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英语学习专用资料第1 页共25 页

1. 经济场景


奢侈浪费be extravagant


消费品consumer goods



经济负担economic burden

经济困难economic difficulty

经济资助finance aid

政府税收government revenue




下岗工人laid-off worker


赚钱的lucrative / profitable




贫困的needy / poverty-stricken







2. 健康场景

平衡饮食balanced diet

有害健康的be physically damaging 过于肥胖的bloated



方便食品convenience food



传染病infectious disease


过量摄入excessive intake



绝症incurable disease

垃圾食品junk food


预期寿命life expectancy

减肥lose weight

营养不良malnutrition 近视near-sighted








传统与现代巧妙结合 a clever blend of tradition and modernity

同一的世界文化 a homogenous world culture

归属感 a sense of belonging

土著文化aboriginal culture

吸取精华absorb the quintessence




陈旧观念antiquated idea

艺术价值artistic value


传递be passed down

灿烂光辉的文化brilliant and gorgeous culture

发扬光大carry forward




文化摇篮cradle of culture


文化习惯cultural habit

文化遗产cultural heritage

文化特性cultural identity

文化古迹cultural objects and historic relics

文化、精神和学术生活cultural, spiritual, and intellectual life



知识的传播diffusion of knowledge


民族文化特色ethnic and cultural identity


民间艺术folk art

文化全球一体化globalization of culture

博大精深great and profound


历史文物historic relics



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正流行in vogue

根深蒂固的看法ingrain notion




民族自豪感national pride


不流行了的out of fashion

外来影响outside influence



取其精华去其糟粕reject the dross and assimilate the essence




传统文化教育traditional cultural education

快餐fast food



炸鸡fried chicken

传统饮食traditional cuisines

采取折中的态度take a balanced position


迅猛发展的旅游业booming tourist industry

告别了贫困say good-bye to poverty

发扬民族文化carry forward national culture

提高生活质量enhance the quality of life

迷人的景色fascinating scenery

旅游景点tourist attractions

大量的历史遗迹a wealth of history relics

跨文化交际cross-cultural contacts

增进友谊promote friendship

当地文化的保护the preservation of local culture

负面影响negative effect

和平繁荣的环境a climate of peace and prosperity

展示灿烂的历史文化showcase the brilliant history and culture

增加吸引力enhance its appeal

度假胜地vacation spots

旅游黄金周the golden week for tourism

旅游旺季the peak of the tourist season

游览观光spend one’s time in sightseeing

自助游an independent travel

随团旅游 a group travel

4. 道德场景

自私自利的人an egocentric person 易受社会恶习的侵蚀be prone to social ills 虐待儿童child abuse

家庭暴力domestic violence

有深远的影响have a tremendous impact





松散的纪律lax discipline



正面/负面的影响positive/negative role model 家长的过分宽容parental permissiveness



恰当的指引proper guidance


抵挡住诱惑resist the temptation

危险的行为risky behaviors

单亲家庭single-parent family


密切家庭感情strengthening the family ties

把虚幻当现实take fantasy for reality



5. 心理场景











沮丧的depressed / frustrated






内向的/外向的introverted / extroverted





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诚挚sincerity n.


充耳不闻turn a deaf ear



6. 社会场景



公然侵犯brazen encroachment


消费者协会consumer’s association


视为……权利demand as one’s due



性别歧视sexual discriminations

社会保障制度social security



7. 环保场景

保护环境to protect the environment

丰富的自然资源abundant natural resources

可再生资源renewable resources

石油petroleum;太阳能solar energy; 电力electric power; 水电hydropower; 风能wind energy; 核能nuclear energy;

野生动物wild life; wild animals

濒临灭绝的物种endangered species

用尽to deplete; depletion of; exhaust; use up

滥用地球资源abuse the earth’s resources


危害现存物种endanger existing species

全球变暖global warming

温室效应greenhouse effect

破坏臭氧层to destroy the ozone layer

继续发展to continue to develop;

为了子孙后代for the future generations; for our descendants 19. 为进一步发展for further development


工业废料industrial waste

废液liquid waste;废水water waste;废气exhaust gas 可持续发展sustainable development;

能源危机energy crisis

环境恶化the deterioration of environment

携手make joint efforts 可居住habitable

生态环境破坏destruction of ecological balance

大量砍伐树木cut down large numbers of trees

化工厂chemical plant


排出一大堆废水drain a large amount of waste water

发出强烈的味道give off a strong smell

公共危害public hazard

采取强烈措施adopt several strong measures

一系列的环境保护条例必须制定a series of environment protection rules and regulations need to be laid down

尽快as soon as possible

保护生态环境preserve the ecological environment

控制我们的环境take control over our environment 因……而遭受痛苦be plagued with

产生灾难性的影响exert a disastrous effect on

全球气候global climate

山洪爆发mountain torrents break out

淹没农田flood farmland


混浊不清unclear and impure

深受其害suffer a great deal from

造成巨大损失/灾难bring about a lot of losses / disasters 向政府呼吁appeal to the government

建立一笔基金set up a foundation

保护森林资源protect forest resources

依法严惩punish severely by the law

极其严重的问题extremely serious problem

空气污染air pollution

采取有力措施take strong measure to deal with

缺乏淡水lack of fresh water

做出了重要贡献have made great contribution to

工业的发展the development of industry

造成了许多公害pose a host of public hazards

导致了严重的后果lead to grave consequences

小沙丘sand hills

水土保持water and soil conservation

赶走drive sb. away

与……战斗fight against

任由态势发展let this situation go as it is

遭受破坏suffer a great destruction


天气预报weather forecast

承担take over

追求眼前利益pursue one’s short-term interest

山区mountain areas

生态恶化deterioration of the ecology

酸雨acid rain

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提高人们环境意识raise people’s awareness of the environment

用尽珍贵的资源use up valuable energy resources

保存资源conserve resources

8. 教育场景

学历educational history

教育程度educational background

学制educational system

学年academic year

学期term/ semester



付费学校/私立学校fee-paying school

公立学校public school

普通学校regular school

小学primary/elementary school

中学high/middle school



师范院校normal school


所修的课程courses taken



专业课specialized course

必修课compulsory course

选修课optional course

社会实践social practice

课外活动extracurricular activities

体育活动physical activities

娱乐活动recreational activities

学术活动academic activities

社会活动social activities


优秀团员excellent League member

优秀干部excellent leader

三好学生"Three Goods" student

教师和学生Faculty and Students


副教授associate professor

客座教授guest professor


助教teaching assistant


博士后post doctorate

博士doctor(PhD) 硕士master


研究生graduate student

留学生abroad student


公费生government-supported student







获取进一步教育obtain further education

学习成绩academic record;academic achievements

教育目标educational goals


教育体制educational system

学前教育pre-school education

扩大知识面broaden one’s scope of knowledge

人生观outlook on life

体验新文化experience a new culture

优缺点strengths and weakness

高素质、有经验的老师highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs


脱颖而出stand out from the crowd

核心能力core competencies

独立思考think independently

与人交往integrate with other people

人际交往能力interpersonal skill

国际声誉world-class reputation

发挥学习潜能reach his or her full learning potential

素质教育education for all-round development

知识产权intellectual property fights

失学儿童dropout student

扫盲eliminate illiteracy

人才外流brain drain

复合型人才inter-disciplinary talent

教书育人impart knowledge and educate people

精神文明建设promote cultural and ideological progress 因材施教teach students according to their aptitude

义务教育compulsory education

知识经济knowledge-based economy

丰富生活enrich our life

接触各种思想be exposed to new ideas/experience

对人生(个性)产生影响have/exert a profound influence on life/personality;

开阔眼界broaden one’s outlook; expand one’s mental

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充分发挥能力give full play to one’s ability

保护知识产权protect intellectual property

文化素质cultural qualities

推动give a push to

促进进步promote progress

改进教和学improve teaching and learning

培养train, cultivate

就业机会opportunities for employment


希望工程Hope Project

青年志愿者Young Volunteers


9. 网络场景

互联网the Internet

对……着迷,为……所困扰be obsessed with

网恋cyber romance

网友cyber friend



对……表现出极大的兴趣to display much interest in

引起人们的兴趣和注意to arouse people’s interest and concern

找出……的原因to trace the reason for...

由于thanks to (好的方面)due to(不好的方面)

高度的压力high pressure

被剥夺to be deprived of

在现实生活中in real life

虚幻的世界unreal world

尝试新事物to try new things

形成正确态度develop a correct attitude

正确利用to make proper use of

成为……的牺牲品to fall victim to

网上经营web business

网上文化online culture

大众传播媒介mass media

网上购物on-line shopping

发电子邮件forward an e-mail

网络经济Cyber Economy

网上冲浪surf the net

技术进步technological advancement

跟得上变化keep up with the change

信息安全information security

盲目追逐时尚follow some fashion blindly

形成不良活习气be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle

信息网络information network

影响人们行为举止influence the way that people behave 视觉娱乐节目visual entertainment


科技的发展advance in science and technology

10. 青年场景

青少年犯罪率adolescent crime rate

持续上升keep on a rise

违反法律break the law

引起警惕和关注cause alarm and attention

在大街上抢劫同龄人rob their peers on the street

社会和经济背景social and economic backgrounds

青少年罪犯young offenders

保持在最低点remain at a minimum

预测后果predict the consequences

尽可能接受更多的教育receive as much education as possible

使他们免受暴力的影响protect them from the influence of violence

将不良影响减小到最低点reduce the bad influence to a minimum

避免不良后果avoid harsh consequences

青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency

拜金主义money worship

剥夺机会deprive oneself of the chance/right

应该接受法律教育should be supposed to get a law education


11. 体育场景

前锋forward / striker


足球场soccer field

点球点penalty mark

球门线goal line

禁区penalty area

小禁区goal area







十米跳台10m platform event

三米跳板3m springboard event

花样游泳Synchronized swimming



110米栏110 m hurdles

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跳高high jump

撑杆跳高pole vault

跳远long jump

三级跳远triple jump



男子单打men's singles

曲棍球Hockey / Field Hockey

乒乓球Table Tennis


排球V olleyball



自由体操Floor Exercises

鞍马Pommel Horse



双杠Parallel Bars

单杠Horizontal Bar

高低杠Uneven Bars

平衡木Balance Beam

艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics

蹦床Gymnastics Trampoline





12. 热点场景(按字母顺序排列)

AA制Dutch treatment; go Dutch

爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.

爱心工程Loving Care Project

矮子里拔将军choose a general from among the dwarfs –pick the best out of a mediocre bunch

安全第一,预防为主Safety first, precaution crucial.

安全专项整治carry out more special programs to address safety problems

暗箱操作black case work

按资排辈to assign priority according to seniority

有计划按比例发展planned, proportionate development; develop proportionately; develop in a planned, proportionate way

安居工程Comfortable Housing Project

按劳分配distribution according to one's performance

奥林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

奥委会Olympic Committee

奥运火炬护跑手escort runner

B超type-B ultrasonic 把关guard a pass; check on; maintain a strict standard

拔尖人才tip-top (or top-notch) talent


把握大局grasp the overall situation

八字没一撇Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight; Nothing tangible is yet in sight.


拜金主义money worship

白领犯罪white-collar crime

白领工人white-collar worker

百年老店century-old shop

白色污染white pollution

摆脱贫困shake off poverty; lift oneself from poverty

百闻不如一见Seeing is believing.

百般拖延do everything to postpone

摆架子put on airs

白马王子Prince Charming

摆谱儿put on airs; show off; keep up appearances

白色农业"white agriculture (also called "white engineering agriculture"; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)"

白手起家starting from scratch

办公自动化OA (Office Automation)


半拉子工程uncompleted project

班门弄斧teach one's grandma to suck eggs

版权所有copyright reserved; copyrighted

帮倒忙trying to help but causing more trouble in the process; kiss of death

傍大款(of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybag

保持国民经济发展的良好势头maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy

保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility

暴发户new rich; upstart (persons or households who suddenly became rich through unscrupulous means or unexpected opportunities)

曝光make public; expose

保护生态环境preserve the ecological environment

保护消费者合法权益protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers


保健食品health-care food

报界the press

爆冷门produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up

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暴力片splatter film


报喜不报忧report only the good but not the bad

包修、包换、包赔制度system of thee guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products

保障措施supporting measures

保质期,保修期shelf (storage) life; guarantee period

保持共产党员先进性keep CPC members progressive, innovative and forward-thinking

保持资本金充足secure capital funds

暴利excessive profit; windfall profit

保留为自然耕地reserve as natural farmland

保险索赔insurance claim

保障民众和社会免受安全威胁protect the citizens and societies against security threats

保证决策的科学化和民主化ensure the decision-making more scientific and democratic

包装食品packaged foods

八荣八耻Eight Honors & Eight Disgraces (坚持以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻,以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻,以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻,以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻,以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻。Love, do not harm the motherland. Serve, don't disserve the people. Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened. Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work. Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others. Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values. Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless. Know plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.)

霸王条款inequality / imparity clause

被动吸烟passive smoking; second-hand smoking

背黑锅become a scapegoat

被指控接受贿赂be accused of accepting bribes

本命年one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches

笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.


奔小康strive for a relatively comfortable life

本本主义bookishness; book worship

蹦迪disco dancing

蹦极bungee, bungee jumping

必胜be bound to win

闭关政策closed-door policy

闭卷closed-book exam 闭门羹given a cold shoulder

比上不足,比下有余"worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst" 逼上梁山be driven to do something

避嫌avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion

毕业设计graduation design

毕业生分配制度assignment system for graduates

便当brown bag

便民服务service for the convenience of the customers

便携式电脑portable computer; laptop; notebook computer

边远地区remote and border areas

边远贫困地区outlying poverty-stricken areas

变废为宝make waste profitable

标准普通话standard mandarin

标本兼治address both the symptoms and root cause

兵马俑terra-cotta figures; soldier and horse figures

秉公办案handle cases impartially

秉公执法enforce laws impartially

博导Ph.D. supervisor; doctoral advisor


博彩(业)lottery industry

剥夺冠军strip the gold medal of somebody


博士生Ph.D candidate

B to B (B2B) business to business

B to

C (B2C) business to consumer

不打不成交"No discord, no concord. "

布达拉宫the Potala Palace

不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.

不感冒have no interest

不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程”refrain from building “vanity projects”that waste both money and manpower 不怀恶意的谎言white lie

不可抗力force majeure

不可推卸的责任compelling obligation

不可再生资源non-renewable resources

不买账not take it; not go for it

不拿原则换人情refrain from seeking personal favor at the expense of principle

不惹是非Stay out of trouble.; Let sleeping dogs lie.

不惜一切代价spare no effort; go all out; do one's best

步行街pedestrian street

步行天桥pedestrian overpass

不以物喜,不以己悲not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses

不遗余力spare no effort; go all out; do one's best

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不正当竞争unfair competition

不正之风bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency

擦边球"edge ball, touch ball"

裁减冗员cut down on overstaffing ; lay off redundant staff

菜鸟,新手green hand

彩票lottery ticket

采取措施后ex post

采取措施前ex ante

采取高姿态show high-profile; exercise forbearance; be tolerant

才子佳人gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

财政支持financial support

参拜靖国神社visit to the Yasukuni war shrine

残疾人特奥会The Special Olympic Games for the disabled


掺水文凭diploma obtained by using unfair or unlawful means

餐饮业catering industry

参与意识desire to participate; sense of participation

仓储式超市stockroom-style supermarket

参照国际通行做法follow standard international practices 草药herbal medicine

操作系统operating system


查封close down

茶艺tea ceremony

拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul

掺杂兑假mix in fake or inferior components

长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强As in the Yangtze River, the waves behind ride on the ones before: The new generation excels the old.

长跑 a long-distance running

唱双簧play a duet –collaborate; echo each other

长途电话long-distance calls

倡议书initial written proposal

长治久安 a long period of stability; prolonged political stability; lasting political


炒金热stock-market fever


超前教育superior education

超前精神 a surpassing spirit

超前消费pre-mature consumption; over consume; excessive consumption

超前意识superior consciousness

超生游击队(sarcastic) people who give more births than birth quota allows


炒作speculation (stock); sensationalization (news)

扯后腿hold (or pull) somebody back; be a drag on somebody

扯皮shirk; pass the buck

撤销职务annul one's position; dismiss ... from; be stripped of; remove... from

晨练morning exercise

趁热打铁make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot

成活率survival rate

成吉思汗Genghis Khan

惩前毖后,治病救人learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, and to cure the sickness to save the patient

城市规划city's landscaping plan; urban planning

城市基础设施建设the city's infrastructure construction

城市建设urban construction


城市垃圾city refuse

城市绿地urban open space; urban green land

城市绿化urban landscaping

城市美容师urban environmental worker

成事在天,谋事在人The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven; Man proposes, God disposes

成为国际共识become a consensus of the international community

城乡低收入居民low-income residents in both town and country

城乡特殊困难群众urban and rural residents with special difficulties

成名歌曲break-out song, break-out single

诚信企业high-integrity enterprise; enterprise of integrity 吃饱穿暖eat their fill and dress warmly; have enough to eat and wear; have adequate food and clothing

吃皇粮receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government

吃老本live on one's own fat; bask in one's past glory; rest on one's laurels, eat on one's own principals, live off one's past gains or achievements


赤贫人口people living in absolute poverty; destitute population

吃闲饭stay idle

吃香be very popular; be most welcome; be in great demand

吃小亏占大便宜lose a little but gain much; take small losses for the sake of big gains

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持续、稳定、协调发展sustained, stable and coordinated development

吃大锅饭"egalitarian practice of ""everybody eating from the same big "pot"

充分调动积极性和创造性give full play to the initiative and creativity

宠物医院pet clinic

崇洋媚外worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries

抽奖lucky draw

抽样调查sample survey

出风头show off;in the limelight

出国热craze for going abroad

出家pravrajana; cloister

出境签证exit visa

出境游outbound tourism; outbound travel

出难题偏题raise out-of-the-way and catchy questions

出台unveil fresh policy


传统产业conventional industries

传销pyramid-selling; multi-level marketing

穿小鞋make it hot for; make trouble for

创利generate profit

创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit


创意new idea or concept

创新型国家innovation-oriented country

出境游客outbound tourist

纯净水purified water

处世之道philosophy of life

此地无银三百两A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.

从零开始start from scratch

从群众中来,到群众中去from the masses, to the masses 从众心理group psychology

从众行为the behavior of blindly conforming to the norm 粗放经营extensive management

促进经济发展和社会全面进步promote economic development and social progress in an all-around way

促销promote sales; promotion

促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy

促进文化市场健康发展facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products

村民委员会villagers committee

大而全large and comprehensive; large and all-inclusive

打工do work for others

大锅饭egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same big pot

大环境the social, political and economic environment; the overall situation

打击非法投机活动strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation

打假crack down on fake products

打假办Office of Cracking down on Fake Products

打开天窗说亮话put all cards on the table; speak frankly; let's not mince matters

大开眼界open one's eyes; broaden one's horizons; be an eye-opener


打破僵局break the deadlock

打破垄断breakup of monopoly

大气候state policies and principles; overall atmosphere

大人物great man; big potato; very important person (VIP) 大事化小,小事化了try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

大腕top notch, big shot

大学生创业university students' innovative undertaking

大众传媒mass media (of communications)

大专生junior college student

大专文凭associate degree

大做文章make a big fuss about something

达成共识reach a consensus

待岗"await job assignment, post-waiting"

代沟generation gap

带薪假期paid holiday

贷学金(助学贷款)student loan


待业人员job-waiting people

贷款利率lending rate

单身贵族the single

单亲家庭single-parent family

淡水恶化freshwater degradation

当作耳旁风turn a deaf ear to something

盗版VCD pirated VCD


大排量车high-emission car

德才兼备have both political integrity and ability; people who possess both political integrity and professional ability 德高望重be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige

德智体美劳"all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education "

第二课堂the second classroom; practical training besides lecturing in the classroom

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第二学位second Bachelor's degree

地方保护主义regional protectionism

低谷all-time low; at a low ebb

抵抗全球经济衰退combat the global economic slump

第六感觉the sixth sense

地球村global village

地区差异regional disparity

第三产业tertiary industry; service sector

地下出版物underground publications

第一生产力primary productive force

第一手材料material at first hand; first-hand material

地震earthquake, quake

电脑病毒computer virus

电脑犯罪computer crime


电脑聊天cyber chat

电脑迷mouse potato

点球penalty kick

电视迷couch potato

电视直销TV home shopping

电子报刊electronic press

电子宠物electronic pet

电子出版electronic publishing

电子词典electronic dictionary

点子公司consulting company

电子公告牌Bulletin Board System (BBS)

电子货币electronic currency; electronic money

电子商务electronic commerce; e-business; e-commerce 电子银行electronic bank


点击量page view


调动一切积极因素mobilize all positive factors

跌眼镜have people drop glasses (make unexpected mistakes so as to shock people with wonder and have them drop their glasses)

丁克一族DINKS (Double Income No Kids)

顶梁柱backbone; main support

钉子户Nail household

底线bottom line

东道国host country

豆腐渣工程jerry-built project


独苗the only son or daughter; the only child

独生子女the only child in one's family

端午节the Dragon Boat Festival

短信short messages; text messages

断章取义quote one's words out of context 短期工作实习internship

对……毫无顾忌make no bones about ...

对话和合作dialogue and co-operation

对内搞活,对外开放revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world

对牛弹琴play the harp( (lute) to a cow; cast pearls before a swine

对外经济技术交流economic and technological exchanges with the outside world

兑现承诺make good on the promise

夺冠take the crown

多劳多得more pay for more work

多媒体短信服务MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) 多元社会pluralistic society

多元文化社会multi-cultural society

多种经济成分diverse sectors of the economy

厄尔尼诺现象El Nino phenomenon


恶性循环vicious circle

鳄鱼的眼泪crocodile tears

恶作剧mischief; leg-pull


二次污染secondary pollution

儿童不宜片X-rated movie; R-rated film (violence and adult content)


法律硕士Master of Law

发散思维divergent thinking

发展不平衡disparate development

发展是硬道理Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.

法制观念和公民意识legal awareness and understanding of the obligations of the citizens

法治国家a country under the rule of law

法制国家a state with an adequate legal system

法制化管理law-based control

发挥自身优势give full play to one’s advantages

方便食品instant food; convenience food

防洪工程flood-prevention project; flood control project 防护林shelter forest belt; shelter forest

防护林带shelter belts


防沙治沙prevent and control the spreading desert

放射性污染radioactive contamination

访谈interview and discuss

防伪标志anti-fake label

放下架子get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs

放心店trustworthy shop

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放心肉quality-assured meat

防汛抗旱flood control and drought relief

放眼全球expand one's horizons to include the whole world

房地产市场real estate market

防范和化解金融风险take precautions against and reduce financial risks

发展和管理网络文化to develop and manage Internet culture

发展模式mode of growth

法制环境legal environment

废电池used batteries

非再生资源non-renewable resources


废物综合利用comprehensive utilization of waste materials

废止妨碍市场公平竞争和排斥外地产品和服务的各种规定eliminate all such regulations obstructing fair market competition and external goods and services

分期付款installment payment

分歧和矛盾differences and contradictions

分数线grade cut-off point; minimum passing score; borderline

风险防范机制 a risk prevention mechanism

风险投资venture capital; risk investment

风险意识risk awareness


复读生return students--students reattending classes after failing the college entrance examination

复合型人才interdisciplinary talent

福利彩票welfare lottery

富民政策policy to enrich people

扶贫poverty alleviation

扶贫办公室Poverty Relief Office

扶贫攻坚计划poverty-relief program

扶贫基金relief subsidies

服务行业catering industry

腐败官员corrupt officials

福娃Fuwa (Five Friendlies)

服务型政府service-oriented government

改革开放reform and opening-up; reform and opening to the outside world

改革开放和社会主义现代化建设reform and opening and in the modernization drive

改革试点pilot reform; reform experimentation; pilot restructuring enterprise

改革开放和现代化建设的全过程the entire process of reform, opening-up and modernization 尴尬,困境,糟糕pretty pass

赶时髦follow the fashion; want to be in the swim of things

港人治港Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong

高材生top student

高等教育“211工程”the “211”Project for higher education

高分低能high scores and low abilities

高考college (or university) entrance examination


高校扩招计划college expansion plan

高考移民NCEE migrant

高致病性禽流感highly pathogenic bird flu

个案individual case (involving special circumstances)

各行各业every walk of life

各尽所能let each person do his best; from each according to his ability

个人成就感sense of personal achievement

个人银行卡账户personal bank card account

各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜hoe one's own potatoes

跟着感觉走go with the flow; follow one's heart; do what one thinks is right

根除腐败root out corruption; eliminate corruption

更加注重搞好宏观调控,更加注重统筹兼顾,更加注重以人为本pay more attention to exercising macro-control, balancing the interests of all parties, putting people first.

更快、更高、更强(奥运精神)Citius, Altius, Fortius ( Faster, Higher, Stronger--Olympic Spirit )

个人隐私individual privacy

功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits.

功夫片kungfu film

公共卫生设施public health infrastructure

公关public relations

公款吃喝recreational activities using public funds

公平合理fairness and justifiableness

共同富裕common prosperity

共同利益common interests

公务员civil servant

工薪阶层salaried person/group

公益广告public-interest ad

公益活动public benefit activities

公益性文化事业non-profit cultural undertakings

公正、公平、公开just, fair and open


公平竞争fair competition

公务员考试civil service exam

狗仔队"dog packs; paparazzo (singular), paparazzi(plural)

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观望态度wait-and-see attitude

关系网connection network; relationship network

光碟,光盘compact disk; CD

广而告之publicize widely



光谷optical valley

广开就业门路create more employment opportunities

管理办法measures for administration

管理规定provisions on administration

管理条例regulations on administration

刮痧Holographic Meridian Scraping Therapy (Guasha)

规范民办教育standardize non-government funded schools

归国留学生returned students

滚雪球snowball -- (of a plan, problem, etc.) to grow bigger on an increasing rate


过度开垦excess land reclamation


国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 国际惯例international common practice

国计民生the national economy and the people's livelihood 国际社会the international community

国脚player of the national football team; footballer of the national team

过劳死karoshi; death from overwork

国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)

国内生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)

国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace 过硬have a perfect mastery of

过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

国民素质the populace's cultivation

国情national conditions

过期食品expired food, out-of-date food

海市蜃楼,镜花水月,无稽之谈 a mare’s nest

好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster

好了伤疤忘了疼once on shore, one prays no more

好事不出门,恶事传千里"Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. "

贺岁片New Year's Film

核心家庭nuclear family

核心竞争力core competitiveness

合乎国情,顺乎民意to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 黑车black taxi

黑店gangster inn


黑哨black whistle

黑心棉shoddy cotton

和谐社会harmonious society

红包convert payment; (neutral)red paper containing money as a gift, (derogative) bribe, kickback

弘扬和培育民族精神Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit


互惠互利reciprocity and mutual benefit

环境保护protect the environment

画饼充饥feed on illusions

环保电池environment-friendly battery;

环境绿化environmental greening

环境污染environmental pollution

环境效益environmental benefits

环保型汽车environment-friendly car; eco-friendly car

环保专项治理special projects to address serious environmental problems

黄金时段prime time

回扣sales commission; rebates; kickback

灰色经济grey economy

灰色收入gray income

回头是岸Repentance is salvation; It is never too late to mend.

毁人不倦be tireless in leading young people astray

活到老,学到老One is never too old to learn.

基本国策basic state policy; basic national policy

基本国情fundamental realities of the country

基层工作grass-roots work

基层文化建设primary-level cultural undertakings

基层组织organizations at the grass-roots level, primary-level organization

既成事实fait accompli (noun)

基础产业basic industry

基础教育basic education

基础设施建设infrastructure construction

计划经济planned economy

计划生育责任制responsibility system of family planning 机会成本opportunity cost

激励约束制度 a system of incentives and disincentives

激烈竞争cut-throat competition

急人民所急,忧人民所忧making the desires and worries of the people one's own

积少成多many a little makes a mickle

技术创新technological innovation

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计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction (CAI)

计算机辅助学习computer-aided learning (CAL)

既往不咎,忘掉旧嫌let bygones be bygones

继往开来continue with the past and open up the future

假冒伪劣产品counterfeit and shoddy products

加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion

家庭经济困难的学生needy student

家用电器household electrical appliance; home appliance 家长制作风patriarchal style

加大污染治理力度strengthen pollution control

加快努力speed up efforts

见不得人的勾当under-the-table deal

坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.

建设社会主义的物质文明和精神文明build a socialist civilization that is advanced culturally and ideologically, as well as materially; promote socialist material progress and socialist culture and ideology

建设有中国特色的社会主义build a socialist country under the rule of law build socialism with Chinese characteristics

减员增效downsize staffs and improve efficiency

坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明,毫无动摇enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth

讲诚信,反欺诈: honor credibility and oppose cheating

僵化思想ossified thinking

讲排场,摆阔气waste and extravagance

讲求实效stress practical results; strive for practical results

讲义气be loyal to friends; remain faithful to friends

建立更加安全、更加尊重多样性和更加团结的世界work for a safer, more diverse and united world

脚踩两只船sit on the fence

教工teachers and staff

教书育人impart knowledge and educate people

脚踏实地be down-to-earth

教务处dean's office

教学法pedagogy; teaching method

教育乱收费unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions

教育质量quality of education

叫座 a box-office success; draw a large audience

家庭暴力domestic violence

假文凭fake diplomas 假帐accounting fraud

解放生产力emancipate the productive forces

解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times

解铃还须系铃人It is better for the doer to undo what he has done; Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off; Whoever started the trouble should end it.

节能save energy; energy-saving

节食on a diet

节能灯efficient light bulb

节能降耗减排to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge

节能型轿车energy-efficient cars


金领工人gold-collar worker

金融货币危机financial and monetary crisis

金融中心financial center

近水楼台先得月"First come, first served; A water-front pavilion gets the moonlight first - the advantage of being in a favored position."

金无足赤,人无完人Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

经济的持续、快速、健康发展sustained, rapid and sound development of the economy

经济的社会化、市场化、现代化socialization, marketization and modernization of the economy

经济繁荣economic boom

竞技体育competitive sports

经济萧条economic depression; economic slump; business depression

敬老院home for the aged; seniors' home

精神食粮nourishment for the mind; intellectual food

精神文明建设promote cultural and ideological progress; develop socialist culture and ethics

敬业精神professional dedication; professional ethics

酒肉朋友fair-weather friend

就业机会job opening; job opportunity

就业压力employment pressure

救援人员rescue workers

救灾扶贫provide disaster relief and help the poor

鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已bend one's back to the task until one's dying day; give one's all till one's heart stops beating

军训military training(intended for high school and college students)

君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

均衡、普惠、共赢balanced development, shared benefits and win-win progress

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开源节流increase income and reduce expenditure

抗击非典斗争anti-SARS campaign

抗日战争War of Resistance Against Japan

卡奴card slave

考研take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools

考研热the craze for graduate school

可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development

科技扶贫support poor areas using technology

科技是第一生产力Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.


科教兴国rejuvenate our country through science and education

科普dissemination of science

科普活动activity to popularize scientific knowledge

可行性研究feasibility study

可再生资源regenerative resources

科教兴国战略strategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education

克隆人human cloning

恪守职业道德observe professional ethics

科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development


恐怖片horror film

恐怖事件terrorist incident

空气污染air pollution

空气污染物air pollutants

空中小姐air hostess; air stewardess

口碑word of mouth (Word of mouth is one of the best ways of getting business.)

跨国公司transnational corporation

跨世纪cross-century; trans-century

跨世纪的一代 a generation of people who span the two centuries

跨世纪工程a trans-century project

快餐fast food; MRE (meals ready to eat)

快递express delivery

快乐男声(比赛)Happy Boy

跨越式发展great-leap-forward development

拉关系try to curry favor with

垃圾邮件junk email; spam

垃圾综合处理integrated garbage treatment

拉锯战seesaw battle

垃圾分类收集separate waste collection

蓝筹股blue chips

滥发文凭issue diplomas recklessly

滥用职权abuse one's power; misuse one's authority “老大难”问题long-standing problem; big and difficult problem; lasting, complex and hard-to-solve problem

老生常谈,陈词滥调cut and dried, cliché

老一套old practice; the same old stuff; the same old story; the beaten track

老字号an old and famous shop or enterprise; time-honored brand


乐透lotto (一种彩票游戏)

理财arrange the finance; money management


离经叛道rebel against the orthodoxy

理论与实际相结合integrade theory with practice

礼尚往来courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity

历史遗产historical heritage; legacy of history

历史遗留下来的问题problem left over by history; an issue rooted in history

力所能及within one's power; to the bees of one's ability( capacity)

立体思考three-dimensional thinking

礼仪小姐ritual girl / guiding girl

立于不败之地be in an invincible position; remain invincible

廉洁奉公,以正治国(of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness 连锁店chain store

连锁反应chain effect; domino effect

联网on-line; be networked

廉政建设build a clean and honest government; strive for a clean government

廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government

两岸直航cross-Straits direct transportation link

两个文明一起抓place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress

良性循环virtuous circle

两者不可兼得You cannot eat your cake and have it.

食品安全food safety

劣等品shoddy goods; substandard goods; lemon (informal)

猎头公司head-hunting company

临时工temporary worker

另类 a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend

另类音乐,非正统音乐alternative music


临时抱佛脚make hasty, last-minute efforts

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留得青山在,不怕没柴烧"Where there is life, there is hope."

流通领域circulation domain

留校work at one's Alma Master after graduation


流行事物the in-thing

流行文化pop culture

流行字眼vogue word; in-word; often-heard word

溜须拍马fawn on; apple polish

留学咨询consulting on the study abroad

流氓软件,恶意软件malicious software, malware

流媒体streaming media

流行偶像pop idol

龙的传人descendants of the dragon –the Chinese people

露马脚give oneself away; reveal oneself; let the cat out of the bag; show the cloven hoof

录取通知书acceptance letter

论文答辩(thesis) oral defense

《论语》Analects of Confucius

录取分数线entry score

绿地覆盖率forest coverage rate


绿化运动afforestation drive

绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People's Olympics

履行义务fulfill obligations

旅游黄金周golden week for tourism

马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. ) "

茅塞顿开be suddenly enlightened

每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away./ It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.

没有规矩不成方圆Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.

门户开放政策open-door policy


蜜罐honey jar

蜜月旅行honeymoon trip

民办教育non-government funded education

民工潮farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities

民间艺人folk artisan

民意测验opinion poll; opinion survey

民以食为天people regard food as their prime want; food the first necessity of man 民族国家nation state

民族凝聚力national cohesion

民族意识national consciousness


明码标价制度system that commodity prices must be marked

明明白白消费(2000年保护消费者权益工作主题)transparent consumption

名片business card

名人效应celebrity charm

民间文化遗产folk cultural heritage

模仿秀imitation show

抹黑stain somebody's name; bring shame on

莫失良机;趁热打铁make hay while the sun shines

末位淘汰(under the new personnel system) the person graded last in the performance evaluation will be laid off from his position

摸着石头过河test each step before taking it; advance cautiously

谋事在人,成事在天"The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. / Man proposes, God disposes. "

目标管理management by objectives; quota management 幕后操纵pull strings behind the scenes; wire-pulling

睦邻友好关系(合作) good-neighborly and friendly relations (cooperation)

穆斯林Muslim; Moslem

目无法纪defy the law ( or standards of discipline)

难得糊涂"Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise." 囊括complete a sweep

闹情绪be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique

能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man. 逆反心理negative mentality

泥石流mud-rock flow

年夜饭family reunion dinner

凝聚力cohesive force

弄潮儿wave rider; current leader

弄巧成拙be too smart by half; cunning outwits itself.

诺亚方舟Noah’s Ark

欧盟European Union

欧佩克Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)




拍档collaborator; partner


潘多拉魔盒Pandora's box

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泡吧kill time in a bar(Internet or wine)

跑龙套"utility man, play a bit role, general handyman"

泡沫经济bubble economy

抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale 跑步机treadmill

配套措施supporting measures


皮包公司bogus company

批发市场wholesale market

霹雳舞break dancing

片酬remuneration for a movie actor or actress

偏科favor one or some courses(in school) and neglect anther or others

片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level

票贩子scalper; ticket tout

票房box office

贫富悬殊wide gap between the rich and the poor

贫困线poverty line

品牌效应brand effect

品德教育moral education

平等互利原则principle of equality and mutual benefit

平等协商consultation on the basis of equality; consultation on an equal footing

瓶颈制约"bottleneck" restrictions


乒乓外交ping-pong diplomacy

平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚"never burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha's feet when in distress"

平面广告print ad (The designer's specialty is creating breathtaking print ads.)

破釜沉舟cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end

破格break old conventions( in selecting or appointing talented people)

泼冷水pour cold water on the enthusiasm of;dampen the spirit of;throw a wet blanket over

普及率popularity rate

普通高等教育regular higher education

普通高校regular institutions of higher learning

普及九年制义务教育make nine-year compulsory education universal

起跑线starting line( for a race)

汽车排放标准automobile emissions standards

启发式教学heuristic education

“妻管严”hen-pecked 器官移植organ transplant

旗袍cheong-sam; Chi-pao


欺上瞒下conceal from higher authority and deceive lower authority

期望值level of expectation

企业文化corporate culture

企业形象corporate image(CI)/ enterprise image

旗帜鲜明clear-cut stand

千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step 前怕狼,后怕虎fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something

前人栽树,后人乘凉One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests./ One sows and another reaps.

前事不忘,后事之师Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.


欠发达地区less developed areas

抢跑"false start, beat the gun"

强强联手win-win co-operation

枪手 1. gun shooter; 2. ghostwriter

抢得先机head start (With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top.)

潜规则default rule (Since most sculptures on public land do not allow body contact, so to speak, you can assume the default rule is "No". )

巧妇难为无米之炊If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

切入点point of penetration; breakthrough point

切身利益vital interests

勤工俭学part-work and part-study system; work-study program; work for study

禽流感bird flu

侵权责任tort liability

侵吞公款embezzle public funds/ embezzlement of public funds

勤政廉政建设keep government functionaries honest and industrious

青春饭professions for young persons only

倾国倾城Drop-dead gorgeous


清明节Pure Bright Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day

青年才俊boy wonder

情商emotion quotient (EQ)

青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency

情有独钟show special preference (favor) to …

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情侣装his-and -hers clothes

请勿乱丢杂物no littering

清正廉明be honest and clean

企事业单位enterprise and public institution

求大同,存小异seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones

求实精神matter-of -fact attitude

求同存异seek common ground while putting aside differences

去伪存真get rid of the fake and retain the genuine

取信于民attain the people's trust

全国人大代表deputy to the National People's Congress

全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC)

全力以赴all-out efforts

全面建设小康社会build a well-off society in an all-round way

全面开花(figurative)open up or develop all of the various aspects

全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice

全民健身运动extensive mass fitness programs

全能冠军all-around winner

全球变暖global warming

全国青少年网络文明公约National Internet Civilization Convention for Teenagers

权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋The government must function by the mandate of the people, empathize with the feelings of the people, and work for the well-being of the people.

全心全意为人民服务serve the people wholeheartedly

裙带关系networking through petticoat influence

群言堂allow everybody to air his view; let everyone have his say; speak one's mind freely

群众路线mass line

群众体育amateur sports

“让权力在阳光下运行”power must be exercised in the sunshine

扰乱治安disturb public order

人口年龄金字塔population pyramid

热门话题hot issue; hot topic

热身warm up (prior to physical exercise or a sport competition)

热污染thermal pollution

人才储备reserve of talents

人才交流talents exchange

人才库talent bank; a unit or locale with a concentration of talented people; brain bank 人才流动the mobility of talents

人才流失brain drain

人才强国战略the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development

人才市场the personnel market

人才战competition for talented people

热带雨林tropical rain forest

人逢喜事精神爽Joy puts heart into a man.


人工降雨artificial rain

人工智能artificial intelligence(AI)

人际交往human communication

人均资源量the per-capita quantity of the resources

人口老龄化an aging population

人口密度population density


人口素质quality of population

人力资源human resources; manpower resources


人情债debt of gratitude

人身攻击personal attack

人性化管理human-based management

任意球free kick

人之初,性本善Man's nature at birth is good.

人性化服务people-oriented service

人与自然和谐相处harmonious co-existence between man and nature

热身赛exhibition game, pre-season game

荣誉称号title of honor

入境问俗,入乡随俗When in Rome do as the Romans do. 软肋soft spot; Achilles'heel

弱肉强食法则law of the jungle

弱势群体disadvantaged groups

塞翁失马,焉知非福Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

三废(废气、废水、废渣)“three wastes”(waste gas, waste water and waste residues)

三分钟热度brief period of enthusiasm

三个代表three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)

《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

三好学生merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)

三十而立"A man should be independent at the age of

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thirty. / At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself." 三峡工程Three Gorges Project

三字经three-character scripture


散伙饭goodbye dinner

三天打鱼,两天晒网work by fits and starts

扫盲eliminate illiteracy

骚扰电话crank call

森林覆盖率forest coverage; percentage of forest cover

沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm


刹住大吃大喝、公费旅游、铺张浪费的奢侈之风put a stop to extravagance and waste (wining and dining of official guests,touring the country at public expenses)

煞住歪风put an end to the unhealthy practice

山不在高,有仙则名"No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; "


煽情arouse one's enthusiasm or fervor

上班时间office hour

商标冒用trade mark infringement

上岗go to one's post; go on duty

上门服务door-to-door service


商品步行街shopping mall

商品房commercial residential building


商品交易commodity transaction

商品经济commodity economy

上市公司listed companies

上网to get on the Internet, surf the net

上新台阶reach a new level; reach a higher stage of development

商业炒作commercial speculation

商业道德business ethics

商业街commercial street; business district

少数民族地区regions inhabited by ethnic groups

社会福利彩票social welfare lotteries

社会公众利益interests of the general public


社会热点问题hot spots of society

社会事业social undertakings

社会效益social effect /results /benefit

社会舆论public opinion

社会主义价值观socialist value outlook

社会主义精神文明建设socialist ideological and ethical progress

社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 社交social intercourse

舍近求远reject what is near at hand and seek what is far away

社区服务community services

热线电话telephone hotline

社会公平social equity

申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games

深层文化deep culture

深化改革deepen the reform

审时度势size up the situation

身体素质physique; physical constitution

神童child prodigy

身外之物worldly possessions

生活津贴living allowance or subsistence allowance

生计问题bread-and-butter issue


生态效益ecological benefit

生态系统ecological system(ecosystem)

生物工程biological engineering


生物钟biological clock; living clock; biochronometer


生效come into force; take effect

升学率enrolment rate

审美疲劳aesthetic fatigue

神舟飞船the Shenzhou spaceship

时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.

市场饱和market saturation; saturated market

市场导向的就业机制market-oriented employment mechanisms

市场供求关系relation between market supply and demand


时代的必然要求inevitable demand of the times

时代感sense of the times

实干be steadfast and earnest in one's work; get right on the job

实话实说speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is

实践是检验真理的唯一标准Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

世界观、人生观、价值观world outlook; outlook on life; values

失恋be disappointed in love; be jilted

适龄儿童入学率enrolment rate for children of school age 石漠化stony desertification

食品加工food processing

食品卫生法Food Hygiene Law of People's Republic of

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世上无难事,只要肯攀登"Where there is a will, there is a way. "

实事求是seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts

世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;

失物招领处lost- and- found offices

实现零的突破"fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough"

实现小康目标to achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life

实现中华民族伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promotion of family planning to control the

Population size and improve the health of the people


适者生存survival of the fittest

使中国经济与国际接轨To bring China’s economy more in line with international practice

师资qualified teachers

市场导向market orientation

市场定位market positioning

试婚trial marriage

世界田径锦标赛World Athletics Championships

实事求是的态度down-to-earth attitude

实施条例regulations for the implementation

十字绣cross embroidery; cross-stitched embroidery

失足青年young offender of the law; juvenile delinquent 首创精神pioneering spirit

首次载人航天飞行first manned spaceflight

首发阵容(足球) first team

首航maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship)

售后服务after-sale services

手机综合症mobile phone disease

收入差距income gap

收视率viewing rate

受灾地区disaster-affected are

受灾群众people afflicted by a natural disaster

(房款)首付down payment

手机用户mobile phone user/subscriber

树立企业良好形象foster a good and healthy company image

数码港cyber port

数字地球digital globe

刷卡,划卡to punch the card; to stamp the card

涮羊肉instant-boiled mutton 酸雨acid rain

双刃剑double-edged sword

双向选择two-way selection (referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market)

双学位double degree; two Bachelor's degrees

双赢局面win-win situation

双核家庭dual-core family (This refers to a family where both husband and wife are only children or the single "core" of their respective families before they got married. The new family, of course, has two "cores" as neither of the couple knows how to behave not as a "core" in a family.)

水货smuggled goods

水土流失soil erosion

谁言寸草心,报得三春晖"Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. "

水涨船高When the river rises, the boat floats high.

数码相机digital camera

说起来容易做起来难Easier said than done.

死而后已until my heart stops beating

四个现代化four modernizations (the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology)

四合院courtyard dwellings; quadrangle dwellings

四十不惑Life begins at forty.

四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)

死亡人数death toll

思想包袱mental load

思想道德教育ideological and moral education

思想僵硬fossilized concept


司仪MC (master of ceremonies)

四有新人"new generation of people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, good education and a strong sense of discipline"

司法公正judicial fairness

私房菜private home cuisine

SOHO一族(小型办公室和家庭办公室) SO (Small Office) HO (Home Office)

送货上门provide home delivery service

搜索引擎search engine

速递业务express delivery services

素质教育quality education; education for all-around development; competence-oriented education

酸雨acid rain

速冻食品frozen food

损公肥私benefit oneself at the expense of public interests

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孙子兵法The Art of War

缩小……间的距离narrow the gap between

太空时代the Age of Aquarius

太空行走space walks

跆拳道tae kwon do

台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots


贪多嚼不烂bite off more than one can chew

贪污腐化corruption and degeneration

唐装traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit

套话empty conventional talk

套近乎cotton up to someone; curry favor with someone

逃票者ticket evader

逃税tax evasion

陶冶情操cultivate one's taste (temperament)

特快专递express mail service

特困exceptional poverty; special difficulty

特困地区destitute areas

特困行业和企业industries and enterprises in dire straits 特事特办handle special cases with special methods


替补队员(in sports ) replacement team members; second-string members; reserves; spare player; potential replacement

提高社会参与度to enhance (encourage) mass participation

提请submit something to

替身演员stunt man/woman; stand-in; double body

题外话digression; mention in passing

体制创新institutional innovation


天时、地利、人和favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions; favorable objective and subjective factors for success

填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching

天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. A bolt from the blue; out of the blue

天价whopping price



条条框框red tape; silly(or outdated) rules and regulations 跳蚤市场flea market

替班司机relief driver

提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展promote coordinated development of socialist political, materialist and spiritual civilization

铁饭碗iron rice bowl

体罚corporal punishment 提高科技创新能力improve scientific and technological ability for innovation

提高全民文化素质improve the quality of the population 停产整业suspend operation in order to consolidate

提前预约advance reservation

体制性障碍systematic obstacles

通才versatile person

同声传译simultaneous interpretation

同乡会an association of fellow provincials or townsmen 投标bid for; tender for

偷工减料use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products

透过现象看本质see through the appearance to perceive the essence

头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed



偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税"tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes "

投诉sue; accuse

投诉中心complaint center

偷拍sneak shot (This was a sneak shot I had the camera down by my side.)

土地沙化desertification of land; desert encroachment


团队精神team spirit; esprit de corps

团购group purchase

团结就是力量Unity is strength.

退耕还林还草grain for green

退耕还林还牧convert the land for forestry and pasture

推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展promote all-around, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society

托福考试Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 托管trust; trusteeship

脱口秀talk show

拖拉作风dilatory style of work; be dilatory in work

脱贫致富"cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity"

挖墙脚undermine the foundation of sth.; cut the ground from under sb's feet

外部环境external environment

歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

外来语borrowed word

外联网(计算机) extranet


外卖店take-out restaurant

外企foreign company

14天掌握KET核心词汇 Day 2 默写版

Day 2 Jobs and Time Vocabulary 1 . ___________ n. 清洁工,清洁工具 ( 复数)cleaners :干洗店 2 3 . . ___________ ___________ n. 顾客,家伙 n. 工程师 v. 设计,制造 vt. 操纵,设计,建造 n. 画家 4 5 6 7 8 . . . . . ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ n. 驾驶员,司机 n. 摄影师 n. 男演员 n. 医生,博士 vt. 医治,篡改,对...做手脚 vi. 用药 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ___________ n. 艺术家,美术家,艺人 n. 化学家,药剂师 n. 牙科医生 0. ___________ 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ n. 记者,新闻工作者 n. 接待员 n. 同事 n. 客人,客串演员,特邀来宾 vt. 款待 vi. 作客

1 1 1 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ vt. 引路;指导;操纵;影响 n. 指导者;向导;导游;有指导意义的事物 adj. 手工的 n. 技工,机修工 n. 护士,保姆,奶妈 vi. 看护,照顾,栽培,当看护 vt. 哺乳,看护 1 9. ___________ n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员 vt. 领航,驾驶,向导 adj. 引导的,示范的 2 2 2 0. ___________ 1. ___________ 2. ___________ n. 秘书,部长,大臣,书记 店员 n. 参谋;全体职员;管理人员;权杖 adj. 行政工作的;参谋的;职员的;作为正式工作人员的 v. 在…工作; 为…配备职员;任职于 导游 2 2 3. ___________ 4. ___________ n. 商人


英语单词分类汇总表 1、性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩girl 女孩mother 母亲father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷(口语)grandma 奶奶(口语)grandmother 祖母[‘ɡr?nd?m?e?] grandfather 祖父[‘ɡr?nd?fɑ:e?] dad 爸爸(口语)[d?d] mum 妈妈(口语)[m?m] uncle 叔叔[‘??kl] aunt 阿姨[ɑ:nt] sister 姐妹[‘sist?] brother 兄、弟[‘br?e?] Ms 女士[miz] Mr 先生[‘mist?] Miss 小姐[mis] 2、动物animal [‘?nim?l] panda 熊猫[‘p?nd?] monkey 猴子[‘m??ki] dog 狗[d?ɡ] cat 猫[k?t] bird 鸟[b?:d] bee 蜜蜂[bi:] bear 熊[b??] horse 马[h?:s] pig 猪[piɡ] duck 鸭子[d?k] rabbit 兔子[‘r?bit] tiger 老虎[‘taiɡ?] lion 狮子[‘lai?n] chick 小鸡[t?ik] fox 狐狸[f?ks] hen 母鸡[hen] cow 奶牛[kau] cock 公鸡[k?k] 3、数字 one 一[w?n] two 二[tu:] three 三[θri:] four 四[f?:] five 五[faiv] six 六[siks] seven 七[‘sevn] eight 八[eit] nine 九[nain] ten 十[ten] eleven 十一[i’levn] twelve 十二[twelv] thirteen 十三[?θ?:’ti:n] fourteen 十四[‘f?:’ti:n] fifteen 十五[‘fif’ti:n] sixteen 十六[sik’sti:n] seventeen 十七[?sevn’ti:n]eighteen 十八[?ei’ti:n] n ineteen 十九[‘nain’ti:n] twenty 二十[‘twenti] twenty-one 二十一thirty 三十[‘θ?:ti] forty 四十[‘f?:ti] fifty 五十[‘fifti] sixty 六十[‘siksti] seventy 七十[‘sevnti] eighty 八十[‘eiti]


KET分类词汇表注:灰色标注的单词为重点单词,需重点记忆。一.Natural World and Weather air n.空气 beach n. 海滩 cloud n.云 grass n.草 grow v.生长 hill n.小山 hot adj.热的 sea n.海 sky n.天空 snow n.雪 south n.南方 water n.水 weather n.天气 west n.西方 wet adj.湿的 cold adj.冷的 country n.国家/农村,乡下 countryside n.乡下/农村 east n.东方 field n.田地/场地 fire n./v.火/起火 flower n.花 fog n.雾 foggy adj.雾的 forest n.森林 ice n.冰 island n.岛 lake n.湖 moon n.月亮 mountain n.山脉 north n.北方 outdoor adj户外的 plant n.植物/种植 rain n.雨/下雨 river n.河 space n.场地/空间/太空 spring n.春天 star n.星星 storm n.暴风雨

summer n.夏天 sun n.太阳 sunny adj.晴朗的 thunderstorm n.雷雨 tree n.树 warm adj.温暖的 wind n.风 windy adj.有风的 winter n.冬天 wood n.木;木材 wool n.羊毛 world n.世界 二.Colours light/dark adj. 浅色/深色 black adj. 黑色 blue adj. 蓝色 brown adj. 棕色 green adj. 绿色 grey adj. 灰色 orange adj. 橘色 pink adj. 粉红色 purple adj. 紫色 red adj. 红色 white adj. 白色 yellow adj. 黄色 三.Travel and Transport (aero)plane n.飞机 airport n. 机场 ambulance n. 救护车 brake n. 刹车 bridge n. 桥 arrive v. 到达 flight n. 飞/航班 garage n. 汽车修理场/车库 helicopter n. 直升飞机 journey n. 旅行、旅程 leave v. 离开 left n./adj. 左边/左边的 passport n. 护照 petrol n. 汽油 petrol station n. 加油站 pilot n. 飞行员


英语单词分类记 学科:mathematics n.数学arts n.文科anthology n.选集calligraphy n.书法science n.理科history n.历史geometry n.几何geography n.地理geology n.地质学biology n.生物学botany n.植物学chemistry n.化学physics n.物理学literature n.文学sociology n.社会学philology n.语文学philosophy n.哲学psychology n.心理学physiology n.生理学philanthropy n.慈善psychiatry n.精神病学engineering n.工程学medicine n.医学agriculture n.农学astronomy n.天文学astrophysics n.天体物理学economics n.经济politics n.政治学law n.法学finance n.财政学architecture n.建筑学archaeology n.考古学anthropology n.人类学humanities n.人文科学 艺术流派:Byzantine n.拜占庭a.拜占庭式的Romanesque n. 罗马式 a.罗马式的Gothic n. 哥特式. a.哥特式的Baroque n.巴洛克时期 a.巴洛克式的classicism n.古典主义,古典风romanticism n.浪漫主义realism n.现实主义symbolism n.象征主义impressionism n.印象主义expressionism n.表现主义fauvism n.野兽派abstractionism n.抽象派艺术cubism n.立体派艺术naturalism n.自然主义existentialism n.存在主义communism n.共产主义socialism n.社会主义feudalism n.封建主义 文学:author n.作者essay n.随笔reportage n.报告文学criticism n.评论anthology n.选集edition n.版work n.作品masterpiece n.杰作copyright n.版权, 著作权writer n.作家volume n.卷drama n.话剧,戏剧comedy n.喜剧tragedy n.悲剧farce n.滑稽剧play n.剧本playwright n.编剧,剧作家performance n.演出act n.幕scene n.场plot n.情节intrigue n.错综复杂的剧情story n.故事episode n.插曲,一段情节denouement n.结局poetry n.诗歌poet n.诗人poem n.诗ode n.颂歌verse n.(诗)节line n.(诗)行rhyme n.韵脚,押韵prose n.散文novel n.小说fiction n.小说biography n.自传fable n.寓言science fiction n.科幻小说satire n.讽刺文学essay n.杂文composition n.学术著作,作文improvisation n.即席讲演,演奏criticism n.批判,批评critic n.批评家eloquence n.口才lyricism n.抒情性绘画雕塑:gallery n.画廊,美术馆salon n.沙龙exhibition n.展览collection n.收藏inspiration n.灵感,启发artist n.大师, 艺术家pigment n.颜料painter n.画家oil painting n.油画watercolor n.水彩画wash n.水墨画engraving n.版画tracing n.临摹sketch n.草稿portrait n.画像model n.模特caricature n.讽刺漫画cartoon n.卡通nude n.裸体画profile n.轮廓landscape n.风景画seascape n.海景画frame n.画框canvas n.画布studio n.画室sculpture n.雕刻carving n.雕刻statue n.人像figure n.塑像bronze n.铜像 音乐:soprano n.女高音alto n.女低音baritone n.男中音bass n.男低音,贝司tenor n.男高音bassoon n.低音管brass n.铜管乐器classical music n.古典音乐conductor n.指挥flute n.长笛harmonica n.口琴jazz n.爵士乐opera n.歌剧orchestra n.管弦乐队solo n.独奏,独唱soloist n.独唱者symphony n.交响乐pop n.流行歌曲rock n.摇滚乐 服饰:clothes n.衣服,服装clothing n.服装suit n.男西装dress n.女服uniform n.制服coat n.外套jacket n.夹克pocket n.衣袋sleeve n.袖子shirt n.衬衫sweater n.毛衣,运动衫trousers n.裤子skirt n.裙子slip n.衬裙handkerchief n.手帕shoe n.鞋sole n.鞋底heel n.鞋后跟boot n.靴子glove n.手套tie n.领带cap n.无沿帽hat n.大沿帽cotton n.棉花canvas n.帆布silk n.丝wool n.羊毛,毛料nylon n.尼龙stripe n.条纹veil n.面纱ring n.戒指necklace n.项链perfume n.香水purse n.手提包,钱包garment n.外衣cloak n.斗篷muffler n.围巾jeans n.牛仔裤bra n.乳罩stocking n.长袜belt n.腰带sock n.短袜bikini n.比基尼泳衣apron n.围裙slipper n.拖鞋beret n.贝蕾帽linen n.


KET分类词汇表Natural World and Weather air n.空气 beach n. 海滩 cloud n.云 grass n.草 grow v.生长 hill n.小山 hot adj.热的 sea n.海 sky n.天空 snow n.雪 south n.南方 water n.水 weather n.天气 west n.西方 wet adj.湿的 cold adj.冷的 country n.国家/农村,乡下countryside n.乡下/农村 east n.东方 field n.田地/场地 fire n./v.火/起火 flower n.花 fog n.雾 foggy adj.雾的 forest n.森林 ice n.冰 island n.岛 lake n.湖 moon n.月亮 mountain n.山脉 north n.北方 outdoor adj户外的 plant n.植物/种植 rain n.雨/下雨 river n.河 space n.场地/空间/太空 spring n.春天 star n.星星 storm n.暴风雨 summer n.夏天 sun n.太阳 sunny adj.晴朗的 thunderstorm n.雷雨 tree n.树 warm adj.温暖的 wind n.风 windy adj.有风的 winter n.冬天 wood n.木;木材 wool n.羊毛 world n.世界 Colours light/dark adj. 浅色/深色black adj. 黑色 blue adj. 蓝色 brown adj. 棕色 green adj. 绿色 grey adj. 灰色 orange adj. 橘色 pink adj. 粉红色 purple adj. 紫色 red adj. 红色 white adj. 白色 yellow adj. 黄色Travel and Transport (aero)plane n.飞机 airport n. 机场ambulance n. 救护车 brake n. 刹车 bridge n. 桥 arrive v. 到达 flight n. 飞/航班 garage n. 汽车修理场/车库helicopter n. 直升飞机journey n. 旅行、旅程leave v. 离开 left n./adj. 左边/左边的passport n. 护照 petrol n. 汽油 petrol station n. 加油站pilot n. 飞行员 plane n. 飞机 platform n. 站台 police car n. 警车 problem n. 问题 suitcase n. 旅行箱 ticket n. 票 tour n./v. 观光/旅游 tour guide n. 导游 tourist n. 游客 traffic n. 交通 canal n. 运河/水道 coach n. 长途客车 crossroads n. 十字路口 delay v. 延迟 driving licence n. 驾驶执照 engine n. 发动机 engineer n. 工程师 lorry n. 卡车 luggage n. 行李 mechanic n. 机械师 mile n. 英里 mirror n. 镜子 motorway n. 高速公路 park v. 停车 passenger n. 乘客 railway n. 铁路 roundabout n. 道路交叉处的环 形路 traffic lights n. 交通灯


ket分类词汇表 KET分类词汇表 Natural World and Weather air (n.)空气 countryside (n.) 乡下/农村 river (n.) 河 beach (n.)海滩east (n.) 东方 space (n.) 场地/空间/太空 cloud (n.)云 field (n.) 田地/场地 spring (n.)春天 grass (n.)草 fire (n./v.) 火/起火 star (n.)星星 grow (v.) 生长 flower (n.) 花 storm (n.) 暴风雨 hill (n.) 小山 fog (n.) 雾summer (n.) 夏天 hot (a.) 热的 foggy (a.) 雾的 sun (n.)太阳 sea (n.) 海forest (n.) 森林 sunny (a.) 晴朗的 sky (n.) 天空 ice (n.) 冰 thunderstorm (n.)雷雨 snow (n.) 雪 island (n.) 岛 tree (n.)树 south (n.) 南方 lake (n.) 湖 warm (a.) 温暖的 water (n.) 水 moon (n.) 月亮 wind (n.) 风 weather (n.) 天气 mountain (n.) 山脉 windy (a.) 有风的 west (n.) 西方 north n. 北方 winter (n.) 冬 天 wet (a.) 湿的 outdoor adj. 户外的 wood (n.) 木;木材 cold (a.) 冷的plant (n. / v.) 植物/种植 wool (n.) 羊毛 country (n.) 国家/农村,乡下 rain (n. / v.) 雨/下雨 world (n.) 世界 Colours light/dark (a.) 浅色/深色 green (a.) 绿色 purple (a.) 紫色 black (a.) 黑色 grey (a.) 灰色 red (a.) 红色 blue (a.) 蓝色 orange (a.) 橘色 white (a.) 白色 brown (a.) 棕色 pink (a.) 粉红色 yellow (a.) 黄色 Travel and Transport (aero)plane (n.)飞机 plane (n.) 飞机 engineer (n.) 工程师 airport (n.) 机场 platform (n.) 站台 lorry (n.) 卡车


. KET 分类词汇表Natural World and Weather air (n.)空气 beach (n.)海滩 cloud (n.)云 grass (n.)草 grow (v.) 生长 hill (n.) 小山 hot (a.) 热的 sea (n.) 海 sky (n.) 天空 snow (n.) 雪 south (n.) 南方 water (n.) 水 weather (n.) 天气 west (n.) 西方 wet (a.) 湿的 cold (a.) 冷的 country (n.) 国家/农村,乡下countryside (n.) 乡下/农村 east (n.) 东方 field (n.) 田地/场地 fire (n./v.) 火/起火 flower (n.) 花 fog (n.) 雾 foggy (a.) 雾的 forest (n.) 森林 ice (n.) 冰 island (n.) 岛 lake (n.) 湖 moon (n.) 月亮 mountain (n.) 山脉 north n. 北方 outdoor adj. 户外的 plant (n. / v.)植物/种植 rain (n. / v.)雨/下雨 river (n.) 河 space (n.) 场 地/空间/太空 spring (n.) 春天 star (n.)星星 storm (n.) 暴风雨 summer (n.) 夏天 sun (n.)太阳 sunny (a.) 晴朗的 thunderstorm (n.)雷雨 tree (n.)树 warm (a.) 温暖的 wind (n.) 风 windy (a.) 有风的 winter (n.) 冬天 wood (n.) 木;木材 wool (n.) 羊毛 world (n.) 世 界 Colours light/dark (a.) 浅色/深色green (a.) 绿色black (a.) 黑色grey (a.) 灰色blue (a.) 蓝色orange (a.) 橘色brown (a.) 棕色pink (a.) 粉红色purple (a.) 紫色red (a.) 红色white (a.) 白色yellow (a.) 黄色 Travel and Transport (aero)plane (n.)飞机plane (n.) 飞机engineer (n.) 工程师airport (n.) 机场platform (n.) 站台lorry (n.) 卡车ambulance (n.) 救护车police car (n.) 警车luggage (n.) 行李 brake (n./v.)刹车problem (n.) 问题mechanic (n.) 机械师bridge (n.) 桥suitcase (n.) 旅行箱mile (n.) 英里 arrive (v.) 到达ticket (n.) 票mirror (n.) 镜子 flight (n.) 飞行/航班tour (n./v.) 观光/旅游motorway (n.) 高速公路garage (n.) 汽车修理场/车库tour guide (n.) 导游park (v.) 停车helicopter (n.) 直升飞机tourist (n.) 游客passenger (n.) 乘客journey (n.) 旅行、旅程traffic (n.) 交通railway (n.) 铁路 leave (v.) 离开canal (n.) 运河/水道roundabout (n.) left (n./a.) 左边/左边的coach (n.) 长途客车道路交叉处的环形路passport (n.) 护照crossroads (n.) 十字路口traffic lights (n.) 交通灯petrol (n.) 汽油delay (v.) 延迟travel agency (n.) 旅行社


英语必备词汇分类表 一、学习用品(school things) pen /pen/ 钢笔 pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔 pencil-case /'pensl keis / 铅笔盒 ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子 book /buk/ 书 bag /b?g/ 包 post card /p?ust kɑ:d/ 明信片 newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸 schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 书包 eraser / i'reis? / 橡皮 crayon / 'krei?n / 蜡笔 sharpener / '?ɑ:p?n? / 卷笔刀 story-book / 'st?:ri buk / 故事书 notebook / 'n?utbuk / 笔记本 Chinese book / 't?ai'ni:z buk / 语文书English book / 'i?gli? buk / 英语书 math book / m?θ buk/ 数学书 magazine / ,m?g?'zi:n / 杂志 newspaper / 'nju:z,peip? / 报纸 dictionary / ['dik??'n?ri] / 词典 二、身体部位(body) foot / fut / 脚head / hed / 头 face / feis / 脸hair / h?? / 头发nose / n?uz / 鼻子 mouth / mauθ / 嘴 eye / ai / 眼睛ear / i? / 耳朵 arm / ɑ:m / 手臂hand / h?nd / 手 finger / 'fi?g? / 手指leg / leg / 腿tail / teil / 尾巴三、颜色(colours) red /red/ 红blue /blu:/ 蓝 yellow /'jel?u/ 黄green /gri:n/ 绿 white /wait/ 白black /bl?k/ 黑 pink /pi?k/ 粉红purple /'p?:pl/ 紫orange /'?:rind?/ 橙brown /braun/ 棕 四、动物(animals) cat /k?t/ 猫dog /d?g/ 狗 pig /pig/ 猪duck /d?k/ 鸭 rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子 horse /h?:s/ 马elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象ant /?nt/蚂蚁 fish /fi?/ 鱼bird /b?:d/ 鸟 snake /sneik/ 蛇 mouse /maus/ 鼠 kangaroo /,k??g?'ru:/ 袋鼠 monkey /'m??ki/ 猴子 panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫bear /b??/ 熊 lion /'lai?n/ 狮子 tiger /'taig?/ 老虎 fox /f?ks/ 狐狸zebra /'zi:br?/ 斑马 deer /di?/ 鹿giraffe /d?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿goose /gu:s/ 鹅hen /hen/ 母鸡 turkey /'t?:ki/ 火鸡lamb /l?m/ 小羊sheep /?i:p/ 绵羊goat /g?ut/ 山羊 cow /kau/ 奶牛shark /'?ɑ:k/ 鲨鱼seal / si:l / 海豹 五、人物(people) friend /frend/ 朋友boy / b?i / 男孩 girl /g?:l/ 女孩 mother /'m?e?/ 母亲


KET分类词汇表一、Natural World and Weather air [??] n.空气 beach[bi:t?]n. 海 滩 cloud [klaud] n.云 grass [grɑ:s] n.草 grow [gr?u] v.生长 hill [hil] n.小山 hot [h?t] adj.热的 sea [si:] n.海 sky [skai] n.天空 snow [sn?u] n.雪south[sauθ] n.南方 water ['w?:t?] n.水 weather ['wee?]n.天气 west [west] n.西方 wet [wet] adj.湿的 cold [k?uld] adj.冷的 country ['k?ntri]n. 国家/农村,乡下 countryside ['k?ntri'said] n.乡下 /农村 east [i:st] n.东方field [fi:ld] n.田地/ 场地 fire [fai?] n./v.火/ 起火 flower ['flau?] n.花 fog [f?g] n.雾 foggy ['f?gi] adj.雾 的 forest ['f?rist]n. 森林 ice [ais] n.冰 island ['ail?nd] n.岛 lake [leik] n.湖 moon [mu:n] n.月亮 mountain ['mauntin] n. 山脉 north [n?:θ] n.北方 outdoor['autd?:] adj户外的 plant [plɑ:nt] n.植物 /种植 rain [rein] n.雨/下雨 river ['riv?] n.河 space [speis] n.场地/ 空间/太空 spring[spri?]n.春 天 star [stɑ:] n.星星 storm [st?:m] n.暴风 雨 summer ['s?m?] n.夏天 sun [s?n] n.太阳 sunny ['s?ni]adj.晴 朗的 thunderstorm ['θ?nd?,st?:m] n.雷 雨 tree [tri:] n.树 warm [w?:m] adj.温暖 的 wind [waind] n.风 windy ['windi] adj.有 风的 winter winter n.冬天 wood [wud] n.木;木材 wool [wul] n.羊毛 world [w?:ld] n.世界


K E T分类词汇表 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

KET分类词汇表NaturalWorldandWeather air[]n.空气 beach[bi:t]n.海滩 cloud[klaud]n.云 grass[grɑ:s]n.草 grow[gru]v.生长 hill[hil]n.小山 hot[ht]adj.热的 sea[si:]n.海 sky[skai]n.天空 snow[snu]n.雪 south[sauθ]n.南方 water['w:t]n.水 weather['wee]n.天气 west[west]n.西方 wet[wet]adj.湿的 cold[kuld]adj.冷的 country['kntri]n.国家/农村,乡下 countryside['kntri'said]n.乡下/农村 east[i:st]n.东方 field[fi:ld]n.田地/场地 fire[fai]n./v.火/起火 flower['flau]n.花 fog[fg]n.雾 foggy['fgi]adj.雾的 forest['frist]n.森林 ice[ais]n.冰 island['ailnd]n.岛 lake[leik]n.湖 moon[mu:n]n.月亮 mountain['mauntin]n.山脉 north[n:θ]n.北方 outdoor['autd:]adj户外的 plant[plɑ:nt]n.植物/种植 rain[rein]n.雨/下雨 river['riv]n.河 space[speis]n.场地/空间/太空 spring[spri]n.春天 star[stɑ:]n.星星 storm[st:m]n.暴风雨 summer['sm]n.夏天 sun[sn]n.太阳


英语词汇分类 1.People 1. baby 婴儿 2. being物;生物;人 3. child(复children) n. 孩子,儿童 4. citizen 公民,居民,市民 5. civil国内,平民(非军人)的;民用 6. companion同伴,同事 7. comrade n. 同志 8. crowdn..人群vt. 拥挤,群聚 9. enemy n. 敌人;敌军 10. fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 11. friend[frend] n. 朋友 12. generation n.代,一代 13. guest n. 客人,宾客 14. human a.&n. 人,人类 15. humanbeing 人 16. man (单数,无冠词) n.人,人类(包括男女) 17. neighbour(-bor) n.邻居,邻人 18. partner n. 搭档,股东,舞伴 19. people n. 人,人们;人民 20. personn. 人, 身体, 容貌, 21. population n. 人口 22. public a.公共的,公众n.公众 23. race[reis] n. 种族,民族 24. teenager (13-19)青少年 25. adult 26. kid 2.Sex 1. boyn. 男孩 2. female a. 女性的;雌性的 3. girl n. 女孩 4. gentleman n. 绅士,先生 5. lady n. 女士,夫人 6. sex[seks] n. 性,性别, 7. madam/madame夫人,女士 8. male[meil] a. 男的, 雄的, 男 9. man (men) n.男人,成年男子 10. Mr. (mister) n.先生, 阁下 11. Mrs.(mistress)夫人, 太太 12. Ms.[miz] n. 女士, 小姐13. sirn. 先生;阁下 14. woman n. 妇女,女人,女仆 3.Body 1. arm n. 臂, 支架 2. back 向后a. 后面的n. 背 3. bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆 4. beard n. (下巴处的)胡须 5. body n. 身体 6. bodybuilding n. 健美 7. bone n. 骨头,骨质 8. blood n. 血,血液 9. brain[brein] n. 脑(子) 10. cheekn. 面颊,脸蛋 11. chestn. 箱子;盒子;胸部 12. ear n. 耳朵,耳状物;听力, 13. eye[ai] n. 眼睛 14. face[feis] n. 脸vt. 面向; 15. faciala. 面部用的 16. finger n. 手指 17. fingernail n. 指甲 18. flesh n. 肉 19. fist[fist] n. 拳(头) 20. foot[fut] (复feet) 足,脚;英尺 21. handn. 手;指针v. 递;给, 22. handfuln.(一)把;少数,少量 23. hair n. 头发 24. head[hed] n. 头,标题a. 头部 25. heart n. 心,心脏,精神, 26. knee[ni:] n. 膝盖 27. leg[leg] n. 腿;腿脚;支柱 28. lip[lip] n. 嘴唇, 唇缘 29. lungn. 肺;肺脏, 呼吸器 30. moustachen. 小胡子(嘴唇上方) 31. mouth n. 嘴,口 32. mouthful n. 满口,一口 33. neck[nek] n. 颈,脖子 34. nose n. 鼻, v.侦察出 35. pulse n. 脉搏,脉动,搏动 36. shoulder n. 肩膀;侧翼 37. stomach n. 胃,胃部 38. temperature n. 温度 39. tongue n. 舌头, 语言, 口 40. tooth(teeth) n. 牙齿


KET分类词汇手册 Appliances 日常用具 camera n. 照相机,摄像机 electric adj. 电的,带电的,电动的n. 电 动产品 lamp n. 灯,台灯 radio n. 收音机 CD (player) n. CD唱片(CD音乐播放器)electricity n. 电 laptop n. 便携式电脑,笔记本电脑telephone n. 电话 clock n. 时钟 fridge n. 电冰箱 lights n. 光,灯 television n. 电视机 computer n. 计算机,电脑 gas n. 煤气,气体,汽油 mobile (phone) n. 移动电话,手机 TV n. 电视,电视机 cooker n. 炊具,炉灶 hairdryer n. 吹风机 MP3 player n. MP3播放器 video n. 视频,录像 DVD (player) n. DVD播放机 heating n.供暖,暖气装置 phone n. 电话 video recorder n. 录像机 Clothes and Accessories 服饰衣物 bag n. 袋,包 fashion n. 时尚,风格 shirt n. 衬衫 trousers n. 裤子 belt n. 腰带,皮带 glasses n. 眼镜 shoes n. 鞋子 try on (v) v. 试穿

blouse n. 女衬衫 hat n. 帽子 shorts n. 短裤 T-shirt n. T恤衫 boots n. 靴子 jacket n. 短上衣,夹克衫 skirt n. 裙子 umbrella n. 伞,雨伞 clothes n. (复数名词)衣服,服装jeans n. 牛仔裤 suit n. 套装 uniform n. 制服 coat n. 外套 pocket n. 衣袋 sweater n. 毛衣 wallet n. 皮夹,钱包 costume n. 服装,剧装 purse n. 钱包 tights n. 贴身衬衣,紧身衣 watch n. 手表 dress (n & v) n. 服装,女装 v. 穿着,打扮raincoat n. 雨衣 trainers n. <英>运动鞋 wear (v) v. 穿,戴 Colours颜色 light adj. 淡色的 dark adj. 深色的 brown adj. 褐色的,棕色的 orange adj. 橙色的 red adj. 红色的 black adj. 黑的 green adj. 绿色的 pink adj. 粉红色的 white adj. 白色的 blue adj. 蓝色的 grey adj. 灰色的 purple adj. 紫色的 yellow adj. 黄色的 Communication and Technology通讯与技术 address n. 住址,地址 computer n. 计算机,电脑


小学英语词汇归类表(三年级上册~~六年级下册) 一、学习用品(school things) pen (钢笔) pencil (铅笔) pencil-case (铅笔盒) ruler (尺子) book (书) post card (明信片) comic book (漫画书) bag (包) newspaper (报纸) schoolbag (书包) eraser (橡皮) crayon (蜡笔) sharpener (卷笔刀) story-book (故事书) notebook (笔记本) Chinese book (语文书) English book (英语书) math book (数学书) magazine (杂志) dictionary (字典,词典) 二、人体(body) foot (脚) nose (鼻子) head (头) face (脸) hair (头发) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) ear (耳朵) arm (手臂) hand (手) finger(手指) leg (腿) tail (尾巴) 三、颜色(colours) colour (颜色) red (红) blue (蓝) yellow (黄)green (绿)white (白) black (黑) pink (粉红) purple (紫) orange (橙) brown (棕) 四、动物(animals) cat (猫)dog (狗)pig (猪)duck (鸭)rabbit (兔)horse (马)elephant (大象)fish (鱼) kangaroo (袋鼠)ant (蚂蚁) bird (鸟) eagle (鹰) beaver (海狸) snake (蛇) mouse(老鼠) squirrel(松鼠) monkey(猴) panda(熊猫) bear(熊) lion(狮子) tiger(老虎) fox(狐狸) zebra(斑马) deer(鹿) giraffe(长颈鹿) goose(鹅) hen(母鸡) turkey(火鸡) lamb(小羊) sheep(绵羊) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) donkey(驴) squid(鱿鱼) lobster(龙虾) shark(鲨鱼) seal(海豹) sperm whale(抹香鲸) killer whale(虎鲸) 五、人物(people) friend(朋友) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) mother(母亲)father(父亲)sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)uncle(叔叔,舅舅)man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士,小姐) mom(妈妈) dad(爸爸)parents(父母) grandma/ grandmother(祖母,外祖母) grandpa/ grandfather(祖父,外祖父) aunt(姑姑) cousin(堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹)son(儿子) baby(婴儿) kid(小孩) classmate(同学) queen(女王) visitor(参观者) neighbour(邻居) principal(校长) university student(大学生) pen pal(笔友) tourist(旅行者) people(人物) robot(机器人) 六、职业(jobs) teacher(教师)student(学生)doctor(医生)nurse(护士)driver(司机)farmer(农民) singer(歌唱家)writer(作家)actor(男演员)actress(女演员)artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者)engineer(工程师)accountant(会计)policeman(警察) salesperson(销售员)cleaner(清洁工) baseball player(棒球运动员) assistant(售货员)


单词分类表 一、学习用品(school things) pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler尺子book 书bag 包postcard 明信片newspaper报纸schoolbag书包eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔sharpener 卷笔刀story-book故事书notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书magazine杂志dictionary字典 二、身体部位(body) foot脚head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm 手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴 三、颜色(colours) red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红purple紫orange橙brown棕 四、动物(animals) cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rabbit兔子horse马elephant大象ant蚂蚁fish 鱼bird鸟snake蛇mouse老鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴子panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿goose 鹅hen母鸡turkey火鸡lamb小羊sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛shark鲨鱼seal海豹 五、人物(people) friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩mother母亲father父亲sister姐妹brother兄弟uncle叔叔man男人woman女人Mr.先生Miss小姐lady女士mom妈妈dad爸爸parents父母grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather (外)祖父aunt阿姨cousin堂表兄弟姐妹son儿子baby婴儿kid小孩classmate同学queen女王visitor参观者neighbor邻居principal校长pen pal笔友tourist旅行者people人物robot机器人 六、职业(job) teacher教师student学生doctor医生nurse护士driver司机farmer农民singer歌唱家writer作家actor男演员actress女演员artist画家TV reporter 电视台记者engineer工程师policeman(男)警察salesperson销售员

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