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A Weierstrass-type theorem for homogeneous polynomials

A Weierstrass-type theorem for homogeneous polynomials
A Weierstrass-type theorem for homogeneous polynomials

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A Weierstrass-type theorem for homogeneous polynomials David Benko,Andr′a s Kro′o ?February 2,2008Abstract By the celebrated Weierstrass Theorem the set of algebraic polyno-mials is dense in the space of continuous functions on a compact set in R d .In this paper we study the following question:does the density hold if we approximate only by homogeneous polynomials?Since the set of homogeneous polynomials is nonlinear this leads to a nontrivial problem.It is easy to see that:1)density may hold only on star-like 0-symmetric surfaces;2)at least 2homogeneous polynomials are needed for approxi-mation.The most interesting special case of a star-like surface is a convex surface.It has been conjectured by the second author that functions con-tinuous on 0-symmetric convex surfaces in R d can be approximated by a pair of homogeneous polynomials.This conjecture is not resolved yet but we make substantial progress towards its positive settlement.In particu-lar,it is shown in the present paper that the above conjecture holds for 1)d =2,2)convex surfaces in R d with C 1+?boundary.1Introduction The celebrated theorem of Weierstrass on the density of real algebraic polyno-mials in the space of real continuous functions on an interval [a,b ]is one of the main results in analysis.Its generalization for real multivariate polynomi-als was given by Picard,subsequently the Stone-Weierstrass theorem led to the extension of these results for subalgebras in C (K ).

In this paper we shall consider the question of density of homogeneous poly-nomials .Homogeneous polynomials are a standard tool appearing in many areas of analysis,so the question of their density in the space of continuous functions is a natural problem.Clearly,the set of homogeneous polynomials is substantially smaller relative to all algebraic polynomials.More importantly,

this set is nonlinear,so its density can not be handled via the Stone-Weierstrass theorem.Furthermore,due to the special structure of homogeneous polynomi-als some restrictions should be made on the sets were we want to approximate (they have to be star-like),and at least2polynomials are always needed for approximation(an even and an odd one).

On the5-th International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approxi-mation Theory(Maratea,Italy,2004)the second author proposed the following conjecture.

Conjecture1Let K?R d be a convex body which is centrally symmetric to the origin.Then for any function f continuous on the boundary Bd(K)of K and any?>0there exist two homogeneous polynomials h and g such that |f?h?g|≤?on Bd(K).

From now on we agree on the terminology that by“centrally symmetric”we mean“centrally symmetric to the origin”.

Subsequently in[4]the authors veri?ed the above Conjecture for crosspoly-topes in R d and arbitrary convex polygons in R2.

In this paper we shall verify the Conjecture for those convex bodies in R d whose boundary Bd(K)is C1+?for some0

It should be noted that parallel to our investigations P.Varj′u[13]also proved the Conjecture for d=2.In addition,he gives in[13]an a?rmative answer to the Conjecture for arbitrary centrally symmetric polytopes in R d,and for those convex bodies in R d whose boundary is C2and has positive curvature.We also would like to point out that our method of verifying the Conjecture for d=2is based on the potential theory and is di?erent from the approach taken in[13] (which is also based on the potential theory).Likewise our method of treating C1+?convex bodies is di?erent from the approach used in[13]for C2convex bodies with positive curvature.

2Main Results

Let K be a centrally symmetric convex body in R d.We may assume that 2≤d and dim(K)=d.The boundary of K is Bd(K)which is given by the representation

Bd(K):={u r(u):u∈S d?1}

where r is a positive even real-valued function on S d?1.Here S d?1stands for the unit sphere in R d.We shall say that K is C1+?,written K∈C1+?,if the ?rst partial derivatives of r satisfy a Lip?property on the unit sphere,?>0. Furthermore denote by

c k x k:c k∈R

H d n:=

k1+...+k d=n

the space of real homogeneous polynomials of degree n in R d.Our?rst main result is the following.


Theorem2Let K∈C1+?be a centrally symmetric convex body in R d,where 0

Thus Theorem2gives an a?rmative answer to the Conjecture under the additional condition of C1+?smoothness of the convex surface.For d=2we can verify the Conjecture in its full generality.Thus we shall prove the following. Theorem3Let K be a centrally symmetric convex body in R2.Then for every f∈C(Bd(K))there exist h n∈H2n+H2n?1,n∈N such that h n→f uniformly on Bd(K)as n→∞.

We shall see that Theorem3follows from

Theorem4Let1/W(x)be a positive convex function on R such that

|x|/W(?1/x)is also positive and convex.Let g(x)be a continuous function which has the same limits at?∞and at+∞.Then we can approximate g(x) uniformly on R by weighted polynomilas W(x)n p n(x),n=0,2,4,...,deg p n≤n.

3Proof of Theorem2

The proof of Theorem2will be based on several lemmas.The main auxiliary result is the next lemma which provides an estimate for the approximation of unity by even homogeneous polynomials.In what follows||...||D stands for the uniform norm on D.

Our main lemma to prove Theorem2is the following.

Lemma5Letτ∈(0,1).Under conditions of Theorem2there exist h2n∈H d2n,n∈N,such that


The next lemma provides a partition of unity which we shall need below. In what follows a cube in R d is called regular if all its edges are parallel to the coordinate axises.We denote the set{0,1,2,...}d by Z d+.


g k(x)=1,x∈R d,(1)

k∈Z d


|?m g k(x)/?x m j|≤c/h m,x∈R d,m∈Z1+,1≤j≤d,(2) where c>0depends only on m∈Z1+and d.


For the centrally symmetric convex body K let


be its Minkowski functional and set

δK:=sup{|x|/|x|K:x∈R d}=max{|x|:x∈Bd(K)}. Moreover for a∈Bd(K)denote by L a a supporting hyperplane at a.

Lemma7Let a∈Bd(K),h n∈H d2n be such that for any x∈L a,|x?a|≤4δK we have|h n(x)|≤1.Then whenever x∈L a satis?es|x?a|>4δK and x/t∈K we have

|h n(x/t)|≤(2/3)2n.(3) Lemma8Consider the functions g k from Lemma6.Then for at most8d/2h d of them their support has nonempty intersection with S d?1.

We shall verify?rst the technical Lemmas6-8,then the proof of Lemma 5will be given.Finally it will be shown that Theorem2follows easily from Lemma5.

Proof of Lemma6.The main step of the proof consists of verifying the lemma for d=1.Let g∈C∞(R)be an odd function on R such that g=1for x3and is monotone decreasing on[1,3].Moreover

g?(x)+g?(x?4)=1,x∈[?1,5].(4) Set now

g k(x):=g?(x?4k)+g?(x+4k),k∈Z1+.

Then g k’s are even functions which by(4)satisfy relation


g k(x)=1,x∈R.

In addition,the support of g k equals±[?3+4k,3+4k]and at most2of g k’s can be nonzero at any given x∈R.Finally,for a?xed0

g k(x):=



g k


(6x j/h).

It is easy to see that these functions give the needed partition of unity.

Proof of Lemma7.Clearly the conditions of lemma yield that whenever |x?a|>4δK

1/|x|K≤δK/|x|≤δK/(|x?a|?|a|)≤δK/(|x?a|?δK)≤4δK/3|x?a|.(5) It is well known that for any univariate polynomial p of degree at most n such that|p|≤1in[?a,a]it holds that|p(x)|≤(2x/a)n whenever|x|>a.Therefore using(5)and the assumption imposed on h n we have

|h n(x)|≤(2|x?a|/4δK)2n≤(2|x|K/3)2n.(6) Now it remains to note that by x/t∈K it follows that|x|K≤|t|,and thus we obtain(3)from(6).This completes the proof of the lemma.

Proof of Lemma5.Denote by g k,1≤k≤N those functions from Lemma 6whose support A k has a nonempty intersection with S d?1.Then by Lemma8

N≤8d/2h d.(9) Moreover,by(1)


g k=1on S d?1.(10)



B k:=A k∩S d?1,

C k:={u r(u):u∈B k}?Bd(K),1≤k≤N. For each1≤k≤N choose a point u k∈B k and set x k:=u k r(u k)∈Bd(K). Furthermore let L k be the supporting plane to Bd(K)at the point x k and set for1≤k≤N,L?k:=L k∪(?L k)

D k:={x∈L?k:x=t u for some u∈B k,t>0};


f k(x):=

g k(u),x∈Bd(K),x=u r(u),u∈S d?1

q k(x):=g k(u),x∈L?k,x=t u,u∈S d?1,t>0. Clearly,q k∈C∞(L?k)is an even positive function which by property(2)can

be extended to a regular centrally symmetric cube I?K so that we have on I |?m q k/?x m j|≤c/h m,1≤j≤d,1≤k≤N.(11) Here and in what follows we denote by c(possibly distinct)positive constants depending only on d,m and K.We can assume that I is su?ciently large so that

I?G k:={x∈L k:|x?x k|≤4δK},1≤k≤N.

Then by the multivariate Jackson Theorem(see e.g.[10])applied to the even functions q k satisfying(11)for arbitrary m∈N(to be speci?ed below),there exist even multivariate polynomials p k of total degree at most2n such that

||q k?p k||G?k≤c/(hn)m≤1,1≤k≤N,(12) where G?k:=G k∪(?G k),h:=n?γ(0<γ<1is speci?ed below),and n is su?ciently large.

We claim now that without loss of generality it may be assumed that each p k is in H d2n.Indeed,since G?k?L?k it follows that the homogeneous polynomial h2:=2∈H d2is identically equal to1on G?k(here w is a properly normalized normal vector to L k),so multiplying the even degree monomials of p k by even powers of h2we can replace p k by a homogeneous polynomial from H d2n so that(12)holds.Thus we may assume that p k∈H d2n and relations(12) hold.In particular,(12)also yields that

||p k||G?k≤2,1≤k≤N.(13) Now consider an arbitrary x∈Bd(K)\C k.Then with some t>1we have t x∈L?k and q k(t x)=0.Hence if t x∈G?k then by(12)it follows that

|p k(x)|≤|p k(t x)|≤c/(hn)m.

On the other hand if t x/∈G?k then by(13)and Lemma7we obtain

|p k(x)|≤2(2/3)2n.

The last two estimates yield that for every x∈Bd(K)\C k we have

|p k(x)|≤c((2/3)2n+(hn)?m),1≤k≤N.(14) Now let us assume that x∈C k.

Clearly,the C1+?property of Bd(K)yields that whenever x∈Bd(K),t x∈L?k,t>1we have for every1≤k≤N

(t?1)|x|=|x?t x|≤c min{|x?x k|,|x+x k|}1+?.(15)


Obviously,for every u∈B k

min{|u?u k|,|u+u k|}≤√

1+m+?+d >τ?and letγ:=


Proof of Theorem2.First we use the classical Weierstrass Theorem to approximate f∈C(Bd(K))by a polynomial

p m=



h?j,h?j∈H d j,0≤j≤m

of degree at most m so that

||f?p m||Bd(K)≤δ


with any givenδ>0.Letτ∈(0,1)be arbitrary.According to Lemma5 there exist h n,j∈H d2n?2[j/2]such that||1?h n,j||Bd(K)=O(n?τ?),0≤j≤m.





h n,j h?j∈H d2n+H d2n+1




is positive and convex on R(19)


t )

is positive and convex on R.(20)

Remark10Equivalently,instead of(20)we may assume that(21)below holds and lim t→+∞t(tQ′(t)?1)≤lim t→?∞t(tQ′(t)?1).We also remark that(19) implies that(20)is satis?ed on(?∞,0)and on(0,+∞).

We mention the function W(t)=(1+|t|m)?1/m,1≤m,as an example which satis?es(19)and(20).

We say that a property is satis?ed inside R if it is satis?ed on all compact subsets of R.

Some consequences of(19)and(20)are as follows.



t→±∞|t|W(t)=ρ∈(0,+∞)exists.(21) Since exp(Q(t))is convex,it is Lipschitz continuous inside R.So exp(Q(t)) is absolutely continuous inside R which implies that both W(t)and Q(t)are absolutely continuous inside R.

Q′(t)is bounded inside R a.e.because by(19)exp(Q(t))Q′(t)is increasing a.e.

We collected below some frequently used de?nitions and notations in the paper.

De?nitions11Let L?R and let f:L→R∪{?∞}∪{+∞}.

f is H¨o lder continuous with H¨o lder index0<τ≤1if with some K constant |f(x)?f(y)|≤K|x?y|τ,x,y∈L.In this case we write f∈Hτ(L).

The L p norm of f is denoted by||f||p.When p=∞we will also use the ||f||L notation.

We say that an integral or limit exists if it exists as a real number.

Let x∈R.If f is integrable on L\(x??,x+?)for all0

P V L f(t)dt:=lim?→0+ L\(x??,x+?)f(t)dt,

if the limit exists.

It is known that P V L g(t)/(t?x)dt exists for almost every x∈R if g: L→R is integrable.

For0<ιand a∈R we de?ne

a+ι:=max(a,ι)and a?ι:=max(?a,ι).

For a>b the interval[a,b]is an empty set.

We say that a property is satis?ed inside L if it is satis?ed on all compact subsets of L.

o(1)will denote a number which is approaching to zero.For example,we may write10x=100+o(1)as x→2.Sometimes we also specify the domain(which may change with?)where the equation should be considered.For example, sin(x)=o(1)for x∈[π,π+?]when?→0+.

The equilibrium measure and its support S w is de?ned on the next page.Let [aλ,bλ]denote the support S Wλ(see Lemma(15)).

For x∈(aλ,bλ)let Vλ(x):=0,and for a.e.x∈(aλ,bλ)let

Vλ(x):=P V bλaλλ√t?x dt




Let x∈[?1,1].Depending on the value of c∈[?1,1]the following integrals may or may not be principal value integrals.

v c(x):=?P V c?1λ√π2√

h c(x):=P V 1cλ√π2√




P n(x)and p n(x)denote polynomials of degree at most n.

Functions with smooth integrals was introduced by Totik in[11].

De?nitions12We say that f has smooth integral on R?L,if f is non-negative a.e.on R and

f=(1+o(1)) J f(23)


where I,J?R are any two adjacent intervals,both of which has length0< epsilon,and?→0.The o(1)term depends on?and not on I and J.

We say that a family of functions F has uniformly smooth integral on R, if any f∈F is non-negative a.e.on R and(23)holds,where the o(1)term depends on?only,and not on the choice of f,I or J.

Cleary,if f is continuous and it has a positive lower bound on R then f has smooth integral on R.Also,non-negative linear combinations of?nitely many functions with smooth integrals on R has also smooth integral on R.

From the Fubini Theorem it follows that ifνis a?nite positive Borel measure on T?R and{v t(x):t∈T}is a family of functions with uniformly smooth integral on R for which t→v t(x)is measureable for a.e.x∈[a,b],then

v(x):= T v t(x)dν(t)

has also smooth integral on R.

Finally,if f n→f uniformly a.e.on R,f n has smooth integral on R and f has positive lower bound a.e.on R then f has smooth integral on R. Remark13Since exp(?Q)is absolutely continuous inside R and(exp(?Q))′=?exp(?Q)Q′is bounded a.e.on[?1,1],by the fundamental theorem of calcu-

√1+t∈H0.5([?1,1]), lus we see that exp(?Q(t))∈H1([?1,1]).And

√1+t exp(?Q(t))∈H0.5([?1,1])so√


Let w(x)≡0be a non-negative continuous function onˉR such that


x→∞|x|w(x)=α∈[0,+∞)exists.(24) Whenα=0,then w belongs to the class of so called“admissible”weights.

We write w(x)=exp(?q(x))and call q(x)external?eld.Ifμis a positive Borel unit measure onˉR-in short a“probability measure”,then its weighted energy is de?ned by

I w(μ):= log1


This de?nition makes sense for a signed measureν,too,if log|t?x| d|ν|(t) exists.


S w:=supp(μw)denote the support ofμw.

Whenα=0,then S w is a compact subset of R.In this case with some F w constant we have

Uμw+Q(x)=F w,x∈S w.

Let Bd(K)be the boundary of a two dimensional convex region K?R2 which is centrally symmetric to the origin(0,0).For t∈R let(x(t),y(t))be any of the two points on Bd(K)for which


Lemma14W(t)satis?es properties(19),(20).And S W=ˉR.

Proof.W is positive on R.

We may assume that x(t)>0,t∈R.Let t1,t3∈R and t2:=αt1+(1?α)t3,where0<α<1.Let(x2,y2)be the intersection of the line segments

(0,0)(x(t2),y(t2)).Note that1/x(t2)≤1/x2and by elementary calculations:




Lemma15Let1<λ.Then S Wλis a?nite interval[aλ,bλ],andμWλis absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and its density is dμWλ(x)=Vλ(x)dx.


see Theorem IV.2.2of[8].

The integral at(22)is the Hilbert transform on R of the function de?ned as λ

F Wλ,x∈[aλ,bλ],we get Uμ(x)=UμWλ(x),x∈(aλ,bλ).But(27)shows that Uμ+(x)and Uμ?(x)are?nite for all x∈[aλ,bλ].So Uμ+(x)=UμWλ+μ?(x), x∈(aλ,bλ).Hereμ+andμWλ+μ?are positive measures which have the same mass.μWλ,μ?(andμ+)all have?nite logarithmic energy(see(27)),

henceμWλ+μ?has it,too.Applying Theorem II.3.2.of[8]we get Uμ+(z)=

UμWλ+μ?(z)for all z∈C.By the unicity theorem([8],Theorem II.2.1.)μ+=μWλ+μ?.Henceμ=μWλand our lemma is proved.

||μW [?N,N]||.

We remark thatμW({∞})=0which implies that

||μW [?N,N]||→1as N→+∞.(29) By([9],pp.3)there exists K∈R such that



|z?t|Wλ1(z)Wλ1(t)dνN(t)dνN(z)is?nite.(31) By(30)the double integral at(31)is bounded from below.It equals to: log1

Here the ?rst double integral is ?nite because V W is ?nite ([9],



And the


integral is bounded from above since νN has compact support.So (31)is established.

Choose 0<τsuch that ||τW (x )||∞≤1.Now,

I W (μ)?log(τ2)

=lim M →+∞ min M,log 1

|z ?t |(τW (z ))(τW (t ))

dμW λn (t )dμW λn (z )

≤lim n →+∞ log 1|z ?t |(τW (z ))λn (τW (t ))λn

dνN (t )dνN (z )

= log 1|z ?t |W (z )W (t )

?K dνN (t )dνN (z )≤ log 1||μW

[?N,N ]||

dμW (z )

||μW [?N,N ]||2 +1


ωS W λ S W λ



Wλis the classical equilibrium measure of the set S Wλ(with no external

?eld present).(We remark that S Wλ?S


It follows that ifλis so close to1that S

Wλ2?I holds,then[a,b]?(aλ,bλ)

and Vλ(x)has positive lower bound a.e.on[a,b].


,as x→c?.

Here o(1)depends on c?x only.


v c(x2)+ι,

v c(x1)?ι

h c(x2)+ι


h c(x1)?ι



1?t2exp(?Q(t))/π2and integrating on [c,1]we gain

h c(x2)


v c(x1)+ι


Returning to the case of x1,x2≤c?δ,from v c(x)=h c(x)+B(x),from (33)and from B(x2)=B(x1)+o(1)we get

|v c(x2)?v c(x1)|=|o(1)|(1+|v c(x1)?B(x1)|)

≤|o(1)|(|v c(x1)|+1+||B||[a,b]).(35)


Assuming|v c(x1)|≤1,we have

|v c(x2)+ι?v c(x1)+ι|≤|v c(x2)?v c(x1)|≤|o(1)|,

so(34)holds again.Finally,if|v c(x1)|≥1,then from(35)

v c(x2)

|v c(x1)|


from which(34)again easily follows.

The proof of the rest of our lemma is similar.

J v c(t)+ιdt=1+o(1),as?→0+,

where o(1)is independent of I,J and c.Letδ:=


1?t2exp(?Q(t))/π2.Applying Lemma17(with A:=(a?1)/2,B:=(b+1)/2)we have

?,c)as?→0+,which easily leads to

h c(x)=(



+o(1))(?log|c?x|)for x∈[c?


Clearly,(36)also holds for x∈(c,c+

J v c(t)+ιdt=(f(c)1?c2+o(1)) I log1



+o(1)) J log1

where we used that log(1/|x|)has smooth integral on[?2,2]



Following the proof of Lemma24of[1]we will prove the following lemma. But we remark that the absolutely continuous hypothesis of Lemma24is un-necessary at[1].

Lemma21Let N(x)be a bounded,increasing,right-continuous function on [?1,1]and let f(x)∈L1([?1,1])be non-negative.Then

P V 1?1f(t)N(t)


dt, a.e.x∈[?1,1].

Proof.Let us denote the left hand side of(38)by F(x).Since f(x)and f(x)N(x)are in L1[?1,1]and N(x)is increasing,there is a set of full mea-sure in(?1,1)where f1(x),F(x)and N′(x)all exist.Let x be chosen from this set.It follows that f c(x)exist for all c∈[?1,1]\{x}.Also,


?→0+ x??




dt .(39) 17

t→f t(x)is a continuous increasing function on[?1,x)and it is a continuous decreasing function on(x,1]so at(39)we can use integration by parts to get x??


+ 1x+?=?f x??(x)N(x??)+f?1(x)N(?1)+ (?1,x??]f t(x)dN(t)

+f x+?(x)N(x+?)?f1(x)N(1)+ (x+?,1]f t(x)dN(t)

But above f?1(x)=0and

f x+?(x)N(x+?)?f x??(x)N(x??)

=[f x+?(x)?f x??(x)]N(x+?)+f x??(x)[N(x+?)?N(x??)].(40) Note that

f x+?(x)?f x??(x)=?P V x+?x??f(t)

Lemma22Let[a,b]be arbitrary and let1<λbe chosen to satisfy the conclu-sion of Lemma16.Then Vλ(x)has smooth integral on[a,b].

Proof.To keep the notations simple we will assume that?1



where v(t)also depends on the choice of x.Note that M(t),t∈[?1,1],is a bounded,increasing,right-continuous function which agrees with exp(Q(t))Q′(t) almost everywhere.

Applying Lemma21for f(t):=v(t)and N(t):=M(t),let us?x an x∈[a,b] value for which both(38)and dμWλ(x)=Vλ(x)dx are satis?ed.(These are satis?ed almost everywhere.)From(22)and Lemma21we have




+P V 1?1λ√π2√

π√t?x dt=L(x)+


v t(x)dM(t),

where L(x):=1/(π

Vλ(x)(ι)has also positive lower bound a.e.on[a,b],assumingιis small enough. In addition,v t(x)≥0when t∈[0,x],whereas v t(x)≥B(x)≥?||B||[a,b]when

t∈(x,1],so Vλ(x)(?)

(ι)is bounded a.e.on[a,b].It follows that Vλ(x)(?)



(ι)a.e.x∈[a,b]for someη∈(0,1).

Applying Lemma20we conclude that Vλ(x)(ι)has smooth integral on[a,b] (ifιis small enough).Therefore Vλ(x)has smooth integral by(44)and(45).

We now restate Theorem4and prove it.

Theorem24For a weight satisfying(19)and(20)we have ZˉR(W)=?.That is,any continuous function g:ˉR→R can be uniformly approximated by weighted polynomials W n p n(n=0,2,4,...)onˉR.

Proof.Let x0∈ˉR.We show that x0∈ZˉR(W).



西南大学化学化工学院物理化学实验报告 实验名称苯分子轨道和电子结构 2011级1班姓名学号22201131621**** 同组人 指导老师实验日期2013 年 5 月22 日 实验环境室温34 ℃大气压99.8 mmHg 仪器型号 实验目的 ( 1)掌握休克尔分子轨道法的基本内容 ( 2)学会用休克尔分子轨道法分析和计算苯分子Π轨道分布 ( 3)学会用计算的化学方法研究简单分子的电子结构 实验原理 A、离域π键:形成π键的电子不局限于两个原子的区域,而是在参加成键的多个原子形成的分子骨架中运动,这种由多个原子形成的π型化学键称为离域π键。 B、共轭效应:由于形成了离域π键,增加了π电子的活动范围,使得分子具有特殊的物理化学性质,这种效应称为共轭效应或离域效应。 C、分子轨道法(MO法):当原子组合成为分子时,原来专属于某一原子所有的电子将在整个分子范围内运动,其轨道也不再是原来的原子轨道,而成为整个分子所共有的分子轨道。 D、微观系统状态随时间的深化规律由薛定谔方程描述(H - E)Ψ=0,其中H 是量子哈密顿算符。 休克尔为了讨论共轭体系的分子轨道,1931Huckel应用LCAO-MO(分子轨道的原子线性组合)法,采用简化处理,解释了大量有机共轭分子性质,该方法称为休克尔分子轨道法,简称HMO法。该方法针对平面共轭体系的主要特点,能给出离域π键体系的基本性质。 休克尔分子轨道法用了下列基本假设: 1、σ-π分离近似:对于共轭分子,构成分子骨架的σ电子与构成共轭体系的π电子由于对称性不同,在讨论共轭分子的结构时,可以近似的看成互相带独立的,把σ电子和π电子分开处理。 2、独立π电子近似:分子中的电子由于存在相互作用,运动不是独立的,但若将其它电子对某电子的作用加以平均,近似地看成是在核和其它电子形成的固定力场上运动,则该电子的运动就与其它电子的位置无关,是独立的。 3、LCAO-MO近似:对于π体系,可将每个π分子轨道看成是由各个碳原子提供的对称性匹配的p轨道φi进行线性组合得的。 ψ=C1φ1 + C2φ2 + …+ CNφN


苯分子轨道与电子结构 一、实验目的 ( 1)掌握休克尔分子轨道法的基本内容 ( 2)学会用休克尔分子轨道法分析和计算苯分子Π轨道分布 ( 3)学会用计算的化学方法研究简单分子的电子结构 二、实验原理 基本理论 离域Π键:形成Π键的电子不局限于两个原子的区域,而是在参加成键的多个原子形成的分子骨架中运动,这种由多个原子形成的Π型化学键称为离域Π键 共轭效应:形成离域Π键,增加了Π电子的活动范围,使分子具有特殊的物理化学性质,这种效应称为共轭效应 分子轨道法:原子组合成分子时,原来专属于某一原子的电子将在整个分子范围内运动,其轨道也不再是原来的原子轨道,而成为整个分子所共有的分子轨道 休克尔分子轨道法:为了讨论共轭体系的分子轨道,1 931年休克尔应用LCAO-MO(分子轨道的原子线性组合)法,采用简化处理,解释了大量有机共轭分子性质,该方法称为休克尔分子轨道法,简称HMO法。该方法针对平面共轭体系的主要特点,能给出离域Π键体系的基本性质 休克尔分子轨道法主要运用了下列基本假设 : σ-Π分离体系:对于共轭分子,构成分子骨架的σ电子与构成共轭体系的π电子由于对称性不同,在讨论共轭分子的结构时,可以近似的看

成互相独立的,把σ电子和π电子分开处理. 独立π电子近似:分子中的电子由于存在相互作用,运动不是独立的,但若将其它电子对某电子的作用加以平均,近似地看成是在核和其它电子形成的固定力场上运动,则该电子的运动就与其它电子的位置无关,是独立的. LCAO-MO近似:对于π体系,可将每个π分子轨道看成是由各个碳原子提供的对称性匹配的p轨道φi 进行线性组合得的.ψ=C1φ1+ C2φ2 + …+ C NφN huckel近似:认为每个电子在每个原子核附近运动时的能量相同 休克尔分子轨道法基本内容 在分子中把原子核、内层电子、非键电子连同σ电子一起冻结为“分子实”,构成了由σ键相连的分子骨架,π电子在分子骨架的势场中运动。由此,可写出一个Π电子的Hamilton算符及轨道方程 Hψ=Eψ( 1-1). 采用变分法,π电子分子轨道表示为所有碳原子的对称性匹配的p原子轨道的线性组合: ψ=C1φ1 + C2φ2 + …+ C NφN(1-2). 代入(1-1)式,按线性法处理得有关系数线性齐次方程组 : (H11-E)C 1+(H12-ES12)C 2+…+(H1N-ES1N)= 0 (H N1-E)C 1+(H N2-ES N2)C 2+…+(H NN-ES1N)=0 (1-3). 式中已假定原子轨道是归一化的,H rr,S rr代表能量积分及重叠积分: H rs=∫φr?Hφdt, Srs=∫φr?φsdt (1-4) .


第7章芳烃及非苯芳烃 思考题答案 思考题7-1苯具有什么结构特征它与早期的有机化学理论有什么矛盾 答案:苯分子具有高度的不饱和性,其碳氢比相当于同分子量的炔烃,根据早期的有机化学理论,它应具有容易发生加成反应、氧化反应等特性。 但事实上,苯是一种高度不饱和却具异常稳定性的化合物。因此,要能够很好地解释这一矛盾是当时有机化学家所面临的重大挑战。[知识点:苯 的结构特征] 思考题7-2早期的有机化学家对苯的芳香性认识与现代有机化学家对苯的芳香性认识有什么不同 答案:早期的有机化学把那些高度不饱和的苯环类结构并具有芳香气味的化合物称为芳香化合物,这些化合物所具有的特性具称为芳香性。随着对事物认识的不断深入,人们已经意识到,除了苯环以外还有一些其他类型的分子结构也具有如苯一样的特别性质。现在仍然迫用芳香性概念,但其内涵已超出了原来的定义范围。现在对芳香性的定义为:化学结构上环状封闭的共轭大π键,不易被氧化,也不易发生加成反应,但是容易起亲电反应的性质。[知识点:苯的芳香性] 思考题7-3 关于苯分子的近代结构理论有哪些其中,由Pauling提出的共振结构理论是如何解释苯分子结构 答案:现代价键理论:苯分子中的六个碳原子都以sp2杂化轨道和相邻的碳和氢原子形成σ键,此sp2杂化轨道为平面其对称轴夹角为120°,此外每个碳原子还有一个和平面垂直的p轨道,六个p轨道相互平行重叠形成了一个闭合共轭体系。 分子轨道理论:基态时,苯分子的六个π电子都处在成建轨道上,具有闭壳层电子结构。离域的π电子使得所有的C-C键都相同,具有大π键的特殊性质因此相比孤立π键要稳定得多。

Pauling提出的共振结构理论:苯的每个1,3,5-环己三烯都是一种共振结构体,苯的真实结构是由这些共振结构式叠加而成的共振杂化体。【知识点:苯近代结构理论】 思考题7-4什么是休克尔规则如何利用休克尔规则判别有机分子的芳香性 答案:休克尔规则:单环化合物具有同平面的连续离域体系,且其π电子数为4n+2,n为大于等于0的整数,就具有芳香性; 如果π电子数为芳香性,符合4n,为反芳香性,非平面的环状共轭烯烃 则为非芳香性。【知识点:休克尔规则】 思考题7-5为什么有些有机分子的π电子数符合4n+2规则但却不具备芳香性 答案:有些有机分子如[10]轮烯,其π电子为10,满足4n+2规则,但无芳香性。 其原因在该分子内由于空间拥挤,整个分子不共平面影响共轭,故无芳香性。具有芳香性必须是共轭的平面分子。【知识点:休克尔规则应用条件】思考题7-6什么是亲电取代反应为什么苯环上容易发生亲电取代反应而不是亲核取代反应 答案:缺电子或带正电的亲电试剂进攻电子给予体(如苯)所发生的取代反应叫亲电取代反应。由于苯环具有高度离域的大π键,苯环上下都被离域的π电子所笼罩,因此,苯成为良好的电子给予体,极易与缺电子或带正电荷的原子或基团发生亲电取代反应。【知识点:苯环亲电取代反应】 思考题7-7 什么是傅-克反应傅-克烷基化反应和傅-克酰基化反应有什么区别 答案:傅克反应即在无水三氯化铝的催化下,芳环上的氢被烷基或酰基取代的反应。在烷基化反应中,易发生分子重排;在酰基化反应中,无分子重排,但由于其反应产物酮会与催化剂三氯化驴发生络合,因此酰基化反应的三氯化铝必须过量。【知识点:傅克反应】 思考题7-8发生在苯环上的亲电取代反应历程中有哪些过渡态如何通过共振结构式解释苯环上发生亲电取代反应时的定位效应 答案:苯环上的亲电取代反应要经历π络合物和σ络合物的中间态。苯环亲电取代中间体的共振式有三种,当含有邻对位定位基时,由共振式可看出只有

原子的结构 能级汇总

2016年高考物理精品学案之 原子的结构能级 一、考纲要求 二、知识网络 第1讲原子的结构能级 ★一、考情直播 1.考纲解读 考纲内容能力要求考向定位 1.氢原子光谱 1.知道汤姆生发现电子同时提考纲对氢原子光谱、能级

2.氢原子的能级结构、能级公式出枣糕模型 2.知道α粒子散射实验及卢瑟 福的核式结构模型 3.知道波尔的三条假设及对氢 原子计算的两个公式和氢原子能级 结构和能级公式均是Ⅰ级要 求.本部分高考的热点是α粒 子散射实验和波尔理论,高考 中以选择题的形式出现. 2.考点整合 考点一卢瑟福的核式结构模型 1.汤姆生在研究阴极射线时发现了,提出了原子的枣糕模型. 2.α粒子散射实验 α粒子散射实验是用α粒子轰击金箔,结果是穿过金箔后仍沿原来方向前进,发生了较大的偏转,极个别α粒子甚至 . 3.核式结构 卢瑟福从行星模型得到启发,提出了原子的核式结构,这是一种联想思维. 核式结构:在原子的中心有一个很小的,叫原子核,原子的都集中在原子核里,带在核外空间运动. 4.由α粒子散射实验数据还可以估算原子核的大小,卢瑟福估算的结果是:原子核的大小的数量级在以下. [例题1]如图2所示,为α粒子散射实验的示意图,A点为某α粒子运动中离原子核最近的位置,则该α粒子在A点具有 A.最大的速度 B.最大的加速度 C.最大的动能 D.最大的电势能 【解析】α粒子在接近原子核的过程中受到原子核库

仑排斥力的作用,这个力对α粒子做负功,使α粒子的速度减小,动能减小,电势能增大,显然,正确选项应该为BD 答案:BD 【规律总结】本题考查的知识点有两条,一是α粒子与原子核之间的库仑力,二是这个库仑力做负功,距离原子核越近,库仑力越大. 【例题2】.(2008年上海)1991年卢瑟福依据α粒子散射实验中α粒子发生了____(选填“大”或“小”)角度散射现象,提出了原子的核式结构模型.若用动能为1MeV 的α粒子 轰击金箔,则其速度约为_____m/s.(质子和中子的质量均为 1.67×10-27 kg ,1MeV=1 ×106 eV ) 【解析】根据α粒子散射实验现象,α粒子发生了大角度散射. 同时根据:α αm E v v m E k k 22 1 2== 得到 代入数据s m s m v /109.6/10 67.14106.110126 27 196?=??????=-- 答案:大,6.9×106 【规律总结】一是电子伏特与焦耳之间的换算,J ev 19 10 9.11-?=;二是α粒子的质量应 该是两个中子和两个质子的质量和,即:kg m 27 1067.14-??=α. 考点二 波尔模型 1.波尔的三条假设: 1)、能量量子化:原子只能处于一系列 状态中,在这些状态中原子是稳定的,电子虽然绕核运动,但并不向外辐射能量,这些状态叫做 . 对氢原子满足:121 E n E n = ,其中eV E 6.131-= 2)、轨道量子化:原子的 跟电子沿不同的圆形轨道绕核运动 相对应.原子的定态是不连续的,因此电子的可能轨道的分布也是不连续的. 对氢原子满足:12r n r n =,其中m r 10 11053.0-?=. 3)、能级跃迁:原子从一种定态(设能量为E 2)跃迁到另一种定态(设能量为E 1)时,它 一定频率的光子,光子的能量由这两种定态的能量差决定,即12E E h -=ν. 2.氢原子能级图:如图3所示 3.波尔理论的局限性 图3


苯分子轨道和电子结 构

西南大学化学化工学院物理化学实验报告 实验名称苯分子轨道和电子结构 2013 级化工班姓名学号 030同组人 指导老师实验日期2015 年 5 月11 日 实验环境室温℃大气压 mmHg 仪器型号 实验目的 ( 1)掌握休克尔分子轨道法的基本内容 ( 2)学会用休克尔分子轨道法分析和计算苯分子Π轨道分布 ( 3)学会用计算的化学方法研究简单分子的电子结构 实验原理 离域Π键:形成Π键的电子不局限于两个原子的区域,而是在参加成键的多个原子形成的分子骨架中运动,这种由多个原子形成的Π型化学键称为离域Π键. 共轭效应:形成离域Π键,增加了Π电子的活动范围,使分子具有特殊的物理化学性质,这种效应称为共轭效应. 分子轨道法:原子组合成分子时,原来专属于某一原子的电子将在整个分子范围内运动,其轨道也不再是原来的原子轨道,而成为整个分子所共有的分子轨道. 休克尔分子轨道法:为了讨论共轭体系的分子轨道,1 931年休克尔应用LCAO-MO(分子轨道的原子线性组合)法,采用简化处理,解释了大量有机共轭分子性质,该方法称为休克尔分子轨道法,简称HMO 法. 休克尔分子轨道法主要运用了下列基本假设 :σ-Π分离体系, 独 立π电子近似, LCAO-MO近似,huckel近似. 休克尔分子轨道法基本内容:在分子中把原子核、内层电子、非 键电子连同σ电子一起冻结为“分子实”,构成了由σ键相连的分子骨架,π电子在分子骨架的势场中运动。由此,可写出一个Π电子的Hamilton算符及轨道方程Hψ=Eψ( 1-1). 采用变分法,π电子分子轨道表示为所有碳原子的对称性匹配的p原子轨道的线性组合:


认识人类意识能级分布图 欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01) 你是什么,你就吸引什么。这是基于对宇宙规律的深刻认识。 下面内容的很多人都听说过:《金刚经》、《圣经》、《道德经》……但是真正有去读一下的人没有几个。为什么?因为,你的频率,你的振动,与那些伟大的经典不相应。或许你还能来几句经典里的话语,但是全面的阅读你从来没有过,如果提到这些经典,你说你听说过,但只是名字而已,只是片言只语而已。经典还是经典,你还是你。如果没有那么一天,你真的好好静下心来读一下,你就永远不知道其中的况味。你越是接近经典的频率你越是能锲入经典。而且,我们都明白,如果没有一个更高的层面的指引,一个人总是会局限在自己狭隘的视野里,去框视自己的“现实”。因为你认为那样,结果你吸引(创造=经验=吸引)到你认为的现实,于是你的事实就真的那样。于是你对外宣称,“看,我说的没错吧!事实就是我说的那样吧!”的确。这也是亚伯拉罕一再反复陈述的。这也是所谓的“你创造了你的现实。” 这里透露一个秘密。所有存在的一切都有一定的意识水平和能量水平。之所以大多数人根本没有去接触经典,是因为他们的能量水平和经典的能量水平根本不相应。也就是他们无法与经典

保持共振。也就理所当然的不会去读经典了。在这里我给大家列出美国心理学家,大卫·霍金斯(Dr.David R.Hawkins)花了38年心血,历经250000次以上测试的结晶。(《Power Vs.Force》) 这个研究出来的成果它展现了人类潜藏的意识水平的尺度。他发现存在于我们这个世界的隐藏的图表。一个有关人类所有意识的能级水平的图表。通过这张表,我们可以清楚地认识到我们目前所达到的状态,并可以成为解释其它一切人事物的册。 人类意识能级分布图 人类意识能级分布图 神性观点生命观点水平数量级情绪过程 真我、梵存在开悟↑ 700-1000 不可说纯意识 一切生命完美平和↑ 600 天佑启发 禅、单独的完全喜悦↑ 540 平静变形 有爱的和蔼爱↑源 500 敬重揭示 贤明的意义明智↑能 400 谅解提炼 仁慈的和谐宽容↑ & 350 宽恕卓越 受鼓舞有望主动↑动 310 乐观意图 能动的满意淡定↑力 250 信任豁免 许纳的可行勇气↑▲ 200 肯定能动 无关紧要苛求骄傲↓▼ 175 嘲笑膨胀 复仇敌对愤怒↓压 150 憎恨侵略 否认失望欲望↓力 125 渴望奴役


你是什么,你就吸引什么。这是基于对宇宙规律的深刻认识。 下面容的很多人都听说过:《金刚经》、《圣经》、《道德经》……但是真正有去读一下的人没有几个。为什么?因为,你的频率,你的振动,与那些伟大的经典不相应。或许你还能来几句经典里的话语,但是全面的阅读你从来没有过,如果提到这些经典,你说你听说过,但只是名字而已,只是片言只语而已。经典还是经典,你还是你。如果没有那么一天,你真的好好静下心来读一下,你就永远不知道其中的况味。你越是接近经典的频率你越是能锲入经典。而且,我们都明白,如果没有一个更高的层面的指引,一个人总是会局限在自己狭隘的视野里,去框视自己的“现实”。因为你认为那样,结果你吸引(创造=经验=吸引)到你认为的现实,于是你的事实就真的那样。于是你对外宣称,“看,我说的没错吧!事实就是我说的那样吧!”的确。这也是亚伯拉罕一再反复述的。这也是所谓的“你创造了你的现实。” 这里透露一个秘密。所有存在的一切都有一定的意识水平和能量水平。之所以大多数人根本没有去接触经典,是因为他们的能量水平和经典的能量水平根本不相应。也就是他们无法与经典保持共振。也就理所当然的不会去读经典了。在这里我给大家列出美国心理学家,大卫·霍金斯(Dr.David R.Hawkins)花了38年心血,历经250000次以上测试的结晶。(《Power Vs.Force》) 这个研究出来的成果它展现了人类潜藏的意识水平的尺度。他发现存在于我们这个世界的隐藏的图表。一个有关人类所有意识的能级水平的图表。通过这表,我们可以清楚地认识到我们目前所达到的状态,并可以成为解释其它一切人事物的册。 人类意识能级分布图


什么是Fermi能级为什么Fermi能级可以处于禁带中间为什么本征半导体的Fermi能级位于禁带中央为什么n型半导体的Fermi能级 位于导带底附近Fermi能级随着温度和掺杂浓度的改变而如何变化Fermi能级(E F)是一个非常重要的物理概念,它在半导体电子学中起着极其重要的作用。 (1) Fermi能级的概念: 在固体物理学中,Fermi能量(Fermi energy)是表示在无相互作用的Fermi粒子的体系中加入一个粒子所引起的基态能量的最小可能增量;也就是在绝对零度时,处于基态的Fermi粒子体系的化学势,或 者是处于基态的单个Fermi粒子所具有的最大能量--------- F ermi粒子所占据的最高能级的能量 另一方面,按照Fermi-Dirac统计,在能量为E的单电子量子态上 的平均电子数为: 式中的T为绝对温度,k为玻尔兹曼常数,圧是该Fermi-Dirac分布函 数的一个参量(称为化学势「在绝对零度下,所有能量小于E F的量子态都被 电子占据,而所有能量大于E F的量子态都是空着的, 则作为化学势的参量E F就是电子所占据的最高量子态的能量,因此这时系 统的化学势也就与费米能量一致。从而,往往就形象地把费米

能量和化学势统称之为Fermi能级。虽然严格说来,费米能级是指无相互作用的Fermi粒子系统在趋于绝对零度时的化学势,但是在半导 体物理电子学领域中,费米能级则经常被当做电子或空穴的化学势来使用,所以也就不再区分费米能级和化学势了。 在非绝对零度时,电子可以占据高于E F的若干能级,则这时Fermi 能级将是占据几率等于50%的能级。处于Fermi能级附近的电子(常称为传导电子)对固体的输运性质起着重要的作用。 (2)Fermi能级的含义: 作为Fermi-Dirac分布函数中一个重要参量的Fermi能级EF,具有决定整个系统能量以及载流子分布的重要作用。 ①在半导体中,由于Fermi能级(化学势)不是真正的能级,即不一定是允许的单电子能级(即不一定是公有化状态的能量),所以它可以像束缚状态的能级一样,可以处于能带的任何位置,当然也可以处于禁带之中。 对于金属,其中的自由电子在k空间中将填充成一个球体,称为Fermi 球;Fermi能量也就是Fermi球面对应的能量,该能量可以采用Fermi球的半径-------------- Fermi半径k F来表示为 式中的h是Dirac常数,m是自由电子的质量。因此,金属中的 Fermi能级也就是导带中自由电子填充的最高能级。p F=~h k F称为Fermi动量,V F= h k F/m称为Fermi速度。一般,金属的Fermi能量约为~

第十一章 苯和芳香烃 芳香亲电取代反应

芳香类化合物是指从植物胶里取得的具有芳香气味的物质。现在人们把具有下列特殊稳定的不饱和环状化合物称为方向化合物: (1)从结构上看①芳香化合物一般都具有平面或接近平面的环状结构②键长趋于平均化③具有较高的C/H 比 (2)从性质上看①芳香化合物的芳环一般都难以氧化、加成②而易于发生亲电取代反应③具有特殊的光学性质,如芳环环外氢的化学位移处于NMR 低场,而环内氢处于高场等。 上述这些特点被称为芳香性。 1. 芳香烃的结构 1.1苯的结构和表达 1.1.1苯的结构 第十一章 苯和芳香烃 芳香亲电取代反应 120o 108pm 140pm

1.1.2苯的芳香性 环己烯的氢化热ΔH=-120kJ/mol,1,3-环己二烯的氢化热ΔH=-232kJ/mol(由于其共轭双键增加了其稳定性)。而苯的氢化热ΔH=-208kJ/mol。1,3-环己二烯失去两个氢变成苯时,不但不吸热,反而放出少量的热量。这说明:苯比相应的环己三烯类要稳定得多,从1,3-环己二烯变成苯时,分子结构已发生了根本的变化,并导致了一个稳定体系的形成。 苯难于氧化和加成,而易于发生亲电取代反应,与普通烯烃的性质有明显的区别。 1.2.3苯的表达 自1825年英国物理学家和化学家Farady M(法拉第)首先从照明气中分离出苯后,人们一直在探索苯结构的表达式。科学家们提出了各种有关苯结构式的假设;其中比较有代表性的苯的结构式有: 凯库勒式双环结构式棱形结构式向心结构式对位键结构式余键结构式 (凯库勒(杜瓦(拉敦保格(阿姆斯特朗、拜耳(克劳斯(悌勒 1865年提出)1866-1867年提出)1869年提出)1887-1888年提出)1888年提出)1899年提出)用内部带有一个圆圈的正六边形表示苯,圆圈强调了π电子的离域作用和电子云的均匀分布,它很好地说明了 碳碳键键长的均等性和苯环的完全对称性,但是这种方式用来表示其他方向体系时就不合适了,例如表示萘时很容 易造成误解,因为萘不是完全对称的分子,萘分子的碳碳键长也不是完全均等的。另外,圆圈没有说明π电子的数 目,萘分子的10个π电子用两个圆圈表示易误解成每个环有6个π电子而造成混淆。

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