当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语四级写作技巧:平行结构





Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe1 alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and that sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need2; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are3; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, a year in and year out rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, a struggle4 against the common enemies of man: 5 tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you6; ask what you can do for your country.

--美国前总统John F. Kennedy



(2)例1.头韵;例23. We need arms和We are embattled为倒装结构;例4.同位语;例5.见冒号的用法。

在句中使用and 或on时, 须连接结构相同的部分。总的原则是:词与词相配, 短语和短语相配,从句和从句相配,句子则和句子放在一起。所有这些搭配必须是平行结构,它们应采用相同的形式。

No: My parents went to Tibet, to Mongolia, and they even saw Hong Kong and Macau.

Yes: My parents went to Tibet, to Mongolia, and even to Hong Kong and Macau.

No: Jonathan noticed the way Stephanie talked and how she kept fidgeting with her fingers.

Yes: Jonathan noticed how Stephanie talked and how she kept fidgeting with her fingers.

一些连词,如both/and, either/or, neither/nor,和not only/but also.常用于连接平行结构。

No: That conference was both helpful and contained a lot of information.

Yes: That conference was both helpful and informative.

No: Here we either turn left or right, but I forget which.

Yes: Here we turn either left or right, but I forget which.

No: Fu Chong, the pianist, was heavily influenced both by his mentor and his parents.

Yes: Fu Chong, the pianist, was heavily influenced by both his mentor and his parents.

No: Elizabeths overcoat is at either the theater or her dormitory.

Yes: Elizabeths overcoat is either at the theater or in her dormitory.


What makes me different from other job applicants?

Ability to converse in English, Japanese in addition to my native Mandarin

Completion of two-month customer satisfaction training

Impeccable medical report card

Outgoing personality and eager desire to help


Awkward: At Yi Xin Associates, we have 15 years of combined legal experience in all types of injury cases one can think of. Other areas we handle are wrongful death, automobile accidents and medical malpractice. If you slip and fall in a public building, we can represent you in filing a law suit against the owner. Also, our clients come to seek our help in handicap discrimination and denial of insurance claim cases.

Better: At Yi Xin Associates, we have 15 years of combined legal experience in:

All injury cases

Wrongful death

Automobile accidents

Medical malpractice

Slip and fall

Handicap discrimination

Denial of insurance claims https://www.doczj.com/doc/4510042593.html,

Incorrect: The duties of the Executive Secretary of the Administrative Committee are:

To take minutes of all meetings (不定式短语)

The Executive Secretary answers all the correspondence; and (句子)

Writing of month reports. (话题)

Correct: The duties of the Executive Secretary of the Administrative Committee are:

To take minutes of all meetings;

To answer all the correspondence; and

To write monthly reports.


No: The prisoner was not only found guilty of bribery but also


Yes: The prisoner was found guilty not only of bribery but also of adultery.



Awkward: I admire Tennyson for the ideals in his poems but not his style.

Improved: I admire Tennyson for the ideals in his poems but not for his style.

Awkward: The sentences are difficult to understand, not because they are long but they are obscure.

Improved: The sentences are difficult to understand, not because they are long but because they are obscure.

Awkward: He explained that the advertising campaign had been successful, business had increased more than forty per cent, and additional capital was sorely needed.

Improved: He explained that the advertising campaign had been successful, that business had increased more than forty per cent, and that additional capital was sorely needed.




Our recommendations for improving computer-user comfort are as follows:

Anti-radiation screens should be available for computer monitors.

Wrist supports should be used to help maintain proper wrist position during computer use and possibly reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Employees need adjustable chairs with a stronger back support.


No: Jane is pretty, with brown hair, and has a graceful manner.

Yes: Jane is pretty, brown-haired, and graceful.


No: He left the city because of his lack of success in business, the departure of his friends and because his health deteriorated rapidly.

Yes: He left the city because of his lack of success in business, the departure of his friends and his rapidly failing health.


No: They bought the house for location and affordability.

Yes: They bought the house because of its location and its affordability.


No: Why did you make Xiao Zhang feel useless and as if he was unimportant?

Yes: Why did you make Xiao Zhang feel useless and unimportant?


No: This could be a problem for both the winners and for those who lose.

Yes: This could be a problem for both the winners and losers.


No: The mechanic explained the problem, method, and the tools that he was going to use.

Yes: The mechanic explained the problem, method, and tools that he was going to use.


No: He retired respected by his associates, admired by his friends, and his employees loved him.

Yes: He retired respected by his associates, admired by his friends, and loved by his employees.


No: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, fighting in the Anti-Japanese War, and following the Nationalist Party to Chongking.

Yes: As a young man he had been to Shanghai, had fought in the Anti-Japanese War and had followed the Nationalist Party to Chongking.


No: The school bus skidded, turned sideways, then comes to a stop.

Yes: The school bus skidded, turned sideways, and came to a stop.


No: I dont know why I married someone who is miserly, sloppy and a bore.

Yes: I dont know why I married someone who is miserly, sloppy and boring.


No: In the wreck the circus lost a panda and elephant.

Yes: In the wreck the circus lost a panda and an elephant.


No: I debated whether I should give the beggar money or to offer him food.

Yes: I debated whether to give the beggar money or to offer him food.


No: They would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes days.

Yes: They would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes for days.


No: Michaels vacuum cleaner squealed loudly, shook violently, and dust filled the air.

Yes: Michaels vacuum cleaner squealed loudly, shook violently, and filled the air with dust.


备战中考作文系列指导:安排结构篇 2009-06-22 14:12 来源:互联网作者:佚名[打印] [评论]【中考凝眸】 如果说主题是文章的“灵魂”,材料是文章的“血肉”,那么,结构无疑就是文章的“骨骼”了——失去了健壮坚实、功能齐全的骨骼,血肉无所依附,灵魂无处寄托。如果你疏于配齐、锻炼文章的“骨骼”,就会大大影响文章的表达效果。考场作文中,在结构方面的容易问题主要有: 一是撇开中心,横生枝节。常常是围绕一个中心写着写着,中途岔出别的话题。这样的文章,从内容上看,多数表现为离题;从结构上看,则是文章线索分散,笔力分散; 二是恣意妄为,逻辑混乱。事先没有通盘考虑,写一段想一段,写到哪算到哪,不尊重客观事物固有的逻辑(即它们的内在联系和客观规律),导致言之无序,思路缺乏条理性。阅卷老师说,这样的作文基本上都会被打入四类文、五类文之中去 三是层次不清,分段失当。表现为层次和层次之间内容杂糅交错,在某一个段里硬将几层意思塞进来,以致破坏了段意的单一性、内容的完整性和容量的适度感。有心的中考阅卷老师曾做过统计,大约有19.5%的同学分段上都存在段落太长或者过细、内容杂糅等问题。 四是缺乏过渡,忽视照应。表现为内容转换过程中不会用过渡性语句,前面提到的问题在后面没有着落,后面出现的内容不见前面有铺垫。这样一来,即使文章内容不错、语言不错,也会因为结构上的不严谨而降入二类文的行列。

五是剪裁不当,头重脚轻。表现为主次不分,平均使用力量,或者是开头浓墨重彩,后面无尾而止(主要是因为不善于安排答题时间而没有时间写完留下的遗憾)。由于详略处理不当,文章的结构不美暂且不说,还对主题的表达带来直接的影响:中心不突出,有偏差。 造成结构松散和混乱的原因,或者是作者的思路没有理清;或者是没有做到围绕表达主题的需要,对文章作出通盘的考虑;或者是行文方面着力不准。 【感悟升格】 下面是一篇以“风”为话题的作文片段: 顶风而行,就得有高尚的品质。李白困窘,不肯“摧眉折腰”;子路家穷,只是背米养亲;张作霖手黑,也可为东三省而死……这些人就凭着一颗正义之心,凭着高尚的人格,凭着“既吾心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔”的精神,顶住了世俗之风,霸权之势。一个人只有品德高尚,才会不怕贫穷,不畏强暴,在正义与邪恶之间,选择良知,选择正义。当道义与生命夹击你时,你才会选择“投死为国,以义灭身”,当利益之风缚住你的手脚时,你才会恪守“男儿重义气,何用刀钱为”;当功名的旋风卷起时,你才能“不畏浮云遮望眼”。只要我们能够坚守阵地,顽强对抗顶风而行,至死不渝,相信没有正义之风吹不到的地方。 这段文字充满激情,语言优美,,但举例没有注意时间性,议论与叙述照应不周,句与句之间缺少必要的过渡与衔接,造成思路不清。修改本文段,要调整所举事例的顺序,注意议与叙的对应关系,使文段具有整体感和连贯性。下面是升格文段: 顶风而行,就得有高尚的品质。确实,要顶风而行,一定要有高尚的品质作坚强的后盾。一个人只有品德高尚,才会不怕贫穷,不畏强暴,在正义与邪恶之间,选择良知,选择正义。


2017考研英语翻译之并列平行结构译法 介绍 英语常用并列连词,如and, but, so, yet, for, nor, or, not only…but also, either…or或neither…nor等连接两个或几个同等成分,这种结构称为并列结构。连接的同等成分可以是两个或几个动词的宾语、两个或几个名词的定语、两个或几个介词短语等。如果并列连词连接的是两个或几个简单句,则构成一个并列句,使用并列结构可以使文字简洁,结构紧凑,并避免重复。 1. But the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, denying the significance of physiological difference, and condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the family roles important to many women. 分析:句中由by引导的三个并列平行结构表示原因。treated as…结构使用了倒装结构,因为the family roles后面有修饰成分,故将其置后。 译文:而个人主义的方法由于攻击性别角色,否定生理差别的重要性,攻击现存的家庭体制是不可救药的父权制,结果把对许多妇女来说非常重要的家庭角色完全视为无关紧要了。 2. There is no complete inventory of positions or people in federal service at this level. The lack may be explained by separate agency statutes and personnel systems, diffusion among so many special services, and the absence of any central point (short of President himself) with jurisdiction over all upper-level personnel of the government. 分析:介词by 后面的separate…personnel systems, diffusion…special services和the absence of…the government为三个并列成分。表示缺少详细记载的原因。句中一些词要转译。 译文:这个级别的联邦政府官员和职位没有完整的记载。对此(缺少详细记载)所做的解释可能是,各部门的条例和人事制度各不相同,分布的特殊服务部门太多并缺少一个中心机构(总统本人除外)来管理所有的政府高级官员。 3. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell. 分析:动词consider 后面的宾语是the wants of the customer。非限定性定语从句who must buy… 修饰the customer,not the thing …but the thing…是并列成分。 4. The standardized educational or psychological tests that are widely used to aid in selecting, classifying, assigning, or promoting students, employees, and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books, magazines, the daily press, and even in Congress. 分析:该句中,to aid in 后面跟了四个并列的动名词,而四个并列的动名词后又跟了三个并列的宾语。 译文:广泛用来借以对学生、雇员和军事人员进行选拔、分类、分配任务或提拔的教育或心理方面的标准化测试,最近受到了书报杂志,甚至国会的抨击。 5. The lack of insistence on personal honor, the surface informality, the disparaging responses to compliments, and willingness to admit mistakes are part of the egalitarian tradition, as are the Americans’ pride in what they have been able to achieve and their criticism of things that fall short of perfection. 分析:该句的主句由四个并列的名词短语做主语,即The lack of insistence…,the surface

2016年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 第一套word文本

2016年6月大学英语四级真题第一套 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。 Part ⅡListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。 Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard。 1。A)The International Labor Organization’s key objective。 B)The basic social protection for the most vulnerable。 C)Rising unemployment worldwide。 D)Global economic recovery。 2。A)Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs。 B)Few countries know how to address the current economic crisis。


2019中考作文写作指导:结构技巧 快临近中考了,你准备好了吗?如何在最后剩下的冲刺时间里把复习效率达到最大化,再有作文的复习更是重头戏,那2019中考写作指导有哪些呢?以下是学习啦小编为大家收集整理的关于2019中考作文写作指导的全部内容了,希望大家会喜欢。欢迎阅读参考! 知识要点:1、结构是文章的骨骼。 2、一篇文章要写的条理清楚,层次分明,前后一致,就必须妥善安排结构。 3、合理安排内容的先后和详略。 考试说明:组织材料,安排结构,一般要注意以下几点: 确定材料的主次和详略是结构的重要问题,它对表现中心思想起保证作用。详写,就 是把与中心思想关系大的材料写得具体些、详尽些;略写,就是把与中心思想关系不太大的材料写得概括些、简略些。详略得当,能使文章中心明确,重点突出,结构紧凑。详略不当,势必造成文章主次不明,使读者无法把握中心。 处理详写和略写,首先要根据表现中心思想的需要。文章的中心事件或中心议题要详写,其他事件和问题要略写;有典型意义的材料要详写,一般性材料则略写。例如鲁迅的《故乡》是以"我"回乡的见闻为线索来展开故事情节的,可写的人物和事件很多,但作品 只选取了闰土和杨二嫂两个人的事来写。这两个人中,又分了主次。杨二嫂的故事,只是 在一个场面里,用几句精彩的话,展示了她的性格。写闰土就不同了。作者以细腻的抒情 笔调描写了少年闰土活泼英俊的形象,娓娓动人地叙述"我"和闰土三十年前的一段交往。 接着作者又精细地刻画了阔别三十年后的闰土的面貌、衣着、动作和性格的巨大变化,诉说闰土所遭受的种种苦难和不幸,抒写了"我"的感慨和希望。这样处理,完全是由"它揭露在三座大山压迫下,农村凋敝,民不聊生的黑暗现实,证明农村需要来个变革,为下一代 开辟一条新出路"这一中心思想所决定的。 其次,要根据文体性质决定详略。说理的文章,重在阐明主要论点的论证部分,因此,说理部分要详写,引证事例则略写。例如《纪念白求恩》介绍白求恩的光辉事迹,开头只用了七十四个字,接着便详尽地阐述白求恩的国际主义精神,指出我们应向他学习的地方。 写作时,为了把文章的中心有层次地表现出来,一定要分段。划分段落要根据中心的 需要和内容的多少而定。既要注意一个段落只说明一层意思,又要注意不要分得太细,同


2018年6月大学英语四级真题试卷一及答案(完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard. 1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.


平行结构是一种常见的语言表达形式,是一种人们熟知的生动的语体。结构相同或相似,意义密切相关的句子或句子成分的排列方式称为平行结构。英语文体中常见的句法结构修辞方式之一。采用这种修辞方式,句子结构紧凑,协调对称,意义鲜明,逻辑性强。巧妙的平行结构是件艺术品。它表达出来的绝不只是一些思想内容、故事情节,还包括了丰富的情感、意境、韵味和风格,具有丰富的艺术魅力,给人们以美的感受 连词连接两个对等的词和对等的结构 并列连词and, but, as well as, or, or else,both … and,neither … nor,either … or,not only … but (also), rather than等以及从属连词than可连接两个对等的词和对等的结构。 1.所连接的谓语形式必须一致 例1:He went downtown, bought some books and visited his daughter. 例2:Gunpowder was discovered in the twelfth century, but not used in warfare until two hundred years later. 2.所连接的词或短语形式必须一致 例1:Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also on how you participate in class. 例2:We often go to the countryside as well as to factories. 例3:I would much rather go to the countryside than stay here. 3.连接的非谓语动词的形式必须一致 例1:Some find swimming more enjoyable than sitting at home reading. 例2:He was engaged in writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper. 4.所连接的句子结构必须一致 例1:She is pleased with what you have given and all that you have told him. 例2:The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than it did for us. 二、某些特定的固定结构。 (1)有些词后要用平行结构。 例如: prefer sth to sth prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth 1) I prefer rice to noodles. 2)I prefer watching TV to listening to music. 3) He preferred to die rather than surrender. (2)有些结构中要用平行结构。 例如:


作文指导之结构 环环相扣浑天成 ——中考作文结构篇 如何在数以万计的考场作文中脱颖而出,获得高分呢 ’ 除了材料新颖,立意深刻外,结构创新也是一条捷径。这好比同样的布料做衣服,款式新颖的就会招人喜爱;同样的题材,结构精美的自会受人青睐。 如果说文章的主题是“灵魂”,材料是“血肉”,那么,结构就是文章的“骨架”。有了坚实的“骨架”,文章的 “血肉”才有依附,“灵魂”才有归属;假若没有这个“骨架”,文章的材料就无法安排,主题也就无处寄托了。可见结构对于文章是十分重要的。 中考中对记叙文的结构有明确的要求。“结构完整”是 指作文有开头、结尾、主体三大部分,没有残缺不全的毛病;“条理清晰”是指文章的布局周密,前后连贯,层次分明,没有颠三倒四的毛病;“详略得当”是指文章详写和略写内容安排得当,没有主次不分的毛病。 更高的要求是:结构新颖,构思巧妙。“结构新颖”是指写作材料的安排和文章的结构形式不落俗套,给人新鲜之感;“构思巧妙”是指文章情节的构思能做到让人“意想不到”,比如文

章运用了先抑后扬、悬念迭出、一波三折、明安双线的结构等 等。 、文章结构的类型 (一)纵向结构1、顺序2、倒叙3、插叙 (二)横向结构1、并列2、层进3、映衬 横向结构的特点是: 第一部分A,提示文章主体部分要写的具体内容; 第二部分为主体部分,多方面并列地、具体地展示写作内容。要注意的是,尽管主体部分是并列的关系,但是它们之间也存在一定的排列顺序,或者从主到次,或者由浅入深,或者时间上的先后等。 第三部分为结尾部分,归纳写作内容,提示中心思想等。 (三)总分总结构 文章开头总说,然后分别叙述、具体交代,结尾处再总结全文,点名中心。 在文章开头表现总分关系,可以使用总括句,也可以使用总括字体现。 二、文章的过渡 俗话说:“过河要架桥。”写文章也是如此。有时为了行文的需要,用一些词语、句子或段落进行巧妙的衔接。过渡就如同上下文的桥梁,离开了必要的过渡,文段与文段之间就会脱节,巧妙过渡,方能使文章结构完整、周密。首先,过渡可以使写作


2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact information.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgement. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park.


日记写作指导:日记的结构技巧日记写作指导:日记的结构技巧 中考满分作文结构方式很多,如写记叙文,可以物或情为线索结构文章,可以欲扬先抑,有问有答,也可以顺叙、倒叙、插叙等方式结构文章,还可以采用抽丝剥笋式的结构方式,这里就以总分总方式结构全文的“分”——“虎腹”的部分的结构形式作一些解读。1、排比段式。例:2017年海南省课改区材料半命题“我生活在中”满分作文《我生活在挑战中》在开头摆出论点后,从“挑战自卑”、“挑战惰性”、“挑战嫉妒心”、“挑战贪念”四个角度分层论述了挑战的四种对象。解读:在每一小节开头用一句话引领全节,实际上有类似分论点的作用。或在每一小节最后用一句话总结全节。这种排比段式的并列结构,显得层次清楚,结构匀称,让人有爽心悦目之感。例:2017年江苏常州以“有个好心情”为话题的满分作文《美丽心情四季版》,在个小节的开头,分别是以下四句:春天——纸鸢初飞,春暖花开;夏天——小荷初露,蜻蜓点水;秋天——稻谷飘香,硕果累累;冬天——雪落无声,瑞雪丰年。解读:很多同学都喜欢用春夏秋冬做小标题行文,而该考生却在后面分别加了八个字,提示下文内容,这就是一种创新,再将其移至段首,当然会给人一种新鲜靓丽的感觉。 2、提示段式例:2017年湖北宜昌以“美”为话题的满分作文《小街真美丽》开头采用欲扬先抑的手法,写自己对小街宁静与陈旧的厌恶,1 / 4

然后从三个方面赞美小街,一、小街是美的,美在自然;二、小街是美的,美在和谐;三、小街是美的,美在古朴;最后以诗化的语言结尾。解读:每一个方面的提示语,都作为一个独立的单位,放在这一层次的前面,单作一节,除有引起下文的作用外,还有起着强调突出和引起别人重视的作用。3、总结段式例:2017年广东深圳半命题“的味道”的满分作文《江南的味道》也采用总分总的结构。开头写“多情的江南,让多少文人墨客梦萦魂绕”,中间根据所学诗歌写了四块:一、江南的味道是清水的甜味;二、江南的味道是初恋的苦涩;三、江南的味道是离乡的酸痛;四、江南的味道是怜悯的苦楚。最后是总结全文。解读:与提示节段式相反,总结段式是将每一层次的总结性的话作为独立的单位,放在每一层次的后面,单立一小节,起强调突出和总结这一层的作用。2、小标题式小标题式有好多种,这里就常见的几种作解读。a、对比式例:2017年福建南平以“改变”为话题的满分作文《耳朵“挑食”》 中间用了四个小标题:变化之一:吃软不吃硬;变化之二:吃麻不吃辣;变化之三:吃肥不吃瘦;变化之四:吃上不吃下。解读:精明的考生目光深邃,以耳朵为依托点,每个小标题又用对比的形式讽刺了官僚作风、奉迎折马、金钱至上、欺上瞒下的不良现象,揭示了真话“销声匿迹”的原因。b、比喻式例:2017年河南以“友善”为话题的满分作文《耕耘友善欢乐一片》中间用了三个小标题:花絮一朵——初识友善、花絮二朵——化解仇怨、花絮三朵——连接友谊。解2 / 4


大学英语四级写作技巧,希望帮助您提升英语写作技能 1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Recreational Activities. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.娱乐活动多种多样 2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性 3.作为大学生,我的看法 Recreational Activities The twenty-first century has brought with it an 第一段引入现象并举例:现在娱乐活动多种多样。 第二段从正反两面说明娱乐生活的弊益。 第三段表明自己的观点态度:择优律己。unprecedented variety of recreational activities. They range from traditional outdoor activities such as playing ball games to all kinds of online ones. Some people think those various recreational activities brought by modern technology are great and necessary because they can help people relax from hard work and study and broaden people’horizon. However, some people think that too many recreational activities may have a bad effect on people’s lives. Some people may not resist some temptations and indulge themselves in those activities, such as the online games. At last they are lured away from their studies, work and interpersonal relationships. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them to enrich our lives and broaden the scope of knowledge. When it comes to those time-consuming and less meaningful activities, I think to stay away from them is a wise decision. 2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种现象的原因是 3.为改变这种状况,我认为 第一段:指出不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写,举例说明。 第二段:从学生、电脑的使用和老师三个方面分析原因。 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling Quite a few students now neglect spelling in English study. Take the simple word “trouble”for example. Only a few students can spell“trouble”without trouble—others may spell it as truble, touble or something else. For various reasons, spelling is now becoming a neglected art.First of all , many students don’tcare about spelling. Some say they’re going to have a secretary when they get a job, and he or she will correct their spelling. Second, most word processors

新概念英语第三册语法讲解与练习-第十一章平行结构 Parallel structures

第十一章平行结构Parallel structures 许多句子在描述一个人或一件物品时往往会出现一系列修饰语;动词的修饰语,即副词往往也会几个同时使用,构成平行结构,平行结构要求语法结构须保持一致,如: 1.系列动词: after school, we sang, danced and played the piano in the classroom. 2.系列形容词: She is slim, tall, blond and beautiful. 3.系列副词: The students are listening to me carefully and eagerly. 平行结构不仅包括动词,形容词,副词,也包括分词,不定式,动名词,名词短语和句子等的平行用法,务必提高辨别力。 练习测试 I 单选: 1. The purpose of the research had a different meaning for them than ________. A. ours B. for ours it had C. with us D. it did for us 2. The decision to ration a commodity rests on a judgement of its relative scarcity, ________ and the feasibility of continuing it. A. it is important B. is it important C. its importance D. what is its importance 3. Scandinavian countries make household goods that are designed both to function well ________. A. and to be looking beautiful B. and to look beautiful C. and to be beautiful looking D. as well as to look beautifully 4. The chairman urged the members of the committee to set aside their differences ________. A. and began to work B. starting to begin to work C. and be settled for work D. and settle down to work 5. In his novels the author combines sound scholarship with ________. A. a witty style B.a style of wit C. a style full of wit D. a style which witty 6. During the examination we were supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, ________ to anyone. A. but could not talk B. rather than speak C. instead of speaking D. and not speak


商务英语句子中的平行结构及其翻译方法 内容提要:在古今中外的文学作品中,平行结构的出现举不胜举。平行结构在清晰明了地表达作者的思想感情、渲染文章的艺术效果方面能够起到非常重要的作用。掌握“平行结构”法来做多项选择题及改错题,会给应试者带来很大的方便。这对每一个应试者有着重要的现实意义。本文阐述了平行结构的概念、怎样使句子平衡、平行结构与文学、美学之间的关系,以及如何正确地使用平行结构等问题,即将平行结构作为一个专题,进行了全面、综合的论述。 关键词:平行结构(parallelism)、句子平衡、美学特征、对偶(antithesis)。 朋友,您是否喜欢博览群书呢?如果是的话,您一定会发现平行结构是一种被普遍使用的修辞格。您读过英国著名小说家狄更斯的《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)吗?狄更斯在这部脍炙人口的小说之开篇处一连用了十个由“it was…”构成的句子组成了一个完美的平行结构(其中包含了五组对偶句)。就这样,狄更斯一下子轻而易举地把读者带到了当时特定环境下的那个时代里。狄更斯是这样开始描述故事发生的时代背景的: “It was the best of times,it was the worse of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness;it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness;it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair, …” 这是一个典型的平行结构的例子。狄更斯不愧为一代文学巨匠。这段文字用词精确、对比鲜明,给读者展示出了那个充满矛盾、处于历史转折点上、革命之箭一触即发的动荡社会。能够取得这样的艺术效果,平行结构这种修辞格功不可没,而且它使这段文字行文流畅、结构严谨、便于读者理解和记忆。 平行结构使这部名著的开篇就产生了震憾读者心扉的效果,其巨大的艺术感染力是不言而喻的。我们还可以从《英语修辞大全》(English Rhetorical Options)一书中进一步了解平行结构在写作上的积极效果:“We will say parallelism is one of the most frequently used of all English rhetorical devices, and any one who has learnt to use it with ease in all its varieties will find it an invaluable aid in making his/her writing clear and e ffective.” 因此,我们必须了解并学会使用平行结构,好好利用它来使我们的文章更通顺、表达更清楚、更有诗意。 那么,确切地说,到底何为parallelism呢?国内外的许多文学著作都曾出现过parallelism,那么,中.西方在使用平行结构时是否在语法规则或其它问题上有区别呢?Parallelism和Antithesis又有什么明显的界限呢?......让我们带着所有这些问题,一起进入到下面的讨论当中来。 一.何谓平行结构? 关于平行结构的定义,各家各派的说法异中有同、同中有异, 那么究竟有哪些区别、我们该怎样给平行结构总结出一个科学、合理的概念呢?让我们具体地来看一下各类著作和各位学者是如何论述、怎样分析的,以便我们博采众家之长,从而对平行结构有个全面、正确的了解。 A Comprehensive English Grammar (P307) 中提到:英语句子的平行结构(parallelism)是指由连词and. or. but等以及某些相关连词如:not only…but (also),either…or等连接的两个或多个并列结构。连词用来连接语法作用相同的词、词组或句子。用英语可以这样表达:Conjunctions join together words, phrases or sentences of similar value.这是被普遍接受的一种


记叙文行文构思 【考纲阐释】 本节包含《考试大纲》中写作部分的三项内容:“符合文体要求”,“结构完整”,“构思精巧”。 ◆叙述类文体◆ 记叙文写作歌诀 简要交代起因,尽快切入正题 大胆想象构思,内容健康丰富 安排多个场景,情节要有起伏 描写方法多样,形象生动丰满 写出细微之处,凸现人物个性 巧加议论抒情,主题水到渠成 【记叙文的基本结构方式】 记叙文快速构思的几种思维模式。 第1式:彩线串珠式 “彩线”即线索,“珠”即材料,彩线串珠式就是以特定的人、事、物或感情为线索,把多个叙述或描写的事件或场景贯串起来,组成一个有机整体的结构方式。线索串珠式结构往往使记叙文思维明晰,形散而神聚。复杂的记叙文有时用双线并行的方式。请看2009年高考江苏卷优秀作文: 品味时尚 (一) “一代不如一代!”九斤老太愤愤地小声嘀咕着,一边不自觉地又朝右边小木椅上忘我拥吻的情侣瞥了一眼,便像犯了罪似地收回了目光。 伊眼见着街头闪烁的标语——“情侣街,品味衣,品味时尚,有爱大声喊出来!”伊吓了一大跳,慌忙朝出口走去,喃喃道:“品味啥时尚?我们那时啊,挑开头盖才知道新娘啥模样啊!真是一代不如一代!” (二) 九斤老太是怎么会认字的呢?哈哈,自从孙女七斤在城里当上了《品味时尚》杂志的主编,九斤老太便经常来城市探望。七斤本想给老太报个老年大学,把老太吓了个半死,伊连忙摆手:“男男女女共处一室,都是有孙儿辈的人,怎么行呢?哎,真是一代不如一代哪!”好在九斤老太耳聪目明,七斤便教她学字念报,本看在伊很用心,便准备将最新潮的“火星文”一并教授给老太。却不料九斤老太脸上的皱纹都拧在了一处,撇着伊的瘪嘴骂道:“祖宗之字不可乱改,我们那里谁敢乱改?哎,真是一代不如一代!” (三) 这天,七斤没事做,便从口袋中拿出《品味时尚》杂志,嚷嚷着要给九斤老太念一段文章。 老太的瘪嘴鼓了鼓,终没叨咕出一句话,便坐下听孙女读。 “38度的阳光温柔地在我微闭的睫毛上跳跃”,七斤声情并茂地读着,又不禁自我陶醉地闭上双眼。“啥玩意儿?”九斤老太几乎觉得自己耳杯了。 “我的嘴角上扬,不禁定格成43°的微笑”,七斤自然不理会老太的问题,继续半读半诵。“瞎折腾!”老太不屑地耸了耸肩。 “空气中弥漫着78°摩卡或68°卡布奇诺的芬芳……”七斤略略不舍地放下杂志,期待着伊的夸赞。听得一头雾水的老太,看着孙女的眼神,局促不安起来,想了半天,还是将口头禅涌了出来:“哎呦,一代不如一代哪!” “什么什么呀!这叫‘小资文’,这叫时尚,教您品味时尚你都不会!”七斤脸上露出不屑的神气。 (四) “奶奶!您太时尚了!城里现在都流行吃您那种玉米窝窝头,拎你那破蛇皮口袋,尤其是您那句‘一代不如一代’,火了!火了!”七斤兴奋地在电话里嚷嚷,“您现在有空教我品味时尚啊!” 九斤老太脸上露出不可置信的神色,望着破旧瓷碗中的几个硬面窝窝头,又浮想到七斤衣服上故意张开的破洞洞,本想骂句“真是一代不如一代”,忽地又想到这又成了时尚,伊觉得不合身份,思来想去,一句话也说不出,便默默挂了电话。 伊失了神,心理叨咕:品味时尚,真是…… 文章凭借“九斤老太”生发出意趣横生的故事,善于反讽。惊看街头“时尚”,难舍老年“时尚”,不解文学“时尚”三个片段,用“一代不如一代”这经典语言串联起来,“一语串珠”,脉络分明。描绘了“不合时宜”的“九斤老太”的鲜活形象。文末出人意料,“守旧”的九斤老太太竟成“时尚”,赋予了“一代不如一代”这经典语言在当

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