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1======================Issue 51======================

【题目】”Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.‖


【题纲】Position: There is no doubt that education should pay more attention on the needs and interests of students, but it is possible for education to satisfy every student.






2=================Issue 144=================

【题目】"It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value."




1、艺术家们给了社会长久的价值。一方面艺术家带给人们美的享受;或给人精神的鼓励;如:达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎;肖邦的音乐;另一方面使人们了解社会更深层次的东西,这些都是永久的价值;如Mark Twain的小说

2、批评家也有他们的作用。一方面:他们发掘好的艺术作品,帮助大众了解艺术作品,从更好的角度欣赏作品;如:唐基柯德起初被认为是滑稽小说;小说前面的序言或者绘画所配的文字;另一方面:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,last value对每个人的含义不同,因此它取决于观看者而不是艺术家。如我们珍藏旧明信片,因为它在我们心中具有last value;

3、但是有些时候批评家起反面的作用,如当艺术需要创新变革的时候批评家可能阻碍艺术的进步,而且容易被政治所利用;比如Mark Twain小说中抨击了政治的腐败,当权者利用批评家对他的作品进行反驳;比如Voltaire 反对Shakespeare的作品因为他不conform neo-classical principles


3=================Issue 41=================

【题目】"Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."



观点:主要是反对1 诚然,这些非主流的东西可以在一定程度上满足人们的好奇心,对未知事物的预测。(①先对astrology等做一下解释;②指出它们的作用可能要分几个段落来展开)

2 但是这些东西毕竟不是科学的,会给人带来危害.( 遇到挫折不勇敢面对,整日成湎于祷告神仙;


4=================Issue 185=================

【题目】"Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that do speaker or reformer ever could."



1 一方面丑闻可以吸引我们的注意力到存在的问题上所以是必要的。(丑闻的作用之一就是监督;举MIT的副教授由于编造数据而被开除的例子,说明揭发丑闻的必要性。揭发的目的是为了更好的发展,就像一个得了感冒的病人如果不治疗,将来有一天就会死掉,一个国家的丑闻不被揭发,那么这个国家可能哪天也会灭亡,所以可以说揭发丑闻是爱国的表现。)

2 另一方面揭发丑闻也需要有个度,应该在揭发丑闻所花费的人力、物力、财力和揭发出来的意义之间找到平衡点。(举Clinton-Lewinsky的例子,说明花太多财力精力是没必要的。)


【题目】The absence of choices is a circumstance that is very, very rare.



1、自然界的发展是个不断选择不断发展的过程(进化论);新老观点对比:新观点是自然选择理论vs 达尔文出现之前


3、个人自己一生的发展中,其实也面临着不同的选择. 以自己的亲身经历为例、从小到大,从我们个人的角度说,我们几乎每天都在做出大大小小的选择。我们选择几点起床,选择吃什么样的早饭,选择乘什么交通工具去上学,选择所学的课程。常识也告诉我们人们是自由的,拥有自由的意志,伴随而来的必然有选择的权利。除了那些监狱里的人和精神有问题的人,没有选择的情况真的很罕见。



【题目】"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."



1 television can impart and disseminate temporal and new events more rapidly than books. In the political realm, the citizens could understand the political proceedings as soon as possible by watching television broadcasting.

2 in the business field, consumers could know the necessary information about the products by the advertisements on TV

3 books are far more portable than television sets and main approach for most people to gain knowledge in

their primary time, and cultivate good reading habits

4 the controllers of the television stations always withhold some information from audiences but books do not.


【题目】Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.



1. 必须承认,父母对于教育起着至关重要的作用,他们是孩子的第一任老师。他们真心的为孩子着想,在这一点上胜过其他任何人。至于社会,很容易知道有了社会的帮助,教育会得到诸多好处,如赞助,社会教育,人格塑造。

2. 然而,父母虽然一心希望孩子接受最好的教育,可是实际上他们往往并不知道什么对于孩子才是好的。比如schooling at home 虽然可以选择最好的老师,最好的教育条件,但是培养出来的孩子可能会与社会不相融。另一方面,如果父母社会都参与进来,很有可能结果是效率很低,做个决定先讨论争吵半天,可能是正常的教学被影响。

3. 而职业教育者,相对来说,有丰富的教学经验,知道什么对孩子才是好的,并且掌握科学的教育方法,可以成功的引导孩子正常的社会化,帮助孩子塑造人格,不断认识自己完善自己。从这个角度来说,家长和社会是可以放心把教育这项重任交给他们的。



How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.



1. 社会化的含义及其对于社会的重要性

2. 除了社会化之外还有许多因素决定着社会未来的命运,比如人们的创新,科学技术水平等等(Roosevelt and his New Deal, no Bill Gates and his Microsoft and no Picasso and his impressionism)

3. 从社会的发展与进步来看,人们已经学会教育孩子区建设一个更好的社会。当然也不可否认,教育中的确也存在着一些问题,但总的来说这并不影响总的趋势。(inoculations to cure diseases,exploring the space,Internet)

9===================Issue 208=====================

【题目】"The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."






(3)但是我们不得不承认有时―我们的眼睛会欺骗我们‖,根据一个人的外貌可能会产生某些错误认识。比如人们常常认为穿着好的人就是成功的人,反而不愿意和穿着不好的人交往,其实这是有偏见的。但是举止却是人的内心的真实反映。比如人们尊老爱幼、彬彬有礼,可以反映出人们的人品,等等。(举例子邱吉尔曾经是个酒鬼, Van Gogh比较潦倒)


10===================Issue 47=====================

【题目】Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect-that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.






11===================Issue 83=====================

【题目】"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."






3、政府是有效的保护手段,如通过法律,很多国家都有相关的规定来保护;如:the 1964 Wilderness Act,自然保护区的建立;除此以外,人类自身也要通过宣传、教育自觉地进行保护;

12==================Issue 150================

【题目】Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.


【题纲】Position: It is true that television and worldwide computer connections make people become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited, whereas tourism does not become obsolete as a result, in stead, it stimulated the development of tourism.


字塔,Australian sloth,Hawaii beautiful scene;

2、但是旅游的好处是不能被替代的,旅游有很多好处。第一:旅游能够让人从繁忙的工作中解放出来,这也是很多人旅游的原因,如在California 的beach,你可以享受阳光,呼吸新鲜空气,游泳,这些都是通过网络办不到的;第二:旅游也是锻炼身体,人们去旅游总要travel,要走路,进行各种各样的relax games,而这些也是在家办不到的;第三:看是一回事,亲身体验是另外一回事;(反对后半句)



87. "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."



1 诚然,新手因为刚入门,对事物充满了好奇心,并且由于缺乏专业知识,所以可以在一定程度上排除定势思维。

2 但是我认为在一个领域要有重大发现是需要一定的背景知识做为前提的。【例子,Freud developed his psycho-analysis approach for the treatment of psychological and emotional disorders.这个治疗方法的发现是建立在Freud 深厚的心理学背景知识和多年对心理学的研究上的】牛顿的巨人观点;瓦特发明蒸汽机也是如此;一开始哪能马上达到正确深入的研究呢;那个step by step的话

3 其实要获得重大发现我认为应该结合新手和老手的优势,既要有一定的知识背景的积累,又要有新手开拓创新的精神。比如碰到一个问题不要只是按正向思维,可以逆向思维【converse thinking】这个没想到例子!!


Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 at Freiberg, Moravia, now Pribor in the Czech Republic. Freud developed the techniques of "Psycho-Analysis" for the treatment of psychological and emotional disorders. Freud graduated as Doctor of Medicine from the Medical School of the University of Vienna in 1881. In September 1891 Freud moved to 19 Berggasse in Vienna where he lived and worked for the next 47 years. In 1896 in his paper, "The Aetiology of Hysteria," Freud first used the term "Psycho-Analysis." In October of 1902 a circle of physicians grouped around Freud began a weekly discussion of Psycho-Analysis. From 1908 on the group called itself "Vienna Psycho-Analytical Society." In 1910 the "International Psycho-Analytical Association" was formed in Nuremberg with Swiss psychologist Carl Jung as the first president. Psycho-analysis soon gained acceptance all over the world as a scientific discipline and as a therapeutical approach.

On March 12, 1938 German troops marched into Austria and the Nazis assumed power. Freud's daughter Anna was arrested on March 22 by the Gestapo and held for a day. On June 4, following numerous international interventions, Freud was allowed to emigrate to London with his wife, his youngest daughter Anna, his housekeeper Paula Fichtl and his medical caretaker Josefine Stross. Freud's other children also managed to escape. His brother lost all his property when he left Vienna, and four elderly and infirm sisters were forced to remain in Vienna and killed in concentration camps in 1941. Freud moved to a house at 20 Maresfield Gardens in London's Hampstead section.

Sigmund Freud died on September 23, 1939. "The Sigmund Freud Museum" was opened in his former office at 19 Berggasse, Vienna in 1971.



152. "The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."



1 诚然,为公司赚钱的确是corporate executives的responsibility之一,因为一个要发展下去是离不开钱的(给员工发工资需要钱,为公司作宣传打广告要钱,开发新产品新技术要钱)

2 但是赚钱不是corporate executives唯一responsibility。对公司本身:corporate executives have responsibility to give employees motives, including 给员工提供良好的工作环境,为员工塑造融洽的人际关系氛围,给予员工发展和成长的机会。【这里引用赫茨伯格的双因素激励理论】

3 对社会:一个公司属于社会的一部分,corporate executives belongs to the company, 所以除了赚钱,corporate executives 还有责任回报社会,做一些慈善事业【charity undertaking】取之于民,用之于民。这样不仅可以树立公司良好的社会形象,还可以帮助需要帮助的人。而且也体现社会对弱势群体的关注。




"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."











The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.






是太阳系的中心‖。For the supporting examples, one needs to look no further than Copernicus’ Heliocentric cosmology



学习了相对论是我们知道了宏观世界和微观世界的差别principle of relativity

另一方面,让我们严谨,学会看待问题的方法,如critical thinking, causality让我们带有怀疑的态度来看待世界;

2、对哲学和社会学科的学习,让我们学会用辩证,物质、发展的眼光来看待问题;如:dialectic辩证法教给我们将事物一分为二的看待,有好有坏;Every coin has two sides.






―All nations should help support the devel opment of a global university designed to engage students in the progress of solving the world’s most persistent social problems.‖





1) 各国虽然具体情况不同,但是存在很多共同的问题,且很多问题有相同的根源,global university can help to establish a common ground or reach a consensus(the depletion of atmospheric ozone或green-house effect 或space exploration仅凭一个国家的经济实力难以实现需要各国合作


3)全球性大学应该注意一些问题,首先要尊重各国的观点,不能忽视parochial problems因为各国的经济实力和发展不同,解决问题的方法不同。其次,应该使每个国家的学生都能接受平等的教育。




Issue43 To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.



1 a leader should possess a high level of ethnical and moral standards, yet not the highest

2 首先,高尚的道德和伦理标准可以使领导者赢得人民的信任和对手的尊重。其次,moral regulations in his mind 防止leaders abuse their authorities and also the corruptions.

3 a leader is not a moralist, 他也有人性的一面,他的行为未必是完美的,但是这并不代表他不能成为一个成功的领导者。(Clinton's sex scandal &the marital discretions of President Kennedy)

4 一个成功的领导者还应该具备其它方面的特征(special knowledge, insight, management ability, creativity and so forth可以举Bill Gates 创造微软神话的例子)



4 No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.



1、不可否认,许多基础学科的发展主要的成果都是源自内在的创造,如万有引力定律,哥白尼的日心说astronomy(恩,老掉牙的例子,那就用凯恩斯发现宏观经济学规律吧)Archimedes Theorem(定理)mechanics(力学)law(定律)the law of gravity(万有引力定律)geometry(几何学)Keynes 凯恩斯(英国经济学家)

2、但是,一个领域的研究可以借签其它领域的成果而取得巨大的进步(当John Nash把数学的思想用来解释经济现象后,当代的经济领域发生巨大的变化)很多Nobel经济学奖得主是数学家;

3、随着现代科学和社会的发展各个不同领域之间常常互相影响,新的交叉学科应运而生,不但促进了原有领域的发展还具有很高的新起点。(化学和生物的交叉产生了生化领域,促进了近代临床科学的发展,如人造骨骼的应用)随着社会的发展,越来越多的交叉学科出现,各个学科的发展需要多方面的知识。如计算机学科需要多种数学啊,艺术的知识;Frederick Taylor, the father of Scientific Management的科学管理理论是源于生产实践经验等等artificial bones

4、尽管很少,但是其它领域不成熟的经验会对该领域的进步带来不利的影响。(Paul Muller的DDT 对global ecological system 的影响)





Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.





1. 从历史的角度看,很多思想、传统(信仰、价值观、习俗等)一代代传承至今,对于现代的社会影响仍然存在。

思想上:古代的哲学智慧(Socrates, what is love? What is truth? What is justice? Socrates, a philosopher in Athens, ancient Greece, asked big questions like these and tried to make people think, discuss and

debate.),军事思想(Alexander the Great???),政治理想(Plato –the republic影响了美国的国家机构设置)等等

传统上:China, spring festival, set off firework; Bull game in Brazil

宗教上:Christianism, Islam, Buddhism which are all born long ago still greatly influence people in modern world.

2. 现代的好多东西经过演变,成为与传统兼容的产物,同时传统也流传与之成为并行的流派。特别是在建筑、艺术和音乐方面eg. Rococo洛可可; 艺术Picasso的impressionism, cubism; 仍然是现代建筑和艺术的流派之一,被广为借鉴。Classical music, 和pop music尽管风格迥异,但都带给现代人音乐的享受。

3. 当然,我们必须承认传统中的一些东西与现代的确是格格不入的。比如旧的习俗,对于女性的歧视(discriminate against women),superstition(迷信)等等。



===================Issue 50=====================

【题目】In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university

level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.








===================Issue 88=====================

【题目】Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.



(1)技术可以影响社会传统。比如:工业革命是女性的地位提高了,可以走出家门工作;电脑、网络、手机的普及彻底改变了人们的生活方式和相处方式;先进的交通工具可以使人们不再需要必须住在城市。(transportation, communication, automation)

(2)技术可以影响道德规范。遗传学的研究使人们认识到近亲结婚的坏处,而不是―亲上加亲‖。(intermarriage, genetics)New family form: single, divorced, double income with no kids.




【题目】History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.(历史类)





3、历史上失败的或者不好的经验可以给人以警示作用,如二战中美国向日本投放两枚原子弹(atomic bomb)造成的严重后果警示我们不可轻易使用核武器;

4、当然,我们不能盲目地复制历史,照搬历史,需要用发展的眼光看待历史,从历史中汲取经验用于今天的决策(体现在人类社会的变革上,就是奴隶时期曾经出现过鼎盛,如Old Rome, at the height of power and splendor)




【题目】"Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."











"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."






1.审视当今的大城市,经济高度发达,各种各样的文化在这里汇聚,并且相互融合发展,大城市成为了一个国家的经济文化中心。比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick’s Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等

2. 然而我们应该明白一个国家的文化传统和文化是不同的两个概念。大城市作为文化中心,更多的起到的是一个文化交流平台的作用,而不是作者所说的传统文化的发源地。相对而言,我们应该更重视乡村以及小城市,它们往往更完整的保留了传统文化,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区。





It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.








2. 对于个人隐私的事情,事实上,民众也并不期盼政治家是个完美的人,对于一个政治家来说只要把公民的利益国家的利益放在首位,他就是称职的。比如南非总统曼德拉Mandela。还有华盛顿。带领人们取得自由。(缺例子, 怎么找Clinton sex scandal)

3. 诚实坦白对每个人来说都是美德。对于政治家,能够树立良好的公众形象,赢得公民的赞赏和支持。例如Lincoln家里很贫寒,他在竞选的时候丝毫没有掩饰自己的贫穷,赢得了下层阶级people from low class的支持;反例,就是比如窃听门事件对于布什的影响还有那个用烂了的water gate也算一个吧,导致下台

4. 总结




If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable





1. 竭尽全力去达到目标这种做法不但是合理的,并且是应该提倡的。在一个社会中,没有科学家竭力的钻研,怎么会有科技的进步。没有政治家竭力的谋划,怎么会有人们的普遍福利。没有企业家竭力的追逐利益,怎么会有社会经济的持续发展。对于个人来说也是如此,个人不懈努力取得成功的例子让人称赞不已。如爱迪生试验了上百次作灯丝的材料,前N-1次都失败了,但他坚持不懈,最终成功;拿破仑(Napoleon)开始的时候战争总是失败,看到蜘蛛坚持不懈的织网重又燃起了希望;Nobel为了研制detonator差点forfeit his life

2. 即便如此,我们要强调的是凡事都要适度,毕竟个人目标不同,难免会产生矛盾,如果这时还不择手段,后果是可怕的,要在法律允许的前提下,要以不损害他人的利益为前提。比如,Hitler为了自己的政治目标,不择手段,结果给世界人民带来了重大灾难;如经济领域的恶性竞争;政治界的互相诋毁,denigrate(诋毁);科学界的剽窃或者作假(如哈福教授伪造科研数据被开除,黄锡余?)


===================Issue 218=====================

【题目】In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people. 【总频26】




According to what Freud has said(and I paraphrased)art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole.

Austria, neurologist

(2)艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,也不是每个人都是心理学家,所以不可能完全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些音乐作品,只要我们听到以后感到很美或者心灵受到撞击,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,但是我们感受得到诗中作者的感情和情趣;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才full of humor and wit,才有价值;‖一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特‖ hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响hamlet to be a noted masterpiece.



===================Issue 207=====================

【题目】Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are. 【总频25】







===================Issue 221=====================


The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.





(2)不同时代的人们是有很多相同的地方的,因为人类的发展是个逐渐的过程,比如:basic human nature-our desires and motives, as well as our fears and other basic characteristics

(3)但是,不同时代的人们也有很大的不同,比如对待妇女、宗教、新事物的态度等等,cultural mores, customs, values, and ideals。



===================Issue 69=====================


Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.










160. "The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."




1 的确,对正确的原则和目标坚定不移是成功的保证


2 另外一方面就是,虽然要坚定不移的坚持原则和目标,但有时候也有必要听取大众的意见,以完善自己的计划

A 一个人的想法有时候难免会不全面,可能会忽视一些问题而自己没发觉,这时如果听取并修改了自己的计划,那么计划会更完整

B 就是加入自己的计划完全就是错的,而自己还要坚持,而不听人劝,那么只会给自己、社会甚至世界带来危害。【典型的例子就是希特勒,他当时实施的很多方案是遭到他的部下的反对的,但是由于他自己一意孤行,给世界带来了这么大的灾难】

3 总结


=====================Issue 13=====================

【题目】"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."


【提纲】Position: agree

Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out. So does the people themselves who own the languages.










【题目】8. "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."


少数和多数的关系之true lies, the truth is out there. 【总频22】


1 向人民大众隐瞒一些信息在一些情况下是有必要的,甚至是有宜的

例子,政府准备到某个state进行人们生活质量的考察,之前就很有必要不要告诉大家,因为如果告诉了the public,那么那个state的领导可能会做一些表明工作,那么考察到的就不是真实情况了【这是看的别人的例子,实在没想出来】

2 在一些情况下告诉the public 实情还能帮助政府度过危机【例子就是SARS在2002年在中国,如果不告知民众,那么很有可能大家不知道如何预防这种virus,使得更多的人染上它,但告知后,人民在政府的领导下,降低了感染上这种virus的人数,成功的控制了virus】

3 总结



ISSUE159. The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds



1、机器在人类社会的发展中的确起到了重要的作用,促进生产(工业革命)、方便生活、星外探索;首先,就家庭而言,家用电器如air-condition, refrigerator方便了人们的生活。其次,就community, 现在许多工厂采用自动化生产,提高了效率,降低了人类的工作负担和危险.第三,就全人类而言,spaceship, telescope and some machines such as American Mars probe machine-"Courage"



4、除此之外,人脑会思考、会判断善恶好坏(机器给命令就动)、会有感情,机器永远不会有(independent thought, subjective judgment, emotional response)




ISSUE127 Facts are stubborn things. they cannot be altered by our wishies, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.



1 首先,应该如何定义facts,如果它意味着真理,则不能改变;如果是客观存在的事物,则可以被我们的愿望,喜好,热情所改变。

2 一方面,从历史的角度,我们无法由意志来改变the past historical incidence(the world war II);另一方面,从科学的角度,真理是永恒的(Newton-three theories of physics),尽管有些科学论断可以在当时被认为是事实,后来被证伪。(the Earth center theory, Copernicus disprove it by his theory-the revolutions of the heavenly spheres)

3 in the real world, we can change our situation even the society (Jack Welch used his uncanny instincts and unique leadership strategies to run GE, the most complex organization in the world, increasing its market value to $400 billion over two decades) 我们在不断的改变现实。

4 总结



151."High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."






这里有个问题是meaning and thoughtful communication到底是什么,传统的communication media包括电话,书信吗?



11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."









Practicality is now our great ideal, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world.










Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.





1. 政府应该着力解决当务之急,如贫困,恐怖主义,环境污染,疾病,事业等等,毕竟这些问题直接威胁着人们的普遍福利。




==================issue 26 95 85======================

26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for

modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."







95. "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."







85"Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."









===================Issue 175=====================


It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual.









===================Issue 195=====================


The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.




(1)政治应该有理想。For example, without Martin Luther King's great idealism and onerous conflict, the American black perhaps would still have to sit at the back on the bus; without Mohandas Gandhi’s great political idealism to achieve social and political independence, India might still be one colony of Great Britain.

(2)但是光有理想有时可能会遇到困难。Consider the case of the failure of the Utopian Owen. He believed the status of a perfect world where there were no wars and fights; every one was born equal, and no information need to be hided. Owen once tried to establish such an ideal society; however he failed to take into account of certain practical conditions and existing difficulties during its construction. As a result, his plan did not obtain the general support and finally faced up with his predetermined failure.

(3)因此,有理想的同时还要寻求共同点和合理的一致,这样才能赢得支持和认同。Chairman Deng, for instance, rather than sticking to the idealism of communism, enacted the marvelous and far-reaching policies of "one country, two systems", which earned not only national support but also international acknowledgement.



ISSUE 59 Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.



1 很多model是人们成功经验的总结,值得我们思考和借签。(例子???)

2 学习独立思考和行动是个人能力的体现,能够锻炼我们的判断力和对事物的洞察力,使我们做出正确的选择。(阿基米德定律Archimedes' theorems)

3 独立思考和行动能够培养人们的创新意识。(yahoo搜索引擎)

4 与别人的协作也很重要cooperative(联想lenovo并购IBM全球PC业务,Nobel Prize' winners are a group of people)



ISSUE 46 While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.

翻译: 当政府、体育界、工业界和其他领域中的一些领导者将他们的成功归因于一种高度的竞争意识时,一个社会还是应该更好的为那些即将成为领导者的年轻人灌输一种合作的意识。


1 无可否认,现代社会充满了竞争。竞争是社会进步的动力:从政治角度,候选人之间的竞争使政治更加公开化,民主化,有利于选民(美国总统大选);从经济角度,商家,产家之间的竞争促进产品质量的提高,消费者受益(yahoo and google这个例子很烂,谁能帮我换一个??)从体育角度,individual之间的竞争体现了人类超越自我的人性(Olympic spirit)

2 培养youth的竞争意识能使他们具备适应社会的生存能力,为追求自己的理想而奋斗。

3 然而合作意识teamwork也很重要,只有和他人合作才能共同进步(Nobel prize winner are a group of scientists)

4 应该培养当代年轻人同时具有竞争和合作意识(mutually compensate)

5 总结




The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority.





1. 在社会领域,适度的质疑揭露社会问题并且让人们团结起来去改变现状从而使社会进步。比如人们对殖民地统治的质疑,使得华盛顿,甘地在人民的支持下进行变革带领人们获得自由,如果人民都是顺民,光凭他们个人的力量美国和印度可能仍然是英国的殖民地。


gre写作issue与argument的异同 在gre写作考试中会有issue和argument。那么,各位对gre 作文issue、gre作文argument有没有进行过了解呢?下面就和大家分享gre写作issue与argument的异同,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 gre写作issue与argument的异同 考生想要在gre写作中取得好成绩,就需要同时写出两篇不错的*来,这对于不少英语基础一般,写作水平也普通的同学来说并不容易做到。不过,如果大家能够充分了解gre作文issue 和argument的异同点,并进行足够的练习,高分作文也还是很有把握的。下面就为大家全面解析gre写作两篇作文的异同之处,帮助大家练好写作思路确保作文高分。 gre写作两篇作文相同点 虽然gre作文argument和issue有很多不同之处,但在一些基本的规范和要求上还是有共通之处的: 1. *基本要求相同 gre两篇作文的考试时间都是30分钟。考生需要在30分钟内完成从审题到构思到最后成文的整个流程。而两篇*的文体风

格也基本相同,都是属于议论文性质的写作。因此,很多考生比较惧怕的描述类*就不会有所涉及了。同时,虽然gre考试本身并没有做出任何字数方面的限制和要求,但根据历年来的高分范文总结,一般作文字数在400-500字左右是比较稳妥的,这一点ISSUE和ARGUMENT两篇作文也没有太大区别。 2. *评分标准相同 除了规范要求外,gre两篇作文在评分标准上也是基本相同的。大致都可以分为*整体结构、逻辑思维能力、对于词句语法的运用以及论据素材的使用这几个方面。当然,由于两篇*本身具体写作要求的区别,可能在一些评分细节上还存在不同。 3. 官方复习资源相同 无论是ISSUE作文还是ARGUMENT作文,两篇gre作文的复习资源也是基本相同的。除了官方公布的作文练习题外,高分范文、黄金词句和论据素材都是帮助考生练习写作能力锻炼作文水平需要用到的复习必备材料。 gre写作两篇作文不同点 说完了相似之处,接下来为大家介绍一下两篇作文的不同之处: 1. 写作具体要求区别


Issue题目难点(是非论证的文章) 1审题先熟悉题库中文意思 2内容不考内容背景,考逻辑分析能力 3语言标准书面语 三类难题:哲学类道德伦理文化文学只能放掉一类题目不用准备新G取消二选一该考为30分钟 按主题分类:纵向比较分类题库 1防止跑题 2★合并类似题目(新G改革要求1更加具体的细节深度>广度>范度2不能雷同)两道题的论点相似其论据论证过程可以相互使用 简易评分要求0-3分:审题和结构3-4.5分:论证过程Reasoning 4.5-6分:语言 多看6分文章不要模仿6分以下的文章 中心观点不能完全赞成或完全反对要从正反两方面论证 审题四步走 1中心观点在题目中寻找关键词主体词—确定主题(名词句子的主干)确定中心观点 限定词(adj adv 定语从句状语从句)用于确定论证角度(少数抽象题目没有限定词)2中心观点的分支观点现在将来问题有是非两个方面开头结尾是中心观点段中间4段(T+ T- F+ F-)3?分支观点的理由找限定词写issue 不要走向极端,要看整体框架 4 论据evidence 每一个分支观点理由------→分支论据归纳演绎方式观点论据比1:3---1:4---1:5 带到生活场景中去-----看题库本身 弊端:1斟词酌句浪费时间Issue看整体不看局部 Issue入门要求:先用基本单词练习关键是思路(下托福高频词表)先写再修改一气呵成不要写写停停 2临时找思路边想边写把能准备的尽量全准备 3临时发挥应用分类提纲事先准备 Step2先整理分类提纲-----整理单个提纲

Step3如何写分类提纲:先找主体词限定词---再归纳p11 是非两方面 分支观点理由—-限定词 论据善于归纳eg. 技术进步的3大种例子1交通2通讯交流(交流与人类的关系)3自动化 如何展开分析:演绎要展开包装---学术化 ★Issue的写作核心:具体问题具体分析的是非论证★ Step4 综上400-600字文章--→20-30个长句复杂句 Issue 作文的结构 开头段2-3句话提出中心句------结尾段2-3句话得出结尾句 中间展开部分1 TTF 大正小负2TFF大负小正3TF 平衡结构正文第一段都是先写正的先继承再批判(先扬后抑) 6-7句话写每段的主题句---过渡句(并列递进转折) 模板:1逻辑性的目标(迎合软件评分表准)2 写作习惯 模板包括:1 结构固定2 1 开头段的中心句1位置要求---每一个位置用什么句型做什么用End focus开头段末句中心观点 错误一:用问句结束开头(而要有明确的回答) 错误二:做报告式的开头The issue that lies in two points 2用何种句型写中心句:1 正反论证结构或有倾向的(TTF 大正小负TFF大负小正)用让步语气 2 平衡结构也可用平衡让步结果前后同等重要 The issue that calls for balance in which there are both A and B(现在将来感性理性正负两观点均可蓝色部分不可雷同同时使用) 2 开头段的写法╳B+P 背景+立场层层铺垫---铺垫型的罗嗦开头讲义P38 ╳E+P 例子+立场讲义P42

新GRE写作Issue 模板 By Jason Lee

新GRE写作Issue模板 ——By Jason Lee 一、作文步骤 1.审题(1min) 2.首段(5min) 3.构思+提纲(2min) 4.中间段+尾端(20min) 5.检查润色(2min) 二、题型 1.表态+论述(statement/ recommendation/ challenge/ policy) 2.讨论(both of views) 3.因果分析(claim+ reason) 三、模板 1.表态+论述(statement/ recommendation/ challenge/ policy) ◆首段: Never in the history of humanity have we witnessed such a great accentuation on…(时间+话题关键词+矛盾性) What especially concerns the public involves whether…(矛盾核心) It is my personal conviction that…for reasons as follows. (表态) ◆中间段: (1)One compelling argument is that…(提出论点) The threshold matter inherent in the issue of…is that… It is a truth of prevalent recognition that…(扩展论证) (2)Another indispensable part of my argument is that… Common sense informs us that… (3)Nevertheless, it is of vital prominence not to disregard the fact that… It is logically justifiable to hold that… ◆尾段: In the final analysis, (转述观点+引述结束)


Issue 高频作文提纲,按频率排序,最前面是题号,并有题目类别标记。 1 是非判断类。人类依赖科技所以自己思考的能力恶化。 观点:很大程度上承认观点(to a large extent I agree )科技的确让人产生依赖性,变懒惰,但是只要合理利用(ensures the rational use)科技,科技反而能扩展人们的思维(intellection),提高创造力(ingenuity creativity)。 1 科技为人类生活提供了方便,减轻人类的负担。a 计算机的普及,让计算方式和 记忆方式发生了改变。以前非常难的计算问题,如今只需要在计算器上按下按钮就能得到答案。b 计算机推进了各个科学领域的发展,甚至成为研究工作必不可少的工具。C 科技使得人类能便捷地查找到需要的信息,帮助人类扩展思维和认知。 2人类习惯了依赖科技解决问题,很多情况下造成独立思维的下降.a 依赖计算机的计算和存储功能,使得运算和记忆memory能力下降。b 过度依赖计算机,习惯于求助计算机而造成懒于思考。c 过度沉溺于overindulge 虚拟virtual世界,而忽视了真实世界的交流需要,造成交流能力减弱。 3 但是科技仍然利大于弊outweigh。A 科技的确减退了人类某些方面的思维能力, 但是主要是在计算量和搜索的能力,并不会影响人的独立思考的能力。b 科技本身并没有错,只是人过度或者不当的使用了科技。C 部分能力的下降相对于获得的实际利益来说是值得的。 结论:虽然科技一定程度上造成了人类思维的懒惰和恶化,但是我认为只要合理利用科技,弊端是可以避免的,相反地它能极大提供便利,扩展人类的思维。 4 敌方看法类。丑闻有用 观点:偏向肯定。丑闻虽然有害处,但是只要避免不利,有益处。 1 丑闻有积极的意义。A 大部分媒体press偏向于粉饰(gloss over, varnish) 一些政府的失职dereliction of duty或阴谋conspiracy。丑闻能够让人们了解真相。 2 由于丑闻的存在,人们能充当监督者supervisor,政客politician会更加谨慎, 抑制不正当的行为injustice。 speakers 和reformers 通常不会发现自身错误,丑闻能警醒他们,修正自身的错误。 3 有些人会反对我(be opposed to,argue against, refute, disprove, defy), 因为丑闻有一些危害。A 丑闻会导致社会的恐慌和不信任,不利于社会稳定。B丑闻可能不是真实的,会误导大众。C不真实的丑闻可能对无辜的人造成伤害。但是我认为,即使丑闻有这些不利的方面,我们仍然不能够否定它的作用。首先,丑闻的危害可以被消除。如果增大社会透明度If increasing social transparency,公布 publish更多的信息,使得大众接触到真相,不真实的丑闻就会被纠正。其次,大众的判断力会随着经验累积accumulation而增长,对丑闻的真假会有更好的判断力。因此,丑闻的弊端是可以被避免的,而好处却是可以造福社会的。 结论:总的来说,to sum up尽管丑闻的影响仍然需要讨论,但是其作用是明显的。 Although the impact of the scandal is still to be discussed, its role is still obvious.if proper measures are taken,弊端是可以很大程度上被避免的,而利益将造福bring benefit to我们。 62是非判断类。领导者是由他们身上的需求创造的。 观点:中立。领导者部分是由需求创造,但是也与领导者的实现自身的价值有关。


GRE作文ISSUE满分范文 GRE作文ISSUE满分范文,希望可以给大家一些写作参考。 "Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it." Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally skilled artisan, forcing them out of work. Gone are the days when they boasted of their craftsmanship that they assumed to be able support their family all their life. Consumers became more aspiring to novel design instead of durability as goods were made to be discarded. Hundreds years later, with the first installation of integrated circuit on the chip, another profound turnover took place. Now the computer pervades our life so much that one may find himself half illiterate in absence of input skill. This time, thousands of jobs were created in Silicon Valley, transforming some of the few into billionaire over one night. Nevertheless, the original inventor might not expect that the ensuing slow down and thus recession in IT sector would approach so soon in less than 10 years, which is obviously less than a presumable 15 years time normal for a periodical change. Positive or negative, one mark that characterizes the technological bombardment indicates a constant fact: changes exist ubiquitously and operating at an ever-increasing tempo; those who fail to catch up with the torrent of change would ineluctably engulfed by billows, floating no where and eventually dissolve as negligible bubbles. Favors as well as opportunities goes to who adapt to the contemporary trend. Fully recognizing this axiom, long before the scientists announced accomplishment of sketches of human genes or earlier successful cloning of Doris, candidates preparing for university admission have smelt the sense. Today, in the U.S., biology and its branch disciplines become the first choice for top students of senior high, determining that this subject, foretold as the third wave in technology, could bring them brilliant future as“Bill Gates”dreamt the same in the previous wave. In addition to academic realm, respect would be paid to people who though deprived of their past secure professions, choose not to be a loser in the whimsical society. Like the artisans who lost jobs, a vast number of skilled laborer in China’s city of Wengzhou have undergone darkness and depressio n in those old days. However, after years of endeavor and refinement, they prove their value again. By accurately posit the economic trend and market demand, they play an active role in almost all economic sectors, garments, catering and lodging, hi-tech industry, you name it. While ability honed in surviving the fickleness of the world makes the path through success shorter, it is essential for the more ambitious to acquire the pith of reformist and lead the trend. In this way, it could help him distinguish from the mediocracy and platitude. This is absolutely not an easy task. Inborn insight and foresight are needed to tell uncommon out of the commonplace; extraordinary perseverance


快速搞定GREIssue写作 GRE写作实战中,大家普遍存在一个问题,那就是对写作无感,一时半会大脑里面憋不出来东西,下面就和大家分享快速搞定GRE Issue写作,希望能够帮助到大家,快来学习一下吧。 快速搞定GRE Issue写作 3个不纠结 第一,不能纠结辞藻的华丽,因为官方备考指导对于词汇的要求只有“effective”。 这就意味着我们是来穿着运动服跑鞋冲刺的,而非穿着礼服来品酒的,所以要表达“幸灾乐祸”,你不必非要用8秒想出来8秒钟拼错schadenfreude,而最好用3秒钟写出来“laugh at others bad luck”。 第二,不必纠结事例的真假,完全可以现编,因为官方备考指导规定hypothetical example是和real example可以一样用的。 这也很人性化,毕竟有些练习题难度较大,像第36原题“It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.”,我们如果难以想到Dr.dre通过认同匪帮说唱

的社会群体来定义自己的音乐风格这样的真人真事,完全可以现编一个“小红通过认同瑜伽群体来定义内心深处的静静”。 第三,不必纠结政治性对错,依然是备考指导的规矩“there is no right or wrong”。所以面对美国考官可以尽情批判特朗普付给艳星封口费,完全不用顾虑考官的什么爱国主义偏见而导致分数低。 考前的笨功夫 如何享受在考场上遇到一个思维熟练的练习题二话不说直接提笔干倒的快感,答案无他,唯有准备。 扔掉备考资料,因为题目是随机抽选的,一个考场上每个人的题都是不一样的,放下原版《资本论》《奥德赛》这种软实力熏陶积淀,我们就聚焦官网上现成的练习题,149道,除去重复的部分,如果准备好其中的五分之二(即60道左右),不用全写,每道有个清晰的思路即可,那么我们就不可能遇到陌生的题,从而免去了考场上现想带来的时间浪费。 毕竟,如果你v+q 330,但是写作3分,是很尴尬的。再考一次,哪怕是考试时间都要占去4个小时。而上面提到的60来道GRE写作题,每道题花5分钟构思一下思路,总共也就5个多小时。而这些思路也可以为今后美国寂寞的冷板凳学术生活准备好足够的聊天素材。


think: contemplate For a time he contemplated a career as an army medical doctor... She contemplates leaving for the sake of the kids. As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future... suppose If you suppose that something is true, you believe that it is probably true, because of other things that you know. Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside... Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy. It had been supposed that by then Peter would be married. assume Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses... In his dreams, the mountains assumed enormous importance. maintain If you say that someone maintains that something is true, you mean that they have stated their opinion strongly but not everyone agrees with them or believes them. He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes... Not all feminism has to be like this,' Jo maintains... He had always maintained his innocence. insist My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight... ponder I found myself constantly pondering the question: `How could anyone do these things?'... The Prime Minister pondered on when to go to the polls... I'm continually pondering how to improve the team. recommend recording gauge


模板: 开头:三部分:引述题目,表达正反两方面的观点,陈述自己的观点; 引述题目:反问法; 正反两方面的观点:用转折词,比如while、but、despite、although等,例如While some people can find beauty in the mosr common places, true beauty is only found in the exceptional. There can be no doubt that some of the world's most common things are beautiful, yet it' is ofthen the exceptional objects that possess the true beauty. 陈述自己的观点:例如: I believe that ……,because…… In my view……,this is because…… It is cleat that…… After weighing the evidence, it si certain that 三个例子: 1、The speaker asserts that……. It has some merits in terms of ……/from a normative standpoint. However, I disagree with the speaker for some reasons, including^/ as discussed below.适用于单纯观点,不涉及争论的话题。 2、Where/ does it / can we …….while/ even though/ there can be no doubt some people …… I would like to agree with that …… 3、The speaker asserts/considers that ___. While this claim seems plausible


G R E i s s u e写作之自己 总结的万能例子 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

Renaissance For example, the helpless fate can be felt from the tragedy works, written by Shakespeare. Mona Lisa, created by Beethoven, revealed the mysterious and implicit smile. Although works completed by different artists and writers revealed slight variations in the access, performing form, and social aspect focusing on, as far as common theme and hidden ideas were concerned, the obvious similries to each other seemed much more than any of the minute differences, namely, resisting the feudalization and corrupt institution and enlightening freedom of human being. This is called “Renaissance” in the history. Genetic engineering 迄今为止,基因工程还没有用于人体,但已在从细菌到家畜的几乎所 有非人生命物体上做了实验,并取得了成功。事实上,所有用于治疗 糖尿病的胰岛素都来自一种细菌,其DNA中被插入人类可产生胰岛 素的基因,细菌便可自行复制胰岛素。基因工程技术使得许多植物具 有了抗病虫害和抗除草剂的能力;在美国,大约有一半的大豆和四分 之一的玉米都是转基因的。目前,是否该在农业中采用转基因动植物 已成为人们争论的焦点:支持者认为,转基因的农产品更容易生长, 也含有更多的营养(甚至药物),有助于减缓世界范围内的饥荒和疾

GRE issue提纲—教育类

第三类教育 5. "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer." 一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排。 反对 1.On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion. 2.Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools avoids limiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early. 3.On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic communities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures. 4.It’s beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, which can help the school to build its unique culture charisma. ----------------- 32. "A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts." 不管在校园外不同领域之间薪水的差异有多大,学校对于所有学科老师的待遇应该是一视同仁的。比如,低年级的数学和美术老师应该享有同样的收入,即便在校外,数学专家的收入一般是要比艺术家高得多。 1.The salary rate a teacher receives should be related not to his/ her discipline but his/her effort and contribution to the educational course. 2.Absolutely identical rate is unfair. Teachers of some disciplines have to assume more harsh work under worse circumstances. 3.If the differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school or college are dismissed, schools and colleges may have to face the loss of its staff. 孤立的校园 --------------------- 34. "Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines--that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences--colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly


英语考试作文 GRE写作Issue部分精品素材分享之美德与 情感 想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。 康德观点:脾性与美好情感 Kant asserted that the human temperaments or dispositions are fixed and separate characters. An individual who has one frame of mind has no feeling or sense for the finer feelings that occur in a person of another temperament. A person who has a constitution that is melancholic will have a predominating feeling for the sublime. That person may possess genuine virtue based on the principle that humanity

has beauty and worth. 康德观点:同情与真正的美德 Sympathy or compassion and also good-natured agreeableness are not true virtues, according to Kant. True virtue is the quality of raising the feeling of humanity’s beauty and dignity to a principle. When a person acts in accordance with this principle, regardless of inclination, that person is truly and sublimely virtuous. “A profound feeling for the beauty and dignity of human nature and a firmness and determination of the mind to refer all one’s actions to this as to a universal ground is earnest, and does not at all join with a changeable gaiety nor with the inconstancy of a frivolous person.”With this observation, Kant will attempt to fit the various feelings of the beautiful and sublime, and the resulting moral characters, into Galen’s rigid arrangement of the four humors or human temperaments: melancholic, sanguine, choleric, and phlegmatic. 艺术改善了我们的生活 Art is a deliberate recreation of a new and special


11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." 同意;但是需要注意一些问题 1.许多问题需要通力合作。 比如环境问题: 比如基因工程: 2.国家之间的合作和依赖太密切。 亚洲金融危机 反恐 3.问题:不同的文化会阻碍交流 各国家会优先考虑自己的问题 特定的社会问题要按每个国家的国情解决 政府会不会干涉尤其是社会问题 附:11.亚洲金融危机表明:世界间互相依存关系越紧密 The financial crash of October 1987 and the Asia Economic Crisis in 1998 demonstrate that the world's capital markets are more closely integrated th an ever before and that events in one part of the global village may be tran k Z smitted to the rest of the village-almost instantaneously. 17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws." 1-法律的正义不正义没有绝对的定义is rarely a straight forward issue 0)很多法律没什么正义不正义 法律的一项功能:keep everything in order 比如:未满十六岁喝酒,吸烟 未满十八岁进网吧 未满二十二岁不能结婚法定年龄legal age: The age at which a person may by law assume the rights and responsibilities of an adult. 1)在不同观念和文化中不同 法律的功能:to govern a society , control the behavior of its members 比如:该不该判死刑death penalty 口香糖chewing gum 安乐死euthanasia 2)在不同利益者中不同 法律的一项功能是和平解决纠纷resolve disputes peacefully This is especially true when it comes to personal affairs. Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise.


Renaissance For example, the helpless fate can be felt from the tragedy works, written by Shakespeare. Mona Lisa, created by Beethoven, revealed the mysterious and implicit smile. Although works completed by different artists and writers revealed slight variations in the access, performing form, and social aspect focusing on, as far as common theme and hidden ideas were concerned, the obvious similries to each other seemed much more than any of the minute differences, namely, resisting the feudalization and corrupt institution and enlightening freedom of human being. This is called “Renaissance” in the history. Genetic engineering 迄今为止,基因工程还没有用于人体,但已在从细菌到家畜的几乎所有非人生命物体上做了实验,并取得了成功。事实上,所有用于治疗糖尿病的胰岛素都来自一种细菌,其DNA中被插入人类可产生胰岛素的基因,细菌便可自行复制胰岛素。基因工程技术使得许多植物具有了抗病虫害和抗除草剂的能力;在美国,大约有一半的大豆和四分之一的玉米都是转基因的。目前,是否该在农业中采用转基因动植物已成为人们争论的焦点:支持者认为,转基因的农产品更容易生长,也含有更多的营养(甚至药物),有助于减缓世界范围内的饥荒和疾病;而反对者则认为,在农产品中引入新的基因会产生副作用,尤其是会破坏环境。 诚然,仍有许多基因的功能及其协同工作的方式不为人类所知,但想到利用基因工程可使番茄具有抗癌作用、使鲑鱼长得比自然界中的大几倍、使宠物不再会引起过敏,许多人便希望也可以对人类基因做类似的修改。毕竟,胚胎遗传病筛查、基因修复和基因工程等技术不仅可用于治疗疾病,也为改变诸如眼睛的颜色、智力等其他人类特性提供了可能。比如,运用此技术,可使患儿的父母生一个和患儿骨髓匹配的孩子,然后再通过骨髓移植来治愈患儿。 So far, genetic engineering has not been used in human, but it has achieved successful experiment in almost all the objects on non-human life--from bacteria to livestock already. In fact, all the insulin treatment for diabetes come from a kind of bacteria which can be inserted into a human genes to make copies of insulin by bacteria oneself. Genetic engineering technology makes many plants have the disease-resistant ability and herbicide, In the USA, about half of soybean and a quarter of corn is genetically modified. At present, whether the transgenic plants used in agriculture has become the focus of debate, transgenic supporters think: the agricultural is faster to growth, and easier to contain more nutrition (even medicine), to help slow down worldwide famine and disease, But opponents argued, introducing new genes into agricultural will occur side effects, especially destroy the environment. Advantage: Admittedly, ethicist rejected the innovative development of genetic engineering because,

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