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Abraham Lincoln,

an Influential President in the American History



Abraham Lincoln, an Influential President in the American History The United States of America is a country with a president system. The president of USA is not only head of the state and the government, but also administrative departments of the supreme leader and army commander, usually called Mr.President. There are 44 presidents in the history of the United States. Abraham Lincoln is the 16th one who maintained the unity of the nation and abolished the slavery that influenced the nation much. He is the first Republican president and also ranked among the greatest president ranked first. USA once held a poll in 2005--"the greatest Americans", Lincoln was elected America figure of second. He is one of the most popular presidents.

On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family in Hardin County in Kentucky prefecture. His parents are descendants of British immigrants, taking farming and hunting.When he was young, he helped the family move firewood, water, do farm work and so on.In 1816, Lincoln's family moved to Indiana Southwest. At his age of 9, his mother died who was just 36 years old. Second years, his father married a kindness and enlightened woman named Sarah Bush, and the family lived happily. Because of poverty, his education degree wasn't high. In order to earn money, he was a ferry worker on the Ohio River and a plantation worker when he was young.

Lincoln is a man who loves reading. At his young age, he read all the writings of Shakespeare and "American history", also read lots of books about history and literature.He became a learned and wisdom man through self-study. He ran for state senator that meant he embarked on a political road since 1832. Finally he was elected president in 1860. In the 28 years, he has undergone a lot of difficulties that normal people cannot imagine. Eight elections, eight voted out, twice failed in business, and even once mental collapse, many times, he could give up, but he didn't. Just because of not giving up, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America.The teacher of the revolution Marx highly evaluated Lincoln, "he is a man who will not be scared by difficulties, not to confuse for success, he refuse to be cowed or submit to his great goal, but never act rashly and blindly, he steadily forward, and never back;...... In a word, he is a rare character that achieved the great realm and still maintained his excellent quality". Owing to his view of abolishing slavery, Lincoln's election, threatened the benefits of the Southern plantation owners. They certainly don't want a man who advocates the abolition of slavery as their president. Then the Civil War broke out in 1861.

At the beginning of the war, Lincoln tried to seek the policy that compromised with the Southern plantation owners. With the military losing ground, Lincoln realized that to abolish slavery truly, there must have sacrifice, peaceful means can not solve any problems. If they want to win the war, they must transfer the enthusiasm of farmers, abolish the slavery, and liberate black slaves .In 1862 May, Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. This measure eliminated the possibility of southern slave owners to seize the western land fundamentally, but also met the urgent needs of the peasants, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in. On January 1, 1863,

"Emancipation Proclamation" was promulgated formally, announced the abolition of slavery in the rebel states today, the liberated slaves can call in the union army. Announced the slaves free, fundamentally undermined the rebels' fighting force, meanwhile, the Yankees had abundant manpower.In 1864, Lincoln put forward slogan that "the people, by the people". It enhanced troop's morale. In April, 1865, the Yankees achieved victory in the Civil War, meaning the war that lasted four years ended. The Civil War is called the second revolution after the War of Independence. Lincoln became a symbol of black liberation.

Because Lincoln can adapt to the demand of the masses, destroyed slavery in a revolutionary way, and solved the people's demand for land in the Civil War of the most critical juncture, thus he promoted the development of America's capitalism, and made important contributions to safeguard national unity and liberate black slaves. Due to the excellent achievements of Abraham Lincoln, he was elected as America's president again on November 8, 1864. However, Lincoln haven't put his post-war policies into effect, tragedy happened. Because slave owners hatred Lincoln extremely. On April 14, 1865 night at ten fifteen, fifth days after the surrender of the Southern army. Lincoln was attacked by an assassin in Ford theatre in Washington. Lincoln's unfortunate death caused a huge shock at home and abroad. American people conveyed profound condolences to him, about 7,000,000 people stood mourning funeral procession on both sides of the road, and there are 1,500,000 people looked at Lincoln's face with reverence.

Lincoln was buried in his hometown -- Illinois Springfield. His wife was later buried in there, too. So far, motor vehicle license plate of Illinois's self-proclaimed "State of Lincoln". In 1867, to commemorate Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American's history, the county town of Lancaster County, renamed the Lincoln, and became the state's capital.

Although not to receive advanced education, Lincoln has excellent eloquence and grace, the direct embodiment is the famous Gettysburg address. The last sentence became the definition of modern democratic government: to enable us to get free living under God in this country, the government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. There are four presidential giant statues in the Rushmore National Park, Lincoln's is in the right. Lincoln Memorial in the capital of America-- Washington ,is located on the National Mall, is one of the most famous monuments of the national.

Lincoln is an outstanding statesman, also a distinguished lawyer. In order to promote the development of American social, Abraham Lincoln has made tremendous contributions. He gained American's respect, his popularity even more than Washington in American's mind. Remembered for his integrity, kindness and strong personality, he has been one of the American history's most admired president. Historians regard Washington as the father, while Lincoln as the National salvation. In American, the third Monday of February each year is the "President's Day", to commemorate the two great leaders. In brief, Abraham Lincoln is the influential president in the American history.


I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. 今天,我很荣幸能和你们一起参加毕业典礼,斯坦福大学是世界上最好的大学之一。说实话,(虽然)我从来没有从大学中毕业,但今天是我生命中离大学毕业最近的一天了。今天我想向你们讲述我生活中的三个故事。不说大道理,就是三个故事而已。 The first story is about connecting the dots. 第一个故事是关于如何把生命中的点点滴滴串连起来。 I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? 我在里德学院读了六个月之后就退学了,但是在十八个月以后,我还经常去学校。我为什么要退学呢? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do


林肯的小故事8个 林肯的小故事8个 林肯的小故事:林肯回击青年的污蔑 有一次,林肯总统正在演讲,突然一个青年递给他一张纸条。林肯打开一看,上面只有两个字:“傻瓜”。林肯脸上掠过一丝阴云,随即镇定地说了一番话,就有力地反驳了这一污蔑。 本总统收到过许多匿名信,全部只有正文,不见署名,而这天正好相反,刚才这位先生只署上了自己的名字,却忘了给我写信。”说完,便继续他的演讲。 林肯的小故事(二): 林肯的小故事:林肯的辩护 美国的第16任总统林肯在从政之前,曾是一位优秀的律师。他在法庭上的机智是有口皆碑的,有一次,竟一言不发击败了原告律师。 在法庭上,原告律师先发言,把一个简单的论据翻来覆去讲了两个小时,讲得听众都不耐烦了。台下一片嗡嗡声,有人竟打起瞌睡。之后是林肯上台替被告辩护。只见他走上讲台,一言不发。台下嗡嗡声没了,大家感到很奇怪。林肯等了一会儿,先把外衣脱下,放在桌上,然后拿起玻璃杯喝一口水,又把玻璃杯放下,重新穿上外衣;然后又把外衣脱下,又喝水,这样敢复了五六次。屋里的听众被林肯的哑剧逗笑了,有的竟笑得死去活来。而林肯竟始终一言不发,在一片笑声中走下讲台,他的对手就这样被笑输了。

又作为律师,一言不发打赢官司是十分罕见的。原告律师已经把听众搞得不耐烦了,林肯如果再长篇大论,效果是可想而知的。他的高明之处,即在于以哑剧的方式攻击对手的弱点。 林肯的小故事(三): 林肯的小故事 又有—次,—个妇人来找林肯,她理直气壮地说:“总统先生,你—定要给我儿子—个上校的职位。我们就应有这样的权利,因为我的祖父曾参加过雷新顿战役,我的叔父在布拉敦斯堡是惟—没有逃跑的人,而我的父亲又参加过纳奥林斯之战,我丈夫是在曼特莱战死的,所以……”林肯回答说:“夫人,你们—家三代为国服务,对国家的贡献实在够多了,我深表敬意。此刻你能不能给别人—个为国效命的机会?”那妇人无话可说,只好悄悄走了。 有人认为林肯对待政敌的态度不够强硬,对他说:“你为什么要让他们成为朋友呢?你就应想办法消灭他们才对。”“我难道不是在消灭政敌吗?当我使他们成为我的朋友时,政敌就不存在了。”林肯温和地说。 青年时代的林肯在伊利诺斯州的圣加蒙加入民兵。上校指挥官是—个矮个子,身高只有四英尺多—点,而林肯的身材个性高大,大大超过指挥官。由于林肯自己觉得身材高,他习惯于垂着头、弯着腰走路。上校看见他那弯腰曲背的姿势十分生气,把他找来训斥—顿。 “听着,阿伯,”上校大声喊道:“把头高高地抬起来,你这家伙!” “遵命,先生。”林肯恭敬地回答。


美国总统林肯当庭识破伪证 美国第16届总统林肯在入主白宫前,曾用大量时间和精力钻研法律,成了一名律师。他富于同情心,敢于主持正义。 有一次,他朋友的儿子阿姆斯特朗被人诬告谋财害命。控告人收买的证人福尔逊一口咬定说亲眼看到阿姆斯特朗行凶。 林肯获悉此事后,主动为被告辩护。他以被告辩护律师的身份,查阅了法院的全部案卷。随后,他又来到现场进行实地勘查。林肯在任律师之前,为了糊口曾做过测量员。这方面的训练为他的律师工作帮了大忙。来到现场,林肯掌握了一些重要事实。 按照美国法庭的惯例,被告的辩护律师与原告的证人福尔逊进行了对质: 林肯:“你发誓你看见的是阿姆斯特朗?” 福尔逊:“是的。” 林肯:“你在草堆后,阿姆斯特朗在大树下,相距二三十米,你能看清吗?” 福尔逊:“很清楚,因为月光很亮。” 林肯:“你肯定不是从衣着方面辨认的?” 福尔逊:“不是,我看清了他的脸,因为月光正照在他脸上。” 林肯:“你能肯定时间在晚上11点吗?” 福尔逊:“完全肯定。因为我回屋看了时钟,那时正是11点1刻。” 福尔逊的答辩完全在林肯的预料中,案卷中都写着。林肯明知故问是要让证人把证词敲死,免得到时不认账。

证人一讲完,林肯就转过身,面向陪审团开始了他的辩护:“这个证人是个彻头彻尾的骗子。” 林肯说:“证人发誓说他于11月18日晚11点钟在月光下看清了被告南姆斯特朗的脸,但那天晚上是上弦月,11点钟月亮已经下山了,哪来的月光?退一步说,就算证人记不清时间,假定稍有提前,月亮还在西边,月光从西边照过来,被告如果脸朝大树,即向西,月光可以照到脸上,可是由于证人的位置在树的东面的草堆后,那他就根本看不到被告的脸;如果被告脸朝草堆,即向东,那么即使有月光,也只能照着他的后脑勺,证人怎么能看到月光照在被告脸上,而且能从二三十米的草堆处看清被告的脸呢?” 林肯连珠炮般的发言,驳得证人哑口无言,只得承认被人收买提供假证的事实。阿姆斯特朗也被当庭释放。 文档出自:北京岳成律师事务所《法律顾问专刊》 网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/465602139.html,


美国总统林肯演讲稿 inaugural speech by abraham lincoln march 4th 1861 speech: i do not consider it necessary at present for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety or excitement. apprehension seems to exist among the people of the southern states that by the accession of a republican administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. there has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. it is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. i do but quote from one of those speeches when i declare that: i have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. i believe i have no lawful right to do so, and i have no inclination to do so. those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that i had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which i now read: resolved, that the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any state or territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. i now reiterate these sentiments, and in doing so i only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is there is much controversy about the delivering up of fugitives from service or labour. the clause i now read is as plainly written in the constitution as any other of its provisions: no person held to service or labour in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labour, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. there is some difference of opinion whether this clause should be enforced by national or by state authority, but surely that difference is not a very material one. if the slave is to be surrendered, it can be of but little consequence to him or to others by which authority it is done. and should anyone in any case be content that his oath shall go un-kept on a merely unsubstantial controversy as to how it shall be kept? again: in any law upon this subject ought not all the safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane jurisprudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not in any case surrendered as a slave? and might it not be well at the same time to provide


最幽默的美国总统--林肯 【名人故事】:最幽默的美国总统--林肯 林肯是美国历任总统中最具幽默感的一位。 早在读书时,有一次,老师问他:“你愿意答一道难题,还是两道容易的题目?”林肯很有把握地答:“答一道难题吧。”“那你回答,鸡蛋是怎么来的?”“鸡生的。”老师又问:“那鸡又是从哪里来的呢?”“老师,这已经是第二道题了。”林肯微笑着说。 一次,林肯步行到城里去。一辆汽车从他身后开来时,他扬手让车停下来,对司机说:“能不能替我把这件大衣捎到城里去?”“当然可以,”司机说,“可我怎样将大衣交还给你呢?”林肯回答说:“哦,这很简单,我打算裹在大衣里头。”司机被他的幽默所折服,笑着让他上了车。 林肯当过律师。有一次出庭,对方律师把一个简单的'论据翻来覆去地陈述了两个多小时,讲得听众都不耐烦了。好不容易才轮到林肯上台替被告辩护,他走上讲台,先把外衣脱下放在桌上,然后拿起璃杯喝了两口水,接着重新穿上外衣,然后再脱下外衣放在桌上,又再喝水,再穿衣,这样反反复复了五六次,法庭上的听众笑得前俯后仰。林肯一言不发,在笑声过后才开始他的辩护演说。 林肯的脸较长,不好看。一次,他和斯蒂芬·道格拉斯辩论,道格拉斯讥讽他是两面派。林肯答道:“要是我有另一副面孔的话,我还会戴这副难看的面孔吗?” 有一次,林肯在擦自己的皮鞋,一个外国外交官向他走来说:“总统先生,您竟擦自己的皮鞋?”“是的,”林肯诧异地反问,“难道你擦别人的皮鞋?” 有人认为林肯对待政敌的态度不够强硬,对他说:“你为什么要让他们成为朋友呢?你应该想办法消灭他们才对。”“我难道不是在消灭政敌吗?当我使他们成为我的朋友时,政敌就不存在了。”林肯温和地说。 又有一次,一个妇人来找林肯,她理直气壮地说:“总统先生,你一定要给我儿子一个上校的职位。我们应该有这样的权利,因为我的祖父曾参加过雷新顿战役,我的叔父在布拉敦斯堡是惟一没有逃跑的人,而我的父亲又参加过纳奥林斯之战,我丈夫是在曼特莱战死的,所以……”林肯回答说:“夫人,你们一家三代为国服务,对国家的贡献实在够多了,我深表敬意。现在你能不能给别人一个为国效命的机会?”那妇人无话可说,只好悄悄走了。


世界上最动人的书信 美国总统林肯写给其兄弟的一封信 我为什么不能借钱给你 亲爱的江斯顿: 你向我借80块钱,我觉得目前最好不要借给你。好几次我帮助你之后,你都说“现在我们的生活可以好过了”,但是时隔不久,你又面临了同样的困境。现在,只能说明你自己有问题。是什么问题呢?我想知道。你不是个懒汉,但多少有点游手好闲。自从我上次看见你,我就怀疑你没有认真工作过一天。你不太讨厌工作,但却不卖劲干活,唯一的原因是因为你觉得你并不能从中获益多少。 所有的问题都源于你那浪费时间的恶习。改掉这种习惯对你来说很重要,而对你的儿女则更加重要。这是因为他们的人生之路还很长,在没有养成闲散的习惯之前,尚可以加以制止。这比养成之后再纠正要容易得多。 现在你需要些现钱,我建议你去工作,去找个出薪雇人的老板,为他“卖力地”工作。 让你爸爸和你的几个儿子去应付家里春播和秋种的事吧,你自己去做些最挣钱的工作,再用你的工资抵债。为了使你的劳动获得好的酬金,我现在答应你,从今天到5月1号,只要你工作挣到一块钱或是偿还了一块钱的债,我就再给你一块钱。 这样的话,如果你每月挣10块钱,你可以从我这再得到10块钱,那么你一个月就能挣20块钱。我不是说让你到圣卢一伙加利福尼亚州的铅矿、金矿去,而是让你在离家近的地方找个最挣钱的工作——就在柯尔斯县境内。 如果你现在愿意这样做,很快就能还清债务。更好的是你会养成不再欠债的好习惯。但是,如果我现在帮你还了债,明年你又会负债累累。你说,你愿意用你在天堂的席位换来七八十块钱。这么说你把你在天堂的席位看得太廉价了。其实,照我说的去做,保证你工作四五个月就能挣到那七八十块钱。你又说,如果我借钱给你,你愿意把田产抵押给我,若是你将来还不清债,那田产就归我所有—— 胡说八道!假如你现在有田地都无法生存,将来没有田地又怎么存活呢?你一向对我很好,我现在也没有对你无情无义,相反,如果你肯采纳我的建议,你会发现,对你来说,这比8个80块钱还值! 挚爱你的哥哥亚·林肯 1848年12月24日 注:江斯顿是林肯继母的儿子,他来信向林肯借钱,林肯以此信回复了他。


名人励志故事:永不退缩的林肯总统 坚持到底的实例可能就是亚伯拉罕·林肯。如果你想知道有谁从 未放弃,那就不必再寻寻觅觅了。生下来就一贫如洗的林肯,终其一 生都在面对挫败,8次竞选8次落败,两次经商失败,甚至还精神崩溃过一次。 好多次,他本能够放弃,但他并没有如此,也正因为他没有放弃,才成为美国历最伟大的总统之一。 林肯天下无敌,而且他从不放弃。 以下是林肯进驻白宫前的简历: 182020年,家人被赶出了居住的地方,他必须工作以抚养他们; 1818年,母亲去世; 1831年,经商失败; 1832年,竞选州议员但落选; 1832年,工作也丢了,想就读法学院,但进不去; 1833年,向朋友借钱经商,但年底就破产了,接下来,他花了 2020年,才把债还清; 1834年,再次竞选州议员,赢了; 1835年,订婚后即将结婚时,末婚妻却死了,所以他的心也碎了; 1836年,精神完全崩溃,卧病在床6个月; 1838年,争取成为州议员的发言人但没有成功; 1840年,争取成为选举人,但失败; 1843年,参加国会大选,落选;

1846年,再次参加国会大选,这次当选,前往华盛顿特区,表现 可圈可点; 1848年,寻求国会议员连任,失败; 1849年,想在自己的州内担任土地局长的工作,被拒绝; 1854年,竞选美国参议员,落选; 1856年,在共和党的全国代表大会上争取副总统的提名,得票不 到100张; 1858年,再度竞选美国参议员,再度落败; 1860年,当选美国总统。 “此路艰辛而泥泞。我一只脚滑了一下,另一只脚也因而站不稳,但我缓口气,告诉自己:这不过是滑一跤,并不是死去而爬不起来。”林肯在竞选参议员落败后如是说。


美国总统林肯克服口吃的方法 美国总统林肯天生说话有口吃,可是他自从立志要做律师之后,深深了解了口才的重要,从此每天到海边对着大海练习演讲。经过千万遍的练习,林肯不仅成为一位名声斐然的律师,而且踏入政界,成为美国有史以来最为人怀念的一位总统。现在大家提到林肯,只记得他留下脍炙人口的葛底斯堡演讲词,却绝少有人记得,他曾患有口吃,说话比一般人都差劲。不断的努力,可以使林肯得到绝佳的口才,同样的道理,魅力也需要靠后天的努力,它不是抽象的,也不是天生的. 矫正口吃的几种有效方法 有些口吃结巴者对获取演说能力没有信心,认为自己的“生理缺陷”已把自己拒之演说门外。如果你知道:古希腊的大演说家德莫西尼和现代日本前首相田中角荣就曾经是口吃者,你还坚持自己的看法吗 科学研究已经证明;口吃仅仅是一种通过模仿和某种暗示所形成的不良习惯,并不是发音器官有病变性毛病或遗传性疾病,更不是口吃者思维力迟钝,通过训练是完全能够矫正的。下面介绍一种方法。 1.朗读矫正法 朗读能保持语言的连贯性,可以不断提高大脑皮层和发音器官的协调能力,有助于口吃的矫正。口吃者大都有说话时即表现得心慌性急、肌肉紧张、急欲把话快速说完的心理内驱力。为消除这一毛病,可以拿一篇自己熟悉的课文或文章来朗读。读前,把心情平静下来并使肌肉放松。开始朗读时,先慢速度进行并注意轻读每一句话的第一字音和句中词组的首字音。如这样一段文字:我们一定要兢兢业业地做好自己的工作,加强同全国各族人民的团结,加强同全世界人民的团结,为把中国建设成为现代化的、高度文明、高度发达的社会主义国家而努力奋斗。 2.写字矫正法 说与写有着极为密切的关系。有位科学家要求口吃者把他们所写的一切都用印刷体规矩地写出来。这潦潦草草地写要多花费2—3倍的时间。据说有的口吃患者坚持这样写字一星期,讲话的节奏逐渐均匀,最后就不再口吃了。这是因为一丝不苟地写字会养成从容不迫的思维习惯。 3.字音纠正法 口吃的人有个毛病,即常对某些字的发音有困难。如遇到有声母b、p、m或zh、ch、sh的字音就口吃。口吃患者注意自己在哪些字上口吃,就把这些字单独记下来,进行专门训练。 4.体育疗法 经常参加体育锻炼,特别是经常做深呼吸对矫正口吃也很有帮助。这是因为口吃患者有个特点,说话时心情紧张,急于把话说完,造成气短,从而破坏语言节奏,形成紊乱现象,使口吃加重。所以口吃患者要经过体育活动,多做深呼吸,说话要慢一点,心情不必紧张,说不出来不硬说,停顿一会。这样长期坚持下去,会使大脑皮层对发音器官的协调能力得到改善,建立起新的条件反射,使口吃的不良习惯得到矫正。工夫不负有心人。经验证明:只要持之以恒地练习,一般只要半年就可以把口吃矫正过来。 (三)朗读式训练法


美国总统林肯介绍 1809年2月2日,亚伯拉罕。林肯出生在美国肯塔基州哈定县一个伐木工工人家庭,迫于生计,他先后干过店员、村邮务员、测量员和劈栅栏木条等工作。 1818年(9岁),母亲去世 1831年(22岁),经商失败 1832年(23岁),精选州议员落选 同年(23岁),工作丢了。想就读法学院,但未获取入校资格1833年(24岁),向朋友借钱经商 同年年底(24岁),再次破产。接下来,他花了16年时间把债还清 1834年(25岁),再次竞选州议员,取得成功 1835年(26岁),订婚后即将结婚,未婚妻去世。 1836年(27岁),精神完全崩溃,卧室在床六个月。 1838年(29岁),争取成为州议员的发言人——没有成功。1840年(31岁),争取成为候选人——落选了。 1843年(34岁),参加国会大选——又落选了。 1846年(37岁),再次参加国会大选——这会当选了。 1848年(39岁),寻求国会议员连任,失败。 1849年(40岁),想在州内担任土地局长的位工作,遭到拒绝。1854年(45岁),竞选美国参议员,落选。 1856年(47岁),在共和党内争取副总统的题名——得票不足

100张。 1860年(51岁),当选美国总统,成为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。 1854年前南部奴隶主竟派遣一批暴徒涌入堪萨斯州,用武力强制推行奴隶制度,引起了堪萨斯的政治主张。这一事件激起了林肯的斗争热情,他明确宣布了他要“为争取自由和废除奴隶制而奋斗”的政治主张。1860年当选为总统。1861年,南部7个州的代表宣布脱离联邦,宣布独立,自组“南部联盟”,并于4月12日开始想联邦军队发起攻击。内战爆发初期,联邦军队一再失利。1862年9月22日,林肯宣布了亲自起草了具有伟大历史意义的文献——《解放黑奴宣言》草案,从此战争形势才开始发生了明显的变化,北部军队很快由防御转为进攻,1865年终于获得了彻底的胜利。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除林肯竞选总统演讲稿 篇一:林肯竞选总统的演讲稿 美国总统林肯演讲稿inauguralspeechbyabrahamlincolnmarch4th1861speech:idonotconsideritnecessaryatpresentformetodiscusstho semattersof administrationaboutwhichthereisnospecialanxietyorex citement.apprehensionseemstoexistamongthepeopleofth esouthernstatesthatbythe accessionofarepublicanadministrationtheirpropertyan dtheirpeaceandpersonal securityaretobeendangered.therehasneverbeenanyreaso nablecauseforsuch

apprehension.indeed,themostampleevidencetothecontra ryhasallthewhile existedandbeenopentotheirinspection.itisfoundinnear lyallthepublished speechesofhimwhonowaddressesyou.idobutquotefromoneo fthosespeecheswhen ideclarethat:ihavenopurpose,directlyorindirectly,to interferewiththeinstitutionof slaveryinthestateswhereitexists.ibelieveihavenolawf ulrighttodoso, andihavenoinclinationtodoso.thosewhonominatedandele ctedmedidsowithfullknowledgethatihadmade thisandmanysimilardeclarationsandhadneverrecantedth em;andmorethanthis, theyplacedintheplatformformyacceptance,andasalawtot


有关美国总统林肯的故事 一个1周岁左右的小男孩,被年轻的妈妈牵着小手来到公园的广场前,要上有十几个阶梯的台阶了。小男孩却挣脱开妈妈的手,他要自己爬上去。他用胖胖的小手向上爬,他的妈妈也没有抱他上去的意思。当爬上两个台阶时,他就感到台阶很高,回头瞅一眼妈妈,妈妈没有伸手去扶他的意思,仅仅眼睛里充满了慈爱和鼓励。小男孩又抬头向上瞅了瞅,他放弃了让妈妈抱的想法,还是手脚并用小心地向上爬。他爬得很吃力,小屁股抬得老高,小脸蛋也累得通红,那身娃娃服也被弄得都是土,小手也脏乎乎的,但他最终爬上去了。年轻的妈妈这才上前拍拍儿子身上的土,在那通红的小脸蛋上亲了一口。 这个小男孩,就是后来成为美国第16届总统的林肯。他的母亲便是南希?汉克斯。 林肯的父亲是个农民,家境极为贫穷。林肯断断续续地接受正规教育的时间,加起来还不足1年。但林肯从小就养成了热爱知识、追求学问、善良正直和不畏艰难的好品质。他买不起纸和笔,就用木炭在木板上写字,用小木棍在地上练字。他抓紧一切时间看书学习,练习讲演。林肯失过业,做过工人,当过律师。他从29岁起,开始竞选议员和总统,前后尝试过11次,失败过9次。在他51岁那年,他终于问鼎白宫,并取得了辉煌的业绩,被马克思称之为“全世界的一位英雄”。母亲南希在林肯9岁那年不幸病故。但毫无疑问,她用坚强而伟大的母爱抚养了林肯,使他勇敢而坚定地走向未来。 不言而喻,人的一生有无数级台阶——生活、学习和工作。如何面对和攀登这些人生之阶?对于孩子,是牵着手、搀扶着上,还是抱着上?不同的父母会有不同的答案。显而易见,如果家长牵着、搀扶着孩子,就会使孩子产生依赖性,常常把父母当成拐棍而难以自立。如果家长抱着孩子上台阶,把孩子揽在襁褓里,那么,孩子就会成为被“抱大的一代”,不经风雨,不见世面,更难立足于社会。平时,孩子饭来张口,衣来伸手,上学接送,晚上陪读,甚至考上大学父母还


林肯总统在1861年的第一次就职演说--英文版 First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1861 Fellow-Citizens of the United States: In compliance with a custom as old as the Government itself, I appear before you to address you briefly and to take in your presence the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States to be taken by the President before he enters on the execution of this office." I do not consider it necessary at present for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety or excitement. Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that-- I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read: Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. I now reiterate these sentiments, and in doing so I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming Administration. I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded, for whatever cause--as cheerfully to one section as to another. There is much controversy about the delivering up of fugitives from service or labor. The clause I now read is as plainly written in the Constitution as any other of its provisions: No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law. All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution--to this provision as much as to any other. To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up" their oaths are unanimous. Now, if they would make the effort in good temper, could they not with nearly equal


美国前任总统林肯的父亲的故事搬走心上的石头美国前任总统林肯的父亲的故事搬走心上的石头是一篇关于名人故事的文章,俗话说以前成功靠机会,未来成功靠智慧,不学习,何来智慧,希望这篇文章对您有所帮助! 美国前总统林肯的父亲曾以低价在西雅图买到一处农场,农场里有许多石头。林肯的母亲建议把石头搬走。林肯的父亲反对:“那是一座小山头,根本搬不了,要不主人不会便宜卖给我们。”林肯的母亲带着几个孩子开始挖石头。没过多久,石头全被搬走。那些石头都孤零零的,根本没有连着山,挖上一英尺,就能晃动。 林肯的父亲不去搬动那些石头,大概因为他心里也压着一块“石头”。这块“石头”名叫“不可能”。其实,只需一点勇气,只要一点尝试,结果就会完全改变。扪心自问,我们的心上不也压着这样那样的“石头”吗?它们可能是懦弱、懈怠、自私、我不行、没希望、无法比……被这些“石头”压着,就没有冲动,没有干劲,没有渴望。那些及时果断搬走“石头”的人,往往迎来另一片天地。 卡夫卡从小生活在家庭的阴影里,敏感多疑,内向悲观。最悲观失望时,他甚至将巴尔扎克的格言“我能摧毁一切障碍”改成“一切障碍都能摧毁我”。上大学时,在好友的鼓励和支持下,卡夫卡开始走出封闭,提笔写作,还试着参加文学沙龙。最终,他写出《城堡》、《审判》等不朽作品。“孤僻”曾是压在卡夫卡心上的一块“石头”,所幸的是,它被搬走了。 维克多?格林尼亚出生于豪门,从小过着无所事事、奢侈放浪的生活。年轻时,在一次宴会上,他遇到一个貌美如花的女孩,厚着脸皮搭讪。没想到,女孩嗤之以鼻。格林尼亚羞愧不已。他不像一般花花公子那样丧心病狂、变本加厉,而是对过去行尸走肉般的生活产生深深自责。通过一番拼搏,他成为化学家,荣获1912年诺贝尔化学奖。格林尼亚搬走“骄纵”这块“石头”,改过自新,取得令人瞩目的成就。 黛米?摩尔是一个勤奋且幸运的女人。她第一次登上荧屏,是在电视剧中演一个小角色。不久,她就在电影中担任主角。《人鬼情未了》轰动一时,她声名大噪。


美国总统林肯作文 第十六届美国总统亚伯拉罕林肯出身于一个鞋匠家庭,而当时的美国很看重门第,小编收集了美国总统林肯作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:美国总统林肯 相信看过《鞋匠的儿子》这篇文章的同学,一定都对林肯有一些了解吧?如果你想更深地了解林肯,那就和我一起来感受,听我慢慢道来吧! 林肯,美国第16任总统,是着名的演讲师、律师,但我最佩服他的一点,就是宽恕。在美国南北战争期间,有一个名叫罗斯维尔·麦金泰尔的年轻人被征入骑兵营。由于战争进展不顺,士兵奇缺,在几乎没有接受任何训练的情况下,他就被临时派往战场。在战斗中,美金太尔担惊受怕,终于开小差逃跑了,后来被判处死刑。当麦金泰尔的母亲得到这个消息后,向林肯发出请求,请求林肯放了她的儿子。林肯考虑再三,最终决定宽恕这个士兵。后来麦金泰尔牺牲于弗吉尼亚的一场激战中。林肯的宽恕给予了一个人第二次机会,让他由怯懦的逃兵变成了无畏的勇士,战斗到生命的最后一刻。 这个故事给我的启示很大,告诉我们宽恕的力量是何等巨大。由于种种原因,人不可能不犯过失,但只有宽恕才能

给人改错的机会,让他弥补先前犯下的过失。而我也联想到了自己。以前,别人如果做了对不起我的事,我就会一直追究,不肯原谅别人的过错。读到这个故事,我觉得很惭愧,懂得了宽恕的力量如此重要,我一定要做像林肯那样心胸开阔的人。 林肯不仅心胸开阔,还是一个幽默风趣的人呢! 早在他读书的时候,有一次考试,老师问他:“你愿意回答一道难题,还是两道容易的题目?”林肯很有把握地回答:“一道难题吧。”“那你回答,鸡蛋是怎么来的?”“鸡生的。”老师又问:“那鸡又是哪里来的呢?”“老师,这已经是第二个问题了。”林肯微笑着回答。 林肯还有很多优点,他做事认真,很有亲和力。 1962年,一批着名的历史学家聚集在美国,把到当时为止的31位总统分为伟大的、接近伟大的、一般水平的、低水平的、最差的5个档次。这次投票选出的5位伟大的总统中,林肯名列榜首。 第二篇:美国总统林肯 第十六届美国总统亚伯拉罕林肯出身于一个鞋匠家庭,而当时的美国很看重门第。林肯竞选总统前夕,在参议院演说时,他遭到了一个参议员的羞辱。那位参议员说:“林肯先生,在你开始演讲之前,我希望你记住你是一个鞋匠的儿子。”“我非常感谢你使我想起我的父亲,他已经过世了,我


美国总统——林肯 亚伯拉罕·林肯(AbrahamLincoln)(1809-1865) 亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国第16任总统是世界历史中最伟大的人物之一,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争。人们怀念他的正直、仁慈、和坚强的 个性,他一直是美国历史上最受人景仰的总统之一。尽管他仅在边疆受过一点 儿初级教育,担任公职的经验也很少,然而,他那敏锐的洞察力和深厚的人道 主义意识,使他成了美国历史上最伟大的总统。 林肯1809年2月12日黎明出生在肯塔基州哈定县霍尔以南3英里的小木 屋里。用他自己的话说,他的童年是一部贫穷的简明编年史。小时候,他帮助 家里搬柴、提水、做农活等。9岁的时候,母亲去世,这对林肯来说是一个残 酷的打击。幸而继母对他很好,常常督促他读书、学习,他和继母的关系很融洽。后来,长大的林肯开始独立谋生,他当过农场雇工、石匠、船夫等。 1830年,林肯一家迁居伊利诺斯州定居,在一场政治集会上他第一次发表 了政治演说。由于抨击黑奴制,提出一些有利于公众事业的建议,林肯在公众 中有了影响,加上他具有杰出的人品,1834年他被选为州议员。两年后,林肯 通过自学成为一名律师,不久又成为州议会辉格党领袖。1846年,他当选为美 国众议员。 1854年,北方各州主张废奴和限制奴隶制的资产阶级人士成立了共和党, 林肯很快成为这个新党的领导者。1858年,他发表了着名演说《家庭纠纷》, 要求限制黑人奴隶的发展,实现祖国统一。演说表达了北方资产阶级的愿望, 也反映了全国人民的意愿,因而为林肯赢得了巨大声望。1860年,林肯作为共 和党候选人,当选为美国第16任总统。 林肯上任后不久,南部奴隶主挑起了南北战争。在这场战争中,林肯肩上 的担子之沉重,是以往绝大多数美国总统无法比拟的。但是,他凭借着自己的 非凡毅力和决心履行了自己的职责,即使在遭到诋毁时,也从未动摇他的方向:恢复联邦、废除奴隶制。1862年9月,林肯发布了着名的《解放黑奴宣言》, 宣布废除奴隶制,解放黑奴。1864年6月南北战争以北方胜利而告结束,它标 志着奴隶制的彻底崩溃。 由于林肯的卓越功绩,1864年11月8日他再次当选为美国总统。然而, 还没等林肯把他的战后政策付诸实施,悲剧发生了。1865年4月14日晚10时15分,就在南方军队投降后第5天,林肯在华盛顿福特剧院遇刺。那天,刺杀 林肯的凶手约翰·蒲斯已经在磨刀霍霍了。蒲斯出身于美国戏剧界名门之后, 他高超的演技一直是女性戏迷追逐的对象。但是蒲斯人在戏行,心忧国家,他 在政见上毫不含糊,一个坚定的南部联邦的极力支持者。内战期间,蒲斯就纠 合了一群人暗中活动,这些人包括他的儿时好友米切尔·奥劳夫林和萨姆·阿 诺德;马里兰州一个制造马车的乔治·阿茨罗德;23岁的药店员工大卫·赫罗 尔德;前南部联邦战士路易斯·鲍威尔,还有一个曾经为叛军提供过情报的约

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