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尊敬的各位 ___:




我深知语言交际作用的重要性,我特别注重学以致用。除了积极地、有选择地参加校、院 ___的活动外,我还时常参加英语角和负责

英语角活动的开展,以及利用寒暑假开办英语 ___。同时,我也做过义工,这些都让我有机会结交了许多朋友,丰富了阅历,而且感到生活更加充实。

大学里,有收获也有遗憾,但欣慰的是,这些经历使我变得冷静、执着,使我变得愈加 ___、坚韧;教我学会在人生的坐标上寻找适合自己的位置,并不断调整和完善自我;更让我意识到要勇于在人生的不同阶段迎接新的挑战。所以当又一次走到人生的十字路口时,我诚挚地希望能加入你们这群充满生命力、竞争力和挑战力的精英当中,在各方英才的 ___和帮助下,为贵单位的再度发展推波助澜!






英语翻译专业求职信范文 求职信所要达到的目标是建立联系,争取面谈的机会。此时谈钱为时尚早,以后会有更适当的场合,更何况薪水的数目并不是你选择职业的主要因素。下面是zcbkw小编分享的英语翻译专业求职信范文,更多内容请关注求职信网。 篇一:求职信范文 尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料! 我叫xx,是xx学院英语翻译专业应届本科毕业生。诚实稳重,乐观大方,积极向上且爱好广泛是我的写照。大学四年,我不仅学好了外贸英语专业全部课程,而且对计算机软硬件有一定了解,自修了计算机基础及应用专业,自学了网络方面的一些知识。能熟练操作各类办公软件,制图软件。短短的四年里,我始终以天道酬勤自励,积极进取,立足扎实的基础,对专业求广度求深度。在学好每门功课的同时,更注重专业理论与实践相结合,以优异成绩完成了学业。同时,除了认真学习课堂知识,还积极参与文体活动与社会实践。通过不断的学习,我已变得成熟,稳重,具备了良好的

分析处理问题的能力,也铸就了我坚毅的性格和强烈责任心,我坚信,也坚定的认为:天生我材必有用。 一滴滴汗水是面对昨日舒心的微笑,也是走向未来丰沛的信心。站在世纪的曙光中,面对新的考验和抉择,我无法退缩,也无法沉默,我要用我那双冷静善于观察的眼睛,那颗真诚而热爱事业的心,用那双善于操作而有力的手,那双发誓踏平坎坷的脚一如继行的发扬对工作求真务实,锐意进取,开拓创新的工作作风和对事业执着追求的精神,磨砺前行。为您,为我,为我们的共同事业创造新的辉煌。 诚然,缺乏经验是我的不足,但我拥有饱满的热情以及干一行爱一行的敬业精神。在这个竞争日益激烈的时代,人才济济,我不一定是最优秀的。但我仍然自信。 尊敬的领导,相信您伯乐的慧眼,相信我的实力,我真诚地期望能投足你的麾下,牵手事业路,风雨同舟,共同构筑美好的明天! 此致 敬礼 zcbkw 日期 篇二:求职信范文 尊敬的领导:


中英文自荐信范文 第一篇:中英文-自荐信dear sir, professor kenneth h. chan, head of the department of metallurgy, has informed me that your agency is looking for an engineering graduate with the ability to write about technical subjects for non-technical readers. the four years at hong kong university have given me a thorough foundation in such fundamental sciences as physics, mathematics, and chemistry, in addition to specialized courses in metallurgy. i have also taken as many courses in english and psychology as possible with the expectation that i would enter the field of technical sales or editing following my graduation this summer. fortunately, as my resume shows, i now have a mature interest in finding a satisfying job. may i come in for an interview at your convenience? sincerely yours, 敬啟者: 冶金系主任陈教授告诉我,贵公司在物色有能力写专门性文章给一般读者阅读的工科毕业生。 在香港大学四年我奠定了冶金及物理、数学、化学基本科学的良好基础。我曾经选修许多门英语和心理学方面的课程,期望今年夏天


用英语写求职信范文3篇 求职者可以在求职过程中准备一个标准版本求职信,但是当你把它套用在不同职位申请时要格外小心,注意不要出现错误。求职信中的常见错误包括错误的职位、公司名称、日期和招聘信息来源。 用英语写求职信范文篇一Dear sir, I am writing you the letter to show my interest in the position of assistant manager . I learned from the advertisement in the newspaper .Please find enclosed my resume ,which I am forwarding to you as an application from the position of assistant manager. I have always been a top student in my school .I also took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them because of my hard study .Iam a prepared party member and have past CET4 have had several practice in one company,so I have much experience .I have been taking part in a variety of activities,through which my teamwork spirit and communicative skills greatly improved. I would like to meet you if you are convenient .Thank you for your consideration. faithfully yours,



求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和闪光点,以使对方信服。优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in 2007. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to self-initiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge and skills in what I have learnt, and I am presently seeking to join a company that offers opportunities for growth and advancement. I hope to hear from you favorable reply soon. Thanking you in advance. Sincerely yours, 优秀英文求职信范文篇二respect leadership: first, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material. also hoped that it can open the opportunity and the success gate of for me. my name am xx, is the foreign language foreign trade training college international trade specialized 06 sessions of graduates. the graduation in namely, is facing the future and enterprises choice, i the position which provides to your firm is interested very much. in the work the academic society work, the academic society studies in the study. three year university life, i record one point to do farm work sincerely frequently, one point harvest the maxim and loves the hillock professional spirit, and merges it to the


英语求职信范文及翻译 简历是求职者敲开企业大门的拍门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思设计具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是整理的英语求职信范文及翻译,以供大家参考。 英语求职信范文及翻译一:(英文版) Dear Sir, Mr.Li Quanzhi who has just returned to China from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language. I am very much interested in such a position. I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to students from English-speaking courtries. As a result,I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.


中英文自荐信范文 第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:中英文-自荐信第二篇:中英文自荐信四第三篇:中英文自荐信五第四篇:个人简历中英文自荐信第五篇:医药学毕业中英文自荐信更多相关范文 正文第一篇:中英文-自荐信dear sir, professor kenneth h. chan, head of the department of metallurgy, has informed me that your agency is looking for an engineering graduate e a thorough foundation in such fundamental sciences as physics, mathematics, and chemistry, in addition to specialized courses in metallurgy. i have also taken as many courses in english and psychology as possible y graduation this summer. fortunately, as my resume shoature interest in finding a satisfying job. may i come in for an intervie the university of kansas asters degree in june of this year. my major is pharmacy and i am very interested in securing a position before i graduate, if possible. i am a hong kong chinese and my bachelor’s degree is


优秀英文求职信范文三篇 求职信要写对所谋求的职务的看法以及对自己的能力要作出客观公允的评价,这是求职的关键。要着重介绍自己应聘的有利条件,要特别突出自己的优势和“闪光点”,以使对方信服。 优秀英文求职信范文篇一Dear Sir/Madam, I have just completed my Master Degree in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management in the University of Nottingham in UK in XX. During 3 years overseas study, I was developed to be more independent, responsible, sociable, creative, and be able to work under pressure. Moreover, the study in the University, has trained me becomes a competent, cooperative, and analytical person. If you further look at the unit I studied in my degree, I have what is takes to be excellent in the area I studied and managing development in the organization itself. Although I have no working experience in the fields related to manufacturing, engineering and management, however, I would be able to selfinitiate, motivate and work in a demanding hours to comply task schedules. My long term career plan is to expand my knowledge


优秀英文求职信范文 优秀英文求职信范文 【范文一】 Dear Mr. Director, I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Tsinghua University. My supervisor Mr.Wang, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation. During the two years of studies at Tsinghua University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but also learned two foreign languages as well ,they are English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China‘s entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted. I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor DA‘s letter of recommendation. I sincerely hope you will introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself. Sincerely, Jack 【范文二】 dear mr. cavendish, I saw your advertisement in the local paper this evening,and i wonder if you would consider me for a job as a waiter this summer. I am seventeen years old and at present am studying english and economics. when i leave school, i hope to take a course in hotel management. during the school holidays last summer, i worked as a waiter at the central hotel. the headwaiter there, mr. macintosh, will be pleased to send you a recommendation for me. I would prefer to work in your hotel in filey because it is near my home. however, if there isn’t any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the scarborough hotel.


英语求职信中英翻译范文5篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。求职1号站给大家带来英文求职信,求职信英文,英语求职信范文,求职简历英文,求职信格式英文,英语求职信格式等给大家 应聘管理职位英文求职信1 尊敬的Volitip女士: 您是否需要一名能够及时向管理层提供关键决策(如公司产品的销售、新分支机构的开设、公司经营的多样化、新税法的效果审查、经济预测的编制等)信息的员工? 我拥有经济学和运筹学的硕士学位,正在寻找一个能够充分挑战我的研究能力以实现公司目标的成长型组织的职位。 随函附上的简历反映了我在课堂和短暂的职业生涯中取得的扎实成就。无论是在教室还是在工作场所,我始终能够实现近期目标,同时开发工具来成功地解决未来的需求。 谢谢你抽出时间。我期待你的回音。如有要求,将提供参考资料。 真诚的 Dear Ms. Volitip: Do you have need for an employee who can provide management with timely information on which crucial decisions (e.g., marketing of company products, the opening of new branches, diversification of company operations, examination of the effects of new tax laws, preparation of economic forecasts, etc.) are made? I hold an M.S. degree in Economics and Operations Research and am seeking a position with a growing organization that can fully challenge my research capabilities in pursuit of the firm' s objectives. The enclosed resume reflects solid achievement in both the classroom and during my brief professional career. Whether in the classroom or at the workplace, I have been consistently able to meet near-term objectives while developing the tools to successfully tackle future requirements.


应聘秘书的中英文求职信范文 Model Chinese and English application letter for Secreta ry

应聘秘书的中英文求职信范文 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 英文版 personal details name: miss. liang xiaoyan nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 163 cm marital status: married age: 27 years career objective

application type: jobseeker preferred job title: admin staff/assistant: assistant 、 shipping: 、 secretary/paper staff: working life: 3 title: no title job type: full time expected start date: in a day expected salary: ¥2,000--¥3,500 preferred working place: guangzhou work experience company's name: guangzhou sanny import and export co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-08 enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: mechnical follow all the business for old customers. 2> place new order to factory, follow producing process. 3> prepare paper work for custom declaration and inspection.


28个经典的英文求职信开头 一、求职信的格式、用词和礼节 求职信是有目的地针对不同用人单位的一种书面自我介绍,通常一页长,书写一般以商 业格式为标准,分开头,中间和结尾三部分。首尾部份应注意礼貌,通常信的开始要先做自 我介绍,如:姓名、学校、所学专业等。中间部分是正文,是求职信的核心,形式多种多样, 一般为自我条件展示、工作展望等内容。先是你写求职信的目的是什么,目标是什么?是想 获得一个什么样的具体的职务;其次写自己对从事此工作感兴趣的原因、愿意到该单位工作 的愿望和自己具有的资格;接着写出或推销出你的优势或长处,即你的竞争实力;然后谈你 为什么想为此机构或公司服务?你对他们的了解有多少?关于他们的产品或服务、任务、企 业文化、目标、宗旨等一切与你自己的背景、价值观和目标相关联的东西。在结尾处建议下 一步的行动,联络地点、联络方式,以及最后的感谢语等。这三部分的内容一般占三或四段, 可以发挥创意的空间非常的大,不必死守规则,可灵活运用。求职信应与履历分开,有话则 长,无话则短,没有必要把简历的内容重复一遍。英文求职信的模式与中文求职信格式相同。 二、礼貌的开头结尾 4. so i must to say that i have long been hopeful of working for your hospital after graduation, i am sure that i have the privilege of serving in your hospital, i will greatly increase my experience and my education. 贵院是本地区最有名气的一所医院,我早已渴望能毕业 后进入贵院工作,如有这份荣幸,我确信,对我提高行医能力和经验必有极大裨益。5. dear sir, after my graduation from college this fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me 司的任何工作,而只能是贵公司的一个职位。18. in response to your advertisement in todays newspaper,i wish to apply for the position of senior clerk in your esteemed firm. 贵公司在今日某某报上刊登广告招聘高级文员一职,现拟应征。19. replying to your advertisement in todays china times for an administration assistant, i tender my services. 拜读今日中国时报上贵公司招聘人才广告,本人特此应征行政助理一职。20. your advertisement for marketing officer in china trade news of may 19 has interested me, i wish to tender my services. 贵公司5月19日在中国贸易报张刊登招聘市场部办公室主 任的广告,本人拜读后极感兴趣,特此应召。 21. referring to your advertisement in international trade news of may 28 for an accountant, i feel i can fill that position. 贵公司5月28日在国际经贸消息上刊登招聘会计的广告,相信本人能担任此职。22. i wish to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in todays 英文求职信开头常用语 ◆ my interest in the position of masonry supply manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration. ◆ the sales manager position advertised in the chicago tribune on october 12 intrigues me. i believe you will find me well-qualified. ◆your october 30 advertisement in the jackson review calls for an administrative assistant with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills ,such as mine. ◆ my desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration. ◆ are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or upgrade the security of your organization?if so, i would like to apply for the position.


关于英语求职信范文及翻译阅读关于英语求职信范文及翻译篇1 Dear school leadership: hello! Learning that your school in an orderly,well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth,eager to be able to work in such an environment,their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you. xx i xx session of pre-university students in school during the hard hard work,not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals,but also other psychology,english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years,in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door,almost more than two-thirds of gifted,learning the psychology of all professional courses,the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition,i also trained hard under the basic skills classes,have stronger language skills,organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in changchun,the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own,the practice of recognized units. I am solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge,rich in psychological knowledge,organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability,competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me,please your school gave me a chance. Sincerely, salute 翻译:


中英文求职信 提要:随信附上我的简历,如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢。即使贵公司认为我还不符合你们的条件,我也将一如既往地关注贵公司的发展,并在此致以最诚挚的祝愿。 更多内容通告 DearSir, Twoyearsasaseniorclerkin*salesdepartmentof*theGreatwallcompanyhave,Ibelievegivenmetheexpe riencetoqualifyforthejobyouadvertisedin51jobwebsite. Since2000Ihavebeenresponsiblefor*allofficedetailsintheadministrationofsales,,Ihavebecomefamili arwiththevarioussalesterritories,andhavealsoinmysparetimeexperienceofhandlingbusinessproblems otherthanmypropersphere. TheyearsbeforeIwasemployedattheGreatwall,Iwasasecretaryfor*LongDragon, Iwasgraduatedat*wuhanUniversity,*twenty-sevenyearsofageandsingle. Iamleavingmypresentpositio mayIseeyouatyourofficetotellyoumoreaboutmyselfandshowyoujusthowwellIcandotheworkyourequ ire. yoursfaithfully, 参考译文: 敬启者: 在51job人才网站上,获悉贵公司招聘人才。本人曾担任长城公司*销售部高级职员两年,自信有充分工作经验,可担任贵公司所招聘的职务。 本人自二零零零年开始,一直担任*售货业务以及函件的撰写工作。在工作期间,除正式业务范围外,与各地区客户颇有来往,并利用公余时间,学会了很多有关商业问题的处理。 在长城公司任职前,我曾在*长龙会计公司担任过秘书工作。在任职期间,学会很多有关会计名词及会计作业程序。 本人*现年二十七岁,未婚,一九九七年毕业于*武汉大学,我希望有机会充分利用自己工作能力,从事更大范围工作之需要,这是我急于离开现职的主要原国。本人现任职的公司老板,对我的工作雄心颇为赞许,因此,愿协助找另谋他职。 如果方便的话,我愿亲赴贵公司办公室晋见阁下,以便详细说明。


个人英文求职信 一份好的求职信能秀出一个人的能力,英语求职信怎么写才能把自己的个人能力表现出来,让面试官选中你?下面是个人英语求职信。 英文求职信(一) april 13,XX p.o. box 36 tsinghua university beijing,china 100084 dear sir/madam: your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10 student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking. according to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt4.0 and linux system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of tsinghua university this year with a m.s. degree . my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual interdev and sql server. during my education, i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed cet-6, but more


英文求职信优秀范文 求职信是求职者写给用人单位的信,目的是让对方了解自己、相信自己、录用自己,它是一种私人对公并有求于公的信函。以下是为大家精心搜集和整理的英文求职信优秀范文,希望大家喜欢! 英文求职信优秀范文(一) Dear Sir / Miss: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to open this letter. I am a 20xx session of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute of Professional Accounting is about to graduate from a university student, was informed that your organization recruit more capable personnel, I am attracted to, I hope your company can take the first step in my career. Four years in college, I work hard hard, comprehensive and systematic study of the major accounting and management courses and books, and can be applied flexibly; At the same time, after school, I also actively engage in the financial aspects of the latest theories and laws and regulations, a systematic study a new accounting system, and constantly refresh and enrich their theoretical knowledge, a solid theoretical foundation of their own. And in practice, I mastered the Abacus, Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis accounting and other business under the new economic system of the accounting activities of a more comprehensive understanding. And obtained


大学生英语求职信格式中英翻译3篇 求职自荐信在应聘时显得非常重要,可是求职自荐信中的英文求职信又该怎么写呢,在这之中应该有许多外文系专业的同学们要头疼了吧。相对于中文求职信的要求,英文求职信,怎么样的格式、开头才算礼貌呢,这其中有涉及到西方交流文化了。给大家带来英文求职信,求职信英文,英语求职信范文,求职简历英文,求职信格式英文,英语求职信格式等给大家参考,希望你能够帮助大家。 标准个人英文求职信 各位领导: 感谢您对利用我的求职信宝贵时间的关注! 我叫某某某,#,今年22岁,身高一八零,某某年某某月某某日从某某大学毕业,他对诚实可靠的忠诚;将计算机日常操作,曾多次在学生中获奖,并积极参加医院的各项校内组织活动,有良好的生活作风和高度的纪律意识,有较高的觉悟,要执行好秩序,有较强的团队合作意识,有吃苦耐劳的作风,不怕吃苦,敢为人先。工作责任心强,乐于助人,对上级交办的任务有积极性,善于学习,对自己的工作有一定的基层管理经验。 我学到的是工商企业的专业化管理,但我不拘泥于专业约束,对各行各业都充满信心和爱心。当然,在业余时间,我喜欢做的就是阅读运动和运动。我喜欢看一些励志类的书,比如她业余时间打篮球、踢足球等球类运动!我认为没有好的身体工作条件是不可能备份的,没

有更灵活的思想是不可能的! 择木而栖鸟好,让残疾人交朋友。一个合作的机会,对我来说是一个好的开始,对你来说是一个明智的选择。我是一个胆小鬼,因为你追求的是这种能力和洞察力,只有马才能这样。真诚希望你能给我一个发挥人生价值,从而影响社会发展的机会。语言只能被时代的人们所感动,证明我的能力是可以的。我相信在您英明的领导下,在我的勤奋努力下,明天我将成为您组织中最好的一员。我的信条是:机会只青睐那些有充分准备的人。 我祝你事业成功,等待你的好消息! 真诚的, 敬礼! Dear leaders: Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter! My name is ##, ##, and this years 22-year-old, height一米八zero, X years in ### on ### graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers, has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school

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