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新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 精读1 课后参考翻译

新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后参考翻译 Unit 1 英译汉:T oday, a gap year refers mostly to a year taken before starting university or college. During their gap year, American students either engage in advanced academic courses or do some volunteer work to improve their knowledge, maturity, decision-making, leadership, independence, self-sufficiency and more, thus improving their résumés before going to college. British and European students, however, take a much more holiday-style approach to the gap year by generally working for 3–6 months and then travelling around the world before college begins. This is intended to expand their minds, personal confidence, experiences and interests prior to college. It is a much less structured approach than taken in the United States, and is generally viewed by parents as a formative year for young adults to become independent and learn a great deal of responsibility prior to engaging in university life. 参考译文:如今,间隔年最为普遍的含义是指上大学前的一年。在这一年中,美国学生或是学习高级学术类课程,或是做一些志愿服务,以此来提高自己的知识水平、成熟度、决策力、领导力、独立性、自给自足以及多方面的能力,力求在上大学之前让自己的简历变得更加完善。然而,英国和欧洲的学生更倾向于把间隔年当作假期来看待。他们通常用3-6个月的时间打打工,然后利用剩余的时间在大学开学前环球旅行。这样,在上大学前,他们可以增长见识,提升自信,丰富阅历,培养兴趣。与美国的间隔年不同,英国和欧洲的做法没有那么周密的安排。家长们通常把间隔年看作是年轻人成长起来的一年,他们在开始大学生活之前变得独立,并学会承担很多责任。 汉译英:今天,很多中国的大学非常重视培养学生的创新意识和创业精神(entrepreneurship)。很多知名大学与多家公司建立长期的合作关系。这些公司会定期从大学中录用合格的毕业生。此外,有些校友还创建启动资金,支持学生创办自己的企业。一些大学的校长表示,创业与学习并不矛盾,鼓励学生创业可以帮助他们将专业知识应用于实践,提升自身的竞争力(competitiveness)。 参考译文:Today, many Chinese universities attach great importance to cultivating innovation awareness and entrepreneurship. Many prestigious universities establish long-term relationships with a lot of companies. These companies recruit qualified graduates from the universities on a regular basis. What’s more, some alumni even create start-up funds to support students in starting their own business. The presidents of some universities say that doing business and studying are not in conflict and that encouraging students to set up businesses can help them put their specialized knowledge into practice and raise their competitiveness. 比如,把冰糖和梨放在一起蒸是很好的药膳,可以起到润肺(moisten lung)、化痰(dissolve phlegm)、止咳(arrest cough)的作用。 For example, pear steamed with rock sugar is a medicated diet, good for moistening the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough. 药膳不仅具有药物的疗效,还具有食物的美味。


实用英文写作与翻译2-1作业及参考答案 第一次作业: Americans Eat Out More often and Less Healthfully Although food cooked at home is far more healthful than meals eaten at restaurants, Americans are dining out more than ever, the U.S. Agriculture Department said Tuesday. Restaurant food accounted for([在数量,比例方面] 占) 39 percent of U.S. meals bought in 1996, up from 26 percent in 1970, the department said in a report, ``Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet.'' ``While(尽管)the nutritional quality(营养质量)of foods consumed by Americans has improved overall, foods prepared at home are generally much more healthful than away-from-home foods,'' the department said. ``Despite nutritional gains at home, Americans will find it difficult to improve their diets because they purchase so many meals outside the home,'' the study said. While (尽管)the nutritional content of food prepared both at home and in restaurants has improved in recent years, food eaten out contains more of the nutrients Americans typically(一般地;通常)eat too much of, including fat and saturated fat(饱和脂肪), and less of what is lacking from most diets, such as calcium, fiber and iron. The department recommended nutrition education programs should place more emphasis on teaching U.S. consumers about how to order healthful meals when dining out. Improved diets have been found to prevent risk of heart disease, stroke(中风), cancer, diabetes(糖尿病), osteoporosis-related hip fractures(与骨质疏松症有关的髋关节骨折) and neural tube birth defects(神经管先天缺损). Osteoporosis-related hip fractures cost up to $10.6 billion each year in the United States in medical care expenses, missed work and premature deaths(早亡), the department said. 参考译文:美国人外出用餐频繁而饮食健康水准美况愈下 据美国农业部星期二称尽管在家煮烧的食物远比餐馆里所用之餐有益于健康,美国人外出用餐更频繁。餐馆里的食物占1996年美国人购餐的39%,比1970年增长了26%。该部门在报告中称:“外出所用之餐对于美国人饮食质量日益重要”。该部门还称:“虽然美国人消费的食物的营养质量总体改善了。但是,一般来说,家里所备的食物远比外出用餐的食物有益于健康。”研究表明:“尽管在家里用餐能获取养份,美国人发觉他们难以改善自己的饮食,因为他们多次在外购餐。”近年来在家里和餐馆里所备的食物的营养结构都得到了改善,然而,外出用餐的食物包含了较多典型的美国人汲取过多的养份,包括脂肪和饱和脂肪,也包含了较少多数饮食中所缺少的,如钙,纤维和铁。该农业部提议营养教育计划应更着重于教导美国消费者外出用餐时如何预定有益于健康的一餐。人们发现改善后的饮食结构能预防心脏病,中风,癌症,糖尿病,与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折以及试管婴儿的神经缺陷所带来的危险。该部门称,在美国与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折每年在医疗照料费用,医疗失误和早产死亡之上的耗费高达106亿美元。 第二次作业 1、Kill one’s appetite ?Kill time ?Kill the peace ?Kill the mood ?Kill the proposal ?Kill the engine ?Kill the child with kindness 2、If the doctor had been available, the child would not have died. 3、This ticket is available in all parks. 4、I’ll have Mr. Perkin call you back as soon as he is available.


01.THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE 01元素和元素周期 表。 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z. 原子核中的质子数的原子称为原子序数,或质子数,卓电子数的电中性的原子也等于原子序数Z,总质量的原子是非常接近的总数量的质子和中子在原子核。这被称为质量数,这个数的原子中的中子,中子数,给出了所有的数量 The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of


新标准大学英语1课后翻译unit1-5 UNIT1 1. 他们对业余剧社的介绍给索菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics; sign up for) Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2. 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(work full time) Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to; scribble down) When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor's mouth. 4. 没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect) Nobody detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. 有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(be easy about) Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.


湖南文理学院学院2017-2018学年度第一次作业 考核课程: 《计算机专业英语》 学生所在院系: 国际学院 年 级: 2017 姓名: 刘飞 班级: 网工17102班 学号: 201719040213 一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(20%) EEPROM_Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory_ CPU ___Central Processing Unit____________________________ ALU ___A rithmetic/Logic Unit _______________________________ IT ___Information Technology___________________________ WWW___World Wide Web_________________________________ RAM ____Random Access Memory_________________________ PNP _____Plug-And-Play__________________________________ OS _____Operating System_______________________________ HTML____Hyper Text Markup Language______________________ TCP ____Transfer Control Protocol_________________________ SSI _____Small-Scale Integrated circuit_____________________ DRAM____Dynamic Random Access Memory________________ CA(M)D___Computer Aided Design__________________________ CAI_______Computer Aided Instruction______________________ 256000000__two hundreds and fifty six million________________ 25600000___twenty five million and six thousands_____________ SRAM_____Static Random Access Memory___________________ CAT_______Computer Aided Text____________________________ CA M______Computer Aided Made(Manufacture)_______________ I/O_____Input/Output__________________________________ 二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column( 将)(10%) 1. memory unit a. 半导体存储器 2. high density b. 主存

《化学工程与工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版

Unit 1 Chemical Industry 化学工业 1.Origins of the Chemical Industry Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin‘s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939). 1.化学工业的起源 尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。可以认为它起源于工业革命其间,大约在1800年,并发展成为为其它工业部门提供化学原料的产业。比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。20世纪初,德国花费大量资金用于实用化学方面的重点研究,到1914年,德国的化学工业在世界化学产品市场上占有75%的份额。这要归因于新染料的发现以及硫酸的接触法生产和氨的哈伯生产工艺的发展。而后者需要较大的技术突破使得化学反应第一次可以在非常高的压力条件下进行。这方面所取得的成绩对德国很有帮助。特别是由于1914年第一次世界大仗的爆发,对以氮为基础的化合物的需求飞速增长。这种深刻的改变一直持续到战后(1918-1939)。 date bake to/from: 回溯到 dated: 过时的,陈旧的 stand sb. in good stead: 对。。。很有帮助


Unit 1 1. If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find? Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan,the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. And this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60. 依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么美好。我们上了12年的中、小学,又上了3年大学,这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在备受呵护的学生生活之外的那个广阔天地里的各种机会,可我遇到的又是什么呢? 无论我怎么想保持心情愉快,可麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是跟人发生矛盾(尤其是跟男孩子,天哪!他们什么时候才能长大?),但通常是为钱发愁。这个地方什么东西都很贵!人人都想从我身上赚点钱:税务局要收个人所得税,银行经理要我偿清学生贷款,房东催我交房租、燃气费、水费、电费,手机账单也不断地寄来。所有这些还没算上吃饭的钱。更可气的是,不知从哪里冒出一个自作聪明的家伙我打电话,问我要不要买养老金。照这样下去,我甚至都支撑不到年底,更别提活到60岁领养老金了。 2. 我认为,选修第二专业并不合适每一位本科生。我大学本科主修英语专业,大一时就开始辅修经济学了。无疑,我是班里最用功的学生。我竭尽全力想同时达到两个不同专业的要求,但还是有不及格的时候。因为经济学需要良好的数学基础,我不得不花大量时间钻研数学,因而忽略了英语学习。 第二学期,《英国文学》及《宏观经济学》两门课不及格给我敲响了警种,这可是我一生中第一次考试不及格,这大大打击了我的自信心。虽然我不是一个容易向命运低头的人,在暑假结束的时候,我还是决定放弃经济学,以免两个专业都难以完成。当我只需修一个专业的时候,一切似乎又回到了正轨。(if you ask me; odds; try as … might; sap one’s confidence; given that; bow to fate; come to a close; for fear that; now that) If you ask me, taking a second maj or isn’t good for every undergraduate. In my freshman year as an English major, I took economics as my minor. By all odds, I was the most hardworking student in my class. But try as I might to meet the requirements of the two different subjects, I still co uldn’t do well enough to pass all the exams.Given that the study of economics required a good command of mathematics, I had to spend so much time on math that I neglected my English major. Failing English Literature and Macro-economics in the second semester sounded the alarm for me. This was the first time I did not pass a course in my life, which had greatly sapped my confidence.Although I was not a man who would easily bow to fate, as the summer break came to a close, I decided to give up economics for fear that I would fail in both subjects. Now that I had only one subject to attend to, everything seemed to be on the right track again. Unit 2 1. Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. Few indeed are those which give the


He stopped traffic on Fifth Avenue like the Beatles or Marilyn Monroe. He could've been president of Israel or played violin at Carnegie Hall, but he was too busy thinking. His musings on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers. Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius. Einstein remains the foremost scientist of the modern era. Looking back 2,400 years, only Newton, Galileo and Aristotle were his equals. Around the world, universities and academies are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein's "miracle year" when he published five scientific papers in 1905 that fundamentally changed our grasp of space, time, light and matter. Only he could top himself about a decade later with his theory of general relativity. Born in the era of horse-drawn carriages, his ideas launched a dazzling technological revolution that has generated more change in a century than in the previous two millennia. Computers, satellites, telecommunication, lasers, television and nuclear power all owe their invention to ways in which Einstein peeled back the veneer of the observable world to expose a stranger and more complicated reality underneath. Yet there is more, and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture's grandfatherly icon. He escaped Hitler's Germany and devoted the rest of his life to humanitarian and pacifist causes with an authority unmatched by any scientist today, or even most politicians and religious leaders. He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism, racial prejudice and the McCarthy hearings. His FBI file ran 1,400 pages. His letters reveal a tumultuous personal life -- married twice and indifferent toward his children while obsessed with physics. Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. Friends and neighbors fiercely protected his privacy 他曾像披头士和玛莉莲-梦露一样让第五大道交通阻塞, 他本可以成为以色列总统,或在卡内基音乐厅演奏小提琴,但他却把时间都用来思考。他对上帝、爱和对人生意义的思考经常出现在贺卡和台历上。 在他去世五十年后,他一头浓密的白发和下垂的胡须仍是天才的象征。 爱因斯坦仍然是现代最伟大的科学家。看过去的2400年里也只有牛顿、伽利略和亚里士多德才能与之相较。 世界各地的大学和学院都在庆祝爱因斯坦的“奇迹年”100周年纪念。就是他1905年发表五篇科学论文。从根本上改变了我们对空间、时间、光和物质的认识。只有他自己能在数十年之后超越他的广义相对论。 爱因斯坦出生在马车盛行的年代,但他的理论和思想却引发了一场令人眼花缭乱的科学技术革命。在短短的数百年中,这场科技革命带来的的变化远比以往2000年来变化的总和还要多。 计算机、人造卫星、电子通讯、激光、电视和核能的创造发明都归功于爱因斯坦提出的研究方法:......揭露一个陌生人和更复杂的现实。 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。 他逃离了希特勒统治下的德国并把他的余生都献给了人道主义与和平主义事业。他的威望是当今任何科学家和大多数的政治或宗教领袖不能相比的。 作为公众人物,爱因斯坦常常站出来抨击法西斯主义、种族歧视以及当时美国当权者提出的“麦卡锡主义”。他提供给联邦调查局的文件达1400页。 爱因斯坦的书信揭示了他不寻常的个人生活:他结过两次婚;每当专注思考物理问题时,他就会忽略身边的子女。但是,他也会用诗歌和帆船出游来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。他的朋友和邻居们都极力保护他的隐私。

化学工程与工艺专业英语Unit 2

Unit 2 Research and Development 研究和开发 Research and development, or R&D as it is commonly referred to, is an activity which is carried out by all sectors of manufacturing industry but its extent varies considerably, as we will see shortly. Let us first understand, or at least get a feel for, what the terms mean. Although the distinction between research and development is not always clear-cut, and there is often considerable overlap, we will attempt to separate them. In simple terms research can be thought of as the activity which produces new ideas and knowledge whereas development is putting those ideas into practice as new process and products. To illustrate this with an example, predicting the structure of a new molecule which would have a specific biological activity and synthesizing it could be seen as research whereas testing it and developing it to the point where it could be marketed as a new drug could be described as the development part. 研究和开发,或通常所称R&D是制造业各个部门都要进行的一项活动。我们马上可以看到,它的内容变化很大。我们首先了解或先感觉一下这个词的含义。尽管研究和开发的定义总是分得不很清楚,而且有许多重叠的部分,我们还是要试着把它们区分开来。简单说来,研究是产生新思想和新知识的活动,而开发则是把这些思想贯彻到实践中得到新工艺和新产品的行为。可以用一个例子来描述这一点,预测一个有特殊生物活性的分子结构并合成它可以看成是研究而测试它并把它发展到可以作为一种新药推向市场这一阶段则看作开发部分。 1.Fundamental Research and Applied Research In industry the primary reason for carting out R&D is economic and is to strengthen and improve the company?s position and profitability. The purpose of R&D is to generate and provide information and knowledge to reduce uncertainty, solve problems and to provide better data on which management can base decisions. Specific projects cover a wide range of activities and time scales, from a few months to 20 years. 1.基础研究和应用研究 在工业上进行研究和开发最主要的原因是经济利益方面,是为了加强公司的地位,提高公司的利润。R&D的目的是做出并提供信息和知识以减低不确定性,解决问题,以及向管理层提供更好的数据以便他们能据此做出决定。特别的项目涵盖很大的活动范围和时间范围,从几个月到20年。 We can pick out a number of areas of R&D activity in the following paragraphs but if we were to start with those which were to spring to the mind of the academic, rather than the industrial, chemist then these would be basic, fundamental (background) or exploratory research and the synthesis of new compounds. This is also labeled “blue skies” research. 我们可以在后面的段落里举出大量的R&D活动。但是如果我们举出的点子来源于研究院而不是工业化学家的头脑,这就是基础的或探索性的研究 Fundamental research is typically associated with university research. It may be carried out for its own intrinsic interest and it will add to the total knowledge base but no immediate applications of it in the “real world” well be apparent. Note that it will provide a valuable


.. .. .. 专业word可编辑. 新标准英语 1 课文翻译 Unit 1 大一新生日记 星期日 从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6楼,可电梯坏了。等我们终于找到8号房的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 但爸爸马上就从里面钻了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个人住,一家人都进去,肯定装不下。我躺在床上,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙。 幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没一起来。 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人。周围只有书和一个箱子。接下来我该做什么?

星期一 早上,有一个为一年级新生举办的咖啡早茶会。我见到了我的导师,他个子高高的,肩膀厚实,好像打定了主意要逗人开心。 “你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问我。他边说话边晃悠脑袋,咖啡都洒到杯托里了。 “我家离爱丁堡不太远,开车大约6个小时,”我说。 “好极了!”他说,接着又走向站在我旁边的那个女孩儿。“你是从很远的地方来的吗?”他问。但不等那女孩儿作出任何回答,他就说到,“好极了!”然后就继续向前走。他啜了一口咖啡,却惊讶地发现杯子是空的。 妈妈打来电话。她问我是不是见到了导师。 星期二 我觉得有点儿饿,这才意识到我已经两天没吃东西了。我下楼去,得知一天三餐我可以在餐厅里吃。我下到餐厅排进了长队。 “早餐吃什么?”我问前面的男生。 “不知道。我来得太晚了,吃不上早餐了。这是午餐。”

.. .. .. 午餐是自助餐,今天的菜谱是鸡肉、米饭、土豆、沙拉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果。前面的男生每样儿都取一些放到托盘上,付了钱,坐下来吃。 我再也不觉得饿了。 妈妈打电话来。她问我有没有好好吃饭。 星期三 早上9点钟我要去听一个讲座。我醒时已经8:45了。竟然没有人叫我起床。奇怪。 我穿好衣服,急匆匆地赶到大讲堂。我在一个睡眼惺忪的女生旁边坐下。她看了看我,问:“刚起床?”她是怎么看出来的? 讲座进行了1个小时。结束时我看了看笔记,我根本就看不懂自己写的字。 那个女生名叫苏菲,和我一样,也是英语文学专业的学生。她看起来惊人地聪明。听完讲座后我们一起闲聊。她告诉我在空档年( 高中毕业后等着上大学的一年) 里,她已经把这学期书单上的书都读完了。她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 妈妈来电话问我睡得好不好。 专业word可编辑.

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