当前位置:文档之家› 高二作文之怎样讲解高中英语作文






1. xiaoming is a middle school student. he is a student of beijing no: 80 high school. he is good at english and other subjects. he likes basketball and badminton. he often helps me with my english. he is often praised by our teachers. he makes progress every day.

2. xiaoming is a middle school student. he studies in beijing no. 80 high school. his english is very good and he’s good at other subjects. his favorite sports are basketball and badminton. he often helps us learn english. the teachers often praise him. he makes progress every day.

3. xiaoming is a middle school student, studies in beijing no.

80 high school. he does well in english as well as in other subjects. whats more, he likes basketball and badminton. in his spare time he often does us a favor to learn english, so our teachers often praise him


例1: 李东住在南方。他的家乡经常下雨。

一般:li dong lives in the south. it often rains in his hometown.较好:li dong is from the south. there is a lot of rain in his hometown.


一般:you help me study english every day. you are very kind.较好:its very kind of you to help me learn english every day.较好:how nice of you to help me learn english every day!二、转换句型


一般:your daughter is good at math. you neednt worry about her.

较好:your daughter does well in math. there is no need for you to, worry about her. 较好:how well your daughter does in math!its unnecessary for you to worry about her.


1. there+be句型

there+be句型也是简单句中的一种常用句型,在作文中经常使用。在there+be句型中,谓语部分还可以换用there seems/seemed

to be(似乎有),there happened to be(碰巧有),there

may/might be(也许有),there must be(肯定有),there cant be(不可能有),

there ought to/should be(应该有)等。例如:


there is a lot of rain in my hometown.=it often rains in my hometown.


its sunday today. there cant be any students in school.


there happened to be a lot of people on the playground.






(1)how beautiful the park is!

(2)how fast the player runs!

(3)what an interesting film(it is)!=how interesting a film

(it is)!

(4)what cold weather(it is)!



it is/was+被强调部分十that/who+原句其他部分+句号。例如:

the boy cleaned the classroom yesterday.

(1)it was the classroom that the boy cleaned yesterday.(强


(2) it-was the boy who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.(强调主语)

(3) it was yesterday that the boy cleaned the classroom.(强




一般:jack studies in our school. he studies very hard.(重复studies)

较好:jack studies in our school. he works hard at his lessons.例2:妈妈匆匆忙忙去上班,连早餐都没吃。

一般:mother went to work. she didnt have breakfast.

较好:mother went to work without having breakfast.(内部结



一般:tom studies chinese very hard. he wants to find a job in china.

较好:tom studies chinese very hard in order to/so as to find a job in china.

较好:tom studies chinese very hard with the purpose of

finding a job in china. 段落练笔1




xiaopengs family has five people. they all have their hobbies. his parents like badminton. his grandparents like to have a

walk after supper. xiaopeng likes collecting stamps. his grandparents tell him a story almost every evening. they live a happy life. 高级表达

there are five people in xiaopengs family,including him. all of them have their own hobbies. for example,his parents like badminton and his grandparents enjoy walking after supper.collecting stamps is xiaopeng’s hobby and to his

great joy,his grandparents tell him a story almost every day

in the evening. what a happy life they lead!

三大亮点1.主语的表达要多样化。如:all of them 还可用both of them, both his father and mother, they each like, each of them

2.谓语的表达灵活。如:like, enjoy还可用 be fond of, go in for


3.简单句的句型变换多样。如:there be句型,动名词做主语,感叹句。还可用倒装句,强调句。



以前从未见过如此好的学校。学校有2 000多名学生,150余名老师。老师待我们既严格又友好。我们的课堂生动有趣,我们的校园生活



our school is a newly built boarding high school. it is large

and beautiful. it is quite modern. i have never seen such a nice school before. our school has more than 2 000 students and more than 150 teachers. our teachers are strict and friendly to us. our classes are lively and interesting. our school life is rich and colourful. i really like our new school.


our school is a newly built boarding high school. it is large

and beautiful. of course it is quite modern. to tell you the truth,never have i seen such a nice school before. there are more

than 2 000 students in our school. and our teachers,over 150,are strict but friendly to all of

us. to our great joy,not only our classes are lively and interesting,but also our school life is rich and colourful. how i like our school!

亮点:1. 句型多样。感叹句和倒装句的使用,“从未见过”和“多末热爱”采用感叹句和倒装句的表达





一、考点、热点回顾 1.写作技巧:首先,要避免使用汉语式英语,










用法一并列关系:and、as well、or,转折关系:but、yet、however,时间关系:when、while、after、

before、th即、正er that,因果关系:so、therefore。目的:in order to、.列举:for example、such as,

总结性:in general、in all、in a word、generally speaking避免病句。








递进furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition, then, etc.

转折however, but, nevertheless, afte rwards,etc.

总结finally, at last, in brief ,to conclude,etc.

强调really, indeed, ce rtainly, surely, above all,etc.

对比in the same way, just as, on the otherhand,etc.

(5). 避免重复使用同一单词或词组。

(6). 确定文章用第几人称写, 基本时态是什么。

3. 检查错误:








开头模版recently, we had a heated discussion on…..

论述观点 when it comes to this hot topic ,

students views vary from people to people ,

some people think that … ,

nevertheless , just as the saying goes every coin has two

sides ,

so others have the opposite opinion , they consider that …

结尾as far as i concer ned, i think that …

②一些精彩亮点连接词 in addition , whats more , furthermore


last but not least important ,most important (最重要的是)

worst of all (最糟糕的是),

to make matters wores(更糟的是)

as far as i concerned, personally(我个人看来)

however , nevertheless(然而)


1. 英语书信的常见写作模板:


how nice to hear from you again.

let me tell you something about the activity.

i’m glad to have received your letter of apr. 9th.

i’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to china for a visit.

i’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in america.


with best wishes.

i’m looking forward to your reply.

i’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.











dear jane,

glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to china



li hua

dear jane,

glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to china in july. the following are some chinese customs.

firstly, we greet each other by saying “hello” or asking such questions as “where are you going?” or

“are you busy?” to express our care. secondly, when p raised, we reply with “oh, no!” or “i’m over-praised”

to show good manners. next, when receiving a gift, we usually say “it’s unnecessary” besides “thanks” to

show politeness and then put it away. finally, at dinner parties, we talk loudly and touch glasses when

drinking to someone’s health or success to show that we’re warm.

anyhow, different cultures, different customs. if you “do as the romans do when in rome”, you’ll

enjoy more of your stay here.

i hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you

a good journey.

yours sincerely,

li hua




第1段:recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段:most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

here are the reasons. first... second... finally...(列出2~3个赞成


第3段:however, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)their reasons are as follows. in the first place... what’s more...

in addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段:personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm

than good, so i support it.(个人观点)オ



60%的同学认为 1.不应该收门票 2.公园是公众休闲的地方 3.如收门票,需建大门、围墙,会影


40%的同学认为 1.应收门票,但票价不要太高 2.支付园林工人工资 3.购新花木



3.参考词汇:门票---entrance fee

dear editor.

i’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.

dear editor,

i’m writ ing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for

parks. sixty percent of my schoolmates are for the idea that an entrance fee should not be forced on the pu

blic. they believe parks are the place where the public enjoy themselves at their leisure. they think that a gat

e and wails are to be built i

f an entrance fee is to be charged. the city will not look so beautiful as it should h

ave. forty percent of my schoolmates are for the idea that an entranc e fee is ok, but it shouldn’t be out of co

ntrol. entrance fee can be used to pay the gardeners and buy new types of flowers and trees. for myself, i’

d lik

e to say that i

f we all work hard to build our city into a flower garden, who cares about the entrance fee f

or parks?

yours truly,

li hua

(2) .观点论述类议论文模板:



as a student, i am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

the reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


做教育做良心 https://www.doczj.com/doc/426553266.html,


讲义:unit10 money作文专题讲解

学生:潘嘉瑶学科:英语教师:张淑仪日期: 2013-06-02






②. 听写unit10单词





注意:1. 词数不少于100;

2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:地铁(列车)subway train



(某个节日,某人生日等(做了什么事情). and when (又做了什么事情).

(接下来的一个时间), 叙述人们各自的活动). 事情的情况). after a minute, i(做了什么事情). (取得的结果). she



february 12th, 2008

today was my fathers birthday. i got on the subway train after i had bought the present. and when i was on the subway train, i imagined the situation where i gave the present to my father, and my father would be very happy.

on the next station, there was a lady who had no seat in front of me. she also had two heavy bags. after a minute, i stood up and offered the seat to her. she was very happy and appreciated. she said “thank you!” to me, which made me feel proud.

today was best. i felt the fun to help other people.




one possible version:

august 28th, 2009

in august 2008, olympic games were held in beijing. during the games i was a volunteer.

before the games, all of us received special training. under the guidance of the trainer, we got to know what jobs we could do and what we should pay attention to.

during the games, some of us stood outside the stadium, guiding the audience to go into the birds nest with loudspeakers. some worked at the information center and offered all kinds of help. others acted as tour guides and took foreigners to some places of interest, such as the great wall and the summer palace, which helped them to get a better understanding of chinese culture.

today i felt being a volunteer was a valuable experience for me. not only did i help others, but also i made many friends. besides, i felt i could do something for our country.





注意:1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容。

2. 参考词汇:网络朋友online friend(s);

上当受骗to be cheated


recently our class had a heated discussion over whether 探讨的问题)or not. different

(支持的理由一). and (支持的理由二). besides 支持的理由三,此点略低于前两个).

others, however, think students should not. they say 反对的理由一). and (反对的理由二). in addition(以别于前面的besides), (反对的理由三).

(自己的观点)students should place their study, health and safety 理由一至二).


recently our class had a heated discussion over whether middle school students should make friends online. different people have different opinions. some people say yes. they think that the internet helps make more friends. and chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions. besides they may even get help with their foreign language studies.

others, however, think students should not. they say making friends on line is a waste of time. and they should spend time more meaningfully on study. besides, some students get cheated on line.

it is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. as for friendship, we can easily find it in our classmates and other people around us.




one possible version:

recently our class had a heated discussion over whether they were willing to have the evening self-study at school or not. different people have different opinions.

60 percent of the students think it’s a good idea to have the evening self-study at school. they think they can do better in their study with the help of the teachers. also, they can

concentrate on their lessons better in the classroom and with company of their fellow classmates. 25 percent of the students, however, think students should not. they suppose that they may get disturbed by others and there are possible dangers on their way home alone.

at the same time, still 15 percent of the students don’ t have a clear answer to the question. they say they will go to school to have evening self-study if they are asked to, but they promise they can also do well at home.




假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写回信。要点:

1. 参加中文学习班;

2. 看中文书刊、电视节目;

3. 学唱中文歌曲;

4. 交中国朋友。


1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 开头语已为你写好;

3. 词数100左右。

june 8, 2008

dear peter,

i’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn chinese well.

best wishes,

li hua




i’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on h ow to here are a few suggestions. first, it is important to (第一件应该

做的事情), as you’ll be able to 手段(第二件应该做的事情).

(第三件应该做的事情). you can also (第四件要做的事情). (这样做





june 8, 2008


2018年01月25日试用3的高中英语组卷 一.书面表达(共20小题) 1.假设你是中华中学学生姚平,最近参加了一项研究性学习调研,课题为"父母是否以子女为荣".通过调研你校学生及其父母,结果发现双方对此问题的看法 有差异(数据如图所示).根据图表写一份报告,在报告中,你必须: 1.描述调研数据; 2.分析可能导致这一结果的原因 2.学校即将举办"读书节",目前正广泛征集"读书节"宣传册图片.假设你是该校学生潘阳,你已找到以下三幅图片,决定给读书节组委会写一封信,推荐其中一幅,你的信须包括以下内容:

1.简单描述你想推荐的那幅图片; 2.阐述你用这幅图片宣传"读书节"的理由. 3.学校英语报正在酝酿改版,拟从现有的三个栏目(健康、娱乐、文化)中去 除一个,并从三个备选栏目(时尚、职业规划、读者反馈)中挑选一个纳入该报.假设你是该校学生程飞,给校报编辑写一封电子邮件,表达你的观点.邮件须包括以下内容: 1.你建议去除的栏目及去除的理由; 2.你建议增加的栏目及增加的理由. 4.请描述如图所示的图片,并谈谈你的感受. 5.Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 描写一件你珍藏的物品.文章要具体说明何时、何地、怎样得到这件物品以及为什么珍藏到现在. 6.你叫Jenny,你的网友Peter(高一学生)即将面临期末考试,近日,他就是

否要请家教来帮他复习迎考向你求教,请给Peter回复一封电子邮件,邮件必须包括以下内容: 结合你自身的学习经历就是否请家教表达你的观点及理由; 就复习迎考给出2条主要建议. . 7.以下是三座城市在就业、娱乐、环境方面的满意度.假如你的家庭打算移居 到其中的某座城市,请从你和家庭的情况考虑选择一座比较满意的城市,并简要谈谈选择这座城市的理由. 提示:不必对图表中的数据做详细描 写. 8.你班将召开一次主题班会,探讨高中生在成长过程中遇到的烦恼.请根据自 己实际生活中遇到的学习、交友、代沟、同龄人攀比等现象进行思考,写一篇发 言稿.文章需包括: 1.你在实际生活中遇到的至少两种烦恼及其简要介绍; 2.你应对这些烦恼所采取的举措和建议. . 9.Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假设你班班长打算在寒假组织一次班级活动,有三种方案: 一、慈善义卖帮助家庭有困难的同学;


高中英语作文大全|高二英语作文范 文10篇 学习英语作文需要多看范文多练习写作,那么有关高中的英语作文有哪些呢?以下是X为大家整理的,高中英语作文大全,希望大家喜欢。高中英语作文篇一I’m neither interested in sports nor good at it. But except swimming. I can swim since I was a baby. My mother tells me that she let me swim in the water with a life-buoy when I was 20 days old. And then I can swim gradually. When I grow up, I like swimming very much. I swim all the year round. Swimming in summer makes me feel comfortable to lower my temperature. While winter swimming makes me feel excited and achievability. In general, swimming keeps me fit in both physical and mental. Whenever I feel upset, I

would go swimming and then I would be full of energy and feel relax. Besides I b elieve it is due to swimming that I’m so thin. Who wants to lose weight, join me. We can make more friends in swimming. Oh, I couldn’t wait to swim now. But it is ten o’clock in the evening. I have to go to sleep. Good night everyone. 高中英语作文篇二 Recently, global warming has become a hot topic among people. It results from serious air pollution. As the environmental pollution is more and more strict, the temperature of all the world has dramatic increased. Gradually, some disaster such as drought, floodandGlaciers Melting follow. How terrible it is! Therefore, we need to protect our earth and fight against the disaster should start from


作文一 For a better understanding between parents and children (Generation Gap) 范文一 Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can't approve of what their children say and do. Thus,a big generation gap is formed. The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school,plan their own future ,earn and spend their own money ,and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also,young children wish to be understood by their parents,but most parents don't quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school . Therefore,misunderstanding often arise from parents' tendency to interfere in children's daily activities. In my opinion,most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding. 范文二 Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parent and child. Parents often complain about their children's "unreasonable" behavior, while children usually think their parents too "old-fashioned." Then, when a child has a problem, he usually goes to his intimate friends for sympathy and advice, leaving his parents totally in the dark. There are some possible reasons for the present situation. First, the two generations, having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes for the things around them and thus have little in common to talk about. Second, parents and children, due to the misunderstanding between them, may even feel it uncomfortable to sit face to face with each other talking. Finally, with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, both parent and child are too busy to spare enough time to exchange ideas, even if they find it necessary to communicate. As a result, the gap between them is growing wider and wider. To bridge this so-called generation gap, in my opinion, both parent and child should make an effort. The children should respect their seniors. The older generation, on the other hand, should show solicitude for the young. As for their differences, both generations should make allowance for each other. If they will take the first step by actually talking to one another, it won't be long before the arrival of a better understanding between parent and child. 作文二 Energy problem 范文一 how to solve the energy problem 1.有人认为解决能源危机的方法是厉行节约。 2.有人则认为开发新能源是最好的办法。 3.我的方法。 Nowadays, the world is facing the big problem of energy shortages. The energy that we can use is running out day by day. Maybe one day we will all end up drinking dirty water if we don't do something about it. Here are some things that everyone can do to help save energy. First, we must try to use our air conditioner less during the summer months, as this consumes a great deal of electricity. Second, we should try to remember to use less water while washing our hair. Third, we must not let leaky taps run all day. We should fix them as soon as possible. We should, also, try to close the fridge as quickly as possible. This will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as well. Another thing we can do is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding buses. They "drink" lots of petrol,


高中英语作文范文10篇:旅游 范文(三) 黄山是一处游览胜地,每日有大量游客。几年前不注意保护环境,现在大有改观。请根据下列内容写一篇英语报道。 几年前少数游客的行为现在游客的表现乱扔废纸、塑料袋、罐头盒带走垃圾杀害动物,捕捉飞鸟不再打猎破坏花草、树木爱护植物在林中生火烧饭自带午餐,以防森林火灾 The Huang Mountain is a place of interest. here are lots of tourists seeing sights every day. Years ago, some of them paid no attention to environment protection. They threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Besides, they killed animals, caught birds, destroyed trees and flowers. Worse still, they often made a fire to cook in the forest. That was dangerous. Changes have taken place now. When tourists leave, they take away rubbish with them. They no longer hunt animals. Plants are also protected. All the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest fire. We must sing high praise of the good deeds.


高二英语作文专题训练 20XX年央视春晚的广告收入创新高,但节目中的植入广告引发了热议。最近,某网站举行了一次题为“对今年春晚植入广告的态度”的调查,请根据以下饼图所示信息用英语写一篇短文,并提出你自己的看法。 注意: 1.对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 2.词数150左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3.植入广告:product placement Festival Gala has set records for TV commercial rates, which accordingly has caused heated discussions due to product placement in the programmes. The opinions on this topic vary from person to person. One in four think there is so much of product placement that lots of people feel unsatisfied when they watch the programmes. And 10% of the people think product placement in the programmes greatly ruins the image of CCTV, beause it will leave a bad impression on audience in and outside China. Besides, nearly one third of the people hold the


2017最新高二英语作文万能模板 导语:世界上每个人都有自己的梦想。有的希望能的到财富,有的希望得到快乐,也有的希望得到一个家。而我的愿望却很小很小,我只希望能在一个安静的角落了,静静的静静的遨游在书海的世界里。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网! (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


高中英语满分书信作文模板——投诉信1 Dear ______, ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about. ③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. 高中英语满分书信作文模板——建议信 Dear ______, ①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. ②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容). ③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——请求信 Dear ______ , ①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容). ②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节). ④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. ⑥Thank you for your attention to these requests. ⑦If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at ______(电话号码). ⑧I look forward to a favorable reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Dear Sir or Madam, ①I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ______(报纸名称)of ______(广告发布时间). ②Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ______(工作名称). ③In the one hand, ______(第一个原因). ④On the other hand, ______(另一个原因). ⑤Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. ⑥If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at ______(电话号码). ⑦Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, (求职信)Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——邀请信 Dear ______ , ①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there with us. ③The occasion will start at ______(具体时间). ④This will be followed by a ______(进一步的安排). ⑤At around ______(时间), ______(另一个安排). ⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦RSVP before ______(通知你的最后期限). Yours sincerely, Li Ming 高中英语满分书信作文模板——道歉信 Dear ______, ①I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因). ②The reason is that ______(介绍原因). ③Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. ④Hope you can accept my appologieze and understand my situation.


高二满分英语作文:广告 Advertisements are forcing their way into people’s lives. People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen. Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers. Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way. To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure. There are many ways to advertise and ‘ads’ come in different forms. Newspapers carry advertisements. Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms. However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them 广告正强行进入人们的生活。人们在日常生活中引用广告是


高二英语作文范文【五篇】 Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest;the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world. Firstly, summer is studentsthe most fa*ourite season because their longest *acations of the year are in summer.Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor acti*ities,include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools,tra*eling and sightseeing locally and nationally. Howe*er,some of them try to make good use of their *acations in gaining their working experiences in summer.Other students may try to impro*e their academic performance by going to their summer schools. Secondly,summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.Ice cream is our all time fa*ourite dessert.Yeh,I lo*e ice cream so much.I ha*e to eat some ice cream almost e*eryday in summer.There are a lot of fresh fruits selling e*erywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of


高三英语作文讲解 (精选) 高三英语作文讲解提纲式作文(一)----反应问题并提出意见 示范作文一随着经济的发展,更多的温室气体被排放,其 中大约70%为二氧化碳,这是全球变暖的主要原因之一。导 致海平面上升,自然灾害频繁。请你根据以下提示,写一篇 英语短文。 1.多使用清洁能源,少用煤、油; 2.在可能的情况下以步代车 3.… 4. … With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being given off/ discharged into the air. CO2 about 70% of the greenhouse gases, the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.

示范作文二随着高考的即将来临,学生的压力越来越大, 同学们常出现头晕、乏力、睡眠不好等焦虑症状。请你根据 下列提示,写一篇英语作文,给同学们一些建议。 1.考前制定好合适的复习计划 2.学习期间正常作息 3.睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠 more and more stressful. Most of us have some terrible symptoms, such as feeling dizzy or First of allwe study hard every day and make careful plans for the examination. Besides, enough sleep Therefore, we shouldn’t form the habit of staying up too late. Also, we can try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going Only in this way can we keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on study. 示范作文三随着经济的发展,环境污染越来越严重,自然 灾害接连不断地发生,严重威胁着人们的生活。对此,我们 能做些什么以减轻对地球的污染呢?根据下列提示写一篇 英语作文。 1. 公众应该接受环保教育,节电节水 2. 用环保购物袋取代塑料袋


关于高二必考英语作文5篇 写作作为英语教学的一个重点与难点一直为师生所关注。但在实际的英语学习过程中,一些学生将更多的时间投入到见效较快的词汇、英语阅读等部分,而忽略了英语写作问题。下面,是小编为你整理的高二必考英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 高二必考英语作文篇1 The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city. 如今城市的环境变得越来越糟。有垃圾和空气污染等问题。我们应该如何保护我们的城市?关于垃圾,我们应该进行垃圾分类,看看它们是不是可以回收利用;使用环保购物袋来代替塑料袋。关于空气污染,我们应该走路或者骑自行车去学校;我们还应该要求家人尽量少使用汽车,用地铁或者公交车代替。我希望每个人都能看到环境问题,尽量来拯救我们的城市。 高二必考英语作文篇2 As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad. But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India, France, Russia and England. It didn’t surprise me because there is always news about how Chinese tourists impressed the local people by their bad behavior. They were known as talking loud in the public, being unfriendly to the environment, tipping stingily, and the worst, marking on the historical sites. Every time I heard about these thing I felt so sorry for my country. China is meant to be a country with an ancient civilization and courtesy people. We are nice to foreigners here and being a good host. I hope every tourist who goes abroad should understand that he/she is on behalf of our country. We have the responsibility to defend the dignity of our country. We should show the world the best of China. 随着经济水平的不断提高,很多人喜欢去国外旅游。但是有份调查显示中国是五个最差游客国家之一,还包括印度、法国、俄国和英国。这份调查并没有让我吃惊,


高二优秀英语作文 高二优秀英语作文1 David Beckham perhaps is the most handsome and famous male athlete in the world, his wife Victoria is also very popular around the world, they are the beloved couple for the public. This couple has three boys, two year ago, they finally got their first daughter. People keep their eyes on the star family, they love to see their news, when the girl came to the family, not only David and Victoria were happy, but also the public, they love to see this cute girl, they call her the most happiest girl in the this world. This little girl has the handsome father and beautiful mother, what’s more, she also has three brothers, her destiny means to be perfect. 大卫贝克汉姆或许是世上最帅和最出名的男运动员,他的妻子维多利亚在世上也广受欢迎,大众很喜爱这对夫妇。这对夫妇有三个男孩子,就在两年前,他们终于迎来了第一个女儿。人们关注着这个明星家庭,他们喜欢看到有关他们的新文明,当这个女孩到来这个家庭,不仅仅是大卫和维多利亚高兴,大众也很高兴,他们喜欢看到这个可爱的女孩子,叫她是这个世界上最幸福的女孩。这个小女孩有帅气的父亲和美丽的母亲,而且,她还有三个哥哥,她的命运注定很完美。 高二优秀英语作文2 Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is said that the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our country. I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space. But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks so comfortable. It is so sweet for the workers to build such lovely tunnel, it brings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve the big praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey. 今天,当我看报纸的时候,我看到了一条有趣的新闻,据说我过的第一条彩虹隧道已经建成。在我乘汽车外出的时候,我看到过很多隧道,每次汽车穿过隧道,里面很黑,我感到不舒服,就像到了另一个阴郁的空间。但是彩虹隧道很不一样,各种颜色,看起来很舒服。对于工人来说建这样可爱的隧道是多么的贴心啊,给旅客带来了好心情,工人也很为人着想,他们只得受到大大的赞扬。我觉得如果建造更多的`彩虹隧道,旅客会在他们的旅途中少些倦意。


高二英语作文六篇 高二英语作文:A Travel To Hong Kong This summer holiday, I had travelled to Hong Kong with many other students. We went to Hong Kong by plane. Hong Kong is very small, but there are many people living there. In Hong Kong, all of the buildings are very tall. There are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. In Hong Kong, things are very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs. We went to lots of places, such as the Avenue of Stars and Ocean Park. I like Ocean Park best. The park is very big. Sitting in the cable car, you can see two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. Some students were afraid of sitting in the cable car! We stayed in the Shu Ren College. There are many big trees around it. We had meals in the restaurants, but I didn't like the food. Hong Kong is very beautiful. I like Hong Kong and I hope to go there again some day. 高二英语作文:Thank you Three years ago, I was a cool and detached girl. I never

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