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Chapter 1

1. However, research has shown that countries often reversed the steps mentioned above and sterilized gold flows, that is sold domestic assets when foreign reserves were rising and bought domestic assets as foreign reserves fell. Government interference with private gold exports also undermined the system. The picture of smooth and automatic balance of payments adjustment before World War I therefore did not always match reality.

然而,研究表明各国经常反道而行之,他们制止黄金的流动,也就是说,当外国储备升高时他们售出国内资产,而当外国储备下降时,他们购买国内资产。政府对私人黄金出口的干预也破坏了该体系。第一次世界大战前平衡自动的国际收支调整情形常常与现实不相吻合。2. The gold standard regime has conventionally been associated with three rules of the game. The first rule is that in each participating country the price of the domestic currency must be fixed in terms of gold. Since the gold content in one unit of each currency was fixed, exchange rates were also fixed. This was called the mint parity. The second rule is that there must be a free import and export of gold. The third rule is that the surplus country which is gaining gold, should allow its volume of money to increase while the deficit country, which is losing gold, should allow its volume of money to fall.


3. Central banks experiencing persistent gold out flows were motivated to contract their domestic asset holdings for the fear of becoming unable to meet their obligation to redeem currency notes. Thus domestic interest rates were pushed up and capital would flow in from abroad. Central banks gaining gold had much weaker incentives to eliminate their own imports of the metal. The main incentive was the greater profitability of interest-bearing domestic assets compared with “barren” gold.


4. Given the prices of currencies fixed in terms of gold, the price levels within gold standard countries did not rise as much between 1870 and 1914 as over the period after World war II, but national price levels moved unpredictably over shorter horizons as periods of inflation and deflation followed each other.


Chapter 2

1. They thought a devaluation was a sign of national weakness and a revaluation would reduce the competitiveness of a country.


2. The unwillingness of industrial nations to change their par values as a matter of policy when in

fundamental disequilibrium had two significant effects. First, it robbed the Bretton Woods system of most of its flexibility and the mechanism for adjusting balance of payments disequilibria. Second, and related to the first point, the reluctance of industrial nations to change their par value when in fundamental disequilibrium gave rise to huge destabilizing international capital flows by providing an excellent one-way gamble for speculators.


3. The IMF articles also called for convertibility on current account transaction only because the designers of the Bretton Woods system hoped to facilitate free trade while avoiding the possibility that private capital flows might tighten the external constraints faced by policymakers. 国际货币基金组织的条款也提倡经常账户货币的可兑换性,仅因为是布雷顿森林体系的设计者们希望为自由贸易提供方便,同时,避免私人资本流动可能收紧政策制定者所面临的外部约束。

4. The most significant change introduced into the Bretton Woods system during the 1947-1971 period was the creation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to supplement the international reserves of gold, foreign exchange, and the reserve position in the IMF. Sometimes called paper gold, SDRs are accounting entries in the books of the IMF.


5. Alternative policies were adopted but resulted in very limited success. They included the increase of short-term interest rates to discourage short-term capital outflows, the decrease of the long-term interest rates to stimulate domestic production, interventions in foreign exchange markets, and a number of direct controls over capital outflows.


6. In short, the immediate cause of the collapse of the Bretton Woods system was the huge balance of deficits of the United States in the early 1970s and the inability of the U.S. to devalue the dollar. Thus, the Bretton Woods system lacked an adequate adjustment mechanism that nations would be willing and able to use as a matter of policy. Consequently the U.S. balance of payments deficit persisted and this undermined the confidence in the dollar. Therefore, the fundamental cause of the collapse of the Bretton Woods system is to be found in the interrelated problems of adjustment, liquidity, and confidence.


Chapter 3

1. At the same time, there has been a movement away from a gold-based international monetary system. The role of gold has diminished as a result of the Jamaica Accords. The official price of gold was abolished. One-sixth of the gold paid into the IMF in quotas was to be returned to

members, one-sixth to be auctioned by the IMF to private buyers with the proceeds being used to benefit the developing countries. The IMF was to retain the remaining two-thirds. Finally, gold was no longer to be the unit of account of the system. Since 1974, the IMF has measured all reserves and other official transactions in terms of SDRs instead of U.S. dollars.


2.The European Monetary Community System (EMS) began in March 1979 with eight of the nine members of the European Community (all but Great Britain) participating in its Exchange Rate Mechanism(ERM) as part of its aim toward greater monetary integration among its members, including the ultimate goal of creating a common currency and a community-wide central bank.


3. It seems likely that with increasing financial and economic interdependence, the evolving international financial system will involve even closer cooperation. One of the consequences of the more even sharing of economic power is the potential emergence of three trading blocs of currencies, a dollar bloc based on the Americas, a yen bloc centered around Japanese trade, and a Euro bloc centered on the place of European trade.


4.In June 1989,a committee headed by Jacque Delors, the president of the European Commission, recommended a three-stage transition to the single currency. The first stage included widening the membership of the ERM. The second stage involved narrowing exchange rate bands as well as shifting control over some macroeconomic policies from national control to control by a central European Authority. The third stage would establish a European System of Central Banks to replace national central banks and replace national currencies with a Single European currency. 1989年6月,以欧洲委员会主席雅阁·德勒斯为首的委员会推荐了一个过渡到单一货币的三步走方案。第一步包括扩大汇率机制成员国。第二步涉及缩小汇率的上下限,同时把对宏观经济政策调控由国家控制改由一个欧洲中央权威机构控制。第三步将建立一个欧洲央行体系来替代各国央行并用一种欧洲货币替代各国的货币。

Chapter 4

1. The IMF tracks global economic trends and performance, alerts its member countries when it sees problems on the horizon, provides a forum for policy dialogue, and passes on know-how to governments on how to tackle economic difficulties.


2. Keynes' proposals would have established a world reserve currency (which he thought might be called "bancor”)administered by a central bank vested with the possibility of creating money and with the authority to take actions on a much larger scale (understandable considering

deflationary problems in Britain at the time).


3. Such market imperfections, together with balance of payments financing, provide the Justification for official financing, without which many countries could only correct large external payment imbalances through measures with adverse effects on both national and international economic prosperity.


4. The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the IMF, consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country. The governor is appointed by the member country and is usually the minister of finance or the governor of the central bank.


Chapter 5

1. When the Marshall Plan went into effect in 1947, many European countries bagan receiving aid from other sources. Faced with this competition, the World Bank shifted its focus to non-European countries. Until 1968, its loans were earmarked for the construction of income-producing infrastructure, such as seaports, highway systems, and power plants that would generate enough income to enable a borrower country to repay the loan.


2. During the 1980s, the bank emphasized lending to service Third-World debt, and structural adjustment policies designed to streamline the economics of developing nations. UNICEF reported in the late 1980s that the structural adjustment programs of the World Bank had been responsible for “reduced health, nutritional and educational levels for tens of millions of ch ildren in Asia, Latin American, and Africa.


3. Ending poverty and promoting shared prosperity are unequivocally also about progress in non-monetary dimensions of welfare including education, health, nutrition, and access to essential infrastructure, as well as about enhancing voice and participation of all segments of society in economic, social, and political spheres.


4. Reaching the target, which would effectively and extreme poverty globally in less than a generation, is an ambitious endeavor. It will require sustaining high rates of economic growth across the developing world, as well as translating growth more effectively into poverty reduction

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