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选题人:张妮赵春慧审题人:孔艳2014. 9.7 一.单选题

1. — How do you find the town you visited yesterday?

— The town has changed out of all ______ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.

A. realization

B. description

C. expression

D. recognition

2. I _____ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products

A. make

B. look

C. take

D. think

3. Nelson Mandela’s fellow campaigner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said Mr. Mandela was ―not only an amazing gift to humankind, but he also made South Africans and Africans feel good about being

_______ we are. He made us walk tall.‖

A. what

B. where

C. when

D. who

4. _____ to be a manager, the young engineer is thinking about fresh approaches to____ their new products.

A. Promoting; promoted

B. Promoted; promoted

C. Promoted; promoting

D. Promoting; promoting

5. The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, it is almost compulsory that you

______ optimistic.

A. be

B. need to be

C. will be

D. shall be

6. Though your status is permanent, your identification card is temporary only for 20 years and has to be ___________regularly.

A. renewed

B. registered

C. restored

D. resigned

7.When asked what they would volunteer to do, __________ said they were willing to help the children from poor families.

A. half of them

B. half of whom

C. half of what

D. half of which

8. Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are ________ that can’t be bought with money.

A. these

B. those

C. ones

D. some

9. The Internet, first invented in 1969, ____ possible the communication between people all over the world.

A. made it

B. was made

C. was made it

D. made

10. ---- ____ the woman with baby come over? We have a seat.

---- Thank you, sir. Actually I do have my seat here, but my baby likes to look out of the window.

A. Must

B. Shall

C. May

D. Would

11. ______ important we may regard school life to be, parents have a great influence on their children because they spend more time at home than in the classroom.

A. Since

B. Although

C. As

D. However

12. — I thought Mr. Black would say something about the mid-term examination.

— So did I, but he ______ a word of it.

A. doesn’t say

B. didn’t say

C. hasn’t said

D. hadn’t said

14. ---Oh, how depressed! I’m bound to lose to him in tomorrow’s competition.

---Cheer up! In fact, he is _________ than you.

A. not more nervous

B. no more nervous

C. no less nervous

D. a little less nervous

15. While our city tries impatiently to change its appearance by tearing down old buildings, more and more citizens are suggesting ways to preserve the________ important architecture.

A. partly

B. historically

C. originally

D. apparently


Dear listeners,

Each month on Instagram, we suggest a photo assignment for our project Public Square. For this month’s assignm ent, we wanted to see your commute(通勤,上下班) —that perfectly average and ordinary part of the day that many of us share and 16 you to find beauty in it. Many of you rose to the 17 . And one photo 18 had a special story.

Amateur photographer Jabali Sawicki commutes by 19 from Brooklyn into New York’s Penn Station every morning. But on a recent return trip home he noticed something 20 with the assignment in mind:

―It was 21 all of New York City had vanished into the background,‖ he says. ―All the noise and chaos of the subway and commute had 22 . And all that was left was a mother and her son 23 .‖Sawicki captured the 24 , shared it, and then likely forgot about it.

The mother, it turns out, was Megan Freund, who commutes every day with her young son, Eli. Eli goes to day care near where his mother works as a teacher.

Shortly thereafter, Freund was scrolling through some of the Instagram commute photos we 25 here, when she saw the picture Sawicki had taken 26 her and her son on the train: ―I started crying 27 I was so overwhelmed,‖ she says. ―He’s sort of curled up next to me and I’m reading him a book about dinosaurs, actually, my father had given to me when I was 8 years old for Christmas. It was pretty 28 that somebody had noticed that moment.‖

She left a comment on the blog and also left a comment 29 Sawicki on Instagram.

―I probably read it four times30 I realized what was happening,‖ he says. ―The fact that 31 miraculously she had found this picture and that it 32 so much to her.‖

He mailed a 33 of the photo to Freund.

―It’s a really nice 34 ,‖ says Freund, ―especially when the days are long, the commutes are long ... we’re so fortunate to have this time together.‖

The photo is available on Instagram under the title ―Giving the gift of reading.‖, displaying a magical moment between mother and son. It may seem like just another subway ride, but with a book and a(n) 35 , the adventures are limitless.

Keep an eye out for the next Public Square assignment on Instagram!

16. A. inspired B. challenged C. demonstrated D. illustrated

17. A. occasion B. situation C. circumstance D. atmosphere

18. A. in general B. in part C. in the first place D. in particular

19. A. bus B. subway C. trolley D. ferry

20. A. different B. outstanding C. agreeable D. essential

21. A. as for B. as if C. as of D. as to

22. A. died off B. died out C. died down D. died hard

23 A. drawing B. reading C. arguing D. negotiating

24. A. moment B. horizon C. spot D. target

25. A. applied B. regulated C. posted D. attached

26. A. of B. in C. to D. on

27 A. but B. if C. because D. though

28 A. considerable B. terminal C. principal D. incredible

29. A. thanking B. relieving C. applauding D. exclaiming

30. A. since B. before C. while D. instantly

31 A. someway B. somewhat C. somehow D. somewhere

32. A. evaluated B. meant C. stimulated D. touched

33. A. passage B. piece C. package D. print

34. A. reward B. reminder C. reference D. recommendation

35. A. creation B. tradition C. communication D. imagination



The power of humor and laugher is numerous. They entertain us and make us feel good. But,

above all, we have discovered that humor and laughter are the best medicine. They relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and are anti-aging and longevity facilitators(促进者).

They are extremely necessary for helping us to find and maintain a balance between life and work. However, they are slipping away from us. We have become far too serious. The only ones who still enjoy humor, laughter, fun and play to the fullest are young children. Children tend to laugh an average of 200 times a day. For adults, however, it is a totally different story.

In the 1950s people laughed on average 18 times a day. Today, we are lucky if we average between 4-6 times a day.

As a matter of fact, a recent study found that people laugh 6 more times in the presence of one person but 30 more times in a group of people. You can get a chuckle(咯咯笑) from jokes you get on the Internet, but it is not the same as belly jiggling laughter (a deep laugh) you get when you interact with others.

Socializing(交际) with friends and relatives was much looked forward to. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, the majority of people can hardly find time, nor do they have the inclination towards socializing outside home. They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs, and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.

The workplace does not fare(进展) much better. Due to the pressures to produce more in the same or fewer hours available and to compete, for example, in a manufacturing field with cheaper labor elsewhere in the world, humor and laughter in the workplace have gradually eroded(逐渐毁坏)away.

I have developed a real appreciation, perhaps closer to a strong desire for the power of humor and laughter. This encouraged me to write my first book titled ―The Power of Humor‖ and subsequently my second book titled ―Kids Say the Goggonest Things‖ base d on the natural humor, laughter, play and fun that kids experience and they freely share with parents, grandparents and teachers.

From writing about humor and laughter, people start to ask me to speak up for them. To date, I have developed a number of humor-laughter topics that I use in my keynote presentations. You are invited to subscribe to my free monthly e-magazine ―The Humormeister’s Forum‖ by clicking on the Free Humor E-zine navigation button on the website.

36. According to the author, laughter is leaving us partly because ________.

A. the pace of change in our lives is becoming faster

B. we fail to reflect on fun times in our lives

C. we treat everything in a serious way

D. humor of situations lies beneath

37. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A. researchers have made a new discovery about the effect of laughter

B. people laugh more heartily when spending time with others

C. we can entertain ourselves with the help of the Internet

D. getting a deep laugh nowadays is difficult

38. The underlined word ―inclination‖ in Paragraph 5 most probably means ―________‖.

A. destination

B. tendency

C. attitude

D. approach

39. Which of the following articles can we most probably find in ―The Humormeister’s Forum‖?

A. The power of honesty.

B. Don’t be your own worst enemy.

C. Live life purposefully: The relationship within.

D. Funny Christmas stories to share with your loved ones.


Learning a foreign language is never easy --- but it’s a lot harder if you f all into these five common snares.(陷阱)

1. Not listening enough

There’s a school of linguistics(语言学)that believes language learning begins with a ―silent period‖. Just as babies learn to produce a language by hearing and repeating sounds, language learners need to practice listening in order to learn. This can improve learned vocabulary and structures and help learners see patterns in language.

2. Lack of curiosity

In language learning, attitude can be a key factor in how a student progresses.

Linguists studied attitude in language learning in the 1970s in Quebec, Canada, when tension was high between Anglophones (English-speaking people) and Francophones (French-speaking people). The study found that Anglophones holding prejudices against French Canadians often did poorly in French language learning, even after studying French for years as a mandatory school subject. On the other hand, culturally curious students will be more receptive to the language and more open to forming relationships with native speakers.

3. Rigid thinking

Linguists have found that students with a low tolerance of ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning. Language learning involves a lot of uncertainty –students will encounter new vocabulary daily, and for each grammar rule there will be a dialectic exception or irregular verb. Until native-like fluency is achieved, there will always be some level of ambiguity.

Learner who see a new word and reaches for the dictionary instead of guessing the meaning according to the context may feel stressed. Eventually, they might quit their language studies out of frustration.

4. A single method

Some learners are most comfortable with the listen-and-repeat drills of a language lab or podcast. Some need a grammar textbook to make sense of a foreign tongue. Each of these approaches is fine, but it’s a mistake to rely on only one.

Language learners who use multiple methods get to practise different skills and see concepts explained in different ways. What’s more, the variety can keep them from getting stuck in a learning rut (老一套).

5. __________

It doesn’t matter how well a person can write in foreign script, conjugate a verb, or finish a vocabulary test. To learn, improve, and truly use your target language, we need to speak. This is the stage when language students can clam up, and feelings of shyness or insecurity hinder all their hard work. In Eastern cultures where saving face is a strong social value, EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. They’re too afraid of bun gling the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would embarrass them.

40. The author mentions Anglophones and Francophones in order to show ________.

A. Canada is a mixed country.

B. interest in language learning is important

C. there is competition between Anglophones and Francophones

D. Anglophones held prejudices against Francophones

41. Learners with a curiosity in foreign cultures _________.

A. need a grammatical rules to understand a foreign language

B. are more willing to get exposed to relationships with native speakers

C. are not afraid of making pronunciation mistakes

D. would like to pracitse listening in order to achieve fluency

42. Which of the following can be used to fill in the blank?

A. Ignorance of cultural differences

B. Incorrect pronunciation

C. Improper use of language

D. Great fear for embarrassment

43. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this text?

A. To present the recent study on language learning

B. To explain why the five mistakes happen

C. To give us some advice on language learning

D. To offer some tips on self-study


I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George

the Third, in that part of his realm known as the province of North Carolina.

The cabin smelt very strongly of corn-pone and bacon, and the odor of pelts. It had two shakedowns(临时床铺), on one of which I slept under a bearskin. A rough stone chimney was raised outside, and the fireplace was as long as my father was tall. There was a crane in it, and a bake kettle; and over it great buckhorns held my father’s rifle when it was not in use. On other horns hung jerked bear’s meat and venison hams, and gourds for drinking cups, and bags of seed, and my father’s best hunting shirt; also, in a neglected corner, several articles of woman’s clothing. These once belonged to my mother. Among them was a gown of silk, of a fine, faded pattern, which I always wondered. The women at the Cross-Roads, twelve miles away, were dressed in coarse butternut wool and huge sunbonnets. But when I questioned my father on these matters he would give me no answers.

My father was—how shall I say what he was? To this day I can only surmise many things of him. He was a Scotchman born, and I know now that he had a slight Scotch accent. At the time of which I write, my early childhood, he was a frontiersman and hunter. I can see him now, with his hunting shirt and leggins (绑腿) and moccasins(莫卡辛鞋); his powder horn, engraved with wondrous scenes; his bullet pouch and tomahawk and hunting knife. He was a tall, lean man with a strange, sad face. And he talked little except when he drank too many ―horns,‖ as they were called in t hat country. These little bad behaviors of my father’s were a permanent source of wonder to me—and, I must say, of delight. They occurred only when a passing traveler who hit his fancy chanced that way, or, what was almost as rare, a neighbor. Many a winter night I have lain awake under the skins, listening to a flow of language that held me spellbound, though I understood scarce a word of it.

―Virtuous(有德行的) and vicious(罪恶的) every man must be,

Few in the extreme, but all in a degree.‖

The chance neighbor or traveler was no less struck with wonder. And many the time have I heard the query, at the Cross-Roads and elsewhere, ―Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’?‖

44. The mention of the dress in the second paragraph is most likely meant to _____.

A. show the similarity between its owner and other members of the community

B. show how warm the climate was

C. show the dissimilarity between its owner and other members of the community

D. give us insight into the way most of the women of the region dressed

45. Judging by the sentences surrounding it, the underlined word ―surmise‖ in the third paragraph most nearly means _____.

A. to form a negative opinion

B. to praise

C. to desire

D. to guess

46. Why did the narrator enjoy it when his father drank too many ―horns,‖ or drafts of liquor?

A. The father spoke brilliantly at those times.

B. The boy was then allowed to do as he pleased.

C. These were the only times when the father was not abusive.

D. The boy was allowed to sample the drink himself.

47.What is the meaning of the lines of verse (诗句) quoted in the passage?

A. Men who pretend to be virtuous are actually vicious.

B. Moderate amounts of virtuousness and viciousness are present in all men.

C. Virtuous men cannot also be vicious.

D. Whether men are virtuous or vicious depends on the difficulty of their circumstances.


Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor of the apartment building. For years, he had always been planning to paint a work of art, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists who could not pay for a professional model. He was a fierce, little, old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him.

Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas (画布) that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf on the old ivy vine(常青藤) climbing hopelessly up the outside block wall.

Old Behrman was angered at such an idea. "Are there people in the world with the foolishness to die because leaves drop off a vine? Why do you let that silly business come in her brain?"

"She is very sick and weak," said Sue, "and the disease has left her mind full of strange ideas."

"This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick," yelled Behrman. "Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away."

Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window. She and Behrman went into the other room. They looked out a window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other without speaking. A cold rain was falling, mixed with snow.

The next morning, Sue awoke after an hour's sleep. She found Johnsy with wide-open eyes staring at the covered window. "Pull up the shade; I want to see," she ordered, quietly. Sue obeyed.

After the beating rain and fierce wind that blew through the night, there yet stood against the wall one ivy leaf. It was the last one on the vine. It was still dark green at the center. But its edges were colored with the yellow. It hung bravely from the branch about seven meters above the ground.

"It is the last one," said Johnsy. "I thought it would surely fail during the night. I heard the wind. It will fall today and I shall die at the same time."

"Dear, dear!" said Sue, leaning her worn face down toward the bed. "Think of me, if you won't think of yourself. What would I do?" But Johnsy did not answer.

The next morning, when it was light, Johnsy demanded that the window shade be raised. The ivy leaf was still there. Johnsy lay for a long time, looking at it. And then she called to Sue, who was preparing chicken soup.

"I've been a bad girl," said Johnsy. "Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how bad I was. It is wrong to want to die. You may bring me a little soup now."

An hour later she said: "someday I hope to paint the Bay of Naples."

Later in the day, the doctor came, and Sue talked to him in the hallway. "Even chances. With good care, you'll win," said the doctor. "And now I must see another case I have in your building. Behrman, whose name is some kind of an artist, I believe, has Pneumonia (肺炎), too. He is an old, weak man and his case is severe. There is no hope for him, but he goes to the hospital today to ease his pain."

The next day, the doctor said to Sue:" She's out of danger. You won. Nutrition and care now –that's all."

Later that day, Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay, and put one arm around her. "I have something to tell you, white mouse," she said, "Mister Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. He was sick only two days. They found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain. His shoes and clothing were completely wet and icy cold. They could not imagine where he had been on such a terrible night.

―And then they found a lantern, still lighted, and a ladder that had been moved from its place. And art supplies and a painting board with green and yellow colors mixed on it.

―Look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it is Behrman's masterpiece – he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell."

48. We can learn from the first two paragraphs that Behrman ________.

A. was ambitious and always wanted to paint a masterpiece

B. didn’t have any works and was a failure in art

C. was protective of the two girls but mostly sensitive and fierce.

D. was a professional model waiting for his great opportunity.

49. What was in Johnsy's mind all the time when she was very sick?

A. The old ivy leaves have little to do with my getting well.

B. When the last leaf falls from the ivy vine I must go.

C. I am such a bad girl as to make everything messy.

D. Sue must feel lonely if I’m not with her.

50. One can safely assume after reading the story that _____.

A. the relationship between the two girls was based on material comfort

B. Behrman was infected with Pneumonia by Johnsy

C. Behrman showed great sympathy for the two youth

D. Johnsy knew clearly why Behrman painted the ivy leaf for her.

51. What does the underlined part "Even chances" suggest?

A. The doctor indicated that Johnsy was sure to die.

B. The doctor thought that they should let her go.

C. The doctor believed that Johnsy had every chance of recovery.

D. The doctor put her chances at fifty-fifty.

52. When Johnsy said she had been a bad girl, she meant that _____.

A. asking for death was not right

B. she deserved more severe punishment

C. she should never forget about her dream

D. she was ashamed not to be able to support the other two

53. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Behrman’s Masterpiece

B. The Last Ivy Leaf

C. Kind-hearted Behrman

D. A Life-saving Painting


Plastic cards are growing in popularity with increased demands in the advertising and marketing industry. Plastic cards are powerful tools that help connect an individual to civilization. These cards serve as an attractive promotional method by which one can reflect the business services and help represent an individual or a company uniquely and professionally. They are used as a channel of exchanging information quickly and effectively.

A new and more exciting way of offering a gift is in the form of gift cards. These types of plastic cards are a pleasure to receive and actually help a business to increase its sales. Gift cards offer a certain amount of money with which the recipients can shop from that business according to their preferences. The freedom to select one’s own gift makes these plastic cards a joy to use. They are also a great way to bring smiles at a pocket friendly cost.

Loyalty cards(会员积分卡) will help you keep your customers as possible customers. Many businesses worldwide are using these cards to record information about what their customers buy and reward them for buying goods or services. Loyalty plastic cards can range from punch cards (a medium for feeding data into a computer) to track and reward point cards. Plastic card printing companies can provide help on which type of loyalty card you prefer and can make better use of.

Another use of plastic cards is confirming membership in an organization. These types of cards can help connect tangible(实际的) features to organizations. A membership card is used to reflect that the customer is an officially valued individual of the business and therefore is fit for special discounts and services offered by that business. Membership cards look great and instantly make the customer feel valued. These plastic cards also help promote repeated business.

Plastic cards also take the form of ID cards. ID cards are basically used for identification and security purpose s. The cards should have a person’s photographs along with his name, age and contact number. The best benefit of ID cards is the fact that they will ensure proper document processing while fighting fraudulent(欺诈的) and criminal practices. For example, many companies require that you provide them with your identity card when it comes to a job application. This assists the company in


1.______ to the stadium for the concert are only the ticket holders, who are crazy about Jay Chou’s songs. (admit)

2.______________of danger in the street at night, she had to go home with a friend _________ her.(convince; accompany)

3.Young children ___________(age) 4 or below and ____________(weigh) less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.

4.With a large amount of work ____________(remain) ________________(do), the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday.

5.All of us have read thrilling stories in which the heroes have only a limited time to live. Such stories set us _________(think), ________(wonder) what we should do under similar circumstances. 6.Most tennis courts ________ (equip的形式) with lights, many people often play after dusk. 7.Misunderstandings _________(arise) from lack of social communication, unless properly ___________(handle), may lead to serious problems.

8.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he ____________(focus) more on its culture.

9.____________(expose) to loud noises in this work shop without a special helmet for some time will have one’s hearing harmed.

10.The big fire in Shanghai, believed __________________(occur) due to the burning of construction materials, caused 58 deaths and destroyed all the belongings of the people there.



四年级语文周周练 1 一温故知新 1 乘风()浪引人()目()山遍野相()为命 ()重其事不知不() 2比一比,再写出几个这样的词语: (1)一瞬间一眨眼一刹那 (2)立刻顿时马上 3填数字,组成词语: ()马当先()龙戏珠()心二意()通八达 ()神无主()上八下()仙过海()死一生 4先补全成语,再根据所填内容完成练习题: ()()()()()()()()()() 手落依珍人梁东木阔连 起西不海皆美狮三天忘 家山舍味知梦吼分空返 所填字连起来是“,”。这是诗人《》中的诗句。 二新知链接 1 成语积累 ()()动听身()临其境()然而止引人入()年近()稀 河畔()坡无心插()()成荫十年树(),百年树()插()之恩终()难忘有教无()因()施教远近()名严谨()重和颜()色 反复叮()()堂大笑 (1)引人进入佳境(指风景或文章等)。() (2)形容声音突然中止。() (3)亲身面临那种境地。() 2 连一连 古稀跟老师学习 归里弟子 桃李七十岁 受业回家 3 按要求改写句子 田老师把每篇课文都改编成一个引人入胜的故事。 改成“被”字句: 孩子把自己打扮得很漂亮。 改成比喻句: 4 根据字义组成词语 资智慧,能力。 帮助。 财物。

专项练习 错别字的辨别 1 改正下列词语中的错别字 按装机器()精心不置()大声喝采()鲜艳夺木() 一口同声()跳望远方()赞不决口()侧耳顷听() 2 选择恰当的字,填在括号里组成词语 晾凉元原付腐峡狭析折 ()爽()来豆()()长分() 悔诲晌响僵疆拉垃检捡弧孤 教()半()冻()()圾()查()单3 改正下列句子中的错别字 (1)讲台上放着一只漂亮的刚笔。() (2 ) 杭州的风景正是太谜人了。() (3)服装电里的衣服各式各样,让人眼睛都看华了。()(4)我用劲了力汽才把那张课桌班走。() 4 用横线画出下列语段中的错别字,并在错别字下加以改正。 令天突然冷了起来,妈妈丛相子里翻出一件旧棉衣让我穿上。我不原意。在妈妈得说服叫育下,我中于穿上哪件棉衣哼着哥儿上学去了。 阅读练习 老街 在柳江镇的北门,有一条街,人们都叫它“老街”。在这里,我度过了幸福的童年。 我清楚地记得,这里原来是个喧闹、拥挤的居民区。一条长长的、狭窄的、七高八低的小巷,居住着六七十户人家,整天有嘈杂的声音,没有安静的时刻。可是,住在这里的人都很团结,一方有难,八方帮助,人与人之间亲亲热热。这里的人们和睦相处,尤其是晚上,串串门,拉拉家常,亲如一家。 我小时候就生长在这样的环境里,我爱这个地方,爱这里淳朴善良的人们,因为这里在我幼小的心灵中留下了美好的记忆。 不过现在,你到老街去,再也找不到长长的巷,找不到拥挤的小屋了。一座座高楼拔地而起,幽静代替了喧闹。在十幢大楼的中心,有一座大花坛,花坛里开着美丽的鲜花,长着嫩绿的小草。变了!变了!一切都变了!早晨,人们骑着自行车,迎着第一缕晨光,奔向各自的工作岗位,开始新的一天的劳作。环境变了,就连老街小商店的营业员的态度也变了。他们总是笑容满面地接待顾客,顾客有什么要求,他们尽量满足,而且送货上门呢! 啊!老街!你变了,变得那么可爱!高楼大厦显示你的富有,花草树木增添你的美丽,勤劳的人们使你感到自豪。 1、联系短文内容,说说下面的词语的意思。 嘈杂:__________和睦:___________


六年级语文下册第一周周练测试题(人教版) 六年级语文第一周周练试卷给下列带点字选择正确的读音。思援弓缴(jiǎo zhuó)而射之。为(wéi wèi)是其智弗若与(yú yǔ yù)。孰为(wéi wèi)汝(nǔ rǔ)多知乎?及日中则如盘盂(yú yù)。一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄(hào hú)将至。辨字组词。弈()诲()辩()孰()恋()晦()辨()熟()解释带点的字,并翻译句子。思援弓缴而射之。援:_____缴:_____之:_____句意:___________________________为是其智弗若与?为:_____弗:_____句意:___________________ 3 孰为汝多知乎?孰:_____汝:_____句意:__________________ 4弈秋,通国之善弈者也。之:____句意:___________________ 5 一人虽听之之:_________句意:___________________ 6 此不为远者小而近者大乎?为:_____句意:___________________四、我能按要求写句子。 1、我在上海大世界的露天剧场里看杂技表演。(缩句) ______________________ 2、我何曾留着游丝样的痕迹呢?(改成陈述句)______________________ 3、种树人说:“我浇水只是模仿老天下雨,但老天什么时候下雨我是算不准的。”(改成转述句) _______________ 4、时间过得很快。(改成比喻句) ______________________ 5、小树在微风中摆动。(改成拟人句) ______________________ 6、这本书我整整用了差不多两天的时间才看完。(修改病句)______________________ 五、对《两小儿辩日》一文理解不恰当的一项是()。 A、要敢于对自然现象进行探求和质疑。 B、宇宙无限,知识无涯,学无止境,即使是知识广博的圣人也会有所不知。 C、要敢于否定一切大学问者,不迷信权威。 D、观察事物要注意本质,不要被表面现象所迷惑,也不能以偏概全。六阅读《两小儿辩日》填空。《两小儿辩日》选自_________。故事体现了两小儿_________和孔子_________的态度。孔子是我国古代著名的___家___家___家。我


1 物理周练试卷(一) 一、选择题(48分)(1-8为单选题,9-12为多项选择题,选不全的得2分,错选得0分) 1、对加速度的理解,下列说法正确的是 A .加速度增大,速度可能减少 B .速度变化量V 越大,加速度就越大 C .物体有加速度,速度就增大 D .物体速度很大,加速度可能为零 2、如图示是甲、乙两物体做直线运动的v -t 图象.下列表述正确的是 A .乙做匀速直线运动 B .0~1 s 内甲和乙的位移相等 C .甲和乙的加速度方向相同 D .甲的加速度比乙的大 3、受斜向上的恒定拉力作用,物体在粗糟水平面上做匀速直线运动,说法正确的 A .拉力在竖直方向的分量一定大于重力 B .拉力在竖直方向的分量一定等于重力 C .拉力在水平方向的分量一定大于摩擦力 D .拉力在水平方向的分量一定等于摩擦力 4、如图物体静止于光滑水平面M 上,力F 作用于物体O 点,现要使物体沿着OO ′方向做加速运动(F 和OO ′都在M 水平面内).那么必须同时再加一个力F ′,这个力的最小值是 A. F B. F sin θ C. F cos θ D. F tan θ 5、如图嫦娥一号探月卫星在由地球飞向月球时,沿曲线从M 点向N 点飞行的过程中,速度逐渐减小,在此过程中探月卫星所受合力的方向可能的是

2 / 8 6、用轻弹簧竖直悬挂质量为m 的物体,静止时弹簧伸长量为L 。现用该弹簧沿斜面方向拉住质里为2m 的物体,系统静止时弹簧伸长量也为L 。斜面倾角为30 °,则物体所受摩擦力 A .等干零 B .大小为1 2mg ,方向沿斜面向下 C .大小为3 2mg ,方向沿斜面向上 D . 大小为mg ,方向沿斜面向上 7、在水平地面上运动的小车车厢底部有一质量为m 1的木块,木块和车厢通过一根轻 质弹簧相连接,弹簧的劲度系数为k 。在车厢的顶部用一根细线悬挂一质量为m 2的小球。某段时间内发现细线与竖直方向的夹角为θ,在这段时间内木块与车厢保持相对静止,如图所示。不计木块与车厢底部的摩擦力,则在这段时间内弹簧的形变为 A .伸长量为 1tan m g k θ B .压缩量为 1tan m g k θ C .伸长量为 1tan m g k θ D .压缩量为 1tan m g k θ 8、物体沿斜面由静止滑下,在水平面上滑行一段距离后停止,物体与斜面和水平面间的动摩擦因数相同,斜面与水平平滑连接。图乙中v 、a 、f 和s 分别表示物体速度大小、加速度大小、摩擦力大小和路程图正确的是


图 2 山西省晋中市和诚中学2021-2022高二物理下学期周练一 时间 60分钟 满分 100分 一、选择题(每题4分,共60分) 1、欲增大交流发电机的感应电动势而不改变频率,下面措施中不能采用的是( ) A .增大转速 B .增大磁感应强度 C .增加线圈匝数 D .增大线圈的包围面积 2.(多选)一个矩形线圈在匀强磁场中匀角速转动,产生交变电动势的瞬时表达式为e = 102sin 4 t ,则( ) A .该交变电动势的频率为2 Hz B .零时刻线圈平面与磁场垂直 C .t =0.25 s 时,e 达到最大值 D .在1 s 时间内,线圈中电流方向改变100次 3.我国家庭照明电路电压瞬时值可表示为( ) A .u =380 sin 3.14t V B .u =311 sin 314t V C .u =220 sin 314t V D .u =36 sin 0.02t V 4.(多选)一交变电流的图象如图1所示,由图可知( ) A .用交流电流表测该电流,示数为10 A B .该交变电流的频率为100 Hz C .该交变电流的有效值为102A D .该交变电流瞬时值为i =102sin 628t 5.如图2所示,正弦交流电压U 的最大值为311V ,负载电阻为100 Ω,若不考虑电表内阻对电路的影响,则交流电流表和电压表的读数分别为( ) A .2.2 A 311 V B .3.1 A 311 V C .2.2 A 220 V D .3.1 A 220 V 6.某电热器接在36 V 直流电源上正常工作,功率为P 。若接到u =36 sin ωt V 交流电源两极间,电热器的电阻不变,则它的功率为( ) A .P B . 2 2 P C . 2 1 P D . 4 1P 7.在电工和电子技术中使用的扼流圈有两种:低频扼流圈和高频扼流圈。它们的区别在于( ) A .低频扼流圈的自感系数较大 B .高频扼流圈的自感系数较大 C .低频扼流圈能有效地阻碍低频交变电流,但不能阻碍高频交变电流 图1


塔山中学高2016级第二学期周练 语文试题 (全卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。) 1.下列加线字读音完全正确的一项是 A、匪我愆.(qiān)期白头偕.(jiē)老尔卜尔筮.(shì) 淇水汤汤.(shāng) B、体无咎.(jiù)言夙.(sù)兴夜寐渐.(jiàn)车帷裳雨雪霏.(fēi)霏 C、将.(qiāng)子无怒象弭.(mǐ)鱼服小人所腓.(féi) 四牡.(mǔ)业业 D、不遑.(huáng)启处忧心孔疚.(jiù) 自我徂.(cú)尔于.(yú)嗟女兮2.下列各句中无词类活用的一项是 A、夙兴夜寐,靡有朝矣。 B、昔我往矣,杨柳依依。 C、四牡翼翼,象弭鱼服。 D、今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 3.各句的加线字的解释有误的一项是 A、总角之宴,言笑晏晏。宴:形容词,快乐。 B、我戍未定,靡使归聘。聘:动词,访问,探问。 C、忧心烈烈,载饥载渴。载:动词,承载。 D、君子所依,小人所腓。腓:动词,遮蔽。 4.对下列词语的意义和用法判断正确的一项是 (1)以.见复关以.尔车来,以我贿迁(2)二三其.德吾其.还也 A、两个“以”字相同,两个“其”字也相同 B、两个“以”字相同,两个“其”字不同。 C、两个“以”字不同,两个“其”字相同。 D、两个“以”字不同,两个“其”字也不同。 5.比较下边句子加点词语的意思,判断正确的一组是 ①言.既遂矣,至于暴矣②静言.思之,躬自悼矣 ③信誓旦旦,不思其反.④反.是不思,亦已焉哉 A.①与②意思相同,③与④意思相同 B.①与②意思相同,③与④意思不相同C.①与②意思不相同,③与④意思相同 D.①与②意思不相同,③与④意思不相同6.对一、四两段诗歌内容和手法的说明,下面错误的一项是 A.第一段写的是古代青年男女的求婚经过:氓诚恳求婚,“我”热情相送。 B.从第一段看,古代青年男女恋爱是讲究媒妁之言的,没有媒人恋爱是非法的。 C.第四段写的是婚后“我”遭遗弃的情况:氓家庭贫寒,遭受水灾,“我”被遗弃。D.第四段在表现手法上运用了托物起兴的方式,由桑叶变黄引起并比喻氓的变心。 7.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 A.中国的核工业起步晚,但是青出于蓝 ....,现在已经跻身于世界先进行列了。

英语试题 高三第一次周练

2018-2019学年度高三上学期英语测试卷 第 I 卷 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Maria Sibylla Merian Until the 1670s, scientists thought that caterpillars and butterflies were two totally different creatures. Thanks to Maria Sibylla Merian, we know the truth about these winged insects. She began collecting, studying, and drawing them when she was 13. She was one of the few naturalists of her time to actually study live insects. It was through her study of caterpillars that she discovered the truth about their life cycles. Lucy Stone If you know a woman who keeps her own surname after marriage, she is continuing a tradition started by Lucy Stone. She initially changed her name, but decided to change it back a year later. She held the belief that "a wife should no more take her husband's name than he should hers." She became the first American married woman to keep her own family name for her entire life. Both she and her husband also fought the popular idea that husbands had legal control over their wives. Nellie Bly. Famous journalist Nellie Bly, was born in 1864 in Pennsylvania. When a Pittsburgh Dispatch journalist wrote an article claiming that working women were unacceptable. Bly wrote an argument that got her a job offer from the paper, Pittsburgh Dispatch. In her most famous assignment, she spent ten days living in a mental institution to expose the conditions the patients faced. Alice Coachman Alice Coachman was the first African-American woman to win Olympic gold. She grew up in Georgia, where prejudice prevented her from joining sports teams. So she trained on her own. Finally, Coachman competed in the 1948 Games in London, where she not only won a gold medal but set a record in the high jump. 21. What’s Maria Sibylla Merian’s contribution? A. She studied and drew live insects. B. She was the first woman to study insects. C. She found out the life cycles of caterpillars. D. She discovered the truth of several winged insects. 22. What can we know about Lucy Stone according to Paragraph 2? A. She never changed her family name all her life. B. She asked her husband to take her name.


高三物理周练 一、单选题(本大题共8小题,共32.0分) 1.如图是倾角45°的斜坡,在斜坡底端P点正上方某一位置Q处以速度V0水平向左抛出一个小球A,小球恰好能垂直落在斜坡上,运动时间为t1,小 球B从同一点Q处自由下落,下落到P点的时间为t2,不计空 气阻力,则t1:t2等于 A. 1:2 B. 1:√3 C. 1:3 D. 1:√2 2.A,B,C三物体在水平转台,它们与台面的动摩擦因数相同,质量之比为3∶2∶1,与转轴的距离之比为1∶2∶3,当转台以角速度ω旋转时它们均无滑动,它们受到的静摩擦力的大小关系是() A. f A=f Cf B>f C C. f Af C 3.质量为m的小球A和质量为M的物块B用跨过光滑定滑轮的细线连接,物块B放在倾角为θ的固定斜面体C上,当用手托住A球,细线张力为零 时,物块B刚好不下滑.将小球A拉至细线与竖直方向夹角为 θ的位置由静止释放,小球摆到最低点时,物块B刚好不上滑, 最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,不计空气阻力,sinθ=0.6, cosθ=0.8.则m M 为 A. 6 7B. 3 4 C. 5 6 D. 2 3 4.如图三颗卫星a、b、c绕地球做匀速圆周运动的示意图,其中卫 星b和c都在半径为r的轨道上,a是同步卫星,此时卫星a和b恰好相距最近,已知地球的质量为M,地球自转的角速度为ω,引力常量为G,则() A. 卫星b的周期小于24h B. 卫星b和c的机械能相等 C. 卫星a和b下一次相距最近还需时间t= ω?√GM r3 D. 卫星a的动能较大 5.一个质量为1kg的小球竖直向上抛出,最终落回抛出点,假如小球所受空气阻力大小恒定,该过程的位移一时间图象如图所示,g=10m/s2,下列说法正确的是() A. 小球抛出时的速度为12m/s B. 小球上升和下落的时间之比为2:√3 C. 小球落回到抛出点时所受合力的功率为64√6W D. 小球上升过程的机械能损失大于下降过程的机械能损失 6.如图所示,弹簧的一端固定,另一端连接一个物块,弹簧质 量不计,O点为弹簧处于原长时物块的位置。将物块(可视为质点)拉至A点由静止释放,物块在粗糙的水平桌面上沿直线运动,经过O点运动到B点时速度恰好减为0,在物块由A点运动到O点的过程中,下列说法中正确的是() A. 弹簧弹力做功大于物块克服摩擦力做功 B. 弹簧弹力做功等于物块克服摩擦力做功 C. 弹簧弹力的冲量大小等于摩擦力的冲量大小 D. 弹簧弹力的冲量大小小于摩擦力的冲量大小 7.如图所示,足够长的固定光滑斜面倾角为θ,质量为m的物 体以速度v从斜面底端冲上斜面,达到最高点后又滑回原处, 所用时间为t.对于这一过程,下列判断正确的是() A. 斜面对物体的弹力的冲量为零 B. 物体受到的重力的冲量大小为mgt



高三物理周周练(一) 班级姓名 分数 一、选择题:(每题6分,共48分) 1.在直线运动中,关于速度和加速度的说法,正确的是(C ) A.物体的速度大,加速度就大 B.物体速度的改变量大,加速度就大 C.物体的速度改变快,加速度就大 D.物体的速度为零时,加速度一定为零 2 甲、乙两物体的运动情况如图1-3-3所示,下列结论错误的是:( A ) A.甲、乙两物体的速度大小相等、 方向相同 B.经过2.5s的时间,甲、乙两物 体相遇,相遇时它们相对 图坐标原点的位移相同 C.经过5s的时间,乙物体到达甲物体的出发点D.经过5s的时间,甲物体到达乙物体的出发点3.一个初速度为6m/s做直线运动的质点,受

到力F的作用,产生一个与初速度方向相反、大小为2 m/s2的加速度,当它的位移大小为3 m 时,所经历的时间可能为(ABC) 4.物体从静止开始作匀加速直线运动,第 3 s 内通过的位移是3 m,则 (ABD ) A.第3 s内的平均速度是3 m/s B.物体的加速度是1.2 m/s2 C.前3 s内的位移是6 m D.3 s末的速度是3.6 m/s 5.一辆车由静止开始作匀变速直线运动,在第8 s末开始刹车,经4 s停下来,汽车刹车过程也是匀变速直线运动,那么前后两段加速度的大小之比和位移之比分别是( C ) 6.物体沿某一方向做匀变速直线运动,在时间 s处的速度为,在中t内内通过的路程为s,它在 2 间时刻的速度为.则和的关系是( B ) A.当物体做匀加速直线运动时, B.当物体做匀减速直线运动时, C.当物体做匀速直线运动时,


高中语文基本功—— “非常6+1” 系列训练一 训练时间:第十一周本次训练得分:所用时间: 一篇美文(22分) 你家在哪里 贾丽君 “你家在哪里?” 某一个从热热闹闹的梦中醒来的清晨,我看着身边的亲人,看着周围熟悉的一切,突然就忍不住自己问自己:“我此时所身处的地方,是我自己的家吗?” 问完这个问题的时候,忽然自己就先乐了。 我想如果此刻唤醒尚在睡梦中的爱人,告诉他刚才的想法和疑问,他肯定会嘟囔一句:“神经病又犯了,睡觉吧。”然后转过身,继续他未完的梦。 而这个从梦中醒来的清晨,这个忽然而来的问题,就那么固执地悬在那里,挥之不去。 那个出生的地方或者说居住的地方就是我们的家么?那为什么还有人天天呆在家里却闷闷不乐,郁郁寡欢呢?为什么还有人不停地吟唱“人人都说没有爱,心中没有家”呢?为什么有的人要抛妻舍子、削发出家呢?那暮鼓晨钟的青灯古庙,就是僧人真正的家吗? 不久前看过一篇文章,一个拿到某国绿卡的华人女作家写的。她不远万里风尘仆仆回到国内看望父母,而已经在都市居住多年的父亲想去看看故乡。可等他们千里迢迢赶回故乡时,却发现父亲小时候居住的三间老房子,已经被流浪到此无家可归的一家三口占据。作家和父亲只能站在曾经的自家门口,进不去屋子。父女二人很感伤地回到城市的家中时,身为人母的作者却因为惦记远在国外的女儿,又要匆匆返回大洋彼岸的那个家了。 颇有意味的是,文章的题目是《回家》。 读这篇文章的时候是一个寂静的寒冬的夜晚。女儿在她的房间做作业,爱人在办公室加班。我一个人,安安静静地呆在书房,从这篇《回家》中读出了浓浓的伤感,也把自己搞到了一种浓浓的化解不开的伤感之中。 什么是家?哪里是家?为何离家?如何离家?何处安家? 我想,会有不少人在深夜寂静处,独自沉思的时候问一问自己这个看似简单、也许是“犯傻”的问题吧? 这样一个从热热闹闹的梦中醒来的安静的清晨,我坐在自己的家中,并不安静地思考着关于家的话题。我想,当人在某一个清晨或者黄昏,安然独坐、心神归一、超然物外的时候,不就是一种到家的感觉吗?家,在明确的地理位置所示意义之外,更多的,该是一种心魂所处神思所归吧?不是有句话说,心顺处,便是天堂吗?如果说家是漂泊所向,孤单所依,那么天堂就更是众望所归了。而天堂,不在身后,也不在他乡,只在心中。仅仅就这点上说,一个完整的家的概念,就应是身心所归、心灵所依之处吧? 对于远游的孩子,慈母的怀抱就是心中的故乡;对于相爱的对方,彼此的相知相守就是灵魂的喜悦;对于坚心求道的人们,青灯古卷就是心之向往;对于笃信上帝的信徒,教堂的钟声就是心灵的安顿。家从这个意义上来说,其实本不是一个具体的地方所在,只是某时某刻在某地有了安心的感觉,就算是到家了。我们可以做应该做的,只是使这种“心安”、这种“身心合一”、这种“神魂归一”的感觉尽可能的常在,那么不论一个人身居何地,都不算是离家很远,或者干脆说就是身在家中了。


06英语,日语班特英第一次周练(S2AC1)命题人:于晓芬2008-3-15 I. Grammar and Vocabulary (1’*25=25’) 1.There was a ________ carpet on the floor in his living-room. A. Chinese beautiful green B. green beautiful Chinese C. beautiful green Chinese D. Chinese green beautiful 2.So ______ that no fish can live in it. A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow 3.The young boy, though big enough,________ not have been allowed to enter the car race, but he did. A. could B. must C. would D. should 4.______ but fools will believe what he said. A. None B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything 5.He stood on one leg,______ against the wall, while he took off his shoe.. A. leaned B. leaning C. being leaned D. to lean 6.There is no ______that a lot of damage has been done by the typhoon sweeping across the city. A. idea B. doubt C. hope D. uncertainty 7.Once you become a scholar, ______ lectures may be a part of your life. A. you give B. giving C. give D. given 8.-----Could I call you by your first name? -----Yes, you ______. A. will B. could C. may D. might 9.______for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not 10.______ the burning heat, the summer holidays are drawing to a close. A. Despite B. Despite of C. Because of D. Although 11._______ new situation you face, there is no shame in admitting that you are worried or concerned. A. What B. Whichever C. No matter what D. Wherever 12.The enemy had no way out _______. A. and give in B. but to give up C. except give in D. but to give in 13.This composition is well written. The little boy ______ it on his own. Which of the following is not correct? A. can’t have written B. couldn’t have written C. might not have written D. mustn’t have written 14.The old man was powerless to do anything except ______. A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried


2019届物理周练试卷一 总分值110分,限时45分钟 一、选择题(1-5题为单选题,6-8题为多项选择题) 1.星系由很多绕中心做圆形轨道运行的恒星组成.科学家研究星系的一种方法是测量恒星在星系中的运行速度v 和离星系中心的距离r .用v ∝r n 这样的关系来表达,科学家们特别关心指数n .若作用于恒星的引力主要来自星系中心的巨型黑洞,则n 的值为 ( ) A.1 B.2 C.12 D.-12 2.汽车正在圆环形赛道上水平转弯,图示为赛道的剖面图.赛道路面倾角为θ,汽车质量为m ,转弯时恰好没有受到侧向摩擦力.若汽车再次通过该位置时速度变为原来的二倍,则以下说法正确的是 A.路面对汽车的支持力大小为mg cos θ B.路面对汽车的支持力大于mg cos θ,汽车处于超重状态 C.汽车受到沿路面向上的侧向摩擦力,大小为mg sin θ D.汽车受到沿路面向下的侧向摩擦力,大小为3mg sin θ 3.如图所示,已知M>m ,不计滑轮及绳子的质量,物体M 和m 恰好做匀速运动,若将M 与m 互换,M 、m 与桌面的动摩因数相同,则( ) A .绳子中张力增大 B .物体M 与m 仍做匀速运动 C .物体M 与m 做加速运动,加速度a=(M-m )g/M D .物体M 与m 做加速运动,加速度a=(M+m )g/M 4.即将进站的列车发出一鸣笛声,持续时间为t 。若列车的速度为v 1,空气中的声速为v 2,则站台上的人听到鸣笛声持续的时间为 ( ) A .t B .t v v v 221+ C . t v v v 2 12- D . t v v 21 5.已知人造航天器在某行星表面上空绕行星做匀速圆周运动,绕行方向与行星自转方向相同(人造航天器周期小于行星的自转周期),经过时间t (t 小于航天器的绕行周期),航天器运动的弧长为s ,航天器与行星的中心连线扫过角度为θ,引力常量为G ,航天器上的人相邻两次看到行星赤道上的标志物的时间间隔是?t ,这个行星的同步卫星的离行星的球心距离( ) A.(2π)s t t t θ?-? B.(2π)s t t t θ??- C.2232(2π)s t t t θθθ?-? D.2232(2π)s t t t θθθ??- 6.动车组就是几节自带动力的车辆(动车)加几节不带动力的车辆(也叫拖车)编成一组,如图所示.假设有一动车组由8节车厢连接而成,每节车厢的总质量均为 7.5×104kg.其中第一节、第二节带动力,它们的额定功率均为 3.6×107W,车在行驶过程中阻力 恒为重力的0.1倍(g =10m/s 2).则下列说法正确的是( ) A.该动车组只开动第一节的动力的情况下能达到的最大速度 为60m/s B.该动车组开动二节动力的情况下能达到的最大速度为 432km/h C.该动车组开动二节动力并去掉两节拖车后最大速度可达到480km/h D.该动车组只开动第一节的动力的情况下如果能在1分钟内达到最大速度,则其平均加速度为1m/s 2 7.(多选)如左图所示,假设某星球表面上有一倾角为θ的固定斜面,一质量为m 的小物块从斜面底端沿斜面向上运动,其速度–时间图象如右图所示.已知小物块和斜面间的动摩擦因 数为μ=3/9,该星球半径为R =6× 104km.引力常量G =6.67×10-11N·m 2/kg 2,则下列正确的是:( )


理科综合能力测试[生物部分] 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,每小题6分,共36分) 在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的。 1、用打孔器取同一萝卜 5cm长的直根条,分成4组,其中3组分别置于20g/L、60g/L、 80g/L的KNO 3溶液中,测量结果如右图。预计在40g/L KNO 3 溶液中的测量结果最可能 是 2、下图为两种细胞内基因表达的过程示意图,有关分析正确的是 A.甲细胞、乙细胞均为真核细胞 B.甲细胞中a为肽链,三个核糖体同时参与a的合成 C.乙细胞中核糖体的移动方向为M→N D.乙细胞中①、②过程所用原料分别为脱氧核苷酸、核糖核苷酸3、下列某生态系统中能量流动的顺序,排列正确的是() A.植物→种子→鹰→麻雀→蛇→细菌 B.种子→细菌→真菌→噬菌体→麻雀→鹰 C.食草昆虫→鼠→野兔→猫头鹰→狐 D.草→食草昆虫→蟾蜍→蛇→猫头鹰 4、自然界中蝴蝶的性别决定方式为ZW型。有一种极为罕见的阴阳蝶,是具有一半雄性一半雌性特征的嵌合体。下图是其成因遗传解释示意图,则阴阳蝶的出现是早期胚胎细胞发生了() A.基因突变 B.基因重组 C.染色体结构变异 D.染色体数目变异 5、人体内发生在内环境中的过程是() A.葡萄糖的氧化分解 B.抗体和抗原的结合 C.食物中蛋白质的分解 D.胰岛素的合成 6、初春受到寒流侵袭的梨树花瓣大部分凋萎,有的甚至脱落,影响受粉,有无适宜的补救办法() A.没有适宜的补救办法B.适当地整修枝条 C.喷施一定浓度的营养液D.喷施一定浓度的生长素溶液 第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共5小题,共54分) 7、甲图是生物体内葡萄糖氧化分解过程图解,乙图表示小麦在适宜温度、不同光照强度下净光合作用速率(用CO 2 吸收量表示)的变化,净光合作用速率是指总光合作用速率与呼吸作用速率之差.据图回答下列问题:


高中物理学习材料 (灿若寒星**整理制作) 江苏省泗阳中学高一物理周练 一、不定项选择题(下列各题有的有一个正确选项,有的有多个正确选项,选对且全每题得5分,选对但不全得3分) 1.下列关于力的说法正确的是 ( ) A .一本书放在水平桌面上,桌面受到的压力是由桌面形变形 B.物体受到的重力的施力物体是地球 C .如果有摩擦力,则一定有弹力且其大小一定与弹力成正比 D.力是物体对物体的作用 2.把竖直向下的90N 的力分解为两个分力,一个分力在水平方向上等于120N ,则另一个分力的大小为 A 、30N B 、90N C 、120N D 、150N 3.平面内作用于同一点的四个力若以力的作用点为坐标原点,有F 1=5N ,方向沿x 轴的正向;F 2=6N ,沿y 轴正向;F 3=4N ,沿x轴负向;F 4=8N ,沿y 轴负向,以上四个力的合力方向指向 ( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 4.同一平面内的三个力,大小分别为4N 、6N 、7N ,若三力同时作用于某一物体,则该物体所受三力合力的最大值和最小值分别为 ( ) A .17N 、3N B .17N 、0 C .9N 、0 D .5N 、3N 5.如图所示,质量为m 的物体悬挂在支架上,斜梁OB 与竖直方向的夹角为θ,设水平横梁OA 与OB 作用于O 的弹力为F 1与F 2,以下结果正确的是( ) A .F 1θtan mg = B.F 1= θ sin mg C.F 2=θcos mg D.F 2=θcos mg 6.如图,在轻绳的下端挂一金属小球,在结点O 施加拉力F ,使轻绳偏离竖直方向α角且保持α角不变,力F 变化过程中小球始终处于平衡状态,如图所示.当拉力F 为最小值时,结点O 以上的那段绳的拉力大小为:( ) A .mgsinα B .mgcosα C .mgtanα D . mg/tanα 7.一架梯子靠在光滑的竖直墙壁上,下端放在水平的粗糙地面上,有关梯子的受力情况,


班级()姓名()学号() 一、按要求改写句子。 1、从南方飞来的小燕子斜着身子掠过平静的湖面。(缩句) 2、微风吹拂着千万条才舒展开黄绿眉眼的柔柳。(缩句) 3、巨大的石块拦住小溪流的去路。(缩句) 4、快乐的小溪流摸摸沙地上才伸出脑袋来的小草。(缩句) 5、爸爸对我说:“给你买一本书,今天就不能乘汽车回家了。你愿意走路,就给你买。”(间接引语) 6、笋芽儿听了春雨姑娘的话,便央求竹妈妈让她到地面上去。(直接引语) 7、微风吹来,麦穗轻轻地摆动。(写成拟人句) 8、各地纷纷采取追踪病源、隔离观察等措施,防止甲型H1N1流感不再扩散。(修改病句) 9、星期天,我们来到刚建成的、崭新的儿童公园活动。(修改病句) 10、从这以后,楚王不敢不尊重晏子了。(改成反问句)

班级()姓名()学号() 犀牛和犀牛鸟 犀牛是一种珍贵动物,分布在非洲和东南亚各地,发起牛脾气来,连大象那种大力士也要退避三舍。可是它却有个形影不离的好朋友,那就是犀牛鸟。它们之间的深厚友情不是的。原来,犀牛的皮肤好像铁甲一样,但在皱褶地方却非常嫩薄,常受体外寄生虫和吸血虫的刺蛰。犀牛鸟栖息在犀牛背上,就以它体上的寄生虫作为美味食品,吃饱肚皮。同时,犀牛的视觉不够,当犀牛鸟发现敌人时,这只灵活的小鸟,就会飞上飞下,并发出尖锐的叫声,向它的好朋友报警,让它做好安全警备。所以犀牛对犀牛鸟非常,平时也让犀牛鸟在它背上任意玩耍。性情暴躁的犀牛,从不对它的好友发脾气。 1、选择恰当的词语填写在文中的横线上。 突然偶然敏锐尖锐感动感激 2、根据意思从文中找出词语写下来。 (1)停留,休息(多指鸟类)。() (2)形容彼此关系亲密,经常在一起。() (3)主动退让九十里。比喻退让和回避,避免冲突。() 3、选择关联词填空。 虽然……但是……因为……所以……即使……也……如果……就……(1)()发现了敌人,犀牛鸟()会向犀牛报警。 (2)()犀牛的脾气很暴躁,()它从不对犀牛鸟发脾气。(3)犀牛要是发起脾气来,()是大象()会退避三舍。(4)()犀牛背上的寄生虫类是犀牛鸟的美味食品,()犀牛鸟栖息在犀牛背上。 4、犀牛鸟与犀牛形影不离是因为() (1)犀牛鸟喜欢栖息在犀牛背上。 (2)犀牛鸟乐于助人,如发现敌人可以为犀牛报警。 (3)犀牛鸟可以在犀牛背上获得寄生虫类食物。 5、犀牛与犀牛鸟形影不离是因为() A.犀牛鸟可以帮助犀牛清除背上的寄生虫类,并且发现敌人还可以起报警作用。 B.有犀牛鸟的陪伴,犀牛不再孤单。 C.犀牛鸟很小,不会对犀牛造成伤害。 6、为什么犀牛和犀牛鸟会成为好朋友?联系短文内容简要谈谈。 *7、你还知道哪些动物也像犀牛和犀牛鸟一样互相帮助,共同生活。


高三地理第一次周练 2015.10.29 第Ⅰ卷(选择题每题4分,共60分) 植物的生长具有趋光性,光照条件较好的一侧生长较好。左图示意某同学在南非某地旅游时所拍摄的一张相片。读图完成1~2 题。 1. 拍摄者位于树的() A. 东方 B. 西方 C. 南方 D. 北方 2. 拍摄时,该地的地方时可能是() A. 5:00 B. 9:30 C. 16:30 D. 19:00 读左图某地近地面和高空四点气压图,完成第3题。 3.若近地面和高空四点构成热力环流,则流动方 向为( ) A.O→P→M→N→O B.P→O→M→N→P C.M→N→P→O→M D.N→M→O→P→N 下图为某区域不同季节盛行风向示意图。读图,完成4~5题。 4.图示甲、乙盛行风中( ) A.甲风7月最为盛行 B.乙风1月最为盛行 C.乙为西北季风,由副热带高压吹向赤道地区 D.甲为西北季风,由东北信风越过赤道偏转而成 5.在甲风盛行的季节( ) A.印度半岛盛行西南风 B.新疆草原一片葱绿 C.太阳直射点在北半球 D.亚洲高压势力强盛

下图中甲为“某区域示意图”,乙反映甲中的P地河谷及其附近地质剖面,P地河谷剖面的形成与地转偏向力的作用有关。读图回答6~8题。 6.甲图中河流的流向为( ) A.由北向南 B.由南向北 C.由东向西 D.由西向东 7.河谷处的地质构造为( ) A.向斜 B.背斜 C.谷地 D.山岭 8.乙图中的泉,涌水量最大的季节时,下列现象最可能的是( ) A.我国东部沿海台风活动频繁 B.太阳直射点位于北半球 C.亚欧大陆上受冷高压控制 D.南亚盛行西南季风 读下图回答9~10题。 9.下列关于图示的说法,正确的是() A.在EF处,离河岸越远的地方岩石年龄越老 B.地势北高南低 C.④处河岸比②③两处侵蚀更严重 D.①处比②④处建港条件优越10.下列关于图中河流的说法,正确的是() A.位于南半球 B.有可能出现凌汛现象 C.全年流量变化小 D.EF附近河段是地下水补给河水 下图是我国南方某山区某聚落分布情况。读图回答 11~12 题。


高中物理学习材料 金戈铁骑整理制作 洛阳市第一高级中学高一物理周周练 一、选择题(1、6、8、9、10为单选题,每小题3分,共33分) 1.下列说法不正确的是() A.在不需要考虑物体本身的大小和形状时,用质点来代替物体的方法叫假设法 B. 我们有时会用比值法定义一些物理量,如速度、密度及加速度等。 C.根据速度定义式v=Δx Δt ,当Δt极短时, Δx Δt 就可以表示物体在t时刻的瞬 时速度,该定义应用了物理的极限法 D.用打点计时器测速度的实验中用了留迹法 2.下列几种全运会比赛项目中的研究对象可视为质点的是( ) A.帆船比赛中确定帆船在大海中的位置 B.跆拳道比赛中研究运动员的动作 C.铅球比赛中研究铅球被掷出后在空中飞行的时间 D.撑杆跳高比赛中研究运动员手中的支撑杆在支撑地面过程中的转动情况时3.根据中国已经确定的探月工程的计划,整个探月工程分为三个阶段:一期工程为“绕”,二期工程为“落”,2017年进行的三期工程为“回”.中国首枚绕月探测卫星“嫦娥一号”由“长征三号甲”运载火箭成功送入太空,在“嫦娥一号”卫星飞向38万千米外的月球的漫长旅途中,需要进行一系列高度复杂且充满风险的动作,即进行三次绕地球变轨,然后进入地月转移轨道,再进行三次绕月球变轨,最后绕月球做圆周运动.图L1-1-2是“嫦娥一号”升空的路线图,下列说法正确的是() 图L1-1-2 A.图中描述卫星绕地球运行情景的三个椭圆轨道都是以地球为参考系的B.图中描述卫星绕月球运动情景的三个轨道都是以月球为参考系的 C.图中描述卫星运动情景的所有轨道都是以地球为参考系的

D.图中描述卫星运动情景的所有轨道都是以太阳为参考系的 4.为了研究车轮上A、B两点的运动,在车轮后面的路面上埋设一根固定不动的木棒作为参考系,木棒与车轮上的A、B两点连线重合,如图C-1-2所示.当车轮往前(右)滚动了一段距离后,对滚动过程,下列说法正确的是() 图C-1-2 A.车轮上A点的位移方向向右偏上 B.车轮上A点的位移方向向右偏下 C.车轮上B点的位移方向向右 D.车轮上B点的位移方向向右偏上 5.三个质点A、B、C的运动轨迹如图所示,三质点同时从N点出发,同时到达M点,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.三个质点从N到M的平均速度相同 B.B质点从N到M的平均速度方向与任意时刻的瞬时速度 方向相同 C.三个质点平均速度的方向不可能相同 D.三个质点的瞬时速度有可能相同 6、关于加速度的相关知识,下列说法正确的是( ) A.某物体在运动过程中,速度变化得越多,加速度一定越大 B.某物体在运动过程中,速度变化得越快,加速度可能越小 C.某物体在运动过程中,加速度方向保持不变,则其速度方向也一定保持不变 D.某物体在运动过程中,可能会出现,加速度在变大,但其速度在变小的情况 7.汽车在一条平直公路上行驶,其加速度方向与速度方向一致.现有加速度减小时的四种说法,其中正确的是() A.汽车的速度也减小 B.汽车的速度仍在增大 C.当加速度减小到零时,汽车静止 D.当加速度减小到零时,汽车的速度达到最大 8. 某人在医院做了一次心电图,结果如图所示.如果做心电图的仪器卷动纸带的速度为1.5 m/min,图中方格纸每小格长为1 mm,则此人的心率为()

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