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Unit 1:

《黄帝内经》Hua ngdi’s Classic on Medicine// Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine

《伤寒杂病论》Treatise on Cold-Induced and Miscellaneous Diseases

《肘后备急方》A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies

《千金方》Invaluable Prescriptions

《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica

《诸病源候论》Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases

《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty

《针灸甲乙经》The ABC Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

《素问》Plain Questions //Basic Questions

《灵枢》Spiritual Pivot // Miraculous Pivot

《五十二病方》Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments

《本草》Treatise on Herbal Medicine

《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty

《唐本草》The Tang-dynasty Materia Medica

《胡本草》Tartar Herbal Medicine

《脉经》The Pulse Classic

湿症damp ailment / 湿证damp syndrome


挤压病区press on the affected area

寒病cold diseases

炎症感染inflammatory infection

草药麻醉herbal anesthesia

保持健康maintain wellness/ maintain health

临床经验clinical experience

民间医药folk medicine

中西医结合integration/combination of TCM and Western medicine

integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WHO世卫组织)

integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WFCMS世中联)

各类预防措施various preventive measures

预防伤寒病guard against typhoid

第一本中国药典the first official Chinese pharmacopoeia

在植物治疗学领域in the domain of phytotherapy

精通草药研究versed in herbal medicine study

从……而来的治疗方法remedies drawn from…

著名中医大师renowned TCM masters/ successful TCM doctors

他的植物治疗学领域的医学知识his medical knowledge in the realm of phytotherapy 医药管理与教学the administration and teaching of medicine

当代中医药著作contemporary TCM works

伤口感染的危险the risk of infection from wounds

Unit 2:

阴阳学说theory of yin and yang / the yin-yang theory

阳中之阳yang within yang

阴中之阳yang within yin

身体上部the upper part of the body

身体下部the lower part of the body

内脏internal organs/ viscera

疾病发展过程disease progression

阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang

恢复平衡的治疗手段treatment strategies to restore balance 体表superficial aspects of the body

疾病治疗treatment of disease; disease treatment

阴虚yin deficiency

阳虚yang deficiency

阳气yang qi

卫气wei qi /defensive qi

心情,心境state of mind

阴性体质yin constitution

阴液耗伤consumption of yin fluid

虚证deficiency syndrome

实证excess syndrome

畏寒intolerance of cold

蜷卧huddle up

形寒肢冷cold limbs and body

面色晄白 a pale / pale and bright complexion

语声低微weak voice

懒言disinclined to talk

呼吸浅弱shallow, weak breathing

恶寒aversion to cold

体若燔炭hot limbs and body

面色发红flushed face

声音洪亮loud voice

渴喜冷饮thirst with preference for cold drinks

不渴喜热饮absence of thirst with preference for hot drinks 小便清长copious and clear urine

小便短赤concentrated and dark urine / dark scanty urine 大便干燥dry stools

大便溏泻loose stools

舌红苔黄red tongue with yellow fur

舌淡苔白pale tongue with white fur

芤脉hollow pulse

洪脉surging pulse

阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang / yin-yang opposition

阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang / interdependence between yin and yang

阴阳消长waxing and waning of yin and yang

阴阳转化yin-yang conversion; conversion/ transformation of yin and yang

阴阳平衡yin-yang balance

阴阳調和yin-yang harmony

Unit 3:

生克乘侮:generating, controlling, over-acting, and insulting sequence;

generation, restriction, over-whelming/ subjugation, reverse restriction

肝藏血, 血舍魂。

The liver stores the blood, and the blood houses the ethereal soul.


Disorders of the mother-organ affect the son-organ and those of the son-organ affect the mother-organ.


The generated element is considered as the son, and the generating element as the mother.


The liver is the mother of the heart.


Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing/ moistening and descending.

木病传火Wood affects fire.

心克肺The heart controls the lung.

水谷精微food qi / essence of food and drink / essence of cereal and water /

pure nutritive essences / nutrients of water and food

宗气gathering qi / pectoral qi / ancestral qi

肝气条达free flow of liver qi

胃的腐熟功能rotting and ripening of the stomach

脾的运化功能transformation and transportation of the spleen

transforming and transporting of the spleen

肾阴滋养肝血Kidney yin nourishes liver blood.

胆病及心the effect of the gallbladder on the heart

胆主决断The gallbladder controls the capacity of making decisions.

肾津亏虚dryness of the kidney


The liver fails to nourish the heart.


If the lungs are obstructed by phlegm they can impair the circulation of heart qi.


If the kidneys fail to transform fluids, the spleen will suffer and become obstructed by dampness. 肝气犯胃,使脾气不升而泄泻,胃气不降而呃逆。

When liver qi invades the stomach, it prevents spleen qi from ascending, which causes diarrhea, and it prevents stomach qi from descending, which causes belching and nausea.


Lung heat or phlegm heat may be transmitted to the liver.


When the spleen holds dampness, this can obstruct the kidney’s function of transformation and excretion of fluids.


If kidney yin is deficient, virtual fire forms and this can be transmitted to the heart.


Liver qi can stagnate upwards and obstruct the chest.


Liver fire may obstruct the descending of lung qi and cause asthma.


Heart fire can infuse downwards to the kidney and cause kidney yin deficiency.


If the spleen retains dampness, this can overflow and impair the free flow of liver qi.


If heart fire deficiency is unable to warm spleen yang, it may lead to cold feeling and diarrhoea./ diarrhea.


Kidney yin nourishes liver blood

肾阴虚kidney yin deficiency

健忘poor memory/amnesia

纳呆poor appetite

纳气hold qi down / receive qi down / grasp qi down

多疑tendency to suspect

抵抗力弱lowered resistance

周身虚弱general weakness

(面)青green, (面)赤red, (面)蜡黄sallow, (面)白white, (面)黑dark

酸 a sour taste

苦 a bitter taste

甘 a sweet taste

辛 a pungent taste

咸 a salty taste

(口)淡 a flat taste (in the mouth)

(口)粘 a sticky taste (in the mouth)

视物模糊blurred vision

鼻干dry nostrils/ a dry nose

经常喷嚏frequent sneezing

皮疹skin rashes /eruption

口苦口干 a bitter taste and dry sensation in the mouth

口淡不欲饮食a flat taste in the mouth without appetite

尿黄yellow urine

目赤reddish eyes, eyes congestion

舌黯红苔黄腻dark red tongue property with yellowish and greasy fur

脉缓moderate pulse

补益tonify / replenish /strengthen


boosting fire to engender earth / supplementing fire to engender earth / tonifying fire to supplement earth


reinforcing earth to generate metal / banking up earth to engender metal /

strengthening earth to generate meta / supplementing spleen to nourish lung


Metal and water engender each other.

mutual generation between metal and water


enriching water to moisten wood / replenishing water to nourish wood

Unit 4:


The spleen rules transformation and transportation.


the foundation of post-natal existence / the foundation of acquired constitution /

the foundation of postnatal life / source of acquired constitution


The spleen rules the raising of the pure.

The spleen directs ascending movement.

The spleen rules rise of the usable substances.

the spleen governing ascending

脾统血The spleen governs the blood.

脾喜燥恶湿the spleen preferring dryness to dampness

气统血Qi commands the blood.

气为血之帅Qi is the commander of the blood.

脾主肌肉、四肢The spleen controls the fleshes and extremities.

脾开窍于口The spleen opens at the mouth.

其华在唇The spleen manifests on the lips

涎为脾之液Saliva is the fluid manifestation of the spleen.

在志为思The spleen corresponds to thought in emotions.

肝藏血The liver stores the blood.

肝主疏泄条达The liver rules flowing and spreading。

the liver governing regulating

the liver governing free coursing

调畅气机tempering and softening the qi / regulating qi movement

regulating qi activity / making a free flow of qi

肝气上逆upward adverse flow of liver qi / upward flow of liver qi

肝主筋The liver controls the sinews.

肝开窍于目The liver opens at the eyes.

其华在爪The liver manifests on the nails.

肝在液为泪The liver manifests as tear in body fluids.

在志为怒The liver corresponds to anger in emotions.

肾为先天之本The kidney is the root of life.

先天之精primordial seed of the life / prenatal essence / innate essence

肾主水液The kidney rules water.

肾主纳气The kidney rules the grasping of qi.

the kidney receiving respiratory qi

the kidney holding qi down

肾藏精, 主生育、发育和成熟(生殖)。

The kidney stores essence and rule birth, development, and maturation.

肾主水。The kidney rules water.

肾主纳气。The kidney rules grasping of qi.

肾为气之根。The kidney is the root of qi.

命门之火life gate fire

命门vital gate

肝肾同源liver and kidney sharing the same origin

乙癸同源liver and kidney sharing the same origin

心藏神The heart stores the spirit.

心主血脉The heart rules the blood and blood vessels.

狭义“神”little spirit

广义“神”big composite spirit

肺主气The lungs rule qi.

肺主行水,通调水道。The lungs move and adjust the water channel.

肺主行水lung governing water metabolism

肺为气之本。The lung is the foundation of qi.

娇脏tender organ

肺为水之上源。The lung is the upper origin of water.

肺主呼吸。The lung governs respiration.

肺主呼吸之气lung governing respiratory qi

肺为气之主lung being the governor of qi

清浊pure and impure / lucid and turbid

排除浊气expelling impure air

肃降descending and liquefying



lung controlling dispersing outwards and upwards/disseminating and descending

lung controlling dispersion and purification and descent

lung controlling an upward and outward diffusing movement and a downward depurative movement

胆主决断gallbladder governing deciding

The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment.

泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid

心肾相交coordination between the heart and kidney

mutual communication and interaction between the heart and kidney

水火相济regulation between water and fire

有机整体an organic whole

皮疹skin eruption / rashes

鼻咽部不适nose and throat disorders

外邪exogenous pathogenic factors/ exterior pernicious influences

风寒wind cold

风热wind heat

风燥wind dryness


肺里实证interior excess lung system disharmony/ interior excess syndrome in the lung

自汗spontaneous sweating; spontaneous sweats

肺气虚夹湿deficient lung qi with dampness/ deficient lung qi accompanied with dampness 中药丸herbal pill

肺阴液不足deficient fluids of the lung / deficiency of lung fluids

内燥internal dryness

盗汗night sweats, night sweating

五心烦热five centers heat, feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest) 思虑过度excessive mental activity, over thinking

脾气虚deficient spleen qi

非经期出血spotting between periods/ intermenstrual bleeding

湿盛excess damp; excessive dampness/damp

渴不欲饮thirst without desire to drink

Unit 5:

补气药herbs for invigorating qi

心气的推动promotion of heart qi

气虚血瘀blood stasis due to qi deficiency

气滞血瘀qi stagnation leading to blood stasis

气机紊乱Functional activities of qi are in disorder.

气的升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering of qi

气机qi activity / qi movement / the movement of qi / flow of qi

面色潮红flushed face

气陷sinking of qi / sinking qi

腹胀,伴有里急后重abdominal distention with tenesmus

便血bloody stools

活血药herbs for activating blood circulation

理气药herbs for lowering the adverse flow of qi

气的固摄作用securing function of qi

血溢于脉外The blood escapes out of the vessels.

气不摄血Qi fails to consolidate the blood

补气止血法the method of tonifying qi to stop bleeding

益气固脱法the method of replenishing qi to prevent collapse

津液阻塞blockage of the flow of fluids / fluid blockage

津液的积聚fluids build up abnormally

气津两伤deficiency of both qi and fluids

水停气滞water stopping causing qi blockage

痰饮phlegm retention, phlegm and retained fluids

气不行(或化)水qi not moving (or transforming) water

行气药herbs to move qi

促进津液代谢的药物herbs to promote fluid metabolism

先天之气innate qi

后天之气acquired qi

正气healthy qi

真气genuine qi

元气original qi

宗气pectoral qi / gathering qi / ancestral qi

卫气defensive qi

营气nutritive qi

精微物质 a refined essence

语声低微 a weak voice

毛孔开合opening and closing of the pores

气化qi transformation

气机qi movement

气生血qi generating blood

气行血qi moving blood

气摄血qi holding blood

气的温煦作用warming function of qi

气的防御作用defending function of qi

气的固摄作用holding function of qi

Unit 6:

经络学说channel theory / meridian theory

十二正经twelve regular channels

运行气血全身transporting qi and blood in the whole body

循行路线circulating course

别络divergent collaterals

浮络superficial collaterals

孙络tertiary collaterals / minute[ma??nju?t]collateral 奇经八脉eight extraordinary channels

经别branched channel

十二经筋twelve muscle regions

十二皮部twelve skin divisions / twelve cutaneous regions

循行方向和交接规律flowing direction and connecting law

循经感传channel transmission phenomenon

经络现象channel phenomenon

经脉循行路线the running course of the channels

头乃诸阳之会the head being the junction of all yang channels

经气channel qi

十二经脉twelve channels

阳脉之海sea of the yang channels

阴脉之海sea of the yin meridians

任主胞胎the Conception Vessel governing the uterus and gestation

血海sea of blood

经气meridian qi

气街pathway of qi

根结root and knot

十四经fourteen meridians

经脉循行the running course of the meridians

经络诊断meridian diagnosis

玄府sweat pore

直中direct attack

循经传transmission along a meridian

再经disease involving other meridians

过经disease transmitting from one meridian to another

经尽disease of one meridian without transmission

六经辨证syndrome differentiation according to the six meridian theory

刺经活络needling the meridian to activate the collateral

经络辨证syndrome differentiation according to the meridian theory

本经取穴point selection along the affected meridian

针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia

针刺镇痛acupuncture analgesia

引经药meridian ushering drug

循经取穴selecting acupoints along the course of a meridian


外感六淫six exogenous factors

七情seven emotions


瘀血stagnated blood

痰凝phlegm retention

六气six types of qi:wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness and fire

时令病occurrence of seasonal diseases


Wind is the predominant qi in spring but may occur at any of the four seasons.


Wind is the primary exogenous pathogenic factor in causing disease.


wind-phlegm obstructing the channels


Wind is a yang pathogenic factor and is characterized by upward and outward dispersion in the upper part of the body.


Attacks of wind are characterized by and associated with constant movements and changes.

汗出遇冷, 淋雨或衣着单薄

exposure to cold after sweating, being caught in the rain or wearing thin clothing


Cold is characterized by contraction and stagnation.

筋脉挛急spasmodic contracting of the tendons and channels

升散upward direction and dispersion

耗伤津液consumption of body fluids

大汗profuse sweating; profuse sweats

洪脉 a surging pulse

神智昏乱mental confusion



Summer-heat is often characterized by high humidity, it is frequently combined with pathogenic dampness.

头重胸闷 a heavy sensation in the head and chest

腹胀bloated feeling in the abdomen

排泄物秽浊不清discharges from the body manifesting as suppurating sores

带下异常abnormal vaginal discharge.


The tongue will have a stubborn and sticky coating.

阻遏气机obstructing qi circulation

脘痞腹胀abdominal distension and fullness

尿少scanty urination

皮肤开裂chapped skin.

火本质为阳盛。Fire is caused by replete yang qi.

火性炎上。Fire is characterized by burning and movement in an upward direction.

口部生疮(舌与牙龈尤甚)ulcers of the mouth (particularly of the gums and tongue)

牙龈肿痛swollen and painful gums

眼部充血eye congestion

迫津外泄forcing yin fluid into the exterior of the body

生风动血stirring up wind and causing the disturbances of the blood

四肢抽搐convulsions in the limbs

项强rigid neck

两目上视upward staring of the eyes


腐蚀血肉rotting the blood and flesh


joy, anger, melancholy(pensiveness), worry, grief, fear and fright


Anger injures the liver, joy injures the heart, grief and melancholy injure the lung, worry injures the spleen, and fear and fright injure the kidney.

怒则气上Anger causes qi to rise up.

anger/rage causing qi to rise up

喜则气缓Joy causes qi to move slowly.

joy causing qi to move slowly

悲则气消Grief drastically consumes qi.

grief drastically consuming qi

恐则气下Fear causes qi to decline.

fear causing qi to decline

惊则气乱Fright causes qi to be deranged.

fright causing qi to be deranged

思则气结Worry causes qi to stagnate.

worry causing qi to stagnate

久怒或久郁prolonged anger or depression

右季肋部痛pain in the right hypochondrium

喉中异物感the sensation of a foreign body in the throat

月经不调irregular menstruation

多梦dream-disturbed sleep

神智错乱mental confusion

饮食不节improper diet / dietary irregularities

嗳腐吞酸foul belching and sour regurgitation

腹胀abdominal distension

饮食偏嗜overindulgence in particular foods

油腻、甘味之品greasy or sweet food

五味偏嗜highly-flavored food / flavor predilection

饮酒过度increased consumption of alcoholic drinks

脾胃气血瘀滞qi and blood to stagnate in the stomach and spleen

胸痹 a full sensation in the chest

多痰profuse sputum

痔疮出血bleeding hemorrhoids

饮食不洁intake of unclean foods

外感六淫attack by six exogenous pathogenic factors

七情内伤internal impairment due to seven abnormal emotions 瘀血痰饮stagnated blood and phlegm retention

其性清扬being marked by dispersion

风痰阻络wind-phlegm obstructing the channels

口眼喎斜facial paralysis

腠理闭塞closed muscular interstitial space


下利清谷diarrhea with undigested food

寒主收引cold being characterized by contraction

筋脉拘挛spasmodic contraction of tendons

津液耗伤consumption of body fluids

视物模糊blurred vision

胸闷如窒 a suffocating sensation in the chest

腻苔sticky or greasy fur

热扰心神pathogenic heat disturbing the mind

肥甘厚味greasy, sweet and highly-flavored food

形神统一inseparability of the body and mind

气血调和smooth flow of qi and blood

月经不调menstrual irregularities

言语不利disturbances of speech

肺主一身之气the lung governing the qi of the whole body

善恐易惊being easily startled

喜胜悲joy counteracting sadness

气脱depletion of qi / collapse of qi

内生五邪five endogenous evils

心悸不安palpitations and insecurity/ palpitation and restlessness

潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweats

心火上炎rising of heat in the heart

Unit 8:

辩证discriminate patterns / differentiation of syndromes /

syndrome differentiation / pattern differentiation

阴阳失调disharmony of yin and yang

阴不制阳Yin does not / fails to cool and nourish yang.

yin failing to cool and nourish yang

阳失温煦Yang does not / fails to warm and activate yin.

yang failing to warm and activate yin

阴(偏)盛excess of yin

阴寒内盛伤阳Excess cold in the body consumes (damages) yang.

阳(偏)盛excess of yang


Excess heat (from exterior or interior of the body) consumes body fluids.

阴虚deficiency of yin / consumption of yin

虚火false fire ( an apparent excess of yang results)

虚热empty heat / deficient heat / asthenic heat

(mild but very specific heat symptoms appear)

阳虚deficiency of yang / consumption of yang ( an apparent excess of yin results) 神乱disturbed shen / shen disturbance

脾虚deficient spleen condition

热盛夹痰extreme heat and phlegm/ extreme heat accompanied with phlegm

少神deficient shen

全身精气不足general deficiency of qi and jing

肉体corporal body

病机disease mechanism / pathogenesis

阴阳失调disharmony of yin and yang

脏腑经络失调disharmony of organ systems and meridians

血行不畅poor circulation of blood

离经之血outside the meridian blood/ the blood outside the meridians

实热伤津excess heat consuming body fluids

心肝不和disharmony of the heart and liver systems

心血不足deficient heart blood

言语错乱confused speech

身体不适out of sorts

疼痛拒按pain that worsens with pressure / abdominal pain refusing to pressure 意识丧失loss of consciousness

脏器下垂prolapse of an organ

病理产物pathological products

水湿痰饮water, damp, phlegm and retained fluid

早衰premature aging

四肢拘挛convulsion of the four extremities

舌胖有齿痕tongue puffy with teeth marks

情绪压抑suppressed emotions

邪气pernicious influences/ factors, pathogenic factors

腹满 a feeling of overall fullness

补气replenish qi

耗气(太过)use up qi

不愿动lack of a desire to move

语声低微 a weak voice

子宫脱垂prolapse of the uterus / prolapsed uterus

精神不振lack of stamina

月经不调menstrual irregularity

先天不足congenital disabilities

早熟improper maturation

早衰premature aging

伤津damage to jin fluid (mild deficiency of jin-ye)

伤阴damage to yin (severe deficiency of jin-ye)

四肢抽搐convulsion of the four extremities

深红舌有裂纹,少或无苔scarlet tongue with cracks and little or no coat

津液停滞stagnation of jin-ye

实证excess syndrome / sthenic syndrome

虚asthenia / deficiency

虚证asthenic syndrome / deficiency syndrome

虚实错杂mixture of asthenia and sthenia / mixture of excess and deficiency

虚中夹实asthenia with sthenia

虚实真假pseudo or true manifestation of asthenia and sthenia

正胜邪退healthy qi expelling pathogens

邪去正虚pathogen retreating with asthenic/deficient healthy qi

邪正相持struggle between healthy qi and pathogen

阴损及阳yin impairment involving yang

阴盛格阳predominant yin rejecting yang / excessive yin repelling yang

亡阳yang exhaustion

Unit 9:

养生life nurturing (WHO世卫组织) /nurturing life / life nurturance;

health cultivation, health preservation, health protection

长寿increasing longevity

养神cultivating the mind

恐胜喜Fear restricts joy.

怒胜思Anger restricts anxiety.

喜胜忧Joy checks grief.

悲胜怒Grief blocks anger.

思胜恐Anxiety prevents fear.

饮食偏嗜diet and eating preference, diet preference, food preference

规则的小剂量in small and regular dose

延长寿命increase longevity

调节饮食regulating diet

自然规律nature laws


七八分饱70-80 percent full

扩张血管dilate blood vessels

锻炼身体exercise the body

情绪波动emotional fluctuations

大怒excessive anger

清洁充足的水源clear and plentiful water sources

房劳sexual stress


经前综合证premenstrual syndrome

Unit 10:

零污染的地道中药zero-polluted authentic CMM ( Chinese Materia Medica)

无农药残留free from insecticide

无重金属残留free from heavy metal

无细菌污染free from bacteria contamination.

古老的中医体系ancient system of TCM

主流药业市场mainstream pharmaceutical market

膳食补充剂/食品添加剂dietary supplement

临床前研究preclinical study

质量控制quality control

性传播疾病sexually transmitted disease

获得性免疫缺损综合征(艾滋病) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) 热毒toxic heat

血瘀blood stasis

湿热damp heat

混浊尿turbid/cloudy urine

数脉rapid pulse

背部酸痛back soreness

胸闷chest congestion

心悸(heart) palpitation



阴yin、阳yang、阴阳学说the yin-yang theory

阴阳的对立统一the unity of opposition between yin and yang

阴阳的互根互用interdependence between yin and yang

阴阳的消长waxing and waning of yin and yang

阴阳的互相转化transformation of yin and yang

五行学说the five-element theory

生generation ( generating)、克restriction (controlling/restricting)、乘subjugation (over-acting)、侮reverse restriction (insulting)

气qi、血xue or blood、津液normal body fluid


五脏five-zang organs、六腑six-fu organs、奇恒之腑the extraordinary fu-organs

八纲eight principles

藏象visceral manifestation

四气五味four properties and five tastes of medicinal herbs;

君principle herb; chief herb、臣adjuvant herb / deputy herb、佐assistant herb、使guide herb / envoy herb

辨证论治TDS ( treatment by differentiation of syndromes)

卫、气、营、血辩证differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of wei, qi, ying and xue 整体观the holistic concept



病因the cause of disease



四诊four diagnostic methods:望inspection、闻auscultation and olfaction/listening and smelling、问inquiry、切pulse-taking and palpation

津血同源Body fluid and blood are derived from a common source.

肝肾同源The liver and kidney have a common source.

脾为后天之本spleen being the foundation of acquired constitution; The spleen is the foundation of postnatal life.

肾为先天之本kidney being the foundation of inborn constitution; The kidney is the foundation of congenital constitution

先天之精innate essence / prenatal essence

后天之精acquired essence / postnatal essence


髓海reservoir of marrow / sea of marrow / brain


经络meridians and collaterals

孙络tertiary collateral / minute collateral

肾藏精kidney storing essence

肾气通于耳。Kidney-qi reaches the ear.

肾开窍于耳kidney having its specific orifice in ears

肾开窍于二阴urethra and anus being specific openings of kidney

肾司二阴kidney controlling urethra and anus

肾司开阖kidney controlling excretion and retention of water


kidney and bladder being exteriorly-interiorly related.


Permanent teeth grow to replace the milk teeth in girls at the age of seven owing to abundant kidney-qi.

肾气盛abundant kidney-qi

肾虚deficiency in kidney

肾虚不孕sterility due to deficiency in the kidney

肾虚耳鸣tinnitus due to deficiency in the kidney

肾虚水肿edema due to deficiency in the kidney

肾虚头痛headache due to deficiency in the kidney

肾虚眩晕dizziness due to deficiency in the kidney/

肾气虚deficiency of kidney-qi

肾疳child malnutrition due to a deficiency of kidney qi

肾阳不足deficiency of kidney-yang

肾气不固unconsolidated kidney-qi



六淫: 风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火

six pathogens: wind, fire, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, cold


seven emotions: joy, anger, melancholy(pensiveness), worry(anxiety), grief (sadness), fear and fright

内邪endogenous pathogenic factors

外邪exogenous pathogenic factors

2.Popular Terms


食疗方prescriptions for dietetic therapy

食疗法methods of dietotherapy

食疗治百病。Dietotherapy cures various illnesses.

饮食疗法dietetic therapy

慎起居养生法keeping fit by leading a regular life


leading a regular life, having proper diet and adapting oneself to the weather of summer and


摄生之道way to keep fit



身寒feeling cold


身痛general aching


身重heaviness sensation of body and limbs

身热恶风 a fever with aversion to wind

身热无汗fever without sweating

身热夜甚fever worse at night

肾病kidney disease

肾不纳气failure of the kidney to promote respiration

思则气结anxiety causing qi stagnation

4. 动词性词组

清热解毒clearing up heat and toxin / clearing heat and relieving toxicity

疏风dispelling wind

疏风散寒dispersing wind and cold

疏风解表dispelling wind to relieve an exterior syndrome

疏肝soothing liver

疏肝理气,缓急止痛soothing the liver to regulate its qi flow and relieve spasm and pain 疏肝解郁soothing the liver to remove stagnancy of liver-qi

疏肝药herbs for soothing liver

疏散风热dispelling wind-heat


中医术语翻译的国际标准与文化传承 近期,千华翻译公司翻译了一批中医文献,现将我们搜集的部分有用的资料共享如下: 2007年1O月,世界卫生组织(WH0)西太区颁布了《传统医学名词术语国际标准》(WHO International StandardTerminologies 011 Traditional Medicine in the Western PacificRegion)。这一标准的颁布,使得中医术语翻译的规范化进程向前迈出了坚实的一步。同时,这一标准也将有助于包括中医学在内的传统医学在世界范围内的推广和应用,因此被业内人士称为“传统医学发展的里程碑”。然而,从学科自身发展角度而言,这一新的国际术语标准并非一成不变,WHO有关官员表示在今后实践中将对此标准不断修改与完善,使术语的翻译能更准确地将中医文化体现出来。现从经络部分就中医术语的翻译和文化传承进行粗浅探索。 1 WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》经络部分的翻译和文化传承 1.1 十二经脉的翻译与文化传承:十二经脉是结合脏腑、手足、阴阳三方面内容而命名的。WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》中,将十二经脉的翻译如下:手太阴肺经:lung meridian(LU);手阳明大肠经:large intestinemeridian(LI);足阳明胃经:stomachmeridian(ST);足太阴脾经:spleenmeridian(SP);手少阴心经:heartmeridian(HT);手太阳小肠经:small intestine meridian(SI);足太阳膀胱经:bladdermeridian(BL);足少阴。肾经:kidlleymeridian(KI);手厥阴心包经:pericardium meridian(PC);手少阳三焦经:triple energizer meridian(TE);足少阳胆经:gallbladder meridian(GB);足厥阴肝经:liver meridian(LR)。从上述翻译中可以看到,WH0西太区在翻译这些术语时,主要是由“脏腑名称”+“经脉名”构成。这种方法简便、方便交流,但这样翻译明显有遗漏。如“lung meridian(LU)”的翻译中,看不到“手太阴”的翻译。《灵枢·经脉》中对十二经脉的命名采用“脏/腑+手/足+阴/阳+脉”的形式命名。该命名形式,主要是在继承和保留“手/足+阴/阳+脉”格式的基础上,将脏腑名置于手足阴阳之前,增加了脏腑的元素,体现了经脉理论和脏腑理论的融合。所以,我们看到每一经脉的名称均依据分布于手足内外、所属脏器的名称和阴阳属性命名。为了准确、毫无遗漏的传递这些术语信息,笔者建议应以“脏或腑+经脉名称+of+手或者足+阴阳”的格式翻译,具体如下:手太阴肺经:lung meridian ofhand.taiyin(LU);手阳明大肠经:large intestine meridian ofhand.yangming(LI):足阳明胃经:stomach meridian offoot.yangming(ST);足太阴脾经:spleen meridian of foot.taiyin(SP);手少阴心经:heartmeridian ofhand.shaoyin(HT):手太阳小肠经:small intestinemeridian ofhand.taiyang(SI);足太阳膀胱经:bladder meridianof foot.taiyang(BL):足少阴肾经:kidney meridian offoot.shaoyin(KI);手厥阴心包经:pericardium meridian ofhand-jueyin(PC);手少阳三焦经:sanjiao meridian ofhand.shaoyang(SJ);足少阳胆经:gallbladder meridian offood—shaoyang(GB):足厥阴肝经:livermeridian offood-jueyin(LR)。采用这样的格式英译十二经脉名,能够完整体现中医对十二经脉命名的全部信息。 另外,三焦的英译也与中医理论和传统文化不合。WHO西太区在《传统医学名词术语国际标准》将“手少阳三焦经”译为“triple energizer meridian(TE)’这里涉及一个很具有中医文化特色的术语“三焦”的翻译。三焦是一个特殊的“腑”,既是对人体胸腹部位及其所藏脏腑器官目的划分,又是对人体某些功能系统的概括。三焦分上、中、下三焦,主要


Unit 1 翻译技巧(一) 翻译概述 1.把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。 没有哪个政治体制是完美的;但是很多美国人都会告诉你,如果他们会嫉妒 我们的一样东西的话,那就是我们英国传统的为期三周的大选,因为它的简洁就 是一种仁慈----是对选民和政治家们双方的仁慈:他们拿它跟美国四年一度的总 统选举中进行的那些耗时几个月的战争相比。 2. 把下面的汉语段落翻译成英语。 Someone has once prophesied that once cigarettes disappear from the surface of the earth, the whole world may be in chaos. This might be an exaggeration, but the danger of smoking should not be underestimated. Smoking is a curse affecting the whole globe. Let’s put foreign countries aside. China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers often say that it would be more difficult for them to endure the suffering of two hours without smoking a cigarette than a day without having meals. Smoking pollutes the air and endangers the health, consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer greatly. Unit 2 翻译技巧(二) 直译与意译 1. 用直译法翻译下列的词语、惯用语和句子: (1)开胃酒(2)水果蛋糕(3)童装(4)人工语言(5)门铃 (6)访问学者(7)走下坡路(8)扣帽子/加标签于某人(9)随大 流(10)overtime pay (11)peanut oil (12)rice flour (13)academic journal (14)woman editor (15) evening paper (16)tear up by the roots


英语常见中医术语 绪论introduction 中医学traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 中医学理论体系theory system of TCM 中医基础理论basic theory of TCM 整体观念holism concept 五脏一体观holism of five ogans 形神一体观holism of body and spirit 天人一体观holism of human beings and universe 医学模式medical pattern 辨证syndrome differentiation 论治treatment variation 疾病disease 证候syndrome 症状symptom 体征physical sign 辨病disease diagnosing 同病异治different treament for the same disease 异病同治the same treatment for the different disease 第一章中医学的哲学基础 Ancient philosophic basis of TCM 精jing(as the world origin in ancient philosophy) 气qi(as the world origin in the ancient philosophy) 精气学说theory of jingqi 生命life 中介medium 气机qi activity 气化qi transformation 感应induction 水地说hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth 云气说hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air 气一元论monism of qi 元气一元论monism of qi 阴阳yinyang; yin and yang 阴阳学说theory of yinyang 阴阳对立inter-opposition between yin and yang 阴阳互根inter-dependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长wane and wax between yin and yang 阴阳交感inter-induction between yin and yang


中医英语术语翻译重 点

中医英语术语翻译重点 天人相应Correspondence of human body and natural environment 辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion 寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature 滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 整体观念concept of holism 开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into 生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store 同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease 异病同治same therapeutic method used to treating different diseases 从阴引阳drawing yang from yin 阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang 寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 热极生寒 extreme heat gernerating cold 病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis 祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold 实则泻之treating excess syndromes with reduction 虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome 实热症 excess heat syndrome 潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind 补其不足 supplement insufficiency 泻其有余 reduce excess 五行学说the theory of five elements 木曰曲直wood characterized by bending and straightening 火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up 土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping 金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing 水曰润下water characterized by moistening and descending 母病及子illness of mother viscera affecting the child one 子病及母illness of child viscera affecting the mother one 相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction 心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart 肾阳式微declination of kidney yang 平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 水火不济between water and fire 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs 藏象学说the theory of visceral manifestation 藏而不泻storage without discharge 泻而不藏discharge without storage 形体诸窍physical build and various orifices


Text A词汇答案 Unit 1 A. 1. were bulging with 2. multitude 3. crave 4. indulge in 5. abandon themselves 6. fastidious 7. mused on 8. soothing B. 1. faculty 2. besiege 3. stick to 4. laborious 5. profusion 6. file out 7. judicious 8. decipher 9. poignant 10. by degrees Unit 2 A. 1. annual 2. opponents 3. distinctions 4. ferociously 5. revered 6. overlooks 7. extra 8. celebrity B. 1. constructive 2 transformation 3. combat 4. status 5. severely 6. falling apart 7. effective 8. discouraged 9. cautious 10. wiped out Unit 3 A. 1. borrowings 2. exuberance 3. is flexible 4. instrument 5. diminishing 6. was bound to 7. accumulate 8. dominant B. 1. bound to 2 expansion 3. inclined 4. accumulate 5. conquest 6. stabilization 7. preserve 8. reduce 9. ingratiate 10. dominant


v1.0可编辑可修改Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语 acupunture and moxibusion 针灸 health maintenance 养生 drugs cold and cool 寒凉药 the school of cold and cool 寒凉派 diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下 the school of purgation 攻下派 exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪 reinforcing the earth 补土 internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃百病由生 yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足 nourishing yin滋阴 medicinal herbs草药 blood stagnation淤血 warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃 中国医药学 : traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论 : basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验 : clinical experience 辨证论治 : treatment based on syndrome differentiation;pattern identification and treatment 本草 : materia medica 中药 : Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药 : Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味 : four properties and five tastes


[学科] 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。 ②本学科专业职业队伍。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 本草:Materia medica 中药:Chinese materia medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等) 中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs 中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics 药材:Medicinal substance(material) 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine [阴阳]The Theory of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳制约:Restriction of /between yin and yang 阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang [五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements 五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生:promote, generate, engender 克:act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel [整体观念] concept of organic wholeness 辩证法dialectics 生长化收藏sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性the unity between the internal and external environments 机体自身整体性the integrity of the body itself 古代唯物论和辩证法classic Chinese materialism and dialectics 矛盾统一the contradictory unity 互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other

研究生英语读写译教程 第11-health原文翻译及课后答案

Vocabulary and Structure: Keys to section A: 1. reconciled 2. imperative 3. contradiction 4. existence 5. inherit 6. formidable 7. sensitive8. confess 9. Incidentally 10. conversely Keys to section B: 1. B 2.A 3. A 4.B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Keys to close 2. partially 3. linked 5. positive 10. increase 9. impact 1. management 8. tolerance 7. relieve 4. builds 6. reaction Keys to Further Reading 1. C 2. C 3. A 4.D 5. B Translations 1.一位加拿大心理学教授已经鉴定出三种完美主义者:自我要求型(要求自己达到完美),要求他人型(要求别人达到完美)和被要求完美主义者(认为别人要求他们达到完美)。 2.他说完美主义者不仅怀有不现实的高标准,而且认为他们自己和别人都无法达到这些被拔高了的期望。 3.Flett教授认为有些形式的完美主义可能与情绪、身体和情感问题有关,包括抑郁症,饮食紊乱,婚姻不和谐甚至自杀。 4.她说:“我认为在一定程度上这是一个普通的压力问题。完美主义者是压力极大的人。我更愿意从整体的压力方面来看待这个问题,而不是单独从完美主义的角度来考虑。”


第一课 1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth方剂prescription; formula 医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation 第二课 1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之 第三课 1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热 pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛 general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳 第四课 1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to be generated and to generate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑 Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济 第五课 doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应 clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleen storing consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面 第六课 the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency of blood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse脉象细弱the heart storing


中医术语英文翻译对照表 治则 principle of treatment 在对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,因而在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。 治病求本 treatment aiming at its pathogenesis 针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。 急则治标 symptomatic treatment in acute condition 与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况,及时救治标病 缓则治本 radical treatment in chronic case 与急则治标相对而言,针对病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况,从本病的病机出发,采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。标本兼治 treating both manifestation and root cause of disease 针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。 治未病 preventive treatment of disease 采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。 同病异治 treating same disease with different methods 表现相同的病证,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、病型的各异、正邪消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。 异病同治 treating different diseases with same method 表现不同的病证,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。 因时制宜 treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions 考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因地制宜 treatment in accordance with local conditions 考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因人制宜 treatment in accordance with the patient's individuality 考虑到病人的体质、性别、年龄、生活习惯以及过去病史等个体差异性的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 扶正祛邪 strengthening vital qi to eliminate pathogenic factor 对于正虚为主、因虚致实的病证,应采取扶助正气为主,使正气加强,从而达到驱除病邪目的的治疗原则。 祛邪扶正 eliminating pathogen and strengthening vital qi 对于邪气实而正气偏虚的病证,应采用以消除病邪为主,扶助正气为辅,使邪去正安或正复的治疗原则。 扶正固本 strengthening body resistance 对于正气亏虚的病证,采用培补正气以愈病的治疗原则。 攻补兼施 reinforcement and elimination in combination 对于虚实夹杂,或虚实病情相当,可采用既祛邪又培补,即攻邪与扶正并重的治疗原则。 正治法 orthodox treatment 又称“逆治法”。 针对疾病的本质,从正面进行治疗,即逆病性而治的常规方法。 寒者热之 treating cold syndrome with hot natured drugs 针对寒性的病证应使用温热方药进行治疗的原则。 热者寒之 treating heat syndrome with cold natured drugs 针对热性的病证应使用寒凉方药进行治疗的原则。 虚者补之 treating deficiency syndrome with tonifying method 又称“虚则补之”。


中国医药学:traditi onal Chines e me dicin e 中医基础理论:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验:clinical experience 辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation 本草:materia medica国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。 TCM, a medical system with a history of thousands years,has summarized the experience of the Chinese people accumulating in the struggle against diseases. 2.中医学在古代唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,逐步形成并发展为独特的医学理论体系。 Under the influence and guidance of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics,tradition Chinese medicine has eventually evolved into a medical system with unique theory through long term medical practice. 3.中医学是研究人体生理病理以及疾病的诊断和防 治的一门科学。 Tradition Chinese medicine is a science focusing on the study of the physiology and pathology of the human body as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. 4.黄帝内经总结了春秋战国以来的医疗成就和治疗 经验,确立了中医学独特的理论体系,成为中医药学发展的基础。 The Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine has summed up the medical achievements and clinical experiences since the Spring-Autumn Period and Warring States ,establishing the unique theoretical system of TCM and laying the foundation for the development of TCM 5.难经内容十分丰富,补充了内经的不足,成为后 世指导临床实践的理论基础。 The Canon on Medical Problems is rich in content, supplementing what the Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine lacks and serving as the theoretical basis for the clinical practice of the latter generations 6.阴常有余,阳常不足。 Yang is frequently in excess while yin is often in deficiency 7.温病是研究四时温病的发生发展规律以及其诊治 方法的一门临床学科。 Epedemic febrile disease is a clinical specialty concentrating on the study of the occurrence , developing tendency , diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases in the four seasons. 8.中医在其长期的发展过程中,形成了各家学说In its long course of development, TCM has developed into various schools of theories. 9.内伤脾胃,百病由生。 The interior impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about the occurrence of various diseases. 10.中药不但包含有草药,而且包含有矿物药和动物 药等。 Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinal herbs but also minerals and animal parts. 1.中医学在其形成过程中受到了古代唯物论和辩证 法思想的深刻影响。 During the long course of its development and practice , tradition Chinese medicine has been under the influence of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics. 2.中医学认为,世界是物质的,是阴阳二气相互作 用的结果 Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the world is material and is the result of the interaction of yin and yang 3.天地合气,命之曰人 The existence of human beings depends on the interaction between the celestial qi and terrestrial qi 4.中医学认为精气是生命的本原物质,这种精气先 身而生,具有遗传性 According to tradition Chinese medicine, essence is the essential substance for life. Such an essential substance exists prior to the formation of the body and is hereditary 5.父母之精气相合,形成胚胎发育的原始物质The combination of the parental essence is the primary substance for the formation of fetus 人体各组织器官共处于统一体中,不论在生理上还 是在病理上都是相互联系相互影响的All the tissues and organs in the human body are in a unity which associate with each other and influence each other both physiologically and pathologically 疾病是可以认识的,也是可以防治的 Diseases are cognizable, preventable and curable. 治病必须抓住疾病的根本矛盾,即所谓的治病必求 于本The treatment of disease must focus on the root cause. That is what “the treatment of disease must concentrate on the principal aspect “ means 寒者热之,热者寒之,虚者补之,实者泻之 Cold disease should be treated by warm therapy, while febrile disease should be treated by cold therapy, deficiency syndrome should be treated by supplementing therapy, while excess syndrome should be treated by purgative therapy 人是自然界的一个组成部分,并与自然界有着密切 的联系 Human being is one of the components in nature and keeps close relationship with nature 人的生命活动过程就是人体阴阳对立双方在不断地 矛盾运动中取得统一的过程 The process of life activity is a course in which yin and yang in the human body realize unity after constant contradictory movement 1.中医理论体系的基本特点就是整体观念和辨证论 治TCM is characterized by the concept of organic wholeness and treatment based on syndrome differentiation. 2.中医学认为人体是一个有机的整体 Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the human body is an organic whole. 3.人体各组成部分在功能上相互为用,在病理上相 互影响The components of human body functionally depend on each other and pathologically affect each other 4.整体观念贯穿于中医生理病理诊法辩证和治疗的 各个方面 The concept of holism permeates through all the fields in TCM, including physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment. 5.人体某一局部区域内的病理变化往往与全身脏腑 气血阴阳的盛衰有关 The pathological changes in certain part or region of the human body are usually related to the conditions of viscera, qi and blood as well as yin and yang in the whole body 6.人体内部脏腑的虚实气血的盛衰和津液的盈亏都 可呈现于舌The condition of the viscera, qi , blood and body fluid all can be manifested over the tongue 7.心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里 The heart opens into the tongue and is exteriorly and interiorly related to the small intestine 8.人与天地相应 The human beings are in correspondence with the universe 9.春夏脉多浮大,秋冬脉多沉小 In the spring and summer, the pulse appears floating and large, while in the autumn and winter, the pulse appears deep and small 10.人体阳气白天多趋于表,夜晚多趋于里 The yang-qi in the human body tends to flow in the exterior in daytime and in the interior at night

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