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Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法

Chinese Calligraphy中国书法


Calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture. There have emerged some 1,000 kinds of written languages in the world. First, they were used to record events and what people wanted to say. In writing, people strive to make the scripts look beautiful and elegant. To meet special needs, they are written in artistic styles. The writing of Chinese characters has been developed into a special high-level art. Chinese calligraphy has flourished for several thousand years. Like painting, sculpture, poetry, music, dance and opera, it is a full member of the family of arts.


Calligraphy can be found everywhere in China, and is closely linked to daily life. In addition, it leads other arts in the number of people who practice it.


Signboard s with inscriptions by famous figures are otten found in shops and shopping centers, adding an antique elegance to busy and noisy trading areas.



Calligraphic works also decorate sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which is good at absorbing ink. The work will be pasted on a piece of thick paper with a silk edge, and then mounted on a scroll or put into a picture frame for hanging on a wall. Usually, the calligraphic work contains a poem, a pair of couplets or a motto the host likes very much. If the calligraphi c work is written by the host himself, it will demonstrates his aspiration and interest as well as his literary or artistic talent. A calligraphic work can bring vitality to a white wall, pleasing to guests and friends.[来源学科网]


Ouyang Xun (557–641 AD), with style name Xinben, was a calligrapher of the early Tang Dynasty. He was born in Linxiang, Tanzhou (now Changsha of Hunan Province). He lived through the collapse of the Chen and Sui Dynasties and the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. He was in good graces of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, and had received the titles of academician at the Hongwen Academy and Baron of Bohai and served as Director of the Court of the Watches in the Household of the Crown Prince ( taizi lvgengling ), and as such, was called ― Ouyang Lvgeng‖.



Ouyang Xun was proficient in Chinese classics and ancient history and had compiled a 100-volume book-Yiwen Leiju (literally "Collection of Literature Arranged by Categories"). From the beginning, he studied the calligraphic styles of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi; he later studied a variety of styles of calligraphy, such as Qin seal characters, Han official script and Wei stone tablets. He became adept in many styles and particularly in the regular script. His regular script was known for its rigorous and grand strokes as well as its unique order and structure, and was called "Ou Style" or ―Lvgeng Style‖ by later generations. Weng Fanggang set a high value on Ouyang’s works in the book Fuchuzhai Wenji (Collection of Fuchu House). Ouyang’s calligraphic works handed down to the present day include: regular script-Stele in the Jiucheng Palace, Stone Tablet for the Hua-Du Monastery, Stone Tablet for Duke Gong of Yu Wen Yanbo, Huangfu Danbei, Epitaph for Yao Bian, Stone Tablet for Wen Yanbo and so on; official script-Stone Tablet for Fang Yanqian, Taizong Shengguan Ji, etc,; running script—Zhang Han Si Lu Tie, Meng Dian Tie, Bu Shang Tie and Qian Zi We n; cursive hand-aberrant copy of Qian Zi Wen. He also wrote some books on calligraphic theory such as Yong Bi Lun, 36 Methods, Ba Jue.


The calligraphic works of the Four Great Regular Script Masters shared one thing in common: delicate and vigorous style of writing, among which, Ouyang’s regular-script works were a prominent example with the greatest contribution. Ouyang’s Stele in the Jiucheng Palace is regarded as a model for practicing regular script.[来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4714454860.html,]


赏识shǎng shí

Appreciate the worth of


To recognize the worth of someone.

器重qì zhòng

Think highly of


Make great comments on someone.


Yan Zhenqing (709-785 AD), with style name Qingchen (means honest official), was born in Wannian, near the Tang capital Chang'an, and was a native of Linyi, Langya (now Linyi of Shandong Province). He became a Jinshi ("No. 3" in the Imperial examinations) during the Kuanyuan Period. Due to his brilliant achievements in the suppression of the An-Shi Turmoil, Yan was promoted to the Minister of Official Personnel Affai rs and grand preceptor of the crown Prince, and received the title of Lujun Kaiguogong (means founder of Lu Prefecture), thus known as Yan Lugong. During the Emperor Dezong’s reign, Li Xilie raised a reb ellion. Yan was sent to negotiate with Li Xilie and was secretly strangled by the rebel at age 77.


Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud. From beginning, he studied calligraphy under the famous calligrapher Chu Suiliang and then Zhang Xu. Yan also learned from the styles of Xue Ji, Chu Suiliang, Ouyang Xun and Yu Shinan who were known as the four most noted calligraphers in early Tang Dynasty; and drew inspiration from Qin seal characters, Han official script and Wei stone tablets. He abandoned the sumptuous trend of early Tang calligraphers and created his own style: it was rather upright, muscular, fitting, rich and controlled rather than sloped, feminine, pretty, slim and capricious. His personal style helped him reach the immortal status in the field of regular script and become one of the most influential calligraphy masters in Chinese calligraphy history. Yan style, together with Liu style, is referred to as “Yan-Liu” and is noted as the "muscle of Yan and bone of Liu".


Yan Zhenqing is popularly held as the top calligrapher subsequent to Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi. He learnt his skill from various calligraphers and developed his own personal style. Yan style displays squared shapes and modest arrangements, with an emphasis on strength, boldness and grandness. He left many calligraphic works, 138 reportedly, including regular script works Duobao Pagoda Stele and Magu Shan Xiantan Ji,running script and cursive hand works Ji Zhi Gao, Zeng Zuowei Tie, Pei Jiangjun Tie and Zishu Gaoshen.


个性gè xìng



The qualities that make a person or thing different from others.

气势qì shì



The force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started.

叛乱pàn luàn



Violent action organized by a group of people who are trying to change the political system in their country.


Liu Gongquan (778-865 AD), born in Huayuan (today’s Yao County in Shannxi Province), was the last calligraphy master of the Tang Dynasty. He once held an

official post as high as Junior Preceptor of the Crown Prince (taizi shaoshi), and was recognized as Liu Shaoshi. Liu became a Jinshi ("No. 3" in the Imperial examinations) when he was 29 years old and then served as a junior official in local government. By chance, Emperor Muzong of Tang saw and admired his handwriting, and he was summoned to Chang’an, the Tang Dyna sty's capital. At that time, Liu was already in his 40s. Once the emperor asked Liu how a person could develop good calligraphy. Liu replied ―Holding the brush is based on the heart. If the heart is proper then the brush will be proper and the calligraphy will be right. The Emperor saw this as criticism of his misconducts.


His calligraphic works were highly valued during the reigns of the Emperors Muzong, Jingzong and Wenzong. He served as a royal calligrapher and had a successful official career in the court. He first learned the handwriting of Wang Xizhi. As he read more calligraphic books closer to his time, he switched to the handwriting of Yan Zhengqing and blended into it his own creative style—Liu Style. His characters are of moderate build, not as chubby as those of Yan Zhenqing. The strokes are in tightly knitted character in the middle and stretched on all sides. And the thickness of the strokes is equally emphasized, known as the "muscle of Yan and bone of Liu".


Liu served in many government official posts for seven emperors—from the 13th year of the Dali Period of the Emperor Taizong (778 AD) to the 6th year of the Xiantong Period of the Emperor Yizong (865 AD), and died as Junior Preceptor of the Crown Prince at age 88.


Liu left a number of calligraphic works, including Jingangjing (Paramita Sutra) Stele, Xuanmita (Mysterious Pagoda) Stele, Feng Su Stele and so on, among which, Jingangjing (Paramita Sutra) Stele, Xuanmita (Mysterious Pagoda) Stele and Shen Cejun Stele best represents his writing style. Liu’s running script and cursive hand works included Fu Shen, Shi Liu Ri and Ru Xiang Tie, which still used the style of Wang Xizhi. There are also two of his handwritten masterpieces: Meng Zhao Tie and Wang Xianzhi Song Li Tie Ba.


楷模kǎi mó



A person who someone admires and whose behaviour they try to copy.

严谨yán jǐn



Describes someone who follows the rules and principles of a belief or way of living very carefully and exactly, or a belief or principle that is followed very carefully and exactly.

偶然ǒu rán



(of so mething that is to your advantage) Not planned, happening by chance.


Zhao Mengfu (1254–1322), with style name Zi’ang, pseudonyms Songxue (Pine and Snow), Songxue Daoren (Taoist by pine and snow), Oubo (Gull Water), and Shuijinggong Daoren (Tao Master of the Crystal Palace), also called himself Mengfu in his middle age, of the Han nationality, was born in Wuxing (now Huzhou of Zhejiang province), and was a famous painter and calligrapher during the Yuan Dynasty.


Zhao Mengfu lived through the collapse of the Song dynasty and the establishment of the Yuan regime and was both an official and a recluse. He was unfortunately born at the wrong time: he was raised in a unique historical period when the South Song Dynasty was on the verge of collapse and he ended up leading a

complicated life that was full of roller-coaster ups and downs. His father was good at writing poems and painting and had a large amount of collectibles, providing Zhao Mengfu with a good cultural atmosphere. Unfortunately, his father died when he was only 11 years old and his family declined after that. After the fall of the Song Dynasty, he returned to his hometown and led an idle and quiet life there.

元二十三年(公元1286年),赵孟頫被程钜夫推荐给元世祖忽必烈,初至京城,赵孟頫立即受到元世祖的接见,元世祖赞赏其才貌,给予种种礼遇,被任命为从五品官阶的兵部郎中,两年后任从四品的集贤直学士。延祐三年(1316),元仁宗又将赵孟頫晋升为翰林学士承旨、荣禄大夫,官居一品。至此,赵氏政治地位达到了一生中的顶峰。由于仁宗的青睐和赵氏艺术的出类拔萃,赵孟頫晚年名声显赫,夏文彦《图绘宝鉴》盛赞他―荣际五朝,名满四海‖ 。赵孟頫在元朝文人中最为显赫。

In the 23rd year of the Yuan Dynasty (1286 AD), Zhao was recommended by the Censor-in-chief Cheng Jufu to pay a visit to Yuan Shizu Emperor Kublai Khan. Yuan Shizu met with Zhao on his first arrival at the capital, admired his wit and charm and offered him plenty of financial and material rewards. He was appointed as director of the Bureau of Military of War (subordinate 5th rank official), and then as an auxiliary academician in the Academy of Scholarly Worthies (subordinate 4th rank official) two years later. In the 3rd year of Yanyou Period (1316 AD), Yuan Renzong raised him to Hanlin academician recipient of edicts, grand master for glorious happiness (1st grade official). At this point he reached the apex of his political career. Thanks to the goodwill of Renzon g and his own outstanding talent in arts, Zhao Mengfu enjoyed a great reputation during his later years. In the book ―Tuhui Baojian‖ (A Precious Collection of Paintings), Xia We nyan praised Zhao as ―a person enjoys honor for all dynasties and reputation all over the world.‖. Zhao held the first place among intellectuals in the Yuan Dynasty.


Zhao Mengfu was a man with very varied achievements: he was proficient in politics, writing poems and essays, calligraphy, painting, seal cutting and music with his most distinguished achievements in calligraphy and painting. He created a new painting style and was respected as the ―Top Crown of Yuan Dynasty‖. He was also adept in many styles of calligraphy, such as seal characters, official script, running script and the cursive hand, being particularly good at regular script and cursive hand. Quite a number of his authentic work were handed down for generations, such as the paintings Autumn colors on the Que and Hua Mountains, Monk in a Red Robe, Youyu Qiuhe Tu, Horse Herding in Autumn Countryside and Fishing Alongside a River.




Courteous reception


To treat someone with high respect.

经济jīng jì



The system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used.

鉴赏jiàn shǎng



To re cognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described.

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