词不定式表示将要发生的动作,不符合句意。 4.(2010年高考大纲全国卷Ⅰ) showed her students some old maps ________ from the library. A.to borrow B.to be borrowed C.borrowed D.borrowing 解析:选C。句意:怀特夫人给她的学生们看了一些从图书馆里借来的旧地图。old maps 与borrow之间是被动关系,由句中的动词showed可知此动作已经发生,可排除不定式短语作后置定语,即排除A、B两项;D项表示主动或进行,也不符合语境;C项表示被动或完成,符合语境。 5.(2010年高考四川卷)A great number of students ________ said they were forced to practise the piano. A.to question B.to be questioned C.questioned D.questioning 解析:选C。考查非谓语动词作定语。question与students之间存在被动关系,question 表示的动作也已完成,故用过去分词。 6.Those ________ by the teacher last night handed in their papers one by one. A.scolded B.being scolded C.scolding D.having scolded 解析:选A。被修饰词是不定代词如something,everything,anyone,nobody等或指示代词those时,单个分词作定语也要后置。根据those与scold之间的被动关系可排除选项C和D;由last night可知分词表示动作已经发生,所以A项正确。 7.The computer centre,________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school. A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened 解析:选D。opened为过去分词作后置定语,表示被动和完成,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。 8.The Town Hall ________ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. A.to be completed


高中生物必修3复习双基知识清单 第一章:人体的内环境与稳态 1、体液:体内的液体。 细胞内液(2/3) 体液 细胞外液(1/3):包括:血浆、淋巴、组织液等。 2、体液之间关系: 血浆 细胞内液组织液淋巴 【判断方法】:独来独往为淋巴;血浆沿毛细血管动脉端进入组织液,组织液从毛细血管静脉端重新吸收进入血浆;淋巴液经过淋巴循环由左右锁骨下静脉汇入血浆,参与血液循环。 3、内环境:由细胞外液构成的液体环境。内环境是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介。 4、组织液、淋巴的成分和含量与血浆的相近但又不完全相同,最主要的差别在于血浆中含有较多的蛋白质,而组织液和淋巴中蛋白质含量较少。 5、细胞外液的理化性质:渗透压、酸碱度、温度。 (1)渗透压:指溶液中溶质微粒对水的吸引力。溶质微粒越多,溶液浓度越高,对水的吸引力越大,即溶液渗透压越高。血浆渗透压主要与无机盐、蛋白质含量有关。细胞外液的渗透压90%以上来源于Na+和Cl-。37℃时,血浆渗透压为770kPa,相当于细胞内液的渗透压。 (2)血浆中酸碱度:7.35---7.45 调节的物质:HCO3-、HPO42-:例 NaHCO3/H2CO3 和Na2HPO4/ NaH2PO4 6、稳态:机体通过调节作用,使各个器官、系统协调活动、共同维持内环境的相对稳定的状态。 内环境稳态指的是内环境的成分和理化性质都处于动态平衡中。 直接参与物质交换的系统:消化、呼吸、循环、泌尿系统。 间接参与调节的系统:神经系统、体液(内分沁系统)、免疫系统。 人体稳态调节能力是有一定限度的.同时调节也是相对的。 稳态的调节机制:神经——体液——免疫调节 7、内环境稳态的意义:内环境稳态是机体进行正常生命活动的必要条件。


第七单元生命活动的调节 一、植物激素调节 1.植物生长素的发现和作用 (1)生长素的发现 拓展:①胚芽鞘中的生长素是由什么部位合成? ②生长素的合成是否需要光? ③胚芽鞘中什么部位感受光的刺激? ④胚芽鞘向光弯曲和生长的是什么部位? ⑤生长素的化学本质是什么? (2)如何通过实验证明生长素只能由形态学上端向形态学下端运输? (3)生长素的横向运输 拓展:①横向运输的发生在什么部位? ②引起生长素横向运输的原因是什么? (4)生长素有哪些生理作用? 拓展:①植物为什么能显示出向光性呢? ②生长素对植物生长的双重作用体现在哪些方面? ③生长素的双重作用与什么有关? ④什么是顶端优势现象? ⑤根、芽、茎三种器官对生长素敏感性有什么不同? (5)生长素在农业生产上有哪些方面的应用? 拓展:①在农作物的栽培过程中,整枝、摘心所依据的原理是什么? ②雌蕊受粉后,促进果实发育的生长素由何处合成的? ③如何获得无子番茄? ④农业生产上为何用2、4—D 作为双子叶植物除草剂? 2.其他植物激素 (1)植物体内的激素有哪五类? ①细胞分裂素的主要生理作用是什么? ②乙烯的主要生理作用是什么?乙烯只存在于成熟的果实中吗? ③脱落酸有什么作用? ④植物的生长和发育的各个阶段,由多种激素相互协调、共同调节吗? 拓展:①人工合成的生长素为什么效果要持久? ②新采摘的香蕉为什么只有七成熟,而我们吃的香蕉都是熟的? ③秋水仙素是植物激素吗?秋水仙素的作用机制是什么? ④植物激素处理后,植物体内的遗传物质改变吗? 3.植物激素的应用 (1)什么叫植物生长调节剂?相比植物激素,植物生长调节剂具有什么优点?(2)能够替代生长素、乙烯、细胞分裂素的植物生长调节剂分别是什么物质? 二、人和高等动物的神经调节 1.神经调节结构基础和调节过程 (1)神经调节的基本方式是什么? (2)反射弧由哪几部分构成?


《新课程报》资料 必修3基础知识及基本能力复习 一.字音 1.选出注音没有错误的一组()A.阜.盛(fǔ)敕.造(chì)宸.翰(ch?n)懵.懂(měng) B.两靥.(ya)忖.度(cǔn)钗.钏(chāi)宫绦.(tāo) C.怯.弱(qua)纳罕.(hǎn)盥.沐(guàn)罥.烟(juàn) D.憨.顽(hān)錾.银(zhàn)惫.懒(bai)戏谑.(xua) [解析]B(A阜应读fù, C怯应读qia,D錾应读zàn) 2.选出带点字注音与字形完全正确的一组 ( ) A.踌蹰.(chú)谬.(nìu)种尘芥.(jia)踝.骨(huái) B.朱拓.(tà)寒暄.(xuān)打劫.(q u?)俳徊.(huí) C.荸.(bí)荠咀.(jǔ)嚼草窠.(kē)桌帏.(w?i) D.呜咽.(yān)赏鉴.(jiàn)蹙.(qí)缩门槛.(kǎn) [解析]C(A谬应读miù B徊应读huái劫应读ji? D咽应读ya蹙应读Cù) 3.下列词语中加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.鲸.鲨(jīng)两颚.(a)脊鳍.(qí)攘.刺(nǎng) B.绽.开(zhàn)舵.手(du?)咀嚼.(jiáo)攥.住(zuàn) C.嗜.杀(shì)蹂躏.(lìn)撬.开(qiào)拽.拉(zhuài) D.戳.穿(chuō)榫.头(sǔn)残骸.(hái)桅.杆(w?i) [解析]B(B嚼应读ju?) 4.对下列各项中加点的字注音全部正确的一项是()A.畏葸.(sī)湮.没(yān)杜撰.(zhuàn)辽阔无垠.(yín) B.聒.噪(ɡuō)广袤.(mào)召.唤(zhào)模糊纤.细(xiān) C.尾鳍.(qí)荒芜.(wú)跳跃.(yua)晕眩颤.栗(chàn) D.默契.(qia)脚趾.(zhǐ)汲.取(jí)璀.璨夺目(cuǐ) [解析]B.(A葸应读xǐ C颤应读zhàn D契应读qì) 5.下列各组词语中,加点字的注音没有错误的一项是()A.遐.想(xìá)怪诞.(yán)踪.迹(zōnɡ) B.杜撰.(zhuàn)浩瀚.(hàn)束.缚(chù) C.偏裨.(pí)便.利(pián)贪婪.(lán) D.湮没.(m?)目眩.(xuàn)可怖.(bù) [解析] D (A诞应读dàn B束应读shù C便应读biàn) 6.下列词语中加点的字,注音有误的一项是()A.斑斓.(nán)震.惊(zhan)撒手人寰.(huán) B.目眩.(xuàn)脚趾.(zhǐ)孜.孜不倦(zī) C.怪诞.(dàn)湮.没(yān)自鸣.得意(míng ) D.遐.想(xiá)杜撰.(zhuàn)惊诧.不已(chà) [解析] A(斓应读lán) 7.对下列各项中加点的字注音全部正确的一项是()A.娱.乐(yú)嚼.烂(ju?)人才济.济(jǐ) B.反馈.(kuì)浩瀚.(hàn )好.大喜功(hào) C.尾鳍.(qí)玩耍.(shuǎ)饥肠辘.辘(l?u) D.默契.(qia)觅.食(mì)奄.奄一息(yǎn) [解析]B(A嚼应读jiáo C辘应读lù D契应读qì) 8.下列各项中加点字注音完全正确的一项是()A.羱.羊(yuán)倾.倒()qīng 歆.享(xīn)模.样(m?) B.马驹.(jū)呜咽.(ya)绾.者(wǎn)嫡.亲(dí) C.炮.烙(pào)瞋.视(chēn)荡漾.(yàng)高耸.(sǒng) D.鄙.视(bǐ)甲烷.(wán)蹂.躏(r?u)忖度.(dù) [解析]B(A模应读mú C炮应读páo D度应读du?) 9.下列词语中加点的字注音不正确的一项是()A.供.养(ɡōnɡ)经传.(zhuàn)弃甲曳.兵(ya)间.不容发(jiān) B.倒嚼.(jiào)吞噬.(shì)皮开肉绽.(zhàn)翘.足而待(qiáo) C.廝.打(sī)鲤.鱼()lǐ少不更.事(ɡēnɡ)模棱.两可(l?nɡ) D.脆.弱(cuì)祷.告(dǎo)心广体胖.(pànɡ)厚古薄.今(báo) [解析]D (胖应读pán 薄应读b?) 10.下列词语中,加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.栅.栏(zhà)骐骥.(jì)魅.力(mai)沸.反盈天(fai) B.椭.圆(tuǒ)困惑.(hu?)泡.沫(pào)鞭笞.天下(chī) 1 安乡一中德国语文学习室编


2011-2012学年度第一学期高二生物复习题班级姓名学号成绩 1、人体的体液由存在于细胞内的_________和存在于细胞外的_________组成。 2、由________构成的液体环境叫做_______,主要包括_____、________和______等。 3、用箭头连接表示血浆、组织液、淋巴三者之间的关系。 4、组织液、淋巴的成分和含量与血浆相近,但又不完全相同,最主要的差别在于血浆中 _________________。 5、细胞外液本质上是一种_____溶液。 6、细胞外液的理化性质的三个主要方面:______、_______、________。 7、溶液渗透压与溶液的_____成正比。血浆渗透压的大小主要与______、_______的含量有关。细胞外液渗透压的90%以上来源于_____和______。 8、正常人的血浆近____性,pH为_________。血浆pH之所以能够保持稳定,与它含有_______、_______等离子有关 9、_______是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介。 10、毛细血管壁细胞的直接环境是_______和_______;毛细淋巴管的直接环境是_______和 _______ 11、目前普遍认为,_______________调节网络是机体维持稳态的主要调节机制。人体维持稳态的调节能力是___________的。 12、内环境稳态是机体进行____________的必要条件。稳态遭到破坏,会出现细胞代谢______。 13、神经调节的基本方式是_____,其结构基础是_______。 14、反射弧包括_________、___________、________、_________和________。兴奋在反射弧上的传递是____向的。 15、兴奋在神经纤维上的传导是_____向的,在神经元之间的传递是_____向的。 16、未受刺激时,神经纤维细胞膜两侧的电位表现为_______。受到刺激产生兴奋时,电位表现为___________。 17、神经纤维某处受到刺激产生兴奋时,细胞膜外侧局部电流的方向是:从______部位流向_____部位;细胞膜内侧局部电流的方向是:从______部位流向________部位。 18、突触是由前一个神经元的_________,与后一个神经元的___________相接触而形成。其组成包括:_______、______、_________。 19、由于________只存在于________的突触小泡中,只能由突触前膜释放,然后作用于_________上,因此神经元之间兴奋的传递只能是_____向的。 20、一般来说,位于_____的低级中枢受_____中相应的高级中枢的调控。 21、当大脑皮层的____区受损伤,患运动性失语症 22、饮酒过量的人表现为语无伦次、走路不稳、呼吸急促,在小脑、脑干和大脑中,与有关生理功能相对应的结构分别是_________________。 23、________是人们发现的第一种激素 24、人的血糖水平正常值为_______________。 25、血糖的来源主要有三个途径: (1)__________的消化、吸收;(2)________的分解;(3)______________的转化。血糖的去路也有三条途径: (1)氧化分解成__________,释放_______;(2)合成_______________; (3)转化成__________________。24、人的血糖水平正常值为_______________。


Unit2 The United Kingdom -语法篇 1.学会过去分词作宾补的用法; 2.理解作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语之间的关系 3.能够使用过去分词做宾补的情况作对相关题目,灵活使用。 过去分词作宾补 作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语之间的关系 1.及物动词(短语)的过去分词用作宾语补足语时,宾语即是过去分词的逻辑宾语,宾语和过去分词之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。 例如:I want the letter posted. 我想把这封信寄出去。 2.少数不及物动词如go,change,fall 等的过去分词作宾语补足语时,仅表示动作完成。因此,宾语与过去分词之间不存在逻辑上的被动关系。 例如:She found her necklace gone on her way home. 在回家的路上,她发现项链不见了。3.动词seat,hide,dress,lose,devote 等的过去分词作宾语补足语一般表示状语而不表示被动的意义,因此,虽然宾语与它们存在逻辑上的主动关系,但也只能用它们的过去分词作宾语补足语。 例如:When I came in,I found a strange girl seated in the corner. 我进来时,发现一个陌生的女孩坐在角落里。 需用过去分词作宾语补足语的情况: 1.使役动词get ,have ,make,keep,leave 等后,可用过去分词做宾语补足语,表: “致使某人或某事被?” We should keep them informed of what is going on here. Jane got her bad tooth pulled out at the dentist ' s. 2 .感官动词feel,find ,hear,notice ,see,watch 等表示感觉和心理状态的动词之后,表:“感受到某人或某事被做”。 I was sleeping when I heard my name called. He was disappointed to find his suggestions turned down. I saw him beaten by his mother. 3.表示“意欲;命令”的动词如:like ,order,want,wish ,相当于过去分词短语前省略了to be,表示“希望/要求某人或某事被做” I wish these letters (to be) typed as soon as possible He didn ' t want such question discussed at the meeting. The father wants his daughter taught the piano. 1 感feel 1 闻smell 1 发现find

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