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listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B

(1){MP3:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4110193815.html,/examfiles/attached/media/20130517/20130517154190619061.m p3}根据所听到的内容,请回答{TSE}题{TS}SectionA

A. $ 116.

B. $ 150.

C. $ 115.

D. $ 126.


A. He can' t explain the instructions clearly.

B. He speaks too fast,

C. He doesn' t understand the instructions clearly.

D. He is deaf.


A. John is a close friend of the woman' s.

B. John is the best hairdresser in town.

C. John is a hairdresser.

D. John often helps the woman.


A. New York.

B. Rome.

C. Paris.

D. San Francisco.


A. Siting on her desk.

B. Sitting at her desk.

C. Standing near her desk.

D. Walking on her desk.


A. She was troubled by a difficult mathematics question.

B. She was worried about next Monday.

C. She was afraid to take part in an examination.

D. She was excited about the coming exam.


A. The exam is very easy.

B. Be relaxed and calm and she will make it.

C. It is necessary to bring a dictionary with her.

D. It is possible to discuss questions with others during the exam.


A. Some draft papers.

B. Papers with some information.

C. Dictionaries.

D. Reference books.


A. The tree was broken.

B. All the leaves fell down.

C. One of the branches fell down.

D. The tree was cut down.


A. Good

B. Terrible

C. Worse

D. Wet

listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C

(1)On what date did the house catch ftre?The house caught fire

on____________________________, 1982.

(2)Why did the old woman have trouble in walking?Because she was in____________________________.

(3)Who put the fire out?__________________________________________

(4)Whom was the man going to give the gifts to?He was on his way to give gifts to____________________________

(5)What happened to the house at last ?The house____________________________

Structure(15minutes) Section A

(1)In spite of what we said, he refused to______________ to the police station.

A. give away

B. give off

C. give himself away

D. give himself up

(2)It is imperative that the students______________writing their papers by the end of the month.

A. finish

B. must finish

C. will finish

D. are to finish

(3)I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but______________of them came.

A. both

B. none

C. either

D. neither

(4)The heart is an important organ of circulation______________function is to pump blood to all parts of the body.

A. which

B. whose

C. of it

D. its

(5)______________ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. When compared

B. Compare

C. While comparing

D. Comparing

(6)Training astronauts______________not an easy thing.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. be

(7)Would you be______________by the idea of going to Paris?

A. exciting

B. excitably

C. excited

D. excitedly

(8)There is no______________ that women are playing an important role in the world today.

A. of deny

B. to denying

C. denying

D. of denying

(9)I am rather concerned______________her, for I haven' t heard from her since last winter.

A. of

B. at

C. with

D. about

(10)Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I______________ your advice.

A. had followed

B. would follow

C. follow

D. have followed

Structure(15minutes) Section B

(1)Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great (achieve)

(2)The number of students in our department (be) ______________ more than 500.

(3)The lecture was so (bore)______________that everyone went to sleep.

(4)I am sorry that I have kept you (wait)______________for so long.

(5)He made a suggestion that they (visit)______________their friends in New York.

(6)You're always forgetting your assignments. You' re a very (forget)______________ person.

(7)Not only the students but also their teacher (have)______________participated in that football game.

(8)Things got so bad (recent)______________that he decided to take a vacation in Greece.

(9)It is a pity that those skirts are not (avail)______________in your color and size.

(10)When I arrived at the theatre, all the tickets (sell)______________out.

Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B

(1)根据下列材料,请回答{TSE}题Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A., B., C.and D . . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today' s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In today' s society, suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives.The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it difficult to depict (描写. the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖. their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious,In the U. S. , a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suicides. People who are bitter, worried, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of these centers, in so far as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the some what amorphous (难以名状的. area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success. {TS}Which of the following arguments is TRUE according to the article?

A. The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide.

B. Suicide has always been prevalent in all parts of the world.

C. In today' s society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide.

D. Nowadays suicide is not as common as it was in the past.

(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide?

A. Insanity.

B. Pressure.

C. The need for attention.

D. Great anger.

(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings.

B. It is difficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide.

C. Suicide has been a problem in most cities since ancient times.

D. People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics.

(4)The word "benevolent" ( Line 3, Para. 3. means

A. relevant

B. kind

C. serious

D. effective

(5)The third paragraph mainly tells us that______________

A. a network of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicide

B. a network of centers help the callers to realize that suicide is a common social problem

C. people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and in a way, they are successful

D. in the US, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to get help

(6)根据下列材料,请回答{TSE}题This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in all, between the age of 35 and.65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle.Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers and the pay was barely above the minimum wage.They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each others company at close quarters for the entire period.Among other things they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks whole exhausted from strenuous physical exercise.At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pain due to a slight calcium loss.Results of the tests suggest that women will have significant advantages over man in space.They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better.Men' s advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space.{TS}What were those American women tested for during the whole month?

A. For the selection of the responsible persons.

B. For the condition of different group of the women.

C. To see if they were suitable for the space work.

D. To see how they would react to conditions like those aboard the space shuttle.

(7)From the passage we can learn that______________

A. many women wanted to take part in the tests

B. the pay was important for the women

C. the women often quarreled with each other so they had to tolerate each other

D. they could drink some wine after work

(8)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. They had to stand under the pressure three times the force of gravity.

B. Ten days later in the test, they had to spend other twenty days in bed,

C. During the whole test, they suffered backaches and other discomforts.

D. Some of the women suffered great loss of calcium.

(9)According to the passage,______________.

A. the women stayed together during the whole test

B. most of the women taking part in the test are very active

C. before the test.the women enjoyed smoking and drinking

D. all the women taking part in the test traveled to space at last

(10)What is the bes! title for this passage?

A. Women' s Power

B. An Unforgettable Experience

C. Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel

D. Man Should Not Travel to Space Any More

Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E

(1)根据下列材料,请回答{TSE}题This is the third month running that your delivery has been late in arriving. Our current order for stationeryis already five days overdue.We have a number of valued customers who are being put to some inconvenience. There seems to be no ob- vious reason why your normally prompt deliveries should become so unreliable. I would be obliged if you would look into this matter as soon as possible.Ours is a small family business in a very parochial (狭小的) area. We depend very much upon the good- will of our customers. I' m sure you will appreciate the importance of this matter being cleared up at your easiest convenience.Yours faithfully, Grayson Brown {TS}Mr. Brown writes to complain about46______________of the ordered goods.

(2)His order for stationery has already been late for47______________when this letter is being written.

(3)Mr. Brown feels it a pity that the48______________deliveries have become so unreliable.

(4)According to Mr. Brown, this incident has caused49______________to his customers, upon whose

(5)______________50 his small family-run business depends.

(6)根据下列材料,请回答{TSE}题A—the first opium war H—the first chief executive B—the Sino-British joint declaration I—free trade policyC—the Kowloon peninsula J—the outcome of elections D—the executive council K—state visitE—diplomatic practice L—cultural secretaryF—embassy

M—a high degree of autonomy G—Hong Kong Special Administration Region N—the legislative councilO—economic systemExamples:(A)第一次鸦片战争(K)国事访问{TS}()经济体制()自由贸易政策





(11)根据下列材料,请回答{TSE}题The World No Tobacco Day theme for 2003 is Tobacco Free Films Tobacco Free Fashion Action !World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31. This year World No Tobacco Day will focus on the role of the fashion and film world in fostering the worldwide tobacco epidemic and urge them to stop being used as vehicles of death and disease. The world of film and fashion cannot be accused of causing cancer. But they do not have to promote a product that does.WHO is calling on the

entertainment industry, in particular the world of films and fashion, to stop promo- ting a product that kills a regular user every second. In November 2002, WHO was joined by medical associa- tions and the Smoke Free Films project at the University of California in San Francisco in its call to the entertain- ment and fashion industries to ensure that their social responsibility is commensurate with their global influence. Many famous film production companies, such as Bollywood and Hollywood, were invited to join the worldwide movement to rid films of their tobacco-promoting role.{TS}Which day is the World No Tobacco Day? It is ____________________________every year.

(12)What is the World No Tobacco Day theme for 2003 ?It is____________________________Tobacco Free Fashion Action.

(13)Who were invited to join the worldwide movement to rid films of their tobacco-promoting role?Many famous__________________________________________

(14)What is the main idea of this report?It is the introduction to the World____________________________theme for 2003.

(15)Who is calling to the entertainment industry to ensure their responsibility?They are____________________________and the Smoke Free Films project at the University of California in San Francisco.


(1)In terms of the economic situation,the holier has been largely ineffective.A.在这一阶段对经济进行改革的形势下,这一政策的作用不大。B.就如何提高经济水平而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。C.就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。D.就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上发挥了很大的作用。

(2)Seen from space,our earth,with water coverin9 70%of its surface,appears as a“blue planet”.A.如果从太空中看地球的话,地球像一个蓝色的行星,而且地球的表面70%都是水。B.地球表面的70%都被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像一颗蓝色的行星。C.从太空上看我们的地球,它的表面的70%都被水覆盖着,看上去像一颗蓝色的行星。D.从太空中看到地球的表面的70%都是水,它是一个蓝色的行星。

(3)One should always keep in mind the old truth“First impressions are lastin9”.A.人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“先入为主”。B.人们应当经常记住这样一句俗


(4)Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mother’S years of education.A.统计数字表明,按平均数计算,母亲受教育年限越长,她的家庭人口就越少。B.统计数字表明,家庭平均人口的增长与母亲受教育的年限成反比。C.统计数字表明,母亲受教育的时间越长,她的家庭就越大。D.统计数字表明,母亲受教育的水平随着她的家庭人口的增多而增高。

(5)Dear Sirs,We are pleased to recommend you Shanghai Carpet, which is available for export at present. This product has been widely sold to various markets abroad, and we believe that there is also a demand for it at your end. Now we enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference. Please study it and let us know your com- ments, so that we may discuss the business possibilities.


(1)Directions : This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a memo according to the information given in Chinese below. Remember to write your composition on the Translation/Composition Sheet. You should write more than 80 words. 说明:给你的同事Mary Chen写份备忘录。时间:2008年12月23日内容:假定你是李明。由于你明天出差去北京一个星期,不能和大家商讨公司元旦联欢的事情,请Mary通知你大家最后决定的时间和地点,以及所需的准备。


listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B

(1) :C

M: Where are you going on vacation this summer?

W: A nice place called Montague appeals to me. It's $18adayor $115 aweek.

Q: How much would it cost to stay at Montague for a week?


【解析】根据男士的回答“It’S$18 a day or$115 a week,”可知,一周的价钱为115美元,故选C。

(2) :C

W:Are you clear about the instructions?

M:Well,would you mind repeating them?

Q:What’S the man’S problem?


【解析】根据男士的回答“would you mind repeating them”可知,他并未理解那些说明,故选C。

(3) :C

M:I alTl afraid John is busy at the moment,madam.

W:Oh,dear.John always does my hair

Q:What do we know about John?


【解析】根据女士的回答“John always does my hair”可知,John经常给她做头发,从而推断John的身份应该是个理发师,故选C。

(4) :D

W:I’ve traveled幻Rome,Paris,London and New York,but I prefer living in San Francisco

M:Of course.That's where your home is and your friends live.

Q:Where does the woman live?



【解析】女士表示自己喜欢在“San Francisc0”居住;男士表示赞同并说出原因“That’S where your home is and your friends live.”。由此可以推断女士所住的地方,故选D。

(5) :B

M Did you see Mrs.Scott this morning?

W Yes,she was sitting at her desk when I came into the office

Q:Where was Mrs.Scott when the woman canle in?


【解析】根据女士的回答“she was sitting at her desk”可知,当时Mrs.Scott所处的位置,故选B。(6) :C

Conversation 2

W: (8)I'm worried about Monday's exam.

M: ( 9 ) Take it easy. I'm sure you will do well if you take it easy and remain calm.

W: Is it all right if I use dictionaries?

M: You are not allowed to use them, I think.

W: Do you think I could discuss the questions with oth-

ers during the exam?

M : I'm afraid that's impossible. Teachers would not al-

low that to happen.

W : (10) May I bring some paper to write drafts? M: Yes, that's all right, I suppose.

W: Thank you very much for the information. Q8: What is the woman's problem?


【解析】由女士第一句话“l’m worried about Monday’S exanl.”(担忧周一的考试)便可知正确答案,故选C。

(7) :B

What does the man tell the woman?



【解析】原文中的“Take it easy and remain calm”意为“放轻松点,保持镇定”,故选B。

(8) :A

What call be brought to the exam,according to

the man’S information?



【解析】女士问“May I bring some paper to write drafts?”,男士的回答是“Yes”,故选A。

(9) :C

W: It was a heavy storm last night, wasn't it?

M: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows.What weather !

W: Do you know that big tree in front of my house? (6) One of the biggest branches came down in the night.

M: Really? Did it do any damage to your home?

W: Thank goodness! It is far away from that.

M: I really hate storms. It's about time we had some nice spring weather.

W: It's April, you know. The flowers are beginning to blossom.

M: Yes, that's true. But I still think the weather is terrible.

W: (7)I suppose we should not complain. We had a fine March after all.

What happened to the tree?


【解析】原文中提到大树的一根最大的枝桠在夜间掉了下来,故选C。A含义不明确。B 意思与原文不符。D说大树被砍倒了,可原文并未提到。故选C。

(10) :A

What was the weather like in March?



【解析】原文中有一句提到“我认为我们不应该抱怨。毕竟三月份天气不错。”故选A。listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C

(1) :

Conversation 1

Section C

A house in New York caught fire on ( 11 ) Christ-mas Eve, 1982. The woman who lived in the house was already in her eighties. Because she was ( 12 ) in poor health, she had trouble in walking even when things were fine. Her housewas buming around her, but she was unable to go anywhere. The smoke made it difficult for her to breathe. ( 13 ) Fire fighters searched

through the house. They started to put the fire out. But they didn't know that the old woman was still inside. A man dressed like Father Christmas was passing by. He was on his way to give gifts to ( 14 ) poor families. As soon as he heard the old woman's cry, he ran into the burning house. After a while, he rushed out with the old woman on his back and carried her to safety. Ten minutes later, (15)the house fell down.

On what date did the house catch fire?

【答案]Christmas Eve


【解析】由第一句话可知是发生在圣诞夜前夕的事。(2) :

Why did the old woman have trouble in walking?

【答案】poor health


【解析】从材料中“Because she was in poor


(3) :

Who put the fire out?

【答案】Fire fighters


【解析】由“Fire fighters…They started to put the fire out.”可知,这里They指fire fighters。

(4) :

Whom was the man going to give the gifts to?

【答案】poor families


【解析】由“He was on his way to give gifts to poor families.”可知,他是要把礼物送给穷人。

(5) :

What happened to the house at last?

【答案】fell down


【解析】这里要注意问句中的at last,由最后一句

“Ten minutes later,the house fell down.”可知,房子最后倒塌了。Structure(15minutes) Section A

(1) :D



【解析】give sb.up意为“自首,表示对……没有希望”。例:It was SO late that we had given him up.已经很晚了,我们认为他不会来了。give away意为“送掉,分发,放弃,泄露,出卖,让步,陷下”。例:He was invited to attend the closing ceremony ofthe toumament and to give away the prizes.他应邀出席锦标赛的闭幕式并颁发奖品。He gave away the secret without meaning to.他无意中把秘密泄露了。give off表示“发出,放出(蒸汽、气味等)”。例:This kind of coal gives off dense smm。这种煤烧起来直冒浓烟。根据题意,故选D。

(2) :A



【解析】imperative的意思是“必要的,强制的”。当表示建议、指令、愿望、个人意见或判断、要求时,构成It is...that…结构,主语从句要用虚拟语气,动词形式为"should+动


(3) :D




(4) :B




(5) :A



【解析】句中compare是及物动词,其动作的对象是句子的主语the highest mountain,为此须用表示被动意思的过去分词compared,而不能用现在分词comparin9,故选A。

(6) :B




(7) :C



【解析J动词变成形容词有两种形式:主动和被动。主动形式一般用来表达物的性质;被动形式一般用来表达人的态度、情绪等特征。例:The book is interesting./He is interested in politics.根据题意,故选C。

(8) :C



【解析】no作限定词时后面接名词,相当于not a(n)或not any。denying为动名词,具有名词的性质,故选C。

(9) :D



【解析】be concerned about是固定搭配,意为“担心,挂念”,故选D。

(10) :A



【解析】if only引导的句子,表示说话人的一种愿望,希望过去发生的事能与事实相反。由此可见,在本题中,事实上说话人并不曾听劝告,用过去完成时表达对过去的一种愿望,故选A。Structure(15minutes) Section B

(1) :





(2) :




【解析】词组the number of+可数名词复数,表示数量,其后的谓语动词要用单数形式。

(3) :





(4) :




【解析】keep sb.doing sth意为“让某人持续做某事”。

(5) :

should visit




(6) :





(7) :




【解析】not only…but also…连接两个事物作主语时,谓语动词的形式应与最邻近的主语保持一致。

(8) :





(9) :





(10) :

had been sold



【解析】到达剧院和票被卖光是两个先后动作。由于从句用了一般过去时,主句应该用过去完成时,且注意主谓的被动关系Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B

2018年6月 大学英语三级B真题(含答案)

大学英语三级(B)真题2018年06月 Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1、 A. Oh, yes. Please. B. I like it very much. C. Sit down please. D. Fine. And you? 2、 A. Take care. B. My pleasure. C. It's great. D. This way, please. 3、 A. See you tomorrow. B. Ok, it doesn't matter. C. Sorry, all our rooms are booked. D. Here is the room key. 4、 A. Have a nice day. B. Yes, please. C. Don't do it. D. Let's go. 5、 A. Certainly. Is Friday OK? B. So long. C. Hurry up. D. Mind your steps. 6、 A. Coffee, please. B. I'm fine, thank you. C. Your telephone number, please. D. Yes. Here you are. 7、 A. Don't worry. B. All right. C. Good luck! D. Never mind. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 8、 A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By taxi. D. By bicycle. 9、 A. A report. B. A project. C. A plan. D. A design. 10、 A. He is an engineer. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a programmer. D. He is a manager. 11、 A. Dealing with angry customers. B. Writing work reports. C. Giving presentations. D. Working on weekends. 12、 A. To visit friends. B. To see a doctor. C. To take a holiday. D. To do business. 13、 A. It had a flat tire. B. Its front window was broken. C. It was out of fuel. D. The engine didn't work. 14、 A. Attend a job fair. B. Read newspapers. C. Visit the website. D. Ask her friends for help. Section C Directions: In this section, there are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 15、 A. To order a meal. B. To report a case. C. To ask for sick leave. D. To book a hotel room. 16、 A. Her passport. B. Her smartphone. C. Her watch. D. Her computer.


2002年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the conversation and the question only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you will read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answer. 1. A) Warm B) Hot. C) Mild. D) Cold. 2. A) In an office B) In a library C) In a classroom D) In a bookstore 3. A) By sea. B) By train. C) By bus. D) By air. 4. A) He is doubtful about the one-bedroom apartment. B) He’s prepared to pay more for the bigger apartment. 、 C) There is a big difference between the apartments. D) The one-bedroom apartment is better as it is cheaper. 5. A) The train may arrive but the woman is not sure. B) The train will probably arrive at 10:45. C) The train broke down and will not arrive. D) The will probably arrive at 9:45 6. A) She will help him next week. B) She has finished her work quickly. C) She had her work done a week ago. D) She did her work carelessly. 7. A) She likes it as well as the man. B) She takes her vacations in autumn. C) She prefers summer. D) She doesn’t like it. 8. A) He’ll play the game. # B) He won’t watch the game standing. C) He’ll watch the game on TV. D) He has little knowledge of the game. 9. A) To learn another language. B) To practice the dialogues. C) To give up French. D) To give up practicing. 10. A) The woman should take her time. B) They are supposed to leave in twenty minutes. C) Alice is arriving in twenty minutes D) They are already late for the appointment. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. The passages will be read 】 twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, which will be read only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the


Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) New York City. B) An evening party. C) An air trip. D) The man’s job. From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1. A) A teacher. B) A doctor. C) A secretary. D) A salesman. 2. A) Visiting a company. B) Meeting with the new manager. C) Looking for the meeting room. D) Showing a newcomer around. 3. A) In an office. C) In a department store. B) In a restaurant. D) In a library. 4. A) To attend a conference. B) To work in a firm. C) To do some sightseeing. D) To visit an exhibition. 5. A) The rise of costs. B) The drop of sales. C) The decrease of production. D) The increase of pollution. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


大学英语三级-6 (总分:85.00 ,做题时间:90 分钟) 一、Part I Vocabulary and Structure (总题数:20,分数:20.00) 1.In this battle, about one thousand soldiers were killed and one thousand more _____ . (分数: 1.00 ) A. injured B. hurt C. wounded V D. damaged 解析:动词辨析。wound指外来强力引起的身体损伤,尤其是在战斗中受伤。 2.I believe that our teacher will take your illness into _____ , for she is very considerable. (分数: 1.00 ) A. account V B. regard C. observation D. respect 解析:take sth. into account 意为"把......... 考虑在内",为固定搭配。 3.Its five years since I was ______ with them, so I don know how they are getting along. (分数: 1.00 ) A. out of control B. out of the question C. out of touch V D. out of sight 解析:out of touch with sb 与某人失去联系。 4. The committee ____ the suggestions the experts made. (分数: 1.00 ) A. acted as B. acted for C. acted on V D. acted up 解析:act on “遵照.... 行事"。 5. Enquiries (询问,打听)__ the condition of patients may be made personally or by telephone. (分数: 1.00 ) A. revealing B. concerning V C. affecting D. containing 解析:动词辨析。concern :与.... 相关,涉及到。 6.Skimming also differs from scanning ____ it is an effort to get general information rather than specific facts. (分数: 1.00 ) A. in which B. for that C. in that V


C o l l e g e E n g l i s h B a n d T h r e e Part I Listening Comprehension 1. A) To cancel his trip. B) To go to bed early. C) To catch a later flight. D) To ask for a wake-up call. 2. A) They have different opinions as to what to do next. B) They have to pay for the house by installments. C) They will fix a telephone in the bathroom. D) The man’s attitude is more sensible than the woman’s. 3. A) She will save the stamps for the man’s sister.B) She will no longer get letters from Canada. C) She can’t give the stamps to the man’s sister.D) She has given the stamps to the man’s roommates. 4. A) Visiting the Brownings. B) Writing a postcard. C) Looking for a postcard. D) Filling in a form. 5. A) The man should work with somebody else. B) The man should meet his partner’s needs. C) They should come to a compromise. D) They should find a better lab for the project. 6. A) She can’t finish her assignment, either.B) She can’t afford a computer right now. C) The man can use her computer. D) The man should buy a computer right away. 7. A) The visiting economist has given several lectures. B) The guest lecturer’s opinion is different from Dr. Johnson’s. C) Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates. D) Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college. 8. A) She’s never watched a better game.B) Football is-her favorite pastime. C) The game has been canceled. D) Their team played very badly. 9. A) The man should stick to what he’s doing.B) The man should take up a new hobby. C) The man should stop playing tennis. D) The man should find the cause for his failure. 10. A) An invented story. B) A real life experience. C) An imaginary situation. D) A terrible nightmare. Section B Passage 1 11. A) The name of a German town B) A resident of Frankfurt. C) A kind of German sausage. D) A kind of German bread. 12. A) He sold fast food. B) He raised dogs. C) He was A cook. D) He was a Cartoonist. 13. A) Because the Americans found they were from Germany. B) Because people thought they contained dog meat. C) Because people had to get used to their taste. D) Because it was too hot to eat right away. Passage 2 14. A) They give out faint cries. B) They make noises to drive away insects. C) They extend their water pipes. D) They become elastic like rubber bands. 15. A) Quiet plants. B) Well-watered plants. C) Healthy plants. D) Thirsty plants.


大学英语三级(B级)模拟试卷 1. A.Very often. B.Twice a week. C.Go to English class. D.In the teaching building. 2. A.She is fine. B.She likes watching TV. C.She lives with me. D.She goes to movies tonight. 3. A.Let me have a look at it.

B.Over there. C.No, please help yourself. D.I know. 4. A.I don't know why. B.I like it. C.This is my computer. D.It's a good idea. 5. A.Sorry, I am busy with my work. B.I mind. C.Yes, of course not. D.No, I mind. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 6.


大学英语 3 级考试真题 一、听力测试(本大题满分25 分,每小题 1 分 ) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面的 8 段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 听每段对话只读一遍。 1.What color skirt does Linda like? A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue. 2. How is the weather now? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3. How did they spend their weekend? A. They had a school trip. B. They cleaned up the street. C. They studied for a test. 4. Where will Peter go on vacation? A. To Canada. B. To Australia. C. To Japan. 5. What does Mike’ s father want him to be? A. A soldier. B. A pilot. C. A doctor. 6. Who will repair the bicycle? A. Bill's brother. B. Mrs. Brown's brother. C. Bill. 7. How much is the jacket now? A. 60 dollars. B. 90 dollars. C. 120 dollars. 8. What do we know about Jenny from the conversation? A. She is worried about a coming test. B. She is working hard at physics. C. She didn't pass the recent test. 第二节 下面你将听到 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料回答 9 至 11 小题。 9. How many people will sit at the table? Xk b https://www.doczj.com/doc/4110193815.html, A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 10. What is the restaurant famous for? A. Noodles. B. Chicken soup. C. Dumplings. 11. What would they like to drink? A. Fish soup. B. Beer and coke. C. Milk. 听第二段材料回答第12 至 14 小题。 12. Have the speaker ever seen each other? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven't. C. We don't know. 13. How often does Lucy play tennis? A. Twice a week. B. Every morning. C. Never. 14. When may they meet again? A. Next morning. B. Next weekend. C. Next weekday. 听第三段材料回答第15 至 17 小题。 15. What's the relationship ( 关系 ) between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter


四川省大学英语三级考试样题 SICHUAN COLLEGE ENGLISH SAMPLE TEST Band Three 试题册 (120分钟) 注意事项 一、请将自己的校名、姓名、学校代号、准考证号和试卷代号(A或B)分别填写在答题纸、 听写填空、翻译和作文纸上。看清试卷封面上的试卷代号,你做的是A(或B)卷,应在答题纸试卷代号一栏相应的字母A(或B)上划线。划错或不划,将被判为零分,责任由考生自负。 二、答题前请仔细读懂每一部分题目的说明要求。 三、多项选择题的答案一定要做在答题纸上。每题只能选一个答案,多选作答错处理。选定 答案后,用2B浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。其正确方法是[A][B][C][D]。 使用其他符号答题者不给分。划线的浓度一定要盖过字母底色。 四、如果要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规定重新答题。 五、听力理解第三部分听写填空的答案一定要写在试卷二相应题目番号后面的空格处。一空 一词,多写无效。翻译和作文用钢笔或圆珠笔分别按要求写在试卷二的翻译纸和作文纸上。写在其它地方无效。注意保持卷面干净、整洁。 六、考试时间为120分钟。试卷做完后,请把试题册(包括试卷一和试卷二)和答题纸放在 桌上,一律不得带走。待监考人员收完所有试卷之后考生方可离开考场。 试卷一 Part 1 Listening Comprehension (15%) (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A)A)At the office.


大学英语三级作文模拟试题 模拟试题 1 : Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic On old worshipping . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 许多青少年将娱乐明星当做崇拜偶像; 2. 对此现象不同的人有不同的看法; 3. 你对此事的看法。 模拟试题 2 : Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic My ideal job . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 我理想职业是……,我喜欢它的原因是…… 2. 我如何为它做好准备。 模拟试题3: Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic Food safety You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 现在食品安全方面的问题频出: 2. 你认为造成这些问题可能的原因;


大学英语三级B级-阅读理解(三) (总分:25.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、单项选择题(总题数:5,分数:25.00) Task 6 The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us. Sound has a wasted product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better. Scientists, for several years, have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully. There is a saying about it being so noisy that you can't hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don't, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems. Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that already faces enough stress. But noise is not a new problem. In ancient Rome, people complained so much about noise that the government stopped chariots (四轮马车) from moving through the streets at night! Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise--if we shout loudly enough about it. (分数:5.00) (1).Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?(分数:1.00) A.Because the world is becoming more and more noisy. √ B.Because they have learned that noise is also a kind of pollution. C.Because noise is an unwanted waste for human beings. · D.Because people knew little about the danger of noise before. 解析:细节判断题。第二段第三、四句话解释了原因:和平安静的地方很难找到,噪音对人类是一种威胁,人们应认真对待。 (2).What may be the result if we cannot hear ourselves think?(分数:1.00) A.We may forget what we have thought about. B.Our thoughts may be interfered. C.Our mind may be harmed. √ D.We may have difficulty using the right words. 解析:细节辨认题。从文中第三段的If we don’t,we may have headaches,other aches and pains,or even worse mental problems.这句话可知:如果我们听不到自己的声音,可能会产生头痛、其他疼痛,甚至会出现更糟糕的大脑问题。 ` (3).When the writer says we cannot return to the "good old days", he means that ______(分数:1.00) A.our society is becoming much worse than before B.in our modern society it is hard to lead a quiet life √ C.the old days were much happier than the present D.it is impossible for us to deal with noise as we did before______ 解析:推理题。从文章最后一段可知B是正确的。 (4).From the last sentence of the passage we can learn that(分数:1.00) A.we can put noise under control if our measures are effective @


大学英语三级词汇表下载: A a,an art.一,任一,每一 abandon v.1.放弃,2.离弃,抛弃 ability n.1.能力 2.才能,能力 able a.1.有能力的,有才干的 2.显示出才华的be~ to V.能,会 aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上 prep.在(船.飞机.车)上 about prep.1. 在…周围,2.关于,对于 ad.1.周围,附近,到处2.大约 be ~ to V.即将 above prep. 高于,在…之上 a.上面的,上述的 ad.以上,在上面 abroad ad.到国外,在国外 absence n.1.不在,缺席,2.缺乏,没有 absent a.(from)不在的,缺席的 absolute a.完全的,绝对的 absorb vt.吸收 be ~ed in专心于 abstract a. 抽象的 n.摘(提)要 vt. 提(抽)取 abuse n.& v.1.滥用, 2.辱骂 academic a.1.学院的, 2.学术的 accent n.1.口音,腔调 2.重音 accept vt.1.接受,领受 2.同意,承认 acceptable a.可接受的 access n.1.接近. 进入,接近(或进入)的方法 have/gain ~ to 可以获得accident n.事故,意外的事 by ~ 偶然 accompany vt.1.伴随,陪同 2.为……伴奏 accomplish vt.完成 according ~ to 按照,根据 account n.1.账,账户 2叙述,说明 vt.说明 ~ for说明(原因等) on ~ of 因为 take into ~ 考虑 accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate a.准确的,精确的 accuse vt.(of)控告,谴责 ache vi.痛 n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.1.完成 2.达到,得到 achievement n.1.完成,达到, 2.成就,成绩 acid n.酸 a.酸的 acquire vt.1.取得,获得 2.学到 across prep.1.横过,穿过 2.在……对面与……交叉 ad. 1.横过,穿过2.宽,阔 act vi.1.行动,做事 2.(on)作用 n.行为,动作 action n.1.行动,行为,活动 2.(on) 作用于 active a.1.有活动力的,积极的,活跃的 2.在活动中的 activity n.1.活动 2.活性,活力 actor n.男演员

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