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必修五Unit 1 Great Scientists

1.conclude Vt.断定,推断出;结束

搭配:conclude sth. from sth,从...中推断出...

conclude sth. with sth./by doing sth. 以…结束

to conclude/in conclusion 最后,总之(常作插入语)

draw /reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论

come to the conclusion that...所得结论是…

He concluded his speech with/by reading a poem.

What do you conclude from these facts.

The doctor concluded that the patients disease was cancer.

To conclude/in conclusion, I wish you all good health and a long life.


例句:He has been soundly defeated at chess.他在象棋比赛中一败涂地。



win 赢得,获得+比赛/奖品,多指赢得比赛,奖励,胜利,尊重,名声,战争等。

win + a game/ a race/an election/a victory/a champion/ (l sl,2nd .. .)prize/scholarship/a gold medal/sb's trust/love/respect/a battle/a war.


运用:l)Who do you think will the beauty contest?

2)The army was well trained and well armed, and had little difficulty the enemy.

3)He was so nervous that he could feel his heart faster.


attend sth 出席,参加attend class/ school /a wedding/a funeral /a ceremony /a lecture/a party attend (on/upon) sb.看护,照料某人

attend to sb./ sth. 致力于;专心于;处理;照顾

辨析:attend 做参加讲,宾语通常为meeting, lecture, funeral, ceremony, party, school join指加入某组织或团体,成为其中一员,如“参军,入团,入党''等。

join in指参加比赛或活动,

take part in指参加某项集体活动,并在其中起积极作用,可指参加工作,活动等。

She attended him in hospital.她在医院护理他。

Only a few friends attended their wedding.只有几个朋友参加他们的婚礼。

He attended college in 1999.他在1999 年去上大学。

She is attending 叩on the patient.他在侍候病人。

attend to Attend to work and stop talking.专心工作,不要说话。

4.expose使面临,使遭遇(危险,攻击,嘲笑等);暴露;揭露;使曝光,常与介词to 连用,表示“使暴露于(日光、风雨等)

搭配:expose sth/ sb/ oneself to... 使...受至〃接触...

be exposed to招致,暴露于,感染(病)

The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.


The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.婴儿被弃于风雨之中。

The soldiers in the open field are exposed to the enemy's fire.


5.cure. V.治愈疾病,纠正,去除(弊端等);n治愈,治疗方法,对策

搭配:cure 作动词cure sb of sth;作名词a cure for sth

例句:She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit.

Most of the patients can be cured of the disease.

So far, the cure for AIDS has not been found yet.

It is a pity that there is no easy cure for loneliness.


He's now fully recovered from his bad cold.

6.absorb v吸收(液体,声音,光线,知识等),吸引(注意力)

搭配: be absorbed in专心致志于

be absorbed into 被吸入(并入)

absorb ... into 吞并;吸 ....... 至1 .....

absorb one's attention 吸弓I 某人注意

He is absorbed in his business.他专心致志的处理业务。

Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聪明孩子容易吸收知识。

Aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body.阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。

The strong states often absorbed the small states in the past.过去大国兼并小国

7.blame v.责备

搭配:be to blame (for sth.)某人(因为某事)要受到责备

blame sb. for sth.因为某事责备某人

blame sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人

bear /take the blame for sth.承担...的责任

Don't blame it on him, but on me.别怪他,该怪我。

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。

We should take the blame for our failure.我们应该承担失败的责任。

储蓄;把 ... 放在一边put away 储存(钱);放好 put off 延期;推迟 put through 接通电话;完成

put on 穿上,演出,增加put 叩 举起,张贴,公

布,挂起,建造 8. contribute v 捐助,捐献,投稿;对…有贡献,有助于,促使(常和介词to 搭配使用) 搭配:contribute...to...把 ...... 贡献给 .... contribute to...导致 .... ;向 ... 投稿;有助于.... 例句: Most people contributed some money to the poor boy.

A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 扩展: make a contribution /contributions to sth.对… 做贡献 Everyone should contribute three dollars to the Red Cross.每位工人捐了 3 美元给红十字会。

I've been asked to contribute an article to the language magazine. 有人请我给那份语言杂志撰篇稿。

Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health.新鲜空气和锻炼有益与健康。 Does smoking contributed to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?

He made an outstanding contribution to science.他对科学作出 了 卓越的贡献。

9. put forward 提出;推荐;拨快 搭配:put forward a suggestion/plan 提出主意、计划

put oneself /sth forward as 自荐或推荐某人为某职位的候选人 put sth. forward 提前,把时钟往前拨;提出

He often puts forward some useful advice.他常常提出一些有用的建议。 拓展put 的常用词组有: put aside 节省(钱、时间); put down 放下;记下;镇压 put out 熄灭;关掉;扑灭 put up with 忍受;忍耐 put out 熄

灭,扑灭 put into action/effect/practice

实施; 实行 10. apart from 除...之外;此外 用法:a.除了 ....以外(还有)(相

当于besides ):除了 ....以夕卜(没有)(相当于except ) Apart from my parents, I have no one to believe in. (相 当于 except ) Everyone in our class went to the cinema apart from Mary.(相 当于 besides ) b.此外,除掉(相当于except for )

I think you really have an artist gift apart from this defect. 除了这个缺陷外,我觉得你

确实有艺术天赋 辨析: besides/except/except for/apart from

11. make sense 有意义,讲得通

扩展:make no sense 没有道理,没意义 make sense of 理解,明白 in a sense 在某种程度上 in

no sense 绝不 a sense of humor/ duty/ beauty/ responsibility.

There is no sense in doing sth,做... 没道理

the sixth sense 第六感

What you said made no sense.你的话没有道理。

Il makes sense to take care of your health.注意身体健康是明智的。

Can you make sense of this poem?你看得懂这首诗吗?

12.neither...nor... a.就近原则b.倒装

its cause its cure was understood. 人们不但不知道它的病源,也不了解它


13.every/each/next/the first/ last time + 时间状从

the moment/ the minute/ the second/ instantly /directly /immediately+ 时间状从, 就

She went to see him directly she got the letter.

Immediately the meal was over, he switched on the radio.饭一吃完他就把收音机打开。

She came to the scene the moment she heard of the accident.


The last time we talked he said he needed another two days.


搭配:suggest doing sth 建议做某事

suggest one's [sbldoing sth 建议某人做某事

suggest sth to sb


I suggested that she should go home.我建议她回家去。

She suggested that I (should) be the leader.她提议由我来做领导人。


What he said suggested that he was a cheat.他说的话表明他是个骗子。

Are you suggesting that Pm not suited for the job?你的意思是说我不适合做这工作?


搭酉己:be cautious about/with/of with caution

He was cautious when he was riding the bicycle.当他骑自行车的时候;他很小心。

She was cautious of strangers.她对陌生人很警惕。


⑴reject表示拒不接受不适当、不满足或厌恶的东西,语气最强,有时还含有“抛弃;剔除” 等意思。只可接名词,主语只能是人。


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