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Part Ⅰ. Fill in the blank with suitable content.

1.Seven themes recur throughout the study of international economics. These

are , , , the balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination, international capital market. 2. Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons : and .

3. A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries.

4. Labor is the only one factor of production. LC a 、LW a and *LC a 、*

LW a are the unit labor requirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. If , Home has a comparative advantage in cheese. C p /W p is the relative price of cheese, when Home and Foreign specialize in producing cheese and wine , respectively.

5. Labor is the only one factor of production. LC a 、LW a and *LC a 、*

LW a are the unit labor requirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. L and L*are Home‘s and Foreign‘s labor force. If

LC a /LW a

a /*LW a , the world relative supply of cheese equals . Home‘s gains from indirectly producing wine can be shown as 6. In specific factors model(Q M =Q M (K, L M ); Q F =Q F (T, L F ); L=L M +L F ), if Home produces and trades manufactured goods for food , the overall comparison of the five change rate of goods price and factor

price M P ?、F

P ?、K r ?、T r ?、W ?inside Home is . That is, the real income of capitalists increase, it can be shown as . 7. There are two main reasons why international trade has strong effects on the distribution of income. First, Second .

8. In the Heckscher-Ohlin model,Comparative advantage is influenced by the interaction between _________ _and

9.According to ,if the relative price of a good rises, the real income of the factor which intensively used in that good will rise, while the real income of the other factor will fall. 10.According to 罗布津斯基效应 , at unchanged relative goods price, if the supply of a factor of production increases, the output of the good that are intensive in that factor will rise, while the output of the other good will fall.

11.According to H-O 模型 , owners of a country‘s abundant factors gain from trade, but owners of a country‘s scare factors lose.

12.According to 要素价格均等化命题 , international trade produces a convergence (收敛) of relative goods prices. This convergence, in turns, causes the convergence of the relative factor prices. Trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices.(完整的要素价格均等化)

13. Three assumptions (假设) crucial to the prediction of factor price equalization are in reality untrue. These assumptions are (1) 两个国家都生产两种产品 (2) 两国技术相同 (3) 存在贸易壁垒:天然壁垒和人为壁垒 .

14.―U.S. exports were less capital -intensive than U.S. imports‖ is known as . 15.The Ricardian Model , the Specific Factor model and the H-O model may be viewed as special cases (特殊情况) of 标准贸易模型 16.The standard trade model derives (派生 推导) a world relative supply curve (曲线) from ___ and a world relative demand curve from . 17.To export-biased growth, if the decline (下降) of the welfare caused by the deterioration (恶化) of the terms of trade swap over (交换) the rise of the welfare caused by growth, the growth is .

18. Some economists argued that export-biased growth by poor nations would worsen their term of trade so much that they would be worse off than if they had not grown at all. This situation is known as .

19.Immiserizing growth demands strict conditions, these conditions are , , .

20.According to ―梅茨勒悖论‖, tariffs and export subsidies(补贴)might have perverse(有害的)effects on internal price.

21.In the model of ―Monopolistic(垄断)Competition and Trade‖, firms of an individual nation face the trade-off between and .

22. Marshall argued that there were three main reasons why a cluster of firms (企业集群)may be more efficient than an individual firm in isolation: , ,

23.The pattern of intraindustry(产业内)trade itself is unpredicted,

determine the details of the trade pattern.

39. When there is external economies(外部经济), the pattern of international trade is determined

by .

24. The indexes(指标)of intrainindustry trade of a industry can be calculated by the standard formula: I= .

25. Interindustry trade and intrainindustry trade are the sources of gains from trade .

When 、, intrainindustry trade is the dominant source(主要来源)of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade.

26.The argument of temporary(暂时的)protection of industries to enable them to gain experience is known as 幼稚产业论

27. If we add together the gains and losses from a tariff, We find the net effect on national welfare can be separated into two parts: and

28.Why do countries adopt trade policies such as tariff or import quota, which produce more costs than benefits?——

29.In the political economy of trade policy(贸易政策的政治经济学), government are assumed to(被假定为)maximize 政治成功rather than 国家福利.

30.Deviations from free trade can sometimes increase national welfare. These arguments include


31.According to ―对症规则‖, domestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly at the problem‘s sources.

32. Although market failures are probably common, the domestic market failure argument against free trade should not be applied too freely. First _____________;Second _____________.

33. International trade often produces losers as well as winners. In the actual politics of trade policy, income distribution is of crucial importance. 集体行动问题can explain why policies that not only seem to produce more costs than benefits but that also seem to hurt far more voters them they can help can nonetheless be adopted.

34.The WTO includes four aspects content: GATT 1994,GATS, ,

35.―Nondiscriminatory‖ principles (非歧视性原则)include principle and


36.For preferential(优惠)trading agreements, such as , countries must cede part of their sovereignty to supranational entity(必须放弃部分主权的超国家实体)

37.Whether a customs union(关税同盟)is desirable(可取)or undesirable depends on whether it largely

industrialization and coping with the problems of the dual economy. Correspondingly, there are two main arguments for developing countries to pursue policy of import-substituting industrialization. The two arguments are and .

40. Sophisticated proponents of the infant industry argument have identified two market failures as reasons why infant industry protection may be a good idea:

and .

Part Ⅱ. True or False (true and false are denoted by ―T‖ and ―F‖, respectively) 1. If a LW */a L C *

2. According to the Ricardian model, it is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good.The good for which *Li a /Li a >w /*w will be produced in Foreign. ( F )

3. It is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good. ( T )

4.Long-run convergence(长期收敛) in productivity (生产力)produces long-run convergence in wages.

( T )

5. ―Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can‘t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it.‖ (F )

6.The proposition that trade is beneficial is unqualified(不合格). That is, there is no requirement that a country be ―competitive‖ or that the trade be ―fair‖. ( T)

7. Free trade is beneficial only if your country is strong enough to stand up to foreign competition. ( F ) 8. Foreign competition is unfair and hurts other countries when it is based on low wages. (F ) 9. Trade exploits a country and make it worse off if its workers receive much lower wage than workers in other nations. (F )

10.The Ricardian Model predicts an extreme degree(预测一个极端的程度) of specialization(专业化). ( T )

11.The Ricardian Model neglects(忽略) the effects on income distribution. (T )

12. The basic prediction of the Ricardian model has been strongly confirmed by a number of studies over years. ( T )

13. The Ricardian Model predicts that countries tend to export those goods in which their productivity is relative high. ( T )

14. We can think of factor specificity as a matter of time. ( T )

15.The opportunity cost of manufacture in terms of food is denoted by(表示) MPL M /MPL F . ( F ) 16.A equal proportional change in price have no real effects on the real wage, real income of capital owner and land owner. ( T )

17. Trade benefits the factor that is specific to the import-competing sectors of each country but hurts the factor to the export sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors. ( F )

18.It is possible in principle for a country‘s government to use taxes and subsidies (补贴) to redistribute (重新分配) income to give each individual more of both goods. ( T )

19. Although international trade has strong effects on income distribution, there are still possible in principle to make each individual better off. ( T )

20. Typically, those who gain from trade in any particular product are a much more concentrated, informed, and organized group than those who lose. ( F )

21. Conflicts of interest(利益冲突) within nations are usually more important in determining trade policy than conflicts of interest between nations. ( T )

22. Generally, economists do not regard the income distribution effects of trade as a good reason to limit trade. ( T )

23.The formulation of trade policy(贸易政策的制定) is a kind of political process(政治进程). ( T ) 24. ―The world‘s poorest countries can‘t find anything to export. There is no resource that is

abundant —certainly not capital or land, and in small poor nations not even labor is abundant.‖ ( F ) 25. Wage inequality in U.S. increased between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, economists

attribute the change to the growing exports of manufactured goods from NIEs . ( T ) 26. If the factor-proportion theory was right, a country would always export factors for which the

income share exceeded the factor share, import factors for which it was less. ( F ) 27.The H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade(贸易量). ( T ) 28.Factor trade in general turns out to be much smaller than the H-O model predicts. ( T )

29. According to an influential recent paper, the H-O model can predict not only the direction but the

volume of trade. Factor trade in general turn out to be t he same a s the H-O model predicts. ( F )

30. Only by dropping the Heckscher-Ohlin assumption that technologies are the same across the countries can the overall pattern of international trade be well predicted by the H-O model. ( T )

31.If a country want to maximize its national welfare, the consumption point is where the highest isovalue line is tangent to the highest reachable indifference curve. ( T )

32.A rise i n the terms of trade increases a country‘s welfare, while a decline in the terms of trade reduces its welfare. ( T )

33.Export-biased growth tends to improve the growing country‘s terms of trade at the rest of the world‘s expense.( F )

34.If the two countries allocate(分配) their change in spending in the same proportions, there will not be a terms of trade effect. ( T )

35. If the country receiving a transfer spends a higher proportion of an increase income on its export good than the giver, a tra nsfer raises world relative demand for the recipient‘s export good and thus improve it s terms of trade. ( T )

36.A transfer worsens the donor‘s terms of trade if the donor has a higher mariginal propensity to spend on its export good than the recipient(受体). ( T )

37.A transfer improves the donor‘s terms of trade, worsens recipient‘s terms of trade.( F )

38.A transfer of income——say foreign aid——could conceivably leave the recipient worse off. ( T )

39.A tariff improves Home‘s terms of trade and worsens Foreign‘s, while a Home export subsidy worsens Home‘s terms of trade and improve Foreign‘s.( T )

40. Where there is economies of scale, there is imperfectly competitive market structure. ( F )

41.If intraindustry trade is the dominant source of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade. ( T )

42.Effect on the distribution of income within countries often weight more heavily on policy than terms of trade concerns. ( T )

43.The usual market structure in industries characterized by internal economies of scale is monopolistic competition. ( F )

44.Today, antidumping(反倾销) may be a device of protectionism. ( T )

45.Reciprocal(相互) dumping tends to increase the volume of trade in goods that are quite identical (一致). ( F )

46.It is possible that reciprocal dumping increase national welfare. ( T )

47.Strong external(外部) economies tend to ―locked in‖ the existing patterns of interindustry trade, even if the patterns are run counter to(背道而驰) comparative advantage. ( T )

48.A trading country can conceivably lose from trade is potentially justify protectionism. ( T )

49.Like static external economies, dynamic external economies can lock in an initial advantage in an industry. ( T )

50.The s tratigic trade policy is related to the model of ―Monopolistic competition, differentiate products and intraindustry trade‖. ( F )

51.The model ―Oligopoly, homogeneous products and intraindustry trade‖ is first developed by Krugman and Helpman . ( F )

52.Trade in factors is very much like trade in goods, it occurs for much the same reasons and produces similar results. ( T )

53.Trade in factors is an alternative(替代) to trade in goods for the allocation of resources. ( T )

54.When a country borrows, it‘s intertemporal PPF is biased toward Q P.( F )

55.The relative price of future consumption goods Q P is (1+r). ( T )

56.The dynamic path of TNC s‘ enter foreign market:FDI→Export→Licence. (F )

57.Tariffs may have very different effects on different stages of production of a good. ( T )

58.Nominal(名义)tariff reflects the effective rate of protection(有效保护率). (F)

59.The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correct if only the direct gains to producers and consumers in a given market accurately measure the social gains. ( T )

60.The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correct if only a dollar‘s worth of benefits to each group is the same. ( T )

61.A VER is exactly like an import quota which the license are assigned to foreign government. ( T )

62.VER S are much more costly than tariffs. ( T )

63.Local content laws have been widely used by developing countries trying to shift their manufacturing from assembly back into intermediate goods. ( T )

64. A political argument for free trade reflects the fact that a political commitment to free trade may be a good idea in practice even though there may be better policies in principle. ( T )

65.Deviations from free trade can sometimes increase national welfare. (T )

66.For a sufficiently small tariff the terms of trade gain of small country must outweigh the efficiency loss.

( F )

67.The domestic market failure argument against free trade is intellectually impeccable but of doubtful usefulness. (F )

68. ―U.S. farm exports don‘t just mean higher incomes for farmers — they mean higher income for everyone who sell goods and services to the U.S. farm sector‖. This remark is a potential valid a rgument for export subsidy. ( T )

69.Most deviations from free trade are adopted not because their benefit exceed their costs but because the public fails to understand their true costs. ( T )

70.If there is marginal social costs rather than marginal social benefits, domestic market failure reinforce the case for free trade. ( T )

71.The electoral competition model believes political competition will drive both parties to propose tariffs close to t M, the tariff preferred by the medium voter. ( T )

72.The problem of collective action can best be overcome when a group is large and/or well organized. (F )

73.Trade policy that produce more costs than benefits, hurt more consumers than producers can‘t be adopted.( F )

74. As a violation of the MFN(―most favored nation‖) principle, the WTO forbids preferentia l trading agreements in general, but allows them if they lead to free trade between the agreeing countries. ( T )

75.The infant industry argument violates (违背)the principle of comparative advantage ( T )

76.Import substituting industrialization(进口替代工业化) violates the principle of comparative advantage.

( T )

77. ―Import quotas on capital-intensive industrial goods and subsidies for the import of capital equipment were meant to create manufacturing jobs in many developing countries. Unfortunately, they have probably helped create the urban unemployment problem.‖ ( T )

78.The East Asian Miracle proved that industrialization and development must be based on import substitution. ( F )

79.It is impossible for country to make itself worse off by joining accustoms union(联盟). ( F )

PartⅢ. Choose the ONLY one collect answer in each question.

1. An important insight(启示)of international trade theory is that when countries exchange goods and services one with the other it

A.is always beneficial to both countries.

B.is usually beneficial to both countries.

C.is typically beneficial only to the low wage trade partner country .

D.is typically harmful to the technologically lagging country.

E.tends to create unemployment in both countries.

2. If there are large disparities(差距)in wage levels between countries, then

A. trade is likely to be harmful to both countries.

B. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the high wages.

C. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the low wages.

D. trade is likely to be harmful to neither country.

E. trade is likely to have no effect on either country.

3.Cost-benefit analysis of international trade(成本收益分析)

A.is basically useless.

B.is empirically intractable.

C.focuses attention on conflicts of interest within countries.

D.focuses attention on conflicts of interests between countries.

E.None of the above.

4. A primary reason why nations conduct international trade is because of differences in

A.historical perspective.


C.resource availabilities.



5. Arguments for free trade are sometimes disregarded(忽视)by the political process because

A.economists tend to favor highly protected domestic markets.

B.economists have a universally accepted decisive power over the political decision mechanism.

C.maximizing consumer welfare may not be a chief priority(优先)for politicians. 扩大消费者福利不是最主要的

D.the gains of trade are of paramount concern to typical consumers.

E.None of the above.

6.Proponents(支持)of free trade claim all of the following as advantages except__

A. relatively high wage levels for all domestic workers.

B. a wider selection of products for consumers

C. increased competition for world producers.

D. the utilization of the most efficient production processes.

E. None of the above.

In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the production of one particular product we need information on at least ____unit labor requirements




D four

E five

7. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because it

D.is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.

E.is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it could domestically.

F.is producing exports using fewer labor units.

G.is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.

H.None of the above.

8. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find its consumption bundle (消费约束)

A.inside its production possibilities frontier.

B.on its production possibilities frontier.

C.outside its production possibilities frontier (生产可能性边界).

D.inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.

E.on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.

9.If a very small country trades with a very large country according to the Ricardian model, then

A.the small country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.

B.the large country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.

C.the small country will enjoy gains from trade.

D.the large country will enjoy gains from trade.

E.None of the above.

10.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domestic cost ratio of H and that of F, then

A.country H but not country F will gain from trade.

B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.

C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.

D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.

E.None of the above.

11.If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out (concave to the origin) )(上凸,凹面向原点), then production occurs under conditions of

A.constant opportunity costs.

B.increasing opportunity costs.

C.decreasing opportunity costs.

D.infinite opportunity costs.

E.None of the above.

12.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then trade between them is not likely if

A.their supply curves are identical.

B.their cost functions are identical.

C.their demand conditions identical.

D.their incomes are identical.

E.None of the above.

13.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Production costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan if

A.U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units per hour.

B.U.S. productivity equaled 30 units per hour whereas Japan's was 20.

C.U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.

D.U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 and

Japan's 25 units per hour.

E.None of the above.

14.International trade has strong effects on income distributions. Therefore, international trade A.is beneficial to everyone in both trading countries.

B.will tend to hurt one trading country.

C.will tend to hurt some groups in each trading country.

D.will tend to hurt everyone in both countries.

E.will be beneficial to all those engaged in international trade.

15.If the price of the capital intensive product rises, wages will

A.rise but by less than the price of the capital-intensive product.(工资刚性,变动较慢)

B.rise by more than the rise in the price of the capital-intensive product.

C.remain proportionally equal to the price of the capital-intensive product.

D.fall, since higher prices cause less demand.

E.None of the above.

16.If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries,

A.the real income of capital owners in Australia would rise.

B.the real income of labor in Australia would clearly rise.

C.the real income of labor in Belgium would clearly rise.

D.the real income of landowners in Belgium would fall. 贸易知识使一国丰富要素部门得利,稀缺要素部门受损)

E.the real incomes of capital owners in both countries would rise.

17.If the price of manufactures and the price of food increase by 25%, then

A.the economy moves down its aggregate supply curve.

B.the economy moves back along its aggregate demand curve.

C.the relative quantities(相对数量)of manufactures and food remain unchanged.

D.the relative quantities of products change by 25%.

E.None of the above.

18.If the price of manufactures rises, then

A.the price of food also rises.

B.the quantity of food produced falls.

C.the quantity of both manufactures and food falls.

D.the purchasing power of labor in terms of food falls.

E.None of the above.

18.Groups that lose from trade tend to lobby(游说)the government to(贸易失利者游说政府)A.shift the direction of comparative advantage.

B.abolish the Specific Factor model from practical application.

C.provide public support for the relatively efficient sectors.

D.provide protection for the relatively inefficient sectors.

E.None of the above.

19.The specific factor model argues that if land can be used both for food production and for manufacturing, then a quota that protects food production will

A.clearly help landowners.

B.clearly hurt landowners.

C.clearly help manufacture but hurt food production.

D.have an ambiguous effect on the welfare of landowners.

E.None of the above.

20.If, relative to its trade partners, Gambinia has many workers but very little land and even less productive capital, then, following the specific factor model, we know that Gambinia has a comparative advantage in



C.both manufactures and food.

D.neither manufactures nor food.

E.None of the above.

21.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx of workers from across the border would(劳动者越过国境流入)

A.move the point of production along the production possibility curve.

B.shift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods.

C.shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the

labor-intensive product.

D.shift the production possibility curve


E.None of the above.

22.The 1987 study by Bowen, Leamer and Sveikauskas

A.supported the validity of the Leontieff Paradox.

B.supported the validity of the

Heckscher-Ohlin model.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/4111223403.html,ed a two-country and two-product framework.

D.demonstrated that in fact countries tend to use different technologies.

E.proved that the U.S.'s comparative advantage relied on skilled labor.

23.The Case of the Missing Trade refers to

A.the 9th volume of the Hardy Boys' Mystery series.

B.the fact that world exports does not equal world imports.

C.the fact that factor trade is less than predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.

D.the fact that the Heckscher Ohlin theory predicts much less volume of trade than actually exists.

E.None of the above.

24.One way in which the Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardo model of comparative advantage is by assuming that _技术相同__ is (are) identical in all countries.

A.factor of production endowments

B.scale economies

C.factor of production intensities


E.opportunity costs

25.As opposed to the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, the assumption of diminishing returns in the Heckscher-Ohlin model means that the probability is greater that with trade A.countries will not be fully specialized(专业化)in one product.

B.countries will benefit from free international trade.

C.countries will consume outside their production possibility frontier.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/4111223403.html,parative advantage is primarily supply related.

E.None of the above.

26.Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively land endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model,

A.European landowners should support

US-European free trade.

B.European capitalists should support US-European free trade.

C.all capitalists in both countries should support free trade.

D.all landowners should support free trade.

E.None of the above.

27.According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, if the United State s is richly endowed in

human-capital relative to Mexico, then as NAFTA increasingly leads to more bilateral free trade between the two countries,

A.the United States will find its industrial base sucked into Mexico.

B.Mexico will find its relatively highly skilled workers drawn to the United States.

C.The wages of highly skilled U.S. workers will be drawn down to Mexican levels.

D.The wages of highly skilled Mexican workers will rise to those in the United States.

E.The wages of highly skilled Mexican workers will fall to those in the United States. (墨西哥高技术工人工资降低到美国同水平)

28.If two countries were very different in their relative factor availabilities(相对要素丰富程度相差很多), then we would not expect which of the following to be empirically supported?

A.The Heckscher - Ohlin Theorem

B.The Factor Price Equalization Theorem.


C.The Law of One Price

D.The Law of Demand

E.None of the above.

29. A country cannot produce a mix of products with a higher value than where

A.the isovalue line intersects(相交)the production possibility frontier.

B.the isovalue line is tangent(相切)to the production possibility frontier中值线相切的生产可能性边界.

C.the isovalue line is above the production possibility frontier.

D.the isovalue line is below the production possibility frontier.

E.the isovalue line is tangent with the indifference curve.

30.If P C / P F were to increase,

A.the cloth exporter would increase the quantity of cloth exports.

B.the cloth exporter would increase the quantity of cloth produced.

C.the food exporter would increase the quantity of food exports.

D.Both A and C.

E.None of the above.

31.Export-biased growth in Country H will

A.improve the terms of trade of Country H.

B.trigger anti-bias regulations of the WTO.

C.worsen the terms of trade of Country F (the trade partner).

D.improve the terms of trade of Country F. (改善对手的贸易条件

E.decrease economic welfare in Country H.

32.If the poor AID recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consume each and every product than does the United States, then such aid will

A.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.

B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.

C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.

D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.

E.None of the above.

33.If two countries with diminishing returns and different marginal rates of substitution between two products were to engage in trade, then

A.the shapes of their respective production possibility frontiers would change.

dominate their trade.

D.the country with relatively elastic supplies would export more.

E.None of the above.

34.In the period preceding the recent Financial Crisis in Asia, the South East Asian countries were receiving large inflows of financial capital. Following John Maynard Keynes' theory, this should have caused

A. a glut in their banking asset situation.

B.an improvement in their terms of trade.

C.deterioration in their terms of trade.

D. a fluctuation upward and then downward in their terms of trade.

E.None of the above.

35.If Slovenia is a small country in world trade terms, then if it imposes a large series of tariffs on many of its imports, this would

A.have no effect on its terms of trade. (小国的关税对其贸易条件无影响)

B.improve its terms of trade.

C.deteriorate its terms of trade.

D.decrease its marginal propensity to consume.

E.None of the above.

36.If the United States exports skilled-labor intensive products and services, then we should expect unions representing unskilled labor to

A.lobby in favor of tariffs.

B.lobby against the imposition of tariffs.

C.be indifferent to the issue of tariffs.

D.lobby in favor of improved terms of trade.

E.Not enough information.

37.Where there are economies of scale, an increase in the size of the market will

A.increase the number of firms and raise the price per unit.

B.decrease the number of firms and raise the price per unit.

C.increase the number of firms and lower the price per unit(规模经济下,市场规模扩大,会增加厂商数目,降低产品价格).

D.decrease the number of firms and lower the price per unit.

E.None of the above.

38.If some industries exhibit internal (firm specific) increasing returns to scale in each country, we should not expect to see(外部规模经济产生不完全竞争市场)

A.intra-industry trade between countries.

B.perfect competition in these industries.

C.inter-industry trade between countries.

D.high levels of specialization in both countries.

E.None of the above.

39.International trade based on external scale economies in both countries is likely to be carried out by a

A.relatively large number of price competing firms. (相对大量的价格竞争者)

B.relatively small number of price competing firms.

C.relatively small number of competing oligopolists.

D.monopoly firms in each country/industry.

E.None of the above.

40. A monopoly firm engaged in international trade will

A.equate average to local costs.

B.equate marginal costs with foreign marginal revenues.

C.equate marginal costs with the highest price the market will bear.

D.equate marginal costs with marginal revenues in both domestic and in foreign markets.

E.None of the above.

41.In industries in which there are scale economies, the variety of goods that a country can produce is constrained by

A.the size of the labor force.

B.anti-trust legislation

C.the size of the market.

D.the fixed cost.

E.None of the above.

42.History and accident determine the details of trade involving

A.Ricardian and Classical comparative advantage.

B.Heckscher-Ohlin model consideration.

C.taste reversals.

D.scale economies.

E.None of the above.

43.If the world attained a perfect

Heckscher-Ohlin model equilibrium with trade, then

A.workers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country.

B.workers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the capital abundant country.

C.workers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capital abundant country. (在本国他们会得利当然不会迁徙)

D.workers in the capital abundant country would wish to migrate to the labor abundant country.

E.workers in the capital abundant country would migrate to the labor abundant country. 44.International borrowing and lending may be interpreted as one form of

A.intermediate trade.

B.inter-temporal trade. 跨期贸易

C.trade in services.

D.unrequited international transfers.

E.None of the above.

45. A country that has a comparative advantage in future production of consumption goods

A.will tend to be an international borrower.

B.will tend to have low real interest rates.

C.will tend to be an international investor or lender.

D.will tend to have good work ethics.

E.None of the above.

46.International labor mobility(流动)

A.leads to wage convergence by raising wages in destination country and lowering in source country.

B.is in accordance with the specific factors model

C.is in accordance with the Heckscher-Ohlin factor proportions model.

D.leads to wage convergence by raising wages in source and lowering them in destination country. (工资税平趋于一致

E.is in accordance with scale economy model.

47.In practice, international labor mobility is

A. a complete complement to trade flows.

B. a partial complement to trade flows.

C. a complete substitute for trade flows.

D. a partial substitute for trade flows. (部分替代贸易流动)

E.None of the above.

48.If one observes that Japan was traditionally a net foreign lender, one could conclude that relative to its international trade and financial partners A.Japan's inter-temporal production possibilities are biased toward future consumption.

B.Japan's inter-temporal production possibilities are larger than that of the other countries.

C.Japan's inter-temporal production possibilities are biased toward present consumption. (生产可能性曲线偏向于当期的消费)

D.Japan's inter-temporal production possibilities are not biased.

E.None of the above.

49.If a good is imported into (large) country H from country F, then the imposition of a tariff in country H in the presence of the Metzler Paradox, A.raises the price of the good in both countries (the "Law of One Price").

B.raises the price in country H and cannot affect its price in country F.

C.lowers the price of the good in both countries.

D.lowers the price of the good in H and could raise it in F.

E.raises the price of the good in H and lowers it in


50.The effective rate of protection measures

A.the "true" ad valorum value of a tariff.

B.the quota equivalent value of a tariff.

C.the efficiency with which the tariff is collected at the customhouse.

D.the protection given by the tariff to domestic value added.

E.None of the above.

51.When a government allows raw materials and other intermediate products to enter a country duty free, this generally results in a(an)

A.effective tariff rate less than the nominal tariff rate.

B.nominal tariff rate less than the effective tariff rate.

C.rise in both nominal and effective tariff rates.

D.fall in both nominal and effective tariff rates.

E.None of the above.

52.The main redistribution effect of a tariff is the transfer of income from

A.domestic producers to domestic buyers.

B.domestic buyers to domestic producers.

C.domestic producers to domestic government.

D.domestic government to domestic consumers.

E.None of the above.

53.The deadweight loss of a tariff

A.is a social loss because it promotes inefficient use of national resources.(社会资源的无效利用)

B.is a social loss because it reduces the revenue of the government.

C.is not a social loss because it merely redistributes revenue from one sector to another.

D.is not a social loss bacuase it is paid for by rich corporations.

E.None of the above.

54.The most vocal political pressure for tariffs is generally made by

A.consumers lobbying for export tariffs.

B.consumers lobbying for import tariffs.

C.consumers lobbying for lower import tariffs.

D.producers lobbying for export tariffs.

E.producers lobbying for import tariffs.

55.The fact that industrialized countries levy very low or no tariff on raw materials and semi processed goods

A.helps developing countries export manufactured products.

B.has no effect on developing country exports.

C.hurts developing country efforts to export manufactured goods.

D.hurts developing country efforts to export raw materials.

E.None of the above.

56.An Optimal Tariff is considered unlikely to be observed in the real world because of

A.The Metzler Paradox.

B.it is practically impossible to define optimality in trade policy terms.

C.the likelihood of foreign repercussions.

D.real countries are considered to be "small" in the world trade context.

E.None of the above.

57.The optimum tariff is most likely to apply to

A. a small tariff imposed by a small country.

B. a small tariff imposed by a large country (大国家小关税).

C. a large tariff imposed by a small country.

D. a large tariff imposed by a large country.

E.None of the above.

58.The existence of marginal social benefits which are not marginal benefits for the industry producing the import substitutes

A.is an argument supporting free trade and non-governmental involvement.

B.is an argument supporting the use of an optimum tariff.

C.is an argument supporting the use of market failures as a trade-policy strategy.

D.is an argument rejecting free trade and supporting governmental involvement.

E.None of the above.

59.The domestic market failure argumen t is a particular case of the theory of

A.the optimum, or first-best.

B.the second best.

C.the third best.

D.the sufficing principle.

E.None of the above.

60.The median voter model(中间选民模式)

A.works well in the area of trade policy.

B.is not intuitively reasonable.

C.tends to result in biased tariff rates.(偏见的关税税率)

D.does not work well in the area of trade policy.

E.None of the above.

61.The fact that trade policy often imposes harm on large numbers of people, and benefits only a few may be explained by

A.the lack of political involvement of the public.

B.the power of advertisement.

C.the problem of collective action.

D.the basic impossibility of the democratic system to reach a fair solution.

E.None of the above.

62. A trade policy designed to alleviate some domestic economic problem by exporting it to foreign countries is know as a(n)

A.international dumping policy.

B.countervailing tariff policy.

C.beggar thy neighbor policy.(以邻为壑)

D.trade adjustment assistance policy.

E.None of the above.

63.Countervailing duties are intended to neutralize any unfair advantage that foreign exporters might gain because of foreign


B. subsidies.


D.Local-Content legislation

E.None of the above.

64.Export embargoes cause greater losses to consumer surplus in the target country

A.the lesser its initial dependence on foreign produced goods.

B.the more elastic is the target country's demand schedule.

C.the more elastic is the target country's domestic supply.

D.the more inelastic the target country's supply.

E.None of the above.

65.The World Trade Organization provides for all of the following except

A.the usage of the most favored nation clause.

B.assistance in the settlement of trade disagreements.

C.bilateral tariff reductions.

D.multilateral tariff reductions.

E.None of the above.

68. Under U.S. commercial policy, the escape clause results in

A.temporary quotas granted to firms injured by import competition.

B.tariffs that offset export subsidies granted to foreign producers.

C. a refusal of the U.S. to extradite anyone who escaped political oppression.

D.tax advantages extended to

minority-owned exporting firms.

E.tariff advantages extended to certain Caribbean countries in the U.S. market.

PartⅣ. Each term in the left column is related to a particular content in the right column, please match each pair with a line.


Nontraded goods Price effect of tariff or export subsidy

Specific factor Biased growth

Optimum tariff Nontariff barrier

Collective action Real exchange rate

Metzler paradox Income distribution

Rybczynski effect The terms of trade argument for a tariff

Local content requirement Trade politics

Intertemporal trade The instruments of trade policy

Harris-Todaro problem Wage differentials argument

Efficiency loss International borrowing and lending


Leontief paradox Economies of scale

Terms of trade V oluntary export restraint

Specific rule Custom union

Learning curve Factor-proportions theory

Intraindustry trade Standard trade model

Quota rents Domestic market faiture

Trade diversion Dynamic economics of scale

Import-substituting industrialization Tariff

First movement advantage Strategic trade policy

Terms of trade gain Infant industry argument

PartⅤ. Explain the following terms(Put the answers onto the blank exam paper) .

pauper labor argument:.贫民劳动论(pauper labor argument)


Stolper-Samuelson effect Rybczynski effect Metzler paradox

dynamic increasing returns intertemporal trade

intertemporal comparative advantage terms of trade gain trade diversion collective action

Part Ⅵ. Choose FOUR of the following questions and answer them.

Chapter 3

1. Suppose: Labor is the only one factor of production. L and L*are Home‘s and Foreign‘s labor

force.LC a 、LW a and *LC a 、*

LW a are the unit labor requirement in cheese 、wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. C p /W p is the retative price of cheese.Home and Foreign have a comparative advantage in cheese and wine,respectively.Please denote each of the following contents with one equation. (1)Home‘s comparative advantag e. (2)Foreign‘s specialization (3)World relative supply (4)Home‘s gains from trade

(5)Compare *LC a /LC a 、*

LW a /LW a and w/w* Answer:

⑴ aLC/aLW 1/aLW

⑸ aLC*/aLC>w/w*>a*LW/aLW [因为a*LC w*>aLC w ,所以a*LC/aLC>w/w*;因为a*LW w*a*LW/aLW ]

2.Japanese labor productivity is roughly the same as that of the United States in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the United States is still considerably more productive in the service sector. But most services are nontraded. Some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the United States, because its comparative advantage lies in things it cannot sell on world markets. What is wrong with this argument? Answer:

To determine comparative advantage need for all

four unit labor requirements (for both the

manufacture and the service sectors)

·*LC LC a a < is an absolute advantage in service ,this is neither a necessary nor a sufficient

condition for determining comparative advantage . ·The competitive advantage depends on both relative productivity and relative wages.


3. In Ricardian model, trade benefit a country can be shown in two ways.

(1) Explain the two ways respectively; (2) Can these ways suit for other trade model? Answer: ⑴ ①To think of trade as an indirect method of production : Suppose Home has a comparative advantage in producing cheese, while Foreign in wine, that is *


LC W C LW LC a a P P a a <<, so LW W C LC a P P a /1)/)(/1(.>. That is by producing

cheese and then trade for wine; Home can get more units of wine than just producing wine itself in one unit of time. Similarly,

**/1)/)(/1(LW W C LC a P P a >, Foreign also gains from trade. 【①用间接生产方式表示:把贸易看成一种间接生产方法,通过生产别的产品换取所需的产品代替直接生


②Trade expands consumption possibilities



⑵ Yes, because whatever the trade model is, resources are admitted to be used in producing goods which is can do with relatively more sufficiency, By producing what they are relative more efficient in and trade for other goods they can get more than just producing the other goods themselves.

4.The proposition that trade is beneficial is unqualified. That is, there is no requirement that a country be ―competitive‖ or that the trade be ―fair‖. Answer:

(1). Productivity and competitiveness ·The gains from trade depend on comparative advantage rather than absolute advantage. ·The competitive advantage of an industry depend on relative labor productivity and relative wage. ·Absolute advantage: neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for comparative advantage (or for the gains from trade). (2). The pauper labor argument ·Whether the lower cost of foreign export goods is due to high productivity or low wages does not matter. All that matter to home is that it is more efficient to ―produce‖ those goods indirectly than to produce directly. (3). Exploitation ·if it refuse to trade, real wages would be even lower

5.―Free trade is beneficial only if your country is strong enough to stand up to foreign competition‖. Judge and explain the remark. Answer:

The gains from trade depend on comparative

advantage rather than absolute advantage.

·The competitive advantage of an industry depend

on relative labor productivity and relative wage.

·Absolute advantage: neither a necessary nor a

sufficient condition for comparative advantage

(or for the gains from trade).



一个国家工资率又取决于其他产业部门的相对劳动生产率。因此,即使是劳动生产率比较低的国家也能拥有比较优势,从贸易中获益。 ②贫民劳动论:外国的低工资率和本国是否从贸易中获利的问题并没有多大关系,外国生产产品的成本比较低是因为劳动生产率高还是因为工资率低是一件无关紧要的事,关键是有哪个本国自己的劳动量,本国生产的产品换取外国产品比本国直接生产的更便宜。 ③剥削论:拒绝出口和贸易的机会恰恰会将他们陷入更加贫困的境地。

6. Judge and explain the following arguments:

(1)Foreign competition is unfair and hurts other countries when it is based on low wages.

(2)It is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good. Answer:

Relative wage reflects relative productivity,

international trade can‘t change it.

·Trading with a less productive and low-wage

country will rise ,no lower its standard of living.

【贫民劳动论:外国的低工资率和本国是否从贸易中获利的问题并没有多大关系,外国生产产品的成本比较低是因为劳动生产率高还是因为工资率低是一件无关紧要的事,关键是有哪个本国自己的劳动量,本国生产的产品换取外国产品比本国直接生产的更便宜。】 Right If a*LC/aLC>w/w*>a*LW/aLW 因为a*LC/aLC>w/w*,推出a*LC w*>aLC w, that is home ends up with a cost advantage in cheese. 因为a*LW/aLW



7. Suppose that there are many countries capable of producing two goods, and that each country has only one factor of production, labor. What could we say about the pattern of production and trade in this case? (Hint: Try constructing the world relative supply curve.) Answer:

Label the countries so that N 2(aLC/aLW)


Any country to the left of RD produces cheese and

trades it for wine. Any country to right of RD produces wine and trades it for cheese. If the intersection occurs in a horizontal portion, the country with that aLC/aLW produces both goods. 【如果与许多国家能生产两种产品,世界相对供给曲线是一个阶梯函数,曲线上包含与具有不同劳动需求比率的国家相同的―阶梯‖数。相对需求曲线和相对供给曲线的交点左边的国家出口他们相对与交点右边的国家具有比较优势的产品。如果交点在水平部分的曲线上,则一国在这一相对价格水平上生产两种商品。】

8. In the specific factors model(Q M =Q M (K, L M ); Q F =Q F (T, L F ); L=L M +L F ), If Home produces and as F P ?、M

P ?、T r ?、K r ?、W ? respectively. (1)Compare the five change rates (denote it with an equation).

(2)Will the real income of landowners 、capitalists and workers increase or decrease? Explain these changes.

(3)Draw a conclusion on the effects of income distribution.

9. Although international trade has strong effects on income distribution, there are still possible in

Chapter 4

10. (1)What is Rybczynski effect ? Draw a figure using production possibility frontier to illustrate it. (2) How can we relate Rybczynski effect to H-O theorem ? Answer: ⑴罗布斯金效果:在相对商品价格不变,如果一种生产要素的供应增加,该要素密集型的产品产出会上升,而其他商品生产将下降。

·The economy could produce more of both cloth and food than before.

·A biased expansion of production possibilities.

·An economy will tend to be relatively effective at producing goods that are intensive in that factors with

which the country is relative well-endowed.

⑵H-O model is a proportion of Rybzynski effect.【H-O模型是罗布金斯基定理的推论,H-O理论认为各国倾向于出口国内丰富资源密集型的产品罗布金斯基认为一种要素供给的增加,密集使用这种要素的产品的产出将更大幅度增加,因此出口就会增加。】

11.What is Stolper-Samuelson effect ? Draw a figure relating goods price to factor price and factor input ratio and illustrate Stolper-Samuelson effect.


Stolper-Samuelson effect :如果产品的相对价格上升,该产品集中使用的要素的实际收入上升,而其他要素实际收入下降P C/P F↑ w/r↑ T C/L C↑,T F/L F↑MPL C↑, MPL F↑ W/P C↑, W/P F

12. (1) Stolper-Samuelson effect.

(2) Immiserizing growth Answer:

(1) Stolper-Samuelson effect: If the relative price of a good rises the real income of the factor which intensively used that good will rise while the real income of the other factor will fall.

(2) Immiserizing growth: To export-biased growth, if the decline of the welfare caused by the deterioration of the terms of trade swap over the rise of the welfare caused by growth, the growth is immiserizing growth. 对于export-biased生长,如果贸易条件恶化造成福利的下降而贸易增长造成福利的上升,则称这种增长是贫困化增长。


(1) Economic growth is strongly export-biased

(2) The growing country is large enough to affect the world price

(3) RS and RD must be very steep.

13.―The world‘s poorest countries can‘t find anything to export. There is no resource is abundant—certainly not capital or land, and in small poor nations not even labor is abundant.‖Answer:

what matters are not the absolute abundance of factors, but their relatives abundance. Poor countries have an abundance of labor relative to capital when compared to more developed countries.


14. According to an influential recent paper, the H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade. Factor trade in general turn out to be the same as the H-O model predicts. Answer:

It is wrong.

·Factor trade in general turns out to be much smaller than the H-O model predicts.

·A large part of the reason for this disparity comes from a false prediction of large-scale trade in

labor between rich and poor countries.

·This puzzle can be resolved only by dropping the H-O assumptions that technologies are the same across countries

15.In the discussion of empirical results on the Heckscher-Ohlin model, we noted that recent work suggests that the efficiency of factors of production seems to differ internationally. Explain how this would affect the concept of factor price equalization.


the Heckscher-Ohlin theory would be applied to ―effective factors‖ which adjust for t he differences in technology or worker skills or land quality (for example).

The adjusted model has been found to be more successful than unadjusted model at explaining the pattern of trade between countries.

Factor-price equalization concepts would apply to the effective factors. 【如果各国生产要素效率不同,那么H-O理论可以适用于有效要素就是在工人技能或土地差异中考虑技术差异。结果表明调整后的模型比没有调整的模型能够更好的解释国家见的贸易模型。要素趋同概念也可以适用于有效要素。】

16. (1)What are the main conclusions of the H-O model? Are they confirmed by empirical evidences? Why?

(2)Can the H-O model predict the volume of trade? why? Does factor trade in general turn out to be the same as the H-O model predicts? why?


(1) H-O proposition: Countries tend to export goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed.

It is not supported by the empirical evidenc e. ·U.S. exports were more skilled labor-intensive and technology-intensive than its imports. U.S. exports were less capital-intensive than U.S. imports. (Leontief paradox).

·Two-thirds of the factors were trading in the predicted direction less than 70 percents of the time. This result confirms the Leontief paradox on a broader level: Trade often doesn‘t run in the direction that the H-O theory predicts. ·This puzzle can be resolved only by dropping the H-O assumptions that technologies are the same across countries.


(2)①Yes, If the factor-proportion theory was right,

a country would always export factors for which the factor share exceeded the income share, import factors for which it was less.

②No,Factor trade in general turn out to be much smaller than the H-O model prescribe.(要素贸易远小于H-O模型的规定

Chapter 5

17.Imagine an economy where consumers always buy goods in rigid proportions—for example, two yard of cloth for every pound of food—regardless of the prices of the two goods. Show that an improvement in the terms of trade benefits this economy, as well.


Home: trade cloth for food

A rise in the terms of trade increases welfare 【生产点位于Q1,消费点是相对价格和无差异曲线的交点D1。贸易条件的好转会使得相对价格线从1



18.Japan primarily exports manufactured goods, while importing raw materials such as food and oil. Analyze the impact on Japan‘s terms of trade of the follo wing events:

(1)Korea develops the ability to produce automobiles that it can sell in Canada and the United States.

(2)U.S. engineers develop a fusion reactor that replaces fossil fuel electricity plants. (3)A harvest failure in Russia. Answer: (chapter5,3)

日本是制造品M 的出口国和原材料R 的进口国,其贸易条件有世界制造品和原材料的相对价格PM/PR ,通过世界相对供给曲线对相对需求曲线(M 相对于R )的变化可以确定贸易条件的变化。

The terms of trade of Japan is P M /P R .

a. Q *

M ↑, RS shift to the right, P M /P R ↓


世界相对供给的增加,RS 右移,PM/PR↓,恶化日本


b. D *R ↓, RD shift to the right, P M /P R ↑

【美国发明的一种队石油燃料的替代品,可以降低对原材料的需求,进而增加世界相对需求。RD 曲线向右移动,提高制造品的世界相对价格,改善日本的贸易条件。即使日本安装核反应堆也将发生这种情况,以为世界相对于原材料的需求减少了。】

c. Q *R ↓, RS shift to the right; D *M ↓, RD shift to the left, P M /P R ↓

【俄罗斯的歉收会减少原材料的供给,导致世界相对供给增加,RS 曲线向右移动.由于俄罗斯队制造品的需求减少,会导致世界需求减少,所以RD 曲线将会向左移动,降低制造品的世界相对价格,恶化日本的贸易条件。】

19.Countries A and B have two factors of production, capital and labor, with which they produce two goods, X and Y. Technology is the same in the two countries. X is capital intensive; A is capital abundant. Analyze the effects on the terms of trade and the welfare of the two countries of the following:

a. An increase in A‘s capital stock.

b. An increase in A‘s labor supply. Answer : ·Country A trade X for Y while Country B trade Y for X .

·An increase in the capital stock of either country

favors the production of X . While an increase

in the labor stock of either country favors the

production of Y . ·Export-biased growth worse the growing country's terms of trade, its national welfare can

rise, decline or unchanged. Improt-biased

growth improves the growing country's terms of

trade and welfare.



致X 产品产量上升,劳动供给的增加会导致Y 产品产量上升。根据赫克歇尔-俄林模型,一国将出口密集使用其相对丰裕要素所生产的产品。所以,A 国应该出口X 产品,进口Y 产品,出口偏向型增长会使得本国贸易条件恶化、福利水平下降,但是贫困化增长又使


a 、 A 国贸易条件恶化,福利水平部确定;B 国贸易条


b 、 A 国贸易条件改善,福利水平上升;B 国两者皆受

损 】

20. (1)A tariff improves Home‘s terms of trade and worsens Foreign‘s.

(2)A Home export subsidy worsens Home‘s terms of trade and improve Foreign‘s. (Analyse them with RS 、RD curves) Answer :

(1) Home imposes tariff on Food, (P F /P C )H ↑ or (P C /P F )H ↓

Q C ↓Q F ↑;D C ↑D F ↓ the world as a whole

[(Q C +Q C *)/(Q F +Q F *

)]↓, RS shift to the

left; [(D C +D C *)/(D F +D F *)]↑, RD shift to the right.

A tariff improves Home’s terms of tr ade and worsens Foreign’s .

Figure 5-10


Home offers subsidy on cloth, (P C /P F ) H ↑

Q C ↑Q F ↓; D C ↓D F ↑ the world

as a whole [(Q C +Q C *)/(Q F +Q F *)]↑, RS shift to the right; [(D C + D C *)/(D F +D F *)]↓, RD shift to the left.

A Hom e export subsidy worsens Home’s terms of trade and improves Foreign’s.

Figure 5-11

21.Suppose that one country subsidizes its exports and the other country imposes a ―countervailing‖ What happens to the terms of trade? What about welfare in the two countries?

Suppose, on the other hand, that the second country retaliates with an export subsidy of its own. Contrast the result.

(Analyse them with RS 、RD curves)

Chapter 6

22.(1)In monopolistic competition trade model, two key assumptions are made to derive the demand curve facing a typical monopolistically competitive firm: )](/1[P P b n S Q -?-?=, what is the two assumptions ?

(2)If the cost of the firm take the form C=F+ c×Q , We can derive AC=n×F/S+c and P=c+1/(b+n). How can we get the equilibrium number of firms from figure and algebra ? (3)What is the dilemma (or constraint) of a single country ?

(4)International trade increases market size. What are the effects of the increased market size? Draw a figure to illustrate them. (5)How will the pattern of trade be?


(1) Two assumptions:

①Each firms is assumed to be able to differentiate its product from that of its rivals. (It behaves as if it were a monopolist)

②Each firms is assumed to take the prices charged by its rivals as given. (It behaves as if it were a competitor). (2)Market equilibrium

·We assume that all firms in this industry are symmetric, that is typical firms. All we want to know is n and P .

·The more firms there are, the less each firm sells and therefore the higher is its average cost. (curve cc: AC=F/Q + c=n×F/S + c , n ↑, AC ↑) The more firms there are, the more intensive they compete, and hence the lower is the

industry price.

(curve pp: P=c+1/(b×n ) (P 129-130) , n ↑, P ↓) ·According to the long-run-equilibrium monopolistic competition: P e =AC e (zero-profit), n =bF S /.

Figure 6-3

(3) Economies of scale and variety of products.【规模经济以及产品差异化。】

(4)In larger market there usually will be both more firms and more sales per firm; Consumers in a large market will be offered both lower prices and a greater variety of products than consumers in small markets. (n1→n2,p1→p2)

Figure 6-4

(5) The pattern of trade is unpredicted .And history an accident determine the details of the trade pattern.【不确定;取决于历史和偶然因素】

23. ―In the monopolistic competition model, trade may be divided into two kinds. Two -way trade in differentiated products within an industry is called intraindustry trade; trade that exchanges the products of one industry for the products of another is called interindustry trade‖.

Model: Home 、Foreign; K 、L ; Manufacture and

Food. Home is capital abundant. Manufacture is

capital-intensive and monopolistic competition

The length of the arrows indicates the value of trade in each direction. Because manufactures is monopolistically competitive industry, Home and Foreign will produce differentiated goods, it will import as well as export manufactures, giving rise to intraindustry trade.

24. ―External economies can cause countries to get ?locked in‘ to undesirable pattern of

specialization and can even lead to losses from international trade‖. Explain the argument with example.


⑴ external economies an specialization

Figure 6-9

The average cost curve for Thailand, AC THM , lies below the average cost curve for Switzerland, AC SWISS . Thus Thailand could potentially supply the world market more cheaply than Switzerland. If the Swiss industry gets established first, however, it may be able to sell watches at the price P, which is below the cost Co that an individual

Thai firm would face if it began production on its own. So a pattern of specialization established by historical accident may persist even when new producers could potentially have lower costs. ⑵ External economies and losses form trade. Figure 6-9

When there are external economies, trade can


【国际经济学】英文题库 Chapter 1: Introduction Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States? *A. Coffee, tea, cocoa B. steel, copper, aluminum C. petroleum, coal, natural gas D. typewriters, computers, airplanes 2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of: A. the United States *B. Switzerland C. Germany D. England 3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has: *A. grown B. diminished C. remained unchanged D. cannot say 4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by: A. the size of the nations' population B. the percentage of its population to its GDP *C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDP D. all of the above 5. Economic interdependence is greater for: *A. small nations


三、名词解释 1.生产者剩余 答:生产者剩余是指生产者愿意接受的价格和实际接受的价格之间的差额。 2.罗伯津斯基定理 答:罗伯津斯基定理是指在生产两种产品的情况下,如果商品的国际比价保持不变,一种生产要素增加所导致的密集使用该生产要素的产品产量增 加,会同时减少另外一种产品的产量。 3.产品生命周期 答:产品生命周期是指新产品经历发明、应用、推广到市场饱和、产品衰落,进而被其他产品所替代四个阶段。 4.购买力平价 答:购买力平价是指两种货币之间的汇率决定于它们单位货币购买力之间的比例。 5.市场内部化 答:市场内部化是指企业为减少交易成本,减少生产和投资风险,而将该跨国界的各交易过程变成企业内部的行为。 6.黄金输送点 答:黄金输送点包括黄金输入点和黄金输出点,是黄金输入、输出的价格上限和下限,它限制着一个国家货币对外汇率的波动幅度。 7.要素禀赋 答:要素禀赋,即要素的丰裕程度,是指在不同国家之间,由于要素的稀缺程度不同导致的可利用生产要素价格相对低廉的状况。赫克歇尔-俄林 定理认为,要素禀赋构成一个国家比较优势的基础 8.比较优势 答:比较优势也称为比较成本或比较利益,是由英国古典经济学家大卫李·嘉图提出的。李嘉图通过两个国家两种产品的模型阐明,比较优势是一国 在绝对优势基础上的相对较大的优势,在绝对劣势基础上的相对较小的 劣势,遵循“两利相权取其重,两弊相衡取其轻”的原则。根据各自的 比较优势来来确定国际分工并进行贸易往来,双方便都可以获得比较利 益。 9.人力资本 答:所谓人力资本是资本与劳动力结合而形成的一种新的生产要素,然们通过劳动力进行投资(如进行教育、职业培训、保健等),可以提高原有 劳动力的素质和技能,劳动生产率得到提升,从而对一个国家参加国际 分工的比较优势产生作用与影响。 10.布雷顿森林体系 答:布雷顿森林体系是指从第二次世界大战结束到1971年所实行的金汇兑本位制。这一以美元为中心的固定汇率制度的特征简而言之便是“美元


International Economics, 8e (Krugman) Chapter 14 Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates 14.1 Money Defined: A Brief Review 1) The exchange rate between currencies depends on A) the interest rate that can be earned on deposits of those currencies. B) the interest rate that can be earned on deposits of those currencies and the expected future exchange rate. C) the expected future exchange rate. D) national output. E) None of the above. Answer: B Question Status: Previous Edition 2) Money serves as A) a medium of exchange. B) a unit of account. C) a store of value. D) All of the above. E) Only A and B. Answer: D Question Status: Previous Edition 3) Money includes A) currency. B) checking deposits held by households and firms. C) deposits in the foreign exchange markets. D) Both A and B. E) A, B, and C. Answer: D Question Status: Previous Edition 4) In the United States at the end of 2006, the total money supply, M1, amounted to approximately A) 10 percent of that year's GNP. B) 20 percent of that year's GNP. C) 30 percent of that year's GNP. D) 40 percent of that year's GNP. E) 50 percent of that year's GNP. Answer: A Question Status: Previous Edition 5) What are the main functions of money? Answer: Money serves in general three important functions: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; and a store of value. As a medium of exchange, money avoids going back to a barter economy, with the enormous search costs connected with it. As a unit of account, the use of money economizes on the number of prices an individual faces. Consider an economy with N goods, then one needs only (N - 1) prices. As a store of value, the use of money in general ensures that you can transfer wealth between periods. Question Status: Previous Edition


第二章劳动生产率和比较优势:李嘉图模型(习题) 一、名词解释 1 绝对优势 2 比较优势 3生产可能性边界 4 一般均衡分析 5 局部均衡分析 6 相对需求曲线 7 机会成本 二、选择 1.在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价 ( ) A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上 B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下 C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间 D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同 2.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( ) A.劳动生产率的差异 B.技术水平的差异 C.产品品质的差异 D.价格的差异 3、“两利相权取其重,两弊相权取其轻”是对比较利益理论的高度概括,这一理 论是由经济学家()提出的。 A、亚当·斯密 B、赫克歇尔和奥林 C、大卫·李嘉图 D、大卫·休谟 三、填空

1、在李嘉图模型中,我们假定()是各个国家产业部门唯一的生产要素,()是各个国家产业部门之间唯一不同的生产要素。 2、比较成本学说理论的分析方法属于()。 3、相互需求理论认为,( )是由贸易双方的供给条件曲线或相互需求曲线。 4、在李嘉图模型中,一国出口劳动生产力高的产品,进口劳动生产力低的产品,即一个国家的生产模式是由()决定的。 5、各国参与贸易的原因有()和()。 四、简答 1、李嘉图比较成本学说的主要内容是什么?试析其合理 与不足之处。 2、本国有1200单位劳动,可生产两种产品——食物与衣 服,生产单位食物的劳动投入为3,生产单位衣服的劳动投入为2。 (1)画出本国的生产可能性曲线。 (2)用衣服表示食物的机会成本是多少? (3)在自给自足时,本国用衣服表示的食物的相对价格是多少?


国际贸易部分 一、单项选择题 1.重商主义的基本观点是一种( ) A.国际金融的“乘数理论” B.国际贸易的“零和理论” C.国际金融的“杠杆原理” D.国际贸易的“绝对优势理论” 2.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( ) A.劳动生产率的差异 B.技术水平的差异 C.产品品质的差异 D.价格的差异 3.不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( ) A.重叠需求理论 B.要素比例理论 C.规模经济理论 D.垄断竞争理论 4.能反映规模经济理论本意的是( ) A.规模报酬递减 B.规模报酬递增 C.规模报酬不变 D.规模成本递增 5.一种产品的竞争优势并非长期固定在某一个特定的国家,而是从技术发明国转向生产成本较低的国家,描述这一现象的理论是() A.雁形模式理论 B.产品周期理论 C.示范效应理论 D.大宗产品理论 6.下列不属于保护贸易学说的理论有( ) A.幼稚工业理论 B.贸易条件恶化论 C.国内市场失灵论 D.资源禀赋论 7.最佳关税水平应等于( ) A.零进口关税 B.零进口关税与禁止性关税之间的水平 C.禁止性关税 D.禁止性关税以上 8.最佳关税的长期目标是() A.从外国垄断厂商那里抽取部分垄断租 B.保护和发展本国工业 C.阻止国外商品进口 D.增加本国财政收入 9.从历史发展看,最为成功的国际卡特尔是( ) A.烟草贸易公司 B.铁路运输公司 C.橡胶生产国组织 D.石油输出国组织 10.从国际经济资源流动的难度看,最容易流动的要素是( ) A.商品 B.资本 C.人员 D.技术 11.国际经济学理论体系发展阶段不包括() A.重商主义 B.古典的自由贸易论及其自由贸易的政策 C.现代国际经济理论 D.重农主义 12.从国际贸易对生产要素分配的影响来看,国际贸易有利于() A.生产进口竞争品中密集使用的生产要素收入的增加 B.生产进口竞争品中密集使用的共同生产要素收入的增加 C.生产出口品中密集使用的共同生产要素收入的增加 D.生产出口品中密集使用的生产要素收入的增加 13.一国利用原材料或资源密集型产品的出口增加本国收入,进而提高本国的储蓄和投资水平,带动经济发展。该理论被称为() A.剩余物质出口理论 B.大宗产品贸易理论 C.比较优势理论 D.产品生命周期理论


绪论 一、单项选择题 1.国际经济学产生与发展的客观基础是() A.国际经济活动范围不断扩大B.国际经济关系日益复杂 C.跨越国界的经济活动不断增长D.国与国之间经济联系密切 2.国际经济学的研究对象() A.国际经济活动B.国际经济关系 C.世界范围内的资源配置D.国际经济活动与国际经济关系 3.国际经济学产生的时间() A.20世纪60年代 B.20世纪50年代 C.20世纪40年代 D.20世纪70年代 二、判断改错题 1.国际经济学产生与发展的理论基础是国际贸易理论。() 2.国际经济学是西方经济学的重要组成部分。() 3.国际经济学的微观部分主要讨论世界范围内的资源配置问题。() 4.国际金融理论与政策是站在单个国家角度来研究金融问题的。() 绪论 一、单项选择题 1.C 2.D 3.A 二、判断改错题 1.×。将“国际贸易理论”改为“国际贸易理论与国际金融理论”。 2.×。国际经济学是从西方经济学中独立出来的一门系统科学。 3.√。 4.×。国际金融理论与政策是独立于个别国家之外来研究所有国家参与国际金融市场的问题。 第二章古典国际贸易理论 一、单项选择题 1.主张对外贸易顺差,并将金银视为财富的唯一形式的理论是()A.比较优势理论B.贸易差额理论C.要素禀赋理论D.相互需求理论2.贸易差额论的政策主张中对发展中国家制定贸易政策有借鉴意义的是()A.发展本国工业B.发展本国航运业C.追求贸易顺差 D.对外贸易垄断3.最早对重商主义提出质疑的英国学者是() A.约翰·穆勒 B.亚当·斯密C.大卫·李嘉图D.大卫·休谟

4.甲国使用同样数量资源比乙国能生产更多的X,则乙国在X生产上具有()A.绝对优势B.比较劣势C.绝对劣势D.比较优势 5.甲国生产单位布和小麦分别需要6天和9天,乙国为10天和12天,根据比较优势理论() A.乙国进口小麦B.甲国出口布C.乙国出口布D.甲国出口小麦6.比较优势理论的提出者是() A.约翰·穆勒B.大卫·李嘉图C.亚当·斯密 D.李斯特 7.被称为西方国际贸易理论基石的是() A.贸易差额理论B.绝对优势理论C.比较优势理论 D.相互需求理论8.比较优势理论认为国际贸易产生的主要原因是() A.劳动生产率的相对差异B.技术水平差异 C.需求强度差异D.商品价格差异9.律师打字速度是打字员的两倍却雇佣打字员打字,以下表述错误的是()A.律师在打字上具有绝对优势B.律师在律师咨询上具有比较优势 C.打字员在打字上具有比较优势D.打字员在打字上具有绝对优势 10.按照比较优势理论,大量贸易应发生在() A.发达国家之间 B.发展中国家之间 C.发达国家与发展中国家之间D.需求相似国家之间 二、判断改错题 1.贸易差额论虽然产生时间很早,但并不是严格意义上的国际贸易理论。()2.贸易差额理论的奖出限入政策是针对所有产品而言的。() 3.贸易差额理论是第一个自由贸易理论。() 4.绝对优势理论分析的是国际贸易实践中的一个特例。() 5.具有绝对优势的产品不一定具有比较优势。() 6.根据绝对优势理论,一国两种产品都处于绝对劣势时仍可以参与互利贸易。()7.比较优势理论认为从理论上说所有国家都可以参与互利贸易。() 8.根据比较优势理论,只有当一国生产率达到足够高时,它才能从自由贸易中获益。 () 9.如果贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,贸易后国际市场价格更接近于小国封闭条件下的国内市场价格。() 三、名词解释 1.绝对优势2.比较优势 四、简答题 1.简述绝对优势理论主要内容。 2.简述比较优势理论主要内容。




国际经济学练习题 一、判断题 1、当开放贸易时,所有消费者的境况都会得到改善。 2、根据简单贸易模型,在贸易发生之前,如果各国的某种商品价格相同,这些国家之间就不会有交换该种商品的动机。 3、如果一国中某生产者通过贸易能使自己的境况得到改善,那么,该国中所有的生产者都会通过贸易来改善自己的境况。 4、在两国间均衡贸易价格条件下,一国对某种商品的过度供给必然与另一国对该商品的过度需求相等。 5、不存在free lunch,但却存在free trade。 6、一国即便在某种商品的生产上具有绝对劣势,它也可以在该商品的生产上具有相对优势。 7、根据H—O理论,一国如果比他国拥有更多英亩的土地,该国便是“土地丰富”的国家。 8、在成本递增的条件下,各国并不一定要完全专业化于一种商品的生产。 9、H—O理论假设各国拥有相同的商品偏好。 10、我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决Leontief Paradox。 11、Stolper-Samuelson定理认为,贸易将使丰富要素的所有者得到更低的实际收入,同时使稀缺要素的所有者得到更高的实际收入。 12、如果各国的生产技术相同,贸易便不会使生产要素价格均等化。 13、一国的非技术性工人会比技术性工人更加反对贸易自由化。 14、大国可投资发展进口替代产业而不是出口产业,进而改善本国的贸易条件。 15、按照定义,小国的经济增长将不会使贸易条件发生变化。 16、青春期是一个贫困化增长的好例子。 17、一国生产要素的增长总会使该国更加自给自足,进而减少对国际贸易的依赖。 18、一个与外界隔绝的国家一定会降低其公民的生活水平。 19、产业内贸易在充分竞争性产业中更为盛行。 20、根据H—0理论,各国应进行大量的产业内贸易。 21、规模经济是指资源的平衡增长导致平均成本上升。 22、产业内贸易发生的原因包括产品差异化、规模经济以及收入分配效应。 23、如果瑞士旅行鞋的进口增加,英国皮鞋制造商就会受到损失。 24、自由贸易总是一种比征收关税更好的政策。 25、从量关税的优越性之一是其保护价值量与进口商品的价格上涨保持同步。 26、关税对一个国家来说可能是最优的,但对全球来说不会是最优的。 27、关税给消费者带来的损失要大于它给生产者带来的收益。 28、与关税相比,配额给政府官员以更大的管理灵活性。 29、只要进口许可证是被拍卖的,配额的福利效应就与关税相同。 30、如果一国政府的税收收入很少,它就会倾向于采用关税而不是配额。 31、对于进口国来说,自愿出口限制比进口配额效果更差。 32、自愿出口限制实际上很少是自愿的。 33、对症规则(specificity rule)认为,关税通常不是纠正一国经济中扭曲的最佳方法。 34、贸易保护的国防理论和国家荣誉理论基本上是次优的。 35、如果“learning by doing”意味者今天更多的生产会使未来的成本降低,那么最好的政策就是实行保护性关税。


试卷 编号: 郑州航空工业管理学院2010—2011学年第一学期 课程考试试卷( A )卷 一、单项选择题(本题总计20分,每小题1分) 1.李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,()。 A、贸易导致不完全专业化 B、即使一个国家不具有绝对成本优势,也可以从出口绝对成本劣势相对较小的产品中获益 C、与不具备绝对成本优势的国家相比,具有绝对成本优势的国家可以从贸易中获利更多 D、只有具备比较优势的国家才能获得贸易余额 2.如果一个劳动力丰富的国家与另一资本丰富的国家进行自由贸易,则() A、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本上升 B、两国工资水平都会相对资本成本下降 C、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家上升 D、前一国家的工资会相对后一国家下降 3.如果机会成本是递增而不是固定不变的,国际贸易将导致()。 A、每个国家完全专业化,且生产成本下降 B、每个国家不完全专业化,且出口产品生产成本不变 C、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本上升 D、每个国家不完全专业化,且生产出口产品的机会成本下降 4.()可用于解释发达国家之间的制成品贸易。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、绝对优势学说5.可以解释产业内贸易现象的理论是()。 A、比较优势学说 B、要素禀赋理论 C、绝对优势学说 D、规模经济理论6.一种产品的竞争优势并非长期固定在某一个特定的国家,而是从技术发明国转向生产成本较低的国家,描述这一现象的理论是()。 A、产品生命周期理论 B、要素禀赋理论 C、需求重叠理论 D、规模经济理论 7、社会无差异曲线用来表示()。 A、一国公民不愿意与别国进行贸易的百分比 B、能够为社会成员提供相同满意感的商品消费组合 C、为多生产一单位其他产品而必须放弃的本来生产产品的数量 D、一国具有比较优势的产品


国际经济学作业 一、名词解释 幼稚产业:所谓幼稚产业是指某一产业处于发展初期,基础和竞争力薄弱但经过适度保护能够发展成为具有潜在比较优势的新兴产业。 倾销:是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。 提供曲线:也称相互需求曲线,是由马歇尔和艾奇沃斯提出的,它表明一个国家为了进口一定量的商品,必须向其他国家出口一定量的商品,因此提供曲线即对应某一进口量愿意提供的出口量的轨迹。两个国家的提供曲线的交汇点所决定的价格,就是国际商品交换价格(交换比率)。 国际收支:国际收支分为狭义的国际收支和广义的国际收支。狭义的国际收支指一个国家或地区与世界其他国家或地区之间由于贸易、非贸易和资本往来而引起的国际间资金收支流动的行为。包括两种具体形式:直接的货币收支和以货币表示的资产的转移。反映了以货币为媒介的国际间的债权、债务关系。广义的国际收支为系统记载的、在特定时期内(通常为一年)一个国家或经济体的居民与世界其他地方居民的全部各项经济交易,不仅包括外汇收支的国际借贷关系,还包括一定时期全部经济交易与往来。 二、简答题 试画出出口贫困化增长的图形并作出分析 答:出口贫困化增长,是指某国的传统出口产品的出口规模极大地增长,但结果不仅使该国的贸易条件严重恶化,而且该国的国民福利水平也出现下降,这种现象一般出现在发展中国家。

贸易条件变化前,该国生产均衡点为A,消费点为C;由于该国传统出口产品X 的出口规模极大增长,使得该国贸易条件恶化,此时,生产点变为A’,消费点变为C’。由图中的无差异曲线可以看出,该国贸易条件的变化使得它的福利水平低于增长前。这种情形就成为“出口贫困化增长”。 产生出口贫困化增长的原因主要有:(1)该国在该种出口产品的出口量中占到相当大的比重,这样,当其出口大幅度增加时,会导致世界市场上出现供大于求的情况,导致价格大幅下跌。(2)该种产品的需求国的需求弹性很低,当产品价格降低时,需求是并不会相应大幅增长。(3)该国经济结构十分单一,依赖该种产品的出口来促进经济的发展,因此在贸易条件恶化的时候也不能压缩出口,而是进一步扩大出口量从而保持一定的出口收入。 试说明国际贸易中要素密集度逆转的情况 答:这是解释列昂惕夫反论的观点之一,它认为,某种商品在资本丰富的国家属于资本密集型产品,而在劳动力相对丰富的国家则属于劳动密集型产品,如小麦在非洲是劳动密集生产过程的产品,而在美国则是资本密集型的产品,也就是大机器和高效化肥生产的产品。所以,同一种产品是劳动密集型产品还是资本密集型产品并没有绝对的界限。在国外属于劳动密集型的产品,也有可能在国内属于资本密集型的产品。 即如果两种要素在行业间的替代弹性差异很大,以至于两种等产量曲线相交两次,那么,可能产生生产要素密集度逆转的现象。即一种产品在A国是劳动密集型产品在B国是资本密集型产品。可能就无法根据H-O的模式预测贸易模式了。


《国际经济学》复习题及参考答案 K135班 一、名词解释 1、国际经济学:是研究经济资源或稀缺资源在世界范围内的最优分配,以及在此过程中发生的经济活动和经济关系的科学。 2、倾销:海外的货物以低于同样货物的销售价格在同一时候在国内市场类似条件下的出售。 3、国际收支(广义):在特定的时期(一般为一年)内,一个经济体与世界其他地方的各项经济交易。 4、提供曲线:就是相互需求曲线,表明一个国家为了进口一定量的商品,必须向其他国家出口一定量的商品的交换比率。 5、关税同盟:它是指两个或两个以上的国家通过签订条约或协定取消区域内关税或其他进口限制,并对非同盟国家实行统一的关税率而缔结的同盟。 6、贸易条件:即商品的国际交换比率。也就是单位出口能够换回的进口,用出口价格指数比进口价格指数。 7、外汇管制:一国政府通过法令对本国对外的国际结算和外汇买卖实行管制,用以实现国际收支平衡与本国货币汇率稳定的一种制度。 8、汇率:又称为汇价。是不同货币在外汇买卖过程中形成的交换比率。 9、开放经济:一个经济与其外部存在着经济往来关系,如对外贸易、资金流动、劳动力流动等对外经济关系。 10、资本国际流动:指资本从一个国家、地区或经济体,转移到另一个国家、地区和经济体的过程。 二、判断题 1、如果小国对进口商征收关税,那么关税造成的消费者损失小于国内生产商收益与政府关税收入之和。× 如果小国对进口商征收关税,那么关税造成的消费者损失大于国内生产商收益与政府关税收入之和。 2、李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,即使其中一个国家在所有产品上郡具有绝对成本优势,各国也可以根据比较优势进行专业化生产,然后通过贸易获益。√ 3、贫穷化增长适用于长期以来人口增长快于国内生产总值增长的国家。× 贫穷化增长适用于经济是典型的单一经济,离开单一产品的的生产和出口,该国就会陷入困境的发展中国家。 4、社会无差异曲线用来表示能够为社会成员提供相同满意感的商品消费组合。√ 5、产品生命周期理论认为,若任何国家首先成功推广了一种新产品,则这种新产品将在该国经历整个生命周期。× 产品生命周期理论认为,若任何国家首先成功推广了一种新产品,则这种新产品不会在该国经历整个生命周期。 6、幼稚产业是指那些处于成长阶段尚未成熟,但具有潜在优势的产业。√ 7、跨国企业是指向六个以上不同国家出口的企业。× 跨国企业是指在数个国家设有生产工厂的企业。 8、在实施布雷顿森林体系时期,美元是关键货币。√ 9、区分发展中国家和发达国家的最常用但并不完善的指标是人均GDP。√ 10、若美国经济增长速度高于英国,美元相对于英磅升值。× 若美国的通货膨胀速度低于英国,则美元相对于英磅升值。 11、斯密的绝对优势理论指出在贸易中两个国家均能通过出口其比另一国劳动生产率更高的产品获益。√ 12、共同市场是经济一体化的最高阶段。× 完全的经济一体化是经济一体化的最高阶段。 13、战略性贸易政策常常用来支持处于竞争激烈产业中的企业。× 战略性贸易政策常常包括对高技术企业的补贴和其他支持。 14、布雷顿森林体系要求成员国采取浮动汇率制度。× 布雷顿森林体系要求成员国采取以美元为中心的固定汇率制度。 15、货币分析法认为,国际收支赤字的根本原因是国内货币供给大于国内货币需求。√ 16、在金本位制下,一国的高利率和资本流入将有助于该国自动调整国际收支赤字。√ 17、一价定律认为关税不能影响进口产品价格。× 一价定律认为关税能影响进口产品价格。 18、如果德国的利率高于美国,则马克将在远期市场上贴水卖出。√ 19、从日本进口汽车应记入美国国际收支经常账户的贷方。× 从日本进口汽车应记入美国国际收支经常账户的借方。 20、若美国通货膨胀高于英国,美元相对于英磅贬值。√ 三、选择题 1、设一年前美元对人民币的汇率是1美元等于8.2345元人民币,假设美国的物价比前一年上升8%,而中国的物价水平上升10%,则美元与人民币之间理论上的汇率为( A ) A.8.3870 B.8.085 C.10.2931 D.6.5876 2、列昂惕夫反论包括以下解释,除了( B )。 A美国对劳动密集型进口产品征收高额关税 B美国实际上比其贸易伙伴拥有更多的劳动力 C美国的出口产品密集使用了熟练劳动力 D美国倾向于出口需要大量科学和工程技术投入的高技术产品 3.根据相对购买力平价理论,如果英国的通货膨胀率为10%,美国为4%,那么( C ) A 美元相对于英镑升值4% B美元相对于英镑贬值4% C美元相对于英镑升值6% D美元相对于英镑贬值6% 4、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( C ) A. 垄断竞争理论 B. 规模经济理论


1.林德重叠需求论的假设条件和主要观点。 重叠需求理论是由瑞典经济学家林德提出,其理论核心是:两国之间贸易关系的密切程度是由两国的需求结构与收入水平决定的。 重叠需求理论有两个假设条件: 1、消费者行为假设:假设在一国之内,需求受消费者的收入水平决定。不同收入阶层的消费者偏好不同,收入越高的消费者就越偏好奢侈品,收入越低的消费者就越偏好必需品,但如果消费者收入水平相同,则其偏好也相同。2、两国需求重叠的假定:厂商根据消费者的收入水平与需求结构来决定其生产方向与内容,而生产的必要条件是对其产品有效需求的存在;如果两国的平均收入水平相近,则两国的需求结构也必定相似。反之,如果两国的收入水平相差很大,则他们的需求结构也必存在显著的差异。 重叠需求理论的基本观点是,重叠需求是国际贸易产生的一个独立条件。两国之间的需求结构若是越接近,则两国之间进行贸易的基础就越雄厚。当两国的人均收入水平越接近时,则重叠需求的范围也就越大,两国重复需要的商品都有可能成为贸易品。如果各国的国民收入不断提高,则由于收入水平的提高,新的重复需要的商品便不断地出现,贸易也相应地不断扩大,贸易中的新品种就会不断地出现。所以,收入水平相似的国家,互相间的贸易关系就可能越密切;反之,如果收入水平相差悬殊,则两国之间重复需要的商品就可能很少,贸易的密切程度也就很小。 2.国际贸易比较优势理论 比较优势可以表述为:在两国之间,劳动生产率的差距并不是在任何产品上都是相等的。每个国家都应集中生产并出口具有比较优势的产品,进口具有比较劣势的产品(即“两优相权取其重,两劣相衡取其轻”),双方均可节省劳动力,获得专业化分工提高劳动生产率的好处。假设条(1)假定贸易中只有两个国家和两种商品(X与Y商品),这一个假设的目的是为了用一个二维的平面图来说明这一理论。(2)两国在生产中使用不同的技术。技术的不同导致劳动生产率的不同进而导致成本的不同。(3)模型只假定在物物交换条件下进行,没有考虑复杂的商品流通,而且假定1个单位的X产品和一个单位的Y产品等价(不过他们的生产成本不等)。(4)在两个国家中,商品与要素市场都是完全竞争的。(5)在一国内要素可以自由流动,但是在国际间不流动。(6)分工前后生产成本不变。(7)不考虑交易费用和运输费用,没有关税或影响国际贸易自由进行的其他壁垒。但是,在贸易存在的条件下,当两国的相对商品价格完全相等时,两国的生产分工才会停止比较优势理论。如果存在运输成本和关税,当两国的相对价格差小于每单位贸易商品的关税和运输成本时,两国的生产分工才会停止。(8)价值规律在市场上得到完全贯彻,自由竞争,自由贸易。(9)假定国际经济处于静态之中,不发生其他影响分工和经济变化。(10)两国资源都得到了充分利用,均不存在未被利用的资源和要素。(11)两国的贸易是平衡的,即总的进口额等于总的出口额。


计算题及答案 1. 在古典贸易模型中,假设A国有120名劳动力,B国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A国的人均产量是2吨,B国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A国的人均产量是10吨,B国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B 国具有生产大米的绝对优势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A国生产大米的机会成本为0.2,而B国为0.125,所以B 国生产大米的机会成本或相对成本低于A国,B国生产大米具有比较优势。 2.下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1)计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机和小麦的产量。 (2)哪个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3)如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动时间? (4)在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平)思路: (1)中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20 (2)因为加拿大生产计算机的机会成本比中国低,所以加拿大具有生产者计算机的比较优势,中国就具有生产小麦的比较优势。 (3)如果各国按照比较优势生产和出口,加拿大进口小麦出口计算机,中国进口计算机出口小麦。 加拿大进口一单位小麦需要出口1/22单位计算机,折合成劳动时间来算,生产 一单位小麦本国要用3小时,但生产1/22单位计算机本国要用60/22小时劳 动,所以加拿大进口一单位小麦相当于用60/22小时的劳动换回本国3小时生 产的产品,节省了3-60/22=3/11小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需 要出口22单位小麦,相当于用22*4=88小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产 的产品,节省了100-88=12小时的劳动时间。 如果世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,则相当于用60/24小时的劳动 换回本国3小时生产的产品,节省了3-60/24=1/2小时的劳动时间。中国进口 一单位计算机需要出口24单位小麦,相当于用24*4=96小时的劳动换回本国 需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-96=4小时的劳动时间。


比较利益:由英国经济学家托伦斯提出、嘉图发展的国际贸易理论。认为:即使一个国家生产每种产品都具有最高生产率,处于绝对优势,而另一个国家生产每种产品都处于绝对劣势,只要它们的劳动生产率在不同产品上存在区别,遵循“两利相权取其重,两弊相衡取其轻”的原则,便能从国际分工和贸易中获得利益。 出口的贫困增长:是指一国生产要素增加使产品出口增加时,该国的出口收入不但没有增加,反而减少了。造成这种局面的直接原因就是国际比价贸易条件的恶化。出口的贫困化增长主要发生在发展中国家,根源在于出口量随着生产能力提高而增加,引起国际市场价格下跌,进而造成贸易条件恶化。 要素禀赋:是指一国所拥有的可利用的经济资源的总量。它既包括自然存在的资源(如土地和矿产),也包括“获得性”资源(如技术和资本)。这是一个绝对量的概念。 要素禀赋理论:即赫克歇尔—俄林定理,简称H-O模型。在国际贸易中,一国的比较优势是由其要素丰裕度决定的。一国应生产和出口较密集地使用其较丰裕的生产要素的产品,进口较密集地使用其较稀缺的生产要素的产品。 要素价格均等化定理:即使生产要素不具备国际流动的条件,只要商品自由贸易得到充分的发展,那么各国同种生产要素的相对价格会趋于相等。同时,绝对价格也会趋于相等。要素密集度逆转:是指生产的某种商品,在劳动力相对丰富的国家中属于劳动密集型产品,但在资本相对丰富的国家中则属于资本密集型产品。 产业贸易理论:一国即出口又进口某种产业产品的贸易现象。具体主要指的是同一产业部门部的差异化产品的交换和中间产品的交流。按国际贸易标准分类至少前三位数相同的产品既出现在一国的进口项目中、又出现在该国的出口项目中。规模收益:当所有投入要素的使用量都按同样的比例增加时,这种增加会对总产量的影响。 规模收益是指涉及到厂商生产规模变化与产量变化之间的关系,如果生产规模的变化是由所有生产要素以相同比例扩大或减少而引起的,那么对应的产量变动就有三种情况:(1)如果产量增加的比率大于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益递增阶段;(2)如果产量增加的比率等于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益不变阶段;(3)如果产量增加的比率小于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益递减阶段。 出口补贴:出口补贴又称出口津贴,是一国政府为了降低出口商品的价格,增加其在国际市场的竞争力,在出口某商品时给予出口商的现金补贴或财政上的优惠待遇。 进口配额:一国政府对一定时期进口的某些商品的数量或金额加以直接控制。在规定的期限,配额以的货物可以进口,超过配额不准进口,或征收较高关税后才能进口。简单而言,配额是对进口商品设置一定的限额,其目的与征收关税一样,为了限制进口,保护国工业。但与关税不同的是,进口配额是直接的数量控制而不是通过提高进口商品价格间接地减少进 口。 生产者剩余:生产者剩余是指生产者愿意接受的价格和实际接受的价格之间的差额。 消费者剩余:消费者在购买一定数量的某种商品时愿意支付的总数量和实际支付的总数量之间的差额 幼稚产业:某种产业由于技术经验不足、劳动生产率低下、产品成本高于世界市场价格,因而无法与国外产业竞争,但在关税、补贴等保护措施下继续生产一段时间,经过一段时间的生产能够在自由贸易条件下获利,达到其他国家水平而自


试卷(A)国际经济学一、选择题(2x15=30,每题只有一个正确答案) 1、如果dx、sx、dm和sm分别代表出口产品的需求弹性、出口产品的供给弹性、进口产品的需 求弹性和进口产品的供给弹性,则马歇尔—勒纳条件用公式表示为() >1 dx+sx>1 B.||A.|dx+dm|>1 .|sx+sm|C.|dm+sm|>1 D) 2. “贫困化增长”的一个必要条件为:( A.国家的增长偏向于出口产业。B.外国对该国的出口需求具有价格弹性。C.国家的消费 偏好高度偏向于出口商品。D.贸易在国民经济中比重不大。)3、从国际贸易对生产要素收 入分配的短期影响来看,自由贸易会导致( .生产进口竞争品部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高A .生产进口竞争品部门使用的共同 生产要素收入水平下降B C.生产出口品部门使用的共同生产要素收入水平提高 D.生产出口品 部门使用的专门生产要素收入水平提高)、在商品的国际比价保持不变的情况下,偏向出口的 生产要素增长会(4 .扩大进口品生产规模 BA.扩大出口品生产规模.使贸易规模保持不变C D.使贸易规模缩减)5、在货币主义的汇率决定理论中,与本币价值负相关的变量是(.外 国国民收入A.本国国民收入 B C.外国的利息率 D.外国货币 供给、不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论是(6 ) BA.重叠需求理论.规模 经济理论.要素禀赋理论C D.相互倾销理论 7、货币贬值对国内吸收的直接影响效应不包括() A.货币余额效应 B.收入再分配效应 C.货币幻觉效应 D.贸易条件效应、世界贸易组织WT)是关贸总协定主持的 下列哪一回合谈判的结果 .多哈回.乌拉圭回 .东京回.安纳西回 、成员国间实行自由贸易优惠协定并统一外部关税,但成员国间要素尚未实现自由流动是 A.自由贸易 B.关税同 C.共同市 D.经济联 1、在幼稚产业的判定标准中,强调技术外溢和外部规模经济效果的是 .李斯特标.肯普标 .穆勒标.巴斯塔布尔标 1、根据蒙代尔提出的“分配法则,当一国失业和逆差并存时,为实现经济的内外平衡应采取的 政策搭配是 .紧财政、松货.松财政、松货 .松财政、紧货.紧财政、紧货 1、通常与进口替代战略相配合的政策措施包括 .降低关税壁.高估本币价 .放松外汇管.减少非关税壁 1、征收进口关税对于进口国来说 .不利于与进口产品相竞争的生产 .使国内同类产品的生产减


一、(完整)国际经济学考试题库(答案版) 二、 三、 四、编辑整理: 五、 六、 七、 八、 九、尊敬的读者朋友们: 十、这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之 前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)国际经济学考试题库(答案版))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建 议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 十一、本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为(完整)国际经济学考试题库(答案版)的全部内容。 十二、

十三、试述H—O模型的主要内容并予以评价。 1、基本内容: 资本丰富的国家在资本密集型产品上相对供给能力较强,劳动丰富的国家则在劳动密集型产品上相对供给能力较强.根据比较优势原则,一国出口密集使用其丰富要素的产品,进口密集使用其稀缺要素的产品. 要素的自然禀赋—要素供给—要素的相对富饶程度-要素相对价格-生产成本差异—商品价格差异—贸易的发生 2、评价: 贡献:a、从一国经济资源优势解释国际贸易发生的原因;b、从实际优势出发决定贸易模式;c、从贸易对经济的影响分析贸易的作用。 局限性:a、禀赋并非贸易发生的充分条件;b、对需求因素未予以充分考虑,影响了理论对实际情况的分析;c、过分强调静态结果,排除技术进步及实际存在的情况,影响了理论的适用性。 十四、结合货币市场和外汇市场,以美元为本币,请画图美联储增加货币供给后,美元对欧元的汇率将如何变动。 外汇指的是以外国货币表示的,为各国普遍接受的,可用于国际间债权债务结算的各种支付手段。货币政策是指政府或中央银行为影响经济活动所采取的措施,尤指控制货币供给以及调控利率的各项措施。 一国货币供给的增加会使该国货币在外汇市场上贬值。美国的货币市场决定美元的利率,美元利率则影响维持利率平价的汇率.所以当美联储增加货币供给后,会导致美元相对欧元的贬值。但美元供给的变 动对长期利率和实际产出没有影 三、什么是恶性通货膨胀,可能导致恶性通货膨胀的原因以及应对措施。 恶性通货膨胀又称“超速通货膨胀”,是三位数以上的通货膨胀。指流通货币量的增长速度大大超过货币流通速度的增长,货币购买力急剧下降,物价水平加速上升,整体物价水平以极高速度快速上涨的现象,使民众对货币价值失去信心。由于货币的流通量增加快速,使货币变得没有价值时,人们会急于要以货币换取实物,人心惶惶的结果只会更加速通货膨胀的恶化,整体经济濒临崩溃边缘. 恶性通货膨胀是一种不能控制的通货膨胀,在物价很快地上涨的情况下,就使货币失去价值.在社会经济发展和运行中,如果某一国家或地区出现了恶性的通货膨胀、剧烈的汇率波动或严重的地区政治冲突,其发行的信用货币(纸币)将存在很大的风险。导致恶性通货膨胀的经济原因一般是纸币发行过多。 措施:控制货币供应量,调节控制社会总需求,增加商品有效供给. 四、为什么现实生活中会出现严重违背购买力平价的情况? 1。贸易壁垒和非贸易品 运输费用和贸易管制会使得商品在不同国家之间的流通成本变高,从而削弱作为购买力评价理论基础的一价定律的作用机制.由于非贸易品的存在,即使是相对购买力,也会出现系统性的偏差。 2.非自由竞争 当贸易壁垒和不完全竞争市场结构同时存在时,各国价格水平之间的联系会进一步弱化。 3。不同国家消费模式和价格水平计量方面的区别 生活在不同国家的人们的消费方式不同,而且由于相对购买力平价预测的是价格变动而非价格水平,所以不管各国用什么样的商品篮子来定义价格水平,它都是一种切合实际的概念,商品篮子中不同商品的相对价格发生变动可能会使得相对购买力平价无法经手不同官方价格指数的检验。 五、什么是比较优势,如何评价比较优势。 比较优势是指如果一个国家在本国生产一种产品的机会成本(用其他产品来衡量)低于在其他国家生产该产品的机会成本的话,则这个国家在生产该种产品上就拥有比较优势。

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