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00-10-501 ENGLISH


RENAULT 00 - 10 - 501 / - - B This document is to be considered as a whole the part of which must not be separated.?REGIE NATIONALE DES USINES RENAULT S.A. 1993.

No duplication permitted without consent of the issuing department.

No communication permitted without RENAULT's consent.


May 1979- - -REVISIONS

March 1993

- - A Complete revision: logo replaced by the RENAULT logotype.This issue originates from Draft NC 92 191 / - - A.October 1993- - B Official logotype method of construction reformulated.

Simplified logotype and emblem added.

This issue originates from Draft NC 93 401 / - - -.


NOT FOR NEW DESIGN AS OF 2007-02-21 Replaced by / Remplacé par

STD 5051,16

RENAULT 00 - 10 - 501 / - - B


1.PURPOSE The purpose of this Standard is to define the marking of the RENAULT logotype, so as to:-

identify RENAULT approved parts,-

provide protection against counterfeit spare parts,-ensure follow-up of parts within the distribution network.


This Standard does not apply to marking related to the style or brand image.2.PRINCIPLE OF CONSTRUCTION AND DIMENSIONS OF STANDARDIZED MARKINGS The construction and dimensions of the logotype must comply with paragraph 2.1..

However, if it is technically impossible or, because insufficient space does not permit marking according to paragraph 2.1., the marking may be performed according to paragraphs 2.2.1. or 2.2.2..


The construction and dimensions of the official logotype (type 1) are given in appendix 1.

The dimensions of letters and spaces are obtained by multiplier coefficients of the length L chosen:EXAMPLE:

For L = 50 mm:


the height of A = L × 0.1568 = 50 × 0.1568 = 7.84 mm,-the interval between A and U = L × 0.01226 = 50 × 0.01226 = 0.613 mm.

NOTE:The RENAULT marking can be written horizontally (according to the pattern above),vertically, or around an arc. In the latter case, the word base is used as a reference for the construction.



Simplified logotype: type 2The simplified logotype (type 2) defined in appendix 2 may, with Design Office approval , be used in the case of technical impossibilities such that the type 1 logotype as defined in paragraph 2.1.cannot be produced, or when the space available is equal to or less than 30 mm.


Replaced by / Remplacé par STD 5051,16

2.2.2.Simplified emblem (lozenge): type 3

A simplified type 3 emblem, as defined in appendix 3, may, with Design Office approval, be used

instead of the RENAULT logotype when the space available is less than 20 mm.


The logotype must appear on the parts either embossed, indented, or in the form of an unalterable marking.

The location of the marking must be indicated on the part drawing, stating its dimension, according to the examples below:

-TYPE 1 L50 marking (Standard 00-10-501 / - - B).

-TYPE 2 L35 marking (Standard 00-10-501 / - - B).

-TYPE 3 L15 marking (Standard 00-10-501 / - - B).


RENAULT00 - 10 - 501 / - - B

APPENDIX 1 (continued)


STD 5051,16



RENAULT00 - 10 - 501 / - - B

APPENDIX 1 (continued)


Replaced by / Remplacé par

STD 5051,16





RENAULT00 - 10 - 501 / - - B




Replaced by / Remplacé par

STD 5051,16





高一英语阅读理解试题及答案) 一( 40分)20小题;每小题2分,满分阅读理解(共A “Some day, there'll be no Americans left in

who Xing Tao, NBA,” said 12-year-old the after weeks ago school team two joined his game, NBA a Ming in televised watching Yao “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”superstar home-grown Yao is a To China,

basketball first make the world's who helped NBA, the players. To league closer to Chinese a opening of an the 2.23-meter center offers new world's largest different sort into the ce against the market. Yao's NBA first appearanmillion 287 October Pacers in reached Indiana families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao's fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(篮板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10


《校园网上超市调查问卷》 同学,您好。为了给大家提供更方便快捷购物条件,需要一下了解大家的购物习惯及需求,特做此调查。请您用一两分钟时间帮助填写此问卷。在此非常感谢您的参与,祝您学习进步,生活愉快。 校园网络超市是通过浏览网站,订购商品,然后由我们的送货员,将商品送到你的手中,你可以不出寝室,就买到超市里面的东西。 1.目前学校里及周边的超市价格如何。 a.较贵 b.正常 c.较便宜 2.请问您有过因住的太高或者超市太远不想出门购物的感受吗。 a.一般有b很少有c.完全没有 3.请问如果出现校园网络超市,您会支持并在上面购物吗。 a.支持 b.不支持 c.无所谓 4.您支持校园网络超市的原因是什么。(4,5各选一题) a.价格相对比较便宜 b.送货上门,不用自己出门购买,轻松 c.选择商品方便快捷 5.您不支持校园网络超市的原因是什么。 a.送货速度可能会比较慢 b.没看到实体商品,不知道质量是否能保证 c.选择范围比较狭窄 6.如果你在校园网络超市上购物,你接受的校园网络超市的价格是什么。 a.高于超市的价格 b.和超市的价格一样 c.低于超市的价格

7.如果身边有一个网络购物超市,你可以接受的到货时间是。x a.半个小时内 b.1个小时内 c.3个小时内 8.请问您希望校园网络超市提供哪些类型的商品。 a.日常用品 b.各类饮料零食 c.个人护理用品(沐浴露、洗发水、牙膏等)) c.文体用具 d.化妆护肤品 e.电脑外设等相关电子产品 f.书籍 请问你对校园网络超市,有没有什么好的意见或建议。有的话,请将它写下来吧。我们将在dream网络超市开业的那一天,为同学们抽取奖品,谢谢合作。 第二篇:校园网站调查问卷“xx”校园网站问卷调查 亲爱的 同学: 您好。我校“xx”网上购物商城即将开放,为了能让“xx”更好服于同学们,我们特此进行本次问卷调查。 1.请问您的系别是: a□信息工程系b□水工系c□电力系d□机电系e□经管系 2.您是否经常网购: a□是b□否 3.您经常购物的网站是: a□淘宝b□卓越c□京东商城d□拍拍e□凡客f□易趣 4.您选择网购的理由是什么(多选题): a□价格优惠b□商品种类多c□节省时间、方便快捷d□安全可


2016 华育中学初三月考卷 Part II Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. In my o pinion, it’s a good idea. B. Our object is to further trade relations. C. Why didn’t you take the offer? D. We often deal with the problem. 2. Which of the following underlined parts has the same pronunciation as the underlined part in “s ay s”? A. play B. Monday C. laid D. said 3. When he left _____ college, he got a job as _____ reporter in a newspaper office. A. /…the B. a…the C. the…the 4. Mary said she would _____ my magazine back to me in two or three days. D. /…a A. return B. borrow C. keep 5. John _____ a bad cold for two days. D. give A. has caught B. has been C. has had 6. –What’s Joan’s job? –She is responsible _____ the security of the students in our school. D. had A. of B. on C. for D. in 7. I _____ in London for many years, but I have never regretted my final decision to move back to China. A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. am living 8. Linda has a lot of experience on the performance. She continued ____ after the music stopped suddenly. A. dancing B. to dancing C. dance D. danced 9. –How do you come to school every day? –I usually come to school _____. A. by cars B. in car C. on my own car D. in my new car 10. It will be our “Open Day” tomorrow, so our school _____ by many parents. A. has been visited B. is visited C. was visited 11. –How long does it take the moon to make one trip ____ the earth? –_____ four weeks. D. will be visited A. for, About B. about, For C. around, For 12. You’d better not stay outdoors in this kind of weather, _____ you? D. around, About A. did B. didn’t C. had 13. Jack seems _____ than you _____ ready for the exam. A. busy; to get B. much busier; getting C. busier; to get D. more busier; getting 14. Your story sounds like _____. Is it true? D. hadn’t A. interesting B. interested C. funny 15. The doctor told me to eat more ____ because it is good for my health. D. fun A. apple B. vegetables C. ice cream 16. _____ interesting sound effect the film has got! D. fish A. What B. How C. What a 17. We have got a computer room. We’ll build _____ one next year. D. What an A. the second B. a second C. two D. the two


高一英语阅读理解题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Even a small increase in light activity such as washing dishes, or walking around the house might help prevent an early death among older adults, researchers say. "It is important for elderly people, who might not be able to do much moderate intensity(强度)activity, that just moving around and doing light intensity activity will have strong effects and is beneficial," said Ulf Ekelund, who led the research. Published in the BMJ, the latest research was based on a review of eight studies involving a total of more than 36,000 people with an average age of almost 63 years. Participants were followed for five to six years; 2,149 deaths were recorded. All of the studies involved monitoring the physical activity of individuals who had activity trackers, and the studies did not rely on self-reporting, which, the experts noted, could be unreliable. For each study participants were split into four equal-sized groups, based on the total amount of time spent actively, and the risk of death assessed, taking into account factors such as age, sex, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. This was then repeated for an amount of activity at different levels of intensity. The results were analyzed together to give an overview. The team found a greater amount of activity was linked to a lower risk of death. The results held for different intensities of activity. The team said the study supported the message "sit less and move more and more often". However, the study had limitations. It only looked at the situation for middle age and older adults, most of whom lived in the US or Europe, and some of the effect could be due to those people with a higher risk of death being less likely to be related to physical activity. Physical activity levels also were only measured over one period of time. Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the University of Essex, said the results suggested moving more brought bigger benefits than simply reducing the time of sitting, another factor measured in the study. "This study reinforces the important message that getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits," he said. (1)Which of the following may Ulf Ekelund suggest elderly people do? A.lying on the sofa reading. B.Doing a little gentle gardening. C.Going out to hike with friends. D.Playing basketball sometimes. (2)What can we know about the research? A.It lasted about 8 years. B.The researchers admitted they used fake data. C.The participants didn't include younger people. D.Some participants died because of doing too much physical activity (3)What is the author's attitude towards the researchers' conclusion? A.Doubtful


北京市重点中学排名表 北京市重点初中前十名列表(初中排名) 一、北京四中(西城区) 二、人大附中(海淀区) 三、北师大实验中学(西城区) 四、北京二中(东城区) 五、北大附中(海淀区) 六、北京80中(朝阳区) 七、北京八中(西城区) 八、北京五中(东城区) 九、师大附中(宣武区) 十、师大二附中(西城区) 以下是十名以外的学校 北京101中(海淀) 汇文中学(崇文) 首师大附中(海淀) 景山学校(东城) 北京15中(宣武) 育英中学(海淀) 北京12中(丰台) 北京161中(西城)

育才中学(宣武) 北京161中(西城) 北京35中(西城) 北京22中(东城) 八一中学(海淀) 北京13中(西城) 苹果园中学(石景山) 牛栏山一中(顺义) 潞河中学(通州) 北京10中(丰台) 北京14中(宣武) 北京十一学校(海淀) 大峪中学(门头沟) 北京171中(东城) 东直门中学(东城) 密云二中(密云) 八大处中学(石景山)北京工业大学附中(朝阳)陈经伦中学(朝阳) 北京66中(宣武) 北京109中(崇文)

北方交大附中(海淀) 北京55中(崇文) 北京25中(东城) 崇文门中学(崇文) 北京159中(西城) 北京63中(宣武) 北京156中(西城) 北京31中(西城) 鲁迅中学(西城) 北京19中(海淀) 西城区外语学校(西城)北京市重点高中前十名列表一,中国人民大学附属中学二,清华大学附属中学 三,北京市第十四中学四,首都师范大学附属中学五,北京市第一六六中学六,北京市第四中学 七,北京市第二中学 八,北京市回民学校 九,北京市第五中学

前十名以外的学校(高中) 北京市第八中学 北京市广渠门中学 北京市第十中学 北京市苹果园中学 北京市第十一中学 北京市八大处中学 北京市第十五中学 北京师范大学附属实验中学北京市第一七一中学 北京市第九中学 北京市第六十六中学 北京理工大学附属中学 北京市第五十中学 北京市丰台第二中学 北京市第三十五中学 北京市顺义区牛栏山第一中学北京市第十二中学 北京市房山区房山中学 北方交通大学附属中学


校园网上超市网络营销的策划书 篇一:校园上超市络营销策划书1.公司简介 本公司以送货上门、便利学生为宗旨,以推进整个校园商超体系的互联模式为理念。 2.公司目标 (1)试运营南京邮电大学仙林校区,力争日交易额达XX单,销售年收入达到8000万。 (2)试运营点覆盖整个南京高校,最终扩展到全国所有高校,力图打造“校园里的京东商城”。 3.市场营销策略 (1)目标市场高校大学生。 (2)经营商品主要和一般超市物品相似,在挑选上更考虑学生群体的需要。 (3)价格上与学校周边大超市相同,做到明码标价。 (4)销售渠道重点放在上下订单,一小时内送货上门,以“便利”为主。 (5)招聘本校学生当物流员送货上门,男女比例1:1。 (6)前期大规模开展广告宣传活动,使全校师生在想要购买物品时第一时间即能想到本络超市。 (7)定期在上进行产品促销活动,节假日优惠力度加大。 (8)在固定工资的基础上,用送单量的多少决定物流

员奖金的多少,从而增加物流员的激情,加快送单速度。 (9)营销研究调查消费者对此类校园上超市的要求,不断改进方案。 4.络营销战略 为避免学生产生对络超市的虚空的传统想法,因此本超市应当在南邮内选择一个店面,让学生看到感觉放心。既然是以络销售为主,那么,店面的选址就显得不那么重要,在南邮东大门附近找一个50平米的仓库即可。因为东门来来往往的学生老师较多,因此招牌一定要明显,将本超市的名声打响。另外,既然是通过络销售,那么站的建立也尤为重要。本络超市采用的是以本校大学生为主要对象的一种销售络,所以物流可采用两种方式,一是各科自己来店内取,这种方式可以进一步对客户给予一定的优惠,这样既可以让顾客更加满意,又可以减少物流人员的工作量。另一种方式就是采取送货上门,货到付款的形式,在顾客规定的时间内送到。 5.络营销的顾客服务 通过售后反馈意见表,总结顾客意见,不断提高服务质量。主要工具有电子邮箱、电子论坛,常见问题解答。 6.络营销管理 (1)营销方式 络营销。采用络营销的方式,降低了营销成本,更有效


上海华育中学2016年小五班英语考题 I.写出划线部分的音标20分 1. room 2. thank 3. thin 4. last 5. house 6. boy 7. teach 8. worker 9. woman10. English II.写反义词20分 1. live 2. top 3. cheap 4. noisy 5. difficult 6. dark 7. heavy 8. old 9. long10. ugly III.写出下列词组10分 1. A: Who is laughing? B: The manis laughing.(在我后面) 2. He is(打牌)with his friends. 3. The baby doesn’t like(大声说话). 4. May I? (和孩子一起玩) 5. The woman isnow .(读报纸) IV.选择正确的答语:将字母编号写在括号里。10分 ( ) 1. Hell o, I’m Jim. What’s your name? ( ) 2. What’s your phone number? ( ) 3. Do you have a basketball? ( ) 4. Is this your ruler?

( ) 5. What’s this in English? ( ) 6. Let’s play computer games. ( ) 7. Is Sonia your aunt? ( ) 8. Sit down, please. ( ) 9. What color is your desk? ( ) 10. What would you like to eat? A. I don’t know. B. Yellow. C. Some chicken, please. D. No, she isn’t. She’s her aunt. E. My name is Lin Qian. F. No, I don’t know. G. It’s 297 4823. H. Yes, it is. I. Thank you. J. That sounds good. V.句型转换10分 1. Grace is fine. (对划线部分提问)is Grace? 2. Does Bob like carrots?(改为肯定句)Bobcarrots. 3. It is boring.(同义句改写)It . 4. They do their homework on Sunday.(改为否定句)


高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Moscow,Russia(Space news)-The computer is a better chess player,insisted Viktor Prozorov,the loser. It seemed as if it were laughing after every good move.I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind(为人类着想),but I just couldn't win, he announced and shook his head sadly. Prozorov's disappointment was shared by several grand masters who were present,some of whom were so upset that they shouted at the machine.Many chess players said that this meant the end of chess championships(锦标赛)around the world,since the fun had been taken out of the game. The computer walked-or rather,rolled-away with 5,000 dollars in prize money and limited its remarks to a set of noises and light. 56.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? A.5,000 dollars goes to a computer! B.New invention a laughing computer! C.World's best chess player beaten! https://www.doczj.com/doc/4e10667049.html,puter defeats man in chess! 57.How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between Prozorov and the computer? A.They thought that the game was no fun. B.They thought that the game wasn't fair. C.They agreed that Prozorov didn't play well. D.They were unhappy that the computer had won. 58.What was it that Prozorov felt most bitter(懊恼)about? A.That he didn't win the$5,000. B.That he hadn't tried his best. C.That he had lost to a machine. D.That this was the end of the chess game. 59.After winning the game,the computer_____. https://www.doczj.com/doc/4e10667049.html,ughed B.walked away C.made some remarks D.gave out some lights and sounds 60.Many chess players felt that playing with a computer would_____. A.make the game tougher B.make the game less interesting C.make man appear foolish D.make man lose lots of B Extract 1 A computer A computer is an information processor.It is given information,called data,instructed to do certain things and then show us the results.The data put into the computer is called theinput and the results which come out are the output.Some people say the circle of large standing stones at Stonechenge is a kind of computer.Prehistory people worked out their calendar from the position of the shadows made by the sun shining on the stones.


北京市重点中学排名,北京市各重点中学学校简介。 八十中 北京市第八十中学创建于1956年,至今已有近五十年的办学历史,1978年被北京市人民政府确定为北京市重点中学和北京市对外开放单位。 八一中学 北京市八一中学的前身是中国人民解放军晋察冀军区荣臻学校. 在聂荣臻司令员的关怀下,1947年3月1日创建于河北省阜平县向阳庄(原名:沟槽村),1949年随解放军的胜利步伐进驻北京。 北达资源 北京市北达资源中学创办于1998年4月,是由北京大学资源集团申办,北大附中承办的一所民办中学,实施校董事会领导下的校长负责制。 北大附中 北京大学附属中学成立于1960年。作为北京大学“小学―中学―大学―研究生院”四级火箭培养模式的重要组成部分,附中从成立开始就受到北京大学的高度重视和全力扶持。 北京八中 1921年,北京八中前身四存中学创建,以“存学、存性、存仁、存治”,为校训,崇尚颜李学。当时学校编制为两个教学班,60余学生。经过85年的发展历程,北京八中已经成长为一所含有高中、初中、超常教育实验班共有学生近3000人的市属高中示范校。 北京二中 二中分校与北京二中原是一所学校,始建于1724年,为当时的清室八旗左翼宗学,至今已有282年的历史。1999年北京二中实施了初高中分离,形成了初中民办公助体制的北京二中分校和高中公办体制的北京二中。 北京四中 北京四中创建于1907年,已有近百年的历史,有着极其深厚的教育文化底蕴。90多年以来,培育出了数以万计的卓越人才,其中大多数成为党、政、军领导干部和各行各业的领军人物; 也有不少人成为科学家、文学家、艺术家。 北京五中

学校简介北京五中分校是一所纯初中校,成立于1998年5月4日,前身是北京五中初中部,是办学体制改革试点校。 北师大二附中 北京师大二附中始建于1953年,是一所校园优美,设备先进,师资优秀,校风良好,教学质量高,在社会上享有很高声誉, 北师大附属实验中学 北京师范大学附属实验中学是北京市首批示范高中校:学校是国家教育部和北师大进行中学教育改革的实验基地是培养优秀中学生的摇篮,学校的校训是:“诚信、严谨,求是、拓新”学校创建于1917年,前身为师大女附中,有着优良的教育教学传统,以治学严谨,育人有方闻名全国。著名的女科学家郝治纯(中国科学院院士)、胡启恒(原中科院副院长)、陆士嘉、女新闻工作者浦熙修、陈柏生、女将军聂利、女画家肖淑芳等都先后从这里毕业。全国著名学者、教育家马寅初、陈荩民、傅仲荪、程春台、闵嗣鹤,胡洁青等都先后在校任教。 北师大附中 北京师范大学附属中学,简称北京师大附中,是教育部直属北京师范大学的第一附中,北京首批市级重点中学、北京市首批示范性高中校。北京师大附中始建于1901年,是我国成立最早的公立中学,是我国最著名的中学之一,在海内外享有盛誉 朝阳外国语学校 北京市朝阳外国语学校是在1998年4月经北京市教委,朝阳区教育委员会批准成立的可寄宿的完全中学。 陈经纶中学 陈经纶中学分校是北京市朝阳区教委根据[国办发(1998)96号文件的要求,经北京市教委批准于1998年6月成立的一所办学体制改制试验校——民办公助。 陈经纶中学分校 北京陈经纶中学分校是一所著名的初中体制改革试验校,坐落在朝阳望京小区;这里是育人的沃土,这里是成才的摇篮。... 东直门中学 北京东直门中学原名北京市第二女子中学(简称女二中)始建于1935年,是一所悠久的完全中学。文革前是北京市十所重点中学之一。1978年被定为东城区重点中学。


华育中学一模考冲刺训练(一) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) ( ) 26.Tu You you was awarded 2015 Nobel Prize for her contribution to health of mankind. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A) /priz/ B) /praiz/ C) /pris/ D) /prais/ ( )27. The fisherman’s wife said that she wanted to be _________ mayor of the city ? A) a B) an C) / D) the ( ) 28. “Do you want to see my ID card or my driver’s license?” “_____ will do.” A)Every B)Each C)Either D)Neither ( ) 29. You will find _______ important to learn a second foreign language. A) those B) that C) it D)this ( ) 30. A healthy diet is essential _______ everybody. You should care more about what


英语阅读是高中阶段英语学习的重要组成部分,由于受国内条件限制,高中生和英美人士直接交流的机会不多,因此阅读成为高中生英语学习的主要形式。提高英语阅读能力可以提高英语考试成绩已是人们的共识。时间不用多,每天十分钟,每天读一篇,日积月累,坚持下去,就一定会有收获。 新课标高中英语阅读精选――高一 内容:故事 Passage 1 One day an ant was drinking at a small stream and fell in. She made desperate efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant almost exhausted was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft, and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life. (163w) 1. The ant could not reach the side though _______. A. she cried for help B. she asked the dove to save her C. she tried very hard D. she could smell well 2. The dove saved the ant because _______. A. she was the ant's friend B. she took pity on the poor ant C. the ant was almost exhausted D. the ant had been struggled in the water for a long time 3. The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _______. A. a leaf B. a piece of wood C. a blade of grass D. a raft 4. Just as the man shot at the dove, _______. A. the dove immediately flew away B. the dove hid himself in the grass C. the ant told the dove to leave at once D. he felt something biting him in the foot 5. In writing the story, the writer wants to show _______. A. how clever the ant was B. how kind the dove was C. how the ant and the dove helped each other D. we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as we can 词汇扩展 ①desperate adj. 拼死的②exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的 ③dove n. 鸽子④blade n. 叶片 Passage 2 Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnight. But Johnny was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! Johnny changed his English grade from an F to A. Johnny' parents looked at his report card. They were very happy. "An A in English!" said Johnny's Dad. "You're a very clever boy, Johnny." Johnny is a hacker. Hackers know how to take informationfrom other computers and put new information in. Using a modem, they join their computers to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer accountand put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.


2018北京二中高二(上)期中 数学 命题人:王雪梅审核人:温瑶得分: 一.选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题6分,共60分,请将答案填涂在机读卡上) 1.椭圆的焦点坐标是() A B C D 2.已知满足,且,那么下列选项中不一定成立的是() A B C D 3.不等式的解集是() A B C D 4.已知双曲线的离心率为,则的渐近线方程为() A B C D 5.下列四个条件中,使成立的充分而不必要的条件是() A B C D 6.椭圆的焦距等于2,则的值为() A 5或3 B 5 C 8 D 16 7.若不等式的解集为,则等于() A B C 1 D 8 8.已知数列是等差数列,若,则数列的前项和有最大值,那么当取得最小正值时,等于() A 20 B 17 C 19 D 21 9.已知数列则是数列中的()

A 第48项 B 第49项 C 第50项 D 第51项 10.若函数且,则等于() A 0 B 100 C D 10200 二.填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分,请将答案写在答题纸相应的横线上.) 11.命题“”的否定是 .其是命题(填“真、假”) 12.若双曲线的左、右焦点分别是,过的直线交右支于两点,若,则的周长为 . 13.若不等式对一切恒成立,则的最小值为 14.椭圆上动点与定点的连线段的中点所形成的曲线的方程为 15.已知数列中,,则数列的通项公式 16.若点和点分别为椭圆的中心和左焦点,点为椭圆上的任意一点,则的最大值为 17.曲线是平面内与两个定点的距离的积等于常数的点的轨迹,,给出三个结论(1)曲线过坐标原点 (2)曲线关于坐标原点对称 (3)若点在曲线上,则的面积不大于 其中,正确结论的序号是 . 18.已知数列的各项为正整数,其前项和.若且,则 = ; . 三.解答题 19.(本小题满分14分) 已知等差数列的公差,它的前项和,若,且成等比数列. (1)求数列的通项公式; (2)设数列的的前项和,若对恒成立,求的取值范围.


校园网上超市网络营销策划书 随着网络的飞速发展,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,网络经济也随之兴起。现在在网上购物的人越来越多。下面是我为大家带来的校园网上超市网络营销策划书,希望能够对你有所帮助! 1.公司简介 本公司以送货上门、便利学生为宗旨,以推进整个校园商超体系的互联网模式为理念。 2.公司目标 (1)试运营南京邮电大学仙林校区,力争日交易额达2000单,销售年收入达到8000万。 (2)试运营点覆盖整个南京高校,最终扩展到全国所有高校,力图打造“校园里的京东商城”。 3.市场营销策略 (1)目标市场高校大学生。 (2)经营商品主要和一般超市物品相似,在挑选上更考虑学生群体的需要。 (3)价格上与学校周边大超市相同,做到明码标价。 (4)销售渠道重点放在网上下订单,一小时内送货上门,以“便利”为主。 (5)招聘本校学生当物流员送货上门,男女比例1:1。(6)前期大规模开展广告宣传活动,使全校师生在想要购买物品时第一时间即能想到本网络超市。 (7)定期在网上进行产品促销活动,节假日优惠力度加大。(8)在固定工资的基础上,用送单量的多少决定物流员奖金的多少,从而增加物流员的激情,

加快送单速度。 (9)营销研究调查消费者对此类校园网上超市的要求,不断改进方案。 4.网络营销战略 为避免学生产生对网络超市的虚空的传统想法,因此本超市应当在南邮内选择一个店面,让学生看到感觉放心。既然是以网络销售为主,那么,店面的选址就显得不那么重要,在南邮东大门附近找一个50平米的仓库即可。因为东门来来往往的学生老师较多,因此招牌一定要明显,将本超市的名声打响。另外,既然是通过网络销售,那么网站的建立也尤为重要。本网络超市采用的是以本校大学生为主要对象的一种销售网络,所以物流可采用两种方式,一是各科自己来店内取,这种方式可以进一步对客户给予一定的优惠,这样既可以让顾客更加满意,又可以减少物流人员的工作量。另一种方式就是采取送货上门,货到付款的形式,在顾客规定的时间内送到。 5.网络营销的顾客服务 通过售后反馈意见表,总结顾客意见,不断提高服务质量。主要工具有电子邮箱、电子论坛,常见问题解答。 6.网络营销管理 (1)营销方式 网络营销。采用网络营销的方式,降低了营销成本,更有效的为客户服务,提供销售能力,创造新的销售机会。 第一,通过在学校的广播电台、QQ、人人、MSN、知名论坛贴吧里发布网络超市信息,让学生了解校园网络超市。 第二,采取会员制:在网站建立初期,给与消费的顾客会员身份,享受特

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