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Unit1:Passage A:Care for Our Mother Earth

(Dr. McKinley of Awareness Magazine interviews a group of experts

on environmental issues.)

《意识》杂志的麦肯立博士就环境问题对几位专家进行采访Dr. McKinley: What do you think is the biggest threat to the

environment today?


Aman Motwane: The biggest threat to our environment today is the way we, as human beings, see our environment. How we see our environment shapes our whole world. Most of us see everything as independent from one another. But the reality is that everything is part of one interconnected, interrelated whole. For example, a tree may appear isolated, but in fact it affects and is affected by everything in its environment - sunshine, rain, wind, birds, minerals, other plants and trees, you, me. The tree shapes the wind that blows around it; it is also shaped by that wind. Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see the future of the tree.


Most of us are blind to this interconnectedness of everything. This is why we don't see the consequences of our actions. It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as it really is - one complete whole where every cause has an effect.


Dr. McKinley: Hello Dr. Semkiw. In your research, what

environmental issues do you find most pressing?


Walter Semkiw: Two environmental issues that we find most pressing are deforesting and global warming. Mankind has now cut down half of the trees that existed 10,000 years ago. The loss of trees upsets the ecosystem as trees are necessary to build topsoil, maintain rainfall in dry climates, purify underground water and to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. Trees bring water up from the ground, allowing water to evaporate into the atmosphere.


The evaporated water then returns as rain, which is vital to areas that are naturally dry. Areas downwind of deforested lands lose this source of rainfall and transform into deserts. Global warming results in the release of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses then resulting in the trap heat, resulting in warming of our atmosphere.


Dr. McKinley: Mr. Nacson, thanks for participating all the way from Australia! What do you suggest the readers of Awareness Magazine can do to help the environmental problem?


Leon Nacson: The simplest way to help the environment is not to impact on it. Tread as lightly as you can, taking as little as possible, and putting back as much as you can.


Dr. McKinley: What is your specific area of concern regarding the

current and future state of the environment?


Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. It is hard to understand that we are polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink. These are two elements that are not inexhaustible, and we must realize that once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations.


Dr. McKinley: Mr. Desai, what an honor it is to have this opportunity to interview you. Can you please share your wisdom with our readers and tell us where you see the environmental crisis heading?


Amrit Desai: We are not separate from the problem. We are the problem. We live divided lives. On one hand, we ask industries to support our greed for more and more conveniences, comfort and possessions. We have become addicted consumers, which causes industrial waste. At the same time, we ignore our connection between our demands and the exploitation of Mother Earth. When we are greedy for more than what we need for our well being, we always abuse the resources of our body and the earth.


We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth. In humans, if the mother is ailing, the child suffers. We are the cause of the ailing planet and we are the victims.


Dr. McKinley: In closing, I thank all of the participants. I have




I hope these interviews encourage the readers of Awareness Magazine to take action and develop your own strategy. Too many of us just sit back and say "I'll let the experts deal with it." Meanwhile, we are killing the planet. My aim of this interview is to show how one person can make a difference. Thanks to all for offering your wisdom.


Unit2:Passage A:Einstein's Compass Unit2爱因斯坦的指南针

Young Albert was a quiet boy. "Perhaps too quiet", thought Hermann and Pauline Einstein. He spoke hardly at all until age 3. They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident. When he did speak, he'd say the most unusual things. At age 2, Pauline promised him a surprise. Albert was excited, thinking she was bringing him some new fascinating toy. But when his mother presented him with his new baby sister Maja, all Albert could do is stare with questioning eyes. Finally he responded, "where are the wheels?"



When Albert was 5 years old and sick in bed, Hermann Einstein brought Albert a device that did stir his intellect. It was the first time he had seen a compass. He lay there shaking and twisting the odd thing, certain he could fool it into pointing off in a new direction. But try as he might, the compass needle would always find its way back to pointing in the direction of north. "A wonder," he thought. The invisible force that guided the compass needle was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world that meets the eye. There was "something behind things, something deeply hidden."


So began Albert Einstein's journey down a road of exploration that he would follow the rest of his life. "I have no special gift," he would say, "I am only passionately curious."


Albert Einstein was more than just curious though. He had the patience and determination that kept him at things longer than most before the cards would lose balance and the whole structure would come falling down.




Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories. Later he would say, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."


One advantage Albert Einstein's developing mind enjoyed was the

opportunity to communicate with adults in an intellectual way.


His uncle, an engineer, would come to the house, and Albert would join in the discussions. His thinking was also stimulated by a medical student who came over once a week for dinner and lively chats.


At age 12, Albert Einstein came upon a set of ideas that impressed him as "holy." It was a little book on Euclidean plane geometry. The concept that one could prove theorems of angles and lines that were in no way obvious made an "indescribable impression" on the young student. He adopted mathematics as the tool he would use to pursue his curiosity and prove what he would discover about the behavior of the universe.


He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic. Perhaps this insight was the real power of his genius. Albert Einstein looked for the beauty of simplicity in the apparently complex nature and saw truths that escaped others. While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible to only a few sharp minds in the science, Albert could condense the essence of his thoughts so anyone could understand.


For instance, his theories of relativity revolutionized science and unseated the laws of Newton that were believed to be a complete description of nature for hundreds of years. Yet when pressed for an example that people could relate to, he came up with this: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. THAT's relativity."


Albert Einstein's wealth of new ideas peaked while he was still a young man of 26. In 1905 he wrote 3 fundamental papers on the nature of light, a proof of atoms, the special theory of relativity and the


For the next 20 years, the curiosity that was sparked by wanting to know what controlled the compass needle and his persistence to keep pushing for the simple answers led him to connect space and time and find a new state of matter.


What was his ultimate quest? 他追寻的最终目标是什么呢?

"I want to know how God created this world.... I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details."


Unit3:Passage A:Bathtub Battleships from Ivorydale Unit3 艾弗里代尔开来的浴缸战舰

American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap (a registered trademark of the Proctor & Gamble Company). This is because its reputation for being safe, mild, and pure is as solid and spotless as the marble of the Lincoln Memorial. It doesn't even taste all that bad. And should you drop it into a tubful of cloudy, child-colored water, not to worry - it floats.


Ivory Soap is an American institution, about as widely recognized as the Washington Monument and far more well respected than Congress. It had already attained this noble status when Theodore Roosevelt was still a rough-riding cowboy in North Dakota. Introduced in 1879 as an inexpensive white soap intended to rival the quality of imported soaps, it was mass marketed by means of one of the first nationwide advertising campaigns. People were told that Ivory was "so pure that it floats," and the notion took hold. As a result, at least half a dozen generations of Americans have gotten themselves clean with Ivory.


So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination. Not even Proctor & Gamble knows how many billions of bars of Ivory have been sold. The company keeps a precise count, however, of the billions of dollars it earns. Annual sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folger's coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella exceed thirty billion dollars.


The company has grown a bit since it was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio, by a pair of immigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble, each of whom pledged $3,596.47 to the enterprise. For decades Proctor & Gamble manufactured candles and soap in relatively modest quantities.


It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War .The company's big break came with the introduction of its floating soap and the realization that an elaborate advertising campaign could turn a simple, though

high-quality, product into a phenomenon. The soap's brand name was lifted from "out of ivory palaces," a phrase found in the Bible. So successful was this new product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale.


Proctor & Gamble never forgot the advertising lessons it learned with Ivory. For instance, it was among the first manufacturers to use radio to reach consumers nationwide. In 1933 Proctor & Gamble's Oxydol soap powder sponsored a radio serial called Ma Perkins, and daytime dramas were forever after known as "soap operas." Over the years the company added dozens of new product lines such as Prell shampoo, Duncan Hines cake mixes, and the ever-present Tide, "new and improved" many a time. To this day, however, Ivory Soap remains a Proctor & Gamble backbone product.


Ivory remains a favorite among consumers, too, and no wonder. With a bar of Ivory Soap in your hand, you are holding a chunk of American history. If you like, you can even wash your hands and face with it and be assured that it is "ninety-nine and

forty-four-one-hundredths percent pure." And it floats.


The latter quality of Ivory Soap is especially attractive to children. Generations of little boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships - there are always a few - have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships. A note of warning for any small boys who may be reading this: Mothers tend to frown on the practice.


Unit4:Not Now, Dr. Miracle Unit4 且慢,神奇医生

Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name. He likes watching football and claims the Catholic faith. Yet the Vatican is no fan of his science.


In his clinics, Antinori already offers every IVF treatment under the sun, but still there are couples he cannot help. So now the man Italians call Dr Miracle is offering to clone his patients to create the babies they so desperately want.


And of course it's created quite a stir, with other scientists rounding on Antinori as religious leaders line up to attack his cloning plan as an insult to human dignity. Yet it's an ambition Antinori has expressed many times before. What's new is that finally it seems to be building a head of steam. Like-minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure. At a conference in Rome last week they claimed hundreds of couples have already volunteered for the experiments.


Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs. Later he pioneered the use of mice to nurture the sperm of men with poor fertility. He is clearly no ordinary scientist but a showman who thrives on controversy and pushing reproductive biology to the limits. And that of course is one reason why he's seen as being so dangerous.


However, his idea of using cloning to combat infertility is not as mad as it sounds. Many people have a hard job seeing the point of reproductive cloning. But for some couples, cloning represents the only hope of having a child carrying their genes, and scientists like Antinori are probably right to say that much of our opposition to

cloning as a fertility treatment is irrational. In future we may want to change our minds and allow it in special circumstances.


But only when the science is ready. And that's the real problem. Five years on from Dolly, the science of cloning is still stuck in the dark ages.


The failure rate is a shocking 97 per cent and deformed babies all too common. Even when cloning works, nobody understands why. So forget the complex moral arguments. To begin cloning people now, before even the most basic questions have been answered, is simply a waste of time and energy.


This is not to say that Antinori will fail, only that if he succeeds it is likely to be at an unacceptably high price. Hundreds of eggs and embryos will be wasted and lots of women will go through difficult pregnancies resulting in miscarriages or abortions. A few years from now techniques will have improved and the wasteful loss won't be as excessive. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay.


And it's not just Antinori and his team who are eager to go. A religious group called the Raelians believes cloning is the key to achieving immortality, and it, too, claims to have the necessary egg donors and volunteers willing to be implanted with cloned embryos.




So what about tougher laws? Implanting cloned human embryos is already illegal in many countries but it will never be prohibited everywhere. In any case, the prohibition of cloning is more likely to drive it underground than stamp it out. Secrecy is already a problem. Antinori and his team are refusing to name the country they'll be using as their base. Like it or not, the research is going ahead. Sooner or later we are going to have to decide whether regulation is safer than prohibition.


Antinori would go for regulation, of course. He believes it is only a matter of time before we lose our hang-ups about reproductive cloning and accept it as just another IVF technique. Once the first baby is born and it cries, he said last week, the world will embrace it.


But the world will never embrace the first cloned baby if it is unhealthy or deformed or the sole survivor of hundreds of pregnancies. In jumping the gun, Dr Miracle and his colleagues are taking one hell of a risk.


If their instincts are wrong, the backlash against cloning - and

indeed science as a whole - could be catastrophic.


Unit5:Passage A:Tongue-tied Unit5 无言以对


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


1、我不曾想到,随着时间的流逝,我果真以身为社工而自豪(count on;take pride in)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker. 2、奶奶迅速瞥了一眼墙上的时钟,发出一声惊呼:天哪,我们要赶不上火车了(Shoot a look at;let out) Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!” 3、我总在幼儿园门口看到一些孩子抓住父母不让走。请问:在这种情形下,年轻的父母们是否得对孩子严厉些,赶紧离开?(stern;hold on to sb) At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances? 4、昏暗的路灯下站着一个哭泣的小女孩(dim;weep) In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. 5、富人捐赠时要尽量考虑周全,不要让受赠者陷入难堪的境地(considerate;embarrassing) When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 6、从上个月起,我的工作就是围绕日常办公事务转,所以现在每天掰着手指算什么时候才到国庆节:我和朋友要去乡下远足呢!(revolve;count the days ) Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going

大学体验英语3 答案(第三版)

1 Lead-in1. human beings 2. powered 3. greenhouse 4. far away 5. make a difference 6. breathe in 7. decreasing performance 8. four inches high 9. campaign 10. Encourage 4greenhouse residence communicate wired humming message sensitivity indicator 5、1. d 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. c 1. tone threatening 2. sensitivity smell 3. affected climate 4. tap resources 5. concerns environment 6、1. subtle 2. were overtaken 3. species 4. decades 5. boundaries 6. audio 7. directly 8. focus 9. tone 10. Cupped 7、1. at that rate 2. For the sake of 3. come to 4. by hand 5. vice versa 8、1. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with) Answer: Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents. 2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。(to take up residence) Answer: It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true. 3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。(survive) Answer: Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild. 4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。(overtake) Answer: He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression. 5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。(figure) Answer: I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by. 15、Read and translate 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。Answer: Ten years ago, when our company was at the height of its production, we decided to invest in new technologies, so as to turn our company into a technology-intensive one. With our advanced technologies, we out-competed all our competitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplace. Now we have reduced the cost by 30 percent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thirds and the earnings have doubled. 2. 我们将可持续性定义为保持企业盈利,但不以环境为代价。从商业的角度看,这合理吗?事实上,在追求可持续发展目标的过程中,我们的收益已经超过了所有的投资和开支。可持续发展的推进起到了如此重要的作用,帮助我们撑过了史上最深重的经济衰退。Answer: We define sustainability as keeping a business profitable, but not at the expense of the environment. Does this make good business sense? Actually, what we get has more than offset all the investments and expenses incurred in pursuit of the goal of sustainable development. The boost of sustainability made such a difference that it helped us survive the deepest recession in the history.


新职业英语·职业综合英语课文翻译 第一课谷歌 上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。作为全世界最有名的互联网搜索引擎,谷歌是网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。 谷歌始于1996年1月斯坦福大学博士生拉里?佩奇的一个研究项目。为了找到一种能帮助网络用户搜索到相关网页的更好方法,佩奇设想可以通过检索网页之间的关系来实现。他认为其他网页链接最多的那些网页一定是最受欢迎的,这项技术结果看起来是成功的。 佩奇和他的合作伙伴谢尔盖?布林于1998年9月7日创建了自己的公司,并在之后的一周注册了https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b9446655.html,这一网址。这个搜索引擎很快声名鹊起,2000年谷歌开始在自己的网站出售广告。在投资者的热情资助下,经过几年的发展,谷歌上市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。 谷歌最近收购了互联网最大的视频共享网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b9446655.html,,而且每天都在不断增加一些新功能,如工具栏、邮件和广告。当然,成长与成功也带来了竞争。微软最近就试图收购雅虎以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。 随着公司的壮大与知名度的提高,谷歌在美国公司就业吸引力的排名也上升到第一。他们尝试打破传统的办公室设计,努力把办公室变成员工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。 现在,谷歌已拥有YouTube、Blogger和其他一些热门网站,并且成为网络广告收入方面的领头羊。当初两个学生的一个小点子已发展成为一家拥有十亿美元资产的大公司,谷歌也成为全球最著名的商标之一。谷歌的发展史为当今的网络企业家树立了一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。 第二课秘书 秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。尽管所有这些头衔都以行政工作为主旨,但它们却反映了不同种类的秘书工作。秘书岗位十分古老,例如,古希腊和罗马的商人和政客们就曾雇用私人秘书和文员来管理他们的事务。 秘书的工作就是使办公室顺利运转。秘书的职责范围很广,依据他们所在办公室的不同而各异。就最低要求来说,秘书要处理信函,跟踪日程安排,管理文件系统,操作电话、传真机、复印机等办公设备。许多秘书还要接听电话,并将其转给适当的人员。有些秘书还要负责办公室用品的采购,他们也可能会处理预算、簿记和人事文档。秘书应当具备使用电脑和其他电子设备的经验,因为他们将处理大量的电子资料,包括往来信函。


Unit 1> Caring for Our Earth Passage A Frog Story 蛙的故事 A couple of odd things have happened lately. 最近发生了几桩怪事儿。 I have a log cabin in those woods of Northern Wisconsin. I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it. It is a joy to live in. In fact, I work out of my home doing audio production and environmental work. As a tool of that trade I have a computer and a studio. 我在北威斯康星州的树林中有一座小木屋。是我亲手搭建的,前面还有一间花房。住在里面相当惬意。实际上我是在户外做音频制作和环境方面的工作——作为干这一行的工具,我还装备了一间带电脑的工作室。 I also have a tree frog that has taken up residence in my studio. 还有一只树蛙也在我的工作室中住了下来。 How odd, I thought, last November when I first noticed him sitting atop my sound-board over my figured that he(and I say he,though I really don’t have a clue if she is a he or vice versa) would be more comfortable in the greenhouse. So I put him in the greenhouse. Back he came. And stayed. After a while I got quite used to the fact that as I would check my morning email and online news, he would be there with me surveying the world. 去年十一月,我第一次惊讶地发现他(只是这样称呼罢了,事实上我并不知道该称“他”还是“她”)坐在电脑的音箱上。我把他放到花房里去,认为他待在那儿会更舒服一些。可他又跑回来待在原地。很快我就习惯了有他做伴,清晨我上网查收邮件和阅读新闻的时候,他也在一旁关注这个世界。 Then, last week, as he was climbing around looking like a small gray / green human, I started to wonder about him. 可上周,我突然对这个爬上爬下的“小绿人或小灰人”产生了好奇心。 So, there I was, working in my studio and my computer was humming had to stop when Tree Frog went across my stopped and turned around and just sat there looking at ,I sat back and looked at him. For five months now he had been riding there with me and I was suddenly overtaken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse,where I figured he’d live a happier frog life. 于是有一天,我正在工作室里干活,电脑嗡嗡作响。当树蛙从我面前爬过时,我不得不停止工作。他停下了并转过身来,坐在那儿看着我。好吧,我也干脆停下来望着他。五个月了,他一直这样陪着我。我突然有一股强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要待在这儿而不乐意待在花房里?我认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒适得多。 “Why are you here,” I found myself asking him. “你为什么待在这儿?”我情不自禁地问他。 As I looked at him, dead on, his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone. The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind. It sounded very nearly like the same one as my computer. In that tone I could hear him “say” to me, “Because I want you to understand.” Yo. That was weird. “Understand what?” my mind jumped in. Then, after a moment of feeling this communication, I felt I understood why he was there. I came to understand that frogs simply want to hear other frogs and to


Unit 1Passage A Read and complete 4 1 They should be for planning and carrying out the inancial policies of the company 2 No final decision has been taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future 3 The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee out of the new carpet 4 They said that they would innovate with persistence to the product in the coming year 5 April sunlight over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields 6 I got a free of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use it? 7 It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to a great deal of intelligence 8 Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote places and museums? 9 The freshmen were recommended to read the book which was illed with insights 10 It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair by her children and grandchildren Answer: 1.responsible 2.ultimatel, 3.stains 4.highlight 5.sparkled 6.sample 7.involve 8.historic 9.remarkable 10.surrounded Read and complete 5 1.Under the inluence of the drug his mind various strange images 2.Some freshmen said that they by that concert. 3. finance, the old company has a great advantage. 4.He that he would never talk with that guy any more. 5.If you the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers. Answer: 1.was filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself 5.get involved in Read and complete 6 There are some places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic // history // historian) 2. They trusted Stephen to behave while they were abroad.(responsible // responsibly // responsibility) 3. That’s the most coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of! (incredible // credible // credit ) 4.We should get a thorough understanding of the cultural of the United States.(diversity // diverse // diversify 5.To give a of a word is more dificult than to give an illustration (例证) of its use.(deinite // deinitely // deinition) Answer: 1.historic 2. responsibly 3. incredible 4. diversity 5.defi nition 7 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb)

新标准大学综合英语2 unit1 课文翻译

NUIT1 大学已经不再特别了 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20世纪60年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20世纪60年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。 20世纪60年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。然而,加州大学的主校园伯克利分校也以学生示威、罢课以及激进的政治氛围而著名。1966年,罗纳德?里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、唱反调的少数人征服。”自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、唱反调的少数人。 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。许多抗议是针对越南战争的。可是在法国,巴黎大学的学生与工会联盟,发动了一场大罢工,最终导致戴高乐总统辞职。 20世纪60年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。不论在什么地方,上大学都意味着你初次品尝真正自由的滋味,初次品尝深更半夜在宿舍或学生活动室里讨论人生意义的滋味。你往往得上了大学才能阅读你的第一本禁书,看你的第一部独立影人电影,或者找到和你一样痴迷吉米?亨德里克斯或兰尼?布鲁斯的志同道合者。那是一段难以想象的自由时光,你一生中最无拘无束的时光。 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。不过,大学教育已不再是全民重视的话题了。如今,大学被视为人们急于逃离的一种小城镇。有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。 没有了20世纪60年代大学生所发现的令人头脑发热的自由气氛,如今的大学生要严肃得多。英国文化协会最近做了一项调查,研究外国留学生在决定上哪所大学时所考虑的因素。这些因素从高到低依次是:课程质量、就业前景、学费负担、人身安全问题、生活方式,以及各种便利。大学已变成实现目的的手段,是在就业市场上增加就业几率的一个机会,上大学本身不再是目的,不再是给你提供一个机会,让你暂时想象一下:你能够改变世界。 童年与大学之间的距离已缩小了,大学与现实世界之间的距离也缩小了。其中的一个原因可能和经济有关。在一个没有保障的世界里,现在的许多孩子依赖父母资助的时间比以前的孩子更长。21世纪的学生大学毕业后根本无法自立门户,因为那太昂贵了。另一个可能的原因是通讯革命。儿子或女儿每学期往家里打一两回电话的日子一去不复返了。如今,大学生通过手机与父母保持着脐带式联系。至于寻找痴迷无名文学或音乐的同道好友,没问题,我们有互联网和聊天室来帮助我们做到这一点。


全新版大学英语综合教程3 课后答案UNIT 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved 2) resist 6) budget 10) economic 3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting 4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about 2. 1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up 3. 1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy 2) often generate misleading thoughts 3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work 4) be suspected of doing everything for money 5) before he gets through life 4. 1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in 2) device, the improvement, on a global scale 3) stacked, temptation, never dined out

II Confusable Words 1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household 2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect III. Word Formation 1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. Text-related 1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements 5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking 2. (Theme-related) 1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough 6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal II. Translation 1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point. 3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as



大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit1 Passage A Care for Our Mother Earth Read and think 3 1~5 BBCAD Read and complete 6 1.strategies 2.specific 3.consumers 4.released 5.trapped 6.consequence 7.was isolated 8.priority 9.convenience 10.elements Read and complete 7 1.transform 2.all the way 3.sit back 4.resulting from 5.share…with Read and translate 8

1.How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet? 2.Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause the children to make the same mistakes again. 3.As a new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated. 4.Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we leap. 5.The time for talking has passed, we must take a positive action to protect our environment. Passage B Frog Story Read and think 12 1~5 DACAB Read and complete 13 1.subtle 2.were overtaken 3.species 4.decades 5.boundaries 6.audio


Read and complete 4 1 They should be for planning and carrying out the inancial policies of the company 2 No final decision has been taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future 3 The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee out of the new carpet 4 They said that they would innovate with persistence to the product in the coming year 5 April sunlight over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields 6 I got a free of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use it? 7 It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to a great deal of intelligence 8 Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote places and museums? 9 The freshmen were recommended to read the book which was illed with insights 10 It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair by her children and grandchildren Answer: , Read and complete 5 1.Under the inluence of the drug his mind various strange images 2.Some freshmen said that they by that concert. 3.3. finance, the old company has a great advantage. 4.He that he would never talk with that guy any more. 5.If you the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers. Answer: filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself involved in Read and complete 6 There are some places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic They trusted Stephen to behave while they were abroad.(responsible That’s the most coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of! (incredible diversity deinite responsibly 3. incredible 4. diversity nition 7 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb) Answer:Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of) Answer:If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Jim Doherty 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降

到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆

综合教程3unit1 课后答案

Unit 1练习答案 Text comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. (p7) 1.I planned to keep silent and act in such a way that nobody would notice that I was only a newcomer in college. 2.For three days, I had not been to the cafeteria due to my feeling of humiliation and shame. Instead, I stayed alone in my room and ate junk food of various kinds from a vending machine which was in just the right place to aid me in avoiding others. 3.It didn’t matter whether or not you were widely accepted or admired; you did not have to behave to the liking of everybody else. Vocabulary I.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.I was feeling just a bit first-gradish:I had just the feeling of a newcomer at college without the strength a mature student might possess. 2.my airs of assurance: my apparent confidence 3. a little nourishment:some food to appease my hunger (as well as my anxiety) 4.running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival: going with the tide was no longer crucial to one’s success 5.massive mistakes: foolish and glaring mistakes II.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1.distress 2. clutched 3. pose 4. sneaked 5. preoccupation 6.shackles 7. curse 8. deliberation III.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1.assure 2. discretion 3. relaxation 4. humiliate 5. strategy 6.embarrassment 7. maneuverable 8. immaturity IV.Fill in the blanks in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. 1.lived up to 2. headed for 3. seek out 4. has broken out 5.groped for 6. trying…on 7. go out to 8. tipped off V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.distinct: vague (indistinct) 2. discreetly: inconspicuously 3.reserve: self-restraint(self-control) 4. dumb: clever (intelligent, sensible) 5.demeanor:manner(behavior) 6. composed: excited 7. slink: sneak 8. na?ve: mature (sophisticated) VI.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1.caught on: became popular 2. look up to: respect 3. persist in: keep up 4.result in: lead to 5. figure out: understand 6. hit upon: found

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