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图表作文提示部分包括图表和文字要点提示两部分。图表的类型主要有:圆形(饼型)图(pie chart)、柱形图(直型图)(graph)、曲线图(chart)和数据统计表(表格)(table)。图表作文的写作内容包括综合理解、客观详述和主观表达。





As can be seen from the table, the past decade has witnessed dramatic changes in①______. While ②_______. It is obvious from the table that③_________.

What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What’s more, ⑥_______. Last but not least, ⑦________.

In conclusion, ⑧_________. Moreover, ⑨________.

范文:How People Spent Their Holidays

Year 1990 1995 2000

Traveling 37% 51% 76%

Staying at home 63% 49% 24%

1. 上图所示为1990、1995、2000年某城市人们度假方式的情况,请描述其变化:

2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因。

3. 得出结论。

How People Spent Their Holidays

As can be seen from the table, the past decade have witnessed dramatic changes in the way people spent their holiday between 1990 and 2000.In 1990, 63% of people spent their holidays at home, while the figure dropped considerably to 24% in 2000. It is obvious from the table that people tended to be more and more mobile, and they wanted to get entertainment in the outside world.

What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, with the rapid development of economy, people earn by far more money than they used to. Thus, people are able to afford traveling expenses. Secondly, people think it important to get well-informed about the outside world in this new era when everything is on the move. Traveling, of course, is a sure way to achieve this goal. What's more, in this competitive society, people are usually under great stress. However, it is not difficult to find traveling an effective way to relieve people's stress and get relaxation. Last but not least, by traveling outside, people are close to nature, which is not only beneficial to both their health and peace of mind.

In conclusion, people prefer to go traveling rather than stay at home during holidays for a combination of reasons. Moreover, it seems that this trend will last in the foreseeable future.



1) During the period from _______to _______, ________rose from ________to _______, while _______ decreased from _______ to _______.

2) We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First,____. Second, ____. Third, _____.

3) ___.We are happy to see that things are becoming better and better nowadays. We can imagine that ___.

范文:Health Gains in Developing Countries

1.以下图为依据描述发展中国家的期望寿命(1ife expectancy)和婴儿死亡率(infant mortality)的变化情况


Health Gains in Developing Countries

During the period from 1960 to 1990, the life expectancy of developing countries rose from 40 years to nearly 60 years, while infant mortality decreased from 200 deaths per 1000 births to around 100.

We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First, economy develops quickly in developing countries during this period, and living quality improves significantly as a result. Second, people's health conditions also become better and better with the development of national health care systems. When they become richer and richer, they care more about personal health conditions. Third, medical sciences also develop at a fantastic speed, and it is much safer for mothers to give birth.

We are happy to see that things are becoming better and better nowadays. We can imagine that people will live longer and the infant mortality will again fall.



1) During the period between _______ and ________, ________ declined abruptly from

_______ to ________, while ________ increased sharply from ________ to _______.

2) Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with _________ is much cheaper and more convenient__________ . Apart from that, _________.

3) However, there are still a number of people who _________, generally for two reasons. On one hand,________. On the other hand, ________.

范文:Film Is Giving Way to TV

1. 电影观众越来越少

2. 电视观众越来越多,因为……

3. 然而,还是有人喜欢看电影,因为……

Film Is Giving Way to TV

During the period between 1975 and 1985,film-goers declined abruptly from 85,000 to about 12,000, while TV-watchers increased sharply from 5,000 to more than 100,000.

Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with a film, TV is much cheaper and more convenient --you don't have to leave your house at all. Apart from that, you have many choices while watching TV, but a film concentrates on a certain topic.

However, there are still a number of people who enjoy going to the cinema, generally for two reasons. On the one hand, the audio-visual effect of a cinema is much better. On the other hand, in a quiet and comfortable place such as a cinema, you can concentrate on what you are watching and get the most of the film.



It seems to me that the cartoon / drawing is sending a message about ____________(图画内容),which reveals ____________(稍作评价).In my perspective of view, ____________ (表明个人观点)。

Apparently, ____________(将个人观点和图片内容相结合,得出观点。)For one thing, ____________(从社会角度论证). For another thing, ____________(从个人角度说明). For example, ____________(自己、朋友或他人,只要自己知道或听过的例子).Last but not least, ____________(从反面角度谈论). As a result, the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _____________(建议或措施).Only in this way can we ____________(展望结果).

In conclusion / To my understanding, ____________(再次表明观点或态度). We should ____________(进一步说明个人的观点).

According to the bar chart / pie chart / line graph displays the changes in the number of____________(图表整体趋势). There was an increase in ____________(图表细节).

At the point of ____________, ____________reaches its peak value of ____________(数据或变化). What has caused these changes? There are mainly three reasons. Firstly, ____________ (原因一).Secondly, ____________(原因二). The number of ____________ increased over the period. ____________ rose by _________ from ________ to ________________. And there were____________. Finally, ____________(最后一个原因).

In conclusion / We can safely draw the conclusion that ____________(结论). Therefore, ____________(进一步谈论更多个人想法).

In the picture, there is a student talking to his father with the words that “Why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?” How vivid is the picture to show the young generations’ dependence on high technologies such as the phone. But in my opinion, high technologies cannot replace going to school at all.

Three points can account for my view. Firstly, without going to school, we cannot learn basic knowledge and ethics that phones are unable to teach us. Secondly, without going to school, we cannot learn skills to make good use of high technologies. Thirdly, without going to school, we cannot learn disciplines and unity with people around us. In school, not only do we acquire knowledge but we learn how to communicate with people.

In a word, no matter how high technologies are powerful, they totally cannot replace going to school.

As is illustrated in the picture, a pupil is asking his father why he is going to school if his phone already knows everything. It can be known that the pupil lacks a thorough understanding of going to school.

Compared with the phone, there are certain things that can be only achieved by going to school. In the first place, going to school endows us with the experiences of getting along with others. Only by contacting people can our interpersonal skills be developed. The phone only provides information in an environment where there is just the phone and you. Secondly, you can consult your teacher face to face about

any detail of your question, which cannot be done on your phone. Last but not least, school is a place where you can learn to be independent. If you stay with your parents all the time, you will never truly grow up.

To conclude, it’s a necessity for kids to go to school. It is a truth which should be well acknowledged that school can never be replaced by the phone.





This picture vividly describes that the person uses a computer in the whole day even when he falls asleep at night. What the cartoon conveys is the impact of computers on people. New products are being invented every minute of every day, all of which will hold sway over people in some respects. However, in all these technologies and products, computers have exerted the most important influence on people. Some people assert that computers have made life more complex and stressful, while some people believe that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time. I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. For example,

if I have some trouble studying,I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. In a word, in spite of the fact the computer appears to have made life more complex and stressful, I feel that the advantages are more obvious, which have become an integral part of everyday life。


This modern life

As is shown in the above picture, people sit in front of the computer all day and night, even in their dreams they’re still playing computer games. Such

thought-provoking phenomenon is, especially among young people, prevail in our modern life.

It’s true that the computer has brought great convenience to our modern life. However, as is illustrated in the picture, the overuse of it may lead to several bad consequences. To begin with, there is evidence that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from computers may cause many health problems, like insomnia, headaches, and even cancer. In addition, when people immerse himself in the world of computer, they tend to pay less attention to the

surroundings, and excessive use of the computer means much less chance of face-to-face interactions with people who populate their real lives.

In conclusion, while computers have contribute a lot to making our life more convenient, we should use them appropriately.


首段:As is clearly depicted from a series of cartoons that a man is excessively dependent on the computer whether in working and playing or at home and sleeping. The impact of the computer on daily life is such seriousness that it is high time we paid attention to it.

展开段:In the first place, due to the wide application of the computer, some people called net friends always take priority over our family and friends in real life. The bulk of each day including our time and energy is spent on the Internet. What’s more, the Internet deprives us of the delight in communication with others. When taking to someone by us, we can hear their voices, see their expressions, and even hold their hands if we would like to. Last but not least, the computer will lead to a decline of our skills of face-to-face communication. Thus we may feel embarrassed and find it harder to communicate with people around us.

结论段:To sum up, we shouldn’t be dependent on the computer excessively. No matter how convenient and speedy it is, we should remember the advantage of face-to-face communication.

Parents’role in their children’s growth

As is prescribed in the picture, the girl told her mother, “Good news mom! I was accepted to the college of your choice.”We can infer that the mom chooses college for her child, but should the parents make such decision for their children? As far as I concerned, parents can give advice for their children instead of making decisions for them.

Firstly, parents always want to give their children the best, however, they cannot completely understand their children’s interest and can’t sure what the most suitable is to their children. They just give their children what they consider the best, regardless of what their children want and what they like. So the best way to show your love is to respect children’s choice. Secondly, the children should responsible for their own life. Parents can company their children decades of years, but they cannot company their children’s whole life. Parents can give their children

advice, but teach their children to be independent is more important in their growth.

To sum up, parents can give their children advice, but they should respect their children’s choice. After all, children will grow up one day, and they must learn how to live independent and be responsible for their own life.

As the

drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in today's China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of information age, people are becoming increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people, and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we individuals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationship are reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.



From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many people crossing the street. Instead of looking at the way, they are staring at their cell phones and using walking sticks to see. It is obvious that they are fascinated with cell phones while even ignore their security.

We learn from the cartoon that cell phones have been increasingly widespread in people's life. Cell phones are of great benefit to all of us. One of the most obvious advantages is that we can contact with our friends and relatives more conveniently than ever before. However, it is mobile-phones' advantages that lead some people to overuse or be addicted to them, which tends to exert a negative impact on our life. For example, oversusing cellphones will reduce face-to-face communication among people. It seems that most of us enjoy the convenience of contact at the expense of interpersonal relationships. Moreover,entertaining electronic games, magnanimous information and a bewildering variety of social networking tools in mobile phones have occupied much of our time. Information distribution tools and social networking tools, in particular, have attracted all of our attention, which tempts us to keep our eyes on the screen around the corner of every second. Then, do not expect us to talk with the people around us, we don't have time! This, has resulted in a phenomenon of "alienation between acquaintances and familiarity between strangers".

Science and technology and modern tools should be served as an "angel" to improve our living strandard, rather than a devil to disturb our normal life and communication. Just imagine, live one day without mobile phone, will you be relaxed? Or anxious ? (279words)






全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday

JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37. Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Group


题目要求以此为标准 附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题)Part I Short Speech (2 minutes) success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)

高职高专实用英语口语大赛训练题目PART II

全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题 Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week JAPAN SWEDEN Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37.

Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% for independent travelers. The number of visitors from Sweden was up by 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travelers. 3 Sales of Computer Company Group ×1000


全国高职高专英语写作大赛 教育部高等学校高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会于2010年上半年举办了首届“全国高职高专英语写作大赛”,旨在深化高职英语教学改革,促进对学生英语写作能力的培养,进一步关注学生英语应用能力的整体提高,推动全国高职英语教学的总体发展,展示各高职院校英语教学水平和改革成果。大赛分公共英语组和英语专业组两个组别,全国各高职院校所有年级学生均可自愿报名参加相应组别比赛。比赛的命题原则是依据目前高职英语教育的相关文件,充分反映高职英语教育的发展趋势。赛题体现高职特色,突出写作能力,内容既贴近当代大学生的学习和生活,又反映未来工作岗位对英语写作能力的要求和个人职业发展的需求;比赛时间为120分钟;初赛题目包括两部分(如下所示),决赛则是在现有两个题型的基础上各增加一个自由发挥的题目,并对字数提出更高要求:公共英语组的总字数不少于650词,英语专业组的总字数不少于800词,请参考下表。 英语专业组

全国高职高专英语写作大赛公共英语组样题(一)Part I Directions: Write a MEMO based on the following information. Write more than 100 words. Suppose that you (Albert Meyer) are a supervisor of Kee & Co., Ltd. The chief of operations (Hans Smith) wants to adopt the “clock-in” system to increase productivity. You write a memo which covers the following issues: 1)< 2)You agree with Hans Smith in terms of increasing productivity in the company; 3)You express doubt that “clock-in” system can tighten control over employees and increase productivity; 4)You would like to meet Hans to discuss other means of motivation. Part II Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 350 words. The pie chart shows the first four largest market share beer makers in Shanghai. Write a report to the marketing manager of your company describing the information below, give some reasons for the situation and offer your solutions.


全国高校(高职高专)微课比赛 教学设计 微课名称:教学语言技能 所属学科:教育学 所属专业:小学教育 所属课程:小学微格教学 适用对象:大专或本科三年级学生;也可用于在职教师培训 教师姓名:梁光明 所属院校:晋中师范高等专科学校

教学背景:本课程是高职高专小学教育专业的一门专业选修课。是在学习基础心理学、小学教育学两门专业课的基础上,对小学课堂教学的进一步深入学习。和小学教育见习、小学各科教材教法教学密切配合,为下阶段的教育见习、顶岗实习做准备。深刻理解教学语言技能的运用要求,对下阶段的模拟实训起着举足轻重的作用。 教学目的:深刻理解教学语言技能的运用要求。 教学方法:主要采用教师讲授的方式进行,同时运用多媒体视频辅助教学。 教学过程: 一、复习导入 通过刚才的学习,我们知道:教学语言就是教师在课堂教学过程中所使用和运用的语言,它主要是指口头语言。 教学语言在教学中具有重要的作用,它是教学信息的第一载体,教学语言也是最重要的课堂教学技能,无论是讲授、提问,还是导入、结束、板书、演示、练习指导等等,都离不开教学语言。所以,掌握好教学语言技能,对于一名教师是何等的重要。 二、新授学习 (一)运用要求 1、通用语言(一般语言)的要求,即努力做到用词发音准确、规范,语速适当,声音高低适中,语气亲切自然,语调抑扬顿挫,语法生动有趣、合乎逻辑并富有启发性、感染力和说服力。 2、相配合的其它技能的要求。 运用于导入时应注意感染力,运用于讲解时应注意准确性和逻辑性,运用于提问时应注意启发性,运用于结束时应注意概括性等等 3、学科性和学术性。 语文:语言有感情、感染力。 数学:准确、精练。 英语:准确、规范。 4、可接受性。 低年级小学教学中要力求运用儿童化语言。 (二)案例分析 案例1:人教版小学二年级下20《纸船和风筝》一课的一段导入 分析: 闫老师的这短导入,亲切自然、生动有趣,短短几句话,就把小学生的注意力集中到课堂上,激发起强烈的学习兴趣。 案例2:人教版小学二年级下20《纸船和风筝》一课的一段课文朗读 分析: 闫老师的这短饱含感情的朗读,让在场的小学生都流下了眼泪,真正地融入到课文中,很有感染力。 案例3:《秒的认识》一课中的一段教学 分析: 老师先运用钟表让学生感受“1秒”有多长,再让学生回顾日常生活中我们哪些地方用到了“秒”,接着又提问学生:1秒我们可以做些什么?使学生真正理解了“秒”。体现了小学数学教学对教师教学语言“准确、精练”的要求。 三、小结并结束全课 可见,教学语言对于一名教师是何等的重要。我们每一名师范院校的学生,要有意识地锤炼自己的教学语言。


附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题) Part I Short Speech ( 2 minutes) Ladies and Gentlemen, Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)


第一届全国高职高专英语写作大赛公共英语组样题 Part I (30%) Directions: Write a NOTICE to inform the students and English teachers of the annual English speaking contest. You should base your notice on the following information. Write more than 100 words. 1.The annual English speaking contest will be held to enrich extracurricular activities(课外活动) and improve students’ oral English level; 2.The English speaking contest will be held in Teaching Building 3, Room 101 at 9:00 am. on June 2nd, 2010; 3.Several English experts are invited to be judges in order to ensure the contest is a fair and just one. Part II (45%) Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 350 words. The pie chart shows the level of university degrees held by employees at YL Import &Export Company. Write a report to the personnel manager of the company describing the information below, give some reasons and offer your suggestions. 第二届全国高职高专英语写作大赛公共英语组样题 Part I Directions: Write a MEMO based on the following information. Write more than 100 words. Suppose that you are Kevin Green, the general manager of CSW Electric Co. You will write a memo to David Smith, the manager of the R&D Department. The memo should cover the following issues: 1) The sales of our TV sets have decreased greatly in the first two quarters of this year. 2) In order to maintain our market share, we have to develop new products.


英语口语竞赛活动方案 一、活动目标 为了给学生营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,提高学生的英语口语 交际能力,调动学生学习英语的积极性,提供学生展现自我的舞台, 我校英语组特组织学生英语口语竞赛活动,让学生在学习英语的同时 体验学习的成功与快乐,让学生对英语更感兴趣,更好地学英语。 二、领导小组: 组长: 成员: 三、活动时间:2014年10月至11月。 四、活动人员:三年级至九年级全体学生。 五、比赛程序: 1.{ 2.初赛——班级自选:学生自我介绍和自主选题朗读演讲,时间限定在3分钟以内,11月15日前由各英语任课教师在任教班 级进行,每班推荐1人参加复赛。 3.复赛——学校组织决赛,时间在11月30日前进行,抽签决定比赛顺序。 六、复赛地点:学校操场 七、比赛内容: 三、四年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。时间2分钟内 (2)看图说单词或看图说话:根据看到的图片说出相应的单词、

描述图片。时间2分钟内 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话交流。时间2分钟内: 五、六年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选课文朗读:时间限定在2分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在2分钟以内 七到九年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选题演讲:时间限定在3分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在1分钟以内。 八、评委: > 八、奖项设置:三四年段、五六年段、七年级、八年级、九年级分别 设一等奖一名,二等奖数名。 九、活动筹备:横幅、奖状、奖品 十、活动流程 (一)筹备阶段: 1、各班英语老师要充分调动学生参与的积极性,引起学生对本次活动的重视,踊跃参加这次活动,认真准备,使这次活动圆满成功。 2、各班英语老师准备初赛和复赛的内容。 (二)初赛阶段:各班老师根据确定的比赛内容在本班进行,在11


全国高职高专英语写作大赛复赛样题 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

第六届“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛 公共英语组复赛样题 National English Writing Contest For Technical and Vocational College Students Part I (50 points) Directions: Weston Electronics Company, an important client of your company, is going to have a party to celebrate its fifth anniversary on the 10th of next month and you are invited to attend. Unfortunately you will be in another city on business then. Please write a letter (more than 100 words)to Mr. Williams, the manager of Weston to decline the invitation. The following points are for your reference: Express congratulations Express your thanks Decline the invitation Explain the reason Express your good wishes Other information you think necessary Part II (50 points) Directions: The following chart is the results of a study by the World Health Organization into the major causes of death-related illness and diseases in the world in the year xxxx. Please read the chart and write a short report (more than 350 words) about the results. Note: heart disease心脏病 infectious and parasitic disease 感染与寄生虫疾病


2015年高校(高职高专)微课教学比赛获奖名单 一等奖 重庆工业职业技术学院刘衡人人都可以成为设计师一一平面排版CRAP原则 包头职业技术学院王藩表情的解读 徐州生物工程职业技术学院自耀博认识小麦白粉病的发病循环 重庆城市管理职业学院李顺琴循环应用之猴子吃桃问题 山东医学高等专科学校段启龙前臂骨折的现场固定方法 常州工程职业技术学院赵蕾女生面试着装礼仪 金华职业技术学院赵娜立方体透视的基本幽法 淄博职业学院李鹏自然形态解析 常州机电职业技术学院李洪吕割台螺旋推运器构造与调整 江苏护理职业学院陈培椎骨间的连结 天津轻工职业技术学院王春媚锁存器的妙用 顺德职业技术学院安静三个和尚吃水新传看边际产量递减 宁波城市职业技术学院傅远柏导游讲解有声与无声语言的运用 重庆三峡医药高等专科学校邓菲菲颈椎损伤患者的固定与搬运 福建幼儿师范高等专科学校林英光的偏振 山东服装职业学院宗晓健什么是信用证结算方式 浙江金融职业学院刘BB会计分录的前世今生 二等奖 江苏城市职业学院李睿文MG动四之牛顿动力学 南通科技职业学院冒耀祺普泻茶的神泡方法 常州信息职业技术学院周凌朝PS修复岁月痕迹 淮安信息职业技术学院华山手机和基站有个约定一一时分多址 无锡职业技术学院汪菊琴C++参数传递之值传递 重庆工业职业技术学院缪晓宾教你轻松做家具一一多米诺摔连接的制作 德州职业技术学院田莉莉制作证件照片 无锡科技职业学院沈琼虹发动机换机泊的“门道” 德州职业技术学院宋阳触电现场急救 武汉警官职业学院刘敬杰朱墨时序鉴定之“谷底显色”原理 一压力性尿失禁的预防 运城护理职业学院刘萍锻炼盆底肌远离“社交癌”- 安徽城市管理职业学院郭海燕社会保险的缴费 江苏财经职业技术学院朱梅梅装订会计凭证 仙桃职业学院张苹蓉静脉注射常见失败原因的分析一如何练到“一针见血”


第一套 Part One Reading aloud Be prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech. Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to introduce our company to you. Our company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and export them all over the world. We grossed about US $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1,000 employees, and we are working gladly to serve the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas business, we need reliable agents to market our products. I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you. Part Two Presentation Be prepared to talk about the following chart, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments. Note: badminton 羽毛球 Part Three Interview Now you see an advertisement here. Be prepared to discuss this ad and issues in 第二套 Part One Reading aloud Be prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.

2015第六届全国高职高专英语写作大赛 复赛(公外)

第六届“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛 公共英语组复赛样题 National English Writing Contest For Technical and Vocational College Students Part I (50 points) Directions: Weston Electronics Company, an important client of your company, is going to have a party to celebrate its fifth anniversary on the 10th of next month and you are invited to attend. Unfortunately you will be in another city on business then. Please write a letter(more than 100 words)to Mr. Williams, the manager of Weston to decline the invitation. The following points are for your reference: Express congratulations Express your thanks Decline the invitation Explain the reason Express your good wishes Other information you think necessary Part II (50 points) Directions: The following chart is the results of a study by the World Health Organization into the major causes of death-related illness and diseases in the world in the year xxxx. Please read the chart and write a short report (more than 350 words) about the results. Note: heart disease心脏病infectious and parasitic disease 感染与寄生虫疾病


第六届外研社杯全国高职高专英语写作大赛英语专业组样题 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

第六届”外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛 英语专业组复赛样题 National English Writing Contest For Technical and Vocational College Students Part I (50 points) Directions: People go to work in different ways. Please study the following chart, write a short report to present the information and give your suggestions. Write more than 200 words. Ways People Going to Work in 2012 in UK Part II (50points) Directions: Charles Furniture Company is going to attend the 23rd World Furniture Exhibition in Jingkou. You are the sales assistant of the company. Please write a letter of invitation (more than 350 words) to Mr. Blanch, the purchasing manager of Middlemarch, one of your VIP clients. Please include the following information in your letter: The name, time and venue of the exhibition The new products you will launch The enclosure in your letter (a map and a detailed program of the Fair) Your strong wish for the client to take look at your exhibition.


高职高专英语写作大赛题型说明及样题 一、命题原则和题型 1. 命题原则:依据目前高职英语教育的相关文件,充分反映高职英语教育的发展趋势。赛题体现高职特色,突出应用能力,内容既贴近当代大学生的学习和生活,又反映未来工作岗位对英语写作能力的要求和个人职业发展的需求。 2. 比赛时间:120分钟。 3. 比赛题型 赛区选拔赛题目包括两部分(如下所示,样题见后),决赛将在现有两个题型的基础上各增加一个自由发挥的题目,并对字数提出更高要求:公共英语组的总字数不少于650词,英语专业组的总字数不少于800词(全国总决赛具体题型将在赛区选拔赛后公布)。 (1)公共英语组 二、比赛样题 第七届“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛 公共英语组赛区选拔赛样题 The 7th National English Writing Contest For Vocational College Students (Semifinal) (两部分,100分,120分钟,共1页)

Part I (40 points) Directions: Write a MEMO based on the following information. Write more than 100 words. Suppose that you are Kevin Green, the general manager of CSW Electric Co. You will write a memo to David Smith, the manager of the R&D Department. The memo should cover the following issues: 1) The sales of our TV sets have decreased greatly in the first two quarters of this year. 2) In order to maintain our market share, we have to develop new products. 3) You (David Smith) should prepare a development report to be discussed in the next board meeting. Part II (60 points) Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 350 words. The line chart shows the number of vehicles sold in the U.S and China markets from 1980 to 2008. Analyze the chart and offer reasons for your conclusions. 第七届“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛 英语专业组赛区选拔赛样题 The 7th National English Writing Contest For Vocational College Students (Semifinal) (两部分,100分,120分钟,共1页)


学生模拟练习五 第二届全国高职高专英语写作大赛公共英语组决赛样题Part I (40 points) Directions: Write a LETTER based on the following information. Write more than 100 words. Suppose your company ordered 50 printers. However, when the goods arrive, you find that one printer has been damaged. Now you are requested to write a letter of complaint against the supplier, Blue Company, for the damaged machine. Part II (60 points) Directions: For this part you are required to study the following chart carefully and write a report of more than 350 words. Your composition should meet the requirements below: 1. Describe the information shown in the following chart. 2. Predict the trend and give the reasons.

学生模拟练习六 Part I (40 points) Directions: Suppose you work for a company that sells electrical goods. You have recently attended a High-tech Electrical Goods Exhibition and visited a potential supplier in Shenzhen. Use the following information to write a short report (more than 100 words) recommending whether your company should deal with the supplier or not. Information for the supplier you visited: Name: X.E. Technologies History: 5 years Employees: about 100 people Location: in the south west of Shenzhen, on the Hong Kong border Product Range: narrow range, only Mp3 and USB driver Production Facilities: new equipment, modernized Production Capacity: quite high Delivery time: quite quick, within one month Part II (60 points) Directions: Twitter is Micro Blog for short. Twitter is becoming more popular with net-surfers because of its rate of spread and quality of concealment. The pie chart shows the main contents of the users. What do you think? Write more than 350 words. news3.6% Spam3.8% Self-promotion5.9% Pointlessbabble40.1% Conversationa Pass-along


第九届“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛(复赛) 英语专业组评分说明 一、题型介绍 第一题:题目基于图表呈现,要求选手结合题目情境,对图表信息做出描述、分析原因,形成报告。该题侧重考查选手图表解读、逻辑思辨、评价论述、问题分析及解决等能力与职业素养。 字数要求:至少250词(300字以上,扣1-2分;不到250字,扣 1-2分) 分值占比: 40% 第二题:题目通过文字描述了一种职场情境,要求选手根据提示要点完成一篇应用文写作,如:提议、信函等。该题侧重考查选手在真实情境下信息处理、任务分析、问题解决等能力与职业素养。 字数要求:至少350词(400字以上,扣2-3分;不到350字,扣 2-3分) 分值占比: 60% 二、评分标准 评委评阅作文时,须从信息提取、分析与整合(25%)、内容与逻辑(35%)、语法、词汇和语域(30%)、格式和字数(10%) 综合评分。建议分数精确到小数点后一位(如23.5分)。 三、评分档位 每份赛卷按百分制计分,第一题满分40分,第二题满分60分。建议将每道题的评分档位划分如下: 第一题 第一档33-40分第二档25-32分第三 档0-24分 第二题 第一档 49-60分第二档 37-48分第三档 0-36分 其中,每道题第一档的选手需满足以下要求:作文内容准确、信息全面,结构清晰、逻辑合理,语言准确、流畅。 四、写作要点 柱状图 1.2008年,报考人数最多。总体呈上升趋势,有波动。

2.2016年录取人数最多。总体上升趋势,中间没有变化。 曲线图 1.2002年是前四年的小高峰。 2.2010-2016上升速度比2008前快了很多,尤其是2016年达到了最高峰,虽然2014年稍有下降。 4.对整个图表的预测:录取率上升,录取人数增加。 公共英语组评分说明 一、题型介绍 第一题:题目通过文字描述了一种职场情境,要求选手根据提示要点完成一篇应用文写作,如:信函、通知等。该题侧重考查选手在真实情境下信息处理、任务分析、问题解决等能力与职业素养。 字数要求:至少200词(250字以上,扣1-2分;不到200字,扣1-2分) 分值占比: 40% 第二题:题目基于图表呈现,要求选手结合题目情境,对图表信息做出描述、分析原因,形成报告。该题侧重考查选手图表解读、逻辑思辨、评价论述、问题分析及解决等能力与职业素养。 字数要求:至少300词(350字以上,扣2-3分;不到300字,扣2-3分) 分值占比:60% 二、评分标准 评委评阅作文时,须从信息提取、分析与整合(25%)、内容与逻辑(35%)、语法、词汇和语域(30%)、格式和字数(10%) 综合评分。建议分数精确到小数点后一位(如23. 5分)。 三、评分档位 每份赛卷按百分制计分,第一题满分40分,第二题满分60分。建议将每道题的评分档位划分如下: 第一题 第一档33-40分第二档25-32分第三 档0-24分 第二题 第一档 49-60分第二档 37-48分第三档 0-36分

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