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Pets5全真模拟题4 听力原文

Pets5全真模拟题4 听力原文
Pets5全真模拟题4 听力原文


Questions 1 ~ 10 :

There are several places in the world that are famous for people who live for a very long time. Theses places are usually mountainous areas, faraway from modem cities. Doctors, scientists and public health experts of ten travel to these regions to solve a mysterious long healthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modem world the secrets of longevity.

Hunza is high in the Hymalayan Mountains of Asia. There, many people over one hundred years of age are still in physical health. Men of ninety are new fathers, and women of fifty still have babies. What are the reasons for this good health? Scientists believe that the people of Hunza have these three benefits: first, physical work, usually in the fields or with animals; second, a healthy environment with clean air and water; and what' s more, a simple diet high in vitamins and nutrition but low in fat, cholesterol, sugar and chemicals.

People in the Caucasus Mountain in Russia are also famous for their longevity. In this area, there are amazing examples of very long-lived people. Birth records are not usually available, but a woman called Tsurba probably lived until age 160; a man called Shirali probably lived until 168. His widow was 120 years old. In general, people not only live a long time, but they also live well. They are almost never sick, and when they die, they have not only their own teeth but also a full head of hair and good eyesight. Vilcabamba, Ecuador, is another area famous for the longevity of its habit-ants. This region--like HunZa and the Caucasus--is also in high mountains, faraway from cities. In Vilcabamba, too, there is very little disease. One reason for the good health of the people might be the clean, beautiful environment :the temperature is about 70 Fahrenheit all year long; the wind always comes from the same direction; and the region is rich in flowers, fruits, vegetables and wildlife.

In some ways, the diets of the habitants in the three regions are quite different. Hunzukuts eat mainly raw vegetables, fruit (especially apricots),and chapattis--a kind of pancake; they eat meat only a few times a year. The Caucasian diet consists mainly of milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit and meat; most people there drink the local red wine daily. In Vilcabamba, people eat a small amount of meat each week, but the diet consists largely of grain, corns, beans, potatoes and fruit.

Experts find one surprising fact in the mountains of Ecuador. Most people there, even the very old, consume a lot of coffee, drink a large amount of alcohol, and smoke forty to sixty cigarettes daily.

However, the diets are similar in two general ways : first, the fruits andvegetables that the inhabitants of the three areas eat are all natural; that is,they contain no chemicals and second, the people consume fewer calories than people do in the other parts of the world. A typical North American

takes in an average of 3,300 calories every day; a typical inhabitant of these mountainous areas between 1,700 and 2,000 calories.

Inhabitants in the three regions have more in common calories, natural food, their mountains and their distance from modem cities, because these people live in countryside and are mostly farmers, their lives are physically hard. Thus, they do not need to go to health clubs because they get a lot exercise in their daily work. In addition, although, their lives are hard, the people do not seem to have the worries of city people. Their lives are quiet. Consequently, some experts believe that physical exercise and freedom from worry might be the two most important secrets of longevity.

Questions 11 ~ 13 :

M : I really don' t know what to do this summer. I can' t afford to just sit a-

round, and there don' t seem to be any jobs available.

W:Why don' t you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Sally house-sat for the Gammons when they went away on vacation. Mrs. Gammonhired Sally to stay in their house because she didn! t want it left empty.

M: You mean the Gammons paid Sally just to live in their house?

W:It wash' t easy. She had to mow the lawn and water the house plants. And when Jodi house-sat for Mr. Johnson, he had to take care of his pets.

M:House-sitting sounds like a good job. I guess it' s a little like baby-sit-

ting-except you' re taking care of a house instead of children.

W:The student employment office s011 has a few jobs posted.

M:Do I just have to fill out an application?

W:Sally and Jodi had to interview with the homeowners and provided three

references each.

M: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W :Well, the homeowners want some guarantee so that they can trust the house-sitter. You know, they want to make sure you're not the type who' 11 throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you.

M : House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren' t paid then.

W: Usually they' re paid anyway just because the homeowners don' t want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldn't be able to get another job. So if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldn' t be able to get another job. So why don' t you apply?

M:Yeah, I think I will.

Questions 14 ~ 16:

M :Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently?

It was quite a tragic accident!

W:No, I didn't see anything in the news about it. What happened?

M : A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in

Argentina and flew into a hill!

W :That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive?

M :No, everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.

W:What were the circumstances? Were they bad weather, a fire, or engine

failure ?

M:Apparently, there were some low clouds in the area, but mostly it was just miscommurtication between the pilots and the air traffic controllers.

W: Weren' t they both speaking in English, the official international aviation


M :Yes they were, but the transition from poor quality radios was slightly distorted and the accents of the Spanish speaking controllers was so strong that the pilots misunderstood a vital instruction.

W:How could a misunderstanding like that cause such a serious accident?

M:The pilots were told to descend to 22,000 feet. The instruction actually meant 22,000 feet,

but they thought they heard descend 2,000 feet. That' s a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed, but it was not. Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in Norweija ascend to2,000 feet.

W:So the pilots did descend to the wrong altitude then, because they were following the air controller' s instructions.

M:Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a really bad mistake. Many people died as a result of the simply misunderstanding.

W:Wow., that' s a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately communicate with each other.

Questions 17 ~ 20 :

Now, .let me first give you a brief introduction to the American poet, Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was America' s best-known female poet and one of the foremost authors in American literature. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Dickinson was the middle child of a prominent lawyer and one-term United States congressional representative, Edward Dickinson, and his wife, Emily Norcross Dickinson. From 1840 to 1847 she attended the Amherst Academy, and from 1847 to 1848 she studied at the Mount HolyokeFemale Seminary (now Mount Holyoke College) in South Hadley, a few trips to Boston for eye treatments in the early 1860s, Dickinson remained in Amherst, living in the same house on Main Street from 1855 until her death. During her lifetime, she published only about 10 of her nearly 2,000 poems, in newspapers, Civil War journals, and a poetry anthology. The first volume of Poems of Emily Dickinson was published in 1890, after Dickinson' s death.

Although few of Dickinson' s poems were formally published during her life time, she herself "published" by sending out at least one-third of her poems in the more than 1,000 letters she wrote to at least 100 different correspondents. Dickinson' s method of binding about 800 of her poems into 40manuscript books and distributing several hundred of them in letters is now widely recognized as her particular form of self-publication. She also read her poems aloud to several people, including her cousins Louise and FrancesNorcross, over a period of three decades.

Well, that' s all about her life. Now shall we concentrate on her famous poem, "Success is Counted Sweetest".

Questions 21 ~ 30:

W:Dr. Huber, when did you first become interested in physics and music?

M:I can' t remember a time when I wasn' t interested in physics. When 1was a child, I was very curious about the world around me. For example, I always wondered why light behaves the way it does. I found i! more fun to play with a prism than to play with the kids in the neighbor-hood. I wasn' t very social, but I was really into figuring out how things worked. I got my own telescope when I was eight years old, and I loved to take it out at night and go star gazing.

I would look at the planets and stars and wonder what was out there. When I was ten. my father bought

me a book on the universe, and I just ate it up. In fact, I still have that book right here in my office.

It was the same with music. I' ve always had a natural ear for music, perfect pitch. Even as a young child, if I heard a song on the radio, I could go right to the piano and play it. When I heard a sound like the ring of a telephone, I could identify its pitch and play the note on the piano. However, I didn' t develop a serious interest in becoming a pianist until ! was in college. I also

seemed to do well in school in the visual arts like painting and drawing.

W :What commonality do you see between music and physics?

M:There is a common misconception that art and science are completely separated from each other. I think the distinction is artificial. In reality, art and science are not as mutually exclusive as one might assume. Solving a complicated mathematical problem, for example, can require the same degree of creative thinking as painting a landscape or writing a poem. I feel an indefinable tingle when I play the Schumann Concerto or dance the pas de deux from Romeo and Juliet. I get that the same tingle from theoretical physics.

The beauty of art is readily apparent to most people. However, in the case of theoretical physics, the beauty is not nearly as accessible to the general public, but it is every bit as exciting. Nature seems to follow certain principles, very much the same as art does.

It's not uncommon for physicists to become accomplished musicians. Music theory is a very mathematical discipline. Relationships among various notes in classical harmony are based on simple mathematical relationships.

W:You have said that physics is beautiful. What makes it beautiful to you?

M: To me, it' s incredible the way nature seems to work so perfectly. I think it is beautiful. I always tell my students on the first day of class. "If you like reading Sherlock Holmes detective stories, you' I1 like doing physics problems. " Physics is about figuring things out--discovering how they work, just like a detective.

A lot of people fear physics because they view it as a big complicated jumble of facts that have to be memorized. But that' s not true. It' san understanding of how nature works, how the various parts interact. One can view art and literature as the relationships and interactions of ideas. In the same way, physics studies the relationships and interactions of concepts. In other words, to me art and science fundamentally attempt to achieve the same objective--understanding of the world around us!

The whole universe seems to follow some very basic principles as it evolves in with time, some of these principles including the Conservation of Energy and the Conservation of Angular Momentum. The conservation laws of physics are like non-interest bearing checking accounts. In the case of energy conservation, you can make energy deposits and energy withdrawals, but all the energy is accounted for.

The rotation of objects is governed by a law called the Conservation of Angular Momentum, which applies to everything in the universe including the rotation of stars, the rotation of the planets and their orbits, the behavior of an electron in an atom, the spin of a figure skater, and the rotation of wheels on a truck. What it all comes down to in the end is that everything in the universe fits together like the pieces of a perfect puzzle. As Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. "


全真模拟试题(1) 一、选择题 在下列各题的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确的选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 (1)为了避免流程图在描述程序逻辑时的灵活性,提出了用方框图来代替传统的程序流程图,通常也把这种图称为 A)PAD图 B)N-S图 C)结构图 D)数据流图 (2)结构化程序设计主要强调的是 A)程序的规模 B)程序的效率 C)程序设计语言的先进性 D)程序易读性 (3)为了使模块尽可能独立,要求 A)模块的内聚程度要尽量高,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量强 B)模块的内聚程度要尽量高,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量弱 C)模块的内聚程度要尽量低,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量弱 D)模块的内聚程度要尽量低,且各模块间的耦合程度要尽量强 (4)需求分析阶段的任务是确定 A)软件开发方法 B)软件开发工具 C)软件开发费用 D)软件系统功能 (5)算法的有穷性是指 A)算法程序的运行时间是有限的 B)算法程序所处理的数据量是有限的 C)算法程序的长度是有限的 D)算法只能被有限的用户使用 (6)对长度为n的线性表排序,在最坏情况下,比较次数不是n(n-1)/2的排序方法是 A)快速排序 B)冒泡排序 C)直接插入排序 D)堆排序 (7)如果进栈序列为e1,e2,e3,e4,则可能的出栈序列是 A)e3,e1,e4,e2 B)e2,e4,e3,e1 C)e3,e4,e1,e2 D) 任意顺序

(8)将E-R图转换到关系模式时,实体与联系都可以表示成 A)属性 B)关系 C)键 D)域 (9)有三个关系R、S和T如下: 由关系R和S通过运算得到关系T,则所使用的运算为 A)并 B)自然连接 C)笛卡尔积 D)交 (10)下列有关数据库的描述,正确的是 A)数据处理是将信息转化为数据的过程 B)数据的物理独立性是指当数据的逻辑结构改变时,数据的存储结构不变 C)关系中的每一列称为元组,一个元组就是一个字段 D)如果一个关系中的属性或属性组并非该关系的关键字,但它是另一个关系的关键字,则称 其为本关系的外关键字 (11)连编应用程序不能生成的文件是 A).app文件 B).exe文件 C).dll文件 D).prg文件 (12)运算结果是字符串"book"的表达式是 A)LEFT(″mybook″,4) B)RIGHT(″bookgood″,4) C)SUBSTR(″mybookgood″,4,4) D)SUBSTR(″mybookgood″,3,4) (13)在Visual FoxPro中,下列各项的数据类型所占字符的字节数相等的是 A)日期型和逻辑型 B)日期型和通用型


2013年保险销售人考试全真模拟题及答案(2) 1、根据《保险营销员管理规定》,展业证的业务范围和销售区域与所属保险公司经营许可证上的业务范围和经营区域之间的大小关系是() A.前者必须大于后者 B.前者必须等于后者 C.前者必须小于后者 D.前者必须小于或等于后者 答案:D 2、保险代理业务人员开展保险代理业务,应当主动向客户出示的证书有() A.资格证书和执业证书 B.营业证书和执业证书 C.身份证书和资格证书 D.执业证书和代理合同 答案:A 3、依据我国反不正当竞争法规定,不正当竞争行为的表现形式之一是() A.投标者和招标者相互勾结,排挤竞争对手的公平竞争 B.处理有效期限即将到期的商品或者其他积压的商品 C.因清偿债务.转产.歇业降价销售商品 D.季节性降价 答案:A 4、优质客户服务的测定标准是()。 A.服务给人印象如何深刻 B.服务的个性化程度

C.服务满足客户期望的程度 D.服务的新颖化程度 答案:C 5、某公众责任保险保单规定的每次事故赔偿限额是100万元,累计责任限额是1000万元,免赔额为1万元。如果一次公众责任事故导致受害人财产损失56万元,人身损失35万元,且依法全部由被保险人赔偿。则保险人承担的保险赔款金额是()。 A.89万元 B.90万元 C.91万元 D.100万元 答案:B 6、根据《保险营销员管理规定》,保险营销员在从事保险营销活动过程中每年接受的.经中国保监会认可的培训机构组织的专业培训属于()。 A.后续教育 B.技能训练 C.熟练提高 D.岗前培训 答案:A 7、符合中国保监会规定的资格条件,经中国保监会批准取得经营保险代理业务许可证,根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取保险代理手续费,在保险人授权的范围内专门代为办理保险业务的单位,被称为()。 A.保险兼业代理机构 B.个人保险代理机构 C.综合保险代理机构


听力模拟试题(一) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? A. A school bag. B. A record. C. A theater ticket. 2. What will the woman tell the man? A. Her company’s name. B. Her new address. C. Her phone number 3. When can the woman get the computer? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 4. Where is Mary going? A. Home B. To the park C. To the bus stop 5. Where are the man and the woman probably talking? A. Inside a bookstore. B. Outside an art museum. C. Outside a sports center. 第二节听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What sports does the man like to play after work? A. Table tennis, running and golf. B. Tennis, jogging and golf. C. Tennis, running and golf. 7. How often does the man play golf? A. About once seven days. B. About once thirty days. C. About once a year.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What kind of room does the man want to take? A. A single room. B. A double room. C. A room for three. 9. What does the man need to put in the form?


Unit 1 A time to remember Conversation 2A Ted: Ana: Oh, I ' m really sorry. Are you OK? I ' m fine. But I ' m not very good at this. Ted: Ana: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Yes, I am, originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Ana: Did you grow up there? Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school. Ted: Ana: And where did you learn to Rollerblade? Here in the park. This is only my second time. Ted: Ana: Well, it ' s my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Sure, Just follow me. Ted: Ana: By the way, my name is Ted. And I ' m Ana. Nice to meet you. Conversation 2B Ted: Ana: Hey, that was fun. Thanks for the lesson! No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: Ana: I work in a travel agency. Really! What do you do there? Ted: Ana: I 'm in charge of their computers. Oh, so you ' re a computer specialist. Ted: Ana: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. That 's greTaht.en maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I 'm taking. Ted: Ana: Oh, sure . . . but only if you promise to give me some more Rollerblading lessons. It ' s a deal! Listening 4 Yu Hong Interviewer: Yu Hong: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? I'm from china . . . from nearShanghai. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And when did you move here? I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And what do you do now? I ' m a transportation engineer. Interviewer: Yu Hong: I see. So you ' re an immigrant to the United States. Yes, thats ri'ght. Interviewer: Yu Hong: What are some of the difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Oh, that ' s not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don ' t have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but that thing. In china, on holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn ' t the same here. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And what do you miss the most from home? Oh, that 's easy: my mom 'Shsesomuapk!es great soup. I really miss my mother 's cooking. Ajay Interviewer: Ajay: Where are you from, Ajay? I ' m fromIndia. Interviewer: And when did you move to the U.S.?


全真模拟试题一 ● 竞赛时间3小时。迟到超过半小时者不能进考场。开始考试后1小时内不得离场。时间 到,把试卷(背面朝上)放在桌面上,立即起立撤离考场。 ● 试卷装订成册,不得拆散。所有解答必须写在指定的方框内,不得用铅笔填写。草稿纸 在最后一页。不得持有任何其他纸张。 ● 姓名、报名号和所属学校必须写在首页左侧指定位置,写在其他地方者按废卷论处。 ● 允许使用非编程计算器以及直尺等文具。 1.008Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Ac-Lr H Li Be B C N O F Na Mg Al Si P Cl S K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Cs Fr Sr Ba Ra Y La Lu -6.9419.01222.9924.31 39.1040.0885.4787.62132.9137.3[223][226]44.9647.8850.9452.0054.9455.8558.9363.5558.6965.3910.8126.9869.7212.0128.0972.61114.8204.4118.7207.2112.4200.6107.9197.0106.4195.1102.9192.2101.1190.298.91186.295.94183.992.91180.991.22178.588.9114.0116.0019.0030.9774.92121.8 209.032.0778.96127.6[210][210] [210]126.979.9035.454.003 20.18 39.9583.80 131.3[222]He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn 相对原子质量 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt 第1题(12分)最近出版的“重大发现记实”中,Cute 教授发表了关于外星文明遗迹的研究结果。他认为外星人与人类非常相似,他们可能在亿万年前来过地球,留下了非常奇异的碑记。一些碑文已经破译被证明是外星人当地大学的大学生所用的普通化学教科书的几章。这些内容的最初几行就相当今人,看上去象是那个奇妙的世界里的物质定律,与我们的星球所遵循的规律不同。特别是原子结构也用四个量子数来描述,只有一个重大的区别: n =1,2,3…… L =0,1,2,3,…,(n -1) M =-2L ,-(2L -1),…,-1,0,+1,…,+(2L -1),+2L M S =+1/2,-1/2 Cute 教授允诺要继续发表相关研究,一旦他找到了财政支持,将继续他的破译工作并描述出X 星球上的周期表和一些基础化学内容。然而以揭示的碑文内容就足以预见一些重要事实。 1-1 试创造出X 周期表的前两个周期,为简便起见,用我们的化学符号来表示与我们原子有相同电子的X 原子; 1-2 猜测在那里可用作洗涤和饮用的X -水可能是什么?写出全部可能,并说明理由。


笔试模拟题(一) 听力原文 Listening Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences. Each sentence will be spoken twice. At the end of each sentence there will be a pause. During the pause, you are required to fill in the corresponding blank according to what you’ve heard. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. Example: You’ll hear: Mr. White is leaving at 1:30 and won’t be back until 5:00, so you can call him after that. You’ll read: Mr. White will not be back before _________. From the sentence we learn that Mr. White will not be back before 5:00. Therefore you should write 5:00 in the corresponding blank on your Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin. 1.They have ordered 8,000 dozen Pure Cotton Bed Sheet at US$220 per dozen, CIF New York. 2.If you increase your order to 1,000 sets, we’ll reduce our price by 3%. 3.Sode is a company with over 50 years of experience of multi-service in over 70 countries. 4.Bill Mason, M-a-s-o-n, applies for Operations Manager, and Tom Hans, H-a-n-s, applies for Sales Administrator. 5.The gross weight is 128,934 kilograms, while the net is 123,467 kilograms. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you are required to read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A. She will post it later. B. She could not contact the man. C. She’s not sure if the computer is fixed. D. She can’t send it right now. From the conversation we learn that the woman cannot send the new catalogue immediately. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Now the test will begin. 6.M: Our headquarters is in Beijing, but we do a lot of business with Australia. To work here, you’ll have to speak English. W: I can speak fluent English. As shown in my resume, my TOEFL score is 600. Q: Who is the woman? 7.W: Look! Our stock is down nearly 15 points. Shouldn’t we sell it? M: No. Please be patient. I believe it will go back up again before close. Q: What are they talking about? 8.W: Well, well, we’ll reduce the price by 5%. I hope this sets the ball rolling. M: I’m afraid the ball can hardly roll very far. Certainly, it’s a step forward. But the gap is still


Lesson 13 Lesley: Ah ... it's such a lovely day. It reminds me of last week, doesn't it you? Fiona: Oh don't! I mean that was just so fantastic, that holiday! Lesley: I love that city, you know. Fiona: I do too. Really, it's got something about it, a certain sort of charm ... Lesley: Mm, and all that wine and good food ... Fiona: And so cheap. Right, I mean, compared to here ... Lesley: Yes, although the shops are expensive. Fiona: Mm, yes. Lesley: I mean, really I bought nothing at all. I just ate and ate and drank and drank. Fiona: I know. Wasn't that lovely? Lesley: Yes, and I, I go there. I like listening to the people talking, sitting outside drinking wine. Fiona: Yes. Could you understand what they were saying? When they were speaking quickly, I mean. Lesley: Well, it is difficult, of course. And then I liked that tower, too. Fiona: You liked that tower? I'm not sure about it, really. (No) It's very unusual, right in the centre of the city. Lesley: True, but there's a lovely view from the top. Fiona: Oh, you went right up, didn't you? (Mm, yes) Oh no, I didn't. Lesley: Of course you didn't. Fiona: I remember that day. We weren't together. Lesley: No, that's right. (Mm) You went down by the river, didn't you? Fiona: That's it. Oh, walking along the river and all the couples (Yes) and it's so romantic ... (Is it true) and the paintings too ... Lesley: They do have artists down by the river, do they? (Yes) Oh, how lovely! Fiona: Oh, it really is super. Lesley: Yes. Oh, I think we ought to go back there again next year, don't you? Fiona: I do, yes. (Mm) If only just to sample some more of the wine. Lesley: It'd be lovely, wouldn't it? Fiona: Yes. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Come in. How are you? John: Fine, thanks. Peter. And how are you? I expect your patients are keeping you busy at this time of year? Peter: Ah, well. I can't really complain. Let me take your coat. There we are. Well, now, I don't think you've met Ann Patterson, have you? Ann, this is John Middleton. He's the local schoolteacher. Ann: Oh! How do you do? John: How do you do? Ann: Well, that's very interesting. Perhaps you'll be looking after my son. Peter: Yes, that's right. Ann and her family have just moved into the old barn, up by the village hall. They're in the process of doing it up now. Ann: Yes, there's an awful lot needs doing, of course. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Er, please excuse me for a moment. I think that was the doorbell. John: Well, if I can give you a hand with anything ... I'm something of a handyman in my spare time, you know. I live just over the road. Ann: That's very kind of you. I'm an architect myself, so ... Oh, look! There's someone I know, Eileen! Eileen: Ann, fancy seeing you here! How's life? Ann: Oh, mustn't grumble. Moving's never much fun though, is it? Anyway, how are things with you? You're still at the same estate agent's. I suppose? Eileen: Oh yes. I can't see myself leaving, well, not in the foreseeable future. Ann: Oh, I quite forgot. Do you two know each other? John: Yes, actually, we've met on many an occasion. Hello, Eileen. You see, we play in the same orchestra. Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know anything about that. Eileen: Yes, actually, just amateur stuff, you know—once a week—I come down from London when I can get a baby-sitter for Joanna. Paul: Er ... excuse me, I hope you don't mind my butting in. My name's Paul Madison. I couldn't help overhearing what you said about an orchestra. John: Come and join the party. I'm John Middleton. This is Ann Patterson and Eileen ... or ... I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I know your surname? Eileen: Hawkes. Pleased to meet you, Paul. You play an instrument, do you? Paul: Yes, I'm over here on a scholarship to study the bassoon (loud yawn from Ann) at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years. Ann: Oh, I am sorry. It must be all that hard work on the barn ...

第三套全真模拟试题 (1)

第三套全真模拟试题 一、选择题 1、[单选题]在Word的编辑状态,连续进行了两次"插入"操作,当单击二次"撤消"按钮后________。 (A)、将第一次插入的内容全部取消 (B)、将两次插入的内容全部取消 (C)、将第二次插入的内容全部取消 (D)、两次插入的内容都不被取消 2、[单选题]Windows将整个计算机显示屏幕看作是_________。 (A)、窗口 (B)、桌面 (C)、工作台 (D)、背景 3、[单选题]要在Word中建一个表格式简历表,最简单的方法是______。 (A)、用绘图工具进行绘制 (B)、在新建中选择简历向导中的表格型向导 (C)、用插入表格的方法 (D)、在“表格”菜单中选择表格自动套用格式 4、[单选题]在Windows中,打开“开始”菜单的组合键是_________。 (A)、【Alt】+【Esc】 (B)、【Shift】+【Esc】 (C)、【Alt】+【Ctrl】 (D)、【Ctrl】+【Esc】 5、[单选题]为了解决IP数字地址难以记忆的问题,引入了域服务系统______。 (A)、 PNS (B)、 MNS (C)、 DNS (D)、 SNS 6、[单选题]在Word文档中输入复杂的数学公式,执行______命令。 (A)、“插入”菜单中的对象 (B)、“格式”菜单中的样式 (C)、“表格”菜单中的公式 (D)、“插入”菜单中的数字 7、[单选题]与十六进制数AB等值的十进制数是________。 (A)、 172 (B)、 173 (C)、 170 (D)、 171 8、[单选题]下面关于工作表与工作簿的论述正确的是________。 (A)、一个工作簿的多张工作表类型相同,或同是数据表,或同是图表


高三英语全真模拟试卷(二) 一、词汇判断 ()1.运输,交通 A.traffic B.telecast C.transportation D.transfer ()2.实践;练习 A.prepare B.proper C.progress D.practice ()3.环境 A.environment B.movement C.government D.equipment ()4.明确的;坚决的;果断的 A.debut B.decade C.detailed D.determined ()5.期待,预料,指望 A.tension B.expectation C.experience D.transportation ()6.禁止,禁令 A.bank B.book C.bar D.ban ()7.电的 A.electric B.historical C.light D.lightly ()8.赞成,承认 A.amplify B.amputee C.approval D.apologize ()9.无限的;无约束的 A.crowded B.detailed C.health D.unlimited ()10.吵架,争吵 A.quarrel B.quarter C.apologize D.apology 二、选择填空 ()11.We are told that the journalist _____ a speech on teenage problems next Monday. A.will make B.makes C.is making D.has made ()12.The man was seriously hurt in the accident and he _____ to hospital at once. A.was taken B.took C.will be taken D.takes ()13._____ a post office, I stopped to buy some stamps. A.Passing B.Passed C.Passes D.To pass ()14.I heard them _____ in the classroom last night. A.sings B.singing C.sang D.to sing ()15.Which is the _____, the sun, the moon or the earth? A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.more big ()16.The girls were very _____ at the news. A.excited B.exciting C.interesting D.interest ()17.I’m very happy because it’s my _____ fifteenth birthday today. A.the B.an C.a D./ ()18.Miss Wang teaches _____ English. She is _____ favorite teacher.

新题型大学英语四级听力全真模拟试题听力原文 (16)

TEST 15 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. 1. W: I thought you were going to pick up some strawberries to have after dinner. M: I went by Bailey’s Market to get some, but they were fresh out. Q: What does the man mean? 2. M: I hate missing breakfast! W: Me too, but if we’d stopped for breakfast, we would have missed the appointment. Q: What did the speakers do this morning? 3. M: Is this Dr. Goldsmith’s office? W: No. This is room 301. Dr. Goldsmith’s office is right downstairs from here. Q: Where is Dr. Goldsmith’s office? 4. W: What did you think of Brenda’s story? M: To tell you the truth, I found it hard to keep a straight face while she was telling it. Q: How did the man feel about the story? 5. W: Excuse me, sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only. M: I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the sign. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 6. M: I would like to move to the suburbs, but I don’t have enough money to pay the high taxes. W: I wish you could. It’s nice to live there. Q: Why isn’t the man moving to the suburbs? 7. M: Good morning. This is John Parker speaking. I’m just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smith’s expecting you at three o’clock. Q: Why is the man making the phone call? 8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them? W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore! Q: What does the woman mean?


英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Lesson 16 Section One: Men and Women III. Exercises: A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T B.(1) --- (d, i, m); (2) --- (a, c, e, j, l); (3) --- (h); (4) --- (f); (5) --- (b, g); (6) --- (k); C. 1. all her up about, your side of 2. for sale 3. house-trained, reasonably trained, two years, two weeks, needs training, within 4. 25p, all a man was worth 5. staring me in the face, blew me top 6. blamed me for 7. egged her on 8. came off, barged into 9. blown over, a world of good Section Two: Task 1: The Suffragette Movement A. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4.b B. 1. She would feel highly insulted. 2. They got the right to vote and some of them became members of the Parliament. 3. They have been useful in helping women in their jobs in other vocations. 4. She didn’t want to vote. 5. She feels all right joining men in their world of work and sport. But she is happy to leave politics to men. C. 1. approve of 2. a good laugh 3. In the long term 4. interfered with, a few boos and there, clapping 5. different to, at their own job 6. a great thrill on the race track Task 2: Sex Discrimination A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F B. 1. sit under, fall off, got to stand up 2. being discriminated against, at least to some extent 3. proved wrong, removes, valid grounds for 4. stamp it out 5. a great shame, go round

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