当前位置:文档之家› 跨文化交际重点梳理




重点1Definition of culture

Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed through the generations in an identifiable group of people.

重点2Characteristics of culture(10)

1、Culture is shared

Culture is a system of shared values beliefs or patterns of behaviors held in a group ,organization or society.

It is not property of any individual.

2、culture is cumulative

Human beliefs, arts etc. are results of many generations.

Every generations can discover the new things.

The new knowledge are added to what was learned in previous generations.

3、culture is learned

Culture is not inherent with any people.

Culture can not be genetically and automatically passed down



from previous generations.

And it should be taught and learned by people.

4、culture is adaptive

Culture is created by humans. Humans have to adapt the environment . thus is in development bears the trait of being adaptive 5、culture is dynamic

At the same time that new culture are added, and the old ones are lost because they are no longer useful.

6、culture is symbolic

Symbols generally serve as communicative tools for a multitude purposes, on a persons as well as culture level.

7 、culture is relational

Culture is an organic whole. All the components of culture are interlinked.

8 、culture is implicit and explicit

Some layers culture are easy to be observe, like eating , dressing, talking. But the ideas underlying the behaviors are generally hard to know. Many scholars label the culture as iceberg.



culture is universal 9、culture is diversified


Hall's dimensions3重点High context

High-context communication relies heavily on nonverbal, contextual and shared cultural meanings.

The meanings are not fully expressed.

re determined by “how”things are said , rather than “what”Meanings ais said.


Low context

Verbal codes rather than the information implies

Clear straight and to-the-point communication



Monochromic culture

Do one thing at one time, Concentrate on the job, take time seriously, 文档Word


low-context and need information, commit to the job, religiously to the plans, not disturbing others, seldom borrow or lend things, emphasize promptness

Polychromic culture

Do many things at once, subject to interruptions, consider time

commitments an objective to be achieved, high-context and already have

information. Change plans often. Emphasize the relationships.

重点4Triandis's individualism & collectivism


Fosters independence and individual achievement,

Promotes self-expression ,personal choice, individual thinking Associated with egalitarian relationships and flexibility in roles Understand the physical world as knowable apart of human life Collectivism

Interdependence and group success

Promotes adherence to norms

Associated with stable, hierarchical roles

Shared property, group ownership



重点5Elements of communication Source (sender)








重点6Grice's cooperative principle Quantity maxim

Make your contribute as informative as is required for the current purpose of exchange.

Do not make your contribution more information than is required. (量的准则——话语提供充分而不多余的信息)

Quality maxim

Make your contribution is ture




Relation maxim

Be relevant

(关系准则——话语与话题有关,即与所要实现的意图有关)Manner maxim

Be perspicuous

Avoid obscurity of expression

Avoid ambiguity


浅谈跨文化交际在小学英语教学中的重要性 东方市第三小学符将娇 “跨文化交际”教学在英语教学中占有非常重要的地位,在小学阶段更是如此。在小学英语教学中,英语教师可根据小学生的认知水平、思维特点,以课堂教学作为“跨文化交际”教学的主要途径,在课堂教学过程中灵活运用各种教学方法;把课外活动作为实现文化教学的重要途径,充分利用生活中的各种资源来开展“跨文化交际”教学。 一、小学英语“跨文化交际”教学的重要性 传统的小学英语教学一般侧重于语音、词汇、语法的传授和机械的句型练习,往往忽视英美国家文化背景知识的渗透。重语言轻文化的教学方式导致学生不能灵活地运用英语语言。小学生只能记忆单词,了解课文内容,完成课后练习,但不理解其文化背景知识。语言是文化的载体,学习一个国家的语言,必须学习这个国家的文化背景知识。《英语课程标准》明确指出:语言有丰富的文化内涵。接触和了解英语国家文化有益于对英语的理解和使用,有益于加深对本国文化的理解与认识,有益于培养世界意识。因此,在教学中,教师应根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围。 小学英语“跨文化交际”教学势在必行。因为我们必须要在小学这个打基础的重要阶段就把“跨文化交际”教学放在突出的地位,让学生从一开始就在有文化背景的环境下学到地道的英语。在小学英语教学中进行“跨文化交际”教学,也是新英语课程对小学英语教师提出的一个新要求。

二、小学英语“跨文化交际”教学的实现方式与途径 教学实践及理论告诉我们,小学英语“跨文化交际”教学的主要实现方式与途径应以课堂教学为主,而课外活动则可作为其重要的实现途径。 1.课堂教学是进行文化教学的主要方式 就目前而言,课堂教学依然是教学活动的主要方式,而且学生和教师在课堂上的时间也最长。课堂教学是进行文化教学的主要阵地,教师应把英语语言教学置于跨文化的环境中,把跨文化交际列为英语教学的一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。 (1)对比差异,激活教材。教材是学生学习英语的重要资源,然而小学英语教材的编撰对文化项目没有作分门别类系统的介绍,在教材中只是以零星、不完整的形式出现,这就需要教师结合具体教学内容,将教材中那些有关英语国家文化背景知识和社会风俗习惯的典型实例挖掘出来,让学生领会英汉文化的差异,以提高学生的语言交际能力。如课文中经常出现的打招呼用语,中西方的差别相当大。中国人通常用“去哪啊?”“忙吗?”“吃了吗?” 等等表示友好的问候,并不关心答语的实质内容。而在英国人看来,这些问题是非常奇怪的,也容易产生歧义甚至文化冲突。英国人见面问好通常用Hello / Hi / Good morning /How are you?等等。在教学过程中,教师应努力激活教材内容,进行文化比较,及时点拨学生领会文化异同现象。通过这样的教学方法,才能真正让学生了解语言背景知识,培养其跨文化交际,学以致用,有效地提高其在真实场景下的语言运用和交际能力。 (2)巧设悬念,激起探究。学源于思,思起于疑。教师要巧妙设疑,创设悬念,使学生产生求知欲和探索欲。在小学英语教学中,教师通过巧设悬念,能让学生更加深刻地理解中外文化的差异。


如何培养英语跨文化交际能力 中宁五中张永宏 摘要:本文通过分析我国英语教学现状,探索英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性,具体分析“跨文化交际能力”的三大组成,思考培养英语跨文化交际能力的具体方法。 关键词:跨文化交际语义文化语用文化 多年来,我国的英语教学主要采用传统的教学方法,即传统的听说法“with its end less and mind-numbing repetitive drills”和古老的以教师为中心的语法—翻译法。教师往往只注重学生语言形式的正确与否或使用是否流畅,而较少注重结合语言使用的场合来培养学生综合运用的能力。学生在这种教学模式下,经过十几年的英语学习,即使是有些成绩很好的学生也不能用所学的英语同外国人进行有效地交流。为了改变这种现状,人们必然对英语教学提出新的要求。而跨文化交际能力的培养却能在一定程度上弥补传统教学的这种缺陷。 首先,何为跨文化交际呢?“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“intercultural communication”或“cross-cultural communication”,它既指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和社会文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质社会及宗教等环境的不同,因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的社会文化、风土人情和语言习惯等诸语境因素,造成人们不同的说话方式或习惯话语。这就可能使交际双方对对方的话语做出不准确地推论,从而产生冲突、误会或交际的故障。 跨文化交际能力就是针对文化冲突提出来的,它是一种在理解、掌握外国文化知识与交际技能的基础上,灵活处理跨文化交际中出现的实际问题的能力。 一、英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性。 1、近年来, 随着改革开放步伐的加快, 对外交往日益频繁, 国与国之间的交流也越来越 广泛, 特别是社会信息化提高, 国际互联网的开通使更多的人足不出户便涉及到跨 文化交际。中国成功地加入WTO后,国际市场对能用英语熟练有效地交际的复合型人才的大量需求给外语教学提出了新的挑战,所以培养跨文化交际能力有其现实意义。 2、培养跨文化交际能力有助于我们要打破以往“就语言教语言”的模式,把交际因素引 进到英语教学中来,在英语教学过程中揭示那些隐伏在语言背后的,易引起误会和冲突的文化因素。掌握语言不只是掌握语法、音位和语义规则,还必须考虑到外国社会文化背景造成的语言之外的规则。 3、培养跨文化交际能力有利于处理好语言和文化的关系。语言和文化是不可分割的,二 者相互依存、相互影响。语言是文化的载体,又是文化的重要组成部分,也是文化的


跨文化交际与礼仪的重要性 随着经济全球化的发展,不同国家之间的交流和接触日益频繁,来自不同国家,有着不同文化背景的人们之间的交流成为人们普遍关注的问题。所谓的跨文化交际,是指来自不同文化背景的人从事交际活动、相互交流的过程。而跨文化交际与普通交际的差别就在于一个“跨”字,即交际双方来自不同的文化背景。然而,在跨文化交际中,由于交际双方的文化背景、习惯、习俗等的不同,交际者之间往往因不了解别国的风俗礼仪而产生误会甚至是冲突。因此,学习各国不同民族的文化礼仪、风俗习惯成为跨文化交际活动中一个不可忽视的重要内容。而跨文化的交际需要双方适当的礼仪作为连接的桥梁。是否能够在交流活动中成功地进行跨文化交际,最重要的一点是是否具备一定的跨文化礼仪知识。 荀子曰:“人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。”中国自古以来就有“礼仪之邦”的美誉。所谓“礼”,是教人尊敬与关心他人,使之合乎情理。所谓“节”是教人在言谈举止上要恰到其分,使之合乎事理。可见,小到人与人的交往,大到国家间的交往,都必须遵守社交礼仪规范,否则就会失礼失态。拥有长久历史的礼仪文化是古人留给我们的一笔丰厚财富,这对于跨文化的交际与礼仪的发展有着重要的作用。 下面,我们将从文化、涉外秘书工作、送礼习俗、商务交谈等角度阐释跨文化交际与礼仪的重要性。 一、跨文化交际与礼仪在文化方面的重要性 文化是人们行动的指南,指导人们的一切行动文化。在跨文化交际与礼仪中,文化是核心的部分。影响跨文化交际与礼仪的文化因素包括一个民族的历史传统、宗教、价值观念、社会组织、风俗习惯、社会所处的发展阶段和社会制度等。了解各国文化中存在的不同的文化模式和交往规则可以帮助交际者认识到文化差异对交际的影响,提高对跨文化现象的敏感度。它也可以帮助交际者理解跨文化交际语境中交际对象的行为取向。 二、跨文化交际与礼仪在涉外秘书工作中的重要性 涉外秘书往往会与不同国家的人员进行交流,这对于他们来时既是机遇也是挑战。由于不同的语言和文化背景而产生的跨文化交际的障碍比比皆是,作为秘书要处理好跨文化交际活动,避免跨文化交际障碍的出现,促进跨文化交际活动



Unit 1 Page 22 The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view of hi story that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a persistent i nability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by space, ideol ogy, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about many of huma n civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as global. The story of h umankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as well as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from simple name-calling to i solationism or even armed conflict. It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it impe rative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understand peop le whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, thr ough increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with people who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only in our own neigh borhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peace. 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰 和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在 发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充 满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去 理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我 们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的 安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 Unit 2 Page 60 Culture is sometimes referred to as our mental programming,our “software of the mind. ” But we can take that computer analogy further and say that culture is the operating environment that enables software programs to run. Culture is like DOS or Unix or Windows:it is what enables us to process information in various specific application. The metaphor of windows seems to be very appealing to describe culture: culture is a mental set of windows through which all of life is viewed. It various from individual to individual within a society, but it shares important characteristics with menbers of a society. Culture is like the water fish swim in┄a reality that is taken for granted and rarely examined. it is in the air we breath and is as necessary to our understanding of who we are as air is to our physical life. Culture is the property of a community of people, not simply a characteristic of individuals. Societies are programmed by culture, and that programming comes from similar life experiences and similar interpretations of what those experiences mean. If culture is mental programming, it is also a mental map of reality. It tells us from early childhood what matters, what to prefer, what to avoid, and what to do. Culture


如何培养英语跨文化交际能力 ( 草塔镇中杨柳慧 ) 摘要:本文通过分析我国英语教学现状,探索英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性,具体分析“跨文化交际能力”的三大组成,思考培养英语跨文化交际能力的具体方法。 关键词:跨文化交际语义文化语用文化 多年来,我国的英语教学主要采用传统的教学方法,即传统的听说法“wit h its end less and mind-numbing repetitive drills”和古老的以教师为中心的语法—翻译法。教师往往只注重学生语言形式的正确与否或使用是否流畅,而较少注重结合语言使用的场合来培养学生综合运用的能力。学生在这种教学模式下,经过十几年的英语学习,即使是有些成绩很好的学生也不能用所学的英语同外国人进行有效地交流。为了改变这种现状,人们必然对英语教学提出新的要求。而跨文化交际能力的培养却能在一定程度上弥补传统教学的这种缺陷。 首先,何为跨文化交际呢?“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“intercultural communication”或“cross-cultural communication”,它既指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和社会文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质社会及宗教等环境的不同,因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的社会文化、风土人情和语言习惯等诸语境因素,造成人们不同的说话方式或习惯话语。这就可能使交际双方对对方的话语做出不准确地推论,从而产生冲突、误会或交际的故障。 跨文化交际能力就是针对文化冲突提出来的,它是一种在理解、掌握外国文化知识与交际技能的基础上,灵活处理跨文化交际中出现的实际问题的能力。


大学生跨文化交际能力的培养 摘要:当前大学英语教学的重要目标是培养学生跨文化交际能力,我国频繁的对外交流,需要高素质的跨文化交际能力人才。文章根据跨文化交际能力的内涵和概念,从理论的层次探讨了跨文化交际能力的培养方式 关键词:跨文化交际能力; 英语 Abstract:Current college English teaching important goal is to develop students' intercultural communicative competence, our frequent international exchanges, high-quality intercultural communicative competence talent.According to the content and concepts of intercultural communicative competence, from the theoretical level of Intercultural Communication ability Key words: cross-cultural communication skills; English teaching 随着全球化的发展,世界各国之间的跨文化交际成为不可避免的趋势。改革开放的不断深入,中国的对外交流活动也已经涉及到政治,经济,文化,教育和旅游等各个领域。然而由于各国之间的文化差异,交流不可避免会产生误会,如何与不同文化背景的人进行交流,成为了一个亟待解决的问题。 一、跨文化交际能力相关涵义 与跨文化交际能力相关的涵义涉及到文化,交际还有能力等层面,交际和交际能力是其基础。英语中的“交际”,也就是“communication”,来源于拉丁语“commonis”一词,意思是“共同”“共享”,信息的交换和传达等。Lusting &Koester( 1996) 认为交际是人们通过符号来创造共享意义的过程。关世杰( 1995) 将交际定义为“信息发送者与信息接受者共享信息的过程”。根据现代交际学范畴,交际是人们相互沟通信息的过程,也就是人们运用语言或者非语言信息传达思想和表达感情的交流过程。交际能力( communicative competence)由Hymes 提出,指的是有着具体文化身份的说话者和某一客观存在的言语群体进行恰当交流所必须要掌握的一切知识和技能。文化和交际有所不同,其概念难以界定,早在


The Importance of Studying Intercultural Communication

Recently, we have already studied the intercultural communication. Speak to the importance of studying intercultural communication, we may first talk about what is intercultural communication. Theoretically speaking, intercultural communication is a broad concept which has broad application: it may refer to communication between different races, nations or countries and between different political and economic systems; it may refer to communication between different genders, age groups, occupations, social classes or educational levels; it may also refer to communication between different regions of one country. In the meantime, the intercultural communication have three forms: interracial communication, interethnic communication and intracultural communication. The worldwide interest in intercultural communication grows out of tremendous changes in technology, economy ,immigration pattern and the emergence of multiculturalism. The advanced new technology and the increase of cultural migration, also the economic globalization and the growth of the word population are the main reasons for increasing intercultural communication. With the globalization of the world economy and wide use of the internet which is tearing down national boundaries, intercultural communication has become part of our daily life. As a result, understand other culture is indispensible and need for intercultural knowledge and skills that lead to intercultural communication competence become essential in our society. The importance of studying intercultural communication cannot be overstated. First of all, we can increase our cultural awareness by studying intercultural communication. Because such awareness is the first step to intercultural communication competence. Simply, intercultural awareness can be viewed as a cognitive process of understanding other’s values, attitudes, beliefs and outlooks. Second, It can reduce communication barriers and facilitate adaption to global and domestic workplace diversity by studying intercultural communication. Different cultures have different communication styles, so it is not enough to have a good communication only knowing the grammar and vocabulary of a language. Therefore, when communicating with others from


汉硕案例分析答题技巧 最近很多人问关于汉语国际教育考试中的案例分析题该怎样答,我根据自己的粗浅经验,现总结如下: 1.答题思路:按照发现问题-- 分析问题-- 解决问题的思路。具体如下:(1)发现问题:也就是提出问题。在所给的案例中,某个出国教汉语的志愿者教师或来中国教外语的外教等,遇到了什么样的困难。遇到的困难可能是课堂教学时的,比如学生上课都不积极回答问题,不愿意参与老师精心设计的课堂活动,或者问老师一些可能涉及到“隐私”的问题;也可以是这位老师在生活上遇到的问题,比如无法与当地人沟通或交流(语言障碍,文化障碍),无法适应当地人的生活,或不理解当地人做某事时为什么会采取那样的方式,等等。注意:遇到的问题可能是多方面的,要从多角度分析,一般情况下,也不只是一个问题,所以,要按条来答。 (2)分析问题:要求你具体分析一下这位老师或某人遇到这种困难是什么原因引起的,主要是文化方面的原因,可能还涉及到一些他所采用的文化策略等。比如,他由于对对方国家文化不了解,对方国家可能很注重“隐私”,而在我们国家这不被看做是“隐私”。同时要求你分析出我们的母语文化具有什么样的特点,最主要的是和对方国家有什么不一样,哪里不一样,因此造成了他在文化方面的不适应,以至于教学和生活中都出现了问题或遇到了困难。关于他所使用的文化策略,主要就是他自身有没有做到尊重当地的文化,有没有试着去融入这种文化,接受这种文化,还是一味的采取排斥策略,认为自己的一切都好,别人的一切都不好。这就是分析问题了。 (3)解决问题:这是最关键的部分了。怎么解决他遇到的问题或困难?你自己提出个对策就行了,当然,要根据一些你所知道的文化常识和应对策略。比如首先尊重当地文化,多和当地人交流,努力让自己适应当地人的文化和生活方式,做到求同存异,等等。这里需要注意的就是,有些文化的知识是很灵活的,比如中国人的谦虚、中庸的思想等等,都是我们日常生活就知道的,就是稍微总结一下,理顺一下,就能答题了。关于这个,如果时间还来得及,就看一下程裕祯的《中国文化要略》,看一下中国文化的特点等,很多东西是很细致的,自己要稍加总结。如果时间不是很充分了,就把刘珣的《对外汉语教育学引论》上的关于“跨文化交际”的那个章节仔细看一下,我觉得应对这道题应该够用了。 2.答题方法:其实思路清晰了就很好弄了,老师会看你的逻辑分析能力。强烈建议大家一定要分条论述,千万别想到哪说到哪,写出一大片,阅卷老师还得自己去给你找点,这样,老师会很疲劳的,老师最不喜欢的就是这种思维混乱的。所以说,大家答题时我觉得可以按两种方法来写: 第一种:按发现问题---分析问题---解决问题来写,一共三条,然后在每条的下边分几个小点,因为发现的问题肯定不止一个,相应的分析问题和解决问题也会不止一条。 第二种:按一共出现了几个问题分条,第一条,问题1:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题2:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题3--以此类推。 总结一下,以上两种方法都各有利弊,因为有时不同的问题是由同一个原因产生的,或者需要同一种解决策略。所以,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择其中一种。按以上的问题全部分析完以后,最好再来个综述,大致总结一下,字数不用太多,就是有个小结尾。 最后,要跟大家说的是,字数和字迹的问题。这个案例分析要求是1000字以上


英语教学中如何进行学生的跨文化意识 《英语新课程标准》)中明确指出:帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。”适时适量渗透文化知识教育,尤其是跨文化交际中需要注意的知识,恰是调动气氛的良好工具,有助于实施情感教学,提高学生学习兴趣,促进英语知识的学习。那么在英语教学中如何培养学生的跨文化意识呢?笔者认为可以从以下几方面做起。 (一)营造英语氛围,培养英语思维能力 非英语语言国家的儿童学习英语,最大的问题是缺乏英语语言环境,学生难以形成用英语进行思维的习惯,阻碍了英语学习。因此,营造一个浓郁的英语氛围,对于学习英语是非常重要的。在课堂上,教师教学用语尽可能说英语,模拟仿真英语环境;创造模拟英语情景的练习活动,给学生提供交际训练的机会;善用现代音像手段和网络资源,给学生呈现一个多姿多彩的英语世界;在墙上张贴一些配以中英文介绍的著名世界风光图,适时介绍给学生,或是贴上生活中常用的英语问候语,提醒学生注意使用;利用校园广播指导学生进行英语晨读有了这些浓厚的英语环境,学生一走进校园就能感受英语的无处不在,学生在这种英语环境中听英语、说英语、看英语或亲身体验英语,直接、自然地学习英语,有利于培养一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,使他们逐步获得用英语进行思维和日常交流的能力。 (二)激活教材内容,比较文化差异 了解中西文化差异可以帮助学生避免语用失误。中西文化差异在语言交流中涉及面非常广,如日常见面时的问候、告别、称赞、致谢、道歉以及体态语等,现行的教材中有许多地方都出现了能够体现这种文化差异的话题,教师应该努力激活教材内容,进行文化比较,帮助学生领会文化异同现象。比如,教学Weather 这个单元时,教师可以借这个话题告诉学生:西方人认为,在日常交往中,直接打听别人的经济收入、年龄、宗教和政治信仰、婚姻状况等是一种侵犯,因为那是属于与提问者无关的内容。而用谈论天气的办法来打开与西方人谈话的话题是非常明智的。例如,中国人和西方人面对“赞赏”表达的方式不同,中国人受到别人的赞赏时习惯“谦虚”地说“没什么”以示礼貌,而西方人则比较直率,常常会高兴地道上一句“Thank you very much.”所以,在教学这一句型时,教师应该告诉学生,西方人认为对方的赞美是诚心诚意的,所赞扬的事是值得的,


跨文化交际能力的培养 摘要:由于汉英文化存在着截然不同的传统和风俗习惯,人们的生活方式、思维方式、价值观念、语言习惯等都有很大的差别,许多日常行为在两种语言的交际活动中也存在明显的文化差异。语言只有在一定的文化背景下及语境中被正确使用,才能体现出它的交际价值。因此,英语教学应加强跨文化意识和交际模式的培养,相应的引入文化教学,使语言知识与语用规则有机结合,以培养学生的跨文化语用能力。 关键词:跨文化交际中西文化差异文化教学 1 跨文化交际中语言与文化的关系 “跨文化交际”是指具有不同文化背景的人们之间进行的交际。要想有效的培养跨文化交际能力,首先要明确语言和文化的关系。 语言是文化的载体,是文化的一个密不可分的组成部分,它既反映文化,也受文化的影响。外语学习的目的是为了交际,而交际就不可避免地要受到社会文化的制约。随着对外开放程度的逐渐深入,西方的人和事物越来越多的走进了我们的视野,不同文化背景的人们彼此间的交往日益频繁。各种文化在接触和碰撞中相互影响、相互渗透、相互吸收、相互融合,必定会影响跨文化交流,用英语成功地进行跨文化交际不仅仅需要单纯的语言能力,还需要了解英语国家的文化,否则,在实际的交际过程中,就会出现由于文化差异而造成的场景不合适或者不得体的语言失误,引起误会。因此,我们有必要研究语言中的文化因素,以消除跨文化交际中因文化差异而导致的语用障碍。 对于普通高校英语专业的学生来说,如何在英语语言教学中渗透西方文化,使中西文化交流和语言交流相辅相成就变得尤为重要。 2 中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化差异 在中西跨文化交际中会出现的文化差异有很多种,在这里我们不可能一一叙述,只能列出比较常见的几种。 (1)隐私方面的差异。中国人的隐私观念比较薄弱,认为个人要归属于集体,在一起讲究团结 友爱,互相关心,因而中国人往往很愿意了解别人的酸甜苦辣,对方也愿意坦诚相告。而西方人


Unit 1 Page 22 The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view o f history that clearly demonstrates people and cultures have been troubled by a pers istent inability to understand and get along with groups and societies removed by sp ace, ideology, appearance, and behavior from their own. What is intriguing about m any of human civilization's failure is that they appear to be personal as well as globa l. The story of humankind is punctuated with instances of face-to-face conflicts as w ell as international misunderstanding--major and minor quarrels that range from si mple name-calling to isolationism or even armed conflict. It is obvious that increased contact with other cultures and subcultures makes it i mperative for us to make a concerted effort to get along with and to try to understan d people whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from our own. The ability, through increased awareness and understanding, to peacefully coexist with p eople who do not necessarily share our lifestyles or values could benefit us not only i n our own neighborhoods but could be the decisive factor in maintaining world peac e. 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 Unit 2 Page 60 Culture is sometimes referred to as our mental programming,our “software of the mind. ” But we can take that computer analogy further and say that culture is the operating environment that enables software programs to run. Culture is like DOS or Unix or Windows:it is what enables us to process information in various specific application. The metaphor of windows seems to be very appealing to describe culture: culture is a mental set of windows through which all of life is viewed. It various from individual to individual within a society, but it shares important characteristics with menbers of a society. Culture is like the water fish swim in┄a reality that is taken for granted and rarely examined. it is in the air we breath and is as necessary to our understanding of who we are as air is to our physical life. Culture is the property of a community of people, not simply a characteristic of individuals. Societies are programmed by culture, and that programming comes from similar life experiences and similar interpretations of what those experiences mean. If culture is mental programming, it is also a mental map of reality. It tells us from


一、国内外研究现状 中国跨文化外语教学的历史有近60多年,近些年来有了更快的发展。随着世界的进步与发展,不同国籍,不同肤色的人们之间的跨文化交际日益频繁,如何在跨文化交际中获得成功?这是一个值得重视和思索的问题。在当今教育界,培养学生的跨文化交际能力己成为外语教学的最终目标之一,但应该如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力?这还是外语教学专家和学者们争论的话题。 “跨文化交际”这一术语既指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们的交际。也就是说跨文化交际不仅仅包括国际间的跨文化交际,还包括跨种族交际、跨民族交际,以及处于统一文化背景下的不同群体之间的交际,包括不同年龄、不同社会阶层、不同教育背景等之间的交际,现在对跨文化交际的探讨基本只限于以英语为本族语者和非本族语使用者之间的交际。 关于跨文化交际能力的培养,大部分国内的学者和教师还主要停留在语言知识的传授这个层面上,认为让学生了解和掌握了目的语国家的语言文化知识,对他们在交际中遇到的问题进行预测并进行针对性的练习,学生的跨文化交际能力自然就提高了,在跨文化交际中也就畅通无阻。这样的观点是很片面的。首先,这种教学方式要求学生必须具备较强的交际能力;其次,教学大纲无法也不可能将学生在现实交际中遇到的问题一一陈述。知识的传授固然重要,但策略能力的培养也不容忽视,而在传统的课堂教学中,教师往往过于强调目的语和文化,缺乏对策略能力的培养。在当今世界,英语已成为一门国际语言,不同国家,不同种族的人们在跨文化交际中的语言媒介大多是英语,因而他们的英语在不同程度上都有各自的特点,不一定完全遵循以英语为本族语的文化规约。这样,当学生把课堂上了解到的知识视为准则,一旦面对着现实的交际对象,就往往缺乏现场应变能力,无法实现交际目的,其跨文化交际能力也无法得到提高。

跨文化交际经历 英语

---大学2013-2014学年第一学期 英语专业本科2011年级《跨文化交际》学期论文 考生姓名松学号---专业英语年级班级11级公2 考试日期2013年12 月31 日前考试方式学期论文 内容语言框架格式总分得分 登分人复核人 说明: 1.本学期论文总分100分,占总成绩60 %。 2.文章字数至少1000字。 3.内容50%,语言30%,框架10%,格式10% 。 4.论文稿用A3纸打印稿。 5.论文最后截止期2013年12月31日。…………………………………………………………………………… My Cross-culture Communication Experience I can’t agree this view more: The need for intercultural communication is as old as humankind. And it is effortless to find that cross-culture communication pervades our daily life here and there, now and then. I truly believe that everyone has his or her unique and unforgettable intercultural communication experience and so do I. Before starting telling my cross-culture communication experience, something about my family background has to be introduced. Having embraced the life of a good boy, I was the obedient child of my relatively conservative family, thoroughly enjoying my freedom and a steady diet of veracity. From the beginning of my childhood memory, my parents made a perfect impression on me. Their relationship is so harmonious that any uncourteous and impolite words are not allowed, and also, they are hardly anger with each other. So they often educated us kids to take them as the example. However, the generation gap between us become extraordinarily apparent and a little chat or talking happened in our daily life. I don’t think they are wrong or their education manner is bad. Normally, every coin has two sides. As the mentioned that cross-culture communication plays an overwhelming role in our daily life. Especially, after I arrive at a new and strange city to begin my college life, I realized that what the really so-called culture diversity is. For example: It was a weekend and I received a call phoned by one of my classmates when I back to the dormitory. She said that something needs my help and hopping I can give her a hand to carry some stuff. As I was wondering what it is, the next door “Lao Wang” (one of my friends and we call him as thi s) told me that it must be the sanitary towel. “How dose it happened?” I was so embraced and confusing, since I have ever been hold the view that sanitary towel is of the privacy for a girl and it is impossible for her to mention it in the face of a boy let alone helping her to carry it. Whereby the courage I gave her my answer, the “no problem”. While I was on the road to meet her, some “why”, “how” still flash into my mind and most openmouthed, several boys appeared in front of mine. They were also invited by the girl and they were discussing how to do it. From their mouth I realized that all the sanitary towels come from a Japanese company and in order to open the Chinese marketing channel, a sales representative is needed and aim to help them to give out all the sanitary towels to the customers freely so that the customers will someday adhere to the product and buy it, so this is the task of the girl. It must be a good news for most of the Chinese for that we often eager to gain petty advantages without any expense. And at this moment the so-called “boycott Japanese goods” was thrown behind us. Facing so many free stuffs some guys can’t help asking: can I pick up one? Someone even joked: anyhow you are going to give out them and we can help you more directly. Generously, the advice was taken by the girl but some questions were asked: who can use it as you are boys? How do you deal with them? And one answered that he would like to give it to his girl friend. The guy said he can give it to his mother. What the worth mentioning is that I was totally astonished by what the latter replied. Because I deem that it must be embarrassing for me to do like that. I really can’t figure out how it was possible. With the thoroughly confusing, I hope someone can make me out of the wonder. And one of the boys gave me the explanation: “Actually, the extraordinary close relationship was founded

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