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1. 当我一听到英语听力材料时就会紧张。


2. 听英语时我总是希望听懂每一个单词。


3. 如果一个单词出现多次都没有听懂,我会很着急。


4. 听英语时我能够很快抓住内容的中心思想。


5. 我会很顺畅地根据说话者所说的内容推测下面的内容。


6. 我不会对听不懂的每一个细节内容在意。


7. 当听力难度超出我的现有水平时,我很焦虑。


8. 听英语听力材料时我会想一些和听力学习内容无关的事。


9. 听英语时很紧张,以致知道的东西都忘了。


10. 上英语听力课时,我担心课堂学习失败。


11. 当我听不懂老师用英语纠正我的错误时,我会感到不安。


12. 总是会想到其他同学的听力比我好。


13. 我不明白为什么有些人不喜欢上听力课。


14. 我希望老师不要在课堂进行随堂听力测试。


15. 听力测试准备的很充分,但还是感到紧张。


16. 我在英语听力测试中很放松。


17. 期末考试时我担心听力测试部分成绩不理想。


18. 英语新四级考试中听力占35分(按100分计),我对通过四级非常担心。


19. 我认为听力练习越多时,学生出现焦虑的频率就会越低。


20. 我认为降低学生英语听力焦虑的关键是老师应该提高听力教学水平。



高中英语听力教学情况调查问卷表 问卷组织机构:绥阳中学英语教研组听力教学课题组 问卷调查对象:绥阳中学高二级学生100名 随着高中英语教学新课程改革在我省的推进,听力考试也加快了它作为高考必考内容的脚步,为了了解我校高中新课改背景下英语听力教学情况,特邀请您参加该问卷调查。请根据您本人的情况如实作答,回答没有好与坏或对与错之分。问卷调查的数据只用于研究,不作它用,谢谢您对该项调查的支持和帮助。 Ⅰ听力教学的基本信息: ()1、你的性别是: A.男 B.女 ()2、你的原毕业学校座落于: A.城市 B.农村 ()3、你的中考英语成绩是: A.120分以上 B.110—119分 C.90—109 D.90分以下()4、你的听力成绩大多在: A.27—30分 B.24—26分 C.18—23分 D.18分以下()5、你的学校采用何种听力设备: A.录音机 B.电脑(多媒体) C.利用喇叭统一播放 D.其他()6、学校定期统一播放英文电视节目或英文电影吗? A.经常看 B.偶尔看 C.几乎不看 ()7、学校统一播放听力的次数是: A.每天1次 B.每2天1次 C.每3天1次 D.每周1次()8、学校统一播放听力,每次历时多久? A.20分钟左右 B.30分钟左右 C.10分钟以下 ()9、学校播放听力材料时: A.不重复,每次都是新的 B.播放2遍 C.播放多遍()10、教师来亲自播放听力并监督听力播放的整个过程吗? A.不播放但监督 B.既播放也监督 C.既不播放也不监督()11、教师是否对听力材料进行精选? A.是 B.否 ()12、教师是否对你进行过听力策略指导? A.是 B.否 ()13、教师是如何进行听力训练的? A.只播放测试题 B.只播放课本上的练习题 C.结合试题课本练习和音像影视()14、教师提供的听力材料难度如何? A.太难 B.适中 C.太简单 ()15、在英语学习的整体过程中,您觉得听力重要吗? A.特别重要 B.比较重要 C.不是很重要 D.根本不重要 ()16、你认为自己的听力水平如何? A.不错 B. 一般 C.比较差 D.差 ()17、你认为英语考试中的听力的难度如何? A.难度较大 B.难度适中 C.难度较小 D.没有难度 ()18、你平时做听力主要是出于要: A.应付考试 B.对英语的兴趣 C.提高英语水平 D.完成老师的听力作业()19、你每周练听力的次数是: A.7次以上 B.4—6次 C.3次以下 ()20、你每次自主练听力的时间约为: A.30分钟以上 B.20分钟左右 C.10分钟以下 D.不确定 Ⅱ听力策略: 下面是人们常用的一些听力策略,请根据数字所代表的意思,选择其中一个填在句子前的括号里,所选数字一定要能如实描述你的学习情况。 1=总是使用 2=偶尔使用 3=知道并打算使用4=知道但没用也不打算用 5=不知道 ()1、在平时的学习过程中,我注意积累有关语音语调等方面的语言知识,比如连读、失去爆破、弱读、同化、重读及升降调等帮助提高听力。()2、在听音过程中,我注意自己是否有注意力分散等现象。若有,我努力重新把注意力集中到当前任务上去。 ()3、在听英语时,碰到生词或不懂的句子我会跳过继续听下去。 ()4、课后我会有计划地复习所听材料,并背诵其中的一些固定搭配、谚语、


Chapter 9 Lecture: Public Education: Philosophy and Funding Most young people in the United States, like most young people around the world, attend public school. Indeed, young people in the U.S. have to attend school because education is compulsory, in most states to the age of sixteen or until the students reach ninth grade. A small percentage of American youth attend private schools, wither religious or secular schools, but the vast majority attend public schools. One distinguishing feature of U.S. public education that surprises many foreigners is that although there are some standardized examinations, there is no nationwide curriculum set by the government ministry of education determines the curriculum that all students study and the examinations that all the students take at a set time. Of course, U.S. students follow a curriculum, and they take examinations as all students do. Although the federal government does influence public education by providing funds to schools for special programs such as education for the handicapped and for bilingual education, the federal government does not determine the curriculum or the examinations. Today I’d like to talk about the three levels of control within each state and then spend some time discussing where the money for education comes from and three issues related to funding. Control of education in the United States is mainly exercised locally at three levels. Let’s begin with the state department of education. The department of education of each of the fifty states has two basic functions. First, each state department of education sets basic curriculum requirements for all the schools in its state. For example, a high school might require four years of English, three years of math, two years of social science, and so forth. The state also sets the number of credits a student must complete in order to graduate from a high school. This total number of credits includes both required courses and electives. So much for the state part in education. The second level of control is the school district. The number of school districts a state has depends on the size of its population and the size of the state. A large metropolitan area would have several school districts. A smaller community might have only one district. Each school district is run by a school board that is elected by the citizens of the district. The school district is responsible for the specific content of courses taught in its schools. In other words, the school district determines what the students will study in each of their, let’s say, four years of high school English. The school district also decides what electives will be available for students. Besides determining course content, the school district is responsible for the operation of the schools in its district, for example, the hiring if teachers and administrators. The third level of control is the individual school itself, where teachers have primary responsibility for deciding how to teach the content of each course and for preparing and giving examinations to the students. Local control of schools may seem very strange to some of you, but it will seem less strange if you consider how public schools in the United States are funded- that is, where money to run the schools comes from. Only about 7 percent of the money comes from the federal government. The rest of the money comes from state and local taxes. The percentages supplied by the state and by the local districts fluctuate over tome and from state to state. Currently appropriately 49 percentage of school funding comes from the states and about 44 percent comes from the local communities, that is, the school districts. Finally, I’d like to discuss three issues related to the funding of schools that have been receiving a lot of attention recently in the United States. The first issue deals with the


外语听力焦虑影响因素及其应对策略 摘要外语听力焦虑对听力理解产生的负面影响已得到较多研 究证实。本文基于外语听力焦虑的相关研究,在听力焦虑影响因素的基础上探寻其应对策略,以期为我国听力教学的发展提供理论指导和实践启示。 关键词听力教学听力焦虑影响因素应对策略 foreign language listening comprehension anxiety: its influencing factors and relative coping strategies li shuqin[1], li jie[2] ([1] foreign language school of southwest university, chongqing 400715; [2] research institute of education, southwest university, chongqing 400715) abstract the negative influence of foreign language listening anxiety on listening comprehension has been verified by numerous research at home and abroad. based on the extant investigations, the present paper intends to summarize the related literatures and probe into the influencing factors that arouse listening anxiety as well as the coping strategies for alleviating students’anxiety. the purpose is to provide the theoretical instruction and


高中英语听力调查问卷亲爱的同学们,你们好!本次调查问卷旨在了解英语听力现状,与学业成绩无关。请同学们本着认真负责的态度如实填写, 回答没有好与坏或对与错之分。谢谢! 1. 你在做听力时听不懂的单词,影响了你的判断和选择。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 2.在听力过程中,碰到生词或不懂的句子你会跳过去继续往下听。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 3.听力时,你利用文章内的已知信息对不熟悉或不明确的词、短语或其它内容进行推测。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 4.在听力过程中,你借助标题或选择项对文章谈论的主要话题、下文即将出现的内容做出预测。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 5.在听力中,有些句子明明听得很清楚,但就是不能理解。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 6.听对话时,你会试图记下关键词。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 7.听力时,你会根据听到的关键词而想到其它的与其有关的单词或事物。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 8.没听清时,你会根据上下文或语境来推导句意。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 9.听力时,你会试图把每一句话都翻译成中文。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样10.你在听时,你会借助非语言信息诸如背景声音、说话者的语气、语调、态度等线索对故事的情节、发展(如谈话的地点、交谈者之间的关系)进行推理。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 11.你不能分辨一些相似的读音,从而导致错误。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 12.你觉得听力的语速太快了,影响你的判断和选择。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 13.对国外的知识背景和英语习语的不了解,给你带来听力障碍。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样 14.如果在听力开始之前,老师把即将听力的内容的背景知识进行介绍,你对将要进行的听力的恐惧减少并更有信心完成听力。() A.总是这样 B.经常这样 C.偶尔这样 D.从不这样


Book 2 Chapter 1 The Population Today we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population. First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that percent of the population is white, whereas percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure your figures are right: OK, white, percent; black, percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, percent; and of some other race, percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number percent. Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States? Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with million people. Did you get all those figures down? Well, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives in


农村小学生英语听力情况调查问卷 为了提高农村小学英语听力教学质量,使学生的英语水平都有进一步的提高,现在对同学们做一次调查问卷。请你仔细阅读,逐题回答,不要漏答。 一、基本情况 1、你所在学校_________________________________ 2、你对英语感兴趣吗?() A.特别感兴趣 B.比较感兴趣 C不太感兴趣 D.一点也不感兴趣 3、你就读的年级:○三年级○四年级○五年级○六年级 4、你学习英语的年限:○1年○2年○3 年○3年以上 二、英语学习的环境与条件 5、你有录音机或复读机吗?○有○没有 6、你有MP3/MP4吗?○有○没有 7、你家有电脑吗?○有○没有 8、你在家或课外听英语磁带吗?() A.经常 B.有时 C.从来没有 三、英语教师教学 9、你的英语老师用录音机或多媒体教学吗? ○每天 /周○经常○很少○从未 10、你的英语老师上课用英语口语吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 11、你们在英语课堂上练习英语听力吗?

○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 四、学习的态度 12、在学校,你课后主动练习听力吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 13、在周末,你练习英语听力吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 14、你平时读英语时使用连读、弱读吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 15、你买过听力练习资料吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 五、家庭重视方面 16、你的父母关心你的英语学习在乎成绩吗?○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 17、你的父母督促你练习英语听力吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未 18、你的父母给你买英语听力资料吗? ○每天/周○经常○很少○从未


摘要目前,大学英语教育在我国受到了很大的重视,大学生的心理因素值得进一步研究。第二语言研究发现,归因是影响第二语言学习的一个重要因素,它能对学习者的动机产生积极或消极的影响。本文是关于归因训练对大学生英语听力归因风格、英语听力焦虑和英语听力成绩关系的干预研究,探讨能否通过归因训练降低学生在英语听力中产生的焦虑,提高大学生的英语听力水平。 关键词归因训练英语听力听力焦虑 The Influence of Attributional Training on English Lis-tening Anxiety//Yang Fangqing Abstract At present,college English education is being consi-dered more important than ever before,it is very necessary to make a further survey on college students'psychological aspects. Second language research indicates that attribution is one of the important factors influencing second language learning,for it may have positive or negative influence on learners'motivat-ion.This paper is an interference study of attributional training to students'listening attributional styles,English listening anxiety and English listening achievements in college.It tries to discuss whether attributional training can reduce college students'list-ening anxiety,so as to improve their listening level. Key words attributional training;English listening;listening anxiety Author's address School of Foreign Languages,Xiangfan Univ-ersity,441053,Xiangyang,Hubei,China 1引言 归因在心理学和教育学领域已经被广泛研究。作为消极情感因素之一的焦虑,第二语言研究者越来越关注它。听力就被证明是最容易引起焦虑的教学活动(Horwitz,&Cope, 1986)。根据Scarcella&Oxford(1992)的研究,当学生感到他们听的内容很难或者对所听内容话题不熟悉时就会产生焦虑。在国内外,许多专家学者通过论证得出学生存在英语听力焦虑的结论(M acIntyre and Gardner,1989;余心乐,1999,引自杨晋,2000;周丹丹,2003)。众所周知,在近几年的大学英语教学改革中,英语听力的地位越来越凸显,尤其是对于大学英语四六级机考来说,更是重中之重。作为大学英语教师有义务认真研究学生的听力焦虑,帮助他们提高英语听力水平。本文探讨通过归因训练能否降低大学生英语听力焦虑,能否提高他们的英语听力水平。 2归因理论及归因训练 归因是个体对自己或他人的行为的原因加以解释和推测的过程(Biddle,1993)。内部原因包括能力和努力归因,外部原因包括运气和任务难度。 归因训练是改变人们对于成功失败为什么发生的原因的理解,提高动机。归因训练可以鼓励学生将失败归因于可控因素,比如努力不够或者是缺乏有效的学习策略,这样学生才有动力努力学习。归因训练的目标之一就是让学生更专注于学习任务而不是因为害怕而分散精力;其次是鼓励学生认真分析失败的原因而不是轻易放弃学习;第三个目标让学生将失败归因于努力不够而不是智力或能力不强。3研究方法 被试是某高校市场营销专业大二的学生,67名学生来自作者所教班级(1班和2班)。在进行实验前,所有的学生都进行了英语听力理解测试。在接受训练前,两个班所有被试完成归因信念、听力焦虑量表。根据t检验,两个班的听力成绩并不呈显著性差异。 4数据分析 4.1两个班学生的归因情况 一班学生8项归因的描述统计数据显示归因信念的平均值分布在7.05到11.50之间。运气—成功归因的平均值最高,接下来分别是能力—失败归因、运气—失败归因、背景—失败归因、努力—成功归因、努力—失败归因、能力—成功归因以及背景—成功归因。通过这些数据,我们可以发现这些学生的归因属于非适应性归因,因此有必要对他们进行归因训练。 二班学生8项归因的描述统计数据显示归因信念的平均值分布在6.45和11.39之间。努力—成功归因的平均值最高,接下来的排列是努力—失败归因、能力—成功归因、能力—失败归因、背景—失败归因、运气—成功归因和背景—成功归因。这个班学生的归因属于积极归因。 4.2听力水平和听力焦虑前测数据 Sig.(2-tailed)为双尾t检验的显著性概率,数据中关于 中图分类号:G642.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7894(2011)35-0108-02 108


焦虑对英语学习的影响 摘要:焦虑是绝大多数学生在英语学习中经常出现的一种症状,本文旨在对学生在进行英语学习的过程中的焦虑心理进行研究和探讨,并尝试设计化解焦虑心理的有效途径,进而帮助学生调整情绪,化解焦虑。 关键词:焦虑心理;师生关系;因材施教;课堂气氛 焦虑是人们在交流中普遍存在的一种特殊心理现象。随着人文主义心理学的不断发展,语言教学的重点也逐渐从教师为中心的教学向学生如何有效学习倾斜,因而如何提升学习者的个体身心素质得到了教育者的极大关注。焦虑是绝大多数学生在英语学习中经常出现的一种症状,主要表现为紧张、烦乱、担忧和恐慌等不良状态和想极力摆脱这种紧张情绪的反应。本文旨在对学生在进行英语学习的过程中的焦虑心理进行研究和探讨,并尝试设计化解焦虑心理的有效途径,进而帮助学生调整情绪,化解焦虑。 一、英语学习者焦虑心理的总体状况 本研究主要通过对周边几大高校学生进行问卷调查,访谈等形式,采用了定量和定性相结合的方式,全面地反映了英语学习者的心理状况。 1.英语学习者在听说读写各环节存在的焦虑心理 本文选取了江苏大学,南师范大学,南京审计学院的各年级部分学生作为调查对象,对其进行口头访问,问卷调查,并提取了他们大学英语四、六级成绩进行对比。得到有效对比结果268个。其中,有164人(61%)认为自己存在焦虑心理,在应试中尤为明显。并且认为这种焦虑影响了自己在考试中的正常发挥。234人在听力学习中存在焦虑心理,占被调查总人数的87.3%;192人承认自己在口语方面存在焦虑,所占比例为71.6%;156人在阅读理解方面有焦虑心理,占58.2%;而102人在写作测试中有焦虑心理,所占比例相比之最小,为41.8%。以上数据显示,相当数量的学习者在英语学习过程中存在焦虑心理,而焦虑心理在英语学习的各个方面有不同程度地体现。 2.焦虑心理与英语学习者成绩关系 再将以上数据与学生的大学英语四、六级测试成绩相对比,结论显示学生四、六级成绩与焦虑程度虽然有呈现趋同的情况,但基本呈现正相关。其中,78.4%存在听力焦虑的学生,他们的成绩与焦虑度相关;口语与焦虑的交互关系度较低,为62.4%;阅读理解的符合程度68.3%;写作的符合程度最低,为50.2%。这说明,有些学生尽管受其他因素影响,考试成绩与焦虑心理不相符,但总体呈现正相关。 因此,英语学习者的成绩受很多因素影响,但是焦虑心理对考试成绩影响深


元认知策略在大学英语听力学习中的应用情况问卷调查表[复制] 亲爱的同学: 为了让大家能更好地学习英语,我很想同你一道分享英语学习中的经验,希望你能提供这方面的信息。这些问题的答案没有对与错之分,因此请你根据实际情况回答,不要按照你“认为”应该怎么做或别人通常怎样做来回答。谢谢合作! 打分标准:A=完全符合我的情况;B=通常适合我的情况;C=有时适合我的情况;D=基本不适合我的情况;E=完全不适合我的情况。 请在字母A或B或C或D或E中选择一个与你的真实情况相符合的,每小题只能选一个。 (此问卷调查只针对大学生,谢谢!) 第1页/共1页 请问你是大几的学生?() a) 计划策略 1.为了提高自己的听力,我制定了具体的听力目标。 A B C D E () 请问你是大几的学生?() a) 计划策略 1.为了提高自己的听力,我制定了具体的听力目标。 A B C D E () 2.根据自己的学习目标,我制定了详细的听力学习的总计划,而且对每周的听力练习作了详细的安排。 A B C D E () 3.听前,我注意根据题目及选项对将要听的内容的主题、重点进行预测。 A B C D E () 4.课后我会有计划的复习所听材料。 A B C D E () 5.我不仅平时会科学的安排听力训练时间,而且在听力考试时也会科学分配时间。 A B C D E () b)监控策略 1.听英语时,我尽可能争取听懂所听内容并完成有关任务。 A B C DE () 2.我注重考虑对材料的理解在内容和意义上是否有逻辑性。 A B C D E () 3.在听音过程中,我注意自己是否有注意力分散等情况。如有,我会努力把注意力集中到当前任务上来。 A B C D E () 4.听音过程中,我留意自己的答题情况。如发现错误,马上更改。 A B C D E ()


《英语听力教程3》答案与听力材料 UNIT 1 Part I Getting ready A. B. Keys: 1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests 2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2 Part II The Earth at risk (I) A. Keys: 1. a. More people--------→more firewood----→fewer trees b. More domestic animals------→more plants-----→fewer available plants a, b--→More desert----→move south-----→desrtt expanding south----→no grass 2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow. 3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ranches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mine B. Keys: 1: Sahara Desert 2: North America & most of Europe 3: top soil blowing away 4: tropical forests destruction 5: animal/plant species becoming extinct 6: climate change for the whole world Part III The Earth at risk (II) A. Keys: 1: Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding. 2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the near future, or just think as far ahead as the next election. B. Keys: 1: flooding in Bangladesh 2: Action to be taken 3: population control Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming Keys:


焦虑情绪与大学英语听力教学的关系和影响 本文在阐述焦虑情绪与语言焦虑、英语听力教学的本质与过程的基础上,以实证分析的形式研究了焦虑情绪与大学英语听力教学的关系和影响,认为焦虑情绪是影响中国非英语专业学生英语听力能力的最大的障碍。语言焦虑和英语听力 之间存在着一定的相关性。 标签: 焦虑;语言焦虑;英语听力教学;关系;影响 学习语言的过程是一个非常复杂的过程,包括听、说、读、写过程。一个较好的语言学习者要具备较好的听、说、读、写能力,所以学习这四项技能是学习一种语言的基本技能。在这四种技能之种,听力占据着非常重要的作用。人们在学习母语的过程之中,在开始学习书面语言的时候,主要是语言的语音输入,也就是听力的输入。此外,在人们理解语言信息的时候,听力是非常重要的方式。中国现在的非英语专业学生在学习英语过程之中,出现了颠倒的结果;学生普遍重视读,写过程,学生在表达能用书面语清楚的表达自己的思想,理解书面文章,然而忽视听,说的能力提高,导致哑巴英语的出现。学生的英语听力普遍较差,除过态度的因素,还有就是与另一个因素有关——语言焦虑,那么中国的非英语专业学生英语课堂存在焦虑情绪吗?语言焦虑和英语听力成绩的有没有相关性呢?这两者之间的关系又怎样?是一种负相关还是正相关,也就是说在听力课堂 上,学生越焦虑听力成绩越低还是越高? 一、焦虑情绪与语言焦虑 要理解上述两个问题首先要理解什么是语言焦虑?朱智闲(1989)认为焦虑是一种负面情绪,是指个体由于不能达到预期目标或者不能克服障碍的威胁,使其自尊心与自信心受挫,或者失败感和内疚感而形成的紧张不安,带有恐惧的情绪状态。同时焦虑又被分为几种不同的类型Sieberger将焦虑分为气质型焦虑(trait anxiety)和状态型焦虑(state anxiety)。状态型焦虑指人在某一瞬间感受到的恐惧;例如,在考试前遇到的某种紧急状态一瞬间的恐惧。气质型的焦虑则指认得的一种个性特质,即在任何情况下都易于产生焦虑的倾向。根据其他方法,Apert和Habler(1960)按其对语言学习者的影响将焦虑分为促进性焦虑(faciliating anxiety)和退缩性焦虑(delitating anxiety),前者激发语言学者的努力挑战新的学习任务,促使他们努力克服焦虑感,后者导致学习者逃避学习任务以回避焦虑的根源。因为本项研究是要研究与语言学习有关的焦虑,所以很有必要解释什么是语言焦虑。在此部分,作者引用了不同学者对语言焦虑的解释。MacIntre & Garnder對外语学习焦虑进行定义,Horwitz(1986)指出外语学习焦虑是语言学习所特有的现象,并将外语焦虑定义为与课堂语言学习有关,产生于


大学英语听力学习情况问卷调查表 1. 你现在的英语水平是?_________ A.未通过四级考试 B.已经通过四级考试 C.已经通过六级考试 2. 你认为在大学英语这门课程中,作为英语技能的以下哪一个最重要?______(单选) A.英语口语技能 B. 英语翻译技能 C.英语阅读技能 D.英语写作技能 E.英语听力技能 3. 你每周练习英语听力的次数有几次(英语课除外),请选出最接近的______(单选) A.几乎不 B. 1-2次 C. 2-4次 D.说不准,有时间就练 4.你每周花费在英语听力练习上的时间有多长(英语课除外),请选出最接近的______(单选) A.30分钟以下 B. 30-60分钟 C. 60-90分钟 D. 2个小时以上 5. 你在课外练习英语听力的工具有哪些?______(可多选) A.电脑 B.手机 C.MP3/4播放器 D.收音机 6. 你所选择的英语听力练习材料有哪些?______(可多选) A.四、六级真题或模拟题听力 B.英语教材的课文录音 C.英文歌曲或影视 D.VOA/BBC等英语新闻节目 7. 大学英语四、六级考试的听力题型中,自己认为最薄弱的是哪种题型?______(可多选) A.短对话 B.长对话 C.短文 D.听力听写 8.你觉得影响自己听力水平的因素有哪些?______(可多选) A.词汇积累不足 B.听力技巧欠缺 C.心理紧张 D.自己的发音不标准导致听不懂 9.你觉得影响你影响英语听力得分的主要障碍有哪些?______(可多选) A. 生单词太多 B.语速过快 C.语法知识或是背景知识缺乏 D.心理因素(紧张、焦虑) 10. 你希望老师在听力学习方面给予的帮助有哪些?______(可多选) A.听力技巧的讲解 B.课堂上加强听力练习 C.推荐好的听力练习材料 D.多布置课外听力练习作业 11. 你认为每次英语课上老师用于听力练习的时间应该有多少?______(单选) A.45分钟以上 B.30分钟左右 C.10分钟以内 D.课堂上不需特别花时间练听力


Unit One: Listing tasks: 1. A: Jake Sutton! Is that you, man? How are you? ?B: Hey, Andrew! I didn’t recognize you for a moment. Long time no see! ?A: Y eah, wow, I haven’t seen you since high school graduation! What’ve you been up to? ?B: I’ve been back East, at college. ?A: College? Where? ?B: Boston. B.U. ?A: Oh, cool. ?B: And this past year, I got to go to Spain as an exchange student. ?A: Spain? No kidding? I remember you always hoped for an international lifestyle. ?B: Exactly. ?A: So how was it, amigo? ?B: Oh, man, it was so great. I got to see a lot of Europe. ?A: Y eah? Like where? ?B: All over. Italy, France, Greece, and my homestay family was really nice. They’ve invited me back again if I want to go to graduate school there. ?A: Sounds like we won’t be seeing you for another few more years then, eh? ?B: I dunno. Half of me wants to go. Half of me wants to stay here. Y ou know, when I was there, I missed home a lot more than I thought I would. ?A: I can imagine. 2. A: So, Terry, How have you been? ?B: Good, good. ?A: How are things going? Did you graduate this year? ?B: Me? Nah!I went to State, but after my second year, I realized that what I really want to do is take over for my mom in the restaurant. ?A: Oh, that’s right. Y our family owns a little restaurant. Well, I mean, it’s not so little, but … ?B: So I came back home and started apprenticing as a chef. ?A: Really? That is so cool!Y ou know, now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense for you. Even back in high school, you could cook up a storm. So, how is it being in the business? ?B: Well, I love to cook, but, man, I have a lot to learn about running a business. I’m really glad my mom’s around to teach me. ?A: Well, I’ll have to come by to try your cooking. What nights do you work? ?B: Take your pick. I’m there seven nights a week. 3. A: Ken? Ken Mackney, is that you? ?B: Uh, yeah, I’m Ken Mackney. ?A: It’s me. Barry Simmons. Y ou know, Mr. Jones’s calculus class, senior year? ?B: Um, so, how’s it going? What are you up to these days? ?A: I’m pretty busy. I’m working as an accountant in the city. ?B: Oh, that’s great!It sounds like you really put your math skills to good use. ?A: Y eah. And I got married last fall. Hey, you might actually know my wife, Tina Chan, Jason Chan’s little sister?

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