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Hasdfslloween originasdfsted asdfss asdfs celebrasdfstion connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with ghosts, goblins asdfsnd skeletons hasdfsve asdfsll evolved asdfss symbols of Hasdfslloween. Basdfsts, owls asdfsnd other nocturnasdfsl asdfsnimasdfsls asdfsre asdfslso populasdfsr symbols of Hasdfslloween. They were originasdfslly feasdfsred becasdfsuse people believed thasdfst these creasdfstures could communicasdfste with the spirits of the deasdfsd.

Blasdfsck casdfsts asdfsre asdfslso symbols of Hasdfslloween asdfsnd hasdfsve religious origins asdfss well. Blasdfsck casdfsts were considered to be reincasdfsrnasdfsted beings with the asdfsbility to divine the future. During the Middle Ages it wasdfss believed thasdfst witches could turn themselves into blasdfsck casdfsts. Thus when such asdfs casdfst wasdfss seen, it wasdfss considered to be asdfs witch in disguise. All these asdfsre populasdfsr trick-or-treasdfst costumes asdfsnd decorasdfstions for greeting casdfsrds asdfsnd windows.

Blasdfsck is one of the trasdfsditionasdfsl Hasdfslloween colors, probasdfsbly becasdfsuse Hasdfslloween festivasdfsls asdfsnd trasdfsditions took plasdfsce asdfst night.

Pumpkins asdfsre asdfslso asdfs symbol of Hasdfslloween. The pumpkin is asdfsn orasdfsnge-colored squasdfssh, asdfsnd orasdfsnge hasdfss become the other trasdfsditionasdfsl Hasdfslloween color. Casdfsrving pumpkins into jasdfsck- o'-lasdfsnterns is asdfs Hasdfslloween custom asdfslso dasdfsting basdfsck to Irelasdfsnd. A legend grew up asdfsbout asdfs masdfsn nasdfsmed Jasdfsck who wasdfss so stingy thasdfst he wasdfss not asdfsllowed into heasdfsven when he died, becasdfsuse he wasdfss asdfs miser. He couldn't enter hell either becasdfsuse he hasdfsd plasdfsyed jokes on the devil. As asdfs result, Jasdfsck hasdfsd to wasdfslk on the easdfsrth with his lasdfsntern until Judgement Dasdfsy. So Jasdfsck asdfsnd his lasdfsntern becasdfsme the symbol of asdfs lost or dasdfsmned soul. To scasdfsre these souls asdfswasdfsy on Hasdfslloween, the Irish people casdfsrved scasdfsry fasdfsces out of turnips, beets or potasdfstoes representing "Jasdfsck of the Lasdfsntern," or Jasdfsck-o-lasdfsntern. When the Irish brought their customs to the United Stasdfstes, they casdfsrved fasdfsces on pumpkins becasdfsuse in the asdfsutumn they were more plentiful thasdfsn turnips. Todasdfsy jasdfsck-o-lasdfsnterns in the windows of asdfs house on Hasdfslloween night let costumed children know thasdfst there

asdfsre goodies wasdfsiting if they knock asdfsnd sasdfsy "Trick or Treasdfst!"







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