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A Kidnapped Santa Claus

A Kidnapped Santa Claus
A Kidnapped Santa Claus

A Kidnapped Santa Claus

by L. Frank Baum

Santa Claus lives in the Laughing Valley, where stands the big,

Rambling布局凌乱的 castle in which his toys are manufactured. His workmen,

selected from the ryls, knooks, pixies小仙子 and fairies, live with him, and

every one is as busy as can be from one year's end to another.

It is called the Laughing Valley because everything there is happy

and gay. The brook小溪 chuckles to itself as it leaps rollicking 欢闹的between

its green banks; the wind whistles merrily in the trees; the sunbeams

dance lightly over the soft grass, and the violets and wild flowers

look smilingly up from their green nests. To laugh one needs to be

happy; to be happy one needs to be content. And throughout the

Laughing Valley of Santa Claus contentment reigns supreme.

On one side is the mighty Forest of Burzee. At the other side stands

the huge mountain that contains the Caves of the Daemons半人半神. And between

them the Valley lies smiling and peaceful.

One would thing that our good old Santa Claus, who devotes his days to

making children happy, would have no enemies on all the earth; and, as

a matter of fact, for a long period of time he encountered nothing but

love wherever he might go.

But the Daemons who live in the mountain caves grew to hate Santa Claus very much, and all for the simple reason that he made children happy.

The Caves of the Daemons are five in number. A broad pathway leads up to the first cave, which is a finely arched cavern at the foot of

the mountain, the entrance being beautifully carved and decorated. In

it resides the Daemon of Selfishness. Back of this is another cavern

inhabited by the Daemon of Envy. The cave of the Daemon of Hatred is

next in order, and through this one passes to the home of the Daemon

of Malice恶意--situated in a dark and fearful cave in the very heart of

the mountain. I do not know what lies beyond this. Some say there

are terrible pitfalls陷阱 leading to death and destruction, and this may

very well be true. However, from each one of the four caves mentioned

there is a small, narrow tunnel leading to the fifth cave--a cozy 舒适

little room occupied by the Daemon of Repentance后悔. And as the rocky

floors of these passages are well worn by the track of passing feet, I

judge that many wanderers in the Caves of the Daemons have escaped

through the tunnels to the abode住所 of the Daemon of Repentance, who is

said to be a pleasant sort of fellow who gladly opens for one a little

door admitting you into fresh air and sunshine again.

Well, these Daemons of the Caves, thinking they had great cause to

dislike old Santa Claus, held a meeting one day to discuss the matter.

"I'm really getting lonesome," said the Daemon of Selfishness. "For

Santa Claus distributes so many pretty Christmas gifts to all the

children that they become happy and generous, through his example, and

keep away from my cave."

"I'm having the same trouble," rejoined回答 the Daemon of Envy. "The little ones seem quite content with Santa Claus, and there are few, indeed, that I can coax 引诱to become envious."

"And that makes it bad for me!" declared the Daemon of Hatred. "For if no children pass through the Caves of Selfishness and Envy, none can get to MY cavern."

"Or to mine," added the Daemon of Malice.

"For my part," said the Daemon of Repentance, "it is easily seen that if children do not visit your caves they have no need to visit mine; so that I am quite as neglected as you are."

"And all because of this person they call Santa Claus!" exclaimed the Daemon of Envy. "He is simply ruining our business, and something must be done at once."

To this they readily agreed; but what to do was another and more difficult matter to settle. They knew that Santa Claus worked all

through the year at his castle in the Laughing Valley, preparing the gifts he was to distribute on Christmas Eve; and at first they resolved to try to tempt him into their caves, that they might lead him on to the terrible pitfalls that ended in destruction.

So the very next day, while Santa Claus was busily at work, surrounded by his little band of assistants, the Daemon of Selfishness came to him and said:

"These toys are wonderfully bright and pretty. Why do you not keep them for yourself? It's a pity to give them to those noisy boys and

Fretful烦躁不安的 girls, who break and destroy them so quickly."

"Nonsense!" cried the old graybeard, his bright eyes twinkling merrily

as he turned toward the tempting Daemon. "The boys and girls are

never so noisy and fretful after receiving my presents, and if I can

make them happy for one day in the year I am quite content."

So the Daemon went back to the others, who awaited him in their caves,

and said:

"I have failed, for Santa Claus is not at all selfish."

The following day the Daemon of Envy visited Santa Claus. Said he:

"The toy shops are full of playthings quite as pretty as those you are

making. What a shame it is that they should interfere with your business! They make toys by machinery much quicker than you can make them by hand; and they sell them for money, while you get nothing at all for your work."

But Santa Claus refused to be envious of the toy shops.

"I can supply the little ones but once a year--on Christmas Eve," he

answered; "for the children are many, and I am but one. And as my work is one of love and kindness I would be ashamed to receive money

for my little gifts. But throughout all the year the children must be

amused in some way, and so the toy shops are able to bring much

happiness to my little friends. I like the toy shops, and am glad to

see them prosper."

In spite of the second rebuff粗暴拒绝, the Daemon of Hatred thought he would

try to influence Santa Claus. So the next day he entered the busy

workshop and said:

"Good morning, Santa! I have bad news for you."

"Then run away, like a good fellow," answered Santa Claus. "Bad news is something that should be kept secret and never told."

"You cannot escape this, however," declared the Daemon; "for in the

world are a good many who do not believe in Santa Claus, and these you

are bound to hate bitterly, since they have so wronged you."

"Stuff and rubbish!" cried Santa.

"And there are others who resent your making children happy and who

sneer at you and call you a foolish old rattlepate头脑空虚的人,愚蠢多嘴的人! You are quite

right to hate such base slanderers, and you ought to be revenged upon them for their evil words."

"But I don't hate 'em!" exclaimed Santa Claus positively. "Such people do me no real harm, but merely render themselves and their children unhappy. Poor things! I'd much rather help them any day

than injure them."

Indeed, the Daemons could not tempt old Santa Claus in any way. On

the contrary, he was shrewd精明的 enough to see that their object in

visiting him was to make mischief 损害,恶作剧and trouble, and his cheery laughter

Disconcerted不安的 the evil ones and showed to them the folly of such an

undertaking. So they abandoned honeyed words and determined to use force.

It was well known that no harm can come to Santa Claus while he is in

the Laughing Valley, for the fairies, and ryls, and knooks all protect

him. But on Christmas Eve he drives his reindeer驯鹿 out into the big

world, carrying a sleighload of toys and pretty gifts to the children;

and this was the time and the occasion when his enemies had the best

chance to injure him. So the Daemons laid their plans and awaited the

arrival of Christmas Eve.

The moon shone big and white in the sky, and the snow lay crisp and

sparkling on the ground as Santa Claus cracked his whip and sped away

out of the Valley into the great world beyond. The roomy sleigh 雪橇was

packed full with huge sacks of toys, and as the reindeer dashed onward

our jolly old Santa laughed and whistled and sang for very joy. For

in all his merry life this was the one day in the year when he was

happiest--the day he lovingly bestowed the treasures of his workshop

upon the little children.

It would be a busy night for him, he well knew. As he whistled and

shouted and cracked his whip again, he reviewed in mind all the towns

and cities and farmhouses where he was expected, and figured that he

had just enough presents to go around and make every child happy. The

reindeer knew exactly what was expected of them, and dashed along so

swiftly that their feet scarcely seemed to touch the snow-covered ground.

Suddenly a strange thing happened: a rope shot through the moonlight

and a big noose套索 that was in the end of it settled over the arms and

body of Santa Claus and drew tight. Before he could resist or even

cry out he was jerked 猛拉from the seat of the sleigh and tumbled 翻滚head

foremost into a snowbank, while the reindeer rushed onward with the load of toys and carried it quickly out of sight and sound.

Such a surprising experience confused old Santa for a moment, and when

he had collected his senses he found that the wicked Daemons had

pulled him from the snowdrift雪堆 and bound him tightly with many coils of

the stout rope. And then they carried the kidnapped Santa Claus away to their mountain, where they thrust the prisoner into a secret cave and chained him to the rocky wall so that he could not escape.

"Ha, ha!" laughed the Daemons, rubbing their hands together with cruel

Gle欢喜e. "What will the children do now? How they will cry and scold

and storm when they find there are no toys in their stockings and no gifts on their Christmas trees! And what a lot of punishment they will receive from their parents, and how they will flock to our Caves of Selfishness, and Envy, and Hatred, and Malice! We have done a mighty clever thing, we Daemons of the Caves!"

Now it so chanced that on this Christmas Eve the good Santa Claus had taken with him in his sleigh Nuter the Ryl, Peter the Knook, Kilter the Pixie, and a small fairy named Wisk--his four favorite assistants. These little people he had often found very useful in helping him to distribute his gifts to the children, and when their master was so


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夹套搅拌反应器设计(DOCX 30页)

夹套搅拌反应器设计(DOCX 30页)

夹套搅拌反应器设计 课程设计说明书设计题目夹套搅拌反应器设计 学生 学号 专业班级 指导老师耿绍辉 化工设备基础 Nefu.20121228

夹套搅拌反应器设计 目录 第一章设计方案简介 1.1反应釜的基本结构 1.2反应釜的机械设计依据 第二章反应釜机械设计的内容和步骤 第三章反应釜釜体的设计 3.1 罐体和夹套计算 3.2厚度的选择 3.3设备支座 3.4手孔 3.5选择接管、管法兰、设备法兰 第四章搅拌转动系统设计 4.1转动系统设计方案 4.2转动设计计算:定出带型、带轮相关计算 4.3选择轴承 4.4选择联轴器 4.5罐体搅拌轴的结构设计、搅拌器与搅拌轴的连接结构设计4.6电动机选择 第五章绘制装配图 第六章绘制大V带轮零件图 第七章本设计的评价及心得体会 第八章参考文献

夹套搅拌反应器设计 第一章设计方案简介 搅拌设备在石油、化工、食品等工业生产中应用范围很广,尤其是化学工业中,很多的化工生产或多或少地应用着搅拌操作,化学工艺过程的种种物理过程与化学过程,往往要采用搅拌操作才能得到好的效果。搅拌设备在许多场合时作为反应器来应用的,而带搅拌的反应器则以液相物料为特征,有液-液、液-固、液-气等相反应。 搅拌的目的是:1、使互不相溶液体混合均匀,制备均匀混合液、乳化液、强化传质过程;2、使气体在液体中充分分散,强化传质或化学反应;3、制备均匀悬浮液,促使固体加速溶解、浸取或发生液-固化学反应;4、强化传热,防止局部过热或过冷。所以根据搅拌的不同目的,搅拌效果有不同的表示方法。 搅拌操作分为机械搅拌和气流搅拌。气流搅拌是利用气体鼓泡通过液体层,对液体产生搅拌作用,或使气泡群以密集状态上升借所谓气升作用促进液体产生对流循环。与机械搅拌相比,仅气泡的作用对液体所进行的搅拌时比较弱的,所以在工业生产,大多数的搅拌操作均是机械搅拌。本设计实验要求的就是机械搅拌搅拌器设备的设计遵循以下三个过程:1根据搅拌目的和物理性质进行搅拌设备的选型。2在选型的基础进行工艺设计与计算。3进行搅拌设备的机械设计与费用评价。在工艺与计算中最重要的是搅拌功率的计算和传热计算。 1.1反应釜的基本结构


宾夕法尼亚州 百科名片 宾夕法尼亚州 (Pennsylvania -- PA) 是美国东部一州,为立国13州之一。1787年12月12日,联邦宪法批准,宾夕法尼亚成为加入联邦的第二个州。同时也是同名战舰的名字。 目录 概述 地理位置 地理 历史沿革 大事记 经济 人口 主要城市 概述 地理位置 地理 历史沿革 大事记 经济 人口 主要城市 ?市介绍 ?行政区划 ?教育 ?交通 ?娱乐 ?重要职业运动 ?文化 ?州的象征 ?名人 ?同名战舰 展开

行政地图 编辑本段 概述 宾夕法尼亚州 (Pennsylvania -- PA) 是美国东部一州,为立国13州之一。1787年12 月12日,联邦宪法批准,宾夕法尼亚成为加入联邦的第二个州。同时也是同名战舰的名字。 编辑本段 地理位置 宾夕法尼亚州是中大西洋5州中唯一不滨海的州。但从大西洋开来的船只可沿特拉华河上溯到费城。围绕费城发展起来的宾夕法尼亚—新泽西—特拉华综合港区,别称为亚美利港,是世界第三繁忙航运中心。 宾夕法尼亚州西北临伊利湖,北和东北接纽约州,东界新泽西州,东南临特拉华州,南连马里兰州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州,西与俄亥俄州接壤。其间有特拉华河水道,是宾夕法尼亚州东南部出海的通路。东西长超过400公里,南北宽超过200公里。最高点为海拔979米,最低点为海平面(在特拉华河口)。面积117408平方公里,在50州内列第33位。人口12,440,621(2006年)。首府哈里斯堡(Harrisburg)。 宾夕法尼亚州的地理位置

1600年前后,荷兰人、瑞典人及英国人都移民到此。1638年,瑞典人在特拉华 河上建立殖民区,称为“新瑞典”。1643年,新瑞典殖民区总督约翰·普林斯在蒂尼克 姆岛建立首府。1647年,荷兰移民建立贸易点。1655年,荷兰人与瑞典人发生 战争,荷兰获胜后统治了这个地区。1664年英国以约克公爵的名义从荷兰人手中夺取了这块殖民地。1681年英王查理二世签署特许状,把这块地方送给舰队总司令小威廉·佩恩 (William Penn),以偿还所欠他父亲威廉·佩恩爵士的16000镑债款。并指定以“宾”的名字命名这一地区,同时应小威廉·佩恩的请求,加上“夕法尼亚”(林地)一词, 形成现在的州名,州名的含义即“宾(佩恩)的林地”。 该州自从建立之初就以宗教自由和政治民主著称,在北美有很大影响。美国历史上的许多重要篇章都是在宾州谱写的。由于该州地处13州的正中(北部有6个州,南部有 6个州),再加上该州在美国独立时的中坚作用,故有“拱顶石州”之称。1776年,13州代表聚集在该州东部的费城,签署了《独立宣言》,宣告了一个新国家的诞生。宾 州的广阔天地成为华盛顿将军率军队纵横驰骋、抗击英军的战场。著名的布兰迪万河战 役就是在本州打响的,战场在费城以西40公里的朗伍德公园附近,现已辟为纪念公园。在福奇谷(费城西北40公里),华盛顿将军曾扎营过冬,训练部队,熬过了最艰苦的 一个冬天。人们称此地为“革命圣地”,当年华盛顿的司令部,原是一位磨坊主的石砌小层,被完好的保存下来,供人参观。南北战争期间,宾州再次成为军事、政治活动的重要舞台。宾州南界,即梅森-狄克森线,曾被视为北方自由州和南方蓄奴州的分界线。在此线附近的葛底斯堡,联邦军奋勇血战,取得决定性胜利。从此,代表农奴主利益的南军一 蹶不振,开始走向最后的败局。 最早在这个地方定居的西方移民是瑞典人和荷兰人,但这个州的名称是英国贵格会教徒威廉·佩恩起的,是拉丁文,意思是“佩恩的林地”。州内最大的两个城市也是美国的大 城市,是费城和匹兹堡,费城是美国独立战争时起草独立宣言和联邦宪法的地方,所以宾夕法尼亚州也被称为“美国的摇篮”,匹兹堡曾经是著名的钢铁城。 编辑本段 地理 西北临伊利湖,北和东北接纽约州,东界新泽西州,东南临特拉华州,南连马里兰州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州,西与俄亥俄州接壤。其间有特拉华河水道,是宾夕法尼亚州东南 部出海的通路。东西长455公里,南北宽255公里。最高点为海拔979米,平均335 米,最低点为海平面(在特拉华河口)。面积117408平方公里,陆地 116,074 平方公里,水域3,208 平方公里(2.7%)。在50州内列第33位。


目录 一.概述……………………………………………………………2-6页 1.1化学反应器的基本介绍…………………………………2-3页 1.2夹套式反应器的控制要求…………………………………3 页 1.3夹套式反应器的扰动变量………………………………3-4页 1.4基本动态方程式…………………………………………4-6页二.控制系统方案的确定…………………………………………6-7页三.控制系统设计…………………………………………………7-18页 3.1被控变量和控制变量的选择………………………………7-8页 3.2主、副回路的设计…………………………………………8-9页 3.3现场仪表选型………………………………………………9-12页 3.4主、副控制器正反作用选择………………………………12-13页 3.5控制系统方框图……………………………………………13页 3.6分析被控对象特性及控制算法的选择……………………13-14页 3.7控制系统整定及参数整定…………………………………14-18页四.课程设计总结……………………………………………………18页五.结束语……………………………………………………………18页六.参考文献…………………………………………………………19页

一概述 1.1 化学反应器的基本介绍 反应器(或称反应釜)是化工生产中常用的典型设备,种类很多。化学反应器在结构、物料流程、反应机理、传热、传质等方面存在差异,使自控的难易程度相差很大,自控方案差别也比较大。 化学反应器可以按进出物料状况、流程的进行方式、结构形式、传热情况四 个方面分类: 一、按反应器进出物料状况可分为间歇式和连续式反应器 通常将半连续和间歇生产方式称为间歇生产过程。间歇式反应器是将反应物 料分次获一次加入反应器中,经过一定反应时间后取出反应中所有的物料,然后重新加料在进行反应。间歇式反应器通常适用于小批量、多品种、多功能、高附加值、技术密集型产品的生产,这类生产反应时间长活对反应过程的反应温度有严格程序要求。 连续反应器则是物料连续加入,化学反应连续不断地进行,产品不断的取出,是工业生产最常用的一种。一些大型的、基本化工产品的反应器都采用连续的形式。 二、从物料流程的进行方式可分为单程与循环两类 物料在通过反应器后不再进行循环的流程称为单程,当反应的转化率和产率都较高时,可采用单程的排列。如果反应速度较慢,祸首化学平衡的限制,物料一次通过反应器转化不完全,则必须在产品进行分离后,把没有反应的物料与新鲜物料混合后,再送送入反应器进行反应。这种流程称为循环流程。 三、从反应器结构形式可分为釜式、管式、塔式、固定床、流化床、移动床反应器等。 四、从传热情况可分为绝热式反应器和非绝热式反应器[1]。 绝热式反应器与外界不进行热量交换,非绝热式反应器与外界进行热量交换。一般当反


美国宾州切尼大学介绍 一、基本数据 联系方式 Cheyney 1837 University Circle Cheyney, PA 19319 United States (610) 399-2275 基本信息 建校时间:1837 男女同校:是

学校性质:公立 所在城市规模:Rural 学术校历表:Semester 基本宗教信仰:- 特殊宗教信仰:- 费用数据 州内学费:$8,602 州外学费:$12,966 房租及伙食费:$8,910 书费:$1,500 学生组成数据 全日制本科生:1,099在职本科生:42 男性本科生:548女性本科生:593研究生总人数:59 全日制研究生:27 在职研究生:32

二、助学金统计数据 基本信息 助学金申请表提交截止日期:March 15 (priority) 学费担保计划:不提供 预付学费计划:不提供 学费分期付款计划:提供 州内学费:$8,602 州外学费:$12,966 助学金联系方式 电话:(610) 399-2302 电子邮箱:暂无数据 网站:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html,/financial-aid/index.cfm 补助/贷款联邦助学金机构助学金州助学金学生贷款总计?平均金额$5,155$3,290$4,177$6,803$10,675获助学金学生比例76%8%42%79%90%三、录取数据 录取总体数据

录取率:50%录取学生入学率:?37%招生办联系方式 电话:(610) 399-2275 电子邮箱:admissions@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html, 网站:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html,/admissions 申请信息 录取开放:是 是否为普通申请:否 申请费:$20 申请网站链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html,/selfservice/Admissions...需了解的日期截止日期公告日期 常规录取March 31Rolling 务必回复暂无数据 新生入学数据 新生入学总人数:607 全日制项目男生人数:293 全日制项目女生人数:314


https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html, 美国宾州州立大学帕克分校位于美国宾西法尼亚州的宾州州立大学帕克分校,成立于1855年,共有十四个学院。该校2008年被U.S.News & World Report 评为“本科阶段商科教育最好的大学之一”(排名第21)和“本科阶段工科最好的大学之一”(排名第17)。2005年被Kiplinger’s Personal Finance 评为性价比最好的大学之一,教育学院排名全美前十名。 据美藤国际教育介绍,学校以适应本州及全美国的工业、农业、金融、教育等行业的实际需求为基本定位,不盲目追求“高、精、尖”,强调教学内容适合社会发展之需要,重点开展应用性科研项目,与工农业生产联系紧密。宾州是牛奶的重要生产地,学校为此在全美开设了最早的冰激凌本科专业,讲授奶制品制造技术。宾州农业发达,该校率先开设农业学士、研究生课程,培养高级农业技术人才。 宾州州立大学帕克分校专业 宾州州立大学帕克分校本科专业 广告学与公共关系学、非洲研究、生物医学、生物化学、植物学、植物病理学、保险学、保险统计学、地理学、演讲与人际传播、古典文学、临床心理学、比较文学、刑事司法学、犯罪学、人口研究与认可统计学、人类发展学、矿物经济学、生物学、建筑与环境设计、航空与航天工程、工商行政管理学、细胞生物学、农艺学与土壤学、牙科学、城市和区域规划学、昆虫学、陶瓷科学与工程、图案设计、工业管理学、采矿工程学、林学、戏剧与舞台艺术、工程与应用科学、教育学、教育心理学、教育管理学、英语、经济学、能源公立和政策、财政学、金融学、法语、语言学、政府与政治学、分子生物学、市场学、国际商业、 宾州州立大学帕克分校硕士专业

Santa's Grotto

Santa’s Grotto It is Christmas Eve. Hands up! Who wants to go and see Father Christmas? Me! Me! Me! Are we going to the North Pole? Not quite that far, peppa. But Father Christmas lives at the North Pole! Lucky for us, he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair. Peppa and George have come to visit Santa's grotto. Hello, everyone! Hello! All aboard the elf train! This way to Santa's Grotto!

Susie, what are you asking Father Christmas for? I don't know! What are you asking for? I would like a doll that walks and talks and closes his eyes when it goes to sleep! I will ask for that too. How does father Christmas remember what toys everybody wants? He makes a list! His sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night! It is a super sleigh! Father Christmas is very old! He is hundred years of old! Even older than my daddy! Laughing~


美国宾夕法尼亚州旅游景点攻略-博物馆 美国的摇篮-费城位于宾夕法尼亚州,该州位于美国的东北部,去美国旅游的游客都不会错过这里,因为这里是探寻美国历史的最佳目的地之一,宾夕法尼亚州除了费城之外,还有哪些可以很好的了解历史文化的去处呢?来看看纳美旅游总结的美国宾夕法尼亚州旅游景点攻略-博物馆吧。 富兰克林科学博物馆 富兰克林科学博物馆位于宾夕法尼亚的费城,是为了纪念富兰克林的伟大成就而建立于1824年,是富兰克林科学研究所最富盛名的博物馆,成为宾夕法尼亚州访问量最大的博物馆。馆内展出的物品包罗万象,从运输、航空、物理、化学以至天文地理无所不包,资料齐全而内容丰富。 博物馆的最具特色的标志就是巨大的心脏,人们可以按照血液流动的方向在里面穿行;博物馆的另一个标志就是一个真正的蒸气机火车头,可以进到驾驶舱,并且有专门的辅导员给讲解,关键火车头可以真的开动。富兰克林科学博物馆非常适宜孩子们参观,这里涉及到生物、天文、大气等一系列与人来息息相关的展品。从1934年起,游客可以自由地操作展示品,这也是它的最大特色,孩子们在亲自动手操作中感受到科学的有趣以及很多物理、化学、天文现象的奇妙,这会极大地激发孩子的求知欲及对科学的兴趣,因而很多知识也在不知不觉中学到。

美国犹太历史博物馆 1976年,紧邻独立历史公园,于2010年对外开放,是全美唯一一个完全致力于收集、保护和阐释与美国犹太裔历史相关文物的博物馆,致力于研究关于移民、同化、文化认同、宗教身份等方面问题。 博物馆由五层组成,呈现出赤土陶和玻璃的结构,顶部点燃一座灯塔,象征信念和爱国情怀。其展览空间可达25000平方英尺,展品可达20000件,从殖民地时期的收藏至现在的,应有尽有,主要集中于犹太艺术、移民、体育、宗教、科技等方面,通过大量的图片和文字讲述了犹太民族在美洲的历史以及相关的故事。 博物馆周二至周五开放时间为10:00至17:00,周末为10:00至17:30,每周周一以及国家法定节日闭馆,但马丁路德金纪念日、阵亡将士纪念日以及总统日除外。


带夹套球形釜式搅拌反应器 成都市新都凯兴科技有限公司 高级工程师周凤举 2004年9月 一、概论 搅拌反应釜是化工生产的重要设备,它决定了化工产品的品质、品种和生产能力。 传统的带夹套搅拌反应釜无论是立式或卧式釜(图1),其釜体形状均为圆筒形壳体,两端加装平釜盖或圆弧形封头,其存在的缺点是:传质、传热不均匀,甚至有反应死角,影响化工产品品质和生产效率;在压力工况使用时,釜体受压后应力分布不均匀。 本发明专利为带夹套球形搅拌反应釜,是将传统的带夹套搅拌反应釜的釜体和夹套制作成球形体,使釜内介质在搅拌的状况下反应时,由于球形内壳体的约束,使壳体内的流体介质都能在全容积中获得更加均匀的流动场,更易实现无死角且完全均匀的传质,同时轴转速和轴功率可以相对降低;另外,由于球形壳体在空间360°受力分布最好、最均匀,从而使釜体接受内外压力可以实现最大化,提高了反应釜的承压能力。通常在同样材质、同等压力和温度的条件下,球形壳体比相同直径的圆筒形壳体壁厚可以约减少一半。反之,在同样的材质、同等压力和温度的条件下,球形壳体比相同厚度的圆筒形壳体承受的压力要高出一倍,各种应力分布更均匀,使用更为安全。同时,由于球形体空间分布的万向对称性,该反应釜可实现立、卧、斜三种使用方式。 二、具体实施方式: 参见图1,釜体3是一个球形壳体夹套结构,其上有介质入口10、介质出口5。位于釜体内的搅拌器4上的搅拌轴11的一端与传动机构??减速器2输出轴连接,减速器2与电动机1连接。搅拌器在电动机的带动下旋转,在保持一定转速的情况下,使釜内流动的介质形成轴向流动9、径向流动8、周向流动6,

并合成最终的流动形式7,最后从介质出口5流出。 三、推论 以下推论的目的是针对球形釜与圆筒形釜在相关条件下各种性能的比较,推论过程中所涉及的公式如下: 根据GB150钢制压力容器设计标准,球形釜与圆筒形釜在设计温度下的最大允许工作压力及釜壁的计算厚度为: 公式一:[]球w P =[]() e i t e D 4δσδ+Φ 公式二:[]筒w P =[]() e i t e D 2δσδ+Φ 公式三:球δ= []C t i c P 4D P -Φσ 公式四:筒δ= []C t i c P 2D P -Φσ 其中:P w :最大许用压力; δ(δe ):釜壁的计算厚度; D i :内直径; [σ]t :设计温度下,材料的许用应力; Φ:焊接接头系数; P c :计算压力。 根据“钢制压力容器用封头”标准,球形釜与圆筒形釜的容积与换热面积为: 公式五:V 球= 6 D 3球 ?π 公式六:V 筒= L 4 D 2 ?π+2V 封头 公式七:F w 球=2D 球?π

ERα(sc-542)抗体说明书 santa

SANTA CRUZ BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC. ER α(MC-20):sc-542 Santa Cruz Biotechnology,Inc. 1.800.457.3801831.457.3800fax 831.457.3801Europe +https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html, BACKGROUND Estrogen receptors (ER)are members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors.Estrogen receptors,including ER αand ER β,contain DNA binding and ligand binding domains and are critically involved in regulating the normal function of reproductive tissues.ER αand ER βhave been shown to be differentially activated by vari-ous ligands.Receptor-ligand interactions trigger a cascade of events,including dissociation from heat shock proteins,receptor dimerization,phosphorylation and the association of the hormone activated receptor with specific regulatory elements in target genes.Evidence suggests that ER αand ER βmay be regulated by distinct mechanisms even though they share many functional characteristics. REFERENCES 1.Danielian,P .S.,et al.199 2.Identification of a conserved region required for hormone dependent transcriptional activation by steroid hormone receptors.EMBO J.11:1025-103 3. 2.Mosselman,S.,et al.1996.ERb:identification and characterization of a novel human estrogen receptor.FEBS Lett.392:49-5 3. CHROMOSOMAL LOCATION Genetic locus:ESR1(human)mapping to 6q25.1;ESR1(mouse)mapping to 10A1. SOURCE ER α(MC-20)is an affinity purified rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against a peptide mapping at the C-terminus of ER αof mouse origin. PRODUCT Each vial contains 200μg IgG in 1.0ml of PBS with <0.1%sodium azide and 0.1%gelatin. Blocking peptide available for competition studies,sc-542P ,(100μg peptide in 0.5ml PBS containing <0.1%sodium azide and 0.2%BSA). Available as TransCruz reagent for Gel Supershift and ChIP applications,sc-542X,200μg/0.1ml. Available as fluorescein (sc-542FITC)or rhodamine (sc-542TRITC)conjugates for immunofluorescence,200μg/ml. Available as Alexa Fluor ?405(sc-542AF405),Alexa Fluor ?488(sc-542AF488)or Alexa Fluor ?647(sc-542AF647)conjugates for immunofluores-cence;100μg/2ml. Alexa Fluor ?is a trademark of Molecular Probes,Inc.,Oregon,USA STORAGE Store at 4°C,**DO NOT FREEZE**.Stable for one year from the date of shipment.Non-hazardous.No MSDS required. RESEARCH USE For research use only,not for use in diagnostic procedures. APPLICATIONS ER α(MC-20)is recommended for detection of estrogen receptor αof mouse,rat and human origin by Western Blotting (starting dilution 1:200,dilution range 1:100-1:1000),immunoprecipitation [1-2μg per 100-500μg of total protein (1ml of cell lysate)],immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry (including paraffin-embedded sections)(starting dilution 1:50,dilution range 1:50-1:500)and solid phase ELISA (starting dilution 1:30,dilution range 1:30-1:3000).Suitable for use as control antibody for ER αsiRNA (h):sc-29305,ER αsiRNA (m):sc-29306,ER αsiRNA (h2):sc-44204,ER αsiRNA (r):sc-45949ER αshRNA Plasmid (h):sc-29305-SH,ER αshRNA Plasmid (m):sc-29306-SH,ER αshRNA Plasmid (h2):sc-44204-SH,ER αshRNA Plasmid (r):sc-45949-SHER αshRNA (h)Lentiviral Particles:sc-29305-V,ER αshRNA (m)Lentiviral Particles:sc-29306-V,ER αshRNA (h2)Lentiviral Particles:sc-44204-V and ER αshRNA (r)Lentiviral Particles:sc-45949-V. ER α(MC-20)X TransCruz antibody is recommended for Gel Supershift and ChIP applications. Molecular Weight of ER α:66kDa. DATA SELECT PRODUCT CITATIONS 1.Massaad-Massade,L.,et al.200 2.HMGA1enhances the transcriptional activity and binding of the estrogen receptor to its responsive element.Biochemistry 41:2760-2768. 2.Guo,Z.,et al.2002.Estradiol-induced nongenomic calcium signaling regu-lates genotropic signaling in macrophages.J.Biol.Chem.277:7044-7050. 3.McCarthy,T.L.,et al.2003.Runx2integrates estrogen activity in osteo-blasts.J.Biol.Chem.278:43121-43129. 4.Perissi,V.,et al.2004.A corepressor/coactivator exchange complex required for transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors and other regulated transcription factors.Cell 116:511-526. 5.Omoto,Y.,et al.2005.Estrogen receptor αand imprinting of the neonatal mouse ventral prostate by https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html,A 102:1484-1489. 6.Pedram,A.,et al.200 7.A conserved mechanism for steroid receptor translocation to the plasma membrane.J.Biol.Chem.282:22278-2228 8.7.Klein,C.,et al.2010.Transcriptional profiling of equine endometrium during the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy.Biol.Reprod.83:102-113. ER α(MC-20):sc-542.Western blot analysis of human recombinant ER α.


Santa Claus is coming to town You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town He's making a list He's checking it twice He's gonna find out Who's naughty or nice Santa Claus is comin' to town He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake Oh you better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town Santa Claus is comin' to town Santa Claus is comin' to town

Santa Claus is coming to town You better watch out 你最好小心点 You better not cry你最好别哭 You better not pout你最好别撅着嘴生气 I'm telling you why让我来告诉你为什么 Santa Claus is comin' to town圣诞老人马上就要来到城里了He's making a list 他正在列举一个清单 He's checking it twice 他还要仔细核对两次 He's gonna find out 他要查清楚 Who's naughty or nice 谁是淘气的还是表现良好的 Santa Claus is comin' to town 圣诞老人马上就要来到城里了He sees you when you're sleeping他会在你睡觉的时候来看你He knows when you're awake 当你醒来时他就会了解你了 He knows if you've been bad or good他会知道你表现得是好还是糟So be good for goodness sake 所以你要做好事So you better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town Santa Claus is comin' to town Santa Claus is comin' to town


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中北大学 课程设计说明书 学院:机械与动力工程学院 专业:过程装备与控制工程 题目:夹套式反应器温度串级控制系统设计指导教师:吕海峰职称: 副教授

中北大学课程设计说明书 目录 1、概述 (1) 1.1化学反应器基本介绍 (1) 1.2夹套式反应器控制要求 (2) 2、被控对象特性研究 (3) 2.1建立动态数学模型 (3) 2.2被控变量与控制变量的选择 (6) 2.3夹套式反应器扰动变量 (6) 3、控制系统方案确定 (7) 3.1主回路的设计 (8) 3.2副回路的设计 (8) 4、过程检测仪表的选型 (9) 4.1测温检测元件及变送器 (9) 4.2主、副控制器正、反作用的选择 (12) 4.3控制系统方框图 (13) 5、系统仿真,分析系统性能 (13) 5.1各个环节传函及参数确定 (13) 5.2控制系统的仿真及参数整定 (14) 5.3 系统性能分析 (17) 6、课程设计总结 (18) 7、参考文献 (19)

1 概述 1.1化学反应器的基本介绍 反应器(或称反应釜)是化工生产中常用的典型设备,种类很多。化学反应器在结构、物料流程、反应机理、传热、传质等方面存在差异,使自控的难易程度相差很大,自控方案差别也比较大。 化学反应器可以按进出物料状况、流程的进行方式、结构形式、传热情况四 个方面分类: 一、按反应器进出物料状况可分为间歇式和连续式反应器 通常将半连续和间歇生产方式称为间歇生产过程。间歇式反应器是将反应物 料分次获一次加入反应器中,经过一定反应时间后取出反应中所有的物料,然后重新加料在进行反应。间歇式反应器通常适用于小批量、多品种、多功能、高附加值、技术密集型产品的生产,这类生产反应时间长活对反应过程的反应温度有严格程序要求。 连续反应器则是物料连续加入,化学反应连续不断地进行,产品不断的取出,是工业生产最常用的一种。一些大型的、基本化工产品的反应器都采用连续的形式。 二、从物料流程的进行方式可分为单程与循环两类 物料在通过反应器后不再进行循环的流程称为单程,当反应的转化率和产率都较高时,可采用单程的排列。如果反应速度较慢,祸首化学平衡的限制,物料一次通过反应器转化不完全,则必须在产品进行分离后,把没有反应的物料与新鲜物料混合后,再送送入反应器进行反应。这种流程称为循环流程。 三、从反应器结构形式可分为釜式、管式、塔式、固定床、流化床、移动床反应器等。 四、从传热情况可分为绝热式反应器和非绝热式反应器[1]。 绝热式反应器与外界不进行热量交换,非绝热式反应器与外界进行热量交换。一般当反应过程的热效应大时,必须对反应器进行换热,其换热方式有夹套式、蛇管式、列管式等。如今用的最广泛的是夹套传热方式,且采用最普通的夹套结构居多。随着化学工业的发展,单套生产装置的产量越来越大,促使了反应设备的大型化。也大大促进了夹套反应器的反展。 夹套式反应器是一类重要的化工生产设备,由于化学反应过程伴有许多化学和物理现象以及能量、物料平衡和物料、动量、热量和物质传递等过程,因此夹套反应器操作一般都比


https://www.doczj.com/doc/4f6814702.html, 立思辰留学360介绍,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania,缩写UPenn)成立于1740年,是美国著名学者本杰明·富兰克林创立的一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学。该校位于宾夕法尼亚州最大的城市费城。费城是美国独立战争时起草独立宣言和联邦宪法的地方,所以宾夕法尼亚州也被称为“美国的摇篮”。宾夕法尼亚大学是美国著名的常春藤八大之一,亦是9所美国早期殖民学院之一。 教育学院 留学360介绍,宾夕法尼亚教育学院(Graduate School of Education, Penn GSE)成立于1915年,研究生阶段开设的学位有:MSED、PhD、EDD、MS。 申请说明 通过ApplyYourself在线填写申请表(参见外部链接1); 个人陈述:篇幅约750字(CLO约1000字)格式禁止用PDF;个人简历:Applicants should submit a resume with details of relevant work and other experiences; 3封推荐信:除高等教育管理EDD、医学教育硕士、CLO除外(只需2封推荐信); GRE:考试编号2943 TOEFL/IELTS:必须;成绩单:本科所有成绩需经过WES或AACRAO官方认证。 教育学院无需提供申请费。 申请时间说明: 申请2014年PhD学位申请截止日期:2013年12月15日 申请EDD截止日期: 专业申请截止日期 Traditional Format Programs2013年12月15日 Executive Doctorate in Higher Education Management2014年3月1日 Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership2月1日 PennCLO 2014年春季入学:2013年10月1日; 2014年夏季入学:2014年2月1日;2014年秋季入学:2014年6月1日; 2015年春季入学:2014年10月1日 申请MS截止日期 专业申请截止日期 Counseling and Mental Health Services (PA State Counseling Certification, M.S.Ed.) 滚动录取:2013年9月1日Education Policy (M.S.Ed.)滚动录取:2013年9月1日

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