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There are three major characteristics that a good teacher needs

There are three major characteristics that a good teacher needs
There are three major characteristics that a good teacher needs

There are three major characteristics that a good teacher needs::

* Good Interpersonal Relations

1. Promotes student sharing and collaboration

and group work in the classroom. A good teacher knows that students must take responsibility for their own learning and therefore encourages them to contribute to the class experience.

2. Classroom management

Effective classroom management is an essential part of a good teacher's role. Discipline has to be dealt with along with personality conflicts. Establish rules and expectations the first day. The rules should be clear, concise and administered fairly and consistently. Students need to take risks in order to learn, therefore the good teacher will create a comfortable, positive and secure classroom.

3. Good student and co-worker rapport

know and show concern for each student, not just those who are the brightest, the most vocal or with behavior problems.

Appearance is important as well. Never let students sense that you are angry, frustrated or confused and never openly get angry with students. Try to stay calm and relaxed.

* Relate to Students' Needs

In order for learning to take place the teacher must be able to help the student understand the purpose of the lesson and to relate to

reflect what is known about learning strategies. It is also important to promote self-learning skills in order for the student to be able to learn independently. There are social, psychological and personality factors that affect learning. The good teacher will be able to identify and respond to these individual student factors.

S/he will never belittle a student because everyone deserves

respect no matter what age. S/he will always look and act in control but will not threaten students.

* Professionalism

A teacher is a professional and needs to act accordingly. S/he is willing to seek and/or accept feedback from colleagues and

which help or hinder their development as a teacher.

As a professional the teacher will comply with the policies, procedures and requirements of the particular school in which s/he is teaching. Punctuality, reliability, appearance and behavior are all a part of professional conduct. Appropriate relations are to be maintained at all times with students, colleagues, the institution and the supervisor.

Teaching is hard work. The better prepared the teacher is, the better the outcome. College classes will prepare the teacher in the subject(s) to be taught, but experience is what it takes to become a really good teacher

Profile of a Successful Student

Throug I’d say there are certain characteristics that typically define the best students. They’re usually serious and meticulous, organized and plan ahead.

They also have a balanced, diverse, and vibrant lifestyle: they study hard, but they also exercise, get fresh air, socialize with friends, converse with parents, and do what they love. And they get up early, eat three meals a day, and sleepwell. In class, they listen carefully, and they ask questions.

This is all obvio usly good stuff, but I’d say the three most important

characteristics are self-control/discipline, focus, and patience – the best

students place long-term goals over instant gratification. These three

characteristics don’t just define a successful student – they also define a successful person. Students in the world’s best law and medical schools are nothing but disciplined, focused, and patient. In Texas Hold’em poker, these three characteristics distinguish the 10 percent of players who win money. In his book Moneyball, Michael Lewis argues that these three characteristics are also important traits among good baseball players (those who contribute the most to a team’s wins). Shenzhen High Daily succeeded because the students there had the discipline, focus, and patience to do the job well. Student Roles in the Classroom

By Frankie Smith, eHow Contributor

updatedFebruary 02, 2011





Students who are engaged and have an active role in

According to the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, there is a strong

consensus on the role of the student in the classroom and the importance of engaged learning. Engaged learning should be fostered from the early years of a student's

academic career and should continue as he moves forward into the later years. In their article "Turning Teaching Into Learning: The Role of Student Responsibility in the

Collegiate Experience," Todd M. Davis and Patricia Hillman Murrell advise that student responsibility is the key to all development and learning. They indicate that research has shown college outcomes are tied to the effort students put into their work and the degree in which they are invested or engaged with their studies and campus life.

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1.Setting the Stage


They argue that policies that stress the importance of student achievement and in-class and co-curricular challenge and support are required.



utilize the Student-Centered Assessment provided by Richard J. Stiggins and Merrill Publishing (see References). This assessment tool communicates to students what is expected, providing information for student, parent, teacher, principal and community

Identifying Engaged Learning

o Now that you've placed students in a role of responsibility, you must be able to understand how to identify engaged students and those who require assistance in becoming more engaged. According to the North Central Regional Educational

They also identify engaged students as those who appear energized by learning. By understanding what engaged learning looks at, you will be able reinforce those students who are engaged and develop strategies to assist those who aren't quite there yet.

The Student as Learner and Teacher


what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we both see and hear, 70% of what discuss with others, 80% of what we have experienced ourselves, but 95% of what we teach someone else. Students should be encouraged to take an active role in the classroom so that they are engaging in learning at all of these levels, gaining the expertise on topics to discuss with others and teach others to maximize retention and understanding.

Students in the Role of Explorer

o The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory suggests that students should be encouraged to take the role of explorer, stressing that "interaction with the physical world and with other people allows students to discover concepts and apply skills." Students should be encouraged to consider and reflect upon their discoveries, placing them also in the role of cognitive apprentice. The North Central Regional

Educational Laboratory indicates that apprenticeship occurs when students observe and apply demonstrated thinking processes.

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