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2021届高考核心考点十分钟基础题速练: 语法填空+阅读理解

2021届高考核心考点十分钟基础题速练: 语法填空+阅读理解
2021届高考核心考点十分钟基础题速练: 语法填空+阅读理解






__1__ (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art. They kept their collection at home until it got too big __2__ until they died, and then it was given to a museum. The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, __3__ (form) the core collection of the British Museum __4__ opened in 1759.

The parts of a museum open to the public __5__ (call) galleries or rooms. Often, only a small part of a museum's collection __6__ (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research.

Many museums are lively places and they attract a lot of visitors. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine __7__ (they) living at a different time in history or __8__ (walk) through a rainforest. At the Jorvik Centre in York, the city's Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town. Historical __9__ (accurate) is important but so is entertainment. Museums must compete __10__ people's spare time and money with other amusements. Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children.




average annual salary.

Royal Suite

The Royal Suite at the Plaza Hotel in New York, which comes in at $40,000 a night, features three bedrooms, private elevator access, and large windows overlooking Fifth Avenue. Other features in the apartment include a grand piano, a dining room to seat 12, and a king-sized master bedroom.

Royal Penthouse Suite

A stay at the Royal Penthouse Suite at Hotel President Wilson in Geneva will make you shocked at the bill in the morning, which costs $80,000 a night. The 12-bedroom Royal Penthouse covers the entire eighth floor and shows amazing views of Lake Geneva through floor-to-ceiling bay windows. As guests walk in, they're greeted by a light-filled living room with a grand piano and a collection of rare books.


The fashionable Penthouse at the Faena Hotel in Miami costs you $50,000 a night. The contemporary suite features two levels of spacious gathering areas and dining rooms. Each of the suite's five bedrooms have furnished balconies, so guests can enjoy sunrise to sunset views over the coast.

Princess Grace Suite

Hotel de Paris in Monaco once hosted the wedding reception of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, in whose honor the Princess Grace Suite was newly opened. In the sunny apartment, there are two bedrooms, a gym, an office, toilets on each floor, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and luxury bathrooms. The price tag follows the royal theme, with stays coming in at $37,000 a night.

1.Which suite will you choose if you are a book lover?

A.Royal Suite. B.Royal Penthouse Suite.

C.Penthouse. D.Princess Grace Suite.

2.What can you do at the Penthouse?

A.Enjoy the view of Fifth Avenue. B.Take a walk around Lake Geneva.

C.Attend the wedding of the royal family. D.Admire sunrise and sunset over the coast.

3.How much does the suite with a gym cost for one night?

A.$37,000. B.$40,000. C.$50,000. D.$80,000.



“I saw it first,”

they both understood that this was a secret they didn't want to share with anyone, they slipped into the alley, where no one could see them look inside

“There's got to be a million dollars here!” Charlie blurted out, when they saw the pile of hundred-dollar bills. Amy, the more realistic of the two, did a quick estimate, thumbing through the wad of cash. “More like thousands,” she said, her voice shaking in disbelief.

They'd found the wallet in a flowerbed by the sidewalk, when Charlie dropped his cell phone while he was trying to talk and eat a slice of pepperoni pizza at the same time. Amy stuffed the wallet into her backpack and pulled Charlie along by his elbow toward her house. As they rushed toward Viceroy Avenue, they talked excitedly about what they could do with the money -buy gifts for parents and friends, get new clothes, travel to the rainforest in Costa Rica, and adopt a whale. It looked like all of their dreams would come true. For the last block, however, they didn't talk. Each began to suspect that the other one was silently adding to the list of things they could buy.

They finally reached Amy's house, but instead of going inside, they walked around the house to the back porch. They opened the wallet and counted the money into piles of ten. The total was $2400 -more money than either of them had ever seen. Then they both started talking at once. Who lost it? Their moods shifted, sinking from the high of being rich for fifteen minutes to resigning themselves to what they must do next. In the wallet's clear plastic compartment, there was a driver's license. They knew what they had to do. Although they would lose their newly-found treasure, in a way, they felt relieved.

4.Where did Amy and Charlie find the wallet?

A.In an alley. B.In a backpack. C.On the sidewalk. D.Among some flowers.

5.In paragraph 2, why was Amy's voice shaking?

A.She was afraid that they would be seen by others.

B.She was disappointed there wasn't a million dollars.

C.She was fearful that Charlie would tell someone else.

D.She felt nervous because she'd never seen so much money.

6.How did the children's mood changed on their way to Amy's house?

A.From happy to angry. B.From relieved to worried.

C.From excited to skeptical. D.From nervous to disappointed.

7.What did the children decide to do at the end of the story?

A.To keep the money a secret from others. B.To return the wallet to its rightful owner.

C.To put the wallet back where they found it. D.To buy many different things with the money.


考点57 充当表语用形容词






3.答案与解析:formed考查动词时态。句意:例如,Hans Sloane爵士收集的八万件藏品成了大英博物馆的核心藏品,该博物馆于1759年开放。设空处的动词作谓语,根据语境可知应使用一般过去时态,主语objects与动词form之间为主动关系,故填formed。

4.答案与解析:which/that考查定语从句。设空处为引导定语从句的关系词,先行词是the British Museum,将先行词代入定语从句后为:The_British_Museum_opened in 1759,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填which或that。

5.答案与解析:are called考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:博物馆对公众开放的部分被称为展览馆或展览室。设空处的动词作谓语,因为陈述客观事实,所以应该使用一般现在时态。主语the parts of a museum和动词call之间为被动关系且表示复数概念,故填are called。





10.答案与解析:for考查介词。句意:为了(获取)人们的闲暇时间和金钱,博物馆必须和其他娱乐活动展开竞争。compete for意为“竞争;对抗”。故填for。



1.答案与解析:B根据Royal Renthouse Suite部分中的“As guests walk in, they're greeted by a light-filled living room with a grand piano and a collection of rare books.”可知,Royal Renthouse Suite为顾客提供了稀有的图书。因此,读书爱好者会喜欢。B项正确。

2.答案与解析:D根据Penthouse部分中的“so guests can enjoy sunrise to sunset views over the coast.”可知,在Penthouse顾客可以欣赏海上的日出日落美景。D项正确。

3.答案与解析:A根据Princess Grace Suite部分中的“a gym”和“with stays coming in at $37,000 a night”可知,Princess Grace Suite有健身房,住一晚需要37 000美元。A项正确。


4.答案与解析:D根据第三段中的“They'd found the wallet in a flowerbed by the sidewalk”可知,他们在人行道上的花圃里捡到的钱包。D项正确。

5.答案与解析:D根据最后一段中的“The total was $2400 -more money than either of them had ever seen.”可知,钱包里的钱很多,超出了她们俩的想象。结合第二段中的“More like thousands,” she said, her voice shaking in disbelief.可知,Amy的声音发抖是因为钱包里的钱对她来说数额巨大。D项正确。

6.答案与解析:C根据第三段中的“As they rushed toward Viceroy Avenue, they talked excitedly about what they could do with the money”和“For the last block, however, they didn't talk. Each began to suspect that the other one was silently adding to the list of things they could buy.”可知,两个人首先是非常兴奋,最后不说话了,开始猜疑。C项正确。

7.答案与解析:B根据最后一段中的“In the wallet's clear plastic compartment, there was a driver's license. They knew what they had to do. Although they would lose their newly-found treasure, in a way, they felt relieved.”可知,她俩在钱包里发现了驾驶执照。她们知道该把钱包交还失主。虽然她们会失去新发现的财宝,但在某种程度上,她们感到放心了。B项正确。

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