当前位置:文档之家› 陪同口译常用表达-补充




1.对不起, 您是来自…的…吗?我叫…, 是…(单位)的…(职务)

Excuse me . Are you…from…Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is …, the …of …company.

2.Introduce the host to guest first! 常用句型:This is…, the …(position) of the …(company)。

3.欢迎来到…, 一路辛苦了。Welcome to…Did you have a good/ pleasant journey/ flight?

4.我的行李不多(很多)./我往往轻装出行。I am a light (heavy) traveler./ I like travel light.

5.让我帮您拿行李吧。/ 让我来推行李车吧。

May I help you with the luggage (BrE)/ baggage (AmE)? 或May I help you push the luggage trolley?

6.我给您介绍一下行程吧。Let me introduce the schedule for you.


It was a good flight. I have enjoyed the sightseeing along and manage to sleep a little bit. Also, the in-flight service was very good. Should we leave right now?


Hot-dry noodle is one of the specialties in Wuhan. Would you like to have a try tomorrow morning? I will pick you up early.


Why don?t you sit in the front seat? It is a more than an hour drive to your hotel. If you sit in the front seat, you?ll be able to enjoy the view.


Wuhan was once proposed to be a municipality directly under the Central Government.



Would you prefer smoking seating, non-smoking seating or whatever comes open first?


Shanghai food is oily, Sichuan food is strong and hot, and Cantonese food is rather light.

13.菜看上去真丰盛啊!It looks gorgeous!



They are the dishes served on the Chinese New Year. I?ve heard you are interested in the dishes served on the eve of Spring Festival so I prepare this for you. And you are a vegetarian, so we have prepared Zhai or vegetarian dishes.


I?ve heard for a long time that Chinese food is famous all over the world. All the dishes look delicious, which is a real art. Could you please introduce briefly to me?


I wish we could do it when we enjoy them. It is Chinese habit, different from Western diet habit. Would you

mind doing as Chinese do?


I was afraid of being foreign here, and now that is fine and I will feel at home.


That?s because in ancient China, goods and materials were not sufficient, the delicacies would be served on the New Year to show good wishes and luck.

19.还有什么讲究吗?Is there anything particular?



This is lotus seed soup. On New Year's Day, Chinese families will eat vegetarian food called jai. Even though

a lot of the ingredients in jai are vegetables, certain foods are eaten during the New Year celebrations because

these foods will bring good luck.


Great! It tastes crisp and tender. Chinese food lives up to the reputation.



That?s the difference between China and Western countries. Chinese people always eat in a certain way, in which the commonest is four dishes and one soup. The diversity needs time, so bite size pieces can reduce cooking time.




You have made a good choice, madam. This is the first-class Longjing. It is done by hand. It is fresh green, aromatic, mellow (sweetish) and smooth in appearance.


I?d like to recommend Jasmine Tea to you. It is a high quality green tea mixed with dried jasmine flowers, so it has a wonderful fragrance. It sells well on both domestic and overseas markets.


We have Qimen Black Tea. It smells good and has high quality. It has been honored as one of the most famous black teas in the world.



That is Wulong Tea. It?s very refreshing and helps you get rid of tiredness. In order to keep a good figure, more and more foreign tourists, especially ladies come to buy Wulong Tea.




Beer, yellow rice wine and white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet. People at a table usually say “Cheers” or “Ganbei” in Chinese when proposing a toast to each other. “Ganbei” means to raise one?s wine glass or liquor cup and drink it all the way down so that the glass or the cup is “dried to the last drop”. People use this way to show they are sincere and happy.



Among the best-known varieties of the Chinese cuisines are Cantonese, Shandong, Sichuan and Hubei dishes, traditionally noted as the light southern cuisine, the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy-hot western cuisine. Characterized by thick sauce, strong flavor and pure taste, Hubei cuisine is famous for the steamed dishes and simmered soups. The primary cooking methods are steaming, simmering, deep-frying, braising and stir-frying. Let?s see one of the famous snacks in Hubei, named bean-paste omelets or doupi in Chinese. The cooking process is to first spread eggs on bean paste, then to put glutinous rice and seasoning on it. It is crispy outside and tender inside and tastes good.



Chinese cuisine is famous for the combination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”. As the primary standard to judge the food, the “color”includes the layout and design of dishes, best exemplified by the elaborately-prepared cold dish served at the beginning of the dinner. In addition to what one?s nose can detect directly; “aroma”also includes the freshness of the raw materials and the blending of seasoning. “Taste”

involves the proper art of blending seasoning, the texture of food and slicing techniques.




(Inside the room)Here is your bedroom. On the bedside table there is a switch panel. You can control all the lights, the radio, room temperature and the TV in bed. That door leads to the bathroom; you can find all the toilet articles there. Behind the bathroom door there is a laundry bag, you may leave your laundry in it.

Laundry is collected everyday before noon and is returned by 5:00 p.m. Over there is a mini-bar. You can pay for what you drink when you check out.



By the way, please remember to take the key to the reception when you are out. If you have any inconvenience, please call directly the reception desk, they will do the service at your proposal.

32.我想问问这几天的行程安排是怎样的?And could you please let me know the schedule of these days?



We have arranged in this way: tonight our manager will hold a welcome banquet for you; tomorrow morning, we are going to meet you in the factory and show you around our products and producing line; in the afternoon, to talk about the details of contract; if everything goes smoothly, the day after tomorrow we shall do the sightseeing around the city and visit some places of interest. How about the plan?


Would you please take a rest here while I call our bellboy to carry your luggage up to your room?



We have a computer wake-up-call system. Just pick up the phone and dial 8 first and then enter the time by using the telephone number keys. For example, if you want to get up at 5:30, just enter 0530 after you dial 8.



I?ve already had your bill ready, madam. It totals 464 dollars. Please check it. This is the rent for the room, the laundry, the charge for the drinks from the mini-bar and…

37.Do your take traveler?s checks? 你们收旅行支票吗?

38.好的。单人间, 双人间不提供3餐, 但有单独的浴室; 普通套房提供早晚两餐, 房间里有电视, 可以收

到国内外100多个频道; 豪华套房提供三餐, 配有中央空调, 电视, 供接待客人的会客厅和观景阳台;

总统套房除了配备豪华套房的设备和条件外, 还有单独的厨房, 你可以自己做饭, 冰箱里有各式饮料和多种甜品, 还有自己的书房, 非常方便。

OK. We don?t provide 3 meals for single and double room but private bathrooms are available; there are 2 meals---breakfast and dinner---for standard suite with a TV set receiving more than 100 programs at home and abroad; luxury suite will provide the service of 3 meals per day with central air-conditioner, television, visiting hall and balcony for sightseeing; besides the services and appliances of the luxury suite, in presidential suite, private kitchen is provided in which you can do the cooking, as well as a fridge with all kinds of drinking and many cookies in it and a study, it?s very convenient.

39.如果可能的话, 我想要一间靠海的房间, 这样就可以欣赏海上日出和日落了。

If possible, I want a room facing the sea. I?d like to enjoy the sunrise and sunset on the sea.

40.价格还算合理。我能不能用信用卡结算?It sounds reasonable. Do you take credit card?


Just a moment, sir, I am looking through our list. Yes, we do have a reservation for you, Mr. Bradley. Would you please fill out this form?


You can just skip that. I'll put in the room number for you later on. You should fill in your name, address, nationality, passport number, and date of departure.


Please make sure that you have your key card with you all the time. You need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.



Endowed with picturesque surroundings and a favorable academic atmosphere, the university is an ideal place for teaching, research, and learning.


It is a key university directly under the administratio n of China…s Ministry of Education .


大门类。It is a key comprehensive university whose fields of study cover eleven branches of learning, namely philosophy, literature, history, education, science, economics, law, management, engineering, agriculture and medical science.


The university has 115specialties for undergraduate studies, and it is entitled to confer master?s degrees in 312 programs and doctoral degrees (doctorates) in 237 programs.


余人,副教授2400余人。Among its over 8400 staff members and workers, there are 12members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 9 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 1,100 full professors and 2400 associate professors.


另有外国留学生1200余人。At present, the total number of full time students has reached over 44000 including 24000 undergraduates, over 11000 postgraduates and 6000Ph.D. candidates. There are also nearly 1200 international students (overseas students).



The campus covers an area of 5508 mu and it has a floor space of 2.42 million square meters. There are large modernized teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, gymnasiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, archive buildings, and a specimen laboratory.


The university's libraries have a collection of approximately 5.2 million volumes, and subscribe to more then 10,000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals.



The university has made reforms in teaching. It has revised the teaching program, strengthened the teaching of basic courses, enr iched and renewed the contents of courses to foster students? ability to innovate and to apply the skills into practice.




楼”的黄鹤楼. 它位于长江边, 座落于武昌区的蛇山黄河楼矶头。

Now in front of us is Yellow Crane Tower. It has retained its fame being the “the most beautiful scenery in the world”. It is regarded as one of the Three Towers in the southern area of the Yangtze River .The other two are the Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and the Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi Province. Situated at the bank of the Yangtze River in Wuchang, the tower was originally built at a place called Yellow Crane Rock projecting over the water.



The Yellow Crane Tower, standing at the top of the Snake Hill imposingly, has been enjoying the great fame of “No. 1 tower among all the landscapes”.Yellow Crane Tower was first built in the second year of Huangwu of Wu during the Three Kingdoms (A.D.223 year). Scholars and men of letters through the ages mounted the tower, composed poetry and wrote prose, enlarging on the magnificent landscape of the Yellow Crane Tower. Today there are over one thousand pieces of poetry and over one hundred pieces of prose handed down, in addition to many legends scattering into the folks.



Destroyed many times in later dynasties, the tower was rebuilt again and again until 100 years ago when it turned into ashes for the last time. The present tower began to be built in July of the year 1981 and it was finished in 1984.



The more famous the tower is, the more legends it has. According to the record of the book “Ji En Lu”, The legend has it that the owner of a wine shop, a person with the family name Xin, used to give free wine to a Taoist priest. He drew a picture of a yellow crane on the wall in gratitude. After he left, the crane came to life and danced for the customers, and the owner became rich. When the priest returned decades later, he mounted the crane and flew off into the sky. In order to memorize him, Xin built a tower with the name Yellow Crane Tower.



There is a ceramic fresco on the wall in the hall on the first floor. This picture shows a theme about “ white

cloud and yellow crane”. On the second floor, a record of Yellow Crane Tower by Yan Bojin in the Tang Dynasty has been carved in the marble wall. It has recorded something about the reforms and anecdotes in the history of Yellow Crane Tower. The third floor has embroidered portraits for the famous people in the Dang and Song Dynasty. The fourth floor consists of several small halls separated by folding screens,The top of the tower is the best place to enjoy the surrounding scenery and the Yangtze River.




Lying close to the East Lake,Hubei Provincial Museum is one of the best-known museums in China, treasuring up numerous state-level historic and cultural relics. Exhibited in this hall are very rare items such as the chime bells, the crane standing on the antler, the gold cups and the jade plates, among which the chime bells unearthed from the Zeng Houyi tomb are the most important, and they are the symbols of the highly advanced technology of ancient China.



The sword of Gou Jian, a king of Yue kingdom, and the spear of Fu Chai, a king of the Wu kingdom, are both over 2,000 years old but still shining and sharp. And the lacquer wares used by ancient Chu people have exotic shapes and are truly marvelous.



The Chime Bells Hall displays mainly the relics unearthed from Zeng Houyi Tomb. In1978, over 15,000 articles were excavated from the tomb in Sui zhou, including bronze ritual vessels and weapons, horses and carts, etc.



(Now, this constitution with red wall and green tiles is Hubei Provincial Museum. It was built in 1953 and is the center to collect, study, preserve and display historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, cultures, etc. these relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture and ancient China.)



(Hubei was situated in the middle reach of Yangtze River. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors had taken root here and created their own civilization. The relics found in the tomb of Zeng Houyi are just proved this. Many relics displayed in this museum were discovered in this tomb. And the most important and influential one is the serial bells. It is said that the serial bells is the oldest musical instrumental preserved in the world, also indicating the profoundness of the Chu culture.)




(The tomb of Zeng Houyi was discovered by accident and found in Suizhou, about 140 k㎡away from Wuhan. It covers an area of 220 square meters and is 20 meters deep, consisting of four tombs. There was a main coffin and other small coffins in it. The man, Zeng Houyi was found lying in the main coffin and it is estimated that he died at the age of 45. Because of old traditions, many young women were buried with the dead and they were lying in other small coffins at that time. In this tomb, the archaeologists said, tens of girls were buried and their ages varied from 13 to 20. )



(Then comes the most precious collection in the museum. That?s the serial bells. As we see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottom baskets; small ones are like warm pots. All the bells are carved with inscription and melody. Each bell can produce two pitches. It is very incredible, isn?t it?




The East Lake lies in the east of Wuhan. It was first approved as one of the national key scenic areas by the State Council of the People? Republic of China. Built since 1950s, it now consists of six parts. And today we will visit the Moshan scenic spot.



The East Lake Scenic Area is located in Wuchang District of Wuhan. Characterized by its beautiful water and mountains, abundant plants, customs of Chu and unique gardens, it is a national key scenic area. The East Lake Scenic Area, which consists of the East Lake and the scenic spots along the lake, has a total area of over

80 square kilometers. The East Lake is the largest lake in city within China, covering an area of 33 square




Now the first scenic spot we are going to visit is about Chu culture. The statue we see now is one of Quyuan,

a great poet and patriot during the Warring states period. He once was a high-level official, Dafu, in Chu

State and tried his best to make his state prosperous and the people happy when he was in charge of the state affairs. Unfortunately, he was finally banished. In the year of 278 BC, State Qin occupied Yechen, the capital of State Chu. So Quyuan committed suicide by throwing himself in the Miluo River in Hunan province on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Later, in order to commemorate the great patriotic poet, people set the day of his death as the Dagon Boat Festival.




There is a well-known folklore. It is said that in Ancient China, a great musician Yu Boya in Chu Dynasty once played lute here. A woodman Zhong Ziqi had profound understanding of Yu?s music, so they became

bosom friends. Afterwards, Ziqi died of illness; Boya was so sad to lose his friend that he broke his lute and never touched it since then. People were deeply moved by their stories, so they built this building to commemorate them.



Well, there is also a tablet with two Chinese characters …Qintai? on it. It was said that they were written by a famous calligrapher Mifu in the Northern Song Dynasty. And here is a picture talking about the story which I have mentioned before!




The River Bank consists of flood-preventing project, gardening project, acoustics project, beautification project, body building project and municipal infrastructure construction. The government invested a lot of money which aimed at making tourists get pleasure from the water, appreciate the scenery from the plants, get knowledge from pleasure and get leisure from busy time.



River Bank is situated in the north of Wuhan with Changjiang River bank flowing through it.It covers an area of 160,000,000 square kilometers which is next to the sceneries along the bank. Also, the Longwang Temple, the Jianghan Walking Street and the Yellow Crane Tower are not far from here.


Do you mean that there are different sections of the River Bank which contain entertainment section, sports section, gardening section and so on?



The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (guiyuan temple is just the very exception.)



Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculptures themselves. They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay. A special way was taken in making them, which could prevent them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects. All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had receded. It was really a wonder.



It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist scriptures began to appear. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being. Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.



What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a title which is only next to Buddha. This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese people for more than 1,000 years. She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows that all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.




Ahrates are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancient time to pray for peace. There are a few ways of counting ahrats. We can count from the first ahrat when we just enter the hall, or we can also choose any ahrats as our starting point, and count from left to right to left or from left to right. We should base counting on our ages. For example, I?m 21, so I should stop in front of the 21st ahrat from the starting ahrat. Then the 21st ahrat is my lucky ahrat and it will bring me peace and good luck.





The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

Recognized as one of the top the scenic spots in China, the Three Gorges provide the most stunning sights and scenery along the Yangtze River,China?s longest river. The Three Gorges consists of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, stretching 193 kilometers from Baidicheng(White Emperor City) in Fengjie, Chongqing in the west, to Nanjinguan in Yichang, Hubei in the east. Within the territory of Hubei are 134 kilometers of the stretch and Xiling Gorge.

Qutang Gorge, the west stretch of the Three Gorges, is best known for its power and magnificence. At its narrowest part which is less than 100 meters wide, the river rushes and roars forward as thousands of horses force through a gate, giving this spot the name of “The First Gate in the World ”.

Wu Gorge, with its long stretch and deep valley, is charming and exquisite. Twelve Peaks line the banks of the Gorge here, all endowed with great beauty; among them the Goddess Peak is the most enchanting.

Xiling Gorge is the longest and most perilous stretch, characterized by its many shoals and turbulent water.

Close to both sides of the Three Gorges are many scenic spots and places of historical interest, including Baidicheng, the Daning River and the Tree Little Gorges, Shengnong Brook, Qu Yuan Memorial Temple,Zhaojun?s hometown, and Sanyou Cave. The Three Gorges Dam is located at the mouth of Xiling Gorge,38 kilometers away from the Gezhou Dam downstream.


1. 公司自我描述: We are the largest and most global steel(automobile) producer in the world. The recognized global leader and pioneer in the regional aircraft. Revenue(turnover), operating income(运营利润): Annual shipments of 34 million tons (年装运量、销售量) Annual capacity of over 45 million tons; Our market capitalization amounts to $31 billion as of January 19, 2005 Global presence; We have operating facilities in 44 countries across the world. We have 15,000 employees from over 54 nationalities in our work force We aim to become the most admired electronic company in the world 成为全球最受尊敬的公司; Our strategy include: continued focus on cost; Capital expenditure program to optimize facilities; Participate in further industry consolidation;(进行进一步的产业重组)Enhance long-term shareholder value; 提升股东的长期价值 Our competitive advantage include: Integrated business model: 一体化的商业模型; unparalleled scale of economy and scope:无与伦比的规模经济和产品生产范围;High-margin low cost carrier; 高利润、低成本运营商; Strong financial profile/position/strength, statement, (balance sheet)-unique positioned for growth; 健康良好的财务状况-为实现增长幅度奠定基础;Proven management team; global marketing network and sourcing network; Strong track record of (organic) growth and integration:良好的有机成长业绩Award-winning research and development facilities: 现代化的研发设施;Complete portfolio of technologies: 拥有全套的生产技术; Committed and multicultural work force: 尽责、敬业、多元文化的员工 We achieve organic growth by implementing best practices in each discipline through inter-company and industry-wide benchmarking;


Unit1句子口译 第一部分 1. 这是您第一次来广西吗? 1. Is this your first visit to Guangxi﹖ 2. 很高兴见到您?我们一直期待着您的到来? 2. Glad to see you. We’ve been expecting your coming. 3. 在过去的几年里,广西发生了很大的变化?越来越多的外商开始来南宁投资? 3. Over the past several years, Guangxi has witnessed great changes. More and more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning. 第二部分 1. 这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越?交通方便? 1. This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation. 2. 希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意? 2. I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory. 3. 所有费用由公司报销/负担? 3. All the expenses will be borne by the company.

4. 如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系? 4. If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me. 第三部分 1. 防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端,是中国沿海24个主要港口之一? 1. Fangcheng Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the Beibu Gulf in south Guangxi. It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China. 2. 规划的港口岸线长50.3公里,可规划建设深水泊位200多个? 2. The planned port line is 50.3 kilometers. More than 200 deep-water berths can be built along the line. 3. 港口始建于1968年3月22日,1983年7月国务院批准对外开放? 3. The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983 with approval from the State Council. 4. 防城港地处华南经济圈?西南经济圈与东盟经济圈的结合部,是我国内陆进入东盟国家最便捷的出海门户? 4. Located at the conjuncture of South China Economic Rim, Southwest China Economic Rim and ASEAN Economic Rim, Fangcheng Port serves as the most convenient access of China’s mainland to ASEAN countries.


一、缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: F拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive F保留前几个字母 INFO :information INS :insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU In stead of I/O F保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK:week RM:room PL:people F根据发音 R :are THO:though THRU:through 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表 缩略词原词 APT :Apartment ACC:Accountant

ACDG :According ACPT: Accept AD :Advertisement ADS :Address ADV:Advice AMAP :As much/many as possible AMT:Amount APV :Approve ASAP :As soon as possible BAL :Balance BLDG :Building CERT Certificate CFM :Conform CNCL :Cancel CNF:Conference CMI :Commission CMP :Complete CMPE :Compete/competitive CMU :Communication CONC :Concern/concerning/concerned COND :Condition CO. :Company DEPT:Department DISC :Departure EXCH:Exchange EXPLN:Explain EXT:Extent FLT :Final FRT:Freight FYR :For your reference


国际交流(一) Words and sentences: 1.国际社会the international community 2.国务院港澳办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council 3.过境签证transit visa 4.和睦相处to live with each other in harmony 5.互访exchange of visits 6.即兴讲话off-the-cuff speech 7.记者招待会press conference 8.经济合作会议economic cooperation conference 9.经济技术交流economic and technical exchanges 10.军事交流military exchange 11.考察团survey group 12.客套话polite formulas 13.跨文化交流cross-cultural communication 14.礼宾处the Protocol Office 15.贸易关系trade relations 16.美国驻华大使馆The U.S. Embassy in China 17.民间交往non-governmental contact 18.民间组织non-governmental organization 19.民族文化national culture 20.批判地吸收to assimilate critically Sentences: 1.现在,我提议为我们两家公司友谊和合作的新阶段干杯!May I now propose a toast to this new stage in the friendship and cooperation between our two companies. 2.最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties. 3.中国经济将进一步同亚洲经济走向融合,形成互利、互补、互助的新型合作关系。China’s economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy, giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistance. 4.随着中国的发展,中国的市场规模、对外投资等必将进一步扩大,会有更多的中国人到 亚洲旅游、经商、访问。With China’s development, the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit. 5.热忱地欢迎远道而来的朋友们。I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you who have traveled from far and wide. 6.本周,我非常高兴欢迎10个新成员国加入欧盟委员会。这10个成员国及其国民带来了 不同的文化,使欧盟变得更加多姿多彩,因为这些国家各自都有着独特而悠久的历史。 This week, I will have the enormous pleasure of welcoming 10 new member countries into the European Commission. They and their fellow citizens bring to the Union the cultures and diversity of 10 countries with distinct historical roots stretching back through the centuries. 7.感谢总统先生的邀请。我怀着愉快的心情对美国进行正式访问,我带来了伟大的中国人 民对伟大的美国人民的良好祝愿。I wish to thank you, Mr. President, for your kind invitation. It is with pleasure that I’m paying an official visit to the United States. I have brought with me the good wishes of the great Chinese people to the great American people. 8.今天,我很高兴与新老朋友们一起,参加对外经济贸易大学和中国国际贸易学会联合举 办的中欧经济论坛。Today, I’m very pleased to join with my new and old friends to attend the Sino-European Economic Forum jointly hosted by the University of International Business and Economics and the China Association of International Trade.


口译常用词汇及表达 一、欢迎光临 (一)商务职衔 1.总裁/会长/理事长President 2.董事会主席/董事长 Chairman (board of directors) 3.董事Director 4.执行董事Executive Director 5.总干事Director-General 6.理事Trustee/Council Member 7.总监/主任Director 8.经理Manager 9.总经理General Manager(GM) 10.副总经理Assistant General Manager 11.总经理助理General Manager Assistant 12.公关部经理PR (Public Relations) Manager 13.销售部经理Sales Manager 14.市场部经理Marketing Manager 15.生产部经理Production Manager 16.研发部经理 R & D (Research and Development) Manager 17.厂长Factory Managing Director 18.车间主任Workshop Manager 19.高级工程师Senior Engineer 20.助理工程师Assistant Engineer 21.首席执行官/总裁 C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 22.首席财务官/财务总监 C.F.O (Chief Financial Officer) 23.财务主管Financial Controller 24.高级会计师Senior Accountant 25.会计师Accountant 26.助理会计师Assistant Accountant 27.注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 28.会计员Treasurer 29.出纳员Teller 30.首席信息官/ 咨讯总监 C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) 31.首席营运官/ 运营总监 C.O.O (Chief Operation Officer) 32.技术员Technician 33.程序员Programmer 34.设计师Designer 35.机械师Mechanic 36.推销员Salesman / Salesperson 37.采购员Purchaser 38.部长Minister 39.副部长Vice-Minister 40.部长助理Assistant Manager 41.省长Governor 42.市长Mayor 43.副(省长/市长)Vice- / Deputy 44.常务副(省长/市长) Senior (Vice-Governor / Vice-Mayor) 45.厅长/司长Director-General, … Department 46.局长Director-General, … Bureau 47.处长Director, ... Division 48.科长Section Chief 49.副(厅长/司长/局长/处长)deputy (二)机场词汇 1.国际航班International Flight 2.国航班Domestic Flight 3.航班Flight Number 4.起飞/抵达时间Departure/arrival time 5.机场大楼Terminal Building 6.航班/飞机资料显示牌Flight Information Board 7.候机室Departure Lounge 8.贵宾室VIP Room 9.登记柜台Check-in Counter 10.问讯处Information Desk 11.办理出境/入境/海关手续 to go through / complete the (exit/ entry/ customs) formalities 12.出境登记卡Departure Card 13.入境登记卡Landing Card 14.安全检查Security Check 15.护照检查处Passport Control 16.签证种类Type of visa 17.一次性/多次性入境签 Single-entry/Multiple entry visa 18.再入境签证Re-entry visa 19.旅行/居留签证Travel/Residence visa 20.出境/入境/过境/访问签证 Exit/Entry/Transit/V isitor’s visa 21.签证有效期validity of visa 22.入境日期及口岸date and port of entry

口译礼仪祝词E-C 译文

市长先生阁下, 中国朋友们, 女士们先生们: Your Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。 I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city. 我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,向我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。 On behalf of all the members of my mission(使团、代表团), I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land. 与此同时,我很高兴这次访问给予我一次极好的机会,向市长先生和上海人民转达我国政府和人民的热烈问候和诚挚的良好祝愿。 I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and


会议口译致辞,礼仪祝词口译 1. (致)欢迎/开幕/闭幕词(make/deliver) welcome/opening/closing speech 2. 揭幕仪式unveiling ceremony 3. 为展览会揭幕inaugurate an exhibition 4. 奠基仪式foundation laying ceremony 5. 开工典礼commencement cerem ony 6. 答谢宴会return banquet 7. 晚宴evening reception/dinner 8. 招待会/宴会reception 9. 冷餐招待会buffet reception 10. 签字仪式signing ceremony 11. 剪彩仪式ribbon-cutting ceremony 12. 就职仪式inauguration ceremony 13. 移交仪式turning-over cerem ony 14. 展览会exhibition 15. 商品交易会trade fair 16. 世博会world expo 17. 颁奖仪式prize giving ceremony/award ceremony 18. 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 19. 友好访问goodwill visit 20. 明/皓月当空with a bright moon 21. 良辰佳时a wonderful time

22. 金秋golden autumn 23. 美妙的音乐splendid music 24. 宣布…开幕declare…open; declare the commencement of… 25. 宣布…闭幕declare…the conclusion/closing of… 26. 发表热情友好的讲话make a warm and friendly speech 27. 热情洋溢的欢迎词gracious speech of welcome 28. 陛下Your/His/Her Majesty 29. 殿下Your/His/Her Highness/Excellency/Royal (Imperial, Serene) Highness 30. 阁下Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 31. 尊敬的市长先生Respected/respectable/honorable Mr. Mayor 32. 远道而来的朋友friends coming from afar/coming all the way 33. 来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from the other side of the Pacific/ocean 34. 商界的朋友们friends from the business community 35. 媒体的朋友们media members 36. 嘉宾distinguished/honorable guests 37. 全体同仁all my colleges 38. 东道国host country 39. 主办单位sponsor 40. 承办单位organizer 41. 组委会the Organizing Committee 42. 大会主题theme of the conference/meeting/forum/summit 43. 作为友好使者as an envoy of friendship 44. 值此…之际… on the occasion 45. 借此机会take this opportunity to


商务句子口译常用表达 装运通知shipment advice 付款方式terms of payment 外商投资foreign investment 低税收政策low-tax policies 改进技术improve the technology 满足……需要meet/satisfy one’s demand 下定单place an order place substantial/large order 下大定单 place regular order 长期下定单 (产品)经得起任何考验meet any competition 最低价格the lowest/best/most favorable price 称职的员工qualified staff 先进的技术advanced/ the latest technology 没有存货out of stock 有存货in stock/ supply from stock/ available from stock 不再生产……sb. no longer produces sth. sth. be no longer in production 样品sample 取消合同cancel the contract 交货方式mode of delivery 详细讨论to discuss sth. in more details/ further discussion

满足市场的需要meet the market demand 提高产量increase the production/output 市场占有率market share 重视pay great efforts to 维护良好的客户关系maintain good relations with customers 同类产品one’s kind 在同类产品中among/in one’s kind 畅销best-selling find/enjoy/have a ready/an easy market 从事engage in 专门从事specialize in 零配件components 研发R&D 专利patent 产品升级product improvement/upgrade 为……赔偿某人meet one’s claim for 短重索赔claim for short weight 生产和销售production and marketing 通讯设备communication equipments 办公自动化office automation devices 品质好,体积小,操作简单be good in quality, small in size and easy to operate


礼仪致辞句型汇总 一. 称呼 女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen 朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends 各位嘉宾Distinguished guests 尊敬的来宾Honored Guests 各位同事Dear colleagues 同志们Comrades 青年朋友们Young friends (中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen (美国)同胞们My fellow citizens (港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots 老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends 同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members 各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community 亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表 Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families 尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人 Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses 各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps 各位团长Heads of Delegations 各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs 中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government 尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing 尊敬的布什总统和夫人Mr. President and Mrs. Bush 尊敬的罗格主席和夫人Respected IOC President Rogge and Mrs Rogge 尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人Respected President Philip Craven and Mrs Craven 尊敬的各位国际奥委会委员Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee 主席先生/总统先生Mr. President 总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister 总统女士Madame President 尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo 国王和王后陛下Your Majesties 各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses 尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi 尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo 尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li 尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang 团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao 高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao


口译中需要强记住的句子及中翻英中的“地雷区” 分享 首次分享者:落雪*似花已被分享2次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies 领先技术 Minister Counselor 公使 Natural heritage 自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉 express sincere gratitude to 对…表示衷心的感谢 Let's welcome...to give a speech 请…讲话 bilateral conference 双边会议 propose the warmest applause to 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎 sponsor 主办单位 the Award Ceremony 颁奖仪式 greeting speech 贺词 observe the grand opening of 隆重举行 Let's invite sb to present the award 请…颁奖 achieve complete ceremony 取得圆满成功 global celebration ceremony 全球庆典 declare the closing of 宣布…结束 Please rise for the national anthem. 请全体起立,奏国歌 Collective stewardship 集体管理 Competitive job market 充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions 金融机构 Forward-looking 进取 Gross National Product 国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities 公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) 联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city 服务齐全的高尚城市 place sth as the priority 把…列为重要内容 never neglect the work 不放松工作 water conservation 节约用水 extend our sincere congratulations on 对…表示衷心祝贺


口译常用表达法(六) 文明的摇篮cradle of civilization 不断的鼓励、持续的鼓励 a constant source of encouragement 追求、奉行in the pursuit of 公共安全public security 共同愿望 a common aspiration 为…服务、造福于in the service of 最后in closing 受…支配、服从于be subject to 不懈努力sustained efforts 边远地区remote areas 采取双重标准adopt a double standard 荣幸的privileged 祝酒propose a toast 在此hereby 人口老龄化aging of population 预期寿命life expectancy 形成网络form a network 公益事业public activities 微薄的收入modest income 道德标准ethical code

总的趋势the general trend 平等的伙伴关系equal partnership 有活力的经济区域robust economic region 贸易集团trade bloc 国内生产总值gross domestic product 国民生产总值gross national product 外贸额foreign trade volume 关税Tariff 社会福利social welfare 自治区autonomous region 历史文物historical relics 生产方式mode of production 渔业fishery 货币联盟monetary union 政治经济一体化political and economic integration 年人均annual per capita 净收入net income 扶贫poverty relief 和平协商peaceful consultation 制造紧张态势cause tension 武力冲突armed conflicts 市场占有率market share


口译主题一礼仪祝辞 汉英英汉口译实践: 1.首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功! 国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。 参考译文 I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the fifth Annual Meeting of the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all. It's been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos. In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth. The diverse forms of discussions conducted during the forum are lively and vibrant. In particular, during the difficult times of the financial crisis, the forum sent out a message of hope and brought confidence and courage to the world. The theme of this year's forum- Mastering Quality Growth - represents people's shared desire for robust, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and I wish the meeting a great success. Three years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. International organizations, governments, the business communities and the academia are all taking a hard look at the root causes of the crisis and exploring ways to sustain the growth of both the global economy and national economies. With regard to China's economic development, some people have hailed its achievements, while


旅游英语口译常用句型 1)英译汉,一般都是国外的城市或者景点;难点在有些景点名没听过,容易卡壳。 例:Many of its world-renowned attractions are specific, such as the Great Barrier Reef, Ayer’s Rock, Kakadu National Park and Sydney Opera House. 澳大利亚有许多举世闻名,景观独特的旅游胜地,如大堡礁,阿叶尔斯石柱山,咔喀杜国家公园和悉尼歌剧院。 (2)汉译英,则是介绍国内的城市或者景点。难在中文太过文学,措手不及。例:上海系江南名城,远东巨埠,内联九州,外通四海,物华天宝,人杰地灵。Shanghai is a famous city in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and a big port in the Far East. Linked with all the places in China and major ports throughout the world, this metropolis is known as a land of attractive resources and magic power and a birthplace of creative minds and gifted talents. 例6 York is the capital of Yorkshire and was once known as England’s “second city”. It has a long history dating back to Roman times. Indeed many of the streets and roads bear Roman names. 约克是约克郡的首府,曾经一度被誉为英格兰的“第二大城市。”约克市历史悠久,可以追溯到罗马时代。的确,很多的街道和马路用的都是罗马的名字。 York is a major tourist city for many reasons. The city boasts one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. It has a number of interesting museums and the architecture within the city covers different periods of history. 约克成为旅游重镇有很多原因。该市拥有世界上最为著名的教堂之一。它有很多有趣的博物馆。另外,城里的建筑反映了不同历史时期的风格。 The most famous cathedral is known as York Minister. It dates back to the 13th century. Tourists are captivated by its sheer size, architectural beauty and presence. 最有名的教堂叫做约克敏斯特。它历史可以追溯到13世纪。游客为其高大的外形,优美的建筑风格和气势所倾倒。 Among the museums of York, the National Museum and the Castle Museum are the most famous. The national Railway Museum covers about 150 years of railway history. The Castle Museum attracts more than 650,000 visitors each year. 在约克的博物馆中,最有名的当属国家铁路博物馆和城堡博物馆。前者记载了150多年的铁路史,后者则每年吸引超过65万名参观者。 例7: 阳朔是个小镇,人口不足三万。但它极负盛名,每年有成千上万的游客趋之若鹜,从世界各地涌来。 Yangshuo is a small town with a population of less than 30,000. It has such a great

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