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Qingming Shanghe Tu is the masterpiece of Zhang Zeduan ,a Song Dynasty artist which vividly capture the thriving lif of people from the Song Dynasty of in the capital of Bianjing (today's Kangfeng)


The entire piece ,painted in hand scroll format, deployed the method of scatter perspective mapping,bringing in varied landscape and numerous human characters all dressed differently.


And performing various activities forming a drama with a flowing rich rhythm


Beijing City,depicted in the scroll ,was the hub of the land and water ways and the passageway of all transportations at that time.


After being designated as the capital. Bianjing City saw further economic and culture development.With a population of more than one million, it was truly a metropolitan in all aspects.


The scroll unfolds from right to left,moving from the countyside progressivety into the inner city.


From its unique angle,the painter illustrates people from all wails of life and their economic activities,giving the audience a much richer perspective than if he only depicted inner city life.


What differented the Bianjing city in Song Dynasty from her predecessor was that all the street walls were removed.


Transforming the former feadal closed city with fortress like walls into an open commercial house.


Historical records tell us there were altogether mor 6,400 households involved in businesses of all kinds that recovered oer 100 sectors.


Restaurants or eateries in particular,were the most thriving type of business.


As depicted the hustling and bustling in front of "Sun Yung Shop" demonstrate that this restaurant is one with the highest standard.


The other smaller ones were called "foot shop." In addition numerous teahouses and cafes are scattered across all the streets.


The scroll also depicts other forms of commercial activities. An inn like the Home of Official Wang was a regular place to stay for scholars abound in the capital city for the imperial examinations.


Nearby, a labor market is naturally formed with a group of sedan carriers waiting to be hired.


The Bianhe River is indispensable to the economic and commercial development of Bianjing City,and therefore brought the city prosperity, which led to it being called the "Golden Waterway".



Accordingly , the painter Zhang Zeduan spent one third of all effort to capture this thriving shipping business in the early 12th century.


There are two short and round shaped ships with a loading capacity of over 500 tons that are dorked along the river.


The shipping industry thrived in the Song Dynasty, and grew to a great scale as early as the year 997 producing as many as over 3,000 ships.


This type of ship is more convenient to operate, with adjustable under the mast.


In the painting there is a big ship which faces great difficulty in passing through the bridge.Since it cannot be lowed by the boat trackers in the middle of the river.Only by lowering the must is the ship then able to be towed past the bridge with help from over and beside the bridge.


However due to the fast current and the ships position the must falls to recline completely, and this chaos attracts the crowds attention.


This scene or incident,illustrated right in the middle of the entire painting truly shows the painters magnifice skills.


The bride given its beautiful shape and design is fittingly named the Ranbow Bridge.


The highty advanced architecture design at that time is fully illustrated by its entire wooden structure which has a thin shape and wide span.


The Song Dynasty shipbuilding technology contributed vastly to the development of important and report trade. Merchant ships travelled East Asia , Southeast Asia,Arab and even the Mediterranean silk, poecelain and tea constitute the main export goods, water herbal, and jewelry are the major import.This herbal shop give s a glimpse of the prosperous trade during that period.



Land transportation much like the waterway in Bianjing City is developing as well. The painting actually shows cannel caravans moving slowly is developing as well fully loaded with Weaten goods, which are to have mome all the way from the Silk Road.


As the Song Dynasty cities progress with prosperity , the social standing of the citizen is raised with aspiration for a richer cultural life. Correspondingly, arious street entertainment venues are formed to accommodate the citizen favourite activity, such as story telling , operation saying and many other types of performances for them to relax and enjo.



Alongside these economic and cultural advancements, the Song Dynasty also witnessed great progress in the areas of public health.


Zhao Taichengs Residence shown in the Zhao Taichengs Residence as shown in the painting is one such illustration.Taicheng is the abbreviation for imperial doctor.


The imperial doctor could his secondary occupation also treat ordinary people thus benefitting the citizens to leave both easy access us well as professional medical treatment.



In the painting, there is a specially shaped well outside the imperial doctors Residence with low walls built of rand earth , which serves to prevent dust from entering the

well.There are many such wells in Bianjing City that leave standard shape and are under proper and unfied management.


Befor the Song Dynasty, night markets were banned. However Zhao Kuangym, the first emperor of the Song Dynasty , ordered that there be no curfew before the three drum hour , thus making Bianjing a sleepless city.


This animated ersion of the ancient painting not only reproduces the daily,daylight life of the city , but also Recreates the same scenes.Sing the night time lighting to bring out the charming and flourishing city in the night.


There are countless such details to explore in this painting.The value of the work you have seen so far not only in depicting the urban life of an ancient Song Dynasty city, but also in demonstrating superb artistic skills and historical documentary value. The animated and moving


描绘.而且在于它饱含高超艺术的同时具备了极强的历史文献价值. 此次感动<清明上河图>,历史的画卷,智慧的长河,是借由当今的数字化3D图像技术.

Ultimately to present a vivid city life of the Northern Song Dynasty.


Thanks to today advanced technology , we have a chance to witness the lifestyle of the ancient Chinese people.


As well as draw transportation from it for ourselves through this meaningful dialogue which allows us to traverse the gaps of history.



介绍家乡英语作文 篇一:英文介绍家乡及其问答 Hello everyone, today my presentation is about my hometown .it is an old city.Firstly,let’s play a game. I’ll give you 3 pictures Please guess the city’s name. 开封简介 Kaifeng ,a prefecture-level city(地级市) in eastern Henan province, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River ,is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. During the Song Dynasty, it was called Dongjing or Bianjing ,then, Kaifeng was the capital of China ,with a population of over 400,000, living both inside and outside the city wall. Typhus was an acute problem of the city. And Kaifeng reached its peak of importance in the 11th century, when it was a commercial and industrial center at the intersection of four major canals. During this time, the city was surrounded by three rings of city walls and probably had a population of 600,000 to 700,000. It is believed that Kaifeng was the largest city in the world from 1013 to 1127. 开封,一个地市级城市(地级市)在河南省东部,位于黄河南岸,是中国的


简介:1985年2月5日出生,简 称C罗,葡萄牙足球运动员,司 职边锋可兼任中锋,现效力于西 甲皇家马德里足球俱乐部,并身 兼葡萄牙国家队队长 曾获荣誉:2014年1月,C罗获 得2013年度国际足联金球奖;8 月29日,获得欧洲最佳球员奖

姓名:里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特 简介:出生于1982年4月22日,巴西著名足球运动员,前巴西国家队的核心人物,司职进攻性中场(前腰),简称“卡卡” 曾获荣誉:2007年,卡卡成为了世界足球先生。

姓名:里奥·梅西 简介:1987年6月24日出生于圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员 曾获荣誉:2016年1月12日,梅西荣膺2015年度FIFA金球奖,五度得奖创纪录。

姓名:伊戈尔·卡西利亚斯·费尔南德斯简介:1981年5月20日出生于西班牙马德里,西班牙足球运动员,司职守门员,现效力于波尔图足球俱乐部 曾获荣誉:2000年,卡西利亚斯入选西班牙国家队。2008年成为国家队队长。代表国家队出战过2002、2006、2010、2014年世界杯;2004、2008、2012年欧洲杯

姓名:梅苏特·厄齐尔 简介:1988年10月15日出生于德国的盖尔森基兴,德国籍足球运动员,场上司职前腰及左边锋。效力于阿森纳足球俱乐部。 曾获荣誉:2014年,厄齐尔帮助阿森纳夺得英格兰足总杯和社区盾杯两个冠军。

姓名:大卫·贝克汉姆 简介:1975年5月2日出生于英国伦敦雷顿斯通,前英国职业足球运动员,司职中场 曾获荣誉:2001年被评为英国最佳运动员,2010年获得BBC终身成就奖


欧洲五大联赛队名中英文对照 意大利足球甲级联赛Italy Seria A 亚特兰大Atalanta 博洛尼亚Bolonga 佛罗伦萨Firoloutina 国际米兰Intermilan 尤文图斯Juventus 莱切Lecce AC米兰https://www.doczj.com/doc/4910349340.html,an 佩鲁贾Perugia 罗马Roma 维罗纳Verona 切维沃Chievo 威尼斯Venice 都灵Turin

皮亚琴察Piacenzaca 英格兰超级联赛England Premiership 阿森纳Arsenal 阿斯顿维拉Aston Villa 查尔顿Charlton 切尔西Chelsea 德比郡Derby 埃弗顿Everton 伊普斯维奇Ipswich 利兹联Leeds 莱切斯特Leicester 利物浦Liverpool 曼联Man Utd 米德尔斯堡Middlesbrough 纽卡斯尔Newcastle

桑德兰Sunderland 南安普顿Southampton 托特纳姆Tottenham 西汉姆West Ham 富尔汉姆Fulham 布莱克本Blackburn R. 博尔顿Bolton W. 德国足球甲级联赛Germany Bundesliga 慕尼黑1860 Munich 1860 拜仁慕尼黑Bayern Munich 云达不莱梅Werder Bremen 科特布斯Energie Cottbus 多特蒙德Borussia Dortmund 弗雷堡SC Freiburg 柏林赫塔Hertha BSC

汉堡Hamburger SV 凯泽斯劳滕Kaiserslautern 科隆Cologne 勒沃库森Bayer Leverkusen 罗斯托克Hansa Rostock 沙尔克04 Schalke 04 沃尔夫斯堡VfL Wolfsburg 斯图加特VfB Stuttgart 纽伦堡Nurnberg 圣保利St.Pauli 门兴格拉德巴赫Monchengladbach 西班牙甲级联赛Spain La Liga 阿拉维斯Alaves 奥萨苏纳Osasuna 巴列卡诺Rayo Vallecano


Along the River During the Qingming Festival, also known by its Chinese name as the Qingming Shanghe Tu, is a painting by the Song dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan. The painting is considered to be the most renowned work among all Chinese paintings, and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa." It vividly captures the daily life of people and the landscape of the capital, Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng) during the Northern Song. The scroll unfolds from right to left ,moving from the countryside progressivity into the inner city. From its unique angle the painter illustrates people from all wails of life and their economic activities ,giving the audience a much richer perspective than if he only depicted inner city life. The Qingming Shanghe Tu is not only a great realistic painting art treasure, but also provides us with the primary source images of commercial, handicraft, folk customs, architecture and transportation in the Northern Song Metropolitan area, it has important historical documents value. Its rich ideological connotation, unique aesthetic perspective and realistic expression make it a classic in the history of Chinese and world painting. There are countless details to explore in this painting. The value of the work you have seen so far not only in depicting the urban life of an ancient Song Dynasty city, but also in demonstrating superb artistic skills and historical documentary value. By Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald QINGMING SHANGHE TU (Along the River During the Qingming Festival)


清明上河图英语介绍 “清明上河图”是一幅描绘北宋首都汴京的城市风光长卷,根据统计,画中总共有各色人物1659个,动物209只,比四大名著中任何一部所描画的人物都要多。 如果我们要像外国游客介绍中国馆的这个镇馆之宝,应该怎样描述呢?首先,“清明上河图”的名称翻译就有许多不同的说法,然而也大同小异,如:RiversideSceneDuringTheQingmingFestival;TheQingmingFestivalByTheRiverside等,维基百科上的翻译则是:AlongtheRiverDuringtheQingmingFestival。当然,对于这里的QingmingFestival,还是要做一点进一步的解释,说明一下清明节的性质,一般来说,清明节的通俗说法是tomb-sweeping day。 我们来看看清明上河图到底描绘了些什么样的景色吧: ItcapturesthedailylifeofpeoplefromtheSongperiodatthecapital,Bianjing, today's Kaifeng. The theme celebrates the festive spirit andworldly commotion at the Qingming Festival 这幅画描绘了宋朝首都汴京(即今天的开封)中人们的日常生活,主题侧重于渲染清明节的节日气氛和喧闹景象。 Theentirepiecewaspaintedinhandscrollformatandthecontentrevealsthe lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well asdifferent economic activities in rural areas and the city. 整幅画是在一张长卷上绘制的,画面上主要描绘了社会各阶层人物的活动,以及乡村城市间不同的经济生活。 The painting is famous because of its geometrically accurate images ofboats,bridges,shops,andscenery.Becauseofitsfame,ithasbeencalled"China's Mona Lisa". 这幅画以其对船只、桥梁、商店和风景的精确描绘而成名,被称为中国的蒙娜丽莎。

宋城 英文介绍

Song Dynasty Theme Park “Given me one day, I will give you back one thousand years,”so promises the marketing mastermind behind the largest scale Song Dynasty theme park in China. This slogan does indeed deliver on its promise; this is one of the places around Hangzhou to experience ancient China within the walls of the park. The main drag inside the theme park was styled after “The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.” A famous painting noted by the Song artist Zhang Zheduan. The grounds of the park also include a bell tower, city tower, a temple and various gardens that feature the grotesquely shaped rocks that were the height of fashion at the time. Song City is a fun place to wander around perusing the colorful daily necessities in a traditional manner. On special occasions, the park also hosts elaborate parades with singing, dancing and acrobatics. A good time to visit the park is in the late afternoon, so that you can dine at one of the restaurant offering old-fashioned cuisine and stay for the nightly Song City extravaganza. The performances held every night have been carefully designed to dazzle the mainly Japanese and Korean audiences with several showy numbers that reflect the famous legends of Hangzhou through dance and attention-grabbing stage design.


皇家马德里队的简写是“MCF”所以在他的标志上有显示。 队服上面的标志主要是赞助商的商标。有时候还有其他的标志和含义,不能一概而论。比如去年,国际足联授权皇马“20世纪世界最佳俱乐部”,队服上也有相关的标志。以下是网摘的皇马队服变化史,希望帮到你皇家马德里的队服在过去的一个世纪里变化很大。俱乐部成立时制定的球队章程第18条对队服有这样的规定:普通比赛时,球队所使用的队服应该是深蓝色的短裤,白色的上衣和深色的球袜,特别重要的比赛,球员们的比赛用服应该是白色的上衣和短裤,黑色带花边的球袜,腰带是西班牙国旗的颜色。 随着时间的推移,皇家马德里开始倾向使用白色球衣。1925/26赛季皇家马德里使用了和英国球队科林蒂安队相仿的球服。但是仅仅使用了一个赛季,因为战绩不佳,球员们认识队服不吉利而不再使用。 之后很多年,皇家马德里都是从Casa Melilla处购买球衣。 1980年皇马和体育用品业巨头阿迪达斯签定了合同,引起了队服上的一次重大变革:球服边缝第一次出现了三条带子。从1982年开始,更多的企业成为皇马的赞助商,尤其是最近几年随着市场开发的不断深入,为了吸引球迷的购 买欲望,皇马球衣的式样也在不断更新。

巴塞罗那对的简写是“F.C.B.”在图标上有出现。 俱乐部的会徽从最早的钻石型徽章到现在经历了几个阶段的变化,但它的精髓始终被保持下来。这包括加泰罗尼亚的红黄两色区旗,四个黄条与四个红条是加泰罗尼亚的民族旗帜。队徽上有一个红十字,那是加泰罗尼亚守护神Sant Jordi(Santa Jordi是加泰罗尼亚语圣乔治的拼法,传说Sant Jordi帮人们搞定了恶龙,拯救了他们,使得他们都信基督了。于是加泰罗尼亚国王就请Sant Jordi 前来帮忙作战)的十字架。队徽上著名的红和蓝一说是创始人甘伯先生借用家乡巴塞尔队的颜色,一说是受到瑞士人用的红蓝双色铅笔的灵感。那个球是向在1899年时协助球队建立的英格兰公校MERCHANT TAYLOR的橄榄球队致敬。当年甘伯先生从瑞士抵达巴塞罗那之后,苦于无处踢球,就在报纸上登了一条招募志同道合者一起踢球的广告。于是,巴塞罗那俱乐部便诞生了,也就产生了这个闻 名于世的队徽。


Hello everyone, today my presentation is about my hometown .it is an old city. Firstly,let’s play a game. I’ll give you 3 pictures Please guess the city’s name. 开封简介 Kaifeng ,a prefecture-level city(地级市)in eastern Henan province, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River ,is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. During the Song Dynasty, it was called Dongjing or Bianjing ,then, Kaifeng was the capital of China ,with a population of over 400,000, living both inside and outside the city wall. Typhus was an acute problem of the city. And Kaifeng reached its peak of importance in the 11th century, when it was a commercial and industrial center at the intersection of four major canals. During this time, the city was surrounded by three rings of city walls and probably had a population of 600,000 to 700,000. It is believed that Kaifeng was the largest city in the world from 1013 to 1127. 开封,一个地市级城市(地级市)在河南省东部,位于黄河南岸,是中国的七大古都之一。在宋代,它被称为洞经或变径,然后,开封是中国的首都,人口超过400000,住内外城墙。 伤寒是城市的一个严重问题。和开封11世纪达到顶峰的重要性,当它是一个商业和工业中心四个主要运河的十字路口。在这段时间里,这个城市被三个戒指的城墙包围,可能有600000到700000人口。相信开封是世界上最大的城市,从1013年到1127年。 张择端清明上河图清明上河园 As the representative work of Zhang Zeduan, a famous palace painter living in the late Northern Song Dynasty, Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is a handscroll of painting reflecting the life and customs of the Northern Song Dynasty additionally, the most famous construction of the antique buildings is the Garden Landscape in Qingming Festival at Bian River,and it is built based on the Qingming scroll。 张Zeduan的代表作,一位著名宫廷画家生活在北宋后期,河畔现场在清明节是一个画卷反映了北宋的生活和习俗此外,仿古建筑的最著名的建筑是园林景观在清明节扁河,它是建立基于清明节滚动 名胜古迹简介 As the capital cities of Kingdom Wei(Warring States Period),Liang, Jin,Han, Zhou(the five dynasties), Song dynasty and the end of Jin dynasty, Kaifeng was founded in 4500 years ago, named Qifeng in Xia dynasty. Therefore, there are a lot of places of historic interest, such as Longting, Tower Bo,the tower of Kaibao temple(Kaifeng iron tower), Great Xiangguo Temple and the place of interest around the lord bao lake. 王国的首都城市魏(战国)、梁、晋、汉、周(五代),宋代和金王朝的终结,开封成立于4500年前,名叫齐峰夏朝。因此,有很多名胜古迹,比如哈哈,塔博Kaibao寺塔(开封铁塔) 伟大的相国寺,主宝湖周围的名胜古迹 包公祠 Lord Bao Memorial Temple is located in Baohe Park just southwest of the city center. It was


1 AC米兰 2 乌迪内斯 3 国际米兰 4 那不勒斯 5 拉齐奥 6 尤文图斯 7 热那亚 8 佛罗伦萨 9 帕勒莫 10 卡塔尼亚 11 亚特兰大 12 锡耶纳 13 莱切 14 卡利亚里 15 桑普多利亚 16 都灵 17 罗马 18 切沃 19 博洛尼亚 20 雷吉纳 英超 1 切尔西 2 利物浦 3 曼联 4 阿森纳 5 维拉 6 胡尔城 7 埃弗顿 8 米德尔斯堡 9 朴茨茅斯 10 曼城 11 西汉姆 12 斯托克城 13 布莱克本 14 纽卡斯尔 15 桑德兰 16 富勒姆 17 维根 18 博尔顿 19 西布朗 20 热刺 西班牙 1 巴塞罗那 2 比利亚雷亚尔 3 皇家马德里 4 巴伦西亚 5 塞维利亚 6 马德里竞技 7 赫塔菲 8 马拉加 9 拉科鲁尼亚 10 西班牙人 11 阿尔梅里亚 12 希洪竞技 13 马洛卡 14 巴拉多利德 15 桑坦德 16 贝蒂斯 17 纽曼西亚 18 韦尔瓦 19 毕尔巴鄂 20 奥萨苏纳 德甲 1 霍芬海姆 2 勒沃库森 3 拜仁慕尼黑 4 沙尔克04 5 汉堡 6 多特蒙德 7 柏林赫塔 8 不莱梅 9 沃尔夫斯堡 10 斯图加特 11 科隆 12 法兰克福 13 汉诺威96 14 卡尔斯鲁厄 15 波鸿 16 比勒费尔德 17 门兴 18 科特布斯 荷甲 1 阿尔克马尔 2 布雷达 3 阿贾克斯 4 埃因霍温 5 格罗宁根 6 特温特 7 NEC尼美根 8 乌德勒支 9 海伦芬 10 赫拉克勒斯 11 威廉二世 12 ADO海牙 13 费耶诺德 14 维迪斯 15 鹿特丹斯巴达 16 迪加史卓普 17 洛达JC 18 禾宁丹 法甲 1 里昂 2 马赛 3 波尔多 4 图卢兹 5 里尔 6 雷恩 7 尼斯 8 格勒诺布尔 9 勒芒 10 卡昂 11 巴黎圣日耳曼 12 欧塞尔 13 摩纳哥 14 洛里昂 15 南锡 16 南特 17 圣埃蒂安 18 瓦伦辛尼斯 19 勒阿弗尔 20 索肖 意甲七姐妹 尤文图斯、AC米兰、国际米兰、佛罗伦萨、拉齐奥、罗马、帕尔马


二胡 (音域:D/A + 4 octave above A) 二胡是中国的一种民族弓弦乐器,过去主要流行于长江中下游一带,所以又称为南胡。集中于中高音域的表现,音色接近人声,情感表现力极高,广为大众接受。1920年代,二胡始作为独奏乐器出现在舞台上。在这之前,二胡多用于民间丝竹音乐演奏或民歌、戏曲的伴奏。 历史 二胡是中华民族乐器家族中主要的弓弦乐器(擦弦乐器)之一。唐朝便出现胡琴一词,当时将西方、北方各民族称为胡人,胡琴为西方、北方民族传入乐器的通称。至元朝之后,明清时期,胡琴成为擦弦乐器的通称。 擦弦乐器至少在唐朝便出现了,最早可能是从弹拨乐器筝发展出以竹片为弓拉奏的轧筝。宋朝出现奚琴、马尾胡琴、嵇琴等拉弦乐器,其中马尾胡琴已经以马尾制成琴弓取代竹片进行拉奏。 唐宋至明清时期,随着各地方戏曲及民间表演者的需求,逐渐繁衍出许多不同形制的弓弦乐器,如京胡、梆子戏的板胡、粤剧的粤胡、坠胡、四胡等,据著名胡琴演奏家张韶的统计,至今已发展出50多种弓弦乐器。其中二胡在民间广为流传,大量运用於戏曲伴奏,音色温润动听,受到人们普遍的喜爱。 五四运动时期,刘天华先生融合西方音乐理论、演奏技巧,对二胡的演奏技巧进行了大胆革新,扩展了二胡的表现力,并且创作了多首二胡独奏曲,二胡开始以独奏乐器出现在表演舞台上。1980年代中后期,出版的二胡独奏曲已有数百首之谱,并开始发展叙事曲、协奏曲等大型二胡曲。 结构 主要部分有琴杆(琴柱)、琴轴(轸子)、琴筒、琴托、千金(千斤)、皮膜(蟒皮)、琴码、琴弓、音垫。 弦有两根,内弦定音为d、外弦为a。琴弓类似小提琴的琴弓,但不完全相同,小提琴琴弓是被固定在弓杆上的,而二胡弓以马尾毛与竹制弓杆组成,富有弹性,可以以不同的力道来控制声音的大小。阿炳二胡内弦定音为g、外弦为d。 音垫:又称“噪音抑制垫”,“噪音控制垫”或“制音垫”。目前二胡还是一种不很完善的乐器,表现在音质的不稳定和过大的噪音。为了能使二胡达到演奏要求,必须稳定音质,降低噪音,所以在琴码的下侧加上一块不雅观的振动阻尼音垫。


清明上河图简介: 《清明上河图》以精致的工笔记录了北宋末期、徽宗时代首都汴京(今河南开封)郊区和城内汴河两岸的建筑和民生。 关于“清明”二字存在一些争议,有人认为是指入画时间为清明时节,还有人认为是在粉饰太平。 对于北宋京城汴梁以及汴河两岸的繁华景象和自然风光,作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视的构图法,将繁杂的景物纳入统一而富于变化的画面中,画中人物815人,衣着不同,神情各异,其间穿插各种活动,注重戏剧性,构图疏密有致,注重节奏感和韵律的变化,笔墨章法都非常巧妙。 全图分为三个段落。 首段,汴京郊野的春光 在疏林薄雾中,掩映着几家茅舍、草桥、流水、老树和扁舟。两个脚夫赶着五匹驮炭的毛驴,向城市走来。一片柳林,枝头刚刚泛出嫩绿,使人感到虽是春寒料峭,却已大地回春。路上一顶轿子,内坐一位妇人。轿顶装饰着杨柳杂花,轿后跟随着骑马的、挑担的,从京郊踏青扫墓归来。环境和人物的描写,点出了清明时节的特定时间和风俗,为全画展开了序幕。 中段,繁忙的汴河码头 汴河是北宋国家漕运枢纽,商业交通要道,从画面上可以看到人烟稠密,粮船云集,人们有在茶馆休息的,有在看相算命的,有在饭铺进餐的。还有“王家纸马店”,是扫墓卖祭品的,河里船只往来,首尾相接,或纤夫牵拉,或船夫摇橹,有的满载货物,逆流而上,有的靠岸停泊,正紧张地卸货。横跨汴河上的是一座规模宏大的木质拱桥,它结构精巧,形式优美。宛如飞虹,故名虹桥。有一只大船正待过桥。船夫们有用竹竿撑的;有用长竿钩住桥梁的;有用麻绳挽住船的;还有几人忙着放下桅杆,以便船只通过。邻船的人也在指指点点地象在大声吆喝着什么。船里船外都在为此船过桥而忙碌着。桥上的人,也伸头探脑地在为过船的紧张情景捏了一把汗。这里是名闻遐迩的虹桥码头区,车水马龙,熙熙攘攘,名副其实地是一个水陆交通的会合点。 后段,热闹的市区街道 以高大的城楼为中心,两边的屋宇鳞次栉比,有茶坊、酒肆、脚店、肉铺、庙宇、公廨等等。商店中有绫罗绸缎、珠宝香料、香火纸马等的专门经营,此 外尚有医药门诊,大车修理、看相算命、修面整容,各行各业,应有尽有,大的商店门首还扎“彩楼欢门”,悬挂市招旗帜,招揽生意,街市行人,摩肩接踵,川流不息,有做生意的商贾,有看街景的士绅,有骑马的官吏,有叫卖的小贩,有乘座轿子的大家眷属,有身负背篓的行脚僧人,有问路的外乡游客,有听说书的街巷小儿,有酒楼中狂饮的豪门子弟,有城边行乞的残疾老人,男女老幼,士农工商,三教九流,无所不备。交通运载工具:有轿子、骆驼、牛马车、人力车,有太平车、平头车,形形色色,样样俱全。绘色绘形地展现在人们的眼前。 总计在五米多长的画卷里,共绘了五百五十多个各色人物,牛、马、骡、驴等牲畜五、六十匹,车、轿二十多辆,大小船只二十多艘。房屋、桥梁、城楼等也各有特色,体现了宋代建筑的特征。张择端的《清明上河图》是一幅描写北宋汴京城一角的现实主义的风俗画,具有很高的历史价值和艺术水平。


球队简介: 皇家马德里是西班牙成立最早的俱乐部之一。也是西班牙乃至世界最成功的俱乐部之一,由一群青年学生创建于1897年。1902年3月6日,马德里俱乐部正式成立,胡安·帕德罗斯就任主席。1920年6月29日,时任西班牙国王阿方索十三世把“Real”(西语,皇家之意)一词加于俱乐部名前,以此来推动足球在首都马德里市的发展。从此,俱乐部正式更名为皇家马德里俱乐部。 马德里队成立后便开始参加各项赛事。当时西班牙还未举办全国联赛,只有王室举办的西班牙杯赛。马德里队1905年首次夺冠,又在随后的三年连续夺冠,由此成为西班牙足坛的一支劲旅。 最伟大的主席-圣地亚哥·伯纳乌先生 五、六十年代不可复制的黄金阵容 1928年,西班牙甲级联赛开始举办,当时有十支球队。在前几个西甲赛季,由于队伍实力相对较弱,皇家马德里未获得西甲联赛冠军。直到引进了著名球员查莫拉后,才在1931-32赛季首次夺冠。第二年皇马成功卫冕,但接下来20多年却始终无缘联赛冠军。 皇马五鹰

50年代初期,皇家马德里重金聘用各国好手,引进了亨托和迪·斯蒂法诺,达到了20世纪的黄金时期。1954年皇马终于夺回了阔别21年的西甲联赛冠军,并在1955年又蝉联了联赛冠军。同年,欧足联创办了首届欧洲冠军杯,皇家马德里代表西班牙参赛,没想到一发不可收,一举夺得前五届欧洲冠军杯冠军。这一纪录至今没有任何球队能够打破,皇家马德里因此也成为了欧洲的“梦之队”。 70年代,皇马携黄金时期的余威,继续保持了强劲的夺冠势头。虽然在这期间没有特别大牌的球星,但在球队的努力团结下,在1972、1975、1976、1978、1979年五夺联赛冠军。1980年在获得联赛、杯赛双料冠军后,除1982年获得杯赛冠军,一连五年与冠军无缘,进入了艰难的时期。1985年,皇家马德里引进了墨西哥球星乌戈·桑切斯和阿根廷球星巴尔达诺,加上本国的新星布特拉格诺等,实力大增。1985、1986年两获欧洲联盟杯,成为联盟杯历史上第一支蝉联冠军的球队。 四大功勋队长 1986-1990年,皇马连续五次夺得联赛冠军,创造了西班牙足坛历史纪录,但在同期的欧洲冠军杯中却与冠军无缘,甚至在1989年创造了0-5负于AC米兰的历史最差纪录。总体来说,80年代后期以联盟杯冠军为标志,可称为球队历史上第二个黄金时期。1990年夺得联赛冠军后,由于管理经营不善,负债累累。同时巴塞罗那俱乐部 第九座冠军杯


Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" is a panoramic(全景的)painting by Zhang Zeduan(张择端), an artist in the Northern Song Dynasty (北宋)(960-1127). It is the only existing masterpiece杰作from Zhang, and has been collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing as a national treasure(国家宝藏). The hand scroll painting手卷画is 528.7 cm long and 24.8 cm wide. It provides a window展现to the period's economic activities in urban and rural areas, and captures描绘the daily life of people of all ranks in the capital city of Bianjing (today's Kaifeng, Henan Province) during Qingming Festival in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is an important historical reference material for the study of the city then as well as the life its residents rich and poor. The painting i s composed of 由……组成three parts: spring in the rural area, busy Bianhe River ports, and prosperous繁荣的city streets. The painting is also known for its geometrically accurate images of variety natural elements and architectures, boats and bridges, market place and stores, people and scenery. Over 550 people in different clothes服饰, expressions表情and postures姿势are shown in the painting. It is often considered to be the most renowned work among all the Chinese paintings, and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa." 清明上河图 清明上河图是北宋画家张择端(960-1127)创作的全景图.是张择端唯一现在的杰作,现作为国宝被北 京故宫博物院收藏。 这幅手卷画528.7厘米长、24.8厘米宽。它展现了当时城乡的经济活动,描绘了在清明时节北宋京城汴京(当今河南开封市)各个阶层的生活场景。这是对当时京城以及当地居民生活情况进行研究的重 要参考资料。 capture:vt.俘获;夺得;n.捕获;战利品,俘虏 词义辨析:arrest,seize,catch,capture,trap这组词都有“抓住,捕捉”的意思,其区别是:arrest 指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留。seize侧重指以突然、有力地动作迅速抓住或捉住。catch普通用词,指捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉。capture指通过武力或计谋等,战胜抵抗而捉住敌人或动物。trap多指诱捕。本文中capture 是“捕捉、捕获”的意思,捕捉到某一个画面。如果对应到某幅画,可以翻译为“描绘”。providesawindow 译为“为……提供了窗口”,根据文中大意,可以灵活译为“展现”。 这幅画有三部分组成:农村的春景、汴河上繁华场景以及繁荣的城市街道。清明上河图也因为画中各种自然元素、建筑、船艇以及小桥、集市、店铺还有人物、风景等在空间上精确合理的布局而闻名于世。清明上河图中有550余人,但是他们各着不同服饰,表情各异,身体姿势也是变化万千。它是中国绘画中最享有盛名的著作,被称作“中国的蒙娜丽莎”。Composevt组成,构成;创作(文学、音乐、绘画等作品);整理,整顿词义辨析:invent,compose,make, create,design,produce这组词都有“创造”的意思,其区别是:invent主要用于科技领域,指通过思考、研究或实验制造出新的前所未有、极为有用的东西。compose多指音乐或诗歌、画的创作。make最普通用词,指任何东西的创作或制造。create侧重创造出来的东西以前并不存在,或者指独具特色的创作。design主要指在艺术或技术领域的创作设计,强调构思多于实际制造。produce指产品的生产,或作品创作的完成。geometrically 意思是“几何学上的”geometrically accurate images表面译为“几何上精确的图片”,根据文中的意境,应该是“各个元素在空间上合理而准确的布局”。


皇家马德里足球队 简介 皇家马德里足球俱乐部Real Madrid Club de Fútbol ,中文简称为皇马是一家位于西班牙首都马德里的足球俱乐部,球队成立于1902 年3月6日,前称马德里足球队。1920年6月29日,时任西班牙国王阿方索十三世把"Real"西语,皇家之意一词加于俱乐部名前,徽章上加上了皇冠,以此来推动足球运动在 西班牙首都马德里市的发展。从此,俱乐部正式更名为皇家马德里足球俱乐部。 皇家马德里足球俱乐部,拥有众多世界球星。2000年12月11日被国际足球联合会FIFA评为20世纪最伟大的球队。2021年9月10日被国际足球历史和统计联合会评为20 世纪欧洲最佳俱乐部。2021年9月10日被评为2021年度欧洲最佳俱乐部。 皇家马德里已夺得过11次欧洲冠军杯冠军夺冠次数欧洲足坛第一、32次西班牙足球甲级联赛冠军西甲第一、19次西班牙国王杯冠军、9次西班牙超级杯冠军、3次欧洲超级 杯冠军、5次世俱杯冠军含前身丰田杯,夺冠次数第一 球队历史 球队初期 皇家马德里足球俱乐部前身是建于1896年的西班牙斯凯足球队,当时仅有会员30人,队员当时只有7、8人,比赛是在利斯塔大街的一片空地上进行的。 19~20世纪之交,在西班牙首都马德里市刚度过美西战争和国内混乱之际,足球狂热 爱好者卡洛斯·帕德罗斯的决定在该市推广足球运动,经过几年的筹备,1902年3月6日正式成立了马德里社会俱乐部,由英国人阿瑟.约翰逊任第一任主教练,帕德罗斯之弟胡安·帕德罗斯·鲁比奥就任主席。1902年4月22日,俱乐部正式通过政府认可,马德里 足球俱乐部成立。 俱乐部成立初期,更多的是参加地区级别的联赛和简单的“地方联赛”,参加国家级 别的赛事则要从1903年正式开始的西班牙国王杯算起。俱乐部在最初的4届国王杯均捧 桂冠,当时西班牙还未举办全国联赛,只有王室举办的西班牙杯赛,马德里队1905年首 次夺冠,又在随后的三年连续夺冠。 皇冠加冕 俱乐部被冠以“皇家”之名要推迟至1920年,经过一些波折之后又在1941年重新拥 有“皇家”称号并延续下去。


西甲各队 西班牙共分为17个自治区,下设50省,以及两个位于非洲的自治城:休达和梅利利亚。 安达鲁西亚自治区- Andalucía 阿尔梅里亚- Almería 加的斯- Cádiz 科尔多瓦- Córdoba 格拉纳达- Granada 韦尔瓦- Huelva 哈恩- Jaén 马拉加- Málaga 塞维利亚- Sevilla 阿拉贡自治区- Aragón 韦斯卡Huesca 特鲁埃尔Teruel 萨拉戈萨Zaragoza 阿斯图里亚斯- Asturias 奥维耶多Oviedo 巴利阿里群岛- Islas Baleares 帕尔马Palma de Mallorca

巴斯克自治区- Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco 维多利亚Vitoria 毕尔包Bilbao 圣塞巴斯提安San Sebastián 加那利群岛- Islas Canarias 拉斯帕尔马斯Las Palmas 圣克鲁斯-德特内里费Santa Cruz de Tenerife 坎塔布里亚- Cantabria 桑坦德Santander 卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰- Castilla-La Mancha 阿尔瓦塞特Albacete 雷阿尔城Ciudad Real 昆卡Cuenca 瓜达拉哈拉Guadalajara 托莱多Toledo 卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂- Castilla y León 阿维拉ávila 布尔戈斯Burgos

莱昂León 帕伦西亚Palencia 萨拉曼卡Salamanca 塞戈维亚Segovia 索里亚Soria 巴利阿多利德Valladolid 萨莫拉Zamora 加泰罗尼亚- Catalu?a 巴塞罗那Barcelona 赫罗纳Gerona 莱里达Lérida 塔拉戈纳Tarragona 埃斯特雷马杜拉- Extremadura 巴达霍斯Badajoz 卡塞雷斯Cáceres 加利西亚自治区- Galicia 拉科鲁尼亚A Coru?a 卢戈Lugo 奥伦塞Orense 蓬特韦德拉Pontevedra 拉里奥哈自治区- La Rioja


开封中英文介绍 版本一: Hello everyone, today my presentation is about my hometown .it is an old city. Firstly,let’s play a game. I’ll give you 3 pictures Please guess the city’s name. Kaifeng ,a prefecture-level city(地级市)in eastern Henan province, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River ,is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. During the Song Dynasty, it was called Dongjing or Bianjing ,then, Kaifeng was the capital of China ,with a population of over 400,000, living both inside and outside the city wall. Typhus was an acute problem of the city.And Kaifeng reached its peak of importance in the 11th century, when it was a commercial and industrial center at the intersection of four major canals. During this time, the city was surrounded by three rings of city walls and probably had a population of 600,000 to 700,000. It is believed that Kaifeng was the largest city in the world from 1013 to 1127. 张择端清明上河图清明上河园As the representative work of Zhang Zeduan, a famous palace painter living in the late Northern Song Dynasty, Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is a handscroll of painting reflecting the life and customs of the Northern Song Dynasty.Additionally, the most famous construction of the antique buildings is the Garden Landscape in Qingming Festival at Bian River,and it is built based on the Qingming scroll。 名胜古迹简介As the capital cities of Kingdom Wei(Warring States Period),Liang, Jin,Han, Zhou(the five dynasties), Song dynasty and the end of Jin dynasty, Kaifeng was founded in 4500 years ago, named Qifeng in Xia dynasty. Therefore, there are a lot of places of historic interest, such as Longting, Tower Bo,the tower of Kaibao temple(Kaifeng iron tower), Great Xiangguo Temple and the place of interest around the lord bao lake. 包公祠Lord Bao Memorial Temple is located in Baohe Park just southwest of the city center. It was initially built in 1066 in memory of Baozheng, a famous upright officer during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127). Lord Bao Memorial Temple is a typical ancient architectural complex with style imitating that of the Song Dynasty. Covering an area of one hectare, 铁塔The Iron Pagoda is located in Iron Pagoda Park in the northeast part of the city, this structure was built in 1049 during the Northern Song Dynasty. With a history of more than nine hundred years, it is one of the earliest constructions made of glazed bricks and tiles in China. It got its name from the iron-gray color of its glazed bricks. The octagonal pagoda is fifty-five meters high (with its foundation buried in silt from the Y ellow River) and has thirteen levels. Although it was constructed of glazed bricks of different shapes and sizes, it looks very much like a

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