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(1)邮件主题最好有公司名字等,比如公司名字是EXPORT,行业是PLASTIC,这封邮件的内容是给一款产品报价,那么主题可以写Export Plastic/quotation of item A. 这样有一个好处,可以方便客户以及你自己以后查找给客户的信息,对于来往邮件很多的客户,开始的时候我往往要花很多时间去查找以前的报价以及其它资料,但是现在通过主题就很方便知道邮件大概内容是什么,节省很多时间。


(3)第一封邮件最好写上Mr.或者Ms.某某,职位写SALES MANAGER等,不管你是不是经理,写上没关系,你职位高客户会觉得把他当回事,有好处。














1. 向顾客推销商品

Dear Sir:

May 1, 20xx Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.

Yours faithfully

2. 提出询价

Dear Sir:

Jun.1, 20xx We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon..


3. 迅速提供报价

Dear Sir:

June 4, 20xx Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.



4. 如何讨价还价

Dear Sir:

June 8, 20xx We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly

5-1 同意进口商的还价

Dear Sirs:

June 12, 20xx Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down.


5-2 拒绝进口商的还价

Dear Sirs:

June 12, 20xx Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We regret that we cannotmeet your terms. We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders. At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%. Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain. We hope you

will reconsider the offer.


6. 正式提出订单

Dear Sir:

June 15, 20xx We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September. The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.


7. 确认订单

Dear Sir: June 20, 20xx Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes. We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery. We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times.


8. 请求开立信用证


June 18, 20xx Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to execute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.


9. 通知已开立信用证

Dear Sir:

June 24, 20xx Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed.


10. 请求信用证延期

Dear Sir:

Sep. 1, 20xx We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. We are afraid that your L/C will be expire before shipment. Therefore, please explain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to extend the L/C to Sept.30.


11. 同意更改信用证


Sept. 5, 20xx We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to extend the L/C up to and including September 30. Please keep us abreast of any new development.



12. 抱怨发货迟延

Dear Sirs:

Sept. 25, 20xx Concerning our order No. 599 for 200 mountain bikes, so far you have shipped only 50 bikes against the shipment. We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage, if it is confirmed. We have given our customers a definite assurance that we would supply the goods by the end of September. We hope you will look into this urgent matter.

Yours faithfully

12a. 处理客户的抱怨


Sept. 30, 20xx In response to your letter of Sept.25, we regret your complaint very much. Today we received information from Hong Kong that the remaining 150 bikes were on a ship that developed engine trouble and had to put into port for repairs. The trouble was not serious, and the vessel is now on her way. She would arrive at your place tomorrow or the next day.


14-1 取消订货

Dear Sirs:

Oct. 2, 20xx We are sorry that causes completely beyond your control have made it impossible for you to keep the shipment date of Sept. 30. Since you have failed to uphold your end of the agreement, we find it necessary to cancel our order. Unfortunately, our buyers cannot wait indefinitely for the units. We are sorry that it is necessary to take such a drastic step.


14-2 谅解迟运原因


Oct. 2, 20xx We have received of your notice of delay of shipment due to mechanical troubles on the ship. We are pleased that the order is now on its way. Thank you for the notice. We are eagerly awaiting the ship's arrival.

Yours faithfully



15. 货物损坏报告

Dear Sirs:

Oct. 4, 20xx Upon arrival of your shipment, the ship's agents noticed that case No. 5 was damaged and notified us. The number of articles in the case is correct according to the invoice, but the following articles are broken: (List of articles) As you will see in our survey report and of the ship's agents', that these units are damaged and quite unsaleable. Please send us replacements for the broken articles; we await your reply in due course.


16-1. 拒绝承担损坏责任

Dear Sirs:

Oct. 8, 20xx Thank you for informing us of the damaged shipment. Since the units were packed with the best of care, we can only assume that the cases were handled roughly. We therefore

urge you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.


16-2. 承担赔偿责任


Oct. 8, 20xx As soon as we got your letter we got in touch with the packers and asked them to look into the matter. It appears that the fault lies with the packaging materials used. We have since corrected the mistake. We apologize for the oversight, and are sending a new delivery immediately.


17. 催要逾期货款

Dear Sirs:

Nov. 30, 20xx It has come to our attention that your payment is one month overdue. The units ordered were delivered to you on September 26 and were invoiced on September 30. Payment is due on October30. We look forward to seeing your remittance within a week.


18. 付清逾期货款

Dear Sirs:

Oct. 3, 20xx We have looked into the cause of the delay in payment and have found that our accounting department made an oversight in making your remittance. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The sum of US$ 20,000 has been sent to you by Telegraphic Transfer and should reach you sometime tomorrow.



外贸业务全套英文邮件 第一步 1. 向顾客推销商品 Dear Sir: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure. Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon.. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Dear Sir: June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you. 交易的契机 4. 如何讨价还价 Dear Sir: June 8, 2001 We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you


最新商务电子邮件的格式范文6篇 在电子邮件的写作中要注意哪些呢?如何写好一封规范的电子邮件呢? 在写电子邮件时候,要采用日常办公运用的商业信函格式,使用正规的文字,不用或避免应用网络语言,诸如3Q、IFU等。 电子邮件的格式 主题栏:主题明确,一目了然,让人看了知道个所以然,不会是一头雾水,不知所云,当作垃圾邮件删除掉。 称谓:准确,切不可含糊不清。是先生别称成了小姐;是小姐别喊成了先生。这是大忌讳!一次,青岛一家公司发信到公司,把我们公司的运营总监张可先生称呼成了张可小姐。搞得张先生郁闷一天。当你搞不清对方准确的性别时候,那就称老师就没错。主体:简明,扼要,把事情说清楚就可以了,不要罗嗦,拖泥带水的。事情多,写的多,那最好是分成几小段,看的清楚明了。

祝语:可以写祝您工作愉快,工作顺利,或者顺祝商祺等都可以,表示真诚。落款:公司名称,个人姓名,日期。 另外,在信件中一定要写明你的联系方式,最好是手机,随时保持畅通。 电子邮件的格式范文一 尊敬的读者朋友: 非常感谢您长期以来对《世界经理人》杂志的支持! 为了回报您对我们的拥护,我在这里很荣幸地邀请您成为我们上线1周年的尚品·人生网的尊贵会员,您将享受到我们仅为尚品·人生网站会员提供的所有优惠和特权,更有机会在尚品·人生网的社区中结识其他与您一样成功的精英人士! 您只要点击"接受",便可自动成为尚品·人生网站的尊贵会员。 作为世界经理人网的姊妹网站,尚品·人生网以"享受成功品味生活"为使命,让成功人士在取得财富成果的同时,也能尽情享受丰盛的人生,得到生活与事业的和谐平衡。非常感谢您的关注,期待您

加入尚品·人生网! 此致 敬礼! CRAIG PEPPLES 环球资源执行总裁《世界经理人》《尚品·人生》出版人 电子邮件的格式范文二 xxx, 您好,我是北京雅致人生管理顾问有限公司的王艳。很高兴能够认识您,并有幸将我们公司介绍给您。我们公司培训主要以素质技能技巧为主,曾经成功的为IBM/HP/SUMSUNG/微软、中海油、大唐移动、北京移动、信息产业部电信研究院服务过,欢迎您访问我们公司的网址:,对我们公司有更多的了解。 附件是我们公司擅长的培训课程及讲师简历。请您查收。 如有任何问题或者建议请您随时与我联系!


外贸订单英语邮件全过程范文 (1)开发信 Hi Kelvin, Glad to hear that you're on the market for flashlight and other promotional items. This is C from *** Ltd in China. We specialized in flashlights and premiums for 10 years, with the customers of Coca-Cola, Craft, Pepsi, etc., and hope to find a way to cooperate with you! Please find the pictures with models and different packaging in attachment. An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity last year. I would like to try now, if it's suitable for Europe. FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request. Call me, let's talk more! Thanks and best regards, C *** Ltd Tel: *** Fax: *** Mail: *** (2)价格谈判 Hi Kelvin, Thank you so much for your kind mail! Sure, our models with top quality, and think all of them meet the quality level in your local market! If the price is not suitable in your price range, could you pls accept to do a little change? The price will be reduced 3%. That is, EUR2.13/pc. Looking forward to your early reply. Thanks. Kind regards, xxxx


最近研究生考试的成绩已经公布,各高校开始安排研究生的复试工作,这个时候的你可以给您希望的导师发邮件,那要怎样介绍自己呢?下面是为您带来的“给导师发邮件格式范文”,希望您喜欢!更多详细内容请点击(https://www.doczj.com/doc/417279472.html,)查看。 尊敬的xxx教授: 您好,很高兴您在百忙之中能看到我的这封信。 我叫xxx,是xxx的一名学生,今年考的是xx电力大学保定的学硕(热能工程),很想报考您的研究生,通过各方面了解知道您在大机组综合自动化理论研究方面颇有建树。我很想在您的带领和帮助下完成一些与xx相关课题的研究。 考生编号xxx 初试成绩: 英语xx 政治xx数学xx专业课xx总分353 殷切期待您的回复 希望能成为您学生的学生 *** 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的XX老师: 您好! 我叫XX,是xx理工大学材料科学与工程学院xx级本科生,专业是XXXX。我获得了本校201x年推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生的资格,因此想进入贵校进行研究生学习。 我了解到您的研究方向是XXXXXXX。在本校老师讲解XXX时,我就对其很感兴趣,并认识到该焊接方法具有很大的发展前景。并从网上以及学长学姐得知您在该领域做了深入研究,因此非常希望成为您的研究生,在您的指导下进行深入学习。 以下是我的学习情况: 1、大学前三年的平均学分绩90,居专业第一(1/XX),综合测评成绩居专业第二(2/XX)。在2008——2009学年获得国家奖学金(2/XX)、校一等奖学金及校三好学生称号;在2009——2010学年获得国家励志奖学金、校一等奖学金及校三好学生称号。 2、在计算机方面,我通过了全国计算机二级、三级,并利用课余时间学习AutoCAD、CAXA、Solid


交易的第一步 1. 向顾客推销商品 Dear Sir: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure. Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon.. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Dear Sir: June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the


精心整理 公司内部邮件格式范文 公司内部邮件格式 一)邮件主题 ★与公司内部同事沟通的邮件格式为:部门-发件人姓名-事件-日期 ★与其他公司工作上的沟通邮件格式为:公司名称-事件-日期 例如:北京筑基企业管理咨询有限公司- (二)邮件内容 1、称呼 称呼是写信人对收件人的称呼用语。 语。 注:为避免 2、正文 每段文字第一行 ★对于工作汇报类邮件 首先、表明工作是否完成,已完成的简单描述完成情况。 其次、未完成的描述执行进度,未执行的描述为何未执行,需要特定人配合执行的需使用红色字体加粗等重点标注的形式书写。 ★对于数据汇报类邮件 首先、简述数据的内容并辅以简要的分析。

其次、针对数据异常的部分,需使用红色字体加粗等重点标注的形式书写。 3、结束语 结束语在正文之后,空一行另起一段书写,以表尊重。 4、附件 信件如果有附件,可在邮件内容书写完毕后空一行注明,以注字加冒号起"附件一、附件二......"依序列出附件内容,并在文字底下加横线,以引起收信人的注意,使收信人便于在读信之前就可了解信中的主要内容。附件文件名的格式统一为: 日期-姓名-附件内容 5、署名 注:正文为邮件不可或缺的一部分,对(三)邮件地址栏 (邮件)可不回( (四) ),邮件内容字体统一为:宋体9号字),颜色为黑色。 ★回复时收件人只填发邮件的人,其他均为抄送。 ★附件文件名的格式统一为:日期-姓名-附件内容 公司内部邮件范文 邮件标题:市场部-蔡永-梦幻新区4月交易数据汇报-12.5.1 叶总、王总,你们好: 4月份梦幻新区的定单发布数量为1000单,成交495笔,环比3月份(500单)发布单数量上升100%和成交量笔数(450)上升10%,发布单数与成交笔数的增长比率严重不符。请订单审核部的王总审查下是否存在重复发单的情况及重复发单的数量。


收到客户询盘时的回复: Dear sir, We hereby acknowledge receipt your inquiry of XX,(products)and i just got the information from our production department,these standard is available for us.and the now pls check the quotation below: The specification you required: The length: The diameter: The material ........ The price:XX usd /pes FOB(tian jin) I hope this is the one in your favor,As a experienced company (ISO9001:2000)in the XX filed for more than 20 years.and we take the opportunity seriously to cooperate with you.if you have any questions ,pls feel free to contact me.i will try my best Thanks and regards 签名 客户询盘模糊,向客户询问规格 Dear sir, Thanks for your inquiry of our XX(products).on dec.10th.and we are in XX filed for many years,so we are confident we can do it.but the specifications you given is still lack.such as the diameter,meterial,quantity and so on.....,so pls can you send us the details?the drawing(cad)is ok. After we confirmed,we are happy to provide you with our good quality and competitive price. Look forward your soonest reply, Thanks and regards 签名 针对客户的讨价还价的回复 Dear sir, Sorry for my late reply,i discuss with our boss for a long time, but regarding the price,it is near our bottom line,you know the market is changing everyday,and it is hard to cut more on cost as we need the products with best quality. But we treasure our first cooperation,so we allow you a 2%discount,this is the best i can do for you. I hope that if you have the will to cooperate,pls don’t just focus on the price,the most important is the quality,i think. If you any comments ,pls let me know. Thanks and regards Angela 这个得针对情况,如果利润真的不太高,就这样写没有关系,如果老板太黑了,就给点折扣,关于价格不是一封两封的邮件可以搞定的,总之灵活点啦 应对客户的迟迟不回复的邮件: Dear sir, Did you receive our quotation on dec12th?and no reply from you.i was waiting until all the


邮件正文格式范文正确的邮件格式 邮正文格式范文1 XXXX先生: 五月二十日有关第645号定单的来信收到。 得知错运货物,本公司感到抱歉。正确的货物已安排空运,应于一周内运抵。有关文将加函寄上。 烦请暂存错运给贵方的货物。 如有任何疑问,欢迎与本公司联络。对于是次错失,谨再次表示歉意。 销售部主任xxxx年5月20日 邮正文格式范文 2 一、报到事宜: 1、报到时间:近期报到。具体报到时间请联系当地项目部负责人协商安排(联系方式见本文最后) 。 2、报到地点:根据公司实地项目修要安排具体报到地点,请收到回复函后及时与公司负 责人取得联系,确定报到地点。 3、车票报销标准:报销上限为户口所在地至项目所在地的火车硬卧票价格,飞机票报销一半。请妥善保管相关票据,凭票报销。 4、报到需携带材料: (1)个人简历复印

1 份; (2)本人身份证原及复印 2 份(新版身份证需复印正反面) ; (3)最高学历毕业证复印 1 份; (4)一寸照片 3 张,二寸照片 1 张; (5)相关资格证书复印。 二、职责与待遇: 1、试用期间:2000-2500 元/月,转正之后 3500-8000 元/月。公司将在你的月工资中按劳动法规定代扣出你的个人所得税的个人缴纳部分及其他国家规定的有关保险等费用。 2、年总根据公司业绩及制度发放奖金。 3、提供住宿,午餐及晚餐有公司提供。 4、签订劳动合同后,公司将按照国家规定缴纳“五险一金” 。 三、需反馈事项: 1、票据信息反馈:报到地点确定后请提前订票,并以电话或短信的形式发送给各区域负责 人,以便公司提前安排好接待和住宿等事宜。 2、注意事项: (1) 、为避免行李及贵重物品的丢失,公司暂不办理行李托运。 (2)


有关外贸邮件的范文Model articles on foreign trade mail

有关外贸邮件的范文 小泰温馨提示:写作是运用语言文字符号以记述的方式反映事物、表 达思想感情、传递知识信息、实现交流沟通的创造性脑力劳动过程。 本文档根据写作活动要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和 使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 外贸邮件应该怎么写才能够吸引到客户的注意和回复呢? 下面是小泰为你整理的有关外贸邮件的范文,希望对你有用! 有关外贸邮件的范文格式 一、使用统一的信纸(邮件背景),好有公司的商标,主 要产品的图片类别等等。外贸管理软件中可以自动设置、修改,再进行使用。 二、格式正确,统一,邮件主题合理,拼写无误。所有 发给客户的邮件应该采用统一的格式。外贸管理软件可以帮助设置相应的格式与主题。 (1)邮件主题最好有公司名字等,比如公司名字是EXPORT,行业是PLASTIC,这封邮件的内容是给一款产品报价,那么主题可以写Export Plastic/quotation of item A. 这 样有一个好处,可以方便客户以及你自己以后查找给客户的信息,对于来往邮件很多的客户,开始的时候我往往要花很多时

间去查找以前的报价以及其它资料,但是现在通过主题就很方便知道邮件大概内容是什么,节省很多时间。 (2)邮件正文两端对齐:对于段落很多的邮件,正文两 端对齐会显得很整洁。 (3)第一封邮件最好写上Mr.或者Ms.某某,职位写SALES MANAGER等,不管你是不是经理,写上没关系,你职位 高客户会觉得把他当回事,有好处。 (4)落款有公司标识以及详细联系资料 三、版面整洁,在OE里面将撰写邮件的字体,字号 (10-12号比较好)都设置好,不要一会大字一会小字;也不 要花花绿绿的,特别是不要全篇都是大写字母,会增加阅读的难度,让人反感。除非是对一些需要特别提醒客户注意的地方,可以用大写,加粗,特殊颜色等突出显示。 四、拼写无误,在每封邮件发出之前都应该利用拼写检 查工具检查是否全部拼写无误。 五、表述准确,能够准确表达我方的观点,不要使客户 产生任何的歧义,尽量避免有歧义的单词或者短语,尽量避免使用俚语等。


一、事务邮件: X经理/总: 您好! 非常荣幸能够代表我公司与您联系。 我是XXXX公司的XXX(职位)的XXX(姓名),今天将您所感兴趣的我司产品报价及相关介绍发送给您,请您查阅! 如果邮件中有任何不清楚的地方或者您需要我们提供任何帮助,请您联系我,电话:*********,或联系XXX(该客户的具体主管以上负责人)手机号:XXXX。 恭祝商祺! XXX 二、问候邮件: 例一: X经理/总: 您好! 在这个阳关灿烂的日子里,祝您身体健康,心情愉快! (在这个特别的日子里,为您送上最真挚的祝福,祝您:生日快乐!工作顺利!) XXX公司XX敬上 例二: X经理/总: 您好! 生活是一种态度,拼搏奋斗之间自由来去,才是生活的真谛!生活是一种心境,慢慢体会了才会有温馨浪漫的甜蜜……今晨阳光灿烂,空气清爽怡人,我愿将这人间最美的时刻送给您。 祝您生活愉快,事业蒸蒸日上! XXX公司XX敬上 例三: X经理/总: 您好! 一份真诚,能胜万两黄金;一缕温暖,能抵万里寒霜;一句真心的问候,送来我最美好祝愿:忙碌的日子不要忘记照顾自己的身体,祝您身体健康,工作顺利! XXX公司XX敬上 例四: X经理/总: 新年好! 值此2012新年来临之际,XXXX(公司)向贵公司表示最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的祝福,

感谢您长期以来对我们的支持和信任! 在过去的一年中,我们的团队在您的支持、鼓励、批评下得到了一定的成长。未来的中国是服务的王国,得服务真谛者得天下!你我携手共同为车主创造出体验更加温馨、融洽、激情的消费天空。您的标准就是我们努力的方向。在私下直言批评的是我们的真朋友!请提高您对我们的标准! 让我们共同携手创造明天、后天!我们的团队还很幼稚,需要指点、批评、鼓励等各种成长的“营养素”,这是您赐予我们最有价值的礼物。 愿我们成为您生命中的礼物,虽然不期而至闯入您的世界,但从此为您打开全新的一扇窗——那一片天空下,生命真挚而温暖,彼此尊重、呵护,彼此温暖。这是我们共同的愿景,这是我们共同的理想! 新春来临,万象更新,XXXX全体员工衷心祝愿贵公司大展宏图、事业兴旺!顺祝春节愉快,身体健康,阖家欢乐! XXXX公司 三、感谢信: X经理/总: 您好! 感谢您长期以往对我司的支持与信任, 注意: 一、关于主题 1.一定不要空白标题。 2.最好写上来自**公司的邮件,以便对方一目了然,又便于留存。 3.标题要能真实反映文章的内容和重要性,切忌使用含义不清的标题。 4.一封信尽可能只针对一个主题,不在一封信内谈及多宗事情,以便于日后整理。 5.可适当用使用大写字母字符(如“* !”等)来突出标题,引起收件人注意,但应适度, 特别是不要随便就用“紧急”之类的字眼。 6.回复对方邮件时,应当根据回复内容需要更改标题,不要RE一大串。 7.最重要的一点,主题千万不可出现错别字和不通顺之处,切莫只顾检查正文却在发出前 忘记检查主题。 二、关于称呼与问候 1.恰当地称呼收件者,拿捏尺度。 邮件的开头要称呼收件人。称呼是第一行顶格写。 2.Email开头结尾最好要有问候语 “你好”或者“您好”,开头问候语是称呼换行空两个写。


询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is a regret that I haven’t received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards. 追问客户的评价,求回复 Dear xxx, How are you recently? Several days no news from you, have you got my enquiry for xxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still waiting for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards. 本着小强精神,保证客户收到报价,重发报价 Hello,xxx, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again. If you have any other ideas, pls fell free to contact me. We will do much better if you can give any advices to us. Waiting for your favorable reply soon! Best wishes 利用报价的有效期给客户一点压力 Hello,xxx, Hope everything goes well!!! It is Bella. We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow:xxxxxx. Pls kindly check whether price is workable. Because price will be invalid on xxxx. Wish we will promote business. Best regards. 最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,附上产品目录表 Good day! My friend, Bella again. My quotation of xxx you might have received and considered. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earliest convenience? Enclosed is the E-catalog of Kington, pls kindly chk! If there is any item you are in need of, pls contact me! I’ll be more than pleasure to offer the information you want. Thanks... I am of service at any time! BR


客户邀请函: Dear Sir, Invitation for Visiting to China For establishing more cooperation in 2012, we honored to invite Mr. to our company to negotiate future cooperation in busines s. We are seeking you business cooperation and lon-term partnership. Sincerely looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours faithfully. 初次跟进: How are you? Have you got a good weekend. For several days no news from you, my dear friend. Does everything go well?Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. we are interested in the possibility of further cooperation with your company. Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service for you recently. Should you have any questions,plsase don’t hesitat e to contact me. 催单邮件: Dear Sir/Madam, How are you? Hope everything is ok with you all along. Unfortunately, for several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business, If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you with competitive prices as per your request. By the way, what's your general impression, may i ask? Should there be any query, do feel free to contact me.We look forward to receiving your early reply, and assure you that your requirements will have our best and prompt attention.(更换) Best regards, XXXX 一、外贸催款信怎么开头: Again we call your attention to your payment due April 30. We again call your attention to the following invoices which, according to our records, are still unpaid well beyond our normal terms: Once again, we ask for your cooperation in paying your account which is now more than two months past due. We have not received any response from you to the recent reminder we sent you on May 20 about your overdue account. Y ou did not respond to our first reminder of your overdue balance of $2578.50. Y ou have not answered my previous letters asking for payment on your $2578.50 purchase. 二、催款信中说什么理由 Would you please let us have an explanation of why the invoice is still outstanding? Please let us know why the balance has not been cleared. We would like to know if there is a reason for your delay in paying your long overdue account. 三、一封温和的外贸催款信怎么写 I am sure it is not your intention to ignore past due notices at the expense of your credit standing. I am sure you are not intentionally trying to make our work difficult, but that's what it amounts to. We realize that financial conditions in your firm have not been good recently. By now, however, we feel you should be able to start paying again. Perhaps you have overlooked these past due payments. It would be only fair to pay them now. To avoid an unfavorable report of your credit records, we suggest an immediate payment of the amount due.


1.无法提供客户想要的产品时回复Dear Thank you for your enquiry of 12 March cate 9 cable. We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand. We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute: Cate 5, US$__ per meter FOB Shanghai, including your commission 2%. Please visit our catalog at https://www.doczj.com/doc/417279472.html, for more information on this item. If you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible. Sincerely, 2.对客户一般讯盘的三种回复 Dear Mr. Jones: We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat CNF Copenhagen dated February, 21. In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts, handpicked, shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports. Shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment by L/C payable by sight draft.


外贸业务全套英文邮件范文(转) 交易的第一步 1. 向顾客推销商品 Dear Sir: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure. Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon.. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Dear Sir: June 4, 2001 Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of serv ice of you. 交易的契机 4. 如何讨价还价 Dear Sir: June 8, 2001 We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly 5-1 同意进口商的还价 Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001 Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down. Sincerely 5-2 拒绝进口商的还价


[ 标签 :标题 ] 篇一:电子邮件的格式范文 3 篇 电子邮件的格式范文 3 篇 电子邮件 (E-mail) 是建立在计算机网络上的一种通信形式。计算机用户可以利用网络传递 电子邮件,实现相互通信。下文是小编为大家整理的电子邮件的格式的范文,仅供参考。 在电子邮件的写作中要注意哪些呢?如何写好一封规范的电子邮件呢? 在写电子邮件时候,要采用日常办公运用的商业信函格式,使用正规的文字,不用或避免 应用网络语言,诸如3Q、IFU 等。 主题栏:主题明确,一目了然,让人看了知道个所以然,不会是一头雾水,不知所云,当 作垃圾邮件删除掉。 称谓:准确,切不可含糊不清。是先生别称成了小姐;是小姐别喊成了先生。这是大忌讳! 一次,青岛一家公司发信到公司,把我们公司的运营总监张可先生称呼成了张可小姐。搞得 张先生郁闷一天。当你搞不清对方准确的性别时候,那就称老师就没错。主体:简明,扼 要,把事情说清楚就可以了,不要罗嗦,拖泥带水的。事情多,写的多,那最好是分成几小 段,看的清楚明了。 祝语:可以写祝您工作愉快,工作顺利,或者顺祝商祺等都可以,表示真诚。落款:公 司名称,个人姓名,日期。 另外,在信件中一定要写明你的联系方式,最好是手机,随时保持畅通。 电子邮件的格式范文一: 尊敬的读者朋友: 非常感谢您长期以来对《世界经理人》杂志的支持! 为了回报您对我们的拥护,我在这里很荣幸地邀请您成为我们上线 1 周年的尚品· 人生网 的尊贵会员,您将享受到我们仅为尚品·人生网站会员提供的所有优惠和特权,更有机会在 尚品·人生网的社区中结识其他与您一样成功的精英人士! 您只要点击 " 接受 " ,便可自动成为尚品·人生网站的尊贵会员。 作为世界经理人网的姊妹网站,尚品·人生网以" 享受成功品味生活" 为使命, 让成功人士在取得财富成果的同时,也能尽情享受丰盛的人生,得到生活与事业的和谐平衡。 非常感谢您的关注,期待您加入尚品·人生网! 此致 敬礼 ! 《世界经理人》《尚品·人生》出版人 CRAIG PEPPLES 环球资源执行总 裁 电子邮件的格式范文二: xxx, 您好,我是北京雅致人生管理顾问有限公司的王艳。很高兴能够认识您,并有幸将我们公 司介绍给您。我们公司培训主要以素质技能技巧为主,曾经成功的为 IBM/HP/SUMSUNG/ 微软、中海油、大唐移动、北京移动、信息产业部电信研究院服务过, 欢迎您访问我们公司的网址: ,对我们公司有更多的了解。 附件是我们公司擅长的培训课程及讲师简历。请您查收。 如有任何问题或者建议请您随时与我联系! 希望我们能达成互补,在未来有合作的机会! 感谢您对我工作的支持 ! 祝您工作开心快乐 !

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