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Module 1

1.1 What does your job involve?

Janet Good morning ,everyone .I’d like to welcome you all to this session about public speaking .My name’s Janet Coyte ,and I’ll be your trainer for today and tomorrow .I can see your names and the companies you work for on your badges ,but I’d like you to say something about your jobs and responsibilities .Katherine ,would you like to start?

Katherine Certainly .Hi, I’m Katherine Alessi and I work for Marfil Solutions .I’m a management consultant. Marfil Solutions gives companies advice on their markets ,organization and processes .I interview clients ,identify problems and suggest solutions.

Mark Morning .My name’s Mark Jenkins ,I’m a sales rep for Soap Heaven ,I visit customers and leave product samples .I look for new customers ,and I support my company’s customer service department.

Kostas Hello ,I’m Kostas Hadavas .I’m the personal assistant to the managing director of a company called Athens Daily Menu ,which provides catering services .I arrange the MD’s travel and accommodation for business trips ,I organise his meetings, and I deal with correspondence.

Suzanne Good morning .My name’s Suzanne Wilkes .I’m the chief financial officer of a company ,P&B Europe ,which designs gadgets and gifts .I’m responsible for the company’s accounts ,I advise the managing director on financial matters ,and I control the money that comes in and goes out.

Carmen Hello ,I’m Carmen Selles ,I’m the quality manager in a company that produces car seats and interiors .I arrange and carry out tests of our products and I deal with customers’ complaints .Oh ,the name of the company is CarSpek.

1.2 What does your job involve?

I Hello .May I introduce myself? My name’s Ian and I work in the Asia-Pacific division.

H Nice to meet you ,Ian. .My name’s Henry and this is my colleague, Sarah.

S Hello, Ian .Do you work in the Sydney office?

I No, not at the moment .My boss is in Sydney .But I’m based in Singapore.

H Look! There’s Michelle over there .She’s based somewhere in Asia .I can’t remember where exactly .Do you know her?

I Yes, we’re on the same project this year .She’s in Singapore ,too .

H Ah, lucky you .She’s really beautiful-and clever too.

I Yes, I know .It’s a real pleasure to work with her.

S Well, I think I’ll leave you boys to discuss….work.

H Oh ,Sarah ,you’re not jealous ,are you?

S No ,I’m not…Michelle ,how lovely it is to see you again.

1.3 What does your job involve?

I What’s your name?

K Kostas Hadavas.

I How do you spell your surname?

K H-A-D-A-V-A-S.

I What do you do?

K I’m the personal assistant to the managing director of Athens Daily Menu.

I Who’s the managing director?

K His name’s Georgos Solomos.

I What does your job involve?

K I deal with clients ,and I organise meetings and events.

I Do you write reports too?

K Yes, I often write reports and memos for our staff.

I Do you work only in the Athens area?

K No ,we don’t .We work in other parts of Greece too.

I How do people react to you, man, doing this job?

K Sometimes they are surprised ,but it isn’t usually a problem at all.

I Do you like your job?

K Yes ,I like it a lot.

I Why do you like it?

K Because I’m always busy, and because of the variety of things I do.

Module 2

2.1 New projects

V Hello

S Hi ,Vicky.

V Hi, darling .How are things in Brazil?

S Pretty good , And with you?

V Fine.Where are you calling from?

S My hotel in Fortaleza.It’s on the north-east coast.

V Is it nice there?

S Yes,the scenery is amazing.

V And what are you doing in Fortaleza?

S I’m woking on the plans for the shopping centre.What are you doing right now?

V Oh,it’s sunny today,so I’m working in the garden.

S And what are the children doing?

V They’re watching TV.No,that’s not right .Tommy’s playing on his computer,and Emma’s with her friends,I think.

S Good.And are you doing anything nice this weekend…

2.2 Arranging a meeting

D Dave Prakash.

M Hi,Dave,it’s Martina.Listen,I need to discuss the designs for the new R300 series with

you.When can we meet?

D I can’t make it today,I’ve got meetings all day.How about Monday morning?

M I’m visiting the new plant on Monday morning ,but the afternoon is OK.

D I’m probably taking time off in the afternoon,acturally.

M Ok.Let me see…are you free on Thursday?

D No,I’m visiting clients on Thursday morning,and I’m flying to Prague on Thursday afternoon.

M Are you going to the trade fair?

D Yes,that’s on Friday morning.I’m coming back on Friday afternoon. ,Look,what about Tuesday,for lunch?

M No,I’m meeting the sales team on Tuesday and it’s an all-day thing.That leaves Wednesday.

D Wednesday looks OK at the moment,but don’t forget the strategy meeing at 10 o’clock.

M Oh,that’s right,I’m going to that too.But I’m free after that.How does 12.30 sound?We could have lunch.

D Great,we can talk and eat on Wednesday.Now I must run.I’ve got a meeting with the Finance Director.

2.3Arranging a meeting

B Felix,are we planning to go to the New Directions Book Fair this year?

F Yes ,I think so.It’s always a good event.We usually make lots of new contacts .When is it?

B It’s in June this year .It’s on Thursday and Friday the 21st and 22nd.

F Oh,just a second.Aren’t we going to Helsinki that week?

B No,the Helsinki conference is in July.

F Oh yes,that’s right.Fine,let’s go to the Book Fair.

B There’s a special reception on the 21st.

F Is it an lunchtime?

B No,it’s in the evening an 8 o’clock.

F Sounds great!Can you get everything organised?

B No problem.I’ll confirm our attendance.

Module 3


Our guest today on ‘songs of my life’is the entrepreneur Martha Lane Fox ,of the massively successful company lastminute..With her business partner,Brent Hoberman,Martha Lane Fox started lastminute. in Brent’s living room.The idea was simple-a website selling late flights and late hotel bookings.The company grew very quickly and expanded from the UK into France,Germany and Sweden.They bought other travel companies,and after six years they had 1,400 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b11009114.html,stminute. went public in 2000,and the shares in the company increased their value by 40 per cent in two

days.Martha Lane Fox left the company in 2003.True to her entrepreneurial spirit ,she wanted to start more new companies .Martha,it’s a pleasure to have you here in the studio…

3.2 Company structure

Parker Electronix is based in Fleet,in the south of England.We are leaders in hardware and software solutions for satellite technology.My uncle ,John Parker,founded the company in the 1960s.Our lastest product is a new program for optical instruments for the European Space Agency.Our engineers are involved in all of the stages of a project ,from planning to the final performance validation .The industrial department ,supervised by Gerhard Kulzer,provides regular certified training for its staff.The R&D activities,supervised by Ross Benton,are essential for all future applications .We have a workforce of 60 employees and a turnover of $7.5 million ,Now,let me introduce Arnaud Gamage ,our contracts &purchasing managing .Arnaud will explain to you…

3.3Company structure

…and now I would like to turn to the final section of the report. As you can see ,last year was an excellent year in production .The first two quarters were rather slow ,but as a result of new orders from Asia ,our production rose dramatically in the third and fourth quarter .This situation was reflected ,of course ,in our sales for last year.We started the year in a strong position,but in the second quarter worldwide sales fell sharply.This was a result of the high price of oil.However ,as I mentioned earlier,new orders from Asia meant that sales went up to their previous level by the end of the year.Looking now at the share price ,I am delighted to announce that last year was also an excellent year in this respect.The share price rose steadily for the first two quarters ,and it remained steady at its maximum for the rest of the year ,All in all ,last year was a very positive year…

3.4 Exam spotlight,Listening Test Part One


M Hello ,Janet. Did you send those letters to our Italian suppliers?

F Yes,I sent them on 13 June.Let me check….No,sorry.I sent them on the 14th.

M Great,thanks.


M1 The new management have decided to invest in staff training.

M2 Oh,really?I knew nothing about that.What do they want us to do?

M1 They want us to improve our performance when presenting and negotiating,and make the most of our computer skills.Somebody has complained that our computers are out of date and so are our skills!

M1 Yes,I think they’re right .Personally,I need to work on how to prepare my presentations.

M1 Me too.Let’s start with presentation skills,then.


This is the answering machine for Benton Factory Outlet.We are open Monday to Wednesday from 9.00am to 6.15pm.On Thursday and Friday we are open from 9.00am to

7.15pm.We are closed on Saturday and Sunday.


F1 Here are the P&W logos the agency has just sent.

F2 Mm,let me see…I like the colours…

F1 What about the shapes?

F2 I’m not very keen on squares or rectangles.

F1 So,do you prefer this one?

F2 Yes,the circle is nice.


M1 Our booking for the Magic Children Expo has been confirmed.

M2 Excellent!Now we have to organise the stand.By the way,where exactly is the stand? M1 Let me have a look.I’ve got the fax here.It’s number 18 in Hall J.

M2 Ah,that’s the same hall as last year.

M1 Yes,but last year our stand was number 80.


M1 The exhibition went better than last year.

M2 Yeah,I’m really glad.It was a great success-especially for us.

M1 There were more people than last year.I’ve got the figures-yes,15,312.That’s a lot more than last year.


The sales were very good in December.Then we saw the usual decrease in January and February,and we recovered a bit in March.


F Hello,this is Jane Howell from Conference Room number 4.

M How can I help you,Ms Howell?

F We asked for 120 bottles of water,one for each delegate at our meeting,but there are only 100.Could you send us 20 more?

M Do you prefer sparkling or still water?

F Still,please.

M I’ll send them to you immediately.

F Thanks a lot .Bye.

M Bye.

Module 4

4.1 Views on import controls

Presenter The crisis over clothing imports is still hitting the headlines,and we spoke to some of the people involved.In Portugal,Joao da Silva owns a small factory in Aveiro.

Joao Look,I can’t see any problem with these import controls.The European Union should protect European industry-people like me and my factory workers.We can’t produce clothing at the prices the Chinese charge.I employ a small number of people ,it’s true,but they depend on me.Where else could they work around here?My message to Mr Mandelson is this:stop the Chinese imports,support European producers.

Presenter But it’s a different message from the retail clothing chain Tulip.Listen to what Dagmar Rasmussen has to say.

Dagmar We in the retail trade really think we should import garments from China ,or from Malaysia,or from any country that can supply us at a good price .Why should the European Union tell us where and how to do business?We are not at all happy with this situation .Our shops could be almost completely empty next week.What are we going to say to our customers?The European Trade Commissioner should act at once,and permit the clothes to leave the warehouses and to stock our shops.Really ,this can’t go on!

4.2 Views on import controls

Newsreader1 And now for the business news from Susan Fleming.

Newsreader2 Today’s headline is that China and the European Union have just announced that an end to the clothing blockade has been agreed .Millions of fashion items are sitting in ports around Europe ,where they have been since import restrictions were introduced in June .Today,however,both sides in the dispute,have reached an agreement,and the clothes,will be in the shops soon,The EU will accept all of the 80 million items.However,only 50 per cent of these items are part of this year’s imports.The other 50 per cent will be part of next import quotas.China agreed to this solution ,which is a compromise on both sides.The agreement is a victory for Peter Mandelson,the EU trade commissioner.

Newsreader1 And on the stock exchange…

4.3 Views on import controls

R Wates’Office Supplies Ltd,can I help you?

C Hello,I’d like to speak to Mariah Keaton,please?

R Who’s calling.please?

C This is Jane Barrett,of Bryant&Sons.

R I’m afraid Ms Keaton is not in her office at the moment .Would you like to leave a message?

C Yes,I would.Our order has arrived ,and you’ve sent the wrong items.We ordered three boxes of A4 paper,five printer cartridges,two boxes of pencils,and four boxes of pens .You sent us two boxes of A5 paper ,the wrong printer cartridges,only one box of pencils ,and no pens.

R I see.Which printer cartridges did you order?

C The code is HP92274A.

R And which did you receive?

C The code on the ones we received is FO26ND.

R Ok,Ms Barrett,I’ll ask Ms Keaton to call you when she gets back.Does she have your number?

C I think so.But I’ll give it to you all the same.It’s 0573 764812.

R Can I say that back to you? 0573 764812.

C That’s right.

R I’ll pass your message on to Ms Keaton.

C Thank you.Goodbye.

4.4 Views on import controls

N Westlaine Pharmaceuticals.

S Hello.I’d like to speak to Natalia Marin,please.

N Speaking.

S Hi,Natalia.It’s sven.I need your budget figures for the report.Can you email them to me? N They’re not ready yet,I’m afraid .I’d like to check them again.Some of the figures aren’t quite right.

S When do you think they’ll be ready?

N I’m working them now,I’ll send them to you this afternoon.Is four o’clock alright?

S Yes,that’s fine.I’ll write the report tomorrow morning.

N Oh,by the way,Margareta is leaving next week.We’re having a little party tomorrow afternoon.Would you like to come?

S Yes,I’d love to.What time?

N Half past three.

S Great.I’ll see you tomorrow.Bye.

4.5 Telephone messages


M Good morning.Coud I speak to Mr Aitken,please?

F I’m afraid he’s not in the office today.Can I take a message?

M Just tell him Cailin called.

F Could you spell your name,please?

M Sure,it’s C-A-I-L-I-N.

F Thanks so much.


F And your address is ?

M 27,Mendip Road.

F 27 Pendip. Road

M No,M for Madrid.Mendip.


M Hi,Sue.Can you call me back on 98 983 988?

F Let me just check that-98 983 988?

M Yes.Can you call me back right now,please?


F And when is the delivery due?

M On the 23nd.

F Did you say the 21st?

M Sorry?

F Do you mean the 21st,2-1,or the 23rd,2-3?

M Oh I see.The 23rd,2-3.The 23rd of June.

4.6 Telephone messages


R Reid ,Whelan and Blake.

C Hello,I’d like to speak to Ms Chandra.

R I’m afraid she’s not in today .Can I take a message?

C Yes,this is Joe Panetta,from AS Associates.

R I’m sorry,Panetta…is that P-A-N-E-doubleT-A?

C Yes,that’s right.

R And you’re from AS…

C ..Associates

R Thank you.So what’s the message,Mr Panetta?

C I’m calling about the brochure Ms Chandra wanted.Can you tell her that our new brochure is coming out in two weeks’time?Would she like to wait for that one rather than receive the old one now?

R I’m sorry,did you say two days or two weeks?

C Two weeks.Could you ask Ms Chandra to phone me and confirm which one she wants? R Yes,of course.Does she have your number?

C I’ll give it to you.It’s 0632 158431.

R Alright,Mr Panetta,I’ll pass your message on to Ms Chandra.

C Thanks.

R You’re welcome.bye.


R Reid ,Whelan and Blake.

C Hello,can I speak to Mr Horbaczewski?

R I’m afraid he’s off sick.Would you like to leave a message?

C Yes,my name is Bob Davis.

R Could you spell your surname,please?

C Sure.D-A-V-I-S.

R And what is the message?

C I need a copy of my tax form for last year.Could you ask Mr Horbaczewski to email a copy to me,please?

R Certainly.Does he have your email address?

C I’m not sure.I’ll give it to you anyway.It’s B

D dot Davis,at hotmail dot .

R All right,Mr Davis.I’ll give your message to Mr Horbaczewski.

C Thank you very much .

R Not at all.Goodbye.


R Reid ,Whelan and Blake.

C Hello,is Maria Peters in today?

R She is ,yes ,but she’s in a meeting at the moment.Can I take a message?

C Yes,this is Sigrid Junge,from Hofmann GmbH.

R I’m sorry,could you spell your name ,please?

C Alright.Sigrid S-I-G-R-I-D-,Junge J-U-N-G-E.

R And what was the name of the company?

C Hofmann,that’s H-O-F-M-A-N-N-,G-M-B-H.

R Thank you.Now what is the message?


Unit 6a Reporting Results 第六单元a 报告业绩 Annual Report 年度报告 A 我们目前正实施的资源增效计划所创造的利润基本抵消了罢工及不利汇价造成的损失,这种成本绩效的改进,实现了高达1亿英镑的业绩。另外一个收人来源是最近我们出售了独家拥有的子公司迪诺克斯。 B 公司稳步发展,税前利润和例外项目上升到5.96亿英镑。公司业绩良好的一个特点仍然还是严格的现金管理制度。投资的增加给公司带来了压力,但资产负债表显示,尽管有3.46亿英镑的支出,净现金收入还是达到了32亿英镑。 C 贸易额增长了4.5%,与近几年相比有了大幅度的提高;营业额提高了3%。去年底完成的结构重组计划,使经营利润也同时增长。这一项目虽然成功、但也使净现金减少到4.72亿英镑。 D 去年我们的主要业绩是收购了一家特色化工制品公司。这一投资以及已经制定的资产出售计划。将使公司的经营范围更加合理。由于公司非核心业务经营业绩不佳。交易利润下降了7%,证明我们目前所采取的行动是合理的。 Unit 7a Health and Safety 第七单元a 卫生与安全 5 STEPS TO RISH ASSESSMENT 风险评估的五个步骤 风险评估就是对工作中可能导致人身伤害的潜在危险进行周密极查,以此判断是否已经采取了足够的防范措施或者是否应该增加其他措施以防止危害发生。风险评估的目的是保证没有人受到人身伤害或者得病。事故和疾病可能夺去人的生命,而且,如果产量减少、机器被毁、保险费用增加或者需要打官司,还会影响到公司的业务。 进行风险评估时需要判断的重要事项包括:判断事故隐患是否重大,是否采取了适当的防范措施以把危害减到最小。 如果你的公司规模很小,井且你自信熟悉风险评估这项工作,你可以进行自我评估,或者,你也可以让有责任心的员工、安全事务代理人、安全员来帮你做这项工作。如果你自己没有把握,可向地方健康和安全监督员咨询。但切记:你有责任保证防范借施充分落实到位。 第一步 在你的工作场所周围巡视一遍,重新检查有什么可能引起伤害的潜在危险。忽略无关紧要的细节,把注意力集中在可能引起重大伤害或可能伤及群休的重大隐患上。向你的员工或员工代表了解他们的想法。因为他们每天身临工作场所,每天都在工作,他们可能已经注意到了一些井不是一目了然的情况。 第二步 把那些并不始终在工作场所的人员也考虑进去,比如清洁工、承包人以及维修人员。那些到访的公众也要考虑进去,他们也有可能因为你们的生产活动而受到伤害。 第三步 即使采取了充分的防范措施,仍然还会有危险存在。你需要对每种重大隐患作出判断:现存的危险是否重大,一般还是很小。首先,要考虑是否已经做了法律要求你必须做的一切。再想一想普遍接受的行业标准是否适宜。但不要就此而止,还要再为自己考虑一下,因为法.律规定你必须采取合理措施以保证工作场所的安全。切记:你的目的是通过增加必要的防范措施来减少安全隐患。 第四步 如果你的员工少于5人,就不必采用书面形式记录下来;但如果你有5个或5个以上的员工,就必须把评估的主要结果记录下来。也就是说要把那些较为重大的隐患写下来,并把最重要的发现结果记录在案。你应该保存这一书面材料以备将来参考。如果监督员来查询你的防范措施或者如果你卷入了一场民事责任诉讼,这份材料对你就特别有用。这份材料还能够证明你已经按照法律行事了,而且它还可么提醒你密切关注具体事务或者引起你优虑的事故隐患。 第五步 有时候,你无疑需要引进新的机器、物品以及工作程序,而这些有可能引发新的隐患。如果有重大变化,


BEC商务英语中级学生用书答案 第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) →BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began 2.trademarked 3.became 4.has been 5.has been working 6.has been 7.took part P19 GAMMAR (5) 1.have been working 2.joined 3.have had 4.have been considering 5.has expanded https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b11009114.html,pleted 7.have been studying 8.has agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b11009114.html,unch 2.charge 3.fee 4.growth 5.concept 6.branch out P27 Writing(6.work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call 2.won’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves 6.will be opening 7.will have started 8.going to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed 2.must have been asked 3.is hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3)1.will be given 2.is being reviewed 3.have been offered 4.was set up 5.will be given 6.to be look 7.is hoped 8.have been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5) 1.to assess 2.was unfairly dismissed 3.was followed 4.has been found 5.had failed 6.is reported 7.gave 8.was dismissed 9.appears 10.is recommended 11.should be carried 12.will help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) 1.bad 2.most 3.most enjoyable 4.more 5.than 6.better 7.as 8.better P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july


Module 2 第二单元 2.1 Business Topic Company Benefits 商务话题篇公司福利三、Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives benefits n. 福利incentive n. 奖励job title 职衔,职位,头衔training and staff development 培训和员工发展good salary 可观的收入pension n. 养老金flexible working hours 弹性工作时间,灵活的工作时间 opportunities to travel 旅游机会 opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会days off 几天短假company car 公司配(给的汽)车too good to be true 好得令人难以置信client service executive 客户服务主管take…with a pi nch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑,对…不完全相信 old and established 历史悠久resources director(human resources director 的简称)人力资源部经理qualification n. 资格 temp n.(temporary/temporary worker 的缩略语)临时员工incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程human resources 人力资源promote from within 提拔内部员工 take on 接受,招聘intake n. 从外部吸纳招收的员工project manager 项目经理grow and maintain customer relationship 发展和维持客户关系canteen n. 食堂,餐厅head office n. 总部,总公司brainstorming n. 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益breakout n. 突破 encompass vt. 包括,包含sales and marketing 销售和市场营销research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产perk n. 好处,额外津贴,外快 final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划budget n. 预算 non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏once-in-a-lifetime adj. 千载难逢的,令人难忘的career goal 职业目标 senior management 高层管理人员

新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 中级 第三版)Module 6

Module 6 第六单元 6.1 Recruitment Vocabulary recruitment 招聘 migraine (headache) 周期性偏头痛 body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容的地方)take a sick day 请一天病假 sales position 销售职务 sales figures 销售数据 apply for 申请 go in for an interview 参加面试 arrange an interview 安排面试 automated messages 自动应答信息 lottery 彩票win~中彩票,中奖 pay off the rest of his mortgage 付清贷款余额 mortgage 抵押,按揭 disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序 take someone on 录用某人 walk out 离职,罢工 dismiss解雇 sack 解雇,炒鱿鱼 fire 解雇 lay off 使下岗(临时)解雇 resign 辞职 take voluntary redundancy 自愿裁员,自愿接受裁退 make redundant 裁员 give notice 预先通知(解雇、辞职等) applicant 申请人 flexible 灵活的,善于变通的 stationery 文具 personal correspondence 私人信件 pension 养老金 retirement 退休 6.2Emailing Vocabulary inbox 收件箱 check the inbox 检查收件箱


第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) →BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began been been working been part P19 GAMMAR (5) been working had been considering expanded been studying agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) out P27 Writing(in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call ’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves be opening have started to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed have been asked hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3) be given being reviewed been offered set up be given be look hoped been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5)assess unfairly dismissed followed been found failed reported dismissed recommended be carried help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) enjoyable P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july Subject: Parental Leave Further to our previous meeting ,I am pleased to comfirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks .The new system will come into operation as from 4th SEPTEMBER. May I remind you that your managers will require one month’s notice


Exam 5_1 Listening Test Part One Questions 1-12 -You will hear three telephone conversations. -Write one or two words or a number in the numberer space on the forms below. -You will hear each conversation twice. Conversation One (Questions 1-4) -Looking at the form below. -You will hear a man giving information about a training course. J-Joanna P-Peter J Joanna Rivers P Hello,Joanna.It's Peter.Is David there? J No,I'm sorry,Peter.He's just left the office. P What time will he be back? J Not till tomorrow,I'm afraind.Can I take a message? P Yes,ok.It's about a training course he was interested in.Could you tell him the name of the course is "Managing People",and it's on 13 August? J Ok,so that's 'Managing People' on 13 August. P Yes,so he'll have to be quick if he's interested.The woman who runs the course is calles Virginia Little,and he should call her direct.Her number's 01723 887762 J Ok,Peter.I'll make sure he gets this when he comes in. P Ok,and one other thing,tell David to mention my name,Virginia's an old friend of mine. Conversation Two (Question 5-8) -looking at the form below. -You will hear a man booking a taxi.


《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》 (第三版) 教案 教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版) Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson编著, 经济科学出版社, 2008年10月



第一次课设计梗概(2课时) (1)告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。 两个目标:通过听、说、读、写及分组讨论,案例表演和课堂演示,培养学生在商务情景下的工作习惯和交流意识;尽量通过BEC初级考试。 两个要求:为了提高学生的积极性并使他们了解在平时的学习中应提高哪些能力,告诉学生现在用人单位对员工的要求,第一要有一定的专业素质,二是情商要高,即懂得如何交流,如何为人处事。 教学方式:在教学中,主要采取活动教学,通过各种各样的活动,提高学生的自信心和交流能力。将学生分为六组,每组四人,一个组即为一个公司,每个组员都有一个职位,第一周确定每个组员的职位。第三、四周确定公司的名称、职能和业务范畴,并在全班演示。(2)考核方式 平时表现:两个方面,一是整组的表现,即各个公司在各种课堂活动上的表现;二是个人的主动表现和提问表现.只要平时刻苦努力,积极主动。 期末卷面:一整套BEC初级的模拟题。 口试:口试的形式仿照BEC初级口试形式并加上案例表演。 (3)进入正题 本次课的项目主要是介绍公司的职务分类,职能范畴,撰写个人简介及设计名片。 ●Reading: Read and get to know the format of BEC preliminary exam. ●Reading and Discussion: Read the materials about Training and Workshops in order to know the job title and responsibilities.


第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to pap er 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题 work in pairs. 中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) →BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began 2.trademarked 3.became 4.has been 5.has been work ing 6.has been 7.took part P19 GAMMAR (5) 1.have been working 2.joined 3.have had 4.have been considering 5.has expanded https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b11009114.html,pleted 7.have been studying 8.has agreed P23 第三单元 WRITING A MEMO P27 READING (3) https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b11009114.html,unch 2.charge 3.fee 4.growth 5.concept 6.branch out P27 Writing ( 6.work in pairs.


河北金融学院教案 课程名称:剑桥商务英语 教材名称:新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第三版出版单位:经济科学出版社 出版时间:2008年10月 主编: John Hughes 教案编写人:王杰 授课专业(班级):09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010-2011 第一学年

河北金融学院课程教案 授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.6 课题Lead-in Introduction to BEC Vantage 教学基本 要求与目标 make students to get familiar with the BEC Vantage 方法与手段introduction, explanation with the assistance of PPT 实践性环节discussion, ask and answer 课外要求To read more books about business, often go on line to practise listening BEC 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. Introduction to BEC Reading test (60 minutes, 45 questions)△ Reading test part one (7 questions) Reading test part two (5 questions) Reading test part three (6 questions) Reading test part four (15 questions) Reading test part five (12 questions) Writing test (45 minutes, 2 parts)△ Writing test part one (40-50 words in forms of note Message,email or memo) Writing test part two (120-`140 words in forms of report Or business letter) Listening test (40 minutes, 3 parts 30 questions)﹡ Listening test part one (three conversations) Listening test part two (two sections 10 questions) Listening test part three (one passage 8 questions) Speaking test (14 minutes, 3 parts)△ Speaking test part one (personal information 3minutes) Speaking test part two (mini-presentation 6 minutes) Speaking test part three (collaborative task 5minutes ) II. How to study BEC Vantage 1.business words and phrases 2.read more business background 3.listening more BEC 4.accumulative more business topic 5.often go on line with good websites III. Asking questions Ss may ask any questions concerning BEC.10m 8m 12m 20m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您!MODULE 1 To: All Staff From: Ray Bonner Date: 24th June Subject: Trial of flexitime system Further to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flexitime system will come into operation as from 1st August. The system applies to all administrative and office staff. May I remind you that any production staff on the current shift system remain unaffected by these changes. From: Hi, Rona How are you? I got a note to say you called. Great news that you passed your final exam! I’m sorry that I didn’t get back to you but it’s been crazy here. The network was down for three days so all our customers were receiving the wrong orders! Anyway, how about meeting for lunch this week? If you can’t make it, don’t forget the party this weekend. Do you want me to pick you up at 8? See you soon, Eve Dear Mr. Hynes: RE: Replacement of item 00-A104


新编剑桥商务英语初级 第三版教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

《新编剑桥商务英语(初 级)》 (第三版) 教案 教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版) Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson编著, 经济科学出版社, 2008年10月



第一次课设计梗概(2课时) (1)告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。 两个目标:通过听、说、读、写及分组讨论,案例表演和课堂演示,培养学生在商务情景下的工作习惯和交流意识;尽量通过BEC初级考试。 两个要求:为了提高学生的积极性并使他们了解在平时的学习中应提高哪些能力,告诉学生现在用人单位对员工的要求,第一要有一定的专业素质,二是情商要高,即懂得如何交流,如何为人处事。 教学方式:在教学中,主要采取活动教学,通过各种各样的活动,提高学生的自信心和交流能力。将学生分为六组,每组四人,一个组即为一个公司,每个组员都有一个职位,第一周确定每个组员的职位。第三、四周确定公司的名称、职能和业务范畴,并在全班演示。 (2)考核方式 平时表现:两个方面,一是整组的表现,即各个公司在各种课堂活动上的表现;二是 个人的主动表现和提问表现.只要平时刻苦努力,积极主动。

期末卷面:一整套BEC初级的模拟题。 口试:口试的形式仿照BEC初级口试形式并加上案例表演。 (3)进入正题 本次课的项目主要是介绍公司的职务分类,职能范畴,撰写个人简介及设计名片。 Reading: Read and get to know the format of BEC preliminary exam. Reading and Discussion: Read the materials about Training and Workshops in order to know the job title and responsibilities. Listen: Listen and grasp the job title. Grammar: Ss should grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency by self-study, group work and game. Speaking: Discuss Work-life balance in groups and report it out. Vocabulary: Remember all the new words in this module and finish the exercises in the book. Homework: 1. Review all the important points in these two modules. 2. Design your business cards. 详案 Module 1 1.1 & 1.3 World of Work & BEC Preliminary Exam I.Aims and Objectives: At the end of this session, the students should be able to: a.Know the general information about Cambridge BEC Preliminary, the useful study strategies for this course and the content of Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary. b.Talk about jobs, design the business cards and grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency. II.Session Outline 1.Greetings 2.Duties: 1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the definition of BEC and the format of the exam.


新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇 (第三版) 1.1World of work 工作领域 business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班) one-to -one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的, client n. 客户 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的, professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/某事负责 title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事 gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿 interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器 ship vt. 运送 power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 presence n. 仪态,风度,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)


《新编剑桥商务英语(中级)》 Module 1 §1.1 Business Topic Ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式 本讲学习重点:(Part) 1、Different ways of working.工作不同的方式 2、Working from home.在家办公 3、Grammar: Present tenses.语法:现在时 4、A mini-presentations.小型讲演 5、Homework 家庭作业 1、ways of working 工作中不同的形式 PartⅠ Vocabulary Different ways of working. 不同的工作方式 一、How do work most effectively? By

working ... 对你来说采用哪种工作方式最有效 1、regular hours/flexible hours?正常工作方式还是弹性工作方式 固定时间/灵活时间 2、in a team/on your own?以团队为单位还是自己单干 在团队中工作/自己工作 3、from home/in an office?在家还是在办公室 在家上班/在办公室上班 4、for a boss/as your boss?为别人打工还是自己当老板 为别人打工/自己当老板 Example: For me, I like to work flexible hours on my own. By working like this, I can work most effectively. When I need to teach my students, I will go to the classroom. So I am used to flexible hours rather than working nine to five. Also, I'd like to work on my own. It is


新编剑桥商务英语BEC商务英语中级学生用书答案 第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) → BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began been been working been part P19 GAMMAR (5) been working had been considering expanded been studying agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) out P27 Writing( in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call ’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves be opening have started to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed have been asked hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3) be given being reviewed been offered set up be given be look hoped been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5) assess unfairly dismissed followed been found failed reported dismissed recommended be carried help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) enjoyable P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july Subject: Parental Leave


经科版-新编剑桥商务英语-中级词汇 1.1Ways of working regular hours 正常工作时间 flexible hours弹性工作时间 freelance自由职业 job-share 分担工作 job-sharer 与人分担工作的人 shift-work 轮班工作,倒班制 part-time 兼职full-time 全职 teleworking电子化办公方式,电子办公 temping 当临时工 consultancy 咨询公司,顾问公司 flextime/flexitime 弹性工作时间 hot-desking 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室、一张桌子和一台计算机)Permanent contract永久/长期合同 specialist advice专业咨询 office gossip办公室小道消息 office news 办公室新闻 credit 赞扬、功劳 MD/managing director 总裁(美语中称CEO 或president) Brainpower 智能 Worst-case adj.做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的 Scenario事态、局面 Delegate vt. 授权、分配工作 Availability 利用可能性,可利用的人、物,物资保证 Parental leave 育儿假,照顾新生儿假/ maternity leave 产假 Distractions 让人注意力分散的事务 Contact 人脉,有用的社会关系 Case-load 工作量Daily log 日志 Voice mail 语音信箱、留言Self-organisation 自我组织能力 Disruptive adj. 造成混乱的 1.2Making contacts trade fair event 商品交易会 coffee/tea break 工间咖啡休息时间 drinks evening 晚间酒会 coaching event 专项体验训练活动 maximise(maximize 美式)最大限度的使用,发挥 socializing 参加社交,交际 corporate world 商界 useful contacts]有用的人际关系 co-chair 联合总裁,主席


BEC中级考试词汇必备 A absenteeism n. (经常性)旷工,旷职account executive n. (广告公司)客户经理*accruals n. 增值,应计 *acquisition n. 收购,被收购的公司或股份agenda n. 议事日程 allocate v. 分配,配给 amalgamation n. 合并,重组 *amortise v. 摊还 annual general meeting (AGM)股东年会anticipate v. 期望 anticipated adj. 期待的 appointee n. 被任命人 appraisal n. 估量,估价 *appropriate v. 拨出(款项) aptitude n. 天资,才能 *arbitrage n. 套利 arbitration n. 仲裁 *arrears n. 欠帐 current asset n. 流动资产 fixed asset n. 固定资产 frozen asset n. 冻结资产 intangible assets n. 无形资产 liquid assets n. 速动资产 tangible assets n. 有形资产assist v. 援助,协助,出席 audit n. 查账,审计 automate v. 使某事物自动操作 awareness n. 意识;警觉 B backing n. 财务支持,赞助 backhander n. 贿赂 *backlog n. 积压(工作或订货) balance sheet n. 资产负债表 bar chart n. 条形图,柱状图 benchmark n. 衡量标准 fringe benefits n. 附加福利 bid n. 出价,投标 takeover bid n. 盘进(一个公司)的出价 billboard n. (路边)广告牌,招贴板 blue chips n. 蓝筹股,绩优股 books n. 公司帐目 book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值 bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人 boost v. 提高,增加,宣扬 bottleneck n. 瓶颈,窄路,阻碍 bounce v. 支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回 brainstorm n./v. 点子会议,献计献策, 头脑风暴 brand leader n. 占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌 break even v. 收支相抵,不亏不盈 breakthrough n. 突破 bulk n. 大量(货物) adj. 大量的 bust adj. 破了产的 C canvass v. 征求意见,劝说 capture v. 赢得 catastrophe n. 大灾难,大祸 CIF, c.i.f. 成本保险费加运费 circular n. 传阅的小册子(传单等) circulate v. 传阅 commercialise v. 使商品化 commission n. 佣金 commodity n. 商品,货物 limited (liability) company (ltd.) 股份有限公司 public limited company (plc) n. 股票上市公司 compensate v. 补偿,酬报 compensation n. 补偿,酬金 concentrated marketing n. 集中营销策略 *conglomerate n. 综合商社,多元化集团公司 *consolidate v. 帐目合并 *consortium n. 财团 constant adj. 恒定的,不断的,经常的 consumables n. 消耗品 consumer durables n. 耐用消费品(如:洗衣机) *contingency n. 意外事件 contractor n. 承办商,承建人 conversion n. 改装,改造 conveyor n. 运送,传递,转让 core time n. (弹性工作制的)基本上班时间(员工于此段

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