当前位置:文档之家› 1.原产地证明





Overleaf Instruction

Certificate No.: Serial number of Certificate of Origin assigned by the authorized body.

Box 1: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the exporter in either China or Korea. Box 2: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the producer. If goods from more than one producer are included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including their full legal

name and address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes to maintain this

information as confidential, it is acceptable to state “A V AILABLE UPON REQUEST.” If the

producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “SAME.”

Box 3: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the consignee resident in either Korea or China.

Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading, and port of discharge.

Box 5: In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator, the full legal name, country of the non-Party operator shall be indicated in this box. In case of issuance of certificates retroactively,

should bear the words “ISSUED RETROACTIVEL Y”, and in case of a certified tr ue copy,

should bear the words “CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the original Certificate of Origin number

___ dated ___”.

Box 6: State the item number, and the number of items should not exceed 20.

Box 7: State the shipping marks and numbers on packages, when such marks and numbers exist, if the shipping marks are images or symbols, other than letter or numerical number, shall state “IMAGE

OR SYMBOL (I/S)”, otherwise shall state “NO MARKS AND NUMBERS(N/M)”

Box 8: The number and kind of packages shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the goods to be identified by the Customs

Officers examining them and relate them to the invoice description and to the HS description of

the good. If the goods are not packed, state “IN BULK”.

Box 9: For each good described in Box 8, identify the HS tariff classification to six-digit.

Box 10: The exporter must indicate in Box 10 the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that the

of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary.

Box 12: Invoice number and date of invoice should be shown here. In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator and the number and date of the commercial invoice is unknown, the number

and date of the original commercial invoice, issued in the exporting Party, shall be indicated in this


Box 13: This box shall be completed, signed and, dated by the exporter.

Box 14: This box shall be completed, signed, dated, and stamped by the authorized person of the authorized body.




























经典合同 原产地证明种类 姓名:XXX 日期:XX年X月X日

原产地证明种类 原产地证明种类 form a: generalized system of preferences certificate of origin(bined declaration and certificate)form a 它是受惠国(一般为发展中国家)的原产品出口到给惠国(一般为发达国家)时享受普惠制减免关税待遇时必备的官方凭证,所有的给惠国都接受。格式a证书由受惠国出品商填制申报,受惠国签证机构审核,证明及签发。在我国,国家出入境检验检疫局是签发普惠制产地证的官方机构。 发达国家对进口商品征税至少有三种税率标准:一般税率、最惠国待遇税率、普惠制税率gps 目前给予我国普惠制待遇的国家共39个:欧盟27国(比利时、丹麦、英国、德国、法国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、匈牙利、马耳他、塞浦路斯、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚)、挪威、瑞士、土耳其、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和列支敦士登公国。但有1个给惠国不对中国给惠,即美国 form b: 《亚太贸易协定》原产地证明书 XX年9月1日起签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书。可以签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书的国家有:韩国、斯里兰卡、印度、孟加拉等4个国家。降税幅度从5%到100%不等 form d: 是中国出入境检验检疫局针对我国出口到东盟十国的货 第 2 页共 15 页

物所签发的一种产地证,就跟form a一样,在当地的商检局可以办理。 form e: 中国- 优惠原产地证明书 可以签发《中国——东盟自由贸易区》优惠原产地证书的国家有:文莱、柬埔寨、印尼、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等10个国家中国和东盟六个老成员国(即文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国)XX年1月1日将关税最终削减为零。。 form f: 中华人民共和国政府和智利共和国政府自由贸易协定 form l: 《certificate of origin form for china-costa rica free trade agreement》凭贸促会出具的中国-哥斯达黎加原产地证书form l 可享受10%至100%的关税减免 form m:是尼日利亚买方要申请的一个表格,上面会有一个form m 编号。是进口商向尼日利亚当地银行领取,然后依据出口商这边提供的p/i(proforma invoice,就是形式发票)填写,填写form m表的内容应该和p/i中的内容是完全一致。然后将填写完毕的form m表连同p/i 交银行,这样进货商在尼日利亚就完成了进口前的必要手续。申请下来的form m号码甚至申请公司名称要求显示在提单上,这主要是关系着尼日利亚当地清关及外汇管制. form p: certificate of origin china-pa-kistan fta (bined declaration and certificate) 中巴产地证form p的签发,限于已公布的《中国—巴基斯坦自贸区协定》项下给予关税优惠的产品,这些产品必须符合《中国—巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则》。 第二篇:原产地证明种类 原产地证明种类 编辑本段原产地证书的三大特性 第 3 页共 15 页


原产地证明(精选多篇) 第一篇:原产地证明 办理原产地证明(商检局) 一、原产地注册证书 1、办理机构:上海市出入境检疫局(商检局); 2、过程: (1)办理原产地证注册 地址:中山东一路81号 (2)提供的资料: a.营业执照、组织机构代码证、外贸批准证明 b.填写表格(20元),指定手签人并贴一寸照片一张,加盖中英文公章 c.电脑录入注册(100元) (3)当天取证(大约半小时),划归办理具体事务的分局(按办公地址划分) 二、开具的原产地证明 a.每个国家都有一个限定办理的时间(以航班日期为准),如逾期办理,写情况说明(逾期),经批准后方可办理。 b.办理及领证人员登记,提交办理人员身份证复印件及原产地注册证复印件,加盖中英文公章。(首次或以后有更改) c.至商务中心填写、录入(录入费用40元),提交:

箱单 提单 发票 普惠制产地证明书申请书(商品名称多,在反面填写:中英文名,h.s编码,毛重,金额,箱数) 区域性优惠原产地证书预录补充申请书(两个申请书,2元/套)以上复印件及申请表均需盖章(带好公章及印泥) d.校对无误找海关人员审核、盖章 e.在原产地证上盖公司公章(一式三份)及签名,公司拿两份 第二篇:原产地证明 原产地证明 中华人民共和国原产地证书(certificateoforiginofthepeople’srepublicofchina)简称原产地证书,又称普通产地证书,是证明本批出口商品的生产地,并符合《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》的一种文件。它由商务部统一规定和印制,并由国家质量监督检验检疫总局或中国国际贸易促进委员会签发。如果信用证或合同对签证机构未作具体规定,一般由检验检疫总局出具。 (一)原产地证书的申请


原产地证明种类 FORM A: GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(COMBINED DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATE)FORM A 它是受惠国(一般为发展中国家)的原产品出口到给惠国(一般为发达国家)时享受普惠制减免关税待遇时必备的官方凭证,所有的给惠国都接受。格式A证书由受惠国出品商填制申报,受惠国签证机构审核,证明及签发。在我国,国家出入境检验检疫局是签发普惠制产地证的官方机构。 发达国家对进口商品征税至少有三种税率标准:一般税率、最惠国待遇税率、普惠制税率GPS 目前给予我国普惠制待遇的国家共39个:欧盟27国(比利时、丹麦、英国、德国、法国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、匈牙利、马耳他、塞浦路斯、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚)、挪威、瑞士、土耳其、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和列支敦士登公国。但有1个给惠国不对中国给惠,即美国 FORM B: 《亚太贸易协定》原产地证明书 2006年9月1日起签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书。可以签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书的国家有:韩国、斯里兰卡、印度、孟加拉等4个国家。降税幅度从5%到100%不等 FORM D: 是中国出入境检验检疫局针对我国出口到东盟十国的货物所签发的一种产地证,就跟FORM A一样,在当地的商检局可以办理。 FORM E: 中国- 优惠原产地证明书 可以签发《中国——东盟自由贸易区》优惠原产地证书的国家有:文莱、柬埔寨、印尼、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等10个国家。中国和东盟六个老成员国(即文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国)2010年1月1日将关税最终削减为零。 FORM F: 中华人民共和国政府和智利共和国政府自由贸易协定 FORM L: 《CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN FORM FOR CHINA-COSTA RICA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT》凭贸促会出具的中国-哥斯达黎加原产地证书FORM L可享受10%至100%的关税减免 FORM M: 是尼日利亚买方要申请的一个表格,上面会有一个FORM M编号。是进口商向尼日利亚当地银行领取,然后依据出口商这边提供的P/I (PROFORMA INVOICE,就是形式发票)填写,填写FORM M表的内容应该和P/I中的内容是完全一致。然后将填写完毕的FORM M表连同P/I交银行,这样进货商在尼日利亚就完成了进口前的必要手续。申请下来的FORM M号码甚至申请公司名称要求显示在提单上,这主要是关系着尼日利亚当地清关及外汇管制. FORM P: Certificate of Origin China-Pa-kistan FTA (Combined Declaration and Certificate) 中巴产地证FORM P的签发,限于已公布的《中国—巴基斯坦自贸区协定》项下给予关税优惠的产品,这些产品必须符合《中国—巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则》。


原产地证明书样本 原产地证明书样本。 sampleertifiateoforigin asia-paifitradeagreement 1.goodsonsignedfrom: refereneno. issuedin……………. goodsonsignedto: 3.foroffiialuse 4.meansoftransportandroute: 5.tariffitemnumber: 6.marksandnumberofpakages: 7.number andkindofpakages desription ofgoods: 8.origin riterion 9.gross eight orother quantit:

10.numberanddateofinvoies: 1 1.delarationbtheexporter: theundersignedherebdelaresthattheabovedetailsandstatement sareorret:thatallthegoodsereproduedin ………………………………. andthatthepliththeoriginrequirementsspeifiedforthesegoods intheasia-paifitradeagreementforgoodsexportedto ………………………………. ………………………………. plaeanddate,signatureofauthorized signator1 ertifiate itisherebertifiedonthebasisofontrolarriedout,thatthedelar ationbtheexporterisorret. ………………………………… plaeanddate,signatureandstampof ertifingauthorit notesforpletingertifiateoforigin i.generalonditions: toqualifforpreferene,produtsmust: a)fallithinadesriptionofprodutseligibleforprefereneinthel istofonessionsofanasia-paifitradeagreementountrofdestination;


原产地证明书样本 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate) consigned from: (Exporter’s businename, address, country) Reference No. Issued in ……………. (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country) Official use 4. Means of transport and route: item number:6. Marks and number of Packages: 7. Number and kind of packages/ description of goods: 8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)9. Gross

weight or other quantity:10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in ………………………………. (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to ………………………………. (Importing Country) ………………………………. Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. ………………………………… Place and date, signature and Stamp of


普惠制原产地证书格式 A (FORM A)填制规范 普惠制原产地证书采用联合国贸发会统一规定的证书格式,一正二副。正 本为绿色,印有扭索图案底纹,第一副本为白色,第二副本为黄色。证书用英 文或法文填制,证书共有12栏,各栏填制要求如下: 标题栏(右上角),填上检验检疫机构编定的证书号。在证书横线上方填上 “中华人民共和国”。国名必须填打英文全称,不得简化。 Issued in THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (国内证书已将此印上,无需再填打。) 第1栏:出口商名称、地址、国家 此栏带有强制性,应填明详细地址,包括街道名、门牌号码等。例: ZHEJIANG TEXTILES IMPORT AND EXPORT GROUP CO., LTD. NO.165 ZHONGHE ZHONG ROAD, HANGZHOU, CHINA (杭中国地名的英文译音应采用汉语拼音。如ZHEJIANG(浙江)、HANGZHOU (温州)等等。 州)、WENZHOU 第2栏:收货人的名称、地址、国家 此栏应填给惠国最终收货人名称(即信用证上规定的提单通知人或特别声明的 收货人),如最终收货人不明确,可填发票抬头人。但不可填中间转口商的名称。 欧盟、挪威、瑞士对此栏非强制性要求,如果货物直接运往上述给惠国, 且进口商要求将此栏留空,则可不填详细地址,但须填:TO ORDER。 第3栏:运输方式及路线(就所知而言) 一般应填装货、到货地点(始运港、目的港)及运输方式(如海运、陆运、空运),该栏还要填明预定自中国出口的日期,例: ON/AFTER JUN.26, 2012 FROM HANGZHOU TO LONDON, U.K. BY AIR. 转运商品应加上转运港,例ON/AFTER JUN.26,2013 FROM SHANGHAI, CHINA BY SEA V IA HONG KONG, THEN IN TRANSIT TO S WITZERLAND. TO H AMBURG, GERMANY 第4栏:供官方使用(官方声明) 此栏由签证当局填写,正常情况下此栏空白。特殊情况下,签证当局在此 栏加注,如:(1)货物已出口,签证日期迟于出货日期,签发“补发”证书时,


原产地证明样本 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate) consigned from: (Exporter’s businename, address, country) Reference No. Issued in ……………. (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country) Official use 4. Means of transport and route: item number:6. Marks and number of Packages: 7. Number and kind of packages/ description of goods: 8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)9. Gross

weight or other quantity:10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in ………………………………. (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to ………………………………. (Importing Country) ………………………………. Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. ………………………………… Place and date, signature and Stamp of


原产地证明书模板 原产地证明书模板 第一篇: 原产地证明书模板 原产地证明书模板 来了四个月了,没有接到一个单子,老板忙着接单子、出货,忙 的一团糟,心情不好,我们跟着后面心情不好。终于办公室的单证姐 姐也走了,老板忙啊,以后单证就让你们做了,反正你们以后都是要 做的,现在先学学怎么做的。 没有接到单子,心理本来就是不好受,讲话都没有底气,终于有 事做了,恩,就当是学习了,以前在学校的时候学的是理论,但是和 实地操作还是有差距的。终于,有机会让我来上场了,哈哈哈。 有两票是到叙利亚的,需要做原产地认证和发票认证,先前发票 认证可从来没有听说过埃不知道是啥玩意,只有听老板说是怎么回事了,最后也还是没明白老板说的是啥,硬着头皮先做原产地认证了, 网上申报,是由同事完成的,我只扫了两眼,但是还是需要我和同事 去跑了,唉,原产地认证是做好了,eas。发票认证让我一个人去了,去之前老板和我说,发票金额和报关金额不一样,你和他们说说好 话,让他们帮忙办一下。我也不知道是啥回事,就跑贸促会去了,把 东西拿给办认证的同志,说了很多客气的话,那个同志说发票金额和 报关金额不一致,不行,必须要一致,要么改单价要么改重量。没办法,跑回来了,临走时,还是不忘说一些客气话。屁颠屁颠的回到办 公室了,老板说不行,不能改,单价和重量怎么能改呢!!!非常肯定!!!

我很无语,人贸促会的人是这么说的,就是不给办,怎么搞!!!然后老板无语了,你和他们说说好话,让他们给办一下,我无语,过了一会子,过来一句,你配一下,把金额配好了。就这样,我就灰头土脸的跑回来配啊配,怎么配都是差0.00几美元,我神奇般地发现,只要改一下重量,一切就ok了,哈哈哈,老板一眼,又忙她的去了,过了一会子,恩,就这样吧。我在网上改啊改,终于又是硬着头皮,去了贸促会,结果网上没有改好,后来又不知道是啥问题,现在都忘了原因,又跑了第三趟,终于第四趟发票认证弄好了,第五趟,去拿认证好的发票了。一个发票认证和原产地认证,跑了五趟。 更奇妙的事情还是来了,第二次叙利亚发票认证。有了第一次的经验以后,我信心十足,单据都做好了以后,老板说小羊你已经出师了,当时心里高兴啊,结果跑贸促会了以后,原产地认证就碰钉子了,“先前做的原产地证书呢“?”啊?我们已经寄给客户了氨“那怎么行,要重新做原产地认证,必须拿旧证换新证”,“一票货物只能做一次认证”,赶紧打电话问老板是怎么回事啊,老板也不知道是咋了,只有灰溜溜的回来了,老板还郁闷了呢,怎么还是没有搞定。弄了半天,还是发票号的问题,原来发票号是不一样的,所以做了两次认证,当时在网上申报的时候,我和同事问了老板好几次,是不是上次的发票号,老板嗯嗯嗯的是,这会子不对了,在电话里面的讲话的口气真是来势凶猛,让我避而不及,当时感觉很委屈啊,和同事说了,外面将近40度,我在外面跑,两胳膊晒的黑黑的,结果招来这样的训斥。我招谁惹谁了我,当时心里郁闷埃老板就是老板埃第二天,我屁颠屁颠的弄好了发票,重新申报了,弄好了单据,结果把公司的章盖错地方了,盖到了贸促会的盖章的地方了,当时明


原产地证明 原产地证明 中华人民共和国原产地证书简称原产地证书,又称普通产地证书,是证明本批出口商品的生产地,并符合《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》的一种文件。它由商务部统一规定和印制,并由国家质量监督检验检疫总局或中国国际贸易促进委员会签发。如果信用证或合同对签证机构未作具体规定,一般由检验检疫总局出具。 原产地证书的申请 根据我国有关规定,出口企业最迟于货物出运前3天向签证机构申请办理原产地证书,并按签证机构要求提供已缮制的《中华人民共和国原产地证明书》

一套,并随附出口货物商业发票一份及签证机构所需的其他证明文件。 原产地证明书的内容和缮制方法 原产地证明书的内容和缮制方法原产地证明书共有12项内容,除按检验检疫总局指定的号码入证书编号以外,就其各栏目内容和缮制要点逐项介绍如下。 1.exporter此栏包括出口商的全称和地址。信用证项下的证书,一般为信用证受益人,托收项下的是卖方。 2.consignee填本批货物最终目的地的收货人全称和地址。信用证项下的证书一般为开证申请人,如信用证有具体规定,应按要求填写。 3.meansoftransportandroute应填装运港和目的港的名称,并说明运输方式。例如,fromshanghaitolondonbysea。如要转运,须注明转运地。例如,bys.s.fromshanghaitolondonw/thongkong。 4.destinationport按信用证或合同规定的目的港的名称填制,也可同时列出

国家或地区名称。例如,newyorkportu.s.a.。 5.forcertifyingauthorityuseonly本栏供检验检疫局根据需要加注说明,如补发.后发证书等事项。 6.marksandnumbersofpackages按信用证中规定的内容进行缮制,且与发票和提单的同项内容一致,不得留空。 7.descriptionofgoods,numberandkindofpac kages填写具体的商品名称.包装件数和种类,如散装货物用“inbulk”表示。 8.h.s.codeh.s.是海关合作理事会《商品名称及编码协调制度》的英文缩写。商务总和海关总署根据h.s.分类编制了《中华人民共和国进出口商品的目录对照表》,规定了商品名称和编码。本栏应按该规定填入,不同商品应分别标明不同的h.s.编码。 9.quantityorweight依据发票和装箱单有关内容填写。重量应注明毛重和净重。例如,g.w.40000kg,n.w.38000kg。


原产地证明书样本(DOC) 原产地证明书样本 原产地证书是证明货物的生产或制造地的文件,简称原产地证,原产地证书在国际贸易中往往被进口国用来作为实行区别关税待遇和实施国别贸易政策管理的重要依据,例如最惠国待遇、政府采购、保障措施的正确实施等等,因此具有待定的法律效力和经济作用。下面是亚太贸易协定的原产地证明书,供大家参考。 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate) 1.Goods consigned from: (Exporter’s businename, address, country) Reference No. Issued in ……………. (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country) 3.For Official use 4. Means of transport and route: 5.Tariff item number: 6. Marks and number of Packages: 7. Numberand kind of packages/ description of goods:

8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)9. Gross weight or other quantity:10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statementsare correct: that all the goods were produced in ………………………………. (Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for thesegoods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to………………………………. (Importing Country) ………………………………. Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that thedeclaration by the exporter is correct. ………………………………… Place and date, signature and Stamp of Certifying Authority

6-附件:原产地证书格式以及填制说明 Original


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Overleaf Instruction Certificate No.: Serial number of Certificate of Origin assigned by the issuing body. Box 1: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the exporter and the exporter should be in the beneficiary country. Box 2: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the producer and the producer should be in the beneficial country. If more than one producer’s good is included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including name, address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes the information to be confidential, it is acceptable to state “Available to the authorized body upon request”. If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “SAME”. If the producer is unknown, it is acceptable to state "UNKNOWN". Box 3: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the consignee, and the consignee should be in the customs territory of China. Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading and discharge. Box 5: Any additional information such as Customer’s Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, etc. may be included. Box 6: State the item number. Box 7: State the shipping marks and numbers on the packages. Box 8: Number and kind of package shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate it to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If goods are not packed, state “in bulk”. When the description of the goods is finished, add “***” (three stars) or “ \ ” (finishing slash). Box 9: For each good described in Box 9, identify the HS tariff classification of China to six digits. Box 10: If the goods qualify under the Rules of Origin, the exporter must indicate in Box 10 of this form the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment, in the manner shown in the following table: Box 11: Gross weight in kilograms should be shown here. Other units of measurement e.g. volume or number of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary. Box 12: Invoice number, date of invoices and invoiced value should be shown here. Box 13: The field must be completed, signed and dated by the exporter for exports from the beneficiary country. Box 14: The field must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the issuing body. Box 15: The field must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the Customs authority of the beneficiary country. In case where there is not enough space on the first page of a Certificate of Origin for multiple lines of goods, additional pages can be used. The Certificate number will be the same as that shown on the first page. The main characteristics including box 6 to box 15 will be presented, together with the stamp of the issuing body and the Customs authority of the beneficiary country.


原产地证明练习 一、判断题 1、普惠制的原则有非普遍原则、非互惠原则和非歧视原则。B 2、含有进口成份的产品,出口到加拿大,普惠制原产地证明书FORM A的原产地标准栏目填“W”。B 3、商检机构可以接受对外贸易关系人的申请,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定签发普惠制原产地证、一般原产地证。A 4、非歧视原则是指应对所有的发展中国家都给予优惠待遇,不应区别对待,不应有例外。A 5、非互惠原则是指非对等的原则,发达国家应单方面给予发展中国家优惠关税待遇,而不要求发展中国家给予同等待遇。A 二、单选题 1、关于中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书,下列表述中错误的是:()C A、货物确系中华人民共和国原产的证明文件 B、进口国海关对该进出口商品适用何种税率的依据 C、出口报关的必 备证件D、各地商检局和贸促会均可签发此证 2、“GSP产地证”表示()。B A、一般原产地证书 B、普惠制原产地证书 C、欧盟体纺织品专用产地证 D、对美国出口纺织品声明书 3、普惠制产地证主要有三种形式,其中,使用范围较广。A A、普惠制产地证明书格式A B、普惠制产地证明书格式59A C、普惠制产地证书格式APR D、普惠制产地证明书 4、原产地证书是证明本批出口商品的生产地并符合《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》的一种文件,如果信用证或合同对签证机构未作具体规定,一般由()签发。A A、中国出入境检验检疫局 B、中国国际贸易促进委员会 C、海关 D、出口商 5、普惠制产地证中的“Origin criterion(原产地标准)”一栏,应根据货物原料进口成份的比例填制,“P”表示B A、含进口成份 B、无进口成份 C、进口成份要在40%以下 D、进口成份在20%以下 6、普惠制原产地证书的原产地标准一栏“P”字表示()。C A、含有进口成份 B、含有进口成份,但符合原产地标准 C、完全原产,无进口成份 D、其它 7、根据我国有关规定,出口企业最迟于货物出运前向签证机构申请办理原产地证书。C A、l天 B、2天 C、3天 D、4天 8、按我国和东盟之间签署的双边优惠贸易安排提供的产地证是()。B A、FORM A B、FORM E C、FORM C D、FORM F 9、当前,全球有30个给惠国,其中27个国家或地区给予中国产品以普惠制待遇。不在这27个国家中的是()。B A、德国、比利时、荷兰 B、波兰、韩国、香港 C、卢森堡、法国、丹麦 D、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚 10普惠制产地证中的运输方式和路线一栏应按信用证规定填写,如中途转运,应注明转运地,若不知转运地,则用表示。A A、W/T B、NO C、N/M D、N/N 三、多选题 1、出口企业在向签证机构审核签发普惠制原产地证明书Form A时,应递交的文件有()。ABCD A、普惠制原产地证明书申请书 B、普惠制原产地证明书FormA C、商业发票 D、签证机构要求的其它文件 E、 2、原产地证明书是由出口国政府有关机构签发的一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证明文件,通常多用于不需要提供()的国家或地区。AB A、海关发票 B、领事发票 C、证实发票 D、联合发票 E、 3、普惠制原产地证书是指受惠国有关机构就本国出口商向给惠国出口受惠商品而签发的,用以证明原产地的文件,其主要有()三种。ABC A、普惠制原产地证明书格式A B、普惠制原产地证明书格式59A C、普惠制原产地证书格式APR D、普惠制原 产地证明书E、 4、在下列叙述中,符合原产地规则中的实质性改变标准的是()。AB A、经过加工后,在海关进出口税则的税号4位数一级的税则号列已经有了改变 B、货物经过加工后,增值部分占新产品总 值的比例已经达到30%及其以上的C、新包装整理后的货物D、经过重新筛选并重新包装的货物 5关于原产地证明书,下列说法错误的是()。ABD A、《框架协议》规则的原产地证明书应当自东盟国家有关机构签发之日起6个月向我国境内申报地海关提交,经过第三方转运 的,提交期限延长为8个月。B、中国—巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则的原产地证明书应当自东盟国家有关机构签发之日起4 个月向我国境内申报地海关提交,如果经过第三方转运的,提交期限延长为6个月。C、原产于东盟国家的进口货物,如果产品


原产地证明书签发服务指南① 发布日期:2018年4月 实施日期:2018年4月 发布机构:厦门海关 ①本服务指南仅供行政相对人参考,具体要求以相关法律法规和规章规定为准。

原产地证明书签发服务指南 一、适用范围 本项目适用于适用于厦门辖区原产地备案企业。 二、事项审查类型 证明 三、签发依据 1.《进出口商品检验法实施条例》第四十一条 2.《中华人民共和国进出口货物原产地条例》 3.《非优惠原产地证书签证管理办法》(质检总局令第114号) 4.《中华人民共和国普遍优惠制原产地证明书签证管理办法》(国检务〔1989〕443号) 5.我国对外签署的自由贸易协定、优惠贸易安排及原质检总局相关公告 四、受理机构 各主管海关,详见厦门海关网站。 五、决定机构 各主管海关。 六、数量限制 无限制。 七、申请条件 已完成原产地备案的企业。 八、禁止性要求

不具备或不符合申请人条件的,不予签证。 九、申请材料 通过申报软件发送申请,审核通过后,到受理机构领取原产地证书。更改证、重发证、带附页的原产地证书仍需提供纸质资料,申请人把下列申请资料送交海关窗口。 (一)更改证:原证如已领走,需交回; (二)重发证:证书遗失或损毁,需在市级以上的报纸上声明原发证书作废,提交回执单办理重发证; (三)带附页的一般、普惠制原产地证书:用A4纸打印的附页,一式两份,附页上注明证书号、页码。 十、申请接收 各主管海关网络接收,详见厦门海关网站。 十一、办理基本流程 (一)通过产地证申报软件申报 1. 通过申报软件进行电子申报,电子数据应当符合规定的格式要求,申报内容完整、准确、真实,货物符合相关原产地标准; 2. 发送成功后,半个工作日完成审核; 3. 如申请被退回,请按照回执提示进行修改后重新发送。如有疑问,人工回执可联系检验检疫机构,系统回执请联系系统服务商信城通公司; 4. 收到“审核通过,可以领证”的回执,半个工作日后由申报员持本人身份证原件到窗口领证。 (二)领取证书



Overleaf Instruction Certificate No.: Serial number of Certificate of Origin assigned by the authorized body. Box 1: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the exporter in either China or Korea. Box 2: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the producer. If goods from more than one producer are included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including their full legal name and address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes to maintain this information as confidential, it is acceptable to state “A V AILABLE UPON REQUEST.” If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “SAME.” Box 3: State the full legal name and address (including country) of the consignee resident in either Korea or China. Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading, and port of discharge. Box 5: In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator, the full legal name, country of the non-Party operator shall be indicated in this box. In case of issuance of certificates retroactively, should bear the words “ISSUED RETROACTIVEL Y”, and in case of a certified tr ue copy, should bear the words “CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the original Certificate of Origin number ___ dated ___”. Box 6: State the item number, and the number of items should not exceed 20. Box 7: State the shipping marks and numbers on packages, when such marks and numbers exist, if the shipping marks are images or symbols, other than letter or numerical number, shall state “IMAGE OR SYMBOL (I/S)”, otherwise shall state “NO MARKS AND NUMBERS(N/M)” Box 8: The number and kind of packages shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the goods to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate them to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If the goods are not packed, state “IN BULK”. Box 9: For each good described in Box 8, identify the HS tariff classification to six-digit. Box 10: The exporter must indicate in Box 10 the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that the of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary. Box 12: Invoice number and date of invoice should be shown here. In case where a good is invoiced by a non-Party operator and the number and date of the commercial invoice is unknown, the number and date of the original commercial invoice, issued in the exporting Party, shall be indicated in this box. Box 13: This box shall be completed, signed and, dated by the exporter. Box 14: This box shall be completed, signed, dated, and stamped by the authorized person of the authorized body.

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