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题 1 - 50 Unit 3

1. But frankly you should not risk it __________ you know for sure.A. if B. lest C. unless D. although√[1]. 【参考答案】:C

Y ou use frankly when you are expressing an opinion or feeling to emphasize that you mean what you are saying, especially when the person you are speaking to may not like it. 坦率地说

2. New technology ___________ almost every industrial process.A. applies to B. has applied to C. is applying to D. is being applied to√[2]. 【参考答案】:D

3. Gibbons was charged ______ stealing the jewels. n. 珠宝;宝石(jewel的复数形式)A. of B. with

C. for

D. in√[3]. 【参考答案】:B

4. Priests n. 祭司;牧师;神父;教士thought angrily that the soldiers ______ the church by using it as

a stable. A. violated If someone violates a special place such as a grave, they damage it or treat it w ith disrespect. 亵渎B. weakened C. damaged D. sued√[4]. 【参考答案】:A

5. According to one employee, who wishes to remain _________, the company engaged in illegal activities.A. petty B. insecure C. willful D. anonymous√[5]. 【参考答案】:D

6. The word “television” is _______ from both Greek and Latin.A. resulted B. deprived

If y ou depriv e someone of something that they want or need, y ou take it away from them, or y ou prev ent them f rom hav ing it. 剥夺; 使

不能有C. derived○1. IIf y ou say that something such as a word or f eeling deriv es or is deriv ed from something else, y ou mean that it comes f rom that thing. 衍生○2If y ou deriv e something such as pleasure or benef it from a person or f rom something, y ou get it f rom them. 获得D. arisen √[6]. 【参考答案】:C

7. This bathroom is for the President’s _________ use.A. anonymous B. optional C. explicit D. exclusive ○1Something that is exclusive is used or owned by only one person or group, and not shared with any one else. 专用的; 独有的○2If a newspaper, magazine, or broadcasting organization describes one of its reports as exclusiv e, they mean it is a special report that does not appear in any other publication or on any other channel. 独家的(新闻报道)

8. You should think about the fact _____ nowadays many people care about the quality of a TV set _____________ its price. A. which….rather than B. which… instead of C. that … better than D. that … more than√[8]. 【参考答案】:D

9. We have 1,000 CDs to _________to our readers.A. give in v. 屈服;让步;交上B. give away C. give way 让路;撤退;倒塌;失去控制D. give up√[9]. 【参考答案】:B

10. She further _________ her activities by convincing herself that she was actually helping the poor. A. acquitted B. amended n. [法语]补偿;赔偿C. rationalized vt. 使合理化;使有理化;

为找借口 D. revealed

11.Give the names of two people who can be _______ in an emergency. A. contracted B. contacted C. resorted D. steered√[11]. 【参考答案】:B

12.Are there any areas that you feel are not ______adequately adv. 充分地;足够地;适当地in the book? A. granted ○1take it f or granted that理所当然地认为○2If y ou take something f or granted视某事为理所当然someone takes y ou f or granted对某人无感激之心grant that承认If someone in authority grants y ou something, or if something is granted to y ou, y ou are allowed to hav e it. 准予 A grant is an amount of money that a gov ernment or other institution giv es to an indiv idual or to an organization f or a particular purpose such as education or home improv ement s. 补助金B. sustained C. covered n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物v t. 包括;采访,报导;涉及D. altered C 13.The company is in ________ on its loan agreement.贷款协议;借款合同A. default □in~违约 B. succession C. breach D. legitimate√[13]. 【参考答案】:A

14. The local restaurant was _______by actors from the nearby theatre. A. frequent B. frequently C. frequented v t. 常到,常去;时常出入于D. frequency√[14]. 【参考答案】:C

15. This year, the Commission n. 委员会will _____ campaigns to promote equal opportunities for students in schools. A. step up If y ou step up something, y ou increase it or increase its intensity. 增加B. step aside C. step along D. step back√[15]. 【参考答案】:A

16. An increased workload n. 工作量has _________ his personal life. A. offended against得罪B. violated against C. infringed on something inf ringes people's rights, or inf ringes on them, 侵犯D. disobeyed When someone disobey s a person or an order,不服从; 不顺从

17. After five months of debating, the committee for Economic Development submitted to Congress the annual _____ which amounted to 1.5 billion.A. loan B. bounty n. 慷慨;丰富;奖励金;赠款

C. damages n. 损害赔偿

D. budget【参考答案】:D

18. The party appeared _________ of the mounting adj. 逐渐增加的pressures for political reform.

A. oblivious obliv ious to something or obliv ious of it, . 没意识到的

B. obvious

C. oblique

D. oblige A

19. How can you ____me ____the concert without a ticket? A. slip away 逃走;悄悄溜走B. slip into使)悄悄走进,(使)混进:C. slip to D. slip √[19]. 【参考答案】:B

20. Don't _____the flowers when you play in the garden. A. trample down B. trample on

C. tamp on

D. tamp down (填压,夯实)√[20]. 【参考答案】:B

21. This old auditorium n. 礼堂,会堂;观众席has _______ many ceremonies. A. seen B. heard C. known D. witnessed√[21]. 【参考答案】:D

22. I often feel a sense of helplessness in trying to counter the damage they cause when they ____ their privilege某人、某团体拥有的) 特权A. enforce If people in authority enf orce a law or a rule, they make sure that it is obey ed, usually by punishing people who do not obey it. 施行T o enf orce something means to force or cause it to be done or to

happen. 强制执行B. patrol n. 巡逻;巡逻队;侦察队t. 巡逻;巡查C. abuse D. duplicate v t. 复制;使加倍:C

23. We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to __ sincerity. A. lack of B. be lack of C. lack in D. be lacking in√[23]. 【参考答案】:D记住

24. Wasteful people usually end up __debt. A. with B. by C. in D. to√[24]. C

25. It appeared that what I said was untrue, but I did not _______lie to you. A. know B. knowingly C known C. knowing√[25]. 【参考答案】:B

26. The motion to ____________ the club's constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15.A. amend amend something that has been written such as a law, or something修改B. change 变革C. correct 纠正D. alter If something alters or if you alter it, it changes. 更改√[26]. 【参考答案】:A

27. He was granted ___________from military service because of his poor health.A. release

B. exemption . 免除(规则、职责、义务等) 的

C. absence

D. freedom √[27]. 【参考答案】:B


28. I told him that I would _______ him to act for me while I was away from office.A. authorize B. justify C. rationalize D. identify√[28]. 【参考答案】:A

29. I cannot give you ____ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.A. an expense B. a charge C. a purchase D. an order下订单√[29].:D

30. Many veterans退伍军人(v eteran的复数形式believe it is their job to bear ___________ to the horrors of war that they personally experienced. A. proof B. evidence C. vision D. witness √[30]. 【参考答案】:D

31. Our cars get ________ in and when we ask the restaurant to move them they don’t do it for ages.A. stopped B. prevented C. parked D. blocked√[31]. 【参考答案】:D

32. Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who_______ pleasure________ helping others.A.

derive… from B. arise…. from C. result …from D. result… in √[32]. 【参考答案】:A 见6

33. He is a well-qualified boss and always gives us__________ direction on how to do with business.A. implicate B. implicit C. explicit adj. 明确的;清楚的;D. explicate√[33]. 【参考答案】:C

34. –Do you have enough to _________ all your daily expenses? –Oh yes, enough and to spare.A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer√[34]. 【参考答案】:A

35. You have to go to that agency to buy Ford cars, because it is _________ for the sale of Ford in this town.A. decisive B. conclusive C. exclusive D. inclusive√C

36. His failure to turn his attention to ___________ wastes of public money is inexcusable adj. 不可原谅的;没法辩解的;不可宽恕的. A. obvious B. flagrant adj. 公然的;不能容忍的;非常的;恶名昭著的C. infamous D. notorious√[36]. 【参考答案】:B

37. You may be eligible for a ______ to help you study. A. fund B. grant A grant is an amount of money that a gov ernment or other institution giv es to an indiv idual or to an organization f or a particular purpose such as ed ucation or home improv ements. 补助金C. prize D. reward×[37]. 【参考答案】:B


38. It has been revealed that some government leaders ____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employ B. absorb C. abuse D. overlook√[38]. 【参考答案】:C

39. She was always different from others. She thought __________.A. crosswise B. lengthwise

C. likewise

D. otherwise√[39]. 【参考答案】:D

40. The professor asked the research team to provide statistics that would _______ the argument. A. abuse B. patrol C. enforce D. duplicate√[40]. 【参考答案】:C

41. Tom _______ his boss of having broken the labor law.A. blamed B. accused C. charged D. sued√[41]. 【参考答案】:B

42. Romeo and Juliet is __________to Shakespeare.A. illustrated B. distributed C. attributed D. contributed√[42]. 【参考答案】:C

43. In order to improve our standard of living, we have to _______ production.A. step up

B. decrease

C. stop

D. control√[43]. 【参考答案】:A

44. No men were allowed to _______ on the livelihood of his neighbor.A. break B. violate C. interrupt D. infringe√[44]. 【参考答案】:D

45. The gear doesn’t _________ the machine, so you must change it. A. end up B. step up C. fit into D. fit in with√[45]. 【参考答案】:C

46. If you go on doing like that you’ll ________ in prison.A. en d off B. end in C. end up

D. end out√[46]. 【参考答案】:C

47. The woman trapped If y ou trap someone into doing or say ing something, y ou trick them so that they do or say it, although they did not want to. 诱骗him into _______ the business secret.A. giving in B. giving up C. giving away D. giving out√[47]. 【参考答案】:C

48. The saxophonist n. 萨克斯管吹奏者________ a Kenny Jin melody n. 旋律;歌曲;美妙的音乐Go ing Home in his solo. 2. 独奏;独奏曲A. derived B. quoted C. duplicated D. violated√

[48]. 【参考答案】:B

49. She signed the letter _______, not realizing its implication.A. in faith B. in good faith 真诚地;善意地;诚心诚意地C. in the faith D. on the faith√[49]. 【参考答案】:B

50. He had always been ____the way Ruth looked, and had never once paid her a compliment.A. oblivious to 不在意的B. guilty of C. wary of D. subject to√[50]. 【参考答案】:A

Unit 2

1. Several police officers are being questioned about the ______ of the documents记录A. definition B. alteration n. 修改,改变;变更 C. qualification D. exception√B

2. He is anxiously ______ the result of the medical tests.A. looking B. taking C. awaiting

D. making√[2]. 【参考答案】:C

3. I tried to ______ in my speech how grateful we were for his help. A. communicate B. consider C. confer D. convey√[3]. 【参考答案】:D

4. The sound of the door closing ______ me into thinking they had gone out. A. believed

B. received

C. deceived

D. relieved√[4]. 【参考答案】:C

5. He uses a(n) _______ glass to read the tiny print. A. magnifying B. enhancing C. enlarging D. extending√[5]. 【参考答案】:A

6. Can you ______ the writing on this envelope? A. decide B. decipher If y ou decipher a piece of writing or a message, y ou work out what it say s, ev en though it is v ery diff icult to read or understand. 破译C. decode 译(密码文电等),译(码),解(码)等:to decode data or a message译数据或电文密码D. deduce×[6]. 【参考答案】:B

7. He was charged with possessing vt.持有a ______ passport. n. 护照,通行证A. genuine B. false C. true D. fake√[7]. 【参考答案】:D

8. Political ______ is widespread throughout the country. A. corruption n. 腐坏,败坏;腐化堕落;道德败坏 B. confession C. confusion D. collision n. (意见,看法)的抵触,冲突 A

9. The suffering ______ on these children is terrible to see. A. conflicted B. inflicted C. reflected D. neglected√[9]. 【参考答案】:B

10. She was a bit _______ that she hadn’t bee n invited to the party. A. attached B. refused C. identified D. offended√[10]. 【参考答案】:D

11. With the ______ of a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition on the whole. A. example B. aspect C. exception D. excuse√[11]. 【参考答案】:C

12. We are o ften ______ to say things we don’t mean out of politeness. A. compelled vt.强迫,迫使,使不得不 B. offended C. tend D. opposed√[12]. 【参考答案】:A

13. Are you hesitant about revealing your _______ when you chat on the internet? A. identification n. 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明 B. identity Your identity is who y ou are. 身份VARThe identity of a person or place is the characteristics that distinguish them f rom others. 特性C. dignity n. 尊严;高贵D. digital :B

14. Many people think cyberspace _______ dangers to us. A. poses B. makes C. takes

D. imposes√[14]. 【参考答案】:A

15. Every mistake that she makes further ________ her authority. A. underlines v t. 强调;在…下面划线;预告 B. underlies If something underlies a feeling or situation, it is the cause or basis of it. 是…的原因; 是…的基础 C. underpins v t. 巩固;支持;从下面支撑;加强…的基础D. undermines削弱,动摇√[15]. 【参考答案】:D

16. You shouldn’t expect immigrants n. 移民to _______ into an alien culture immediately. A. take B. assimilate When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it. 同化; 被同化If y ou assimilate new ideas, customs, or techniques, y ou learn them or adopt them.

吸纳C. accept D. develop√[16]. 【参考答案】:B

17. My original statement has been completely ______by the media. A. distorted If you distort

a statement, f act, or idea, y ou report or represent it in an untrue way. 歪曲; 曲解B. distressed C. distracted If something

distracts y ou or y our attention f rom something, it takes y our attention away f rom it. 分散(注意力); 使分心D. disposed √[17]. 【参考答案】:A

18. When he realised the police had _____ him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible. A. offended B. spotted C. stopped D. missed√[18]. 【参考答案】:B

19. It's hard to ______ work after such a long vacation. A. get down to B. get on

C. get around

D. go back √[19]. 【参考答案】:A

20. Actually the Web is no more ______ dangerous than anything else in the world. A. apparently B. negatively C. inherently D. positively√[20]. 【参考答案】:C

21. The teacher was completely _______ by my excuse. A. taken up B. taken on C. taken over接管取代D. taken in√[21]. 【参考答案】:D

22. He _______ his company’s collapse by reckless adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的;粗心大意的speculation n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖A. brought out B. brought in C. brought about T o bring something about means to cause it to happen. 引起D. brought back√[22]. 【参考答案】:C

23. The government has announced plans to ________ access to higher education.A. make up

B. give up

C. put up

D. open up √[23]. 【参考答案】:D

24. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C. in view of D. in spite of √[24]. 【参考答案】:A

25. He was released from detention Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison. 拘留,课后留校last week _________ three other journalists. A. away from B. along with C. along from D. away with √[25]. 【参考答案】:B

26. However, growth in the new industry was able to _____ some of the decline in the iron and steel industry. A. overturn B. overtake C. offset If one thing is offset by another, the effect of the f irst thing is reduced by the second, so that any adv antage or disadv antage is canceled out. 抵消 D. oppress vt. 压迫,压抑×[26]. 【参考答案】:C

27. When the fighting started, police and reporters were soon _____.A. to the spot B. on the spot 1. 在场;到场 C. in the spot D. of the spot√[27]. 【参考答案】:B

28. Many of the scientist and engineers are _____ in terms of how profitable their achievements are. A. passed B. graded C. judged You use judging by, judging f rom, or to judge f rom根据…判断D. chained√[28]. 【参考答案】:C

29. He said he would _____ me to Mr. Li but actually he didn’t. A. comment B. suggest

C. command v t. 命令,指挥

D. recommend v t. 推荐,介绍√[29]. 【参考答案】:D

30. If you were _____ by vulgar adj. 粗俗的language, what would you do? A. destroyed

B. violated

C. attacked

D. offended√[30]. 【参考答案】:D

31. The jurors n. 陪审员who lacked in basic law training were obviously not _____ pass a verdict. n. 结论;裁定A. competent to 有能力的B. capable of C. capable to D. competent for A

32. The report you heard from the government spokesman _____ the facts. It is not reliable.A. retorted B. extorted C. distorted歪曲的D. distracted√[32]. 【参考答案】:C

33. _____ your education, I would suggest that you go for an education loan and concentrate on your study. After all, you can start paying off the loan after you finish studying.A. As forB. As againstC. As from D. As of√[33]. 【参考答案】:A

34. I was really _____when I knocked the cup of tea over my teacher. A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrass D. embarrasses √[34]. 【参考答案】:A

35. She has a great _____ for English teaching and students enjoy her class very much.A. kindness B. friendliness C. warmth D. affection If y ou regard someone or something with aff ection,

y ou like them and are f ond of them. 喜爱Your aff ections are y our f eelings of lov e or fondness f or someone. 感情:D

36. While nuclear weapons present grave _____ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today. A. inevitable B. constant C. overwhelming D. potential adj. 潜在的;可能的√[36]. 【参考答案】:D

37. _____ the enormous adj. 庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的flow n. 流动of food from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any population pressure. A. Thanks to B. By means of C. In line with D. With regard to√[37]. 【参考答案】:A

38. On the crowded bus, he _____ his seat _____ an old man. A. yielded…to

B. competed…with

C. provided…with

D. exchanged...with√[38]. 【参考答案】:A

39. The professor could hardly find sufficient adj. 足够的;充分的grounds _____ his arguments in favour of the new theory. A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base√[39]. 【参考答案】:D

40. You _____ my authority by allowing children to do things I’ve forbidden. A. underestimated B. undermined C. unfolded D. unified√[40]. 【参考答案】:B

41. Some fish have a greater _____ for acid water than others.A. tolerance T olerance is the ability to bear something painf ul or unpleasant. 忍耐力B. resistance C. dependence D. persistence:A

42. Computer technology will _____ a revolution in business administration.A. bring around

B. bring about

C. bring out

D. bring up√[42]. 【参考答案】:B

43. Because of the snow, many parts of the countryside are only _____ by helicopter. A. available B. appropriate C. accessible D. achievable √C

44. With the _____of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A. exhibition

B. exception

C. except

D. reception√[44]. 【参考答案】:B

45. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an _____ for breaking the law. A. excuse

B. intention

C. option

D. approval×[45]. 【参考答案】:A

46. It’s very difficult to _____ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. A. exchange B. transfer C. convey D. convert ×[46]. 【参考答案】:C

47. The increase in student numbers _____ many problems for the universities. A. imposes B. poses C. pauses D. probes√[47]. B

48. We are completely _____ by his story and lent him the money at once. A. taken on B. taken off C. taken in D. taken for√:C

49. He was strongly _____ my plan because he thinks the plan is not workable. A. supposed to B. appointed to C. assigned to D. opposed to反对√:D

50. When she felt she could trust me she began to _____. A. open up B. act on C. speed up D. let out √[50]. 【参考答案】:A

题 1 - 50 B4Unit 1

1. A window in the kitchen was _____; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen. A scattered B scraped C smashed D scratched √[1]. 【参考答案】:C

2. Although Asian countries are generally more ____ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leader in both China and India. A conservative保守的 B confidential C comprehensive D consistent √[2]. 【参考答案】:A

3. The Space Age ____ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A initiated B originated C embarked D commenced When something commences or y ou commence it, it begins. 使…开始; 开始×[3]. 【参考答案】:D

4. As a ____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

A flexible

B versatile adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的

C sophisticated

D productive √[4]. 【参考答案】:B

5. Circus tiger, although they have been tamed v t. 驯养;使变得平淡;制服can ____ attack their trainer.A unexpectedly Bdeliberately C consequently D subsequently √A

6. The schoolmaster____ the girl’s bravery in his opening speech. A applauded B enhanced C elevated D clapped √[6]. 【参考答案】:A

7. The doctors don’t ____ that he will live much longer. A manifest B articulate C anticipate vt. 预期,期望;D monitor √[7]. 【参考答案】:C

8. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ____ themselves. A stretching B extending C prolonging D expanding :A

9. The court considers a financial ____ to be an appropriate adj. 适当的way of punishing him.

A option

B duty

C obligation

D penalty n. 罚款,罚金;处罚×[9]. 【参考答案】:D

10. Population experts predict that if world population continues to grow at the present rate, mankind will soon face a severe challenge to ____ itself in prosperity and peace. A retain B maintain C sustain If you sustain something, y ou continue it or maintain it for a period of time. 保持D obtain C

11. The United States is perhaps the country where the ____ spirit is most cultivated and admired. A competent Bcompatible C comparable D competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的D

12. China will continue to ____ to control population growth and improve the status of women. A stride B strike C stripe D strive √[12]. 【参考答案】:D

13. Some people do not show much ___ in their choice of books. A discrimination [dis,krimi'nei??n]Discrimination is the ability to recognize and understand the differences between two things. 辨别力B recognition C accumulation D hesitation √[13]. 【参考答案】:A

14. Workers chose to ____ their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. A manifest If y ou manif est a particular quality, f eeling, or illness, or if it manif ests itself, it becomes v isible or obv ious. 显现出B release C relieve D emphasize ×[14]. 【参考答案】:A

15. The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continent, though considerable variations n. 变奏曲,变更;变种are to be found over so ____ an area. A expensive B expansive adj. If y ou are expansiv e, y ou talk a lot, or are f riendly or generous, because you are f eeling happy and relaxed. (因高兴或放松而) 健谈的; 友好的; 大方的C extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的 D intensive adj. 加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的√[15]. 【参考答案】:C

16. Both sister and brother were injured in a car accident. It took them courage and ____ to learn to live with a handicap.A endurance 忍耐力B tolerance C insistence D existence √[16]. 【参考答案】:A

17. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can ____ the surroundings. A explore B expose C exploit D expand √[17]. 【参考答案】:A

18. The code was ____ to anyone who didn’t have the key.A unintelligible adj. 莫明其妙的;无法了解的 B unintelligent adj. 无知的;缺乏才智的 C intelligible adj. 可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的 D unintentional adj. 非故意的;无意识的√[18]. 【参考答案】:A

19. My sister is quite ____ and plans to get an M.A. degree within one year.A aggressive B enthusiastic C ambitious D considerate √[19]. 【参考答案】:C

20. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ___ by a dictator. n. 独裁者;命令者A depressed B immersed C oppressed v. 压迫;折磨 D cursed :C

21. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ____.A luxury B accommodation C entertainment D refreshment √[21]. 【参考答案】:A

22. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a ____ of its economy.A response

B revelation

C reaction

D reflection √[22]. 【参考答案】:D

23. They ____ the project to the board for approval.批准。A emitted B admitted C committed D submitted √[23]. 【参考答案】:D

24. I let my children make their own decision now they’re older; I wouldn’t ____ to interfere v i. 干涉;妨碍;打扰.A assume B consume C resume D presume If y ou say that someone presumes to do something, y ou mean that they do it ev en though they hav e no right to do it. 擅自(做某事)√[24]. 【参考答案】:D

25. His appearance that day gave all of us a shock, his hair ____ with oil and his face flushing.A glittering IIf something glitters, light comes from or is ref lected off different parts of it. 闪闪发光 B glistening If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily. (因有水或有油而) 发光C glaring If y ou describe something bad as glaring, y ou are emphasizing that it is v ery obv ious and easily seen or noticed. 显眼的D glowing A glowing description or opinion about someone or something praises them highly or supports them strongly. 高度赞许的B

26. Parents have a legal ____to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age. A. impulse B. influenceC. obligation D. sympathy】:C

27. I missed the train and ___was late for school. A. finally B. eventually C. subsequently D. consequently √[27]. 【参考答案】:D

28. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the ____will continue into the next decade.A. emergency B. trend C. pace D. schedule √B

29. The ___of men to women in the union have changed a lot since 1980.A. portion一部分B. proportion If something is small or large in proportion to something else, it is small or large when compared with that thing. (与…) 比The proportion of one kind of person or thing in a group is the number of people or things of that kind compared to the total number of people or things in the group. (某部分在总体中所占的) 比例something is out of all proportion to something else,. (与…) 完全不成比例C. rate 速率频率D. ratio A ratio is a relationship between two things when it is expressed in numbers or amounts. For example, if there are ten boy s and thirty girls in a room, the ratio of boy s to girls is 1:3, or one to three. 比率×B

30. The remains of things people made and used long ago give the archaeologists __ to know how once people lived. A. glue B. thread C. clue D. hint √[30]. 【参考答案】:C

31. The branches could hardly ____the weight.A. retain B. sustain C. maintain

D. remain √[31]. 【参考答案】:B

32. Many people lost their jobs during the business____.A. desperation B. decrease C. despair D. depression √[32]. 【参考答案】:D

33. Poverty and slums n. 贫民,贫民区were outside the rich boy’s ____.A. globe B. orbit C. reach D. sphere √[33]. 【参考答案】:D

34. Sally is looking for a job in which she will be able to ____ herself. A. achieve B. deceive C. fulfill D. install √[34]. 【参考答案】:C

35. Many researchers are ____ for a greater understanding of the processes which occur inside stars. A. reviving B. striving C. carving D. reserving √[35]. 【参考答案】:B

36. We ____ the family’s decision to remain silent ov er the issue. A. contend B. convene C. appeal D. applaud v t. 赞同;×[36]. 【参考答案】:D

37. Such a large investment inevitably adv. 不可避免地;必然地____ some risk. A. curtail

B. entail

C. fulfill

D. retail √[37]. 【参考答案】:B

38. Good teachers know that children need and enjoy firm ____. A. discipline B.

doctrine C. equality D. equivalent √[38]. 【参考答案】:A

39. Her whole attitude to life ____ as a result of the awful experience. A. mourned B.

merited C. soured If a f riendship, situation, or attitude sours or if something sours it, it becomes less f riendly, enjoy able, or hopef ul. 使变糟; 变糟D. spoiled ×[39]. 【参考答案】:C

40. These remote islands are ____ only by birds and animals. A. flourished B. resided

C. occupied

D. inhabited ×[40]. 【参考答案】:D

41. From what she said I thought the ____ was that they were splitting up. If two people split up, or if

someone or something splits them up, they end their relationship or marriage. 使(两人) 分手; (两人) 分手 A. application

B. dedication

C. implication The implication of a statement, ev ent, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the

case. 含意D. justification √[41]. 【参考答案】:C

42. Thirty workers were ____ because they were on strike over the staff cuts. A. packed

B. sacked

C. hacked

D. tracked √[42]. 【参考答案】:B

43. Some people think it is wrong to spend money on ____ space. A. restoring B.

imploring C. exploring D. deploring √[43]. 【参考答案】:C

44. He always becomes ____ to everyone when he’s drunk. A. objective B. initiative

C. distinctive

D. abusive √[44]. 【参考答案】:D

45. The President is clearly in a ____ over how to tackle the crisis. A. hardship B.

hazard C. dialect D. dilemma n. 困境;进退两难;√[45]. 【参考答案】:D

46. I’d like to ____ how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. A. minimize

B. fertilize

C. emphasize

D. characterize √[46]. 【参考答案】:C

47. Our church __ initiated _v. 开始,发起;开创_ a project to send relief aid overseas. A.

indicated B. C. allocated D. alleviated √[47]. 【参考答案】:B

48. I tend to be rather ____ in such matters and a bit suspicious about these supposed

advances. A. assertive B. distinctive C. conservative 1. 守旧的,保守的2. 稳健的;谨慎的D.

instructive C

49. Before I answer your question, could you ____ your terms a little more? A. define If y ou

def ine something, y ou show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like. 给…下定义; 解释B.

deplore C. decline D. depict ×[49]. 【参考答案】:A

50. They have attempted to take the ____ in dealing with the problem. A. action B.

caption C. initiative n. 主动权;首创精神D. intuitive √[50]. 【参考答案】:C


?题 1 - 50 Unit 41. The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded.A) consequently

? B) continuously 1. ADJA continuous process or ev ent continues f or a period of time without stopping. 持续的(过程、事件)例:Residents report that they heard continuous gunf ire.居民们说他们听到了持续的枪声。

con·tinu·ous·ly ADV持续地例:The civ il war has raged almost continuously since 1976.自1976年以来,激烈的内战几乎持续不断。

You can use continual, continuous, and constant to describe things that happen or exist without stopping. Continual is usually used to

describe something that happens of ten ov er a period of time, especially something undesirable. ...his continual drinking. ...continual

dem ands to cut costs. If something is continuous, it happens all the time without stopping, or seems to do so. ...days of continuous

rain. ..a continuous background noise. You describe something as constant when it happens all the time or nev er goes away. He was in constant pain. ...Eva's constant criticism. 2. ADJA continuous line or surf ace has no gaps or holes in it. 连续的(线条或平面)

例:...a continuous line of boats.络绎不绝的船只。

C) constantly D) consistently[con·sist·ent/k?ns?st?nt/CET4

? 1. ADJ Someone who is consistent alway s behav es in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achiev es the same lev el of success in something. 始终如一的

例:Becker was nev er the most consistent of play ers any way .贝克尔不管怎么说从来就不是一个很稳定的球员。

con·sist·ent·ly ADV始终如一地例:It's something I hav e consistently denied. 这是我始终否认的事。

? 2. ADJ If one f act or idea is consistent with another, they do not contradict each other. 相符的[v-link ADJ, usu ADJ 'with' n] 例:This result is consistent with the f indings of Garnett & Tobin.该结果与加尼特和托宾的发现相符合。

? 3. ADJAn argument or set of ideas that is consistent is one in which no part contradicts or conf licts with any other part. (论点、观点) 前后一致的例:A theory should be internally consistent. 一套理论应当内在一致。

2. Bruce Stephen gripped the ______ wheel hard as the car bounced弹跳up and down.A)

stirring B) driving C) steering D) rotating

grip/gr?p/( grips, gripping, gripped )CET41. V-TIf you grip something, you take hold of it with your hand and continue to hold it firmly.

紧握2. N-COUNTA grip is a firm, strong hold on something. 紧握例:His strong hand eased the bag from her grip.他强有力的手使她把紧握的包松开。3. N-SINGSomeone's grip on something is the power and control they have over it. 掌控例:The president maintains an iron grip on his country.总统保持着对国家的铁腕统治。)

stir·ring/st?r??/( stirrings )1. ADJ A stirring event, performance, or account of something makes people very excited or enthusiastic.

(活动、演出或讲述) 激动人心的例:The president made a stirring speech.总统作了一次激动人心的演讲。2. N-COUNTA stirring of a feeling or thought is the beginning of one. (感情或想法的) 开始[usu N 'of' n]例:I feel a stirring of curiosity.我开始产生好奇心。

steer/st??r/( steers, steering, steered )CET41. V-TWhen y ou steer a car, boat, or plane, y ou control it so that it goes in the direction that y ou want. 驾驶2. V-TIf y ou steer people toward a particular course of action or attitude, y ou try to lead them gently in that direction.

引导3. V-TIf y ou steer someone in a particular direction, y ou guide them there. 引领例:Nick steered them into the nearest seats.

尼克领着他们到最近的座位。4. If y ou steer clear of someone or something, y ou deliberately av oid them. 有意避开某人/某物例:I think

a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitiv e issues.我认为很多人,尤其是女性,有意避开这些敏感问题。

3. Accuracy精确(性); 准确(性)is ______ to the programming of computers.A) elementary B)

fundamental C) principal D) typical[3]B

4. The ______ of finding gold in California were good in the 1840’s.A) proposals 建议书(Proposal的复

数);B) promises n. 承诺,诺言C) prospects D) privileges n. 特权(priv ilege的复数

prospect 1. N-VARIf there is some prospect of something happening, there is a possibility that it will happen. 可能性; 前景例:Unf ortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered. 2. N-SINGA particular prospect is something that y ou expect or know is going to happen. 将要发生的事例:There was a mixed reaction to the prospect of hav ing new neighbors.对于将要有新邻居这件事有多种反应。3. N-PLURA LSomeone's prospects are their chances of being successful, especially in their career.

成功的机会; 前途例:I chose to work abroad to improv e my career prospects.我选择到国外工作,以增进我的事业成功的机会。

5. Because of my poor eyesight I am _______ to wear glasses all the time.

A) obliged B) compromised C) committed D) threatened

oblige[?'blaid?] 1. V-TIf y ou are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary f or you to do that thing. 迫使例:The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on f oot.暴风雨越来越猛烈。最终,我被迫弃车徒步前行。2. V-T/V-ITo oblige someone means to be helpf ul to them by doing what they hav e asked y ou to do

3. If y ou tell someone that y ou would be obliged or should be obliged if they would do something, y ou are telling them in a polite but f irm

way that y ou want them to do it eg. I would be obliged if y ou could read it to us.如果你能把它读给我们听,我将不胜感激。

compromise['k?mpr?maiz]1A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly diff erent f rom what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people. 折衷例:Encourage y our child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what y ou want. 2. V-RECIPIf y ou compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which y ou both giv e up something that y ou originally wanted. You can also say that two people or groups compromise. 妥协

例:The gov ernment has compromised with its critics ov er monetary policies.政府已经在货币政策上与其批评者们有了妥协。

3. V-TIf someone compromises themselv es or compromises their belief s, they do something which damages their reputation f or honesty, loy alty, or high moral principles. 使(自己、自己的信念) 降格例:...members of the gov ernment who hav e compromised themselv es by accepting bribes.收受贿赂而使其声誉受损的政府成员们。

6. This new book has received several reviews评论since its publication; but none o f them have made a just _____ of the book.A) summary A summa ry of something总结in summary总之B) calculation

C) evaluation 评价D) account

7. We are offering a substantial Substantial means large in amount or degree.___for information leading to the capture of 捕获this murderer.A) compensation

B) treasure 财宝,珍爱之物C) share 股份D) reward 酬谢,回报

Compensation1. N-UNCOUNT 补偿金2. N-VARIf something is some compensation for s omething bad that has happened, it makes y ou feel better. 补偿

8. The former mayor of the city was always holding a ______ against new immigrants and made life difficult for them there.A) prejudice n 偏见v prejudice sb or sth 使有偏见B) priority 优先权C) discomfort 不舒服,不安D) disadvantage

9. Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is ____ me.A) without B) outside C) beside D) beyond[9]D超出某人的认知范围

10. I can’t drive this car, as I’m not ____ with its controls.A) accustomed I was accustomed to being the only child at a table f ull of adults.我习惯(适应)了作为惟一的孩子坐在满是成年人的桌旁。词缀:


B) aware (of)C) familiar D) informed (of)

11. As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years, he had every _____ for the job.A) privilege 特权,优先权利B) obligation 义务C) qualification 资格D) commitment 12. Out of ______ revenge报复, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A) perfect B) total C) sheer ADJYou can use sheer to emphasize that a state or situation is complete and does not inv olv e or is not mixed with anything else. 纯粹的[ 比较级sheerer 最高级sheerest ] D) thorough A thorough action or activity is one that is done v ery caref ully and in a detailed way so that nothing is f orgotten. 彻底的例:We are making a thorough inv estigation.我们正在进行彻底的调查。

13. We are preparing a dinner for twenty people, but this table is not ____wide for our purpose.A) sufficiently 足够地B) considerably con·sid·er·ably ADV相当多地; 相当大地例:Children v ary considerably in the rate at which they learn these lessons.孩子们学习这些课的速度差别相当大

C) enough 形容词之后D) indeed 真正地

14. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was ____ behind as usual. A) declining 下降B) delaying C) lacking D) lagging[14]D

lag/l?g/( lags, lagging, lagged )CET4

1. V-IIf one thing or person lags behind another thing or person, their progress is slower than that of the other thing or person. 落后

2. N-COUNTA time lag or a lag of a particular length of time is a period of time between one ev ent and another related ev ent. 间隔例:There's a time lag between inf ection with HIV and dev eloping AIDS.从感染艾滋病病毒到发展成为艾滋病病人有一定的时间间隔。

15. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she ____ me and walked on.A) refused B) ignored C) declined D) neglected [15]B

16. People in New York City ____ that their city is the most vital city in the world.A) announce

B) claim C) describe D) pronounce[16]B

vi·tal/va?t?l/CET4ADJIf y ou say that something is v ital, you mean that it is necessary or v ery important. 至关重要的

例:The port is v ital to supply relief to millions of drought v ictims.这个港口至关重要,给数百万旱灾民提供救济物资。例:It is v ital that parents giv e children clear and consistent messages about drugs.至关重要的是,父母们给子女提供关于毒品明确一致的观点。

17. Some plants are so sensitive ______ pollution that they can only survive in perfectly clean environment.A) from B) against C) to D) with

18. Reporters asked the Congressman/k??gr?sm?n/男议员to _____ his position on welfare reform.A) evolve B) clarify C) imply ~that 暗示D) quote引用[18]B

clari·fy/kl?r?f?ke???n/( clarifies, clarifying, clarifiedclarifications, )CET4

V-TTo clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by explaining it in more detail. 澄清[FORMAL]

例:Thank y ou f or writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.谢谢你来信并允许我澄清目前的状况。clari·f i·ca·tionN-VAR澄清例:The union has written to Detroit asking f or clarif ication of the situation.工会已经写信给底特律,要求对此情况给予澄清。evolve/?v?lv/( evolves, evolving, evolved )CET4

1. V-IWhen animals or plants ev olv e, they gradually change and dev elop into different f orms. 进化

例:The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to hav e ev olv ed to attract f emales.许多雄鸟的鲜艳羽毛被认为是为吸引雌鸟而进化来的。2. V-T/V-IIf something ev olv es or y ou ev olv e it, it gradually dev elops ov er a period of time into something diff erent and usually more adv anced. 使…逐步发展; 逐步发展

19. This terrorist attack has been _____ by the entire international community.A) condemned

[k?n'demd]谴责B) scolded C) criticized D) blamed[19]A

20. I was busy __ plans for the new course.A) setting up B) getting up C) laying down If rules or people

in authority lay down what people should do or must do, they officially state what they should or must do. 制定D) drawing up起草

21. The cost of the war has _____ national development by ten years.A) pulled off B) set back

C) backed down放弃D) called off [21]B

22. His nationality isn’t ______ to whether he’s a good lawyer.A) attacked B) relevant C) associated with D) regarding[22]B rel·evant/r?l?v?nt/CET4ADJSomething that is relev ant to a situation or person is important or signif icant in that situation or to that person. 相关的

23. Surprisingly, the sixty-year-old man has acquired________in a foreign language through practice. A. deficiency B. sufficiency C. proficiency 熟练、水平 D. efficiency 效率Def iciency in something, especially something that y our body needs, is not hav ing enough of it. 缺乏; 不足

If y ou show prof iciency in something, y ou show ability or skill at it. 水平

24. If you _____ bright sunlight _____ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning.A) expose… to

B) concentrate…on C) aim …at D) focus …on[24]D

con·cen·trate/k?ns?ntre?t/( concentrates, concentrating, concentrated )CET4

1. V-T/V-IIf y ou concentrate on something, or concentrate y our mind on it, y ou giv e all y our attention to it. 集中(心思); 专心

2. V-TIf something is concentrated in an area, it is all there rather than being spread around. 集中例:Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and northeastern regions.意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。

fo·cus/fo?k?s/( focuses, focusing, focussing, focused, focussed )CET4

1. V-T/V-IIf y ou f ocus on a particular topic or if your attention is f ocused on it, 关注

2. V-T/V-使(眼睛、相机、望远镜或其它仪器) 对焦; 聚焦:Kelly couldn't f ocus his ey es well enough to tell if the f igure was male or

f emale.例:His ey es slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball.他的眼睛开始慢慢聚焦到那个小黑球似的东西上。

3. V-TIf y ou focus ray s of light on a particular point, y ou pass them through a lens or ref lect them from a mirror so that they meet at that point. 把(光线) 聚焦

4. N-COUNT The f ocus of something 焦点例:The new sy stem is the f ocus of controv ersy.新系统是争议的焦点。

25. A well-written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A) calls on 呼吁B) calls for C) calls up D) calls off [25]B

26.It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive _______ light. A. from B. against C. to D. with[26]C

27. The price of beer ____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. A. altered B. ranged C. separated D. differed[27]B

28.The personnel (人员、人事部门)manager said that he couldn't ______ Mike's ability without actually seeing him at work. A. summarize B. calculate C. evaluate D. account[28]C

29.The boss managed to ______ the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protection. A. attach B. steer C. associate D. stir[29]B链接2

30.This decree([di'kr i:]法令)____________the Union to delay strikes. A. obliged B. compromised

C. committed

D. threatened[30]A链接5

31.The government has several plans ___ to solve the problem. A. in a way B. by the way C. under way 在进行D. in the way[31]C

32.The wor ld’s governments have done ____ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents. A. specifically B. vitally C. virtually D. identically[32]C

vir·tu·al·ly/v?rt?u?li/CET4ADVYou can use v irtually to indicate that something is so nearly true that f or most purposes it can be regarded as true. 事实上例:Virtually all cooking was done ov er coal-f ired ranges.事实上所有的烹饪都是在烧煤的炉灶上完成的。vi·tal·ly ADV至关重要地例:Lesley's career in the church is v itally important to her.莱斯利的教会生涯对于她而言至关重要。链接16

33.We as a company feel that it is ___ to maintain good worker-management relations. A. moderate B. special C. absolute D. essential[33]D

mod·er·ate( moderates, moderating, moderated )CET4形容词和名词读作m?d?r?t。动词读作m?d?re?t。

1. ADJ Moderate political opinions or policies are not extreme. (政见或政策) 温和的例:He was an easy going man of v ery moderate

v iews.他是一个有着温和观点性情随和的人。2. ADJYou use moderate to describe people or groups who hav e moderate political opinions or policies. (人或团体) 温和的例:...a moderate Democrat.温和的民主党人。

34.After so many years in the military service, I’m glad to get back to ____ clothes. A. civil B. civilized C. civilian D. citizen n. 公民;市民;老百姓

ci·vil·ian/s?v?ly?n)CET42. ADJIn a military situation, civ ilian is used to describe people or things that are not military. 平民的;民用的

civ i·lized/s?v?la?zd/If y ou describe a society as civilized, y ou mean that it is adv anced and has established laws and customs.文明的

civ·il/s?v?l/CET41. ADJYou use civ il to describe ev ents that happen within a country and that inv olv e the diff erent groups of people in it. 国民的[ADJ n]例:...civ il unrest.民众的骚乱。

2. ADJYou use civil to describe people or things in a country that are not connected with its armed f orces. 民用的

例:...the U.S. civ il av iation industry.美国民用航空工业。3. ADJYou use civ il to describe things that are connected with the state rather than with a religion. 民政的[ADJ n]

35. President Banda’s background as a doctor has given him ________ into the medical problem that face the country. A. a view B. a vision of,幻想憧憬、视力C. an insight D. a sight[35]C in·sight/?nsa?t/( insights )CET41. N-VARIf y ou gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem, y ou gain an accurate and deep understanding of it. 深入了解; 深刻见解2. N-UNCOUNTIf someone has insight, they are able to understand complex situations. 洞察力例:He was a man of f orcef ul character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他是个性格坚强的人,有着非凡的洞察力和交际手腕。

36. A sweet smile is a figurative expression(比喻用法), but sweet coffee is a _____ one.A. literal

B. literary

C. literate

D. illiterate[36]A

il·lit·er·ate/?l?t?r?t/( illiterates )CET6ADJSomeone who is illiterate does not know how to read or write. 文盲的

例:A large percentage of the population is illiterate.人口中文盲的比例相当高。

N-COUNTAn illiterate is someone who is illiterate. 文盲例:...a subclass of illiterates.文盲阶层。

lit·er·ate/l?t?r?t/CET6+1. ADJSomeone who is literate is able to read and write. 能读会写的

例:Ov er one-quarter of the adult population are not f ully literate.四分之一以上的成年人是半文盲。

lit·er·al/l?t?r?l/CET61. ADJThe literal sense of a word or phrase is its most basic sense. 字面上的In many cases, the people there are f ighting, in a literal sense, f or their homes.多数情况下,那里的人们实际上都是在为他们的家园而战斗。

2. ADJ按字面意思的例:A literal translation of the name Tapies is "walls."名字Tapies的字面翻译是“墙”。

lit·er·ary/l?t?r?ri/CET41. ADJ Literary means concerned with or connected with the writing, study, or appreciation of literature. 文学的2. ADJ Literary words and expressions are of ten unusual in some way and are used to create a special eff ect in a piece of writing such as a poem, speech, or nov el. 书面的

例:.archaic, literary words f rom the Tang dy nasty.唐代的古文书面用词。

37. While there are some problems with grammar or usage, they are not serious enough to ______ meaning. A. retort B. distort 扭曲 C. resort D. deny [37]B

38. At the same time we have to _____ longer-term plans to guide us towards sustained economic growth in the future. A. set out B. put up with C. build up D. draw up


39.Perhaps the price of the wine will be much higher next year because the _______ for this year’s wine harvest are poor. A. prospects B. promises C. proposals D. privileges[39]A 40.This PLA soldier _______ personal danger when he jumped into the icy water to save the drowning child. A. refused B. declined C. ignored D. neglected[40]C

41 At present, one of this city’s most serious problems is housing that _________ immedi ate solution . A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls off[41]B

42 Once ____ of his daughter’s safety, he was casual and relaxed. A. insured 保险B. assured If something is assured, it is certain to happen. 确定的C. ensured To ensure something, or to ensure that something happens, means to make certain that it happens. 确保D. secured If y ou f eel secure, y ou feel saf e and happy and are not worried about lif e. (感觉) 安全的

43. One can _____ even from one’s unpleasant experiences.A) obtain V-T T o obtain something means to get it or achiev e it. 获得B) earn C) develop ) benefit [43]D

44. He carefully joined the cables and ensured the connections were ____. A. dynamic B. rigid/r?d??d/CET41. ADJ僵死的; 过于严格的 C. solid A substance that is solid is v ery hard or f irm. 坚固的 D. positive[44]C

45. The experience that he returned to college for the courses that he failed when he was young _______ him _____much valuable time and money. A. pulled off B. set back If something sets y ou back a certain amount of money, it costs y ou that much money. 使花费C. backed down D. called off [45]B

46.Many animals can ____ with their surroundings, owing to their protective coloring. A. unite

B. identify

C. connect

D. blend完美融合[46]D

47. He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which ______ led to the good position he now held. A. consequently B. continuously C. constantly D. consistently[47]A

48. The Chinese _________ Test (HSK) is a series test to assess the Chinese language proficiency of non-native speakers. A. Capability B. Sufficiency C. Proficiency

D. Capacity [48]C

49. The steel output of these countries fell by a wide _____in July. A. border B. edge C. margin 差值D. brim[49]C 50. The food in this restaurant is good and the same ______ the service.

A. is true of

B. is true in

C. be true for

D. be true at [50]A

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