当前位置:文档之家› 出入境英语


A: Anything to declare? 您有什么要申报的吗?

B: No, nothing. 不,没有。

A: What’s this? Open this box, please. 这个是什么?请打开这个盒子。

B: Souvenir for my wife. 给我妻子的纪念品。

A: Is liquor or cigarette here? 里面有酒和香烟吗?

B: One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. Is it taxable? 有一瓶威士忌和一条香烟。需要缴税吗?

A: No. It’s OK. 不,没有。


A: Your passport, please. 请出示您的护照。

B: This one. 这个。

A: How long are you going to stay here? 您在此逗留多长时间?

B: Two weeks. 两个星期

A: Where are you going stay? 您此期间在哪里落脚?

B: The Hilton Hotel in Paris. 巴黎的希尔顿酒店。

A: What will you do here? 您此行的目的是什么?

B: For Business. 商务旅行。

A: Ok, you’re through now. 好了,您可以通过了。

Officer: Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit

to the U.K.?

Zhang: I am here to study at a university.

Officer: May I see your passport?

Zhang: Of course, here you are.





Officer: Would you please open the suitcase? What are


Zhang: They are Chinese medicine. Some pills only.

Officer: Are they gifts for friends?

Zhang: Oh, no. They are for my own use.

Officer: Could you tell me the ingredients?

Zhang: They are made of herbs.








航站、终点站 Terminal
入境大厅 Arrival Lobby
出境大厅 Departure Lobby
登机门号码 Gate Number
登机证 Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass
机场税 Airport Tax
登机手续办理处 Check in Counter
海关申报处 Customs Service Area
货币申报 Currency Declaration
免税商品 Duty-Free Items
大号 large , 中号 medium , 小号small
纪念品 Souvenir
行李 Baggage ; Luggage
托运的行李 Checked baggage
行李领取处 Baggage claim area
随身行李 Carry-on baggage
行李牌 Baggage Tag
行李推车 Luggage Cart
退税处 Tax-free refund

入境检查 Immigration 免疫品 duty-free items
护照检查 Passport control 检疫 Quarantine
入境登记卡 Outgoing passenger card 本国居民 Residents
出境登记卡 Ongoing passenger card 外国居民 Non-residents
海关申报单 Customs declaration card

签证 Visa
现金申报单 Currency declaration 目的地 Destination
送给朋友的礼物A gist for my friend 有效(无效)Valid(invalid)
中药 Chinese medicine 现金 Cash
违禁品 Prohibited articles 健康卡 Yellow card
编号 control No.

签发地 Issue At

签发日期 Issue Date (或On)

失效日期(或必须在...日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)

停留期为...... for stays of

10天 ten days

8周 eight weeks

3个月 three months

6个月 six months

1年 one year

3年 three years

签证种类 visa type(class)

姓 family name

名 First (Given) Name

性别 sex

男 male

女 female

国籍 nationality

国籍 country of citizenship

护照号 passport No.

原住地 country of Origin (Country where you live)

前往目的地国 destination country

登机城市 city where you boarded

签证签发地 city where visa was issued

签发日期 date issue

前往国家的住址 address while in

街道及门牌号 number and street

城市及国家 city and state

出生日期 date of Birth (Birthdate)

年 year

月 month

日 day

偕行人数 accompanying number

职业 occupation
专业技术人员 professionals & technical

行政管理人员 legislators &administrators

办事员 clerk

商业人员 commerce (Business People)

服务人员 service

农民 farmer

工人 worker

其他 others

无业 jobless

签名 signature

官方填写 official use only
飞机票(指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions

旅客姓名 name of passenger

旅行经停地点 good for passage between

起点城市 from

起飞日期 date

起飞时间 time

订座情况 status

机票确认 ticket confirm

登机口 gate

前往城市 to

承运人(公司) carrier
航班号 flight no.

座舱等级 class (fare basis)

机号 plane No.

机座号 seat No.

吸烟坐位 smoking seat

非吸烟席 non-smoking seat


机场费 airport fee

国际机场 international airport

国内机场 domestic airport

机场候机楼 airport terminal

国际候机楼 international terminal

国际航班出港 international departure

国内航班出站 domestic departure
卫星楼 satellite

人口 in

出口 exit; out; way out


达) arrivals

不需报关 nothing to declare

海关 customs

登机口 gate; departure gate

候机室 departure lounge

航班号 FLT No (flight number)

来自...... arriving from

预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)

实际时间 actual time

已降落 landed

前往...... departure to
起飞时间 departure time

延误 delayed

登机 boarding

由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures

迎宾处 greeting arriving

由此上楼 up; upstairs

由此下楼 down; downstairs

银行 bank

货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange

订旅馆 hotel reservation

行李暂存箱 luggage locker

出站(出港、离开) departures

登机手续办理 check-in

登机牌 boarding pass (card)

护照检查处 passport control immigration

行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转 transfers

中转旅客 transfer passengers

中转处 transfer correspondence

过境 transit

报关物品 goods to declare

贵宾室 V. I. P. room

购票处 ticket office

付款处 cash (衣人注:我记得挂CASH牌子的地方是兑换钱币的地方,存疑)

出租车 taxi

出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point

大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point

航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire

公共汽车 bus; coach service
公用电话 public phone; telephone

厕所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room

男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

女厕 women's; lady's

餐厅 restaurant

酒吧 bar

咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe

免税店 duty-free shop

邮局 post office

出售火车票 rail ticket

旅行安排 tour arrangement

行李牌 luggage tag

boarding check 登机牌

plane ticket 飞机票
flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行

smooth flight 平稳的飞行

ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度

extra flight 加班

non-stop flight 连续飞行

circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

speed, velocity 速度

ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度

top speed 最高速度
first class 头等舱

night service 夜航

airsick 晕机

to taxi along 滑行

landing 着陆

to face the wind 迎风

air route,air line 航线

climbing,to gain height 爬升

economy class,tourist class 经济舱

connecting flight 衔


direct flight, straight flight 直飞

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸

to lose height, to fly low 降低

to take off, take-off 起飞
to board a plane,get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane,alight from a plane 下飞机
Foreign or Chinese passengers who transit at a mainland airport for less than 24 hours on their way to another country will not need to fill in entry and exit forms from next month.

The moves aim to simplify exit and entry procedures in line with international practice and improve efficiency, a deputy director of the ministry's exit and entry administration bureau said.


这里“exit and entry procedures”即“出入境手续”;出入境登记表可以说“exit and entry forms”。

机场指示牌 airport signs
机场费airport fee
国际机场 international airport
国内机场 domestic airport
国际候机楼 international terminal
国际航班出港 international departure
国内航班出站 domestic departure
入口 entrance
出口 exit; out; way out
进站(进港、到达) arrivals
不需报关 nothing to declare
海关 customs
登机口 gate; departure gate
候机室 departure lounge
航班号 FLT No (flight number)
来自…… arriving from
预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)
实际时间 actual
已降落 landed
前往 departure to
起飞时间 departure time
延误 delayed
登机 boarding
由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures
迎宾处 greeting arriving
由此上楼 up; upstairs
由此下楼 down; downstairs
货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange
订旅馆 hotel reservation
行李暂存箱 luggage locker
登机手续办理 check-in
登机牌 boarding pass (card)
护照检查处passport control immigration
行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim
国际航班旅客 international passengers
中转旅客 transfer passengers
中转处 transfer correspondence
过境 transit
报关物品 goods to declare
贵宾室 V.I.P. room
购票处 ticket office
付款处 cash
出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point
大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up opint
航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service
租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire
男厕 men’s; gent’s; gentlemen’s
女厕 women’s; lady’s
厕所 toilet
免税店 duty-free shop
邮局 post office
出售火车售 rail ticket
旅行安排 tour arrangement
行李暂存箱 luggage locker
行李牌 luggage tag
机票 air ticket
旅客姓名 name of passenger
旅行经停地点 good for passenger between

订座情况 status
机票确认 ticket confirm
承运人(公司) carrier
座舱等级 class(fare basis)
机号 plane No.
机座号 seat No.
非吸烟席 non-smoking seat
姓 family name / surname
名 First Name / Given Name
国籍 nationality
护照号 passport No.
原住地 country of Origin (Country where you live)
前往目的地国 destination country
登机城市 city where you boarded
签证签发地 city where visa was issued
签发日期 date issue
街道及门牌号 number and street
城市及国家 city and state
出生日期 date of Birth (Birthdate)
偕行人数 accompanying number
职业 occupation
专业技术人员 professionals & technical
行政管理人员 legislators &administrators
办事员 clerk
商业人员 commerce (Business People)
服务人员 service
签名 signature
官方填写 official use only
签证 visa
出生日期 birthdate
护照号 passport No.
编号 control No.
签发地 Issue At
签发日期 Issue Date(或On)
签证种类 visa type (class)
浦东机场 Pudong Airport
虹桥机场 Hongqiao Airport
磁悬浮 maglev
地铁 subway / metro
国际、港澳台登机 International & Hongkong-Macau-Taiwan Boarding
国内登机 domestic boarding
航站、终点站 Terminal
入境大厅 Arrival Lobby
出境大厅 Departure Lobby
登机门号码 Gate Number
登机证 Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass
机场税 Airport Tax
登机手续办理处 Check in Counter
海关申报处 Customs Service Area
货币申报 Currency Declaration
免税商品 Duty-Free Items
大号 large , 中号 medium , 小号small
纪念品 Souvenir
行李 Baggage ; Luggage
托运的行李 Checked baggage
行李领取处 Baggage claim area
随身行李 Carry-on baggage
行李牌 Baggage Tag
行李推车 Luggage Cart
退税处 Tax-free refund


姓 Family name ,Surname

名 First Name ,Given name

性别 sex ,gender

男 male , 女 female

国籍 nationality , country of citizenship

护照号 passport number

原住地 country of origin

前往国 destination country

登机城市 city where you boarded

签证签发地 city where visa was issued

签发日期date of issue

出生日期 date of birth ,birth date

年 year ,月 month ,日 day

偕行人数 accompanying number

签名 signature

官方填写official use only

职业 occupation

护照 Passport , 签证 Visa

登机、启程 Embarkation

登岸 Disembarkation

商务签证 Business Visa

观光签证 Tourist Visa


航站、终点站 Terminal

入境大厅 Arrival Lobby

出境大厅 Departure Lobby

登机门号码 Gate Number

登机证 Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass

机场税 Airport Tax

登机手续办理处Check in Counter

海关申报处 Customs Service Area

货币申报 Currency Declaration

免税商品 Duty-Free Items

大号 large , 中号 medium , 小号small

纪念品 Souvenir

行李 Baggage ; Luggage

托运的行李 Checked baggage

行李领取处 Baggage claim area

随身行李 Carry-on baggage

行李牌 Baggage Tag

行李推车 Luggage Cart

退税处 Tax-free refund


盥洗室、厕所 Lavatory;washroom;toilet;

W.C.=water closet; rest room

男厕 Men's; Gent's; Gentlemen's

女厕 Women's; Lady's

使用中 Occupied

空闲 Vacant

男(女)空服员Steward (Stewardess)

机内免税贩卖 In-Flight Sales


外币兑换店 Currency Exchange Shop

汇率 Exchange rate

旅行支票 Traveler's check

手续费 Commission

银行买入价 We buy(Bid)

银行卖出价 We sell(Ask)


入住登记手续 Check-in

客房服务 Room Service

退房(时间) Check Out (Time)

前台 Front Desk ,Reception

酒店大堂 Lobby

咖啡馆 Coffee shop

服务员,侍者 waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员)

电话叫醒服务 Wake Up Call ,Morning Call


How do you do,I’m glad to meet you. (你好,很高兴认识你)

How do you do. Glad to meet you, too. (你好,我也很高兴认识你)

It's nice meeting you. (很高兴认识你)

May I have your name, please? (请问你叫什么名字?)

May I try it on?(我能试穿一下吗?)

How much?(多少钱?)

Please show me the menu.(请把菜单给我。)

Cheers! (干杯!),Bottoms up! (干杯!)

I'm lost.Could you do me a favor to find my hotel? (我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗?)

Could you take a picture for me? (你能帮我拍照吗?)

Thank you very much. (非常感谢。)

You're welcome.(不客气)

Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系)

How can I get in touch with you?(我怎样能跟你联络上?)

I'll do my best.(我将会尽我最大努力)

Wait a moment please. (请稍等一下)

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