当前位置:文档之家› 2017学大二摸小升初语数英综合测试题





语文共六道大题, 满分60分


jìng mì juàn liàn kuí wu yì yáng dùn cu?

( ) ( ) ()()()

zī rùn cán kuì zhēn zhì miǎn lì xuán yá qiào bì

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1. (4分)( )扬顿( ) ( )高( )重

( )不()席张( )李 ( )

2. ( 1分)我们可以用___________来赞美伯牙的?高山流水?、贝多芬的?月光曲

?, 用_________来赞美达?芬奇的?蒙娜丽莎?;当我们看到一件精美的工艺品时

我们可以说____________ ,而当我们读到一篇好文章时,我们可以说__________


1.写两个描写艺术作品精美的四字词语: ______________、 ______________





把陈述句改成直接叙述的句子( 2分)


2.妈妈很忙, 没有功夫去看电影。



3.赵州桥高超的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值, 充分显示了我国劳动人民的智意









五、阅读理解 (16分) 阅读下面文章, 按要求回答问題。













2. 文中妻子说“他自己找上门”,请从文中找出与此句相呼应的句子。 (1分) _____________________________________________________________________

3. 文中妻子的言语和动作均不多,但她的形象却跃然纸上。请结合文中的一处具体的语言或动作描写分析妻子的形象(3分)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 理解文章划线句“天空明净,微风拂面,远处的靑山更青了!”有什么含义?(4




5. 文章标题是“神奇的魔术师”,从全文来看,魔术师“神奇”在哪些方面?(4




6. 文中魔术师身残志坚、乐观向上的形象,正像陆游笔下的梅花,即使被压成泥,


(2 分)



小华的家长反对他阅读文学名著, 理由是“那都是闲书, 没什么用 。”小华请你




数学共四道大题, 满分80分

一、填空題。把正确答案的编号填在括号里。(每空l 分,共18分)

l.二亿六千零四万八千写作( ) ,改写成用“万”作单位的数是

( )万。 2.4

3,0.76和68%这三个数中最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。 3.能同时被2、3、5整除的最大的三位数是( ) 。

4.某班男生和女生人数的比是4:5,则男生占全班人数的( ) ,女生占

全班人数的( ) 。

5.爸爸说: “我的年龄比小明的4倍多3。” 小明说: “我今年a 岁。”用含有

字母的式子表示爸爸的年龄,写作( );如果小明今年8岁,那么爸爸

今年( )岁。

6.一个数除以6或8都余2,这个数最小是( ) : 一个数去除160余4,

去除240余6,这个数最大是( ) 。 7.)

( 8÷( )= ( )÷60=2:5= ( ) %= ( )成。 8.在3.014,35

1,3l4%,3.14 和3.41 中,最大的数是( ) ,最小的数是( )


1. 一个周长是1的半圆,它的半径是( )




1÷π C.1÷(π十2) D.1÷(π十1) 2. π的值是一个( ) 。




3. 一台电冰箱的原价是2400元,现在按七折出售,求现价多少元? 列式是

( )。




4.在下列年份中, ( )是闰年。

A. l990年

B. 1994年


5.下列各式中, a 和b 成反比例的是( ) 。

A. a ×3b =1

B. a ×8=5b c. 9b=6a D. 10

7+a =b



1.57÷41×25= 15÷15%= 21×51÷21×5

1= 1.25×1.5×8= l001×99-99= 31×2÷3


2.简便运算(前两小题各2分,后两小题各3分,共l0分) (1)(61-81+121)÷241 (2) 0.75×65+4


(3)1110÷[56×(73-83)] (4)(21+31)÷65+10


3.求未知数X (每题2分,共4分)

(1)x :12=43:54 (2)43x+8



1. (8分) 一个圆柱形油桶,底面内直径为40厘米,高50,厘米,如果每立方分


2. (9分)客车和货车同时从甲、乙两地的中点向相反方向行驶, 5小时后,客车



3. (10分)仓库有一批货物,运走的货物与剩下的货物的重量比为2:7,如果又运


3, 仓库原有货物多少吨?

英语共四道大题, 满分 60分


1. ( ) Reading aloud is_ useful way for us to learn English well. A.a




2. ( ) My sister likes playing ________ violin while my brother likes

playing__________ basketball.





3. ( ) My mum always gets up_____ six_____ Monday morning and cooks

breakfast for me.

A. at;on 8. in;at C.on;at D.at;in

4. ( ) Would you like________ to drink,Joe?

A. anything 8. nothing C.something D. somethings

5. ( ) ---Mary, ______book is on the desk, but I can't find_____.

A. your; yours

B.yours; mine

C. you; me

D. your; mine

6. ( ) lf it____ rain tomorrow,we_____to have a picnic.

A. isn't; go

B. doesn't; go

C. isn't;will go

D. doesn't; wil1 go

7. ( ) ---You look beautiful in white tonight,Sally! ---________!

A. My pleasure

B. You're welcome

C. Thank you

D. That's 0K

8. ( ) Though he is an American boy, he can speak Chinese______.





9. ( ) ______the blackboard and listen to me carefully, boys and girls.

A. Look up

B. Look at

C. Look down 0. Look after

10.( ) It rained all day,_____ I had to stay inside.





11.( ) l have two friends in the new class, one is Jack, _____ is Liu Mei.

A. another one

B.the other

C. the others 0. other one

12.( ) He often______ English after_____ his homework on weekends.

A. study;finish

B. studied;finished

C. studies;finishing

D. studying;finishing

13.( ) ---_______do you go shopping every month? ---Sometimes.

A. How often

B. How many

C. How much

D. How long

14.( ) There are more than _________ students in our school now.

A.two thousands

B.two thousands of

C.two thousand

D.thousand of

15.( ) They are having supper at_____now.

A.the Brown's

B.the Browns'

C. Browns

D.the Browns

16.( ) The stadium_______ people who are watching a basketball game.

A. are full of

B. fill witn

C. is fill with

D. is full of

17.( ) He asked ____________ .

A. when did the match begin:

B. when does the match begin

C. when the match began

D. when the match will begin

18.( ) The little boy is_____in______football.

A. interest; plav

B. interests, plays

C. interesting;playing

D. interested; playing

19.( ) My mum _____ a book at nine o'clock last night.

A. is seeing

B. was reading

C. is looking

D. was watching

20.( ) ---Is the man over there Mr. Coo1?

---No, it____ be him. He w as gone to Shanghai‘





二、完形填空(1×10= l0分)

_21_ children like to watch TV. It's very_22_. 0n Tv _23_can see and learn a lot and know many things _24_ their country and the world. _25_ they can learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on_26_ . Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they

can't_27_ anything over the radio.

Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are _28_ busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every_29_. They go to bed very late. They can't have a good_30_. How about you, my young friend?

( )21.A. Much B. Most C. More D. Any

( )22.A. interesting B. ne C. big D. cute

( )23.A. we B. you C. they D. I

( )24.A. on B. about C. of D. with

( )25.A. By them B. Of course C. because D. so

( )26.A. radio B. film C. newspaper D. TV

( )27.A. hear B. enjoy C. see D. learn

( )28.A. never B. always C. sometimes D. once

( )29.A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night

( )30.A. time B. rest C. day D. look


20 分,每小题2分)


Mike must get up before half past six on weekdays, but he cannot get up so early in the morning. He often gets up at a quarteror ten minutes to seven and forgets things before he goes to school.So he often buys schoo1 things in shop on his way to school.The shop opens early in the morning. It opens early in the morning. It opens at half past six every morning. It sells cheap things, but they are something not very good. Mike often says,“l'm not going to that shop. The things in the shop are not dear, but they aren't good enough…” But he cannot get up early and he cannot remember to put away his school things before going to bed and to take all the things in the school bag! He had to go to that shop often.

1.( ) What time does Mike often get up on weekdays? He gets up at______.

A. half past six

B. a quarter to seven

C. a quarter past seven

D. five minutes to seven

2.( ) What does Mike often do on his way to schoo1? He often goes to____.

A.a shop to see his classmates

B.a shop to buy something to eat or drink

C.a shop to buy some of his schoo1 things he forgets to take before leaving home

D.open a shop on his way to school

3.( ) Why does Mike often buy things on his way to school? Because____.

A.He doesn't put his school things away before going to bed

B.He often forgets to take all the things in the school bag before leaving home.

C He thinks the people in the shop are very friendly to him and he is glad to see them

D.He thinks the things in the shop are very cheap

4.( ) What do you know about the things in the shop? The things in that

shop are___________

A.very dear

B.very good

C.Mike's favorite things

D.very cheap

5.( ) What time does the shop open in the morning? It opens at____.






Sam lives in the New York. His father has a shop and his mother is a

doctor. He is seven years old now and begins to go to school this autumn.

It's a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him

to school every day. So he's never late for class and his teacher likes


It's Monday today. Miss Hunt is teaching them to count from one to

ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Hunt is happy and

asks,“How many people are there in your family, Sam?”Sam stood up and

said,“Two, Miss Hunt.”

“Who are they?”

“My father and mother.”

“0h?”Miss Hunt is surprised. She said.“There're three people in

your family.”

“But now I'm not at home. I'm at school, you know!”

6. ( ) Sam is_________________.

A. an English boy

B. an American boy

C. an English girl

D. an American girl

7. ( ) Sam is in Grade _____ now.





8. ( ) Sam usually goes to school_____.

A.on foot 8.by bike C.by car D.by bus

9. ( ) _______________________ so Miss Hunt is happy today.

A. San is late for class

B. Sam studies Chinese

C. The children are good at English

D. Sam can count from one to ten

10. ( ) Which of the following is wrong?

A. Sam is at school now.

B. There're two people in Sam's family.

C. There're three people in Sam's family.

D. Miss Hunt doesn't know many people there are in Sam's family at first.


每一个人都有自己的理想,或大或小,心中都有追求,以我的理想(My Dream)


My Dream


小升初综合(语数英)模拟试题 姓名_____毕业学校______联系电话_______ 语文部分 1.填写表水色的词补充诗词名句。 (1)月()雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。 (2)()雀桥边野草花,()衣巷口夕阳斜。 (3)日出江花()胜火,春来江水()如()。 (4)()山()水,()草()叶()花。 2.下面的诗句依次填入花名正确的一项是()。 (1)忽如一夜春风来,千树万树____开。 (2)借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指____村。 (3)竹外_____三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 (4)待到重阳日,还来就_____。 (5)更无柳絮因风起,惟有_____向日倾。 A.桃花杏花梨花菊花葵花 B.梨花杏花葵花菊花桃花 D.杏花菊花桃花梨花葵花 C.梨花杏花桃花菊花葵花 3.我国古代诗文博大精深,包含着丰富的文化,有许多成语就直接出自古诗文。请根据下列成语写出连续的两句诗。 (1)春风得意:_________,_________。

(2)寸草春晖: _________,_________。 4.看到这些词语,你会想起哪首古诗?请选择其中的句子写下来。 (1)友情深厚_________,_________。 (2)人才发展_________,_________。 (3)豪情壮志_________,_________。 5.默写经典诗文名句。 (1)在学习中如何对待别人的优点和缺点呢?孔子告诉我们:_________,_________。(2)送别时,总是难舍难分。李白以景写情,站在长江边,望着远去的小船,吟诵:_________,_________。 (3)每一个中华儿女都有爱国情怀,弥留之际的南宋诗人陆游牵挂的是收复失地、 祖国统一,他叮嘱儿女:_________,_________。 (4)人们常说积少成多、集腋成裘、聚沙成塔,请你写出老子的一句这样的经典名 7.诗海泛“舟”。(5分) (1)李白乘船路过长江三峡返回长安城,为了表达自己愉快的心情,信笔写道: 轻舟已过万重山。“ (2)张继寄居姑苏城外,秋日的夜晚,孤独的心情难以言表,只听到寒山寺的钟声, 不由得吟道:“_________,_________。 (3)一场春雨过后,韦应物看到渡口边孤零零的小舟,吟道:“_________,_________。 野渡无人舟自横。 (4)孟浩然把小船停靠在烟雾迷蒙的江边,想起了往事,随口吟道:“移舟泊烟渚,_________。 数学部分


(小升初)完整六年级潜能测试三科试卷 (时间:150分钟 满分:260分) 第一部分(满分120分) 一、认真填一填(共84分) A 组(每题2 分,共 24 分) 1. 在钟面上,时针从上午9:00走到9:30,走过了 度. 2. 把2.049精确到十分位约是 . 3. 把一段长9米的绳子,对折后再对折,每折是 米. 4. 郑州欢迎你郑州欢迎你郑州……按这样的规律排下去,第2012个字是 . 5. 一个数,万位上的数字是最小质数的平方,百位上的数字是最大的一位合数,个位上的数字是0.5的倒数,其余各位上的数字是最小的自然数,这个数是 . 6. 把10克盐溶解在100克水中,盐和盐水的质量比是 ,盐是水的 %. 7. 一个长方形的周长为60厘米,长与宽的比是32,则面积是 平方厘米. 8. 一种电扇300元,先后两次降价,第一次按八折售出,第二次降价10%,这种电扇最后售价 元. 9 . 张老师存银行20000元, 定期5年,年利率3.2%, 到期张老师可得税后利息 元.(注:利息税按20%) 10. 扑尔敏是一种治疗过敏的药品.成人一次口服4 mg,一日3次;儿童一日0.25mg/kg ,分3~4次口服.读六年级的小兰体重30千克,她每次最多可以服用 mg ,她爸爸一天可以服用 mg. 11. ??? ?? ?-÷+?3126532221183)(= . 12. ?? ? ??÷+÷41121241811= . B 组(每题 3 分,共 24 分) 13. )()(10 7 876510787652890++÷+++= 14. 3)1998 1111(2009)200911998111200911111998++?--?+-? ()(= 15. 一根长2米的直圆柱木料,横着截去2分米,和原比,剩下的圆柱体木料的表面积减少12.56 平方分米,原圆柱体木料的底面积是 平方分米,体积是 立方分米 .(圆周率取3.14)


2008年小学六年级升中数学模拟考试题(二)学校姓名得分 一、口算 15÷=60 ×25 = 59 ×=×=1 24×38 = 912 += 4 512 ÷56 =57 ×2125 =121125 14 ÷25%=56 32×= 80 二、计算(能简算的要简算) (+) = =×(16-6) =×10 =738 (45 + 14 )÷73 +710 =59÷73+710 =710 59/73 三、列综合算式或方程计算。 1、一个数比40的30%多,求这个数。 解:设这个数为X X-40 ×30%= X-120=

X = 2、18减去它的13 是多少? 18-13=5 四、填空。 1、甲数是21,乙数是30,甲数比乙数少(30 )%。 2、五年级有学生29人,比女生多16%,女生有(25 )人。 3、三亿六千五百五十五万零五写作()。 4、一块三角形菜地,边长的比是3∶4∶5,周长为84米,其中最短的边长(21 )米。 5、圆的周长和直径的比是(π:1 ) 6、时=(3 )时(36 )分 7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲的工效是乙的工效的(80 )% 8、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品的合格率是(95% ) 9、把7/8∶化成最简单的整数比是(1:2 ),比值是()。 10、一个挂钟时针长5厘米,它的尖端一昼夜走了()厘米。 11、一个三角形的底边长4厘米,高2厘米,这个三角形的面积与同底等高的平行四边形面积的比是(1:2 )。 12、甲数的23 等于乙数的34 ,甲乙两数的最简整数比是(34:23 )。 五、判断。

1、因为3÷=2,所以3能被整除。(错) 2、条形统计图不仅可以表示数量的多少,还可以表示数量增减变化的情况。(对) 3、订《中国少年报》的份数和所用的钱数成正比例。(对) 4、减数与差的和,等于被减数、减数与差的和的12 。(错) 5、如果a除以b等于5除以3,那么a就是b的35 。(错) 6、一个数乘以分数的积小于被乘数。(错) 7、直径是圆内最长的线段。(对) 8、4和互为倒数。(对) 9、A、B都是自然数,因为A÷34 =B×45 ,所以A>B。(对) 10、任何圆的周长总是它的直径的π倍。(对) 11、去掉小数点后面的零,小数的大小不变。(错) 12、两个数是互质数,这两个数的最小公倍数是它们的乘积。(对) 六、应用题 1、一个打字员打一篇稿件。第一天打了总数的25%,第二天打了总数的40%,第二天比第一天多打6页。这篇稿件有多少页? 6÷(40%-25%)=40(页) 答:这篇稿件有40页。 2、学校有男生540人,比女生人数的5/6 少60人,学校有女生多少人? 解:设女生有x人。 5/6x-60=540 5/6x=600


小学六年级毕业综合素质测试英语试题 听力部分笔试部分总分一二三四一二三四五六 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(读一遍)(8分) ( ) 1. A exercise B excited C exciting () 2. A April B apple C airport ( ) 3. A give B get C gave ( ) 4. A peach B beach C teach ( ) 5. A 7:45 B 6:45 C 7:15 ( ) 6. A theatre B classmate C butterfly ( ) 7. A take a walk B have a chat C go for a walk () 8.A write a letter B write an e-mail C write to Peter 二、听录音,选择正确的应答句。(读两遍)(6分) ()1. A. It’s half past two. B. It’s two. C. It’s Thursday. ( ) 2. A .It’s in January B. It’s in January or February C. It’s in March ( ) 3. A. He’s Mr Brown. B. She’s Helen. C. She likes dancing. ( ) 4.A .Yes, there is. B Yes, there are. C Yes, they are. ()5.A.31 B.39 C.20 ( ) 6. A. He likes working. B. He is a worker. C. He can teach English. 三、听录音,判断所听对话内容是否与图片相符,相符的打“√“,不相符的打“×”。(听 两遍)(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,根据所听内容写出短文中所缺单词,每空一词。(读三遍)(10分) SuHai and SuYang visited LiuTao’s grandparents on _____ ______ last week .


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 郑州外国语中学2004年英语潜能测试题(笔试部分)一、将二十六个大写字母的大小写规范地写在四线格内(2.5分) 大写: 小写: 二、单项选择。(15分,每小题1分) ( ) 1.can you play chess or play guitar? A .the, / B. /, the C. the, the D. /, / ( ) 2. I'd like___________________. . A. a mushroom, tomato and pepper pizza B. mushrooms, tomatoes and peppers pizza C. mushroom, tomatoes and peppers pizza D. a mushroom, tomatoes and pepper pizza ( ) 3. It's cold outside .please don't ______________ your coat. A. put on B. put up C. take off D. put off ( )4. There_____________ two football matcher this Sunday afternoon. A. is going to be B. are going to be C. are going to have D. are having ( ) 5. ---- Isn't the earth round? ----___________________. A. Yes. it is B. No, it isn't C. Yes, it isn't D. No, it is ( ) 6. _______ honest boy is _________ friend of mine. A. The, a B. An, the C. The, the D. you and her ( ) 7. Alan is sitting between______ and_________. A. you and she B. she and you C. her's and you D. you and her ( ) 8. Is she__________? A. shop B. go shopping C. going shop D. shopping ( ) 9. Would you like_________ to me soon? A. to write B writing C writting D write ( ) 10. I'm so tired. I want to stop__________. A. running B. to run C to ran D runing ( ) 11. ----Excuse me, look at the sign, “NO SMOKING!” ----________________. A. Sorry, I don't see it. B. Sorry, I didn't see it. C. Sorry , I wasn't see it D. Sorry , I didn't looked at it . ( ) 12. ---- Excuse me, may I use your pen? -----_________________. A. Yes, here you are. B. You're welcome C. Yes, you take it C. Yes, it is here. ( ) 13. If you go_________, today will become yesterday.


小升初英语模拟测试卷 单项选择 ()1.Tom plays tennis after supper every day. A. the;the B.a;/ C./;/ D./;the ()2.----Who_____in the morning everyday? ----Nobody. A.wake up you B.wake you up C. wakes up you D. wakes you up ()3.Tom studies very hard. He often _____at 10:00 p.m. A.gets up B.goes to school C.goes to bed D.has lessons ()4. We have a lot of ______at school, but we have _____ there too. A. homework ,fun B.homeworkes , fun C. homeworke , funs D. homeworkes, funs ()5. There _____ a lot of people in the building. A. is B. are C.be D. was ()6. She is a polite girl. She often says “Thanks” _____ others. A. about B.for C.with D.to ()7. ----Jim,can you _____this word in Chinese? ----Yes, I can ______a little Chinese. A.speak, say B.say ,speak C.tell, speak D.talk, say ()8. Everyone in the hall knew me, but I did not know _______. A.him B.her C.them D.those ()9.My grandfather is _____ years old. How _____ he looks! A. nineteen, happy B. ninth, happily C. ninety, happy D. nineieth, happily ()10.I must go and have some water. Can you ________my clothes here, please? A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look after ()11.----Can you see two red cars in the street? ----No, but I can see some white______. A. car B. one’s C. one D. ones ()12.---- your English teachers nice to you? ----Yes, they A. Does , do B. Is , is C. Are ,are D. Are ,do ()13. How do you play tennis every week? A many time B. many times C. much times D. time much () 14.----________is your mother? ----________teaches English at our school. A.Who , He B.What ,He C.Who , She D.What , She ()15.which word has the sound /e/ ? A.tennis B.enjoy C.hero D.he ()16. Everyone _____ here now .Let’s ______. A. are ; begin B. are ; to begin C. is ; to start D. is ; start ()17. Now it’s 22:30. Let’s go to bed. Say “” to your mother. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night ()18. He goes to school by bus, but he walks ______after school. A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home ()19. ---I want to be an astronaut(宇航员) like Liu Yang. ---I hope your dream .


实用标准文档 文案大全 2008年小学六年级升中数学模拟考试题(二) 学校姓名得分 一、口算 15÷0.25=60 1.5×25 = 37.5 59 ×1.8=106.2 2.5× 0.4=1 24×38 = 912 2.4+1.6= 4 512 ÷56 = 57 ×2125 =121125 14 ÷25%=56 32×2.5= 80 二、计算 (能简算的要简算) 4.67-(2.98+0.67) =4.67-2.98-0.67 =4-2.98 =1.02 73.8×16-73.8×6 =73.8×(16-6) =73.8×10 =738 实用标准文档 文案大全(45 + 14 )÷73 +710 =59÷73+710 =710 59/73 三、列综合算式或方程计算。 1、一个数比40的30%多1.2,求这个数。 解:设这个数为X X-40 ×30%=1.2 X-120=1.2 X =121.2 2、18减去它的13 是多少? 18-13=5 四、填空。 1、甲数是21,乙数是30,甲数比乙数少(30 )%。 2、五年级有学生29人,比女生多16%,女生有(25 )人。 3、三亿六千五百五十五万零五写作(365500005 )。

4、一块三角形菜地,边长的比是3∶4∶5,周长为84米,其中最短的边长(21 )米。 5、圆的周长和直径的比是(π:1 ) 6、3.6时=(3 )时(36 )分 7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲的工效是乙的工效的(80 )% 实用标准文档 文案大全

8、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品的合格率是(95% ) 9、把7/8∶1.75化成最简单的整数比是(1:2 ),比值是(0.5 )。 10、一个挂钟时针长5厘米,它的尖端一昼夜走了(62.8 )厘米。


测试题 一、选择填空。(20分) () 1. ______ a nice sharpener. A. This B. This is C. This’s () 2. ______ spell it? Yes, I can. A. Can B. Are you C. Can you () 3. What’s your name? __________. A. It’s Jiang Hong. B. This is Jiang Hong. C. I’m Jiang Hong. () 4. Look ______ the animals. A. in B. at C. to () 5. My bike is _______. A. black B. a black C. a green and grey () 6. ______is your favourite colour? A. What B.Whats C. What colour () 7. Clean the desks and chairs, boys and girls. _________. A. That’s right. B. That’s all right. C. All right. () 8. Can you see the playhouse over there? Yes,_______. A. I am B. I can C. you are () 9. That’s ______my new purple pen. A. a B./ C. is () 10. _______, is this your bed? A. Excuse me B. See you C. Thank you () 11. Five and seven ____ twelve. A. be B. are C. is D. am () 12. ______ is your toy car?It's on the desk. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where () 13. ______, please? -- It's eight o'clock. A. What's this B. What is the time C. What's your name D. What about it () 14. Mike is not at _______ school. A. a B. an C. the D. / () 15. -What's six _____ three? -It's nine. A. but B. and C. or D. for () 16. 当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,应说:


2008年小学六年级升中数学模拟考试题(二)学校得分 一、口算 15÷0.25=60 1.5×25 =37.5 59 ×1.8=106.2 2.5×0.4=1 24×38 =912 2.4+1.6=4 512 ÷56 =57 ×2125 =121125 14 ÷25%=56 32×2.5=80 二、计算(能简算的要简算) 4.67-(2.98+0.67) =4.67-2.98-0.67 =4-2.98 =1.02 73.8×16-73.8×6 =73.8×(16-6) =73.8×10 =738

(45 + 14 )÷73 +710 =59÷73+710 =710 59/73 三、列综合算式或方程计算。 1、一个数比40的30%多1.2,求这个数。 解:设这个数为X X-40 ×30%=1.2 X-120=1.2 X =121.2 2、18减去它的13 是多少? 18-13=5 四、填空。 1、甲数是21,乙数是30,甲数比乙数少(30 )%。 2、五年级有学生29人,比女生多16%,女生有(25 )人。 3、三亿六千五百五十五万零五写作(365500005 )。 4、一块三角形菜地,边长的比是3∶4∶5,周长为84米,其中最短的边长(21 )米。 5、圆的周长和直径的比是(π:1 ) 6、3.6时=(3 )时(36 )分 7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲的工效是乙的工效的(80 )%

8、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品的合格率是(95% ) 9、把7/8∶1.75化成最简单的整数比是(1:2 ),比值是(0.5 )。 10、一个挂钟时针长5厘米,它的尖端一昼夜走了(62.8 )厘米。 11、一个三角形的底边长4厘米,高2厘米,这个三角形的面积与同底等高的平行四边形面积的比是(1:2 )。 12、甲数的23 等于乙数的34 ,甲乙两数的最简整数比是(34:23 )。 五、判断。 1、因为3÷1.5=2,所以3能被1.5整除。(错) 2、条形统计图不仅可以表示数量的多少,还可以表示数量增减变化的情况。(对) 3、订《中国少年报》的份数和所用的钱数成正比例。(对) 4、减数与差的和,等于被减数、减数与差的和的12 。(错) 5、如果a除以b等于5除以3,那么a就是b的35 。(错) 6、一个数乘以分数的积小于被乘数。(错) 7、直径是圆最长的线段。(对) 8、4和0.25互为倒数。(对) 9、A、B都是自然数,因为A÷34 =B×45 ,所以A>B。(对) 10、任何圆的周长总是它的直径的π倍。(对) 11、去掉小数点后面的零,小数的大小不变。(错) 12、两个数是互质数,这两个数的最小公倍数是它们的乘积。(对) 六、应用题


外国语中学小升初真题 整体来说:语文有时政题,数学相比大桥考题体量小,数学总共38道题,难度相当,英语难度较大。 语文 时政题:(共25分) 1、请用一个排比句说说光盘行动的意义。(2分) ———————————————————— ———————————————————— 2、今年以来,全国各地出现大范围的持续——天气,“细颗粒物PM2.5”随即成为热门词汇。(1分) 3、“中国梦”就是中国人民对美好生活的向往,是有——(姓名)提出来的,请用两个成语形容你心中的中国梦——,——。(3分) 4、请写出两个无锡名人故居的名称——,——。(2分) 5、即将召开的青奥会将在——年在江苏——市召开。(2分) 6、请写出两个节水节电的好方法:(1)————————,(2)——————————。(2分) 7、2012年7月我国————号载人潜水器潜入7062米的载人潜水记录。(1分) 8、2012年9月25日我国第一艘航母————完成建造和实验试船工作,在大连造船厂交付中国解放军海军。(1分) 10、2012年北京时间玩7点,中国作家莫言获得2012————奖。(1分) 11、请写一句给自己正能量的话,并翻译成英语。(2分) 中文———————————————————— 英文———————————————————— 12、对丁锦昊事件谈谈自己的看法:你对前段时间XXX埃及旅游写下到此一游的看法,写一段话。

1、语文考时事25分,基础七十五。 2、作文:关于夏天的记叙文 3、语文第一部分是写字,第二部分选择,还提到古诗,有【马诗】,[墨梅] 4、语文阅读理解的第一篇是关于三国的,最后一道叫你选择文章的题目。B,于禁造反。C,学做有心人 数学 1、计算题,(5-13/35x9)+(6-13/35x8)+(7-13/35x7)+(8-13/35x6)+(9-13/35x5)=? 2、应用题,银行9点开门,17点关门,9点存50万,若每小时的存/提量一定。到14点的时候50万能够增长至60万。 若提款两扩大4被,存款量不变,扩大到50万到一个时间,若提款两扩大10倍,存量变成1/2,关门利润有50万,开门留款多少。 3、有一个圆,半径=3,圆上面有A、B2个点,和半径平行=3,延长半径,以A、B、及延长点作为三角形的三个顶点,求阴影面积是多少。 解题思路:等比等高的规律。以及六分之一圆面体。 4、倒数第二道应用题:苹果和梨的比是1比2,苹果卖了20%,梨卖的和剩下的比是1比3,这时苹果卖了18千克,梨卖了12千克,剩下苹果是梨的4/15,问梨和苹果各多少千克? 苹果梨的答案是37,74 5、(36/5+44/7+52/9)/(11/7+13/9+9/5)=? 英语 英语三篇阅读理解,全是选择题,有多选题。英语时间40分,要做6面卷子。英语只有前3题正常,其余都是趣味题。 1、英语中有一道UN是什么意思?它给的选择是A,英国。B,联合国。C,香港。 2、英语中还有几道关以谚语的题,叫你选择


小升初英语模拟卷 姓名: 等第: I.选择填空 ( ) 1. --- Why is ___________ young lady busy all day? --- Because she has ___________ one-year-old baby. A. a, the B. the, a C. the, an D. a, an ( ) 2. He makes his class ______, so he always makes the students _______. A. interesting … laughing B. interested …laugh C. interesting…laugh D. interested … to laugh ( ) 3. ---I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind. ---________. A. No, you’d better not B. Not at all, anything you want C. Thank you all the same D. Yes, but not good ( ) 4. --- Shall we have a picnic after this exam? --- ________. A. Yes, We shall. B. No, we shan’t. C.I think so. D. Why not? ( ) 5. --- How can I get to Shuren International School? --- You can take Bus No.72 and ____________ at Chahar Road. A. get it off B. get off it C. get it down D. get down it ( ) 6. --- What kind of food would you like to have? --- _________ but Japanese. --- How about Korean, then? A. Anything B. Something C. Everything D. Nothing ( ) 7. --- Why do we listen to the radio? --- To get information on the air. --- _________. --- You are right. A. Do you m ean “ on the plane”? B. Oh, I see. Then we can know more about the world. C. Why not get information in the air? D. So we can get information on the radio. ( ) 8. The police caught the man _________ Jim Brown yesterday, who ______ some malls before. A. was called, had stolen B. was named, robbed C. named, had robbed D. called, stole ( ) 9. ---Do you feel like taking a walk in the park? ---________. A. You may ask your brother to go, too B. Yes, but I can’t afford the time C. No, I’m really not in the mood for it this evening D. No, I’d like it ( ) 10. --- How long can I _________ the book from the library? ---As _______ as you like. A. borrow, long B. get, soon C. lend, soon D. keep, long II. 完形填空 Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is


2008年小学六年级升中数学模拟考试题(二) 学校姓名得分 一、口算 15÷0、25=60 1、5×25= 37、5 59 ×1、8=106、2 2、5×0、4=1 24×38 = 912 2、4+1、6= 4 512 ÷56 =57×2125 =121125 14 ÷25%=56 32×2、5=80 二、计算(能简算得要简算) 4、67-(2、98+0、67) =4、67-2、98-0、67 =4-2、98 =1、02 73、8×16-73、8×6 =73、8×(16-6) =73、8×10 =738 (45 + 14 )÷73 +710 =59÷73+710 =710 59/73 三、列综合算式或方程计算。 1、一个数比40得30%多1、2,求这个数。

解:设这个数为X X-40 ×30%=1、2 X-120=1、2 X=121、2 2、18减去它得13 就就是多少? 18-13=5 四、填空。 1、甲数就就是21,乙数就就是30,甲数比乙数少(30 )%。 2、五年级有学生29人,比女生多16%,女生有(25 )人。 3、三亿六千五百五十五万零五写作(365500005 )。 4、一块三角形菜地,边长得比就就是3∶4∶5,周长为84米,其中最短得边长(21 )米。 5、圆得周长与直径得比就就是(π:1 ) 6、3、6时=(3 )时(36 )分 7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲得工效就就是乙得工效得(80 )% 8、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品得合格率就就是(95%) 9、把7/8∶1、75化成最简单得整数比就就是(1:2 ),比值就就是(0、5 )。 10、一个挂钟时针长5厘米,它得尖端一昼夜走了(62、8 )厘米。


本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 2020最新全国各地小升初英语考试真题及答案 一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ( )2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ( )3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does

( )4. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ( )5. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ( )6. A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat ( )7. A. three B. those C. their D. these ( )8. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ( )9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant ( )10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls 二、请你按要求完成下列各题。(10分)

(I) 1. shoes(单数) __________ 2. bus(复数) __________ 3. don't(完全形式) __________ 4. me(主格) __________ 5. too(同音词) __________ 6. he(物主代词) __________ 7. 努力工作(译成英语) __________ 8. let us(缩写形式) __________ 9. short(反义词) __________ 10. over there(汉语意思)__________ (II)翻译下面的短语


小升初英语试卷 找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house. 6. I get up _________ six o'clock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _________ the table. 8. It's raining. We can watch TV _______ home. 9. What can I do __________ you? 10. It's five __________ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good ___________ (swim). 2. It's late. We can't play any _________ (long). 3. Mary is much __________ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. ___________ (He)name is Jack. 5. ---- Here's your book. --- __________(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _______ (nine)of June. 7. I ________(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. San was in the _________ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes __________ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _________ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo? A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want? A. do you like B. would you want C. would you like


英语部分 一、句型转换。(10分) 1.Ei Hua has five English lessons a week.(对画线部分提问) How()English lessons()Wei Hua have a week? 2.James always goes to work by bike.(对画线部分提问) ()()James always go to work? 3.Morning classes begin at8.(对画线部分提问) ()()Morning classes begin? 4.There are many kinds of cakes.(变为一般疑问句) ()()Many kinds of cakes? 5.Lily is from America.(对画线部分提问) ()()Lily from? 二、根据情景提示,选择正确选项。(10分) ( )1.你想请别人参加你的生日聚会,应说: A. Would you like to come to my birthday party? B. It is my birthday today. I ( )2.大家都夸你今天很漂亮,你回答说: A. Yes, you’re right. B. Thank you very much. ( )3.同学还你橡皮擦,并表示感谢,你回答: B I have many erasers A.That’s all right

( )4.别人不小心踩你一脚,向你道歉,你回答: B. It doesn’t matter. A. Where are you going? ()5.别人做错了,你想安慰他,应说: A. You must go. B. Please don’t worry 三、书面表达。(10分) 上周末,虽然你做了许多事情很累,但是你过得很开心,以下是你所做的事情: 1. get up and have breakfast 2. finish my homework 3. clean my bedroom 4. play chess with my father 5. call my friend Jojo 6. watch a film with Jojo 假如你是李明,请给你的朋友Llu写一张明信片,告诉她你上周末所做的事和你的感受。 要求:1.书写格式正确;条理清晰,意思明确,可加词句。 2.标点正确,书写工整、规范。 3.不少于40个单词。 语文部分

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