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阶段性测试题一(集合与常用逻辑用语) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分150分.考试时间120分




1.(2015·长沙模拟)已知集合A={1,3,},B={1,m},A∪B=A,则m=( )



[答案] B

[解析] 由A∪B=A得B?A,∴m=3或m=.





2.(文)设集合U={1,2,3,4,5,6},M={1,3,5},则?UM=( )

A.{2,4,6} B.{1,3,5}

C.{1,2,4} D.U

[答案] A

[解析] 本题考查补集的运算:∵M={1,3,5},U={1,2,3,4,5,6},∴?UM={2,4,6}.(理)设集合U={1,2,3,4},M={1,2,3},N={2,3,4},则?U(M∩N)=( )

A.{1,2} B.{2,3}

C.{2,4} D.{1,4}

[答案] D

[解析] 本题主要考查了集合的交集、补集运算.




3.(文)集合A={x|-4≤x≤2},B={y|y=,0≤x≤4},则下列关系正确的是( )



[答案] A

[解析] B={y|y=,0≤x≤4}={y|0≤y≤2},B?A,?RA??RB.

(理)(2014·江西文,6)下列叙述中正确的是( )





[答案] D

[解析] 本题主要考查逻辑与联结词,A选项中ax2+bx+c≥0不仅仅与b2-有关,还要取决于x2的系数a,因此这个是即不充分也不必要条件,B项中当b2=0时,a>c?\ ab2>cb2,C项的否定应是x2<0,D项正确,垂直于同一直线的两平面平行,本题较容易出错的选项是A、B,易忽略对a=0和b2=0的特殊情况考虑.

4. 设A,B是非空集合,定义A×B={x|x∈(A∪B)且x?(A∩B)},已知A={x|0≤x≤2},B={y|y≥0},则A×B等于( )

A.(2,+∞) B.[0,1]∪[2,+∞)

C.[0,1)∪(2,+∞) D.[0,1]∪(2,+∞)

[答案] A

[解析] 由题意知,A∪B=[0,+∞),A∩B=[0,2].







[答案] D

[解析] “若p,则q”的逆否命题是“若非q,则非p”.故选D.

6.(2015·大连双基尝试)在△ABC中,“A>B”是“sinA>sinB”的( )





[答案] A

[解析]在△ABC中,A>B?2R sin A>2R sin B(其中2R是△ABC的外接圆直径),即sin A>sin B.因此在△ABC中,“A>B”是“sin A>sin B”的充分必要条件,选A.


A.{2,4} B.{1,3}


[答案] C

[解析]已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6},集合A={2,3,4},集合B={2,4,5},?U A={1,5,6},阴影为(?U A)∩B={1,5,6}∩{2,4,5}={5},故选C.

(理)设全集U是实数集R,集合M={x|x2>2x},N={x|log2(x-1)≤0},则(?U M)∩N=()



[答案] C


8.(2015·武汉调研)给定两个命题p,q.若非p是q的必要不充分条件,则p是非q的() A.充分不必要条件




[答案] A




[答案] A




B .[-4,4]

C .(-∞,-4]∪[4,+∞)

D .(-∞,-1]∪[1,+∞)

[答案] C

[解析] p :-1≤x ≤4,q :3-m ≤x ≤3+m (m >0)或3+m ≤x ≤3-m (m <0),

依题意,????? m >0,3-m ≤-1

3+m ≥4,或????? m <0,3+m ≤-1,3-m ≥4,

解得m ≤-4或m ≥4.选C.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)


11.已知A ,B 均为集合U ={2,4,6,8,10}的子集,且A ∩B ={4},(?U B )∩A ={10},则A =________.

[答案] {4,10}

[解析] 设元素x 0∈A ,若x 0∈B ,则x 0∈A ∩B ,若x 0?B ,则x 0∈?U B ,∴x 0∈(?U B )∩A ; ∵A ∩B ={4},(?U B )∩A ={10},∴A ={4,10}.

12.命题“对任意x ∈R ,|x -2|+|x -4|>3”的否定是________.

[答案] 存在x ∈R ,|x -2|+|x -4|≤3

[解析] 本题考查全称命题的否定,注意量词改变后,把它变为特称命题.

13.设全集U =R ,A ={x |x -2x +1

<0},B ={x |sin x ≥32},则A ∩B =________. [答案] [π3

,2) [解析] ∵A ={x |-1

,2). 14.(2015·湘潭模拟)已知函数y =lg(4-x )的定义域为A ,集合B ={x |x

[答案] (4,+∞)

[解析] 由4-x >0,知A =(-∞,4).

又B ={x |x

∴A B ,∴a >4.

15.设有两个命题:①关于x 的不等式mx 2+1>0的解集是R ;②函数f (x )=log m x 是减函数,如果这两个命题中有且只有一个真命题,则实数m 的取值范围是________.

[答案] {m |m ≥1或m =0}

[解析] ①若不等式mx 2+1>0的解集是R ,则m ≥0;②若函数f (x )=log m x 是减函数,



16.(本小题满分12分)已知集合A ={x |2-a ≤x ≤2+a },B ={x |x 2-5x +4≥0},

(1)当a =3时,求A ∩B ,A ∪(?R B );

(2)若A ∩B =?,求实数a 的取值范围.

[解析] (1)当a =3时,A ={x |-1≤x ≤5},B ={x |x ≥4或x ≤1},

∴A ∩B ={x |-1≤x ≤1或4≤x ≤5},

又?R B ={x |1

∴A ∪(?R B )={x |-1≤x ≤5}.

(2)当A =?时,A ∩B =?,

此时2-a >2+a ,∴a <0,

当A ≠?时,要使A ∩B =?,

需满足????? a ≥02-a >1,

2+a <4.∴0≤a <1.

综上知a 的取值范围为{a |a <1}.

17.(本小题满分12分)设集合A ={x |x 2<4},B ={x |1<4x +3

}. (1)求集合A ∩B ;

(2)若不等式2x 2+ax +b <0的解集是B ,求a ,b 的值.

[解析] A ={x |x 2<4}={x |-2

B ={x |1<4x +3}={x |x -1x +3

<0}={x |-3

(2)∵2x 2+ax +b <0的解集为B ={x |-3

∴-3和1为方程2x 2+ax +b =0的两根,

∴??? -a 2=-3+1,b 2=-3×1,

∴a =4,b =-6.

18.(本小题满分12分)定义运算x *y =(x -2)(y +2),集合A ={a |(a -1)*(a +1)<0},B ={y |y =|x +2|,x ∈A }.求A ∩B 与A ∪B .

[解析] (a -1)*(a +1)=(a -3)(a +3)<0,


又x ∈A ,∴-3


A ∩

B ={x |0≤x <3},则A ∪B ={x |-3

19.(本小题满分12分)设命题p :函数f (x )=lg(ax 2-4x +a )的定义域为R ;命题q :不等式2x 2+x >2+ax 对任意x ∈(-∞,-1)上恒成立,如果命题“p 或q ”为真命题,命题“p 且q ”为假命题,求实数a 的取值范围.

[解析] 由题意可知对命题p 需满足Δ<0且a >0,即?????

a >016-4a 2<0,解得a >2; 命题q 即:a >2x -2x +1,对?x ∈(-∞,-1)上恒成立,又增函数y =(2x -2x

+1)<1,故a ≥1.

“p 或q ”为真命题,命题“p 且q ”为假命题,等价于p ,q 一真一假.

因此当p 真q 假时有??? a >2a <1

,解集为?; 当p 假q 真时有?????

a ≤2a ≥1,即1≤a ≤2, 综上所述a 的取值范围为1≤a ≤2.

20.(本小题满分13分)已知命题p :A ={x |a -1

(1)若A ∩B =?,A ∪B =R ,求实数a ;

(2)若非q 是p 的必要条件,求实数a .

[解析] 由题意得B ={x |x ≥3或x ≤1},

(1)由A ∩B =?,A ∪B =R ,可知A =?R B =(1,3),


a +1=3a -1=1,∴a =2. (2)∵B ={x |x ≥3或x ≤1},∴非q :{x |1

∴非q 是p 的必要条件,即p ?非q ,

∴A ??R B =(1,3),∴?????

a +1≤3,a -1≥1, ∴2≤a ≤2,∴a =2.

21.(本小题满分14分)(文)已知集合M ={x |x (x -a -1)<0(a ∈R )},N ={x |x 2-2x -3≤0},若M ∪N =N ,求实数a 的取值范围.

[解析] 由已知得N ={x |-1≤x ≤3},因为M ∪N =N ,∴N ?N .

又M ={x |x (x -a -1)<0(a ∈R )}.

①当a +1<0即a <-1时,集合M ={x |a +1

要使M ?N 成立,只需-1≤a +1<0,解得-2≤a <-1.

②当a +1=0即a =-1时,M =?,显然有M ?N ,所以a =-1符合.

③当a +1>0即a >-1时,集合M ={x |0

要使M ?N 成立,只需0

综上所述,a 的取值范围是[-2,2].

(理)设集合A 为函数y =ln(-x 2-2x +8)的定义域,集合B 为函数y =x +1x +1

的值域,集合C 为不等式(ax -1a

)(x +4)≤0的解集. (1)求A ∩B ;

(2)若C ??R A ,求a 的取值范围.

[解析] (1)由-x 2-2x +8>0,解得A =(-4,2),

又y =x +1x +1=(x +1)+1x +1

-1, 所以B =(-∞,-3]∪[1,+∞).

所以A ∩B =(-4,-3]∪[1,2).

(2)因为?R A =(-∞,-4]∪[2,+∞).

由(ax -1a

)(x +4)≤0,知a ≠0. ①当a >0时,由(x -1a 2)(x +4)≤0,得C =[-4,1a 2],不满足C ??R A; ②当a <0时,由(x -1a 2)(x +4)≥0,得C =(-∞,-4]∪[1a 2,+∞), 欲使C ??R A ,则1a 2≥2, 解得-22≤a <0或0

≤a <0. 综上所述,所求a 的取值范围是[-



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春季常见呼吸道传染病的预防知识 春季是呼吸道传染病的高发季节。常见传染性疾病包括:流脑、水痘、普通感冒、流行性感冒、麻疹、风疹、单纯疱疹、流行性腮腺炎、猩红热,传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)和人感染高致病性禽流感两类新病种。呼吸道传染病主要通过空气、短距离飞沫或接触呼吸道分泌物等途径传播。 流行性感冒 流行性感冒(简称流感),是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病。常于冬、春季流行,通过空气飞沫传播。该病潜伏期短,一般1~3日,最短数小时,最长4日,传染性强,传播迅速。临床症状为急起高热,全身症状较重,呼吸道症状较轻。显著头痛、身痛、乏力、咽干及食欲减退等。部分病人有鼻阻、流涕、干咳等。查体可见急性热病容,面颊潮红,眼结膜及咽部充血。肺部可闻及干罗音。发热多于1~2日内达高峰,3~4日内退热,其他症状随之缓解,但上呼吸道症状常持续1~2周后才逐渐消失,体力恢复亦较慢。 预防措施 1、常洗手。病毒可以在患者手摸过的地方存活3个小时,所以你应经常洗手。 2、办公室、居室多通风换气。

3、多喝水。多喝水可以将病毒从你身上冲走,并防止脱水症的发生,而脱水症则是感冒的并发症之一。 4、不要总揉你的鼻子。揉鼻子容易把手上的病毒直接揉在你身上这个最易被传染上的地方。 5、别老坐着不活动。每天进行30—45分钟的有氧锻炼。如散步、骑车、跳舞,都可以极大地增强你抵御感冒的能力。 6、多吃维生素E和C。维生素E在人的免疫系统中占有重要的地位,但它多存在于动物脂肪和植物油当中,所以那些不爱吃肉、吃油的人摄入得少。他们需要补充一些维生素E类的食品。维生素C有减轻感冒症状及程度的作用,所以可以口服一些,但别过量。 7、保持营养均衡和避免过度劳累,要有充足的睡眠,这是预防流感的基础措施。 8、一旦发生流感,主要是加强护理(发病后卧床休息,多饮水,进食易消化、营养丰富的食物),必要时给予对症处理(如发热、头痛时给予阿司匹林等解热镇痛药),防止出现并发症。 麻疹、风疹 麻疹:麻疹俗称“疹子”、“痧子”(以6个月至5岁小孩为主要发病群,但也有成年人及大学生发病)是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,多发于冬春两季。麻疹传染性非常强,病毒随飞沫排出直接感染,间接传播很少。但患过麻疹后可获得免疫力。


呼吸道传染病预防知识问答 问:什么叫呼吸道传染病? 答:病原体从呼吸道感染侵入、传播而引起的疾病叫做呼吸道传染病。 呼吸道是人体从鼻子吸入氧气和从肺呼出二氧化碳的通道。包括鼻腔、咽、喉、气管、支气管、细支气管等。医学上将鼻、咽、喉叫上呼吸道,气管、支气管叫下呼吸道。呼吸道与外部相通,受各种病原体侵袭的机会较多,呼吸道进入的病原体,原始寄生部位通常是呼吸道粘膜及肺。 问:引起呼吸道传染病的病原体有哪些? 答:有以下几大类:主要包括病毒、致病菌和支原体、衣原体等。病毒主要有:流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒、鼻病毒、冠状病毒、人肠道病毒(埃可病毒)、新型肠道病毒、单纯疱疹病毒、水痘-带状疱疹病毒、流行性腮腺炎病毒、风疹病毒、麻风病毒、天花病毒(1979年世界卫生组织宣布天花在世界上绝迹,目前仅有美国疾病控制中心和俄罗斯的一个实验室还存有天花病毒样本,大多数国家已停止接种牛痘疫苗。但恐怖分子可能使用天花病毒作为生物武器,必须重视及早发现和控制天花疫情)等。 致病菌主要有百日咳杆菌、白喉杆菌、乙型溶血性链球菌等。 此外还有肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体、立克次体及军团菌等病原体。 问:为何冬春季要特别注意呼吸道传染病的发生? 答:由于在夏季,气候炎热、潮湿,不利于某些病毒、病菌的生存和传播,待到气候转凉时又会重新活跃出现。冬春季寒冷,人们在外边活动减少,多集中在室内,这更增加了传染机会。为了御寒,人们习惯把门窗关得很严,这样,室内外的空气很难交换,在空气相对静止的室内,带有病菌、病毒的飞沫在空气中飘浮,人在屋子里呆的时间长,空气又不新鲜,自然容易感染呼吸道传染病。另外,寒冷的空气会使鼻黏膜的血管收缩,降低呼吸道的抵抗力,这也是容易得病的一个原因。 问:几种常见呼吸道传染病的基本知识。 答:常见有流行性感冒、麻疹、水痘、风疹、流行性脑脊髓膜炎


新概念英语一测试题答案 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radios 2. knives 3. glasses 4. shelves 5. bosses 6. dresses 7. housewives 9. leaves 10. churches 11. mouths 12. families 13. ties 14. tomatoes 15. pianos 16. babies 17. teeth 18. countries 19. keys 20 potatoes 21. matches 22. boxes 23. hours 24. heroes 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is _an___ air-hostess. Her father is __an__ engineer and her mother is ___a__ housewife. They all play __/____ tennis very well. 2. He has __an__ uncle and his uncle lives in __the__ United Kindom. He first saw him in __the__ autumn of 1978. 3. It is better to tell ___the___ truth than to tell ___/____ lies. 4. Will you have ____/__ more tea There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is __a_university near my home. Every Saturday evening,_some__ students hold ___a_ party. _Some__ are dancing, _some___ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ____some____ cigarettes, please. ____Any__ kind will do. 7. We need __some___ ink, is there __any___ left 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ____ on ____ the blackboard (in, on, by, with)


初一英语下学期期中考试试卷1 第一卷选择题(60分) 一.选出能替代划线部分的正确答案。(1×5) 1. Lucy is wearing a red coat today. A. in B. putting on C. at 2. The box is very heavy . A. light B. not light C. not heavy 3. I would like to have a cup of tea. A. want B. is like C. look like 4. Have some water, please. A. Eat B. Want C. Drink 5. He is at work. A. working B. to work C. go to work 二. 单项选择,从各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入题中空白处的正确答案。(1×15) 6. Tom, you must __________ your things. A. look B. look at C. look after D. look like 7. It's five in the afternoon. It's time __________. A. to go to school B. go to school C. to go home D. go home. 8. ------ What's Jim doing? ------ He's __________ a book. A. seeing B. reading C. watching D. looking 9. There are __________ on the floor. A. four bags of rice B. four bag of rice C. four bags rice D. four bag rice 10. These photos are his. They aren't __________. A. my B. her C. me D. mine 11. ------ __________ they __________ an English class? ------ No, they aren't. A. Are, having B. Are, have C. Do, have D. Can, have 12. Where's my school bag ? I can't ___________ it. A. look at B. find C. look for D. find out 13. ------What's that woman? ------__________? A. She' 40. B. She' fine. C. She's a teacher. D. She's tall. 14. There ___________ a pen and two pencils in the pencils. A. are B. is C. has D. have 15. _________ can you see on the table? A. How many orange B. How much bottles of orange C. How many bottle of orange D. How many bottles of orange 16. These are your socks, you must __________. A. put away them B. to put away them C. put them away D. to put them away


呼吸道传染病的流行病学考试 本组考核由题库随机抽取,全部答对后视为通过,限时30分钟 ? 1.关于传播途径,以下哪种表述是错误的: A:肺鼠疫传播主要是通过鼠类和鼠蚤; B:肺炭疽可以通过呼吸道和消化道传播,也可以通过直接接触传播或昆虫刺咬传播。 C:猩红热可以通过尘埃传播; D:百日咳主要通过呼吸道飞沫传播; E:禽流感可以通过病禽接触传播; ? 2.患病后终身免疫的传染病是: A:天花 B:风疹 C:水痘 D:流行性腮腺炎 E:SARS ? 3.以下传染病中传染源不是“患者为唯一传染源”的是: A:风疹 B:天花 C:水痘 D:流行性腮腺炎 ? 4.以下属于人群易感性降低的原因是: A:免疫人口的迁出或死亡 B:免疫人口免疫力的降低 C:病原体变异

D:免疫人群迁入 ? 5.传染病在人群传播必须具备以下条件: A:传染源和传播途径 B:传播途径和易感人群 C:传染源、传播途径和易感人群 ? 6.对于传染病的发生与流行发挥决定性作用的是: A:自然因素 B:社会因素 呼吸道传染病的病原学考试 本组考核由题库随机抽取,全部答对后视为通过,限时30分钟? 1.已知最小的DNA病毒是: A:带状疱疹病毒 B:单纯疱疹病毒 C:博卡病毒 D:细小病毒B19 ? 2.以下pH条件风疹病毒不被灭活的是: A:pH=3 B:pH=4 C:pH=8 D:pH=11 ? 3.关于杀灭病原体,以下哪些是错误的:

A:结核杆菌在干燥痰中可存活6-8月,日光照射2-7h均可杀灭结核菌 B:鼠疫杆菌在土壤中可存活1-3月 C:溶血性链球菌对青霉素敏感 D:腺病毒耐受乙醚、胰酶 E:脑膜炎球菌在低温条件下易死亡 ? 4.决定流感特异性的是: A:血凝素 B:核蛋白 C:膜蛋白 ? 5.流感病毒属于什么科: A:正粘病毒 B:副粘病毒 C:流感病毒 呼吸道传染病临床特征和治疗考试 本组考核由题库随机抽取,全部答对后视为通过,限时30分钟 ? 1.以下流感的并发症中仅见于儿童的是: A:瑞氏(Reye’s syndrome)综合征 B:中毒性休克 C:中毒性心肌炎


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


七年级下册英语期中试题1 三、单项选择从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 31. Please don’t stand near the pandas. They are friendly but they can be _________,too. A. quiet B. lovely C. dangerous D. friends 32.—Which floor do you live on? —I live on ____________floor. A. ninety B. nineteen C. the ninth D. nine 33. It is fun to _____________the beach from the balcony so I want to buy a flat with a balcony. A. look out of B. look out at C. look into D. look out 34. The children share a bedroom with each other. They don’t have ____________ own bedroom. A. her B. his C. they D. their 35. Neil is from _____________, so he can show you around the CN Tower. A. Canada B. France C. Japan D. the UK 36. —Do you know ___________man over there?—Yes, he is __________artist. He draws well. A. the, an B. a, the C. a, an D. the, the 37. I am afraid they ____________ welcome boys like you, because you never do anything. A. will B. won’t C. can D. must 38. —There is ___________wrong with my bike. —Don’t worry, let me check it for you. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. some things 39. There _____________a meeting about the coming Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. A. is going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be D. will have 40. —Why do you walk to school today?—My bicycle _______. So I have to walk here. A. is broken B. breaks C. is breaking D. will break 41.—I am sorry I can’t help you ________ your maths. —Thank you all the same. I can ask Millie ___________ help. A. with; for B. for; with C. about; for D. with; to 42. —I am good at drawing, and I am going to be an artist. —That _________a good idea. A. seem like B. looks like C. sounds like D. smells like 43. I am going to be a(n) __________to help the sick people in the future. A. doctor B. engineer C. artist D. postman 44. Sunshine Zoo is ___________our school. We may go there for a class trip this weekend. A. north of B. northern part C. north D. northern 45.—Jim, you shouldn’t cross the road here. There are too many cars. —Thanks, I ________. A. don’t B. do C. will D. won’t. 四、完型填空阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) A friend of mine named Paul 46 an expensive car from his brother as a


春季常见呼吸道传染病防治知识 1、春季常见呼吸道传染病有哪些? 春季是各种传染病的高发季节,尤以呼吸道传染病常见。它们分别是:麻疹、风疹、水痘、流行性腮腺炎、流行性脑脊髓膜炎(简称流脑)等。 2、呼吸道传染病的传染源、传播途径是什么? 传染源:大多为发病期患者。 传播途径:通过空气飞沫(即患者讲话、咳嗽、喷嚏时的唾液飞沫)传染。 3、如何预防呼吸道传染病? (1)以上传染病都是疫苗可预防的,及时接种相应疫苗是最经济、最有效的措施。 (2)传染病高发季节,避免前往空气不流通、人口密集的公共场所,避免接触发病期患者。 (3)经常开窗通风,保持空气流通。勤晒被褥,保持环境卫生。

(4)养成良好的个人卫生习惯,不共用私人物品。不随地吐痰。 (5)合理膳食、适量运动、劳逸结合。 4、在春季出现哪些症状需警惕传染病的发生? 发热或不发热、伴无诱因的皮疹出现,即应警惕传染病的发生。发病后及时就诊,做到“早发现、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗、早报告”。 5、常见呼吸道传染病的特点 麻疹属乙类传染病,是由麻疹病毒引起的急性全身发疹性呼吸道传染病,传染性强,凡未患过麻疹且未接种过麻疹疫苗的人均为易感者,接触后90%以上发病。潜伏期为10天左右,最长可达21天。主要临床表现为发热、流涕、眼结膜炎、咳嗽和皮肤斑丘疹。疫苗为一类疫苗。 流脑属乙类传染病,是由脑膜炎双球菌感染引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病,多发于冬春季,易感人群以15岁以下儿童为主。潜伏期1-7日,流脑发病初期类似感冒,流鼻涕、咳嗽、头痛发热等。病菌进入脑脊液后,头痛加剧,嗜睡、颈部强直、有喷射样呕吐和昏迷休克等危重症状。临床分为普通型、暴发型二种类型,暴发型病死率极高。 风疹属丙类传染病,是儿童时期常见的病毒性传染病,潜伏期一般为14-21天,临床特点是:全身症状轻微,皮肤红色斑丘疹及枕后、耳后、颈后淋巴结肿大伴触痛,合并症少见。 流行性腮腺炎属丙类传染病,又名“撑耳黄”,好发于一侧或二侧腮部,以肿胀、发热、不化脓、易传染为其特征。常见于冬春季节。以4至15岁儿童发病率较高,成人发病症状往往较儿童为重。一年四季均可发病,但以冬


姓名 高一英语测试卷 (选择题答案写在题目后面的表格里) 一,选择填空。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18∶20. A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken 2. I was late this morning because my alarm clock failed to . A. turn off B. take off C. go off D. set off 3. Look! The children ___ trees on the hill. A. is playing B. will plant C. are planting D. planted 4.This kind of work ______ a lot of time, so you need to start now. A. takes up B. pays for C. looks for D. gives out 5. Don’t make any noises. We ____ to music. A. listened B. is listening C. are listening D. have listened 6. --- May I speak to Mr. Smith please? --- I’m sorry he is not here ______. Please call him later. A. in the moment B. at the moment C. for a moment D. in a moment 7. The school is near my house. So my sister often _________ to school. A. walk B. walks C. is walking D. is walk 8. It was ____ cold that they had to put on more clothes. A. such a B. such C. so D. so a 9. Jack ________ doing his homework at seven every evening. A. finish B. will finish C. finishes D. had finished 10. Remember _____ the lights when you leave the house. A. to switch off B. turning off C. to switch on D. turning on 11. He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west. A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises, set D. rise; sets 12. Don’t worry. I will make a phone c all to you as soon as I Beijing. A. will reach B. am reaching C. reach D. am going to reach 13. --- What do you think about that TV programme? --- Oh, It’s so boring. . A. sure B. I hate to see it C. I enjoy it D. I like it 14. With the address,I had no in finding the old man’s house. A.idea B. time C. help D . difficult 15. --- What would you do if it ______ tomorrow ? --- We have to carry it on , since we’ve got everything ready . A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 16. Study hard________ you will not pass the final examination. A.but B.so C.however D.otherwise 17. It ______ me about an hour to read English aloud every morning. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays 18. They found the text_______ to understand A. bored B. difficult C. interested D. difficultly 19. I don’t like Tom because he _____ those in trouble without giving a hand to them.


八年级下册期中考试英语试卷及答案1 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.— What’s the matter your younger sister? — She has a cough. A.for B. at C. with D. on ()2.She had a , so she went to see the dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C.toothache D. fever ()3. She finished the novel and returned it to me in time. A. read B.to read C.reading D. Reads ()4. — I forgot to take my wallet. Can you me some money? — No problem. Here you are. A. lend B.borrow C.buy D.keep ()5. Your bedroom is very dirty. Please at once. A. clean up it B.clean it up C.clean up them D.clean them up ()6. Mary is singing and dreams of being a singer. A. angry B.full of C.interested in D.surprised at ()7. — Have you heard that UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? — Of course. And alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an ()8. — I have too much housework to do at home. — ask your husband for help? A.You can B.Why don’t C.Why not D.How about ()9. — What are you going to do if it tomorrow? — I haven’t thought about it. A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D.isn’t raining ()10.The teacher my mobile phone because I used it in class. A.took out B.took away C.took off D.took place ()11.— How long can I this book? — For a week. A.borrow B.lend C.return D.keep ()12. The girl ice cream in the sofa while the boy paper at the table. A.was eating;was cutting B.was eating;cut C.ate;was cutting D.eat;cut ()13 They the library_______silence. A.at B.with C.in D.on ()14. — How are you getting on with your work? — I can’t do it anymore. I need help. A.single B.alone C.hard D.lonely ()15.We had to put off ____the sports meeting because of the heavy rain. A. have B.to have C.having D. had Ⅱ完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Children are sometimes 16__ on weekends than weekdays 17_many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills 18_ get into a good high school and later a good university.

2021年高一上学期模块一测试英语试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期模块一测试英语试题含答案 I. 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. In which season does it often rain? A. In the summer. B. In the winter. C. In the autumn. 2. What are they going to do? A. To do something at home. B. To go out to do something. C. To have dinner at a restaurant. 3. What did the woman say? A. She has been to Germany. B. She has been to America? C. She is going to America. 4. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a supermarket. B. At home. C. In a bookshop.

5. What is the weather going to be like? A. It is supposed to be warm. B. The rain is not expected to last long. C. It’s l ikely to be cloudy and cold. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Where is the woman going? A. To the post office. B. To the museum. C. To the fruit shop. 7. How can she find the bridge? A. Go down the street and turn left. B. Go down the street and turn right. C. Go straight forward along the street. 8. How long will it take the woman to get there?

牛津英语一年级英语 B期中试卷

牛津英语一年级英语期中试卷 听力部分(共60分) 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片。(共20分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. B. 4. A. B. 5. A. B. 6. A. B. 7. A. B. 8. A. B. 9.A B. 10. A. B. 二、听录音,下列图片标上序号。(共20分) A. ()()()()()

B. ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出听到的字母组合或单词,并把它圈起来.(共10分) 1. BBC ABC 2. JK GK 5.USA VOA 4. b d g g d b 3.57 35 6. cinema crayon 7. swim skate 8. rubber ruler 9. kite bike 10. good dog 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子.,并把序号写在题前的括号内。(共10分)( ) 1. A. How old are you? B. How are you? ( ) 2. A. I’m five. B. I’m fine. ( ) 3. A. Happy New Year! B. Happy birthday! ( ) 4. A. It’s a nice ruler. B. It’s very nice. ( ) 5. A.Open the door, please. B. Open the window, please. 笔试部分(共40分) 一、请按顺序默写Dd—Oo,注意大小写. (每小题1分,共12分) 二.看图片,选出正确的答句:(12分)

()1.This is my new rubber. ()2. Is that a car? A. No, it isn’t. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s very nice. B. No, it isn’t. ()3.What’s this? ()4.How old are you? A. It’s a balloon. A. I’m good, thank you. B. It’s red. B. I’m seven. ( )5.What ‘s that? ( ) 6. Let’s go to the park. A.It’s a bee. A. Thank you. B.It’s a kite. B. OK. 三、正确抄写下列单词。(10分)https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15984158.html, good bird park uncle crayon 四.根据图片拼写单词。(6分) 1. a ru er 2.sk_te


呼吸道传染病预防知识 问答 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

呼吸道传染病预防知识问答问:什么叫呼吸道传染病? 答:病原体从呼吸道感染侵入、传播而引起的疾病叫做呼吸道传染病。 呼吸道是人体从鼻子吸入氧气和从肺呼出二氧化碳的通道。包括鼻腔、咽、喉、气管、支气管、细支气管等。医学上将鼻、咽、喉叫上呼吸道,气管、支气管叫下呼吸道。呼吸道与外部相通,受各种病原体侵袭的机会较多,呼吸道进入的病原体,原始寄生部位通常是呼吸道粘膜及肺。 问:引起呼吸道传染病的病原体有哪些? 答:有以下几大类:主要包括病毒、致病菌和支原体、衣原体等。病毒主要有:流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒、鼻病毒、冠状病毒、人肠道病毒(埃可病毒)、新型肠道病毒、单纯疱疹病毒、水痘-带状疱疹病毒、流行性腮腺炎病毒、风疹病毒、麻风病毒、天花病毒(1979年世界卫生组织宣布天花在世界上绝迹,目前仅有美国疾病控制中心和俄罗斯的一个实验室还存有天花病毒样本,大多数国家已停止接种牛痘疫苗。但恐怖分子可能使用天花病毒作为生物武器,必须重视及早发现和控制天花疫情)等。 致病菌主要有百日咳杆菌、白喉杆菌、乙型溶血性链球菌等。 此外还有肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体、立克次体及军团菌等病原体。 问:为何冬春季要特别注意呼吸道传染病的发生?

答:由于在夏季,气候炎热、潮湿,不利于某些病毒、病菌的生存和传播,待到气候转凉时又会重新活跃出现。冬春季寒冷,人们在外边活动减少,多集中在室内,这更增加了传染机会。为了御寒,人们习惯把门窗关得很严,这样,室内外的空气很难交换,在空气相对静止的室内,带有病菌、病毒的飞沫在空气中飘浮,人在屋子里呆的时间长,空气又不新鲜,自然容易感染呼吸道传染病。另外,寒冷的空气会使鼻黏膜的血管收缩,降低呼吸道的抵抗力,这也是容易得病的一个原因。 问:几种常见呼吸道传染病的基本知识。 答:常见有流行性感冒、麻疹、水痘、风疹、流行性脑脊髓膜炎(简称流脑)等。 流行性感冒 由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,具有很强的传染性,其发病率占传染病之首位。 临床表现:流感病毒,分为甲、乙、丙三型。同型病毒又分为若干亚型,如甲0、甲1、甲2、甲3……。流感病毒主要侵入呼吸道,但其毒素对全身器官有广泛的毒性作用,临床上有发热、全身酸痛、咽痛、咳嗽与白细胞减少等症状。少数情况下,病毒也可能进入血液累及全身而引起呼吸道以外的病理改变和临床征候。体弱多病者易发生流感病毒性肺炎或继发感染而死亡。 传染源:流感的传染源主要是病人和隐性感染者,传染期为1周。 传播途径:流感以空气飞沫直接传播为主,也可通过被病毒污染的物品间接传播。

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