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Mechanical Engineering Training

Laser Cutting


Student NO.:


1. Introduction to Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, and is typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, but is also starting to be used by schools, small businesses, and hobbyists. Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high-power laser most commonly through optics. The laser optics and CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the material or the laser beam generated. A typical commercial laser for cutting materials would involve a motion control system to follow a CNC or G-code of the pattern to be cut onto the material. The focused laser beam directed at the material, which then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish. Industrial laser cutters are used to cut flat-sheet material as well as structural and piping materials.

In 1965, the first production laser cutting machine was used to drill holes in diamond dies. This machine was made by the Western Electric Engineering Research Center. In 1967, the British pioneered laser-assisted oxygen jet cutting for metals. In the early 1970s, this technology was put into production to cut titanium for aerospace applications. At the same time CO2 lasers were adapted to cut non-metals, such as textiles, because, at the time, CO2 lasers were not powerful enough to overcome the thermal conductivity of metals.

2. Working Principle of Laser Cutting Process

Figure 1 Structure of a laser cutter

Figure 1 shows the structure of a laser cutter. Inside the cutter, generation of the laser beam involves stimulating a lasing material by electrical discharges or lamps within a closed container. As the lasing material is stimulated, the beam is reflected internally by

means of a partial mirror, until it achieves sufficient energy to escape as a stream of monochromatic coherent light. Mirrors or fiber optics are typically used to direct the coherent light to a lens, which focuses the light at the work zone. The narrowest part of the focused beam is generally less than 0.0125 inches (0.32 mm) in diameter. Depending upon material thickness, kerf widths as small as 0.004 inches (0.10 mm) are possible. In order to be able to start cutting from somewhere else than the edge, a pierce is done before every cut. Piercing usually involves a high-power pulsed laser beam which slowly makes a hole in the material, taking around 5–15 seconds for 0.5-inch-thick (13 mm) stainless steel, for example.

The movement of the cutter is controlled by a CNC device through G-code commands. The G-code can be manually programmed or be automatically generated with certain CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software. In this training course, you are supposed to use a software called CAXA to design a drawing yourself, generate the G-code for the drawing and import the G-code to the laser cutting machine to cut the drawing on a wood sheet.

3. Advantages of Laser Cutting

Advantages of laser cutting over mechanical cutting include easier workholding and reduced contamination of workpiece (since there is no cutting edge which can become contaminated by the material or contaminate the material). Precision may be better, since the laser beam does not wear during the process. There is also a reduced chance of warping the material that is being cut, as laser systems have a small heat-affected zone. Some materials are also very difficult or impossible to cut by more traditional means.

4. Types of Lasers Used in Laser Cutting

There are three main types of lasers used in laser cutting. The CO2 laser is suited for cutting, boring, and engraving. The neodymium (Nd) and neodymium yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd-YAG) lasers are identical in style and differ only in application. Nd is used for boring and where high energy but low repetition are required. The Nd-YAG laser is used where very high power is needed and for boring and engraving. Both CO2 and Nd/ Nd-YAG lasers can be used for welding.

5. Laser Cutting Methods

There are many different methods in cutting using lasers, with different types used to cut different material. Some of the methods are vaporization, melt and blow, melt blow and burn, thermal stress cracking, scribing, cold cutting and burning stabilized laser cutting. Vaporization cutting

In vaporization cutting the focused beam heats the surface of the material to boiling point and generates a keyhole. The keyhole leads to a sudden increase in absorptivity quickly deepening the hole. As the hole deepens and the material boils, vapor generated erodes the molten walls blowing ejecta out and further enlarging the hole. Non melting material such as wood, carbon and thermoset plastics are usually cut by this method. Melt and blow

Melt and blow or fusion cutting uses high-pressure gas to blow molten material from

the cutting area, greatly decreasing the power requirement. First the material is heated to melting point then a gas jet blows the molten material out of the kerf avoiding the need to raise the temperature of the material any further. Materials cut with this process are usually metals.

Thermal stress cracking

Brittle materials are particularly sensitive to thermal fracture, a feature exploited in thermal stress cracking. A beam is focused on the surface causing localized heating and thermal expansion. This results in a crack that can then be guided by moving the beam. The crack can be moved in order of m/s. It is usually used in cutting of glass.

Stealth dicing of silicon wafers

The separation of microelectronic chips as prepared in semiconductor device fabrication from silicon wafers may be performed by the so-called stealth dicing process, which operates with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, the wavelength of which (1064 nm) is well adopted to the electronic band gap of silicon (1.11 eV or 1117 nm). g

Reactive cutting

Also called "burning stabilized laser gas cutting", "flame cutting". Reactive cutting is like oxygen torch cutting but with a laser beam as the ignition source. Mostly used for cutting carbon steel in thicknesses over 1 mm. This process can be used to cut very thick steel plates with relatively little laser power.

6. Training Practices

In this training course, you are supposed to use a software called CAXA to design a drawing yourself, generate the G-code for the drawing and import the G-code to the laser cutting machine to cut the drawing on a wood sheet.

The computer room is on the third floor of the training center, where you can use the software. The software is in Chinese, but don’t worry, the teacher and TA there will tell you how to use the functions in English. Once you have completed your drawing, you will have to upload it on the server so that you can download it on the computer where the laser cutting machine is. After the training, you can take the finished workpiece away as a souvenir.

7. Safety Rules

One thing you have to pay attention to in this training course is that, do not put any part of your body in the laser cutting machine when it is still working. The powerful laser may burn the skin and cause injury.


《金工实习A》教学大纲(试行) 一、课程基本信息 开课单位现代工程训练中心课程代码GE09039 课程名称金工实习A英文名称Metalworking practice A 课程性质必修学分2 总学时64先修课程工程制图、工程材料 开课学期夏季适应专业近机近电类专业、2+X项目制 训练中基础训练部分 二、课程描述 中文: 金工实习A是一门涵盖机械、电气、控制、管理等多学科集成的具有多层次、多模块、柔性化的实践性技术基础课,是近机械类有关专业教学计划中重要的实践教学环节之一。本课程以实践教学为主,安排学生进行独立操作,并辅以专题讲授。学生通过工程基本训练,获取先进的、系统的、视野宽阔的大工程知识背景,建立典型的制造业生产过程概念,培养工程素质、工程实践能力和创新能力。为后续课程的学习和今后的工作奠定基础。 英文: Metalworking practice A, as one of the most important practical teaching part in teaching plan of near-mechanical-related majors, is a multi-level, multi-module and flexible practical basic course covering various subjects, including mechanical, electrical, control and management. This course is mainly based on practical teaching to


精选金工实习总结报告 两个星期短暂的金工实习结束了,老师每节课布置的实习任务也顺利地完成了,虽然时间过的很快,但它留给我的是很多的不舍和回味。不可否认,金工实习确实很累,每天都要早早地来到教室等待老师的讲解,但是金工实习可以让我们学到很多书本上没有的东西,况且对于我们这种非机械专业的学生来说,是很有帮助的,经过金工实习,我们终于懂得那些机器的零部件是如何生产出来的,我们又知道了机械专业对于现在的社会是如何的重要。 不得不说,“金工实习”是一门综合性很强的基础学科,对于我们这样的工科学生来说是非常必要的。因为我们平时可能懂得其中的理论知识,但到了真正用理论指导实践的时候,我们就会知道实践原来是多么的重要。在这么多天的实践中我有很多的体会与感想,现在容我慢慢道来。 第一天的是车工,也就是普通车床,加工和打磨一个阶梯轴。其实车床就是利用工件的旋转作用和刀具的移动来改变毛坯形状和尺寸的一种加工切削方法。老师要求我们使用游标卡尺来测量工件的大小,并且工件允许的误差范围在+-0.02mm之内,因为精度很高,所以使用普通车床进行加工切削很难掌握,最后经过详细地询问老师才最终完成任务。 接下来的是焊接,焊接分为熔化焊、压力焊、钎焊,而焊接的目的就是将两块分离的金属块焊接在一起。我们的小组有三个人,当天上午老师给我们上理论课,下午才开始焊接实操,按照焊接准则,在焊接前必须穿戴好防护衣、皮手套并戴好眼罩。

然后我把焊条夹在焊钳中,慢慢地靠近焊接的地方并点燃焊条,焊条保持在与金属4mm的地方,与焊缝约60°角,最后将焊条慢慢地横向移动,小心并且仔细,没过多久,一条焊缝就可以完成了,待到焊池完全冷却再用锤子把焊渣敲击掉,这样焊接的任务基本就完成了。 数控铣床。铣工分为顺铣与逆铣。首先我们在老师的指导下先在电脑上学会使用CAM软件画图并选用各种车刀,待我们画好需要加工的工件的图案后就可以使用专门的软件生成车床能识别的代码,我们学校只有两种数控铣床,一种是法兰克铣床,一种是广州数控铣床。在上课时,老师给我们播放了各种车床生产零件的视频,以前的我根本不知道那么多的精致零件、图案等是如何生产出来的,看了数铣技术所生产出来的产品,真是打开眼界!原来人类利用机器生产的水平是如此之高,太令人兴奋了!这么先进的技术,我们要做的工作就是设计好工件,并把工件放置好,对好刀,其他事情就交给电脑完成了。 电火花与热处理。电火花是使用电弧在瞬间放电所产生的高温对工件的表面进行加工的一种技术。电火花与线切割有一些相似的地方,都是使用高温进行加工,但电火花一般都是对工件的表面进行雕刻,老师先是给我们讲解了理论知识后就让我们上车床实操了,电火花雕刻时,我选择了心形的图案进行加工,虽然速度比较慢,但电火花雕刻时那种放电的兹兹声很让人喜欢。 热处理是使用退火,正火,淬火,回火的各种热处理对工件的内部结构进行加热,从而改变它们的硬度,脆性和含碳量。我们先使用正火对45钢进行加热到830°C并空冷,空


英文写作模板 包含:图表类作文模板、原因分析类作文模板、议论性文字作文模板。据王晓艳老师课堂讲义整理 结构:P1:描述图表;P2:分析图表;P3:结论 P1:描述图表 As is shown in the 图表类型above, dramatic changes have taken place in the 变量的名称-名词短语. The most obvious change was the 上升/下降变量,which had increased nearly by % ,while 下降/上升变量decreased roughly by % . The percentage if the remained stable between and . P2:分析图表; There are numerous reasons accounting for the phenomenon and I would like to explore a few of most important ones here. Above all, development of technique and knowledge in native company stimulate the vitality of 变量-名词短语. What’s more,(culture influence) 原因2is an important reason of the decline/increase if the 变量-名词短语. Finally, 原因3. P3:结论 Based on what has been discussed above, we may reasonably conclude that the tendency described in graph will continue for quite a long time. Hopefully, government could offer more friendly policies to . 比如交通事故原因分析及解决方案 结构:P1:改写课题;P2:原因分析;P3:解决方案;P4:预测、总结 P1:改写课题 Recently, there is a heated debate on the issue of . A recent study conducted by 机构名称revealed that 现象. Hence, it is of paramount importance that we ascertain the cause of 事件and identify the effective remedies of this phenomenon. P2:原因分析 As I see it, the cause of 现象are manifold. Firstly, 原因1. Secondly, 原因2. Last but not the least, 原因3 . P3:解决方案 Given the severity of , we have no alternative but to take vigorous measure to address this thorny issue. To begin with, 解决方案1. Further, 解决方案2. Lastly, 解决方案3. P4:预测、总结 To summarize, the cause of 现象are multiple. I just point out some of them. But if government, scientist and individual work together to resolve the problem, the 现象will fall/increase immediately. 第1页,共2页


CET4 2013年12月四级(1) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. “Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine. We both miss you and hope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again the next time your computer

crashes and you come down-stairs for something to eat, Love, Mom and Dad.”实:保证沟通信息清晰,完整,避免误解,更加正式 The (more formal) face-to-face contact can ensure/guarantee the message (being delivered)clearer and more intact, thus avoiding misunderstanding (effectively=in such an effective way/ to a great extent. ) So…that… The message/information delivered through internet is very likely to be neglected. It is more likely for us to neglect the message on the internet or dismiss it as rumors. 虚:1.避免虚假信息 2.拉近距离身体语言眼神促进情感交流范文1(星火) Electronic Communication Cannot Replace Face-to-Face Contact


Mechanical Engineering Training Grinding Name: Student NO.: Date:

1. Introduction to Grinding Grinding is an abrasive machining process that uses a grinding wheel as the cutting tool. A wide variety of machines are used for grinding: (1) Hand-cranked knife-sharpening stones (grindstones) (2) Handheld power tools such as angle grinders and die grinders (3) Various kinds of expensive industrial machine tools called grinding machines (4) Bench grinders often found in residential garages and basements Grinding practice is a large and diverse area of manufacturing and toolmaking. It can produce very fine finishes and very accurate dimensions; yet in mass production contexts it can also rough out large volumes of metal quite rapidly. It is usually better suited to the machining of very hard materials than is "regular" machining (that is, cutting larger chips with cutting tools such as tool bits or milling cutters), and until recent decades it was the only practical way to machine such materials as hardened steels. Compared to "regular" machining, it is usually better suited to taking very shallow cuts, such as reducing a shaft’s d iameter by half a thousandth of an inch or 12.7 μm. Grinding is a subset of cutting, as grinding is a true metal-cutting process. Each grain of abrasive functions as a microscopic single-point cutting edge, and shears a tiny chip that is analogous to what would conventionally be called a "cut" chip (turning, milling, drilling, tapping, etc.). However, among people who work in the machining fields, the term cutting is often understood to refer to the macroscopic cutting operations, and grinding is often mentally categorized as a "separate" process. This is why the terms are usually used in contradistinction in shop-floor practice, even though, strictly speaking, grinding is a subset of cutting. In this training course, considering the availability of required equipment in the training center, we will focus on the training of metal casting methods. 2. Types of Grinding Process Selecting which of the following grinding operations to be used is determined by the size, shape, features and the desired production rate. Surface Grinding Surface grinding uses a rotating abrasive wheel to remove material, creating a flat surface. The tolerances that are normally achieved with grinding are ± 2 × 10?4 inches for grinding a flat material, and ± 3 × 10?4 inches for a parallel surface (in metric units: 5 μm for flat material and 8 μm for parallel surface). The surface grinder is composed of an abrasive wheel, a workholding device known as a chuck, either electromagnetic or vacuum, and a reciprocating table. Typical workpiece materials include cast iron and steel. These two materials do not tend to clog the grinding wheel while being processed. Other materials are aluminum, stainless steel, brass and some plastics. The photo of a surface grinding machine is shown in Figure 1. The machine you are going to use in this training course is the surface grinding machine. You will learn about the working principles of the machine and manipulate the machine to grind a workpiece according to a technical drawing.


北京奥运英语四级材料 The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics". Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China. The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization. “第29届奥运会在2008年授予市北京。 ”座右铭“新北京,新奥运” ,北京的承诺,举办一个“绿色奥运” , “高科技奥运会”和“人民的奥运“ 。 中国人民始终欣赏的宗旨和原则,奥林匹克理想,支持的努力,奥运会上为促进世界和平。中国政府和人民正在尽我们的最大/最佳准备为2008年北京奥运会,射击选美与倡导奥林匹克理想,世界的和平与提高之间的关系的世界。奥林匹克精神是在哪里蔓延,再次在东方的中国古代文化。 有关中国政府和人民一向钦佩的宗旨和原则,也是奥林匹克精神的支持和所作的努力,奥运会在促进世界和平。中国政府和人民正在尽最大努力在为筹备2008年奥运会在北京举行。这是我们的希望,使其一次盛会,将弘扬奥林匹克精神,促进世界的和平与提高人民之间的友谊的世界,使奥林匹克精神将再次蓬勃发展,这一次在中国,一个东方的国家一个古老的文明。 有关四川汶川的英语作文 AROUND 2:28 pm on Monday, Zhu Qi had his first brush with terror. He’d been awakened from an afternoon nap. His bunk was shaking. The door to his dormitory room was jammed shut. When Zhu, a postgrad at Chengdu University of Technology, managed to join his classmates outside, the earth had stopped moving. But the damage had been done. At area universities, students had fled dorms and classrooms with the clothes on their back. But at least they were alive. Only 96 kilometers away in Wenchuan County, thousands of people, young and old, were buried in rubble. The 7.8-magnitude quake had devastated a region of small cities and towns set amid the steep and forested hills of northwestern Sichuan. The quake is China’s worst in three decades. The full reach of the damage has yet to be determined. By press time, around


《金工实习》课程标准 (英文课程名称) 一、课程概述 (一)课程基本信息 注:课程基本信息在人才培养方案中查找,务与培养方案保持一致。 (二)课程性质与任务 金工实习》是绿色能源专业的一门职业核心课程。本课程实习以钳工为主,通过该实习,使学生接触生产实际,了解机械加工生产过程,获得机械制造技术的基本实践知识,得到的基本操作技能训练,为学习后续课程和将来从事相关技术工作奠定实践基础。 1 工作任务 (1)熟悉机械制造中基本的毛坯成形方法,零件加工方法及其所用的设备,工、卡、量具,材料等。初步了解常用零件的结构工艺性和加工工艺。 (2)主要工种(焊、车、钳、铣),具有独立完成简单零件制造的基本操作技能,对焊接、铣工等工种有初步的操作体会。 (3)数控加工、特种加工等新技术、新工艺,体验现代工业计算机辅助设计与制造全过程,具有初步操作数控机床与特种加工机床的技能。 (4)培养严谨求实和理论联系实际、综合运用机械制造知识与技能的能力。 (5)在实践中培养劳动观点、合作精神、经济意识,初步培养创新思维能力。。 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标 注:明确所针对的专项能力(或岗位能力)、应形成的技术的培养要求,运用知识、技术解决基础教育(或企业生产、管理)工作实际问题方面的层次要求,培养职 课程名称 金工实习 课程编码 050642023 课程类型及性质 必修课 考试/考查 考察 适用专业 绿色能源 开课单位 物理系 总学时 2周 总学分 2

业能力,掌握技术标准(规范)方面应达到的程度。 (二)具体目标 1、认识目标: 通过金工实习,使学生了解机械制造的一般过程,了解钳工的主要加工方法和在机械制造维修中的作用;熟悉各种设备和常用附件和刀具、工具、量具的安全操作使用方法。 2、能力目标: 通过金工实习,使学生具备正确使用常用工具、量具和独立完成简单零件加工能力;能够独立完成含有划线、锯割、挫削、钻孔和攻丝钳工作业件的加工;培养学生认识图纸、加工符号及了解技术条件的能力。使学生通过简单零件加工,巩固和加深机械制图知识及其应用;让学生养成热爱劳动,遵守纪律的好习惯和理论联系实际的严谨作风,拓宽专业视野,增强就业竞争力。 3社会能力目标: (1)培养学生的沟通能力及团队协作精神。 (2)培养学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力。 (3)培养学生用于创新、敬业乐也的工作作风。 (4)培养学生的自我管理、自我约束能力以及环保意识、质量意识、安全意识。 三、课程设计思路 注:主要阐述实习(见习)内容及组织实施 四、教学内容与教学要求 (一)实验(实训)教学项目内容及学时安排 项目编号项目主要教学知识点学习目标 学 时 1 实习 教育 实习概论、安全教育 养成热爱劳动,遵守纪律的好习惯 和理论联系实际的严谨作风。 2 焊接 (1)了解焊接生产的工艺过程、特点 和应用等。 (2)手工电弧焊机的性能及应用等。 (3)电焊条的组成、牌号及作用。 (4)手工电弧焊常用的焊接接头类 型、坡口形式、焊接空间位置等。 (5)了解其它焊接方法(CO2气体保 护焊、氩弧焊等)的特点和应用等。 (1)手工电弧焊: 掌握引弧、运条、 收弧的技术, 并能焊出较整齐的平 焊堆焊焊缝等。 (2)气焊:初步掌握火焰的调节,并 能焊出较整齐的焊缝等。 (3)气割:初步掌握气割的基本方 法。 6 2 车工了解切削加工的基本知识。 (2)卧式车床的型号、组成及用途。 (1)掌握卧式车床的基本操作技能 等。 8



《金工实习》课程标准 (英文课程名称) 一、课程概述 (一)课程基本信息 注:课程基本信息在人才培养方案中查找,务与培养方案保持一致。 (二)课程性质与任务 金工实习》是绿色能源专业的一门职业核心课程。本课程实习以钳工为主,通过该实习,使学生接触生产实际,了解机械加工生产过程,获得机械制造技术的基本实践知识,得到的基本操作技能训练,为学习后续课程和将来从事相关技术工作奠定实践基础。 1 工作任务 (1)熟悉机械制造中基本的毛坯成形方法,零件加工方法及其所用的设备,工、卡、量具,材料等。初步了解常用零件的结构工艺性和加工工艺。 (2)主要工种(焊、车、钳、铣),具有独立完成简单零件制造的基本操作技能,对焊接、铣工等工种有初步的操作体会。 (3)数控加工、特种加工等新技术、新工艺,体验现代工业计算机辅助设计与制造全过程,具有初步操作数控机床与特种加工机床的技能。 (4)培养严谨求实和理论联系实际、综合运用机械制造知识与技能的能力。 (5)在实践中培养劳动观点、合作精神、经济意识,初步培养创新思维能力。。 二、课程目标 (一)总体目标 注:明确所针对的专项能力(或岗位能力)、应形成的技术的培养要求,运用知识、技术解决基础教育(或企业生产、管理)工作实际问题方面的层次要求,培养职

业能力,掌握技术标准(规范)方面应达到的程度。 (二)具体目标 1、认识目标: 通过金工实习,使学生了解机械制造的一般过程,了解钳工的主要加工方法和在机械制造维修中的作用;熟悉各种设备和常用附件和刀具、工具、量具的安全操作使用方法。 2、能力目标: 通过金工实习,使学生具备正确使用常用工具、量具和独立完成简单零件加工能力;能够独立完成含有划线、锯割、挫削、钻孔和攻丝钳工作业件的加工;培养学生认识图纸、加工符号及了解技术条件的能力。使学生通过简单零件加工,巩固和加深机械制图知识及其应用;让学生养成热爱劳动,遵守纪律的好习惯和理论联系实际的严谨作风,拓宽专业视野,增强就业竞争力。 3社会能力目标: (1)培养学生的沟通能力及团队协作精神。 (2)培养学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力。 (3)培养学生用于创新、敬业乐也的工作作风。 (4)培养学生的自我管理、自我约束能力以及环保意识、质量意识、安全意识。 三、课程设计思路 注:主要阐述实习(见习)内容及组织实施 四、教学内容与教学要求


互动问答: 听见音,敲1;看见老师,敲2;两者都OK,敲3. 1. 在屏幕前的你是家长还是学生? 2. 你喜欢写作文吗? 3. 你在写英语作文中遇到的障碍是什么?

趣味问答: 1.Q: Which letter is a part of your face? 2. Q: Which letter is a question? 3. Q :Who is closer to you, your mum or your dad ? 4. Q: How many sides does a house have ?Ii ——eye Yy ——why Mum, because dad is father (同音词farther 更远的). Two , inside and outside .

讲在前面的: 1. 我们致力于打造服务济南市六年级学生的系列课程,以提升学习兴趣、培养学习习惯、提高学习成绩为重,帮助学生做好六升初的过渡衔接。 2. 本次集训营也为系列课程,一共8讲,希望学生和家长准时观看收听,认真记好笔记,集齐8次课程笔记,有资格参加笔记大赛,赢取奖品。

1. 不要刷屏,好好听讲 2. 手边笔记本,随听随写

Welcome to Amanda’s class!

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考研英语二写作讲义 2020年考研英语(二)考试大纲中作文部分的描述如下: 该部分由A、B两节组成,主要考查考生的书面表达能力。共25分。 A节:题型有两种,每次考试选择其中的一种形式。 备选题包括: 1)考生根据所给情景写出一篇约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。 2)考生根据所提供的汉语文章,用英语写出一篇80~100词的该文摘要。 考生在答题卡2上作答,共10分。 B节: 要求考生根据所规定的情景或给出的提纲,写出一篇200词以上的英语说明文或议论文。提示情景的形式为图画、图表或文字等。考生在答题卡2上作答。共20分。 英语二2020年起才有小作文,总共考过2次,都是书信,均为两种类型的混合信:2020年是感谢+邀请,2020年是祝贺+建议。2020年复习重点依然是书信,注意类型的混合搭配。 ◆书信类: 基本模式 书信分为三个部分来写:称呼、正文和签名。 书信格式如下:

常用万能句:I am Zhang Wei, I am writing to you for the purpose of +V-ing. 或者:I am _______, I am writing this letter to +V. 表达建议:I am Li Ming. I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my deepest concern about____________(具体内容题目给出). I sincerely wish you consider my suggestion. 表达感谢;I am ____(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of expressing my sincere thanks. 表达道歉;My name is ______. I am writing to you for the purpose of making an apology due to my carelessness. 表达邀请;I am______(具体名字题目会给出), I am writing to you for the purpose of honorably inviting you to _______ 表达不满;I am_____(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of making a complaint about your_____ (具体事情题目会给出) 表达祝贺;I am____(具体名字题目给出). I am writing to you to express sincere congratulations on your success and happiness! 表达求职:I am Li Ming, who graduates from Shandong University. I am writing you for the purpose of obtaining the position of ____(具体职位题目会给出) 表达辞职;My name is _______(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of quitting my present job. 万能建议段:It must be pointed out that the situation of ____________ is going from bad to worse. Therefore, as far as I am concerned,first of all, Governments departments are required to take effective measures to solve this serious problem. Secondly, different classes in the society need to cooperate closely to pay attention to this problem. At last, as individuals, we should care about it and set up examples for others. 万能祝贺段:As a matter of fact, I know that you have devoted a great deal of precious time as well as energy to it. During the past valuable time and experience, you have obtained not only rich work experience but also wide-spreading interpersonal relationship. Therefore, the past experience has laid solid foundation for the present success. I wish you to accept my heartfelt(发自内心的) congratulations. In fact, I have also learned a lot from your achievement this time. You have set up a brilliant example for us to make success and realize our dreams in the near future. 万能求职段:As a matter of fact, I am quite sure that I am extremely qualified for this position. To begin with, my major learned in the college matches with this position very much. In the second place, I have got three years’ rich experience concerning this position. Thirdly, my character is not only careful but also patient. In addition, I am very open-minded person. Therefore, I consider I am the right person for this position.


Topology 拓扑学 Differential Geometry 微分几何 Mathematical Modeling 数学模型 (Nonlinear)Ordinary Differential Equation (非线性)常微分方程 Partial Differential Equation 偏微分方程 Modern Algebra 抽象代数 Mathematical Finace 数学金融学 Basic Control Theory 控制理论基础 Functional Analysis泛函分析 Mathematical Finance 数学金融学 Real analysis 实变~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析 Algorithmic Language 算法语言 Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路 Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计 Audit 审计学 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统 Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论 Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术 Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础 Calculus 微积分 Catalysis Principles 催化原理 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索 Circuitry 电子线路 College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理 Communication Fundamentals 通信原理 Comparative Economics 比较经济学 Complex Analysis 复变函数论 Computational Method 计算方法 Computer Graphics 图形学原理 computer organization 计算机组成原理 computer architecture 计算机系统结构 Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术 Contract Law 合同法 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术 Database Principles 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计


机械制图 Mechanical Drawing 可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming 金工实习 Metal Working Practice 毕业实习 Graduation Practice理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 材料力学 Material Mechanics 数字电子电路 Fundamental Digital Circuit 机械控制工程 Mechanical Control Engineering 可靠性工程 Reliability Engineering 机械工程测试技术Measurement Techniques of Mechanic Engineering 计算机控制系统 Computer Control System 机器人技术基础 Fundamentals of Robot Techniques 最优化技术 Techniques of Optimum 工程测试与信号处理 Engineering Testing & Signal Processing 金属工艺及设计 Metal Technics & Design 机械工业企业管理 Mechanic Industrial Enterprise Management 机械零件课程设计 Course Design of Machinery Elements 投资经济学 Investment Economics 现代企业管理 Modern Enterprise Administration 市场营销学 Market Selling生产实习 Production Practice 课程设计 Course Exercise 有限元法 FInite Element

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