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fruit 解析

fruit 解析
fruit 解析

How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?

一天吃一两份水果Some, about 1 serving or two servings every day... (serving: 份儿)

减肥不吃水果Not at all. I'm on diet. I cut fruits to lead to losing weight. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. (fructose: 果糖)

过敏不吃水果I don't eat any fruits or veggies, for me it's because I have an immense allergic sensitivity to many of them. (immense: 严重的allergic: 过敏的)

What fruit and vegetables did you like to eat when you were a child?

喜欢干果I was crazy about some of the dried fruit, like raisins, banana chips and apple chips. (dried fruit干果raisins葡萄干banana chips香蕉片)

喜欢果汁I didn't like plain fruits. But I love juice or fruit dessert. (plain fruits纯水果)

What fruits or vegetables do you especially like to eat?

喜欢热带水果Tropical fruits: mango, carambola, papaya, feijoa, asian pear, durian, pricky pear, peping... (tropical fruits热带水果mango芒果carambola杨桃papaya木瓜feijoa费约果asian pear水梨durian榴莲pricky pear仙人掌果pepino人参果,香瓜梨)

喜欢浆果类Berries are really super foods. They are so full of vitamins and antioxidants they really deserve to be included in everyone's diets. (berries浆果类antioxidants抗氧化物)

Is it easy (or, convenient) to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?

Yes. But unless you own an orchard or can buy fruit at a local farmers' market, "perfectly ripe fruit" is often not an option. In today's grocery stores, you're more likely to find fruit at the rock-hard stage, then you must ripen it at home. (orchard果园grocery stores杂货店rock-hard 岩石般坚硬的ripen使成熟)

Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?

有营养Fruits are a dietary staple and a great source of vitamins and natural sugars. Eating fruits gives me a full spectrum of quality nutrition. (dietary staple饮食必备a full spectrum of大量的nutrition营养)

菠萝的好处Pineapple is loaded with Vitamin C and other substances that keep the body strong and aid in digestion. (aid in digestion帮助消化)

香蕉的好处Bananas are loaded with potassium and other valuable nutrients. They are good for lowering blood pressure, speeding the recovery of diarrhea and lowering the risk of strokes. ( loaded with potassium含有钾diarrhea腹泻strokes中风)

What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?

Citrus fruits have lots of health benefits for kids. (citrus柑橘类水果)

治疗作用Consumption of fresh fruit rich in Vitamin C such as citrus fruits and kiwifruit has been found to have a beneficial effect on children with asthma. (Vitamin C维生素C kiwifruit猕猴桃asthma哮喘)

治疗作用Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to maintain good health for children. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They contain vitamins, photochemical, and minerals that can protect your body from diseases like diabetes, cancers, and heart diseases. (photochemical光催化学物minerals 矿物质diabetes糖尿病)

Is there much difference between the fruits and vegetables that people eat today and what they used to eat in the past?

Nowadays, people put in a good word for organic foods. Fruits grown without pesticides or fertilizers based on petrochemicals are generally better for us and the planet. (organic foods有机



一.特殊疑问词的用法 1.what 表示‘什么’的意思 例:My favourite fruit is peach.(对划线部分提问) What’s your favourite fruit(你最喜欢的水果是什么) 表示‘何时’ She goes to work at 7:oo.(对划线部分提问)(她7点去上班) When does your mother go to work(你妈妈几点去上班) 3.How如何,怎样 I go to school by bike.(对划线部分提问)(我骑自行车上学) How do you go to school(你怎样去上学) 4.where哪里 He lives in Baoding.(对划线部分提问)(他住在保定) Where does he live(他住在哪里) 5.Why为什么 Why are you late(你为什么迟到了) Because my bike is broken. (因为我自行车坏了) 注意:要根据句意去选择正确的疑问词。 二.注意乐器前加the,球类前不加the 例:play the piano Play the guitar Play basketball Play football 三.注意过去式的表达 一般情况下,在动词后面加ed do的过去式did,(don’t-didn’t) 句型: I watched Tv yesterday evening.(变成否定) I didn't watch TV yesterday evening. 注意:变为否定以后,didn't已经体现出来了过去事态,所以之后的动词watch不用再用过去式watched,而用原形 同样现在时态也是一样 例:He goes to school by bike.(变成否定) He doesn’t go to school by bike. 看Unit4练习题第二题第四小题,第四题第2小题,第五题第2,3,5小题,第七题第3小题 四.tomorrow明天 Yesterday昨天today今天now现在 例句: I’m going to the park now.(现在) I watched a movie yesterday.(过去) I will go to Beijing tomorrow.(将来)


助动词在英语学习当中作了解,不需要重点把握,但是助动词也是很好理解的,希望回答能够帮到你。 1.助动词:Be 助动词不能作述语动词,要与本动词一起构成动词片语,表示时态、语态等。 1. BE作为本动词表示状态或客观存在等意思。 Your house is bigger and nicer than mine. 你的房子比我的又大又好。 2. BE+不定词连用,表示约定、义务、命令等未来的动作或状态。 I am to go abroad on business tomorrow. 明天我要去外国出公差。 表示未来的安排。 The meeting is to be held as scheduled. 会议将按原计划召开。 表示计划好的安排。 You are not to bark at my friend. 你不许对我的朋友叫。 表示命令或要求。 3. BE+现在分词构成各种进行时态。 Who are you talking to? 你在和谁说话? I am talking to my dog. 我在和我的狗说话。 4. BE+过去分词构成被动语态。 That means I will be promoted as scheduled. 这就意味着我将要按原计划得到提升。 2. dare和used to 作为情态助动词的dare一般只能用于疑问句或否定句中,dare+原形动词表示敢。

I dare not say it is ugly. 我不敢说它丑。 How dare you say so? 你怎么敢这么说? dare也可以作本动词,用于肯定句,后面要接带to的不定词;主词若是第三人称单数,简单现在式时,dare要变为dares。 You, you dare to talk to me like this! 你、你竟敢这样和我讲话! used to+原形动词表示过去的习惯或状态,而现在已经不存在了。 You're not what you used to be. 你不是以前的你了。 used to构成疑问句时有两种形式。即used + 主词+ to + 其他成份?;Did + 主词+ use to+ 其他成份。 How used I to be? 我以前什么样? How did you use to be? 你以前什么样? used to构成否定句时有两种形式,即used not to和didn't use to。 You didn't use to say things like this. You used not to say things like this. 你以前不会说这样的话的。 be used to表示习惯于,其中used是形容词,to是介系词,后接名词、代名词或动名词等,可用于不同的时态。 You're used to hearing words of praise. 你是听好话听惯了。 3. 助动词:Do 1. DO作为助动词时的时态、人称和数的变化与它作为本动词相同,有do, does, did三种形式。 Yes, it seems he doesn't really want to have a haircut.


many, much, a lot of,a lot, plenty many(形容词)用在可数名词之前,用于疑问句和否定句中。 much(形容词)用在不可数名词之前,用于疑问句和否定句中,还可修饰比较级。 a lot of(固定短语)后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不 可数名词时,谓语用单数。用于肯定句中。 a lot 当然不是名词性短语了,而是副词性短语,修饰动词。 plenty(形容词:很多的;足够的)可以修饰可数、不可数名词 比如:Thanks a lot= Thanks very much. 再比如:I know him a lot。我知道他太多了。plenty of 和以上lots of 和a lot of相似,后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可,接可数名词时谓语用复数,接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。 He didn’t make many mistakes.他没犯多少错。 We haven’t much coffee.家里的咖啡不多了。 I've got plenty things to take care of. 我有许多事要处理。 There are a lot of people in the railway station. 火车站里有许多人。 many和much的比较级和最高级形式相同,都是more和most: more mistakes/coffee更多的错误/咖啡 most men/damage 几乎全部的男士/几乎所有的损害 many,much,more,most可作代词使用: He gets a lot of letters but she doesn’t get many。他收到的信很多,可她的信不多。You have a lot of free time but I haven’t much。你有许多空闲时间,可我没有。more和most的用法较灵活,many和much在否定动词后面用得比较多,但many和much在肯定动词和疑问动词后用法较受限制。 many和much与肯定动词连用 many前加上a good/great时可与肯定动词连用。many与much用so/as/too修饰时也可以与肯定动词连用。 I made a good many friends there.我在那里交了许多朋友。 He has had so many jobs that...他做过了这么多种工作,以致…… She read as much as she could.她尽量多读书。 They drink too much(gin).他们(杜松子酒)喝得太多了。 many是宾语或宾语的一部分而前面不加任何修饰语时,常常被 a lot/lots of(+名词)或a lot,lots(代词)代替。much是宾语或宾语的一部分时常常被 a great/good deal of(+名词)或a great/good deal(代词)代替: I saw a lot/lots of seabirds.I expect you saw a lot too. 我看到了许多海鸟。想必你也看到了许多。 He spends a lot/lots of/a great deal of money on his house.他在房子上花很多钱。 既可以用many也可以用a lot(of)作主语或作主语的一部分,但这里的much通常由其他形式代替。 但much在正规英语中是允许这样用的: Much will depend on what the minister says.很多事要取决于部长怎么说。 试将肯定句和否定句作一比较: He hasn’t won many races.他没有赢过几次比赛。 He didn’t eat much fruit.他没有吃多少水果。 She ate a lot/lots/a great deal of fruit./She ate a lot/a great deal. 她吃了大量的水果。


名词 fruit 的可数性问题 fruit表示“水果”时,既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的,其区分原则是: 1.用作物质名词,泛指一般意义的水果,不可数。如: Fruit is cheapest in season. 水果在上市季节最便宜。 Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather. 天热水果很快会腐烂。 Eat more fruit—it will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。 2.若表示水果的种类,则为可数名词。如: The mango is a tropical fruit. 芒果是种热带水果。 The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,不是水果。 对于fruit是否含有“种类”之意,有时需要看具体的语境。比较: I bought some fruit on my way home. 我在回家路上买了一些水果。 Some fruits don’t freeze well at all.有些(种类的)水果根本不能冷藏。 在某些语境不很明确的情况下,用作可数或不可数名词均有可能。如: We import tropical fruit(s). 我们进口热带水果。 但是,下面一句中的fruits不宜改为fruit,因为其前的修饰语many和different明显是在强调种类: We import many different tropical fruits. 我们进口许多不同的热带水果。 当用于fruit and vegetables(水果和蔬菜)时,fruit通常用单数(不可数),而vegeta bles通常用复数。如: Fruit and vegetables are sold by weight. 水果和蔬菜按重量卖。 Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 要吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。 但有时(尤其是在美国英语中)也可见到fruits and vegetables这样的用法。如: The farmer drove to the city each week to sell his fruits and vegetables. 这位农民每周开车到城里来卖水果和蔬菜。 Her health improved when she began eating fruits and vegetables. 她开始吃水果和蔬菜后身体更健康了。 不过,如果是用于名词前作定语,则fruit和vegetable均要用单数。如:


初一英语上 1、礼貌用语 Good morning!早上好。 Good afternoon!下午好。 Good evening!晚上好。 Spell it,please.=Please spell it.=How do you spell it?请拼写它。 How are you?你呢?I’,m fine,thanks(thank you).我很好,谢谢。/I’m ok.一般。 My name is Gina.=I’m Gina.我叫吉娜。 Hi/Hello.你好。 Nice to meet you.很高兴遇到你。 How do you do?你好。 See you.再见。 Bye.再见。 2.句型 特殊疑问句:结构:疑问词+do/does(助动词)/can/need/must等情态动词+主语+谓语动词 +(宾语) 疑问词+be(is,am,are) +主语+(宾语) 例如:What’s(What is) this in English?(这个用英语怎么说?)回答:It’s a/an--- What color is it?(它是什么颜色)回答:It’s--- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)回答:I’m/My name is--- Who is he/she?(他/她是谁)?回答:He’s/She’s--- Where is my schoolbag?(我的书包在哪?)回答:It’s on/in/under--- How much are these socks?(这些袜子多少钱?)回答:They’re--- When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)回答:My birthday is/It’s—-- What’s your favorite subject?(你最喜欢什么科目?)回答:My favorite subject is- Why does Bob like history?(鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?)回答:Because it’s --- Who is your music teacher?(谁是你的音乐老师?)回答:My music teacher /He/She is--- When is your P.E. class?(体育课是什么时候?)回答:It’s--- How old are you?(你多大了?)回答:I’m--- How about you? 归纳:疑问词有:what,who,where,when,why,how much,how long, how far,how many等 一般疑问句:结构:Do/Does(助动词)/can/need/must等情态动词+主语+谓语动词+(宾语) Be(Is,Am,Are) +主语+(宾语) 例子:Is he Jack?(你叫杰克吗?)回答:Yes,he is./No, he isn’t. Are you Helen?(你是海伦吗?)回答:Yes, I am./No, I am not. Is this your pencil?(这是你的铅笔吗?)回答:Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. Do you have a soccer ball?(你有足球吗?)回答:Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Does she like tomatoes?(她喜欢西红柿吗)回答:Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t. Can he dance?(他会跳舞吗?)回答:Yes,he can./No, he can’t. 否定句:结构:主语+ be(is,am,are)+not+(宾语)。 主语+ do/does(助动词)/can/need/must等情态动词+not+实义动词+(宾语) 例如:I don’t like bananas.(我不喜欢香蕉。) 陈述句:结构:主语+谓语+(宾语) 例如:My favorite subject is science.(我最喜欢的科目是科学。)

fruit 英语大全

猕猴桃 kiwi fruit 蓝莓blue berry['ber?] ['b?ri] 芋头taro['tɑ:r?u, 't?-] 柿子persimmon[p?'s?m?n] 牛油果avocado[,?v?'kɑdo] 苹果apple 香蕉banana 柠檬lemon 酸橙lime[laim] 橙orange 葡萄grape 梨pear [pε?] 桃peach 石榴pomegranate ['p?m?gr?n?t] 草莓strawberry 杨梅waxberry 英['w?ksb(?)r?] 美['w?ks,b?ri] 杏子apricot 英['e?pr?k?t] 美['?pr?kɑt] 西瓜water melon almond杏仁英['ɑ?m?nd]美['ɑm?nd] apple apple core苹果核 英[k??]美[k?r apple juice苹果汁 apple skin苹果皮 apricot杏子 apricot flesh杏肉 apricot pit杏核 areca nut槟榔子英['?r?k?; ?'ri?k?]美[,?'rik?] banana香蕉 banana skin香蕉皮 bargain price廉价 beechnut山毛榉坚果 英['bi?t?n?t]美['bit?,n?t] Beijing flowering crab海棠果 [kr?b] bitter苦的['bit?] bitterness苦味 bitter orange酸橙 blackberry黑莓 canned fruit罐头水果[k?nd] carambola杨桃 英[,k?r(?)m'b??l?]


pear的用法总结大全 pear这个单词大家应该都很熟悉了吧。那你们掌握了pear 的用法了吗?今天给大家带来了pear的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 pear的用法总结大全 pear的意思 n. 梨(树),梨树 pear用法 pear可以用作名词 当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词; 表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。 pear还可表示“梨树”。 pear用作名词的用法例句 This pear is rotten at the core.这个梨子的果心腐烂了。 Would you like a pear?想吃梨吗?

This salad is made of apple, pear, potato and celery.这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。 pear用法例句 1、In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees. 花园里,苹果树和梨树患枯枝病最明显。 2、Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。 3、He feared his career had gone a bit pear-shaped. 他害怕自己的事业已经出了点儿问题。 孔融让梨:pear有几种用法 But square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks dont lose their shape. ——Moulin Rouge 但是不论方形切割,水梨造型,这些石头永远都不会变形。 一、你知道pear有几种含义吗?


牛津小学英语4B Unit4 Buying fruit 第一教时PartA 平望实验小学陈燕 英语是一门语言,我们学英语最重要的是要会运用。如何让学生将课堂上的知识点与实际生活相结合,达到学以致用,就需要我们教师激发学生的学习兴趣,创设一定的场景,使学生开口说,愿意说,运用到生活中去。 一、教材分析:本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子What are these/ those? They’re…。Book4A中已经出现What’s this/ that? It’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。 本单元出现的水果单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。与所出现的水果类单词紧密结合的是在商店里购物的常用语Can I help you? How many kilos?等。在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如的运用这些购物的基本用语。另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些其他购物用语,以扩充他们的知识面、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标: <1>.能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词buy,apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes ,pears, some. <2>.能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型what are these/those? They’re... How many kilos?...kilos, please. <3>.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? I’d like some… 2、能力目标:初步运用购物的日常交际用语开展模拟情景购物活动,将英语学习活动融于真实的生活中。 3、情感目标: 让学生根据生活体验表达自己的感受,使学习活动因富有生活气息而洋溢着生机和活力。通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣,让学习活动充满快乐和期盼。


名词的数知识讲解蔬菜vegetable与水果fruit是可数名词 还是不可数名词(北京四... 主题:名词的数知识讲解蔬菜vegetable与水果fruit是可数名词还是不可数名词 内容:蔬菜vegetable与水果fruit是可数名词还是不可数名词? 提交人: 李佳恒 时间: 5/1/2011 14:40:2 主题:蔬菜和水果的用法 内容: 蔬菜vegetable与水果fruit是可数名词还是不可数名词? 答:vegetable表示“蔬菜”,通常是可数名词,但通常用复数形式。如: 她买了许多新鲜水果和蔬菜。 正:She bought a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. 误:She bought a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable. 你每天都吃蔬菜吗? 正:Do you eat vegetables every day?

误:Do you eat vegetable every day? fruit 作为集合名词,它通常是不可数的。如: He doesn’t not eat much fruit. 他不大吃水果。 He is growing fruit in the country. 他在农村种水果。 但是,当要表示种类时,它可视为可数名词,即a fruit 指一种水果,fruits 指多种水果。体会: Some fruits have thick skins. 有些水果皮很厚。 The potato is a vegetable,not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。


variety用法详解 用法一 表示“变化”“多样性”,是不可数名词。如: We all need variety in our diet. 我们都需要饮食多样化。 I didn’t like the work, because it lacked variety; I was doing the same thing all the time. 我不喜欢那工作,因为它缺少变化,我老是做着同样的事情。 用法二 表示“种种”“各种各样”,是可数名词,但通常只用单数形式,且主要用于a variet y of 这样的结构。如: They were late for a variety of reasons. 他们因种种原因而迟到。 You may do it in a great variety of ways. 你可以用许多不同的方法去做这事。 注:a variety of 后通常接复数可数名词,但有时也接不可数名词(见上例)。但是注意以下结构由于所用冠词不同,它所表示的数的概念也不同: “a variety of+复数名词”用作主语,谓语要用复数 “the variety of+复数名词”用作主语,谓语要用单数 A variety of books have been published. 出版了各种各样的书。 The variety of goods in this shop is rich. 这家商店的货物品种丰富。 比较:“a number of+复数名词”与“the number of+复数名词”用作主语时的差别(参见number)。 用法三 表示“种类”、“品种”,是可数名词。如: An apple is a variety of fruit. 苹果是一种水果。 We’re going to grow a new variety of wheat this year. 今年我们要种植一种新品种的小麦。


tree的用法和短语例句 【篇一】tree的用法 tree的用法1:tree的基本意思是“树”,是木本植物的统称,尤指树干高大、主干与分枝有很明显区别的木本植物,即乔木。用于比喻,可指“树形图”“谱系图”等。 tree的用法2:tree还可用作动词,表示“迫使人或动物上树躲避”,常用于被动结构中 【篇二】tree的常用短语 用作名词 (n.) bark up the wrong tree 把某事物搞错了,错怪了人 grow on trees 多,易获得等 【篇三】tree的用法例句 1. He sees himself going right to the top of the tree. 他预见自己在同行中将无人可及。 2. He was a huge man, built like an oak tree. 他是个大块头,结实得像棵橡树。 3. To avoid damaging the tree, hammer a wooden peg into the hole. 为了不毁坏树,用锤子将一个木栓钉进洞里。 4. The following summer the peach tree was laden

with fruit. 第二年夏天桃树就结满了桃子。 5. The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree. 司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。 6. A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree. 一个故意破坏公物的人用链锯伐倒了一棵树。 7. He started to hack away at the tree bark. 他开始砍树皮。 8. A thrush alighted on a branch of the pine tree. 一只鸫落在松树的树枝上。 9. Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch. 乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。 10. This tree is always recognizable by its extremely beautiful silvery bark. 这种树很容易辨认,因为它有着非常漂亮的银色树皮。 11. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree. 你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子。 12. If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die. 如果任由土壤变干,这棵树可能会枯死。 13. The tree’s roots are stripped and hung to season and bleach.


名词fruit 的可数性问题 fruit表示“水果”时,既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的,其区分原则是: 1.用作物质名词,泛指一般意义的水果,不可数。如: Fruit is cheapest in season. 水果在上市季节最便宜。 Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather. 天热水果很快会腐烂。 Eat more fruit—it will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。 2.若表示水果的种类,则为可数名词。如: The mango is a tropical fruit. 芒果是种热带水果。 The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,不是水果。 对于fruit是否含有“种类”之意,有时需要看具体的语境。比较: I bought some fruit on my way home. 我在回家路上买了一些水果。 Some fruits don’t freeze well at all. 有些(种类的)水果根本不能冷藏。 在某些语境不很明确的情况下,用作可数或不可数名词均有可能。如: We import tropical fruit(s). 我们进口热带水果。 但是,下面一句中的fruits不宜改为fruit,因为其前的修饰语many和different明显是在强调种类: We import many different tropical fruits. 我们进口许多不同的热带水果。 当用于fruit and vegetables(水果和蔬菜)时,fruit通常用单数(不可数),而vegetables 通常用复数。如: Fruit and vegetables are sold by weight. 水果和蔬菜按重量卖。 Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 要吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。 但有时(尤其是在美国英语中)也可见到fruits and vegetables这样的用法。如: The farmer drove to the city each week to sell his fruits and vegetables. 这位农民每周开车到城里来卖水果和蔬菜。 Her health improved when she began eating fruits and vegetables. 她开始吃水果和蔬菜后身体更健康了。 不过,如果是用于名词前作定语,则fruit和vegetable均要用单数。如: He runs a fruit and vegetable stall in the market. 他在集市里经营一家水果蔬菜摊。 3.虽然在强调种类时fruit可用作可数名词,但与表示种类的kind of, type of, sort of等搭配时,fruit通常是不可数的,因为其种类意味已经体现在kind, type, sort等词上面。如:


名词用法小结 1. 名词单、复数的变化规律及其用法; 2. 不可数名词量的表达法; 3. 名词所有格的变化及其用法; 4. 名词作主语的一致问题; 5. 常用专有名词的表示法; 6. 具体语境中名词的词义和一些常用易混淆名词的区别。 Ⅰ.名词的定义 名词是表示人、事物、现象和其他抽象概念的名称的词。名词可分为专有名词和普通名词。 专有名词是具体的人和事物等特有名称。专有名词的第一个字母要大写,人名、地名、公共节日及月份、周日的名称等等都是属于专有名词。(见资料)如:Yao Ming 姚明;China 中国;Christmas 圣诞节等。 Ⅱ. 可数名词和不可数名词普通名词按照其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 1.可数名词可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。如:an apple; two apples 。 ★注意: a 用于以辅音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前; an 用于以元音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前。 如:a book/buk/, a useful/ju:sful/ book ,an apple/’aepl/ ,a red apple , an hour/’aua/ 2.不可数名词: 不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,没有复数形式。 (1)物质名词。如:water; rice; tea; milk; food; fruit; meat; fish(鱼肉); chicken(鸡肉); beef; mutton; orange(橙汁);sugar; salt; paper(纸); porridge; bread; sand; juice等。这类不可数名词需要计量时要在名词前加表示量的词。如:a cup of tea; two bags of rice; three bottles of water等。 (2)抽象名词。如:news; music; time(时间); information等。 (3)不可数名词不能与数词或不定冠词连用。 (4)注意有些名词既可做可数名词也可做不可数名词。 如:fish; time; glass; orange; room; noise; chicken等。但使用时一定要区分它们表达的不同意义。 Ⅲ. 名词的数 1. 可数名词复数形式的规则变化: 情况构成方法读音例词 一般情况加-s 清辅音后读/s/ map-maps 浊辅音和元音后读/z/ bag-bags /car-cars 以s, sh, ch, x等结尾加-es 读/iz/ bus-buses/ watch-watches Wish-wishes/ box-boxes 以ce, se, ze,等结尾加-s 读/iz/ license-licenses 以辅音字母+y结尾变y 为i再加es 读/z/ baby---babies 以f或fe结尾的名词, 变f或fe为v,再加es 读/vz/


eat 下载纠错 下载离线词库以备不时之需 英[i?t] 美 [it] vt. 吃,喝;腐蚀;烦扰 vi. 进食;腐蚀,侵蚀 过去式 ate过去分词 eaten现在分词 eating 广告扫地机器人买一送一 朗文词典 柯林斯词典 21世纪词典 eat /i?t,it/ v. S1 W1 英[i?t] pt: ate pp: eaten MEANINGS 义项 1. FOOD 食物 [I,T] to put food in your mouth and chew and swallow it 吃 ?Felix chatted cheerfully as he ate. 费利克斯一边吃一边兴奋地聊天。 ?A small girl was eating an ice cream. 一个小女孩在吃冰激凌。 ?We had plenty to eat and drink. 我们有很多吃的喝的。 ?It’s important to eat healthily when you are pregnant. 怀孕的时候吃得健康很重要。 ?I exercise and eat right and get plenty of sleep. 我做运动,饮食得当,睡眠充足。?Would you like something to eat? 想吃点什么吗? ?She can eat like a horse and never put on weight. 她可以吃得很多,但体重从来不会增加。

?We stopped at McDonalds to get a bite to eat. 我们在麦当劳停下来吃点东西。 ?Good eating habits are the best way of preventing infection. 良好的饮食习惯是预防感染的最佳方法。 ?‘More cake?’ ‘No thanks,I couldn’t eat another thing.’“再来点蛋糕?” “不要了,谢谢。我再也吃不下了。” ?No chicken for me. I don’t eat meat (= I never eat meat ). 我不要鸡肉,我不吃肉的。?Does Rob eat fish? 罗布吃鱼吗? ready-to-eat ?foods such as deli meats and cheeses 肉类熟食、奶酪等即食食品 2. MEAL 一餐 [I,T] to have a meal 吃(饭) ?Let’s eat first and then go to a movie. 我们先吃饭然后再去看电影吧。 ?They’re eating breakfast. 他们在吃早餐。 [+ at] ?We could not afford to eat at Walker’s very often. 我们没钱经常去沃克餐馆用餐。 3. eat your words to admit that what you said was wrong 承认自己说错了话

fruit 用法

1.I’m so hungry. Please give me ____ to eat. A.Three bread B. three pieces of bread C. three pieces of breads D. three piece of bread 2.Cici enjoys dancing, It’s one of her_______(爱好) 3.I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some____? A.advice B. decisions C. informations D messages 4.Tom’s watch is the same as his_____ A.brother B brothers C brother’s 5.She likes ____ best of all the vegetables. A.potatoes B. egg C. tomato 6.I bought an ice-cream in the _______(商店) 7.The _______ of most trees will fall in autumn. 8.Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become______ (win) in the exam. So please take a deep breath and calm down. 9.There are many _______(child)playing on the playground. 10.---There are so many______(people) over there. What’s happening? --- let’s go to have a look. 11.Please pick up the ____ . Don’t keep it on the floor. A.paper B. boxes C. books 12.could you please tell me something about the two _____(German) 13.--- “Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop?”“Go down this road. It’s about _____ walk. A.five minute’s B. five minutes’ C. five-minutes 14.Jack left a ____ saying that he will be back in a minute. A.message B, news C. information 15.As young adult, it is our duty to try our best to meet with ____(challenge) in our education with the help of our teacher. 16.Work hard, and you’ll get good_______(grade) 17.Today, we have other______ (way)to pay besides coins or paper money. 18.The doctor told me to eat more _______ (水果) because it’s good for my health. 19.At night, we can see colorful lights on both_____(side) of the streets. 20.She said she would never forget some pleasant ________(experience) while working there. 21.Read the _______(instruct) carefully and you will be clear how to use it. 22.My parents made a big___(decide) that we moved to shanghai 23.The old man used to raise many ____(sheep) to make a living on the farm. 24.The natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the environment _________(immediate). 25.The theme park is about _______(两小时) ride from the museum. 26.It’s one of the ______(rule) in our school that eating is not allowed in class.


名词用法归纳March 16, 2008 一.名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词。 专有名词: 人名, 地名, 机构等名称。如:Tom,Shanghai , Beijing University 普通名词: 某类人或东西中的个体。如:boy, dog, country 集体名词: 若干个体组成的集合体。如:family, team, police 物质名词: 无法分为个体的实物。如:air, water, food 抽象名词: 动作, 状态, 感情等抽象概念。如:progress, health, fun (注意:普通名词和集体名词可数。物质名词和抽象名词不可数。) 二.名词的数:可数名词都有单数和复数之分。 1.规则的可数名词的复数变化规则 1) 一般情况加s 。如:books, mouths, houses 2) 以s , sh , ch , x结尾的加es。如:classes , boxes, matches (但stomachs) 3) 辅音字母+ y结尾的变y为ies。如:cities, countries, parties 4) 以o 结尾的词多数+ es。如:heroes, tomatoes, potatoes, zeroes / zeros 以o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母+s。如:radios, zoos, bamboos (但pianos , kilos,photos) 5) 以f,fe 结尾的多数+ es。如:leaves , lives ,wolves The thief’s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life. 但:也有一些+ s。如:roofs , proofs, gulfs, beliefs (handkerchiefs / handkerchieves) 6)特殊变化的名词。 foot--- feet tooth--- teeth

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