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6月 图 学 学 报 June 2015 第36卷 第3期 JOURNAL OF GRAPHICS V ol.36 No.3


作者简介:孙 正(1977-),女,河北保定人,教授,博士。主要研究方向为医学图像处理。E-mail :sunzheng_tju@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4718225226.html, 血管内超声图像后处理综述

孙 正

(华北电力大学电子与通信工程系,河北 保定 071003)

摘 要:血管内超声显像是目前临床常用的诊断血管病变的介入影像手段,可在活体中观察血管壁和管腔的形态,以及斑块的形态和成分。采用数字图像处理技术,对血管内超声图像序列进行自动或半自动地处理和分析,对于血管病变的计算机辅助诊断和制定最佳诊疗方案具有重要意义。本文就近年来血管内超声图像计算机后处理的研究现状进行综述,包括图像分割和组织标定、运动伪影的抑制、血管的三维重建、血管形态和血流动力学参数的测量、组织定征显像及与其他影像的融合等,评价了目前的研究情况,并对未来的研究提出了展望。 关 键 词:血管内超声;图像分割;运动伪影;三维重建;组织定征显像;图像融合 中图分类号:TN 911.73

文献标识码:A 文 章 编 号:2095-302X(2015)03-0468-09

Review on Post-Processing of Intravascular Ultrasound Images

Sun Zheng

(Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding Hebei 071003, China) Abstract: Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging, an invasive imaging modality, has been widely used in clinical diagnosis of vascular diseases. With IVUS, the morphology of the vessel wall and lumen including atherosclerosis plaques as well as components of plaques can be obtained in vivo. Automatic or semi-automatic processing and analysis of IVUS images with digital image processing techniques is important for computer-aided diagnosis and planning of treatment of vascular diseases. This paper provides a survey on the current process of post-processing of IVUS images. The improvements of this topic in the last several years are discussed in detail including image segmentation and tissue characterization, suppression of motion artifacts, vessel reconstruction, measurement of morphological and hemodynamic parameters, tissue characterization imaging, and fusion of IVUS with other imaging modalities. The discussion assesses the progress so far, and outlines some future directions.

Keywords: intravascular ultrasound; image segmentation; motion artifact; 3D reconstruction; tissue characterization imaging; image fusion

血管内超声(intravascular ultrasound, IVUS)是






15年,积累了大量临床研究资料[2]。 标准的IVUS 成像系统获取的是单张横断面图像(B-模式)集合而成的图像序列,前后帧之间具有很强的相关性。如图1所示,血管壁在横向视图上呈现回声不同的三层环形结构[3]:超声导管始终位于图像中心,周围由内而外依次为管腔、血管壁

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